Non-traditional sports equipment for senior groups. Sportsman from girlfriend

Municipal budgetary educational institution of the municipality "City Arkhangelsk" "Basic School №12"

Physical Culture Instructor: Chistyakova Anna Vyacheslavovna ARKHANGELSK 2017

Non-standard equipment, at present, has become an integral part of the work instructor in physical culture. Sports and gaming attributes made by their own hands make it easier for both teachers and instructors. With their help, we increase the motor activity of children while staying in kindergarten.

We develop all physical qualities for the full development of children (strength, dexterity, flexibility, coordination of movements, jumping, eye and EYUM, etc.)


Made of yogurt bottles. Inside the dumbbells, ordinary river sand is embanked, the cover is fixed with glue, dumbbells are decorated

plan. Weight dumbbells 350 gr.

It is used in the older preschool age on charging, as well as on the warm-up. Develops the power of the hands.

"Cheerful Pinocchio"

Made from plywood. The silhouette of the hero of the fairy tale is cut down on the stencil, then draw a face and a cap. Next, the product is covered with varnish.

At the tip of the nose, the product is drilled for a rope, a long 25-35 cm. Also need a ring

a diameter of 10-15 cm, which is fixed with the rope. Toy is ready.

Used at any age, a very entertaining game for entertainment in the group. Develops the eye meter, hand dexterity, coordination.


For the manufacture you need a canvas of any light cloth (In our case, the lining fabric), 3 meters long, width depends on the diameter of the hoop. Next, we sew weave on the sides, we sew one side of the canvas in the gymnastic hoop. We leave the other side unenvissed to not

tunnel turned out through.

Used at any age. Developing agility, coordination of movements, orientation in space, speed. It can be used both in the group and at physical education, on holidays and entertainment in kindergarten.


Made from the carpet (Length 2.5-3 meters, width 1.5 meters). We embroider classes and numbers. Very old all forgotten game

"Classics" . Used at any age.

It develops coordination of movements, jumping, dexterity, eye meter and many other qualities necessary for the full development of the child. It can be used both in the group and in physical education classes.

Mat "Lucky legs"

Made of dense tissue. From the more easy tissue in it, embroider cells for the legs. In our case, along 4 cells, across 3 cells, it turns out 12 cells. Separately draw and cut out the foot silhouette from the fabric. Sew to the rug in each cell one or two feet (at your discretion). Used at any age. After sleep, during invigorating gymnastics. Also on charging in the morning and during corrective gymnastics in physical culture. Develops coordination of movements, dexterity of legs, stop flexibility, orientation in space.

"Wooden rod"

Used between the ages of 4 and older. For the development of hand force. You can use both in the group and in class. On physical culture holidays and rod entertainment will be an excellent attraction for both children and parents.

"Lucky bag"

The bag is made of dense fabric, preferably bright color. It is used more often in relay. Develops dexterity and jump "Shortes for twins" From tight fabric, we sew large shorts, so that a child was placed in each pantu. Pants are better to make different colors. It is used in fade games or relay.

Two children immediately participate in the game. Develops the dexterity, speed, speed, flexibility, as well as raises the mutual execution. "Magic Cube"

Made of fabric or tower. On each side there must be a pocket in which the tutor will invest. It can be a drawing of an animal or scheme.

A teacher or child throw a cube, children perform a task that fell. Develops both physical qualities and imagination of the child.

For the development of physical qualities of the child of preschool age, the following sports and gaming attributes are also made:

  • "Movement for gymnastics and charging" (2-7 years)
  • "Wooden steering wheel" For P.I. "Colored cars" , "Purobushki and cars"
  • Attribute for PI "Carousel"
  • "Wooden horses"
  • "Puddles, bumps, track" Develops coordination of movements. Used aged 1.5 years. Excellent develops the coordination of the movements of the child.
  • Wall pattern "Lucky legs" (2-7 years)

One of the priorities of the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children of preschool age is the creation of motivation, training and impulse of the skills of a healthy lifestyle in children of preschool age.

An important direction in the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children is a properly organized objective environment, primarily this is a motor object-developing medium. It must be developed in nature, be a varied, dynamic, transformed, polyfunctional.

To do this, in our kindergarten №63, we use physical culture non-standard equipment made by your own hands, because new sports equipment is always an additional stimulus of activation of physical culture and recreation work.

The task of improving health, one of the priorities in the work of the kindergarten. The stability of the body to adverse environmental factors depends not only on the individual characteristics of the child's body, but also from the timely and correct conduct of special health measures.

When designing a spatial environment that contributes to the formation of a healthy lifestyle of children - preschoolers, should be processed from the need to take into account the following factors:

1) individual socio-psychological characteristics of the child;

2) features of his emotional personal development;

3) individual interests, inconsistencies, preferences and needs.

Annually, the work of our pre-school institution begins with the diagnosis of physical development and motor activity of children, as a result of which physical culture work is conducted, aimed at improving the health of children (hardening activities, physical education activities, sports leisure activities, work with parents to promote a healthy lifestyle).

The effectiveness of classes is influenced by high-quality and deeply thought-out preliminary work on the preparation of all necessary benefits and inventory, which will help to carry out a complex, emotionally, interesting. My task is to saturate the space of the physical education room inexpensive, non-standard, multifunctional equipment and inventory that meets hygienic, anatomical, psychological, aesthetic, ergonomic and other requirements that meets all sanitary and hygienic requirements and standards.

I have been developed by the abstracts of classes and entertainment using non-standard physical culture equipment manufactured by me, which are successfully applied in practice. Under my leadership in each age group, a physical consumer or "corner of health" has been created, where there are benefits to develop motor activity in children. This is both factory sports equipment, and non-standard, manufactured by teachers and parents (tunnels, hemps, dumbbells, multi-colored plane circles, ringtacks, snowshoes, color tracks, fabric dancers, classics, foambone logs, etc.).

In the preschool institution there is a separate gym, a drawn sports ground on the street, a treadmill. This all contributes to the solution of the following tasks:

"Health is given to us,
Learn, baby, take it

The colorful multifunctional equipment installed in the gym, causes not only a big delight in children, but also allows you to expand the possibilities for performing diverse movements, exercises.

We achieve through non-standard equipment, making elements of unusualness, these most causing interest, the desire to play with the new attributes for them. Children with great pleasure climb, run, jump, perform all sorts of exercises, play moving games. Therefore, it is imperative to satisfy the child's need in motion. It serves as an important condition for the formation of all systems and functions of the body, one of the ways of knowledge of the world, orientation in it, as well as the means of comprehensive development of the preschooler.

We believe that the movement is the basis of health, so we set up the following tasks:

  • create a developing environment by implementing non-standard equipment;
  • help accumulate knowledge experience to strengthen his physical and mental health;
  • stimulate to inclusion in the process of motor activity, encourage it to self-knowledge, create conditions for the internal activity of the individual;
  • to send the joint work of the entire pedagogical team and parents for the development and hardening of the body;
  • to form the skills of self-regulation of the behavior of the preschooler, aimed at the conscious conservation and strengthening of their health, and this allows you to be physically, soulful and socially more prosperous when moving from artificially structured environmental setting to the situations of the real world, everyday life.

As practice has shown, only the developing medium already allows you to increase the motor activity, push the preschooler to the movement committed by your own will, desire, without coercion. Therefore, one of the first tasks in physical development was the design of the hall to give him a bright, unusual appearance and to do everything possible so that he could not resemble a government room with a Swedish wall, balls and shelves.

Non-standard equipment is always an additional stimulus intensifying physical culture work. The benefits developed in our kindergarten and non-standard equipment are simple and inexpensive. The use of these manuals and equipment increases the amount of exercises for different muscle groups, and also allows you to use a differentiated method of working with guys with different pathology.

Experience with non-standard equipment in Dou№: 63

List of non-standard equipment:

Points with 4 crossbars.

Description: Cleaning, cardboard tube with holes and hooks to change the height.

I'll raise my leg deftly, and in the window


Description: Fabric is naked on the hoop, the other end is free

The purpose of use: develops coordination of movements, dexterity, courage, the ability to climb on all fours, leaning on the palm and knees in a closed space to navigate it.

You are not afraid of darkness, on tunnels

Green racks

Description: Cardboard tubes with holes

The purpose of use: develop flexibility, coordination, exercise in the subject, climbing, walking, jump, orientation in space.

Racks multifunctional. National Sports Games "Little Little Jigit", "Djigitovka" are held with older preschool children.

Relay on Ossetian theme: "Tunnel in the mountains"

4. Hemp

Description: Natural sections of different heights

Purpose of use: Deploying ATS: Jumping, walking, running

With hemp, on the pennies, that's the whole lesson
Between the trees of mile and in the losses hit

Towers with eagles

The purpose of use: raises interest in the competition. The ability to be clever, fast.

Relay "Dad Aqama", "Djigitovka", etc.

Towers stand, greatly look

Multicolored balls

Description: Two fishing strokes are stretched from the wall to the wall, they are trained on 10 multi-colored balls that can be moved. Lesk length 6 meters.

Purpose of use: Prevention in disruption of posture, development of ATS

Move balls with a gymnastic stick or hoop.

To the ball reach, and with him pass together

Skis from plassma bottles

Description: Bottles are cut into such a foot, the edges are placed with colored tape.

Purpose of use: develops coordination of movements, physical qualities

In games-relay, for example, "on the mountain ski trail"


Description: Plastic white bottles decorated with narrow colored ribbon filled with water to 150-200gr

Physical qualities: Forces, dexterity, develops coordination of movements.

Multicolored plane circles

Description: Cardboard

Purpose of use: development of ATS: buckles, throwing

Dumbbells in hand we take and exercise
Who in the snow quickly rushes, fail, not afraid


Description: Two slices of burlap 1m on 1m

In games - relay, fun games in winter

All summer we stood, winter expected, waited for pores, rushed from the mountain

Circus hoops

Description: Under the ceiling, 2 hoops hang on the fishing line, the height of the hoop is adjustable

Purpose of use: Development of ATS: throwing and catching the ball, bags through the hoop.

We have a ball not simple, he flies into the hoop - an arrow

11. Classics

Description: Made from Dermatin

Purpose of use: development of ATS

In individual work, games, relay

Classes very much I love and like a squirrel jumping

12. Brevno

Description: Porolone log covered by dermatitin

Purpose of use: development in coordination of movements, relaxation

Here lies a log - it is waiting for us for a long time

13. Poropolone Brucki

Purpose of use: development of ATS

In individual work, games of relay

14. Fabric soutrans

15. Color tracks


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Level of physical development 2009-2010

Start of year

The end of the year

Health of children should always be in the first place. And everyone knows that nothing is so strengthens him as physical culture classes. Therefore, love for it should be vaccinated from the smallest age. To somehow force children more and most importantly, with the benefit of moving, you must interest them. Unconventional physical culture equipment will just help them look at the sport on the other side and turn classes into a fun game. This will significantly diversify the life of a child. In addition, it is possible to make non-traditional physical culture equipment with their own hands.

What it is

For children, various exercises are very important that will help develop a small motor. This, besides, positively affects their psyche and reduces the incidence. Non-traditional physical culture equipment with their own hands, whose photo you can see in our article, just focus on such exercises.

The big plus is that with the help of such equipment you can speakers of different character:

  • training;
  • entertaining;
  • competitive.

In principle, if you connect fantasy, you can also prepare even a special performance with interactive inserts (for example, how to defeat the blade with the help of physical culture).

How to make unconventional physical education equipment with your own hands and at home

Equipment is done very easily. Non-traditional physical education equipment is made with their own hands from the primary means: bottles, lids, ropes, packaging from the kinder surprises and other things that can be found in every home.

It takes a lot of time on the manufacture. You can also connect children so that they help. It will be very interesting. When creating products, you should try to connect fantasy and come up with something. There are no restrictions here. But, of course, you can take advantage of already known developments in this area.


Everyone knows the game where the ball tied to the stick must be thrown into a special bowl. This is Bilbok. Make such non-traditional physical culture equipment with your own hands out of the primary means is easier than simple. To do this, you will need:

  • plastic bottle with lid;
  • woolen thread;
  • packing from "Kinder Surprise";
  • decorations.

First you need to cut off the bottom from the plastic container. It is advisable to do that so that no pointed ends remain. In the yellow egg from the kinder, with the help of sewing, a hole is done, where the thread is doing. So that she did not jump out, the knot tie at her end. The second end of the rope is drawn through the neck and spin together with the lid. In order to make the bilbok more colorful and attractive, it must be placed in a bright ribbon. You can use printed pictures, blasting and beads.

Games with Bilbok help develop the reaction and coordination of movements.


It would seem how to use it? But he can find a lot of applications. For example, bags can be put on the head so that the children keep the posture constantly. Since problems with spinal curvatures are becoming more common, such exercises will be very useful. Sew the bag can be made of conventional dense tissue. The filler will serve as salt or sand.

Magic bottle

Very simple item. To create it, you will need a transparent plastic bottle, a tubule from a cocktail, confetti or foil.

In the lid it is necessary to do the hole. There will be a bug. In the bottle itself, petty confetti, chopped foil or large sparkles are placed.

The child must inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth into the tube. So he masters the correct breathing technique and follows the fun "firework" inside the bottle.

Air football

Very interesting and simple game. There are no many materials to create such non-traditional physical culture equipment. It will take all the big cover from the box (or just a cardboard), a plastic cup, colored paper, glue, tube and a small ball.

It is also done simply. The lid from the box (if there is no, you can simply make firefoots from cardboard) glue with green paper from the inside. So it turns out the semblance of the field. The gate can be made of halves of a plastic cup. Climb goals on such a field with the help of the tubes. It is necessary to drive the ball into the improvised gate.


With it, you can arrange a whole bar of obstacles. To create a tunnel, you need a large piece of fabric and thick wire. First stalls the canvas. Then a few more small strips across the tunnel are attached from above. They will hide the wire so that the children do not hurt.

Warring races

With the help of an ordinary tape, a beautiful stick and soft toys, you can make a fascinating game that will help develop a small motility of the child's hands. A soft toy is tied from one end, and the other end to the handle. It is important that the tapes are all of the same size. The task is simple: you need to turn the handle, winding the rope on it. So the toy beast will slowly pull up to the baby. You can arrange whole competitions.

Robin the Hood

With the help of non-traditional equipment on physical education, you can arrange a whole tournament in your own hands. In order to become a real Robin Hood, you do not need a bow and arrows. Just just a tray from the eggs, paints and packages from "Kinders". The tray is deactive so that it looks like a goal. That is, in the center there should be a small square, painted in red. It will be an apple. Further a little more yellow circle, and then green. Instead of arrows, throwing the packaging from the "Kinder". Such an interesting game helps to develop coordination of movements, accuracy and dexterity.


KGDA "Nursery-Garden №3"

Umirova Z.S.

(educator in physical culture,

Unconventional sports equipment in kindergarten.

One of the priorities of the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children of preschool age is the creation of motivation, training and impulse of the skills of a healthy lifestyle in children of preschool age.

An important direction in the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children is a properly organized objective environment, primarily this is a motor object-developing medium. It must be developed in nature, be a varied, dynamic, transformed, polyfunctional. To do this, in our kindergarten "KGdu Nasli-Garden №3", we use physical culture non-standard equipment made with your own hands, because new sports equipment is always an additional stimulus of activation of physical culture and recreation work.

You can update the game inventory in the gym, if there is a desire and a little imagination. The use of non-standard benefits makes a variety of physical sessions and novelty effects, allows you to wider use familiar exercises, vary tasks. Non-standard equipment combines physical education with the game, which creates conditions for the most complete self-expression of the child in motion activities. The use of bright color benefits increases in children interest in classes, gives them the necessary emotional color.

Of particular importance in the education and teaching of children, the pedagogical team of our kindergarten pays to joint work of teachers, children and parents. Knowing that positive results can be achieved by making their parents' allies, we tried to cause their interest in physical education and to strengthen the health of children, to show how much interest in class practices increase when using non-standard equipment. Parents, caring about the health of their children, enriched the sports corner by attributes , Made with their own hands. At the first request of the educators, the parents of our pupils brought from home a varied leather material. Preschoolers love to make toys together with adults. The co-authored of creativity, the child is able to become already 3 to 4 years. Initially, the child watches the work of an adult, gives the right detail, the senior preschoolers can already glue, choose the details, to offer any design. In the middle group, for children of 4-5 years, in our kindergarten, we opened a creative workshop called "crafts from a cast material." Together with the educators, children make different crafts and toys, help to make a non-standard sports equipment for a sports corner of the group room. Naturally, educators offer children accessible to their age creative activity. Children choose the pictures you like and enclosed with them boxes, decorate the sports inventory with self-adhesive colored paper, are tracked in the covers from plastic bottles of a kapron thread, pour into bottles from the croup of surprises, etc. Joint creative work satisfies the child's need for active activities, gives the real embodiment of thought, fantasy. In the process of working with natural and cast material, children know the properties of these materials, learn to compare these materials among themselves. They enshrine the knowledge of the standards of form and color, the desire to achieve a positive result is brought up. The creation of non-standard equipment is always creativity, the invention is new: according to design, according to the method of action. Similar equipment contributes to new interesting and exciting games in class. This will allow the kids to "relax" from constantly recurring exercises, and teacher to implement new ideas and learning tasks with minimal cash. Non-standard equipment contributes to increasing the motor activity of children, forms a steady interest in physical culture classes, both in boys and girls. The use of non-standard equipment and benefits makes a variety of moving games and physical education events, allows you to make a wider use of various exercises, vary tasks, make changes, diversify holidays and entertainment, both indoors and outdoor. The use of these benefits and equipment increases the number of exercises for different muscle groups, and also allows you to use a differentiated method of working with guys with different pathology.

Movement is a vital need, a means of strengthening the body. The baby in nature is a leader, and his activity is expressed in motion. The more diverse movement, the more information enters the brain, the more intense is intellectual development. For the full development of the child, it is necessary that in the motor activity he gets acquainted with as much as possible the variety of physical investment benefits and items. It is known for scientifically substantiated conclusion that neither imitation nor the images give such a positive result when performing motor tasks as equipment and benefits.
The success of physical education, and the effectiveness of physical education of children as a whole, depends on the forms, methods and techniques, an individual approach to children, as well as to a large extent of the presence of the necessary material and technical base. The subject environment is of great importance for the development of children's activity, the formation of their initiative behavior and creativity.
Insufficient material support, the lack of opportunity to acquire expensive equipment, a hot desire, in spite of anything to do physical culture classes in advanced and efficient, diverse and fascinating, encourage many teachers to find new forms of work.

Purifying the skills of a healthy lifestyle, creating motivation for gymnastics and sports - one of the priorities to strengthen the health of the child. An important role is played by the properly organized objective environment, which should be developing, interesting, stimulating to the motor activity. For this, they often make equipment for kindergarten with their own hands. Such equipment contributes to new fascinating games in classes. It allows children to "relax" from the having exercises, and teachers - to implement new tasks with the minimum cost of finance.

For new equipment, it takes not so much: a different cast material (ribbons, bags, cases from kinder-eggs and so on) and, of course, your patience.

The equipment proposed in the article can be used both in the daily lives of children and at physical education.

Equipment for kindergarten with their own hands: breathing exercises

The game "Fees of the Beast": you need to blew a case from a kinder surprise into the hole. Children not only train in the accuracy, but also develop the eye meter.

Game "Drive Seagull": you need to cool tea, mapping on the rising "pairs".

The game "Flow Butterfly". Exercise can be complicated by the task to blow off a butterfly on another flower so that children learned to control the power of breathing.

The game "The Break of Wind": you need to look at the leaves / snowflakes, so that they are swollen.

The equipment varies depending on the season. In winter, snowflakes hang to the ceiling, in the spring - flowers, summer - butterflies, autumn - leaves.

Equipment for kindergarten with your own hands: Exercises

The game "France Fruit". A circle with the target is glued to the crosslinked milyzham fruit.

The game is "falling into a tucca". Puffy should be switched away from the lamp so that the children are accidentally broken. Little bells are tied to tuche. When a child hurts a tucca, the bells ring and the throw is not counted.

Equipment for kindergarten do it yourself:

The device is a complex of multifunctional exercises. As a rule, universal equipment, which is very easy to do is used. Here is an example

... how from conventional plastic plates you can make a plate for charging;

... from plastic bags to make bright sountors;

or pigtails;

... from a stick, a case from kinderz surprise, ribbons make flowers.