Mink coats trends. Fur coat made of mink. The most fashionable fur colors

To come to terms with the next onset of cold weather is possible only with the help of suitable clothing. The leader in warmth and comfort, even in the most severe frosts, invariably remains a fur coat. A fur coat is the heroine of bearded jokes and the most coveted dream of every fashionista - what should it be?

The most fashionable fur coats 2018 amaze the imagination with a variety of shapes, styles, colors and options for complete sets with accessories and shoes. Fur trends will go to extremes, from long-haired, floor-length coats to minimalistic yet luxurious boa-pieces over coats. Fur will become an adornment of every fashionable look, and actual fur coats will acquire an unexpected floral color - from pink petals to touching forget-me-not.

Fashionable fur coats for the coldest winter

When the thermometer drops below -20, it seems that it is no longer up to beauty. Designers are ready to argue with this statement, and cite a stunning fur coat with long fur as an argument. A trendy flared cut and wide voluminous sleeves, no less fashionable in 2018, and boring coloring in gray, silver and pearl tones make such a fur coat a fashionable necessity. You can choose the option from the fur of a fluffy arctic fox, an unshorn rabbit or an alpaca.

A fur coat made of faux long fur will look no worse: it is this “long-haired” version that has been repeatedly seen on the catwalks of London Fashion Week. A distinctive feature of this fur trend is the hood, which doubles as a luxurious collar.

If you want a shorter version, but also in the current oversized version, choose a knee-length fur coat. In this category of fashionable fur coats, it is better to adhere to restrained tones: from white to dark gray, with a maximum of light interspersed with natural beige on the skin.

Fashionable fur coats in a flower palette - for a good mood!

A fashionable move with colored fur has won the hearts of those who do not like boring colors for more than one season. However, fashion designers have abandoned flashy exotic shades, and turned to a restrained pastel palette for inspiration - it focuses on the variety of spring flowers.

The most relevant color for the winter season 2018 will be pink. It leaves room for imagination: the trend is elegant mink coats in the shade of pink petals and pastel lilac, well diluted with white crimson and beetroot tones. A fashionable fur coat should be, though not bright, but “lively” color; you will have to forget about powdery palettes.

The style of a colored fur coat, which will serve as an indicator of style and taste, should be restrained and simple: straight cut, oval or V-shaped neck without collar, medium length of fur. You can only experiment with a sleeve: it can be a little wider, a little longer and a little more voluminous, and the fur on it can acquire stripes of a darker shade.

The trend will also be fur coats of a delicate cornflower blue, shades of yellow daffodil, blue iris; among the selection of dark colors, it is better to stay on the brown tone of “baked eggplant” and natural shades of gray with a black tint.

Actual sheepskin coats 2018: play with color

If in fashionable fur coats, designers preferred delicate colors, then sheepskin coats fully compensate for the lack of brightness. Electrician palette: lilac, blue, ultra-bright violet. The length of the trendy sheepskin coat ranges from “almost to the knee” to the middle of the lower leg, the sleeve is long and wide. An obligatory detail of a fashionable sheepskin coat will be the abundant trimming of the hem and cuffs with curly sheep's fur.

On the other hand, classic short sheepskin coats with a leather front and a white sheepskin inside will not go out of fashion. This option is best used in an image with several layers of clothing: a T-shirt, a sundress, a sports sweatshirt and heavy lace-up boots.

Fur coat

The classic overcoat has conquered fashion shows forever. Not a single season is complete without this unchanging strict style, and now - in a fur version! This fur coat retains all the features of a traditional double-breasted coat: a jacket collar, two rows of buttons, and a perfect shoulder line.

Patch pockets will become a fashionable addition to the classic style, otherwise everything is strict and restrained, even the color. In 2018, a fur coat-coat will be presented in a stylish ash color that does not need colored accessories.

Fur classic

If for you a fur coat is by all means luxurious, undyed fur, the fashion trends of 2018 have a suitable option for you. A black or red fur coat can be favorably emphasized and modernized with a belt in a contrasting color. A belt of milky white fur will fit a black mink, a black wide belt will fit a red fox. You can tie a belt with a large bow, and not fasten the fur coat itself - in the manner of fashionable dressing gowns.

The second option for classic colors is fur ponchos and capes. Reminiscent of royal robes, ponchos made of noble fur will emphasize both a sense of style and a sense of proportion.

Fur trends 2018

Fur is also a lot of accessories, and what is especially important is a lot of opportunities to decorate your image. In 2018, fur becomes an obligatory part of a stylish coat. Wide fur cuffs and colorful fur collar will make even the most ordinary coat a fashion sensation. Short coats with voluminous fur sleeves look fresh and new. Fantasy can be shown in color combinations: a gray coat with a bright yellow fox collar, a blue coat with emerald-colored fox sleeves, a plaid coat with a hem trimmed with a cheerful green mink.

A mink coat is the most important wardrobe item for lovely ladies and an unspoken indicator of the well-being and well-being of a family. Outerwear made from the fur of this animal should be worn by women who know their worth and do not waste their time on trifles. A fur coat is worn only for the most odious events (some options -), because sometimes the cost of a skin exceeds the price of a foreign car, and caring for clothes is no less scrupulous and costly. And what is only the choice of this wardrobe item - the choice lasts for a specific model lasts for months and begins long before the winter season.

Is there a fashion for models of mink fur coats: photo

For girls and women, beautiful fur coats from minks are like a pectoral cross for a Christian, a Wok magazine for women of fashion all over the world or a diet for fashion models - one thing cannot exist without the other in principle. Day after day, year after year, the fashion for the model of fur coats practically does not change, because the mink itself (no matter how old it is) is already a trend and. However, every season the Snow Queens of our cold capital and the designers of the global fashion industry try to add a touch of freshness and originality to the classic style.

What are the styles and models of mink fur coats

Short fur coat for autolady

This model of a fur coat is shortened and usually only reaches the thigh line. Mink skins can be located both longitudinally and transversely. Possibly the presence of hoods or stand collars (especially relevant this season), belts and drawstrings. Straight or flared cut. Pockets are also a stylistic idea of ​​designers and are not excluded for models of "autolady" fur coats.

Short mink coats photo models


A long jacket can reach knee length or be higher. Sewn from transverse or longitudinal minks, may have suede inserts or side slits. A distinctive feature of this mink style is the straight silhouette of the models.

Cape-poncho or cloak

One of the varieties of fur coats is a mink cape. The cloak can be above or below the knee, with or without three-quarter sleeves, with a hood or a stand-up collar. The model has a trapezoidal shape and reaches a length of up to three meters at the hem.


The bell-style mink coat features a classic knee-length cut with a flared hem. This option takes over all the research of designers, is sewn from all types of mink and optimally hides the features of the figure. A very fashionable and stylish model for all times, it is also called "chanel".


Trapezoidal model all the way to the floor. Tsarsky, a stylish selection of sophisticated sophisticated persons. Differs in longitudinal phalanges on the back. Combines with a variety of collars and sleeves.


“Butterfly” model - strongly flared sleeves, a rounded collar, an ornament around the circumference, the cut has a length of about 110 cm and below. A-shaped silhouette.

A correctly selected model of a mink coat can hide flaws or add several years to a very young girl, correct growth features or visually change the figure.

The main types of models of mink fur coats: types of fur

First of all, it should be noted that the mink is short-haired and long-haired, dyed, tinted and natural in color. For example, a monochromatic color may indicate that the pile was dyed, and dark or light tips that the mink was tinted. The natural color of the skin is the play of colors and shades, darkening and light tones. Models of mink coats, their quality, manufacturer and type of manufacture can be distinguished visually. We'll talk about how to do this a little later.

Sheared and plucked mink models

A sheared mink is a completely flattened, sheared pile with dense underfur. The model turns out to be weightless, rather thin, but practical and indispensable in cases where a fur coat serves as a daily outerwear. Such products are chosen by auto ladies. Sometimes the pile is cut off specifically to create such styles, in some cases to correct imperfections in the fur.

A plucked mink is a flat, more elongated pile of a fur coat that is trimmed to achieve the same length of bristles. Models are fluffier and warmer. The plucked pile is suitable for sewing all types and types of mink coats.

How models of mink fur coats are sewn

Allocate longitudinal and transverse packing of skins. The "cross" is sewn with horizontal lines. Moreover, the lines can consist of both a plucked mink and a sheared one. This season's trend has found its place in the wardrobe of numerous Hollywood stars. Models "cross" look bold and stylish, recommended for young ladies with an independent character. Products sewn with “wroshweed” look like a solid fabric. And the technology itself is quite expensive, since whole long animal skins are used in the production.

The most fashionable mink coats: photos

Fashionable bows of this snowy winter abound in girls dressed in pastel-colored fur coats just below the thigh. Southern beauties just need to buy sleeveless products or vests made of mink “cross-over”. A stand-up collar will complement the ensemble, and a colored shawl will become the main decoration of the image. By the way, the “shawl theme” with national motives is especially relevant this winter not only in Russia, but also in Paris. This stylistic solution is.

The patchwork technique is relevant both in needlework and in the production of Haute Couture clothing. The mink "puzzle" pattern does not tolerate strict boundaries and narrow frames. Designers set their main task to create the most original, author's canvas, so the choice of fur coat models is not limited by rules and prohibitions.

Fashionable mink coats of the winter 2017 season are originality in all its manifestations. By the way, if last season fox and leopard fur was at the peak of popularity, today an exceptional mink has won a triumph.

Fashion designers Dennis Basso presented a classic version of a mink coat for everyone to see, but Valentino Fashion House has departed from tradition in favor of extravagance and avant-garde. Fashion designers from Shaggy offer to put on curly mink coats (and there are such). The designers of Nina Ricci left alone the numerous methods of dyeing and toning mink, choosing naturalness and naturalness.

What else is mink

The density and color of the mink (animal) depend on the area of ​​distribution of the predator. Allocate Russian, Scandinavian, North American, American mink.

Russian mink

Differs in thick pile, dense underfur. Coats made from such fur are very warm, a little tousled. It is highly appreciated by fashion designers all over the world.

Scandinavian mink

The Scandinavian mink is very common on the planet (about 80% of the total). It has a fairly dense underfur, an average pile length (there are long-haired varieties of Finnish selection). The Finnish mink ("polar" variety) looks like an expensive and beautiful sable, has a high underfur and brown color.

North American mink

The fur of the North American mink has a dense underfur and a very short pile. Models of fur coats from this type of fur are considered one of the most expensive, since high quality and a small number of skins affect the final cost. The American mink is black.

There is also a Chinese mink. It occupies the lion's share of the volume in fur production and is of low quality.

Mink color

Beautiful mink coats are not only brown tones, but white, gray-blue colors, black and even pink colors.

The Russian Fur Union is a classic dark brown color scheme. Scandinavian and North American is "mahogany". Wild minks are “natural” brown with a dark ridge.

A fur coat at all times has been a sign of luxury and status, providing comfort and, of course, decorating its owner. In the new fashionable year, furs are more relevant than ever. Moreover, 2018 can be called a period of absolute dominance of fur, which literally burst into. On the catwalks, you can see luxurious fur handbags and clutches, fluffy skirts, dresses and capes with exquisite fur decor, so you definitely cannot do without a stylish fur coat this year!

The modern assortment of outerwear amazes with its exceptional diversity. The designers decided not to limit themselves in the models of fur coats, so you can choose any of the options - wrap yourself up in luxurious ankle-length furs, buy a knee-length fur coat or a stylish sheepskin coat. Fashion designers have not forgotten about practical girls who prefer classic fur coats that can be worn for several years in a row, fitting into any look from casual and city chic to strict office bows.

J. Mendel and Versace advise fashionistas to choose fur coats in saturated colors

The brave women were not left without attention either - for them, in the latest collections, unusual sleeveless fur coats, patchwork products that meet the latest fashion for multi-texturedness, and bright-colored eco-fur short coats are offered for them. We should also mention the highly fashionable color solutions. On the one hand, designers clearly appreciate the nobility and sophistication of unpainted furs in natural shades that do not distract attention from the cut of the product.

On the other hand, for girls who, even on gray and cold days, are not afraid to stand out from the crowd, fur coats and short coats are offered in gentle tones of blue, grassy green and pale pink, as well as the most incredible color combinations that are embodied using patchwork- technology. The most elegant variants of fur coats are made from sheared fur. An additional touch of chic is achieved by the decor of leather inserts and volumetric pockets, the cross-cut of the fur and cuts on the hem of the product.

However, the trend for oversized cuts is still among the fashion favorites, so in the latest designer collections you can see voluminous astrakhan coats and short fur coats made of unusually long-piled fur, enveloping their owner in a cozy cocoon. Classic furs remain out of fashion, but even the status mink is increasingly shown at shows in an unusual avant-garde design.

Trendy eco-friendly fur coats in pastel colors from Nina Ricci and Max Mara

At the peak of popularity, there are astrakhan fur coats and coats (both in a shorn version and in a curly Shaggy), but arctic fox, fox and wolf are more often found in the form of decorative elements on collars and sleeve trim. So that when choosing a new fur coat you do not lose your head from such luxury and variety, let's talk about the most peak trends in a little more detail.

Trend # 1: Karakulcha

The new fashionable year can be safely called stellar for fur coats, coats and short fur coats made of broadtail, which have confidently pushed the usual favorites from fashionable Olympus - mink, fox, beaver and even sable. Almost all gurus of the modern fashion industry presented them as title models. Let's say even more - fashion designers say that the trend is just entering a phase of growth, so the popularity of broadtail is forecasted for the next two to three years. This comeback is truly amazing.

This fur was so popular in the middle of the last century that designers who were fed up with it put it on the farthest shelves for a long time, and the broadtail acquired the status of absolutely unfashionable and even age-old fur, which should only be worn by grandmothers. Nevertheless, now broadtail fur coats are the basis of any youth collection, and against the background of a boring mink, it looks very original and fresh.

Delicate broadtail in the collections of Dennis Basso and Victoria Beckham

The designers were once again convinced that the broadtail has incredible plasticity, which makes it possible to bring to life a wide variety of silhouettes. She looks equally good in the avant-garde, classic cut and vintage versions of fur coats and coats. It is easy to drape karakul in soft folds, sew products in the form of a classic fitted trapezoid and complement the decor with furs contrasting in color and texture.

Dennis Basso introduced jackets in the latest collection that resemble biker jackets, but the severity and boldness of this decision was softened by luxurious mink decor on the collar and sleeves. Fendi offers fashionistas a sophisticated asymmetric fur coat that is surprisingly harmoniously integrated into the image of the sport-chic style.

Gucci decided to experiment with the same stylistic direction, however, they supplemented it with an elegant cropped astrakhan cape. Victoria Beckham presented this time a laconic silhouette in the form of an oversized fur coat with a soft shoulder line, quite rightly deciding that such a style successfully emphasizes the pattern of fur.

Trend # 2: Maxi length

In 2018, designers once again confirmed that an elongated fur coat creates an indescribable sense of luxury. It is this model that can make a real queen out of a girl. The new fashionable year has actualized this trend with the help of non-standard approaches in decor and style. A fashionable long fur coat practically does not have a collar - bulky and voluminous collars made of long-naped fur have given way to racks and small turn-down collars made of contrasting material.

Oversized maxi fur coats from Max Mara and Roberto Cavalli

The style of a long fur coat in 2018 should be laconic enough so as not to distract attention from design solutions in the decor and flowing smooth fur. Sheared fur is in trend in this segment, so even fox, astrakhan, raccoon, arctic fox or mink fur coats will never have long hairs that distract attention from the cut. One of the hottest trends of 2018 is an elegant long sleeveless fur coat that reminds us of royal capes, such as Dennis Basso's.

Max Mara presented an even more extravagant option, offering fashionistas a fur coat using the patchwork technique, combining soft suede and pieces of sheared fur that differ in size in one product. The austere black mono bow, which turned out as a result, can be safely called the embodiment of style, dynamics and catchiness.

Trend # 3: Fluffy fur

Fur with the longest pile triumphantly burst into the top of fashionable Olympus. Someone might say that such fleecy coats look heavy and massive, but you will have such an impression only until you try this miracle of the fashion industry. The long-haired fur coat is actually very light and airy, enveloping the body in a completely weightless, but very warm cocoon. On the catwalks, you can see luxurious products made from sable, silver fox, fox fur, coyote and arctic fox fur.

Dennis Basso and Mendel preach the luxury of elite lush furs

The main rule is that a fur coat with a long pile should not be long, so that your image does not resemble a rap artist on tour. The priority in 2018 is given to mid-thigh cropped and fur vests to the knee. Such a model will definitely attract the attention of girls who travel by private car - such a coat will warm you while you move to the office, gym or store, but it will not interfere in the least while you are driving.

In this segment, the most trendy are polar fox and fox coats, which have a hidden fastener, because nothing should distract attention from the sophistication and fashionableness of the furs with which you have wrapped your shoulders. The striking representatives of the trend are Dennis Basso, who dressed the model in a natural-colored sheepskin coat with a voluminous collar-hood, and the Mendel brand, which has chosen an unusual dirty pink color, surprisingly successfully emphasizing the laconic cut of the product.

Trend # 4: Patchwork

Fur coats made in the current patchwork technique became another bright trend of the winter of 2018. It should be said right away that the trend towards multi-texture in 2018 reached its climax - designers presented many options for such fur products with countless combinations.

Fur coats in an extremely fashionable patchwork technique from brands No. 21 and Max Mara

Fur coats can be sewn both from pieces of the same type of fur, differing in size and direction of the pile, and in the form of mosaic sheepskin coats from small patches. All of them, of course, will become the highlight of a casual look. Another option is a combination of fur with materials that differ in texture. It can be suede, leather, knitted fabric and even lace.

For example, Dennis Basso presented a surprisingly sophisticated version, suitable for an evening out - thin stripes of iridescent mink fur look unusually harmonious in combination with thin lace. Max Mara offers a luxe version of a long patchwork fur coat in an elegant sand color, while Versace presented a fur coat in a bright combination of wine, orange and denim.

Trend # 5: Shortened fur coats

Charming short fur coats are a good choice for girls who cannot imagine life without a personal car. Designers have not forgotten that in the world of buyers of fur products a very large share is occupied by the segment of auto-ladies, offering them in 2018 an incredible number of comfortable short fur coats. Although it is worth saying that girls who do not have personal transport need to take a closer look at sheepskin coats. In the new fashion season, they are distinguished by brightness that can bring individuality to any look.

Lush cropped coats from fashion gurus Diane von Furstenberg and Elie Saab

In addition, mini fur coats are successfully combined with most items of women's wardrobe, so they can be safely combined with flared trousers, skinny skinny, exquisite maxi-length skirts and fluffy skirts in the style of new-bow. The main rule of 2018 is that a short fur coat should reach the waist, look catchy and not have a collar or hood.

It is these principles that are demonstrated in the latest collections of Diane von Furstenberg, where a grassy sheepskin coat is presented. Elie Saab prefers the long-haired version of the sheepskin coat, in which light blue fur is interestingly combined with a black backing. Fendi in the new fashion year is more to their liking trendy animalism in a calm chocolate tone.

Trend number 6: Fur coat-cross

Products made from transversely arranged fur strips have occupied the first positions among the brightest trends of winter fashion for many years. On the catwalks, you can see many options for stylish solutions for such models - fur coats that combine stripes of sheared and long-piled fur, or combinations of furs that differ in color and texture.

Exquisite crossbars in the collections of Roberto Cavalli and Dennis Basso

The classic versions of such fur coats also remain in trend, which, nevertheless, look surprisingly fresh and original, without needing additional decor. The transitions of fur textures add catchiness to the product and demonstrate the luxury and play of furs in the most favorable angle.

The designers decided that almost any fur could be allowed to play, sewing transverse coyote, wolf, fox and mink coats. Among the striking representatives of the trend are Dennis Basso, who combined longitudinal and transverse stripes in a luxurious fur coat, as well as Roberto Cavalli, who offered fashionistas a long-haired sheepskin coat in natural colors.

Trend # 7: Ecomech

Among the discoveries of past seasons, one can name eco-fur, which has managed not only to find its niche, but also to securely gain a foothold on the catwalks in 2018. Today we can say without a doubt that eco-fur has ceased to be evidence of a lack of money, because it is regularly used in their collections by the most fashionable fashion houses, including Prada, Emanuel Ungaro, Dolce & Gabbana, Hugo Boss and Sonya Rykiel.

Modern eco-fur is quite capable of looking almost indistinguishable from natural "soft gold", but it gives much more possibilities in dyeing and design. Fashionistas are no less delighted with him than designers - a natural fur coat is often considered a family investment for a couple, or even a dozen years, but an eco-fur coat can be afforded to change at least every year, always staying on the crest of a fashion wave.

Fendi and Versace prefer faux fur coats

Faux fur products follow the trends for natural furs - at the peak of popularity, cropped sheepskin coats, floor-length fur coats, products with long pile and the patchwork technique, which allows you to achieve incredible effects. So, Fendi proposes to wear a graceful trapezoidal sheepskin coat, in which the laconic combination of black and white is emphasized by a bright watercolor pattern that meets the trend for floristry.

Max Mara offers a laconic collarless sheepskin coat in a pale shade of blue. The femininity of such a solution is further emphasized by the lack of fasteners, and the belt tightly wrapping around the girl's waist will definitely prevent her from freezing in cold gusts of wind. Perhaps one of the most extravagant options is offered by Versace - a midi-length fur coat is painted in the ombre technique, and the transition from gray-blue to bright ultramarine is complemented by a fluffy wine-colored collar.

Bonus: Fur vests

The trend for fur vests can hardly be called new, but it confidently demonstrates a tendency towards sustainability and relevance. In 2018, the designers presented it in a completely different way than in previous seasons - the version of a vest worn over a leather jacket, it is worth saying a final and unequivocal "no!"

Long fur vests by Sonia Rykiel and Dennis Basso

Now this fur product will not help you out in the cold season, but residents of southern latitudes or girls who prefer fur in spring or autumn will easily fit a vest into their daily wardrobe. In the new fashion year, you can choose from an unusually wide range of such items - both catchy short waistcoats and elegant knee-length furs are in trend, perfect for an evening out.

Winter is a great reason to replenish your wardrobe with warm things, for example, a stylish and beautiful fur coat. A mink coat is the dream of all women, because this wonderful soft and wear-resistant fur not only warms you in cold weather, but also emphasizes the impeccable taste and social status of a woman. Mink models of fur coats in 2017-2018, as you can see in the photo, delight with a variety of styles and colors.

Fashion trends of mink fur coats 2018

Mink fur is one of the most expensive, but despite its cost, the key direction of 2018 will be the style of the models, the uncommon reading of styles. A mink coat has long become an integral part of urban bows, subject to global fashion industry trends, the main of which is smart casual. From this it follows that today it is irrelevant to flaunt luxury, on the contrary, even the most expensive and exclusive things should be worn with slight negligence and special chic, emphasizing individuality.

According to the designers, the most fashionable models of mink fur coats in 2017-2018, as seen in the photo, are made from transversely arranged skins. The skins can be wide or narrow and look equally stylish in both dark and light colors.

Popular is the diagonal layout of stripes, plucked, solid, sheared and uncut pile.

The textured fur trimming is gaining more and more popularity, when by cutting narrow strips in different directions it is possible to create original patterns that, in combination with the bright color of the fur, look creative and fresh.

Speaking of fashion trends, one cannot fail to note new methods of fur processing - laser and computer. The first method involves cutting fur with a laser to create unusual patterns and prints, the second - cutting the skins into thin longitudinal strips and then stitching them together in different ways. A fur coat sewn in this way becomes a unique product.

As for the length of mink products, the hit of the season is shortened products, floor length is no longer so relevant. The best option is a classic knee-length fur coat, which looks feminine, graceful and does not hinder movement.

In the upcoming season, you can safely choose different colors:

  • "Mahogany" and "walnut" - classic shades of mink, which will always be relevant;
  • beige tones, such as "palomino", will favorably emphasize tenderness and femininity;
  • "Black diamond" - a noble color, ideal for classic mink coats of any length and cut;
  • a snow-white mink is a luxurious purchase, because such a fur coat emphasizes the success and high status of the hostess;
  • any shades of gray (haze, graphite, blue mink) and their combinations will also be at the peak of popularity in 2018.
  • Fashionable styles of mink coats

    According to the designers, in 2018, the beauty and sophistication of a mink coat is emphasized not by outrageousness, but by the simplicity and grace of the models. Mink itself is luxurious and impeccable to create things of a complex, intricate cut from it and decorate them with catchy decor. That is why fashion designers use rare shades and unusual processing methods, and as for styles, in this regard, there are no global changes. As you can see in the photo, in the winter of 2017-2018, mink coats of the following styles are in trend:

    A-shaped with wide sleeves




    Trapezoid and half-trapezoid


    Fitted with leather or fur belt


    With sleeves ¾


    With a turndown collar made of sable, chinchilla, lynx

    With a stand-up collar a la Coco Chanel


    In 2018, models of fur coats with inserts of leather, knitwear and suede will be relevant. Pockets, belts, corsets can be made of leather. The unconditional hit of the season is the longitudinal leather stripes.

    Well, those fashionistas who cannot afford to buy a long fur coat this season should not be upset - stylish fur coats and vests are not only mega popular, but also very practical. For girls leading an active lifestyle, for example, autolady, such comfortable things will be an excellent alternative to a fur coat.

    Such an expensive and luxurious thing as a fur coat requires appropriate shoes and accessories. Boots or over the knee boots made of high-quality leather or suede will complete the look and add chic and charisma to it.

    You shouldn't wear a mink coat with ugg boots or sports boots. As for the headdress, it is advisable to choose a beautiful silk scarf or an original beret. Fur hats are allowed, but they must match in texture and shade.

    To avoid damage to the product, you do not need to carry a bag over your shoulder; it is better to give preference to a small clutch.

    Take care of your fur coat, and then this elegant thing will serve you for more than one season.

    This year, designers presented one of the most interesting in recent years, a range of diverse and stylish ideas.

    Literally everything is presented in the collections of fashionable women's fur coats for the 2019-2019 season: from new variations on the classic theme, to very daring experiments with styles and textures of fur.

    Only an individual approach to choosing your own model most accurately allows you to answer the question "what style of a fur coat is fashionable in 2019?" Trends are diverse, and sometimes contradictory, but there is a basic rule that designers have deduced for themselves - this winter must be stylish.

    The most fashionable fur coats this season are not necessarily the most expensive ones. Despite the fact that the cost and exclusivity of fur are the main values, the style of these models comes to the fore today, which means an original interpretation of the styles. Moreover, a beautiful elegant fur coat is an integral part of the current urban looks that are subject to global fashion trends, the main of which is smart casual. This means that this winter it is not fashionable to demonstrate ostentatious luxury, and wear even the most expensive and stylish things with special chic and slight negligence.

    In this regard, beautiful fashionable fur coats, or rather, fur coats designed in a very laconic style, attract special attention. Straight fit, optimal length (just a little over the knee), beautiful voluminous collars and no active decor. This rather austere approach to style allows you to stylishly demonstrate the beauty and value of fur. These models are designed for true connoisseurs, because for their sewing they use sheared and plucked luxury furs, for example, rare varieties of mink.

    One of the most tempting, albeit controversial, offers of the fall-winter 2019-2019 season is fashionable short-length fur coats without a collar and fasteners with three-quarter sleeves. It is proposed to wear them as a literal decoration of the winter image, especially since they are sewn from expensive and rare fluffy furs, the beauty of which is in itself a value.

    Marten, sable, black and brown and red fox - these furs most closely support such design ideas.

    Fashionable glam-style fur coats are another trend that has conquered the catwalks this season. Very elegant models of a cropped and flared silhouette are also difficult to classify as practical, and even more so, everyday.

    To create them, as a rule, mink fur of pastel shades or sable is used, and the fur fabric is collected not along, but across or diagonally.

    Such models are decorated with tone-on-tone leather inserts, large rhinestone brooch buttons and lace.

    Despite such a glamorous design, such fur coats today are not considered to be an addition to evening dresses; designers suggest combining quite casual outfits with them in elegant classic and feminine variations.

    Fashionable fur coats for winter-2017 as in these photos are hits of seasonal trends:

    The absolute opposite of glamorous models is the daring and provocative combined fur coats. Such models are designed not only for a youth audience who willingly picks up new ideas, but for all those who value avant-garde and individual approaches in creating their own image.

    Short styles of fashionable fur coats for the winter 2019-2019

    Fashionable short fur coats of free styles "trapezium" or "oversize" are sewn from very democratic furs - sheared muton, Rex rabbit and get off with fluffy and expensive furs.

    The difference in textures, non-trivial color schemes and a demonstratively frivolous attitude of designers to fur as an expensive material are the distinguishing features of these models.

    The trend, which is designed for true connoisseurs of high style - the most fashionable models of fur coats-2017 in the spirit of "retro".

    This season, it is also presented by combined models of slightly elongated, free cut "oval" silhouettes with a free shoulder line and wide sleeves. The “retro” style is supported by such fur as astrakhan fur, which has not appeared in fashion trends for a long time, but this season has again come its finest hour. As a decoration of such models, matched tone-on-tone fluffy long-piled furs are used.

    Voluminous boa collars and cuffs, from which the muff can be easily folded, give the models a sophisticated femininity, so rarely found in everyday looks.

    Such as the 2019-2019 fur coats in the photo below set the fashion trends of this year:

    The most fashionable models of mink fur coats 2019-2019 and photos of the latest trends

    The undisputed leader of this year's trends is mink.

    Status, luxurious, noble and simply very beautiful fur is unconditionally loved by both fashionistas and designers. In the collections of fashionable mink coats of the 2019-2019 season, two obvious trends can be traced, which determine the benchmarks of current styles.

    The first will appeal to lovers of classics and eternal values. Simple cut models that showcase the beauty and luxury of expensive and rare fur varieties are pearls of seasonal collections. The designers did not overload the styles of such fur coats with additional and sometimes unnecessary details.

    Long - to the middle of the ankle or shortened to the knee models are presented in bell and trapezoid styles flared to the hem. The delicate shoulder line is complemented by classic wide sleeves with wide cuffs.

    A voluminous collar or hood that can be draped like a cape complement the style and emphasize its elegance.

    Pay attention to how feminine the styles of fashionable mink fur coats-2017 are in these photos:

    Such models cannot be called democratic in any way, they are sewn from rare, not presented in mass sales, and sometimes exclusive varieties of mink fur.

    Models made of unpainted white furs, as well as exquisite light shades: pink, palomino, lavender and pearls, look especially stylish. Models from furs of shades of blackglam, as well as marble or jaguar natural colors, look no less luxurious.

    See how sophisticated the fashionable mink coats-2017 are in these photos from the shows:

    Fashionable styles of mink coats 2019-2019 (with photo)

    The second trend for fashionable 2019-2019 mink fur coats is more democratic, which means that it is interesting to more connoisseurs of trendy styles. Leaving for the mass buyer the models of standard cuts made of "middle class" mink, the designers got carried away with experiments with the cuts and textures of fur. It is these models that are most interesting for those who create respectable, but trendy everyday looks.

    The standard smooth fur of the traditional dark, and especially black, color, is now out of trend. In addition, its total popularity over the past few seasons has set the teeth on edge for both designers and fashionistas.

    An alternative for this winter is a sheared and plucked mink of a wide variety of varieties and shades. Such fur looks great in combination with the most current and fashionable styles of mink coats in the style of "minimalism". Namely, with an extremely simple cut with straight silhouette fur coats, copying the style of the coat and oversized models. In a trend, both laconic models with miniature collars or hoods, and trimmed with a contrasting texture of fluffy fur.

    The most fashionable trends for 2019 mink coats are reflected in these photos:

    Fashionable colors of mink coats 2019-2019

    The most fashionable colors of mink coats this season are presented in exquisite pastel shades and rich, but as natural as possible tones of fur.

    Cool shades of bluish gray, sapphire and silver are in fashion - they are ideal for brunettes. And for blondes, designers address a warm, literally glowing golden range: honey, pink and cream tones.

    Artificial coloring, especially in “cropped” models, is part of the design idea. But even for such models this season, natural, natural shades are preferable, emphasizing the noble velvety and tenderness of fur.

    A novelty of the season is a light spraying “like metal”: gold or silver, which enhances the beauty of a cold or warm shade of fur.

    Notice how elegant the fashionable 2019-2019 mink coats are in these photos:

    Mouton fur coats 2019-2019 and photos of fashionable models

    Today's fashion does not recognize standards, moreover, it suggests breaking them. The latest fashion trends for fur coat models demonstrate not only original styles, but a new approach to fur. This year's collections feature a fairly wide range of fur coats made of muton, astrakhan fur, rex rabbit and even artificial fur.

    One of the most tempting offers of the 2017 season is fashionable muton coats. And it's not only about the democratic price tags that differ, it's about the style in which such fur coats appear this year. First of all, we are talking about a muton, subjected to a spectacular haircut and original dressing. They not only give lightness and plasticity to the material, but also allow you to create literally fantastic textures: velvety, moire or embossed (with voluminous floral arrangements).

    Add to this the trendy color of 2017 fur coats from a palette of sophisticated and sophisticated pastel shades, and you have a unique winter outfit - design proposals for this season convince.

    Classic styles of fashionable women's fur coats 2019-2019 from muton (with photo)

    Models of medium length to the knee or slightly below the "trapezium" or "cocoon" style, strict trench coats or aristocratic straight-cut coats ...

    Mouton in today's trends is actively used to embody ultra-fashionable styles. That is why he successfully conquers not only the best catwalks, but also the streets of the world capitals of fashion. Designers not only effectively cut the muton, but also actively dye it and combine it with other furs and materials.

    Fashionable colors - violet, raspberry-red or ultramarine shades will add colors, brightness and light festivity to a winter look.

    Intense colors look great both in classic styles of fashionable fur coats and in avant-garde ones.

    Pay attention to the fashionable models of muton fur coats in these photos, each of them deserves special attention:

    The main trend that has been given its due this season by all the best brands is the cropped models. The most interesting are the oversized voluminous models, which are indispensable for an elegant everyday look.

    And for those who appreciate exclusiveness, the designers offer fashionable models of fur coats in feminine and romantic styles in the 2019-2019 season: fitted fur coats with hourglass silhouettes in the spirit of the 50s in delicate floral shades.

    Fashionable feminine fur coats-2017 from a muton, such as in the photo, will not leave you unnoticed this winter:

    Karakul fur coats 2019-2019 and photos of fashionable styles

    A place in the top three most fashionable furs of this season is confidently occupied by astrakhan fur.

    Designers appreciate this expensive noble fur for its unique texture, noble and complex natural shades and amazing plasticity, thanks to which any style can be embodied. Fashionable astrakhan fur coats in 2019 are presented in several styles at once. The main and most tempting ones are “vintage” in the spirit of the 20-30s of the last century and “new classics” - a style in which straight and slightly flared elongated silhouettes of simple and elegant shapes always look great.