Whether the spouse is obliged to support the spouse. And yet the man is the main earner

On March 8, the women of the country feel like queens. Flowers are presented to them, the dishes are washed for them, a delicious treat is prepared for them with the hands of caring husbands. And on March 9? Do I need to help my wife in her worries? How to make her happy regardless of the calendar?

Purely female job - only to breastfeed a baby

Archpriest Maxim Pervozvansky, editor-in-chief of the "Heritage" magazine:

Archpriest Maxim Pervozvansky

Home is the shared responsibility of husband and wife. Each spouse does what he can and should do around the house. In my opinion, the classical division that came to us from the industrial twentieth century, according to which the husband earns money, and the wife stands in the kitchen, is completely wrong.

Perhaps the situation can be justified by the fact that the husband is forced to earn a living remotely from the family, and the wife has responsibilities that simply physically remain for her: since she is with the children, she is responsible for all the household chores. But this is not a traditional and incorrect division of responsibilities.

In a normal traditional household, the husband and wife conduct this business together, it is just that each does that part of the work that is more in line with his capabilities. Certainly, some physically difficult duties are assumed by the husband. Something not related to physical severity - the wife. But in fact, I do not know what kind of work can be called purely female, since both the wife and the husband can do any part of the housework (with the exception of just those difficult, exclusively male matters: it is clear that a wife should not lift weights or drill the wall with a puncher). A purely female duty, perhaps, can only be called breastfeeding a baby.

And everything else is distributed in this way: who has great inclinations for this or that business, who has more energy and time at the moment. That is, it all depends on how tired each of the spouses is, loaded with other things, healthy, and not on who is responsible for what. The husband may well cook, clean, wash, sit with children, walk with them ...

Naturally, traditions are formed that are individual for each family. Depending on how much time each spouse can devote to the family. If dad comes home late, then, most likely, he will be the one to read the book to the children. On weekends, he will most likely go out with the children so that his wife has time to relax.

If dad spends enough time at home (today there are many options for professions that allow you to work at home), then mom can go for a walk with the children on the weekend ...

I repeat, this division into an earning husband and a wife engaged in the household is wrong, unjustified. Not even at such an elementary level: if the husband is not present in the family, then, of course, he cannot lead her, cannot seriously influence the upbringing of children.

In addition, in modern conditions, both husband and wife very often work. Therefore, to say that only the wife should be responsible for cooking, cleaning, washing, raising children is fundamentally wrong.

But it also seems to me fundamentally wrong to put the question in such a way that the husband should help his wife. This categorically contradicts the biblical statement that a wife is a husband's helper. That's right, and not vice versa. That is, the husband is, in a sense, responsible for everything that happens in his family, for the very last unwashed cup.

Another question is that his wife helps him. But what she takes upon herself depends on the specific way of life of the family, on the distribution of forces and opportunities at a given moment: who will cook today, who will clean up today, and so on.

For a husband's self-awareness it is much more important to say that his wife helps him to manage the household.

Difficult thing ...

Andrey Desnitsky, Doctor of Philology, Leading Researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences:

My wife and I turn 27 this year, and I still don't understand much about family life. Too complicated thing ...

Love each other!

Archpriest Andrei Lorgus, Rector of the Institute of Christian Psychology:

Archpriest Andrew Lorgus

The main message to young husband and wife is love each other! This message can be expressed in wishes, advice, prayers, the main thing is how to understand it, how to reveal it, how to convey it to the young.

It is understood by Christians as an active life, as relationships and actions based on an active and meaningful position. Christian love is knowledge, respect, responsibility, attention and care turned to each other.

Oh, husband, are you young or old! Know your wife as Adam knew his Eve. Look at her femininity, at her beauty, at her spirit, at her morals and skills. Look at her attitude towards you, at her love. Before marriage, you knew each other from afar, even if you lived together. In marriage, a different knowledge of the wife as a wife is revealed to you. Otherwise, as in marriage, you could not get to know her as you can now. Now her personal, her innermost can be revealed to you. Know that outside of marriage, no matter how close the relationship between a man and a woman, no woman feels safe and will not entrust herself to a man as much as she can entrust herself to her husband.

Now only there is an opportunity to get to know each other with body and soul, face to face - personally. Take advantage of this blessed time of youth. It will be more difficult at other times.

Know your husband your wife as your marriage, which is now woven into your family forever. From now on, she is not only your wife, but also the daughter-in-law of your parents. She bears your surname, the surname of your father, your grandfathers, your ancestors! She will continue your kind with you. From here, reveal in full your respect for her and for her parents, ancestors, whose blood and spirit will be in the blood and soul of your children. Respect for your wife and her parents is a guarantee of respect for yourself, for you from her side, and respect for you from your children.

Respect your wife, respect her with all your heart and all your love. It is difficult to love without respect, it is difficult to share life, bed, home, meaning and happiness with your beloved!

Take, husband, with love as much responsibility and care as you can fit into your palms, how wide your heart, how much you embrace your life with meaning.

Your responsibility is the "walls of your house", the strength of constipation, the safety of the inner world of your family. Your responsibility is your path through life, laws and rules, spirit and meaning. Share them, your wife needs and is important your meaning, your experience, your thoughts and feelings.

Know that no one else will teach you how to feel like your wife. It is the woman who is open to the world of feelings, emotions, desires of all shades and meanings. Learn to feel it, learn to feel through it, learn to feel with it. She learns this faster.

It is the wife who will give you faith and support, loyalty and devotion, it is she who can teach you to listen to the voice of your heart, to your feelings, teach you to understand others in a way that men cannot. Believe that in marriage a man knows himself and the world through femininity in his wife and through femininity in himself.

It is in your power to create for your wife such conditions in which she will blossom for you and the whole world in all the fullness of beauty, femininity, mercy and love. These conditions are you yourself and your love.

Help is meaningless without love

I can talk for hours about how my mother helps me. But it’s not very easy to list what I’m doing.

Moreover, we have been together for 40 years - what kind of "ways of help" can be worked out once and for all? In different periods of life there was something different.

Sometimes, it seems to me, I didn’t seem to do anything, but my mother came up, hugs and says: “Thank you, how good you are with me, how wonderful you are, how you help!”

If you still remember something specific: since the family is large, regularly had and still have to make large purchases, buy food, things. I often do this, and the children love to ride with me even more than with their mother. Their motivation: "Dad, you buy everything cool, and mom saves!"

Sometimes, if I'm at home, I can wash the dishes: I really like it.

Help is when you share some of the responsibilities of another. If you do yours, this is not help, but simply - doing your job.

Over time, we have developed a kind of "division of labor." There are areas of our home life that mother does not even enter. For example, this applies to home improvement. Even the little things. For example, it doesn't matter to mother where curtains, lamps, lamps hang, whether it is necessary or not to be added to the interior ... And I always do this with pleasure. Flowers on the windows are also under my care.

Well, and, of course, everything related to all kinds of home construction is all on me. We moved several times, and we had to equip the house, fix the problems ... So all this is not help at all, but just my responsibilities.

In some relational areas - there is also mother's front, and there is mine. If a serious conversation is required, my mother says to me: "Go, figure it out, decide for yourself." I start to decide.

It used to be that the entire external life of the family - such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - was on me. And on my mother - to some extent, the family Ministry of Internal Affairs.

But in recent years, my mother began to actively communicate with the world, sometimes I ask her to go to some events. And when we got married, she was even afraid to go to the cashier to pay, she sent me all the time.

As for advice to husbands - how and in what to help them to their wives ... There can be no general advice! The most important thing here is to love. To love wholeheartedly, as it is said about it in the Epistle to the Corinthians, where he says that in love you need to give all the time. In love, a person is merciful, rejoices (that is, he does not rejoice in something of his own, but rejoices in the joy of another), endures everything ... Love is a constant sacrifice, and the sacrifice is voluntary, which one likes to make.

And then the question “how and how to help” will not arise, because you see what your “half” needs, and you are ready to do it with joy. A young man carries his bride in his arms with joy. And as soon as the bride becomes a wife, for some reason she no longer wants to do this. And in your arms you need to carry your beloved all your life.

If there is no main thing - selfless love, any "help" simply loses its meaning ...

Global responsibility

Archpriest George of Bulgaria, rector of the church in honor of St. Nicholas (Mytishchi, settlement Druzhba):

The easiest way is to reduce the ministry of the head of the family to some kind of household help. But in reality, everything is much more complicated, since the head of the family is responsible for all the affairs that take place in the family. How does the unit commander help the soldiers to serve? He makes sure that everything is according to the order, according to the charter, and that his wards are provided with everything they need. So is the head of the family. And above all, his help is aimed at those cases that do not work out or are difficult.

In everyday life, this is the observance of a godly life. Congregational prayer. The desire for all family members to live in peace and like-mindedness, so that there is no spirit of rivalry, a spirit of envy between them. Behind these seemingly general words lies painstaking daily work.

It sounds strange when it comes to the "help" of the husband in raising children. There should be no help here - only joint work. For example, learning a poem, helping to do homework, reading a book at night is not help, but a duty.

When a child holds the hand of dad and mom, he can stumble, but he cannot fall. This is not to say that someone is helping someone here. Both husband and wife are serving their ministry.

Unique mechanisms

Priest Fyodor Lyudogovsky, Ph.D. in Philology, teacher of the MDAiS:

It is difficult to talk about some internal global mechanisms that help a family to develop. Moreover, in my opinion, they can be unique in every family.

As for everyday life, it is clear that each of the spouses has their own responsibilities, the distribution of which is often dictated by life itself.

I really want to make life easier for my "soul mate", but this is not always possible simply, even in the sense of a physical lack of time. But I do what I can: wash the dishes (irregularly, but sometimes a whole mountain), sometimes take out the trash, go to the grocery store. Sometimes I pick up my children from school, sometimes (even less often) I take them to school.

It seems to me that in a family where there are four children, two of whom are already schoolchildren, various household chores should gradually be shifted to the children - otherwise the parents will not have enough strength, and the children will grow up selfish and inept. But this requires primary capital in the form of our efforts to accustom them to the household. And this is just what is difficult: usually we have neither the strength nor the time.

But, probably, everyday life consists of this - from our attempts, the feeling that nothing is working out, and then an imperceptible movement forward ...

Lydia has a five-year-old daughter - a non-Sadovian child.
Honestly, we made three visits with a difference of six months or a year, and we made sure for ourselves: it is impossible to leave in the garden. All attempts went according to the same scenario: the child sobbed with a beluga for several hours, experienced teachers from all over the kindergarten just shrugged their shoulders - and the next day the daughter collapsed with a fever. Lida and her husband consulted and decided - it means that Lida will have to stay at home with her daughter. And even then to say, for more than five years she had already sat, that there was something left. In a year, it’s already in the first grade, and it’s better not to work there for the first six months or a year until the adaptation to school takes place, which, in their case, will probably not be simple either.
There are no grandmothers around, there is no one to hope for, it is unprofitable to hire a nanny.

All this time Lidin's husband was engaged in financial support of the family.
Previously, everything was somehow simpler - he brought money, put it in the bedside table, and from there Lida took it on the farm, for some purchases - trying to coordinate all large expenses. It turned out somehow that everything went to zero. There was no surplus at the end of the month, although every time there was talk about what should be postponed at least a little, you never know. Not at all persistently, without reproaches - Lida never perceived these conversations as criticism.

And three or four years ago, her husband's company began to transfer salaries to employees on the card, and since then Lida hardly sees any cash.

On the one hand, she doesn't really need them. The husband brings the groceries himself according to the list, he makes payments via the Internet bank, they go to choose clothes together, and the husband pays. It seems to be a sin to murmur, the husband does not huddle, everyone is well-fed, dressed. True, situations are not uncommon when the necessary thing cannot be bought for several weeks - there is no time to go to the store. So it was with rubber boots for a child this fall - at first it seemed to be dry, then for several weekends they could not get out into the shoe, and then it started snowing - the boots were never bought.

So it was not the way it should have been! - the husband decided. - Money saved! ..
So he doesn’t bother, he brings everything that is needed, including feminine hygiene products, underwear, tights.

It turns out much more economically - firstly, there are no spontaneous purchases, and secondly, the husband is bought in chain hypermarkets, where everything is cheaper than in stores near the house. It became, according to her husband, even something to remain in the account at the end of the month.
Not to say that Lida was delighted with such a system, several times she even tried to object - they say, at least take a couple of thousand a month in my pocket.
The husband somehow did not heed, and Lida, sighing to herself, did not focus on this. In the end, she convinced herself, he took it - let him be in charge of finances, it’s easier for Lida. At first, she had a small amount of money on maternity leave - old savings, child benefits. So I didn't want to scandal.

Then there was the hope that the child was about to go to the garden anyway. Well, maybe not now, but in a few months. six months ... Then Lida will go to work, she will have her own salary card, and there will be no problems. But lately it has become clear that Lida will not work for a long time, and she put the question bluntly - give me money. You never know - you will want a chocolate bar, juice, but it is corny - to buy paper handkerchiefs, you also need money ...

And got a tub of cold water by the collar.
It turns out that the husband does not at all think that he is obliged to support an able-bodied wife. In the decree - still so and so, but the decree ended long ago. Yes, they have special circumstances, and they agreed that Lida is not working yet - well, so he buys her everything that really NEEDS, what are the claims to him? He does not refuse, regularly goes to the store every week. He is not obliged to buy what she WANTS. If the wife wants to buy something else, let him go and work. Can't make money - you have to be content with what your husband buys, thanks to him. No chocolates, let him eat soup and pasta.

Not a single court will award, they say, a husband to pay his wife a maintenance, if the child is five and, fortunately, he is not disabled.
To support the child - yes, he is obliged, well, the child does not need anything. And the fact that they won't buy her an extra chocolate, they won't be dragged to the flu store - it's only good.
Her husband was never greedy, Lida could not imagine that she would find herself in such a situation.

How to be?
On the one hand, misery and disrespect, what kind of family is it with such an approach.
The wife is raising a common child, the husband earns common money - this is a classic, it seems. Recently, however, on the Internet, and in magazines, the idea that a family is a family, and everyone's income is his own business, has been more and more actively promoted.
Lida cannot go to work, there is no one to sit with the child. I tried to make money on the Internet, but didn't really succeed. Even for home work, writing texts, everyone now strives to hire excellent specialists of a wide profile who can do everything - from fluent English to photography skills and good technique. If this is not the case, they pay a penny, and there is no point in sweating all day, leaving the child behind.
In general, it is impossible to work for Lida because of the child, but I want to have money for my pocket.
Is a husband obligated to give his wife money, what do you think?

In some families, the question of whether a husband should support his wife in marriage is relevant. Sometimes it turns out that each member of the seven has its own budget. If someone does not have enough money, then this is his problem. However, the law clearly states in which cases a husband is obliged to support his wife, regardless of the internal foundations of the family.

Responsibilities of spouses for mutual maintenance

Information about this is written in Art. 89 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation. It says that spouses are obliged to support each other.

If one of them has money, but he refuses to provide them to the second, then there is a right to.

There is such an unconditional right:

  • for women who are on maternity leave;
  • from a spouse who is caring for a common disabled child.

According to the provisions of Art. 89 of the RF IC, one of the spouses can demand money for existence, regardless of whether the parties are officially married or not. The law equates a long civil marriage (5 years of marriage or more) with a registered relationship.

According to Clause 1 of Art. 31 of the RF IC, the spouses must jointly manage the household and manage the budget based on the principle of equality among themselves. Thus, if one of them gets into a difficult financial situation, then the other is obliged to provide the required amount as support.

After a divorce, it is also possible to file for alimony in cases provided for by law.

Should a husband support his wife in marriage

According to the provisions of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, a husband, like a wife, is obliged to support each other if one of the parties has temporary difficulties. Today, the spouse is often a housewife, and the spouse is employed. In this regard, some people have a question about the legality of maintaining a wife.

In fact, this issue should be resolved in a family council. Taking into account the equality of the parties guaranteed by the Constitution and the RF IC, any decision can be made. Most often, the spouse gives all or some of his money to support the family. However, to avoid problems in the future, it is recommended to draw up a prenuptial agreement. It should contain the following information:

  • data of the parties;
  • responsibilities of the parties to a marriage;
  • the amount of maintenance, if one of the spouses has difficulties with work or health;
  • the amount of maintenance, if one of the spouses is engaged in housekeeping, and the other works.

It is recommended to indicate not specific numbers, but a percentage of the salary, so as not to find yourself in a difficult situation later. In case of refusal from the marriage contract (it can be concluded at any time after the registration of the marriage), it is necessary to find a compromise. Exceptions are those cases when a man is obliged to support his wife on the basis of current legislation. The document must be certified by a notary.

Features of the forced keeping of a wife in marriage

If the husband refuses his wife in financial assistance, then the latter, without breaking the marriage bond, can go to court to recover alimony.

There are several conditions when a woman can legally request financial assistance:

  • the presence of a common minor child, for the maintenance of which money is needed;
  • being on maternity leave or sick leave to care for a child until the child reaches the age of three;
  • the presence of a common disabled child (I group of disability gives the right to receive alimony indefinitely, in other cases the husband is obliged to pay them until the child reaches the age of majority).

Only in the presence of these grounds will the court agree with the arguments of the plaintiff and force the defendant to pay.

If the wife does not work without a good reason, the court will refuse to satisfy the claim.

Is a husband obligated to support his ex-wife after a divorce

In this case, it all depends on the financial condition of the wife, with whom the children are left, as well as on a number of other small nuances. Each case must be considered separately in order to make a decision on it. In this case, there are two ways to obtain alimony:

  1. drafting an amicable agreement after a divorce, on the basis of which the husband undertakes to support his wife for a certain time, making a money transfer to her account or by personally transferring funds;
  2. going to court for.

The second way is rather difficult and unprofitable if the official income of the husband is small. The judge has the right to order alimony only from official income.

Is a husband obliged to support an unemployed wife after a divorce?

No, this obligation is not provided for by law. However, there is a remark according to which this obligation is provided. If a woman was unable to work before the divorce or she lost the opportunity to work within a year after the divorce, then the spouse is obliged to pay child support. Their size should be established in court, if the parties did not manage to agree on their own.

Maintenance of a wife during pregnancy

According to Art. 17 of the RF IC, the husband has no right to divorce his wife while she is pregnant.

But if a woman herself agrees to a divorce, then there are no obstacles.

However, after a divorce, the ex-husband is obliged to support his spouse until the child is born.

If the child was born within 300 days after the divorce, then the ex-husband is considered the father.

Therefore, the ex-spouse can legally claim child support.

After giving birth, a woman has the right to file for child support due to being on maternity leave. The ex-husband is obliged to support her and the child until the latter is 3 years old. After that, it will be possible to file a lawsuit again to support the child until he reaches 18 years of age.

reviews: 6 587

replies: 17 163

Moscow city

31.12.2017 at 01:59

Hello Jeanne.

According to the Family Code of the Russian Federation, namely Article 80, parents are obliged to support their children.

If there are no children, then we turn to article 7 of the Family Code:

RF IC Article 7. Exercise of family rights and fulfillment of family responsibilities

1. Citizens, at their own discretion, dispose of their rights arising from family relations (family rights), including the right to protect these rights, unless otherwise provided by this Code.

The exercise by family members of their rights and the performance of their duties must not violate the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of other family members and other citizens.

2. Family rights are protected by law, unless they are exercised in contradiction with the purpose of these rights.

Based on the foregoing, the law does not impose such a duty on the spouse, if it is about an unemployed, but capable spouse. These responsibilities between spouses are distributed at their own discretion.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I wish you a successful resolution of your question!


a needy former spouse caring for a common disabled child until the child reaches the age of eighteen or for a common child - disabled since childhood of group I;

an incapacitated needy ex-spouse who became incapacitated before the dissolution of the marriage or within a year from the date of the dissolution of the marriage;

a needy ex-spouse who has reached retirement age no later than five years after the dissolution of the marriage, if the spouses have been married for a long time.

Art. 90 RF IC.

This is the best answer

Yes, the spouse is obliged to help his wife financially.

If they are in a registered marriage.

The spouse can even file for child support.

Art. 89 of the RF IC indicates cases when this is possible.

2. In case of refusal of such support and lack of

wife during pregnancy and within three years from the date of birth of a common child;

a needy spouse caring for a common disabled child until the child reaches the age of eighteen or for a common child - disabled since childhood of group I.

Having children is not important.

Children separately receive alimony for their maintenance.

(text edited on 12/31/2017 at 02:25)

Yes, such a duty is spelled out in the Family Code, Article 89

Namely, for such cases, HOW

disabled needy spouse;

wife during pregnancy and within three years from the date of birth of a common child;

1. Spouses are obliged to financially support each other.

"" 2. In case of refusal of such support and the absence of an agreement between the spouses on the payment of alimony, the right to demand the provision of alimony in court from the other spouse who has the necessary funds for this shall have:

wife during pregnancy and within three years from the date of birth of a common child;

"" a needy spouse caring for a common disabled child until the child reaches the age of eighteen or for a common child - disabled since childhood of group I.

Hello. If married, then he is obliged. Article 89 of the RF IC provides for the material obligations of the spouses to each other. At the same time, the size, procedure and nature of material support by both spouses is determined independently. And the refusal of a working spouse to provide material support to the second spouse entails responsibility, even if the non-working spouse is fully capable.

But most likely you are referring to the situation in the event of a divorce. In this case, because you do not have children, and if you are not retired, then this is possible only in one case specified in Article 90 of the RF IC 1. The right to demand alimony in court from a former spouse who has the necessary funds for this have:

an incapacitated needy ex-spouse who became incapacitated before the dissolution of the marriage or within a year from the date of the dissolution of the marriage;

Clause 1 of Article 89 of the RF IC is indicated. What Spouses are obliged to financially support each other.

But it follows from paragraph 2 of this article. That the husband has the obligation to support his wife only if the spouse belongs to the category of persons listed in this paragraph.

Thus, if the unemployed wife does not belong to the category of persons. specified in paragraph 2 of Article 89 of the RF IC, then if the husband refuses to support her unemployed wife does not have the right to apply for alimony for her maintenance on her husband

So it turns out. That everything depends on the decency of her husband. If he wants, he will contain, he does not want to. Sometimes it will not work to make my husband support

"Family Code of the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 1995 N 223-FZ (as amended on November 14, 2017)

"" RF IC Article 89. Responsibilities of spouses for mutual maintenance

1. Spouses are obliged to financially support each other.

"" 2. In case of refusal of such support and the absence of an agreement between the spouses on the payment of alimony, the right to demand the provision of alimony in court from the other spouse who has the necessary funds for this shall have:

"" disabled needy spouse;

wife during pregnancy and within three years from the date of birth of a common child;

"" a needy spouse caring for a common disabled child until the child reaches the age of eighteen or for a common child - disabled since childhood of group I.

Lawyer A.V. Ligostaeva


reviews: 76 242

replies: 241 258


12/31/2017 at 08:12

Hello Jeanne, unemployed wife not sick look for a job and support yourself. What is the problem? No one is obliged to provide you with a beautiful life, and even more so if you have no desire to work and have children. The court will not oblige the husband to support the simply unemployed wife. The responsibilities of man and citizen apply to each of us. Regardless of citizenship, faith, race and gender. The human right to work is one of the most fundamental, and the ways of its implementation largely characterize the level of development of society. Today, citizens of the Russian Federation can exercise this constitutional right in the most diverse forms. At the same time, its content has changed significantly: labor is free, and everyone has the opportunity to freely dispose of their abilities for work, to choose a type of activity and profession. Get up at the CPC as an unemployed and you will find a suitable job, according to Article 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation" as amended by Federal Law No. 36-FZ, a job is considered suitable that corresponds to the professional suitability of the employee, taking into account his professional training, conditions previous work, health status, transport accessibility of the workplace.

Good luck and all the best, best regards, lawyer A.V. Ligostaeva

(text edited on 12/31/2017 at 08:13)

Yes, I must. Since by virtue of Art. 34 of the RF IC, all the husband's income is the joint property of the spouses. And the wife is entitled to half of that money.

Dear Zhanna, Moscow!


In the presence of a marriage registered in the registry office (Article 10 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation)

HAVE a family (husband and wife);

THERE IS A jointly acquired matrimonial property;

THERE IS A total family budget, etc.


According to part 1 of article 89 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation

Spouses are obliged to financially support each other.

Good luck Vladimir Nikolaevich

Ufa 31.12.2017

question No. 13676014

This is the best answer

In case of refusal of such support and the absence of an agreement between the spouses on the payment of alimony, the right to demand the provision of alimony in court from the other spouse who has the necessary funds for this shall have:

disabled needy spouse;

wife during pregnancy and within three years from the date of birth of a common child;

Those. if there is incapacity for work, then this is the basis for maintenance.

Of course, it should contain in this case. Since the wife is disabled

Art 89 of the RF IC

In case of refusal of such support and the absence of an agreement between the spouses on the payment of alimony, the right to demand the provision of alimony in court from the other spouse who has the necessary funds for this shall have:

disabled needy spouse;

wife during pregnancy and within three years from the date of birth of a common child;

a needy spouse caring for a common disabled child until the child reaches the age of eighteen or for a common disabled child since childhood of group I.

The incapacity for work must be confirmed by appropriate documents.

Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (adopted by the UN General Assembly 12/20/1993)

18. The term “disability” refers to the loss or limitation of opportunities to participate in society on an equal basis with others. It assumes a relationship between the disabled person and his environment. The term is used to highlight the shortcomings of the environment and many aspects of society, in particular in the field of information, communication and education, which limit the ability of persons with disabilities to participate in society on an equal basis with others.

Federal Law of 15.12.2001 N 166-FZ (as amended on 02.07.2013) "On state pension provision in the Russian Federation"

Article 2. Basic concepts used for the purposes of this Federal Law

disabled citizens - people with disabilities, including people with disabilities since childhood, disabled children, children under the age of 18, as well as over this age, studying full-time in basic educational programs in organizations carrying out educational activities, including in foreign organizations located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, if the referral to study was made in accordance with the international treaties of the Russian Federation, before they graduate from such training, but no longer than before they reach the age of 23, who have lost one or both parents, and children of a deceased single mother, citizens from among the small-numbered peoples of the North who have reached the age of 55 and 50 years (respectively, men and women), citizens who have reached the age of 65 and 60 years (respectively, men and women) who do not have the right to a pension provided for by the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation ";


Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of 24.04.2008 N 194 n (as amended on 18.01.2012) "On approval of the Medical criteria for determining the severity of harm caused to human health" (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 13.08.2008 N 12118)

19. Loss of general working capacity in case of unfavorable labor and clinical prognosis, or in case of a definite outcome, regardless of the terms of the limitation of working capacity, or in the event of a health disorder for more than 120 days (hereinafter referred to as permanent loss of general working capacity).

20. Persistent loss of general working capacity consists in the irreversible loss of functions in the form of limitation of life activity (loss of innate and acquired human abilities for self-service) and the ability to work of a person, regardless of his qualifications and profession (specialty) (loss of innate and acquired human abilities for action aimed at obtaining socially significant result in the form of a specific product, product or service).

Hello Jeanne! Please note that the income earned by one of the spouses is jointly owned. In this connection, on the basis of Article 38 of the RF IC, you have the right to claim a division of the income received by your spouse in court.

RF IC Article 34. Joint property of spouses

1. Property acquired by spouses during marriage is their joint property.

2. The property acquired by the spouses during marriage (common property of the spouses) includes the income of each of the spouses from labor activity, entrepreneurial activity and the results of intellectual activity, pensions, benefits received by them, as well as other monetary payments that do not have a special purpose ( amounts of material assistance, amounts paid in compensation for damage due to disability due to injury or other damage to health, and others). The common property of the spouses is also movable and immovable things acquired at the expense of the spouses' common income, securities, shares, contributions, shares in capital contributed to credit institutions or other commercial organizations, and any other property acquired by the spouses during the marriage, regardless of whether in the name of which of the spouses it was acquired or in the name of whom or by which of the spouses the funds were deposited.

3. The right to the common property of the spouses also belongs to the spouse who, during the period of marriage, carried out housekeeping, caring for children or, for other valid reasons, did not have an independent income.

RF IC Article 38. Division of the common property of the spouses

1. The division of the spouses' common property may be carried out both during the marriage and after its dissolution at the request of any of the spouses, as well as in the event that the creditor claims to share the spouses' common property in order to foreclose on the share of one of the spouses in the spouses' common property.

2. The common property of the spouses may be divided between the spouses by their agreement. The agreement on the division of the common property acquired by the spouses during the marriage must be notarized.

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"A real man will always get what a woman wants." When you see something like this in any account of a potential girlfriend, then run with all your might. This is not just a signal - it is a whole beam to heaven as a sign of her social instability and inability to adapt in society. She needs a man only as a source of finance, fun, as an accessory, as anything from which she will benefit, but certainly not as an equal partner. And let her foaming at the mouth prove that she is ready to “obey” her man and be the second violin - don’t believe: this is just one of the forms of her consumer outlook on relationships. Love and pragmatism don't mix well. And a progressive young man does not need ballast around his neck.

Where do legs grow from?

From the Union, we inherited grumbling, collapsed factories, pride in the country, but nothing better remained. Namely, classical equality is a thing that the fem movement is so actively imposing. It would be a shame for a Soviet woman that her own social unit is lame on one leg. Yes, undoubtedly, the women of the USSR also worked for the money in the family, but the shame of being branded as a parasite was a much greater motivator to work hard at the factory on an equal basis with men.

At the origins of the revolution was the working class - factory workers, peasants, sailors and other lower rungs of the social ladder. There was no smell of gender inequality there - everyone worked hard to survive. With such a mentality, the people entered a new era and moved on with it. Working women were praised on campaign posters, in political brochures, in film and art. Only one "Motherland" is worth something - a powerful image of a woman with a sword raised to the sky. This gigantic monument is part of a general composition (triptych) of three statues: "Rear to the Front" - a sword forged in the Urals; "Motherland" - a raised weapon in Stalingrad and "Warrior-Liberator" in Brest - a lowered blade in Berlin. And the composition is a glorification of female valor, comparable to male. Not to mention female snipers, pilots, home front workers. Historically, a woman, hand in hand with a man, builds communism and a bright future, and everyone makes an equal contribution. But after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the vector of values ​​shifted in favor of the past - the classic patriarchal family.

New brace - family

A hard-working husband and wife, a housewife, fluttering on her angelic wings around the family nest, all so in the care of children and husband. It sounds utopian and even a little warm, but in practice everything is a little different. The most powerful media mouthpiece 24/7 promotes the right behaviors for each gender. And by mass media we mean everything: from TV to publics on VK. They spam with gender-correct pictures about the hedonistic lifestyle of the fair sex and "manly" duty.

Girls from childhood are prepared for marriage, as if this is the purpose and meaning of their life - to find a man, give birth to children and unsubscribe in the comments of the culinary forum. Isn't this offensive, given the enormous contribution of Soviet scientists to world science? Olympic champions are also forced to set the "correct" vector. Every time one of them is called on TV, you can be sure that there will be a conversation about the joys of motherhood. After all, this nectar is so sweet: you do not need to get up at an incredible early and work for 8-9 hours, you do not need to take a steam bath about self-development and think about your heritage - borscht is enough with your head. And to know a simple psychological trick: a little something, then immediately "not a man." Such an argument comes from our fears of public condemnation and, upon a more detailed examination, crumbles to smithereens due to the inability of the opponent to conduct even the slightest adequate discussion. Simply put, does someone who has not achieved anything in life have the right to talk about gender duty? Spoiler: no.

Self-awareness of a "kept woman" is more convenient

At least because confident, self-sufficient and independent women can be intimidating. Self-doubt and low self-esteem have created more families than the same Valentine. Getting into controversy and being able to accept someone else's point of view is a hundred times more difficult than banging your fist on the table. And in the case of the kept woman - the second half, there is always the opportunity to end any conflict in their favor. Where will she go? She has nowhere to go, and she does not know how to do anything.

The feeling of being needed is one of the most beautiful in the world. And, like any other, it has its own "levels". Mercantile is the lightest of them all. To find a rural ugly woman, bring a crumpled one-room apartment to the city on a mortgage for 40 years and turn into a sultan overnight - so the CSV swelled comfortably like a lazy fat cat on a battery. The cell of society has been created, the task of life has been completed, there are no more children under 18 left to ditch. And ambitions ... They are good in capitals. Yes, and the wife will still be grateful that you will save her from the milk heap.

Often, we, men, are afraid to approach a beauty because of our financial situation. At the first glance at a girl, many of us have a subtle thought in our heads: "Will I be able to fully support her?" This is a normal reaction, part of Darwinism and natural selection: we are looking for a match that suits us. And we completely forget that, be that as it may, a person is a civilized creature, and in our society it is not necessary to have the strongest and largest teeth and muscles in order to be considered a potentially profitable male.

No matter how attractive a girl looks, she almost certainly works and dreams of a career and a high salary. If you doubt - ask, no one will bite you. And when you realize that she is not looking for a "daddy" for herself, then it will be much easier to continue acquaintance without a heap of complexes and fears.

When you still need to support your woman

There are not so many such situations: the time before and after childbirth, illness and injury. These are periods when the other half is most vulnerable and unable to provide for themselves, or it is too difficult to do it. However, in some such situations you can find yourself on your own, and then she will take on the heavy burden of the breadwinner. This is the notorious "shoulder feeling" - it works both ways.

All other cases have their own cash. It does not matter who earns more: in a healthy family there are no owners - there is a common budget and "pocket" money. The general budget is especially relevant for an ordinary young family without a furry paw or wealthy parents. With an average salary in the country of 20-30 thousand, it will not work under any circumstances. Therefore, both working partners are simply beneficial for both, and not only self-realization and satisfaction of their own ambitions.

Or if you decided in advance: a man earns - a woman looks after the house and children. You might think that these are the same braces, but no: this is a balanced and deliberate decision (if the salary, of course, allows). In Europe, this is a common practice, and it may even be the opposite - when a male householder is involved in raising children and fussing around the house. And there is nothing wrong with that. If it is more profitable for the family, then they are great, and no one has the right to condemn them.

Special cases with money in a relationship

These are dates, vacations, children and gifts.

It is better to put off on a joint vacation together: everyone, in addition to the general budget, contributes a predetermined amount to the vacation piggy bank. If you are ready to put more free of charge and not remember this for another thirty years, then honor and praise you. In any other case, the one who calls pays, if the living conditions have not been agreed in advance.

There is a family budget for children, as well as for food. You can buy all sorts of nishtyaks from your "pocket" ones, and even buying toys is better to first discuss with your wife: this is a direct bribery of a child, and children will always love those who are more generous to them.

Gifts are a purely individual desire, and it is worth spending money on them exclusively out of your pocket.

The moral side of the issue depends only on your perception of yourself - are you afraid of condemnation in women's forums or not. The pressure on women by the "kids" provokes them with all sorts of psychological tricks to force men to ring, and later - to invest in their spouses. They turn themselves into an accessory and flaunt the patriarchal foundations of the past, but they forget that the wife is primarily the husband's support, and not an anchor on the neck. The essence of the family is much closer to "together" than "someone behind someone". But if you think otherwise, then your point of view has the right to life, we just do not share it.