Wide-rimmed glasses. How to choose glasses for a "square" face

Glasses are not only a practical, but also a stylish accessory that is loved by many fashionistas. The main problem is to choose the right shape, style and color of glasses. Stores offer a huge assortment of models, which are constantly updated and replenished every season. Consider how to choose the right women's glasses for a square face shape. We will talk about both sun protection and practical models for correcting vision and work.


When choosing an accessory, many girls are guided only by modern trends and personal preferences. As a result, the choice is sometimes unsuccessful. Before purchasing, you must familiarize yourself with the rules for selecting models depending on the shape of the face and other external qualities.

A square-type face often becomes the cause of frustration for most of the fair sex. Such outlines are characterized by a certain rigidity, angularity and massiveness.

A correctly chosen model will help to make the oval softer and more feminine. The frame type and size will neatly adjust the proportions for the better, hiding the flaws and highlighting the merits.

The modern assortment offers a huge selection of models, so you can choose the perfect option even for a disproportionate person with a complex structure.

Determine the type

Each shape needs its own type of frame. Initially, it is necessary to accurately determine the type of person in order not to be mistaken with the choice.

There is the most common and simplest way. It is necessary to collect the hair by removing it from the oval of the face and carefully evaluate its shape. Typically, the form is immediately understandable. If you still find it difficult to give an exact answer, circle the contour of the face with lipstick and consider what shape it turned out to be.

If you are the owner of a square face, do not get upset ahead of time and worry that none of the modern models will suit you.

Main characteristics

Certain visual features are characteristic of a square face.

  • Oval of this type has rigidity, angularity and massiveness. These features must be smoothed and covered as much as possible. Of course, the shape of the face and head will remain unchanged, however, with the help of visual techniques, you can significantly change your appearance even without the use of decorative cosmetics.
  • Square chin overlap using a contrast technique. That is, you need round or rectangular accessories.
  • Broad forehead and jaw can be covered with large models that are now popular. However, bulky glasses will only make matters worse.
  • Large lower part of the head, which protrudes forward, as well as the same or very approximate parameters of width and length - another characteristic feature of the square shape of the face. In this case, you also need to look for a middle ground between bright and colorless frames, so as not to draw attention to problem areas and overlap them.

Which shape is right?

The main purpose of glasses for this oval, regardless of their function, is to smooth out rough facial features. The ideal shape for a "square head" is oval or teardrop-shaped glasses. Currently, such models are presented in a wide variety of colors and styles. The frame material can be anything. Choose plastic or metal depending on your preference and your look.

Good news for fans of glamor and decor. On a square-shaped face, options will look great, complemented by curly bows and expressive side decorations.

Remember the golden rule - the frame of the glasses should in no case be wider than the face or have precise geometric proportions. Such models focus on the flaws in the structure of the head, massive square jaw and wide forehead.

Sun protection models

Despite the many rules that will help a woman find the perfect glasses, many forms of sunglasses are suitable for such a facial structure. Fashion experts have compiled a number of recommendations that you need to read before going to an optics store.

Models of the "dragonfly" type look expressively and effectively on owners of massive face shapes, but opt ​​for models with convex glasses.

If this option does not suit you, pay attention to the other positions.

  • Oval glasses Is a classic that never goes out of style. You can choose any position, regardless of the material of manufacture.
  • Round frame. This option is more suitable for girls who prefer attractive, original and stylish looks.

  • Points are gaining popularity now rimless... In this case, the glasses must be made in a teardrop shape.
  • Butterfly glasses keep in fashion for several seasons. They are also popular and in demand this year.
  • And also pay attention to "Aviators" characterized by a thin metal frame and an elongated shape.
  • "Cat eyes" will appeal to fans of the classic and retro style. This is a model for sophisticated and elegant women. The accessory will perfectly complement the look of a successful business woman.

Selection by color and season

If fashion trends are an important factor for you when choosing glasses, then this season experts recommend turning your attention to “cat eyes” models. This accessory is perfect for a square face type. Due to the special shape, raised at the edges and elongated, hard facial features are smoothed out.

When choosing glasses, it is necessary to take into account not only the shape of the product, but also its color.

Bright lenses are at their peak of popularity, but classic dark glasses are still in demand. Experts recommend to be guided by natural data when choosing glasses, namely: hair color, skin tone, eye shade. For a "square" face, dark glasses, as well as gradient lenses, will be quite appropriate. Such elements will help to visually reduce the features of a square face shape.

Once you have chosen the right option, you will learn how to find the perfect accessory among the rich assortment for your individual type of appearance. As a rule, modern girls have several pairs of glasses for different images and styles. But it is also worth considering the theme of the event to which you plan to go with glasses.

What is categorically impossible for this type?

We have already indicated which models are suitable for girls with a square head shape. It's time to determine which models should be discarded when choosing an accessory. Remember these taboos and be sure to stick to them when buying glasses.

The form

Well-defined geometric shapes (triangle, square, rectangle) will emphasize hard lines and make the face look rougher. Square glasses attract many lovers of original jewelry, but they are contraindicated for a square face shape.

Decorations and accents

Overly pretentious and voluminous glasses will also not work. This does not mean that it is necessary to completely abandon such models, but be careful when choosing. Horn-cut glasses and products with decorative frames will make your face more disproportionate.

Dimensions (edit)

Discard narrow and miniature models. At the same time, massive models that cover about half of the face, and options with an overly wide frame will also not work. It is necessary to find a middle ground.


As much as you love bright, saturated and catchy colors, if you have a square face shape, you should refuse such models. Such shades will draw attention to the shortcomings of this head structure. The best choice is light and soft colors. Colorless frames made of transparent plastic will not work either. They will merge with the skin and deprive the image of expressiveness.

The ideal solution is a dark frame. Classic colors blend harmoniously with any image. If the bridge on the glasses is of contrast, it is recommended to lower it below the standard level, thus, it will soften rough facial features.

  1. If you want glasses to remain relevant for many seasons, opt for the classic options. For universal models, the following frame colors are characteristic - gold, silver and white. The first two options are made in the format of a thin metal frame, the second model is a plastic frame, ideal for stylish glasses in the summer season.
  2. In order for products with soft and smooth shapes to visually correct the square shape of the face, designers and fashion experts recommend that girls refuse to use bright lipstick. Makeup will draw attention to the wider lower part of the face. It is better to use round or oval glasses in combination with a colorless sheen.
  3. Competently selected glasses are able to correct the shape of the head and facial features no less effectively than it can be done with the help of decorative cosmetics. Many people underestimate the capabilities of this tool.
  4. All sunglasses on the market can be divided into separate classes depending on the type of use. Office models should be more austere and concise; walking options are distinguished by their brightness, expressiveness and the presence of decorative elements.

What do ophthalmologists say?

Experts advise to take seriously the choice of the color of glasses glasses.

Summer is approaching, so it's time to talk about sunglasses, and not only about them. Today I want to tell you about the role that the shape of the face plays in the choice of this important accessory.

It is curious, but the fact is that due to incorrectly selected glasses, you may suddenly be called out on the street not with the word “girl!”, But with a less flattering word - “woman!”. All of us, of course, are women, but it is much more pleasant to hear the first appeal, what can we hide.

The shape of the face is generally a very important criterion when choosing many of the main components of a woman's image: glasses, hats, hairstyles, and makeup. The correct definition of the shape of the face helps to harmoniously shape your style in accordance with the natural features of your appearance.

How to determine the shape of the face?

As you remember, with the definition of body types, we had a lot of questions, because we are all different, unique, and more often we represent a mixed type.

It's the same story with the face shape. But still, we need certain guidelines so that there is something to start from. If, as we know, the "Hourglass" is considered to be the ideal type of figure, then an oval is considered to be an ideally proportional face shape. Indeed, for this face shape it is easiest to choose a hairstyle, glasses and hats - the choice is large. But this does not mean that other face shapes cannot look beautiful and harmonious.

First, let's talk a little about proportions and the ideal, because this is exactly what we will strive for in framing ourselves (hairstyle, hats, glasses, makeup, jewelry). As with the help of clothes we strive to bring any type of figure closer to the classic type X, so with the help of accessories and hairstyles we will strive to bring the shape of the face closer to the oval.

So, the oval was taken as the standard of a face with ideal proportions, since it is distinguished by especially smooth outlines and balanced individual parts.

We conditionally divide the face into 3 parts. The first part is the BC segment in the drawing (from the hairline to the brow line), the second part is the CE segment (from the eyebrow line to the base of the nose), and the third part is the EF segment (from the base of the nose to the chin). A face with perfect proportions has almost equal values ​​for all three segments. And if you draw an imaginary horizontal line through the middle of the pupils, then ideally such a line will divide the face into two equal parts (segments AD, DF).

On a perfectly proportional face, the OR segment (the width of the base of the nose) is approximately equal to the KL segment (the distance between the inner corners of the eyes).

All this information is taken into account by makeup artists when choosing a make-up. When adjusting the shape of the eyebrows, they also take as a rule the ideal position of the eyebrow relative to the nose (in ideal proportions, the eyebrow originates above the OK point, that is, if you draw a straight line from the corner of the base of the nose up through the inner corner of the eye). And the "perfect eyebrow" ends above the point OP (this point is formed if you draw a straight line from the corner of the base of the nose through the outer corner of the eye).

While knowing the proportions of the face is important to us both for the correct application of makeup and for the correction of the eyebrows, let's get back to the shape of the face.

So how can you determine the shape of your face?

There are several ways. The first way is visual.

To do this, completely pull your hair back (you can pull it into a ponytail or wind a towel around your head), stand in front of the mirror, take off your glasses (if you wear them), abstract as much as possible from your facial features, look through them, as it were, paying attention only to the shape the face itself. Now, standing as close to the mirror as possible, cover one eye and, starting from the top, try to trace as accurately as possible the contour of the reflection of your face in the mirror, with lipstick or a cotton swab, dipping it in wet soap.

Now you need to step back a couple of steps and see what happened. Compare what you see in the mirror with a small questionnaire:

- Is your face height equal to width, or is it higher than width?
- Based on the results of drawing on the mirror, do you have a wide chin and a narrow forehead, or, on the contrary, a narrow chin and a wide forehead?
- Look at the lines that you drew: is the line soft all over, or in some places (above or closer to the chin) does it become straight?

Based on the results of the answers and the resulting contour, see which shape is closest to your face.

The second way is precise mathematical calculations. Difficult for the humanities, but nevertheless, this method is also used.

You need to make 4 measurements, as in this photo, record the results and analyze them. If distance 2 is 55-90% of distance 4, then most likely the shape of the face is a rhombus, oval, heart, triangle (V) or trapezoid.

If distance 2 is approximately equal to distance 4, then the shape of the face is a square or circle.

If distance 2 is 50% or less of distance 4, then the face is elongated or rectangular.

If the distances 1, 2, 3 are approximately equal, then most likely the shape of the face is a square, rectangle, or elongated.

If distance 2 is greater than distances 1 and 3, then the shape of the face is a rhombus, circle or oval. And if distance 1 is greater than distance 2 or equal to distances 2 and 3, then the shape of the face is a heart or triangle (V).

If distance 3 is greater than distances 1 and 2, then the face shape is a trapezoid.

Face shapes

What are the different face shapes?

The main shapes are distinguished: oval, circle, square, triangle. And derivatives: rhombus (diamond / diamond), heart (pentagon), oblong / elongated shape (derived from oval). Also, face shapes are conventionally divided into two groups - round (soft) and angular (sharp).

Let's take a closer look at the different face shapes.

Oval (soft, rounded face with no straight lines)

The length of the oval is slightly greater than the width. The forehead is slightly wider than the jaw; the chin is slightly rounded, the cheekbones are the widest part of the face. The oval shape of the face resembles an inverted chicken egg.

Most frames fit oval.

The main task when choosing a frame is to maintain harmonious proportions of the face, while it is better if the width of the frame is equal to the widest part of the face or slightly wider, and the top line of the frame of the glasses coincides with the line of the eyebrows. If you have soft features, try to choose frames that are smooth, rounded, without sharp corners. If the facial features are sharper, then strict, laconic frames are more suitable.

In order not to disturb the ideal proportions of the oval face shape, avoid frames that are too massive and too small.

For an oval face shape, the following are suitable:
- Butterfly glasses;
- Rectangular, oval, round frames;
- "Aviators";
- "Cat" frames.

Not suitable for oval face shapes:
- Too massive frames;
- Frames that are too wide - ideally, the width of the frame is equal to (or slightly wider) than the widest part of the face, and the top line of the frame coincides with the line of the eyebrows.

Circle (soft, rounded face with no straight lines)

The length and width of a round face are almost the same, the chin is rounded, the hairline has rounded, smooth contours. The cheekbones are the widest part of the face.

When choosing glasses for a round face shape, you should pay attention to frames that visually lengthen the face and make it as close as possible to the shape of an oval. Avoid glasses with a round frame, give preference to frames with straight lines, sharp and sharp corners (square, rectangle, triangle) ...

A frame in which width prevails over height will visually balance the proportions of your face. The dark frame visually narrows the face, which is exactly what we need.

Take a closer look at the frame, in which the upper corners rise up to the temples.

For a round face, the following are suitable:
- Square glasses, frames with straight lines;
- "Cat" frames;
- Glasses-butterflies, glasses extended to the sides;
- Frames with a narrow bridge;
- Glasses with thin temples;
- Bright frames or frames with decor;
- Glasses with high temples;
- Trapezium glasses;
- Frames with an emphasis on the top line of the glasses;
- Glasses equal to the width of the face or slightly wider, not suitable for a round face:
- Round glasses;
- Narrow frames;
- Wide jumper;
- Low-positioned temples of glasses. Heart (soft, rounded face with no straight lines) The heart-shaped face has soft lines, the face gradually tapers from the forehead to the chin, and the cheekbones are usually prominent. The length of the heart-shaped face is greater than its width, the chin is the narrowest part of the face, and the forehead is the widest part (or the same width as the cheekbones).

For a heart-shaped face, the following are suitable:
- Rounded frames, round glasses;
- Small frames;
- Narrow lintel;
- Low set temples;
- Emphasis on the bottom line of the points;
- Rimless glasses;
- "Aviators";
- Glasses in light neutral tones, not suitable for a heart-shaped face:
- Heavy, large frames;
- "Cat" frames;
- Glasses-butterflies, glasses-drops;
- Wide jumper;
- Emphasis on the side of the glasses;
- Square glasses;
- Sharp glasses;
- Bright colors of frames;
- Glasses that cover the eyebrows. A little confusion often occurs when talking about the "inverted triangle" and "heart" face shapes, because the heart is usually called a triangle for convenience. But there is a significant difference between these two face shapes. The heart shape of the face is derived from the triangular shape. The heart is a softened triangle shape, with a softer and more rounded cheekbones and forehead line. The "heart" has prominent cheekbones, a slender chin, and the forehead is often wide (wider than that of the "Inverted Triangle").
For comparison: here is the "Heart" face shape:
And this is the shape of the face Inverted triangle:
The "Triangle" has a strong, coarse chin and a forehead tapering to the hairline. ":

Choose frames so as not to focus on a massive chin. To do this, choose glasses with a wider upper part (feline, geometric, "Aviators"). Half-rim glasses are also suitable, where the lower rim is missing or transparent. You can choose frames in which the brow line is highlighted with dark or bright colors.

Some classification systems distinguish pear-shaped (trapezoidal) face shape... In this face shape, the jaw area is much wider than the forehead. The chin is massive, the face is slightly longer than the width. This face shape is quite rare, so you can occasionally see photos of celebrities with this face type in other classifications, in particular under the Inverted Triangle type. Often this happens because when choosing frames for both types of face, one should be guided by the rule: "We distract attention from the heavy lower part of the face."

For a trapezoidal / pear-shaped face, the following are suitable:
- Wide frames;
- The upper part of the glasses is more voluminous than the lower;
- Rimless glasses;
- Colored frames;
- "Cat" frames. Not suitable for trapezoidal / pear-shaped faces:
- Narrow, small frames;
- Square or rectangular frames (they give the face sharpness and roughness). Square (sharp face shape, face length and width are almost the same) A square face is characterized by wide cheekbones and an angular, wide chin. The cheekbones, forehead and jaw are of the same width, the jaw line is square. As a rule, the hairline is almost straight.

When choosing glasses, you should avoid square-shaped frames, as well as miniature frames. You can visually balance the proportions of a square-shaped face using rounded frames (round, oval). They will soften the angularity, give softness to the face. The "Aviators" model looks good. For a square face shape the following are suitable:
- Big glasses;
- Round, oval, teardrop-shaped frames;
- "Cat" frames;
- Butterfly glasses;
- "Aviators";
- Glasses with decorations / patterns on the top, sides and arms;
- Rimless glasses;
- Glasses with colored frames;
- The width of the frame must be equal to the width of the face. Not suitable for a square face:
- Frames are square, with clear geometric shapes;
- Glasses are small, narrow, miniature;
- The frame of the glasses is wider than the face. Rectangle (sharp face shape, face length longer than face width) The rectangular face has an angular and wide chin; cheekbones, jaw and forehead are of the same width. Just like the square shape, the rectangular face has straight and clear boundaries. The hairline is usually straight.

For a rectangular face, the following are suitable:
- "Aviators";
- Round frames;
- Large frames, not suitable for rectangular faces:
- Small frames;
- Narrow frames. Elongated shape (elongated, oblong) The length of the face is much greater than the width; angular lines, chin slightly rounded. High forehead; cheekbones, forehead and jaw of the same width. The task of choosing a frame is to visually reduce the face and smooth, soften the corners.

For an oblong face, the following are suitable:
- Large, wide frames;
- "Aviators";
- Square frames;
- Oval, round, rectangular frames;
- Colored, bright frames, not suitable for an oblong face:
- Rimless glasses;
- Small frames;
- Narrow frames.

Rhombus (diamond/ Diamond) The length of the face is slightly longer than the width. The chin is pointed. The widest part of the face is the high cheekbones. The outlines of the forehead and chin are tapered. The narrowest parts are the forehead and lower jaw. The hairline is often uneven.

The task is to visually narrow the cheekbones and expand the forehead to bring the face shape closer to the oval ideal.
- Square and oval frames;
- The frame is the same width as the cheekbones (not wider!);
- "Aviators";
- Soft shapes, smooth lines of frames: round;
- Frames slightly widened downwards;
- The lower part of the rimless glasses. For a diamond-shaped face, not suitable:
- Frames with sharp corners;
- Frames are wider than cheekbones;
- Miniature, narrow frames.

The elongated outline is very close to the classic oval. But the chin of the long face is sharper, and the forehead is narrower. If the frames are not harmoniously shaped, the features can give the face a lean expression.

The elongated oval usually has sunken cheeks and a sloping temple line. On the one hand, it looks sophisticated. On the other hand, it can give a girl a gaunt look.

Choosing glasses for an elongated face, you need to give preference to bright models with massive frames. Such a frame will somewhat soften the pointed features, giving them a more feminine look.

Wearers of this appearance need to take care that the sunglasses completely cover their eyebrows. If you leave your eyebrows open, your face will take on a perplexed expression, which makes the long face funny.

To "flatten" the elongated oval at the top and bottom, you should choose glasses that are wider than the face itself. Such a model will simultaneously visually expand the cheekbones and cover the beveled temples.

A long face has one indisputable advantage - round glasses, fashionable nowadays, ideally "sit" on it. This model is called "nerd", "Basilio's cat", "glasses for the blind." Lady Gaga loves them very much because they are stylish and perfectly cover her skinny features.

Sunglasses for a long face give you almost unlimited scope for imagination. Holders of such features are very suitable for wide and double low lintels, thick bows decorated with ornaments or stones. Also on the elongated face, huge glasses-butterflies, "aviators" and "drops" look harmoniously.

In addition, massive bright plastic and metal frames are welcome. Don't be shy to show your imagination. Girls with a long face can safely wear glasses of unusual colors. The main thing is that all the decor is concentrated on the outer edges of the frame at the temples. Also a good solution would be a straight top line of the frame, decorated with rhinestones.

Things to Avoid

Girls with an elongated oval should not buy narrow glasses with thin frames or without them at all. A thin jumper will make the features inharmonious, and if, moreover, it is located too high, it will stretch the face even more.

Also, glasses do not go to the elongated features, the frame of which is equal to the width of the face and opens the temples.


  • The shape of the glasses. How to choose glasses

Despite the fact that now there are many methods of vision correction, glasses have not lost their popularity. Their selection is quite large. But is it possible to buy everywhere glasses? What should you pay special attention to? It depends what exactly you need for glasses.


Start the selection for vision correction with a visit to an ophthalmologist. Do not rely on the sight of you in the optician store. Specialists of the required profile are not everywhere. In addition, you will not carry it to your medical record, which records all the features of your vision. The doctor will determine which glasses you need and measure the distance between the pupils. All this will be written in the recipe.

Decide which one works best for you. Ordinary glass ones are familiar to many, but with great myopia they can be very heavy. In addition, the eyes in them seem to be much smaller than they really are, and it is more difficult to choose frames for them. But optics can have plastic lenses or lightweight glass lenses. Typically, the accompanying documentation indicates the refractive index. The higher it is, the less will be the thickness of the glasses giving the same correction. Better if the index is greater than 1.6.

Ask if the plastic lenses have a hardening coating. Most often it is there, but it does not interfere with making sure. Anti-reflective coating is also very useful. It improves the light transmittance of lenses, and significantly. In lenses with such a coating, eyes get tired less. This is especially important under heavy loads.

In frames that are made entirely of plastic, the nose pads are usually fixed. This is not always convenient. Pay special attention not to squeeze them. In metal frames, give preference to soft nose pads. They are usually made of silicone and are fixed with screws, which allows them to be placed in a comfortable position.

It so happened that the female half of humanity knows more about how to create their own individual style and image. Men lag behind a little in this regard (at least in Eurasia and the CIS countries). Either there is little information, or there is no simple desire to look better, but men follow fashion less and take their clothing style less seriously.

Spring is in full swing on the street and summer is coming soon - it's time to buy glasses. And to help the gentlemen, we have prepared an infographic on how to choose glasses for a man.

When you meet, first of all, they will look you in the face. What happens if your glasses make a clear imbalance with your face? At the very least, you will be considered tasteless; at worst, you will not be taken seriously. I am sure this is a good help for a man to understand the intricacies and learn how to choose the right glasses for himself.

What is your style?

If you were given the task of describing your style of clothing in one word, what would it be? Exquisite? Everyday? Sports? Do you need to look formal or businesslike, or are your shorts and T-shirt casual? Do you prefer brighter colors or is it better to choose dark and practical accessories? In one case or another, you need to choose a frame for your dress code.

What is your face shape?

If you have square features, you should take a closer look at rounded frames to soften the angularity of your face. For men with a round face shape, glasses with a rectangular shape are suitable. If you have a heart-shaped face, then it is important for you to find rounded frames to draw attention away from the forehead. The owner of the oval face is the most fortunate, as almost any frame suits them.

Knowing the shape of your face is not only important for a good haircut and hairstyle, but it will also help in choosing the perfect eyeglass frames.

Unfortunately, knowing the shape of your face will not save you from trying on glasses on yourself. These or those glasses may look different on the same face shape, so choose the options and buy only the best ones.

Glasses for oval / elongated face

How to choose: oval faces are distinguished by the correct proportions. Any glasses are suitable for their owners, especially rectangular or square ones. The problem is a narrow chin.

Will not fit: oversized and round frames. They break the natural symmetry of the face.

Suitable: style glasses cat eyes with rims tapered upwards. They will accentuate the line of the cheekbones. An irreplaceable must-have for any fashionist.

Square and rectangular glasses with a straight top line. Draw attention away from a narrow or elongated chin.

Wide face glasses

How to choose: we are looking for frames that balance the face in width and length, and make it more elongated.

Will not fit: wide frames. They distort the proportions of the face.

Fit: round glasses is a winning option for a small person. Glasses with movable clamps on the bridge of the nose - the solution for the Asian.

Nerds. To create a fashion nerd look, small square or rectangular glasses with thin frames will do.

Round face glasses

How to choose: the main goal is to hide the roundness, to make the contour of the face more pronounced.

Will not fit: round glasses with thin frames. They will visually make the face even rounder and wider.

Suitable: Browliners- glasses with a thickened upper part of the frame and a thin rim (or without it at all) at the bottom. They will help you not focus on your cheeks.

Cat-eyes. They will add geometry and "lift", making the face more expressive.

Aviators. This iconic form of eyeglasses, with drop-shaped lenses and double bridge, is extremely popular. For a round face, choose a more rectangular frame.

Wayfarers... They feature a rectangular streamlined frame and thick temples. Thanks to the trapezoidal shape of the lenses, expanding upward, they visually make the face more proportional.

Oversize. Regardless of the shape of the glasses, the more massive the frame, the better. Color-rimmed glasses will ensure that you get the attention of those around you.

Square and rectangular frames classic form. Perfectly balances a round face.

Heart-shaped face glasses

How to choose: the main task is to balance the wide forehead, narrow cheekbones and chin.

Will not fit: glasses with decorative details that emphasize the forehead. The frames, massive in the browbone, make the forehead even wider.

Suitable: Cat Eyes and Browliners. Draw all attention to the eyes.

Oval. Choose frames with rounded outer corners or a chunky bottom.

Square. They will put the right emphasis on the lower part of the face.

Square Face Glasses

How to choose: glasses should soften too harsh facial features.

Will not fit: square shapes that emphasize the angularity of the face.

Fit: round glasses both in a massive frame and the unisex version - in a metal frame.

Aviators. Choose models with a rounded shape.

Nerds. Not the classic square ones, but the oval ones.

Diamond face glasses

How to choose: this shape is distinguished by a narrow forehead and chin, while the cheekbones are well defined. The purpose of the glasses is to balance the narrow and wide parts of the face.

Will not fit: narrow frames.

Suitable: Browliners- the perfect choice to balance the proportions.

Wide glasses. They will close the line of the cheekbones for a harmonious look.

Cat-eyes. The diamond-shaped face shape allows you to wear a cat-eye in a wide frame. Prefer oval lenses.

Aviators. A good option if the frame is wide enough.

Browliners. The classic solution for a diamond-shaped face.

A good pair of glasses will not only correct the shape of your face, but also become a part of your self-expression. Choosing the perfect match among thousands of options is a long process, but the result is worth it!

Images: pinterest.com