Dangerous weeks of pregnancy: how to reduce threats to the fetus. Dangerous periods of pregnancy. The most dangerous period during pregnancy. Treatment during critical periods of pregnancy

The joy of future motherhood absorbs a woman, so not every expectant mother thinks that there are dangerous weeks of pregnancy when you should be especially careful. Doctors call them critical periods, and they are observed in all trimesters of pregnancy. You should be especially careful about your condition, listen to the signals of your own body for those women who initially belong to the risk group.

The very first condition for the successful bearing of a child is a timely visit to the doctor. It is he who will direct to all the necessary analyzes, establish, based on their results, real threats in each specific case, and tell about these most critical weeks.

Relying on the experience of relatives or girlfriends is unacceptable, because very often even a mother and daughter have a different pregnancy, especially since the modern pace of life and poor ecology often become enemies of future mothers, who are supported by modern medicine, which can prevent the most severe cases of interruption pregnancy.

The most dangerous weeks of the first trimester

The most dangerous period of the first trimester of pregnancy is the period from 14 to 21 days of bearing a child. The situation is complicated by the fact that many women at this time do not always realize that they are pregnant and continue to lead a normal life. And if we are talking about heavy physical exertion, then you can imagine what the consequences could be.

The physiology of the threat of termination of pregnancy during this period is as follows. In the second - third week of pregnancy, the fetal egg is attached to the wall of the uterus. If during this period the mucosa is inflamed or other pathological processes take place in the uterus, then the fetal egg simply does not linger in it. The cause of such an early miscarriage may be uterine fibroids, postoperative scars on its wall, chromosomal or genetic abnormalities.

From the 4th to the 6th week of pregnancy, there are no particular threats to the fetus, but it is then that fetal defects can occur if the conditions for the course of pregnancy are unfavorable: cleft lip, heart disease, brain pathologies.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, you need to be careful from 8 to 12 weeks. It is at this time that the placenta is actively developing and forming, which in the future will protect the unborn child while he is in the womb.

Problems with the placenta account for the majority of miscarriages during not only the first trimester, but the entire pregnancy as a whole. And hormonal disorders, infections of the genitourinary system and not only it can interfere with the proper development of the placenta. These dangerous periods during pregnancy do not allow the use of any medication whatsoever, unless under the strict supervision of a doctor and if the risk to the life of a woman exceeds the risk of losing a child.

Any pain in the abdomen, discharge, even if they are minor, should bring a pregnant woman to the gynecologist's office so that she is sure that nothing threatens her pregnancy. Sometimes women who failed to cross this barrier did not even suspect that they were pregnant: a miscarriage occurred in the form of ordinary periods.

In the first trimester, it is recommended to avoid physical exertion, stress, instead, you should be in the fresh air a lot, taking walks. It is during this period that a pregnant woman needs to learn how to eat right: in small portions several times a day, so as not to overload the body.

Second trimester of pregnancy: what to look out for

In the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman is already completely getting used to her role as a future mother, is able to recognize the signals of her body, sets the optimal mode of work and rest for herself, because maternity leave will not come soon. During this period, you should be especially attentive to your feelings from the 18th to the 22nd week of pregnancy. It is during this period that the uterus actively and rapidly increases in size.

The period of toxicosis, if any, is in the past, so many women ignore the weak signals of the body, believing that the dangerous weeks of pregnancy have passed. But that's where the danger comes in:

  • improper location of the placenta, its underdevelopment;
  • development of infectious diseases;
  • weakening of the cervix.

The slightest indisposition is a signal for a pregnant woman to visit a doctor, because even a minor infection during this period can lead to a miscarriage. The guarantee of the successful passage of this critical period is the observance of all the recommendations of the gynecologist, a healthy lifestyle for the expectant mother. The biggest enemy of the fetus at this stage of pregnancy is infectious diseases, which are most often sexually transmitted: chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, herpes and others. Therefore, special attention should be paid to hygiene as such and hygiene of sexual relations in part.

Often the cause of miscarriage during this period is isthmic-cervical insufficiency - a pathology of the cervix, in which the latter is unable to keep the developing fetus in its cavity. This is especially true for women with chronic miscarriage. Suspicions of such a diagnosis are carefully examined by a doctor and require immediate hospitalization.

If the threat of miscarriage is especially high, a filing is used: before this critical period, the doctor puts a suture on the cervix, using painkillers. Of course, you will need to forget about work or other physical exertion for a while, and the pregnant woman is given sick leave.

Risks of the third trimester of pregnancy

There is less and less time left before childbirth, a woman perceives her unborn child as already a real person, so we should not forget that this period of pregnancy also has critical weeks - from 28 to 32. The reason for involuntary abortion and fetal death during this period lies in premature aging and placental abruption, its acute insufficiency and severe late gestosis.

The latter is a type of ordinary toxicosis, but occurs in late pregnancy and can have irreversible consequences for the fetus. Violation of blood circulation in this condition leads to insufficient oxygen supply to the tissues, and the water-salt balance is disturbed. As a result, placental edema is observed, which leads to oxygen starvation of the fetus itself.

Any swelling of the face and legs, headaches, fainting, high blood pressure should lead the pregnant woman to additional examinations, because the consequences of preeclampsia can be irreversible not only for the fetus, but also for the woman herself. Such a pathology of pregnancy also requires hospitalization, but a woman is also required to refuse to eat all fatty and fried foods, and have a restful sleep for at least 8 hours a day. With multiple pregnancy, the mother simply needs to monitor her weight during this period, keeping it normal.

Who should be especially careful

Most modern women resort to careful pregnancy planning, which includes giving up bad habits, a healthy lifestyle long before conception, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, especially chronic ones.

Every expectant mother should be aware of the existence of critical periods of pregnancy, even if she is in perfect health. Indeed, during the bearing of a child, hormonal changes occur in the body of a woman, which can reveal diseases that the pregnant woman did not even suspect.

This does not mean at all that something must necessarily happen to you or your unborn child during the aforementioned periods, because each organism is individual, especially when it comes to such a condition as pregnancy. However, caution never hurt anyone.

Everyone needs to register with a doctor in a timely manner, but pregnant women who are at risk require special monitoring:

  • too early (14-16 years) or late pregnancy (after 40);
  • genetic and chronic diseases;
  • recurring miscarriage.

This does not mean at all that the entire pregnancy will take place in a hospital ward.

But in critical periods, you need to be careful, follow all the doctor's recommendations, exclude physical activity and even sex.

After all, only you are responsible for your health and the health of your unborn child.

There are dangerous weeks of pregnancy in every trimester. What exactly are the possible risks for mother and child, and how can they be avoided? Let's consider these questions.

Traditionally, those weeks in which, according to the calendar, menstruation was supposed to be, are considered risky, but they were “prevented” by pregnancy. Taking into account the average duration of the menstrual cycle in a woman (28 days), this is 4, 8, 12 weeks. That is, the most dangerous weeks of pregnancy in the first trimester begin on the first day of delayed menstruation and then repeat every 28 days.

But a woman needs to be very careful about her health, not only during these weeks, but throughout the entire period during which the organs and systems of the child are formed. And this is about the first 10-12 weeks. If you suffer an infectious disease during this period, take medicines, smoke, drink alcoholic beverages - all this can provoke malformations in the fetus. In addition, these are the most dangerous weeks of pregnancy, since it is at this time that women most often have miscarriages and (or) the pregnancy stops developing. The reason for this may also be heavy physical exertion, uterine fibroids (benign tumors) that deform its cavity, various pathologies of the endometrium.

After 12 weeks, there is usually a lull. Women are less likely to feel the tone of the uterus, toxicosis disappears and it seems that everything is fine. But from about the 16th week, another problem awaits - isthmic-cervical insufficiency ("weakness" of the cervix), which soon leads, if everything is left to chance, to premature discharge of water and childbirth. If the birth occurs before 24 weeks, there is practically no chance of saving the baby. These are the dangerous weeks of pregnancy in the second trimester of pregnancy.

The last third of pregnancy threatens with other pathologies. Problems with the placenta come to the fore, which, usually in the case of an infectious process, may not perform its functions at the proper level. And this means that the child will literally starve. Dangerous weeks of pregnancy in the third trimester - from 28 to 32. It is during this period of time that gestosis is often diagnosed in women (

It is no secret for every pregnant woman that there are dangerous periods when carrying a child right up to the very birth. They are usually divided into certain weeks and have their own factors.

What are the most dangerous weeks of pregnancy? A woman's monthly cycle is approximately 25-28 days. And when she became pregnant, and this cycle has not yet had time to “slow down”, this can be a serious threat to pregnancy. Doctors determine the first trimester, namely: the fourth, eighth and twelfth weeks of pregnancy. These terms are dangerous in that there may be a loss of the fetus, which has not yet taken root so firmly in the mother's womb. Especially at 8 and 12 weeks, when the child’s internal organs are already being laid and the baby begins its development, and the woman’s body may not be ready or not mature for a number of reasons and factors. At these pores, the abdomen is not visible at all, the baby is the size of a pear or an apple, and if you feel that your lower abdomen is pulling or spotting, consult a doctor, this may be a threat of miscarriage.

Dangerous weeks of pregnancy in the second trimester

Usually, after the twelfth week, everything calms down and proceeds normally and without failures, however, already at about the 16th or 17th week, troubles can occur. A woman may experience isthmic-cervical insufficiency, which is popularly called "weakness of the cervix." This diagnosis means that the cervix is ​​weakened or dilated and cannot hold the fetus, which can lead to premature breakage of the water and childbirth. And if this happened before 24 weeks, it is almost impossible to save the child. In this case, the uterus is "sutured", and then the woman bears the baby either up to 34 weeks or even up to 38-39.

This diagnosis can be due to various factors: too frequent sexual intercourse during pregnancy, alcohol, cystitis, congenital pathologies in the mother.

Dangerous weeks of pregnancy in the third trimester

This trimester is considered full-term, even if preterm labor occurs. But there are problems that you can face and lose the fetus. In the third trimester, the most dangerous weeks are 29, 32 and 34. At this time, the baby may "starve" due to depletion of the placenta for various reasons, for example
the mother is infected (influenza, SARS, sexually transmitted diseases, foodborne infections, etc.). Also at this time, late toxicosis (preeclampsia) is sometimes observed, which often leads to uterine hypertonicity, premature water, and can also threaten the life of the mother herself.

Things to remember

  • Firstly, if a woman, being pregnant in the early stages, drinks alcohol, smokes, takes narcotic drugs (pills, marijuana, hard drugs), pathologies in a child are unlikely to be avoided, especially at week 12, it is then that all vital organs are laid, and this process is the most important. If a woman does not know about her pregnancy and did not plan it, you should consult a doctor and get tested, and of course stop harming your own health and the health of your child.
  • Do not forget that preeclampsia can occur due to malnutrition or also alcohol or cigarettes. Do not overeat, give up even a glass of brandy or a smoked cigarette, sleep normally, be outdoors more often, drink plenty of clean water, eat less fried and smoked, more fiber (vegetables, fruits, boiled meat, fish).
  • It should be remembered that it affects the severity of the health of the pregnant woman and the adoption of antibiotics of any group. Having a rather heavy chemical composition, which is aimed at destroying any infection, antibiotics affect the entire body, especially the stomach and liver. Therefore, if you catch a cold, you should not drink something at your discretion, consult a doctor. But if you have a genitourinary infection (cystitis, STD) then you will be prescribed drugs, but strictly under the supervision of a doctor.
Also, do not forget that if a woman already had problems with her first pregnancy (miscarriage, preeclampsia leading to premature birth, fetal fading, etc.), she should respond to everything that might disturb her and immediately consult a doctor.

The wonderful period of waiting for a baby for almost every woman is far from serene: how many anxieties, worries and doubts arise in expectant mothers at this time - they simply cannot be counted. In most cases, all fears are in vain - the baby develops and grows safely. However, it must be remembered that there are also so-called critical periods of pregnancy, when inattention to oneself and one's body can lead to a disastrous result - its spontaneous termination.

First trimester

The beginning of the birth of a new life in a woman's body, or 2-3 weeks of pregnancy, is considered the first critical period. This is due to the fact that the egg can be fertilized, but due to changes as a result of inflammation, hormonal imbalances, the presence of nodes, scars, fibroids or synechia on the inner mucous membrane of the uterus, implantation does not occur, the embryo dies and is removed from the mother's body during menses. However, even if implantation has occurred, the embryo may stop developing and early spontaneous miscarriage, and the main reason for this course of events is chromosomal abnormalities.

The second critical period of the first trimester begins at 8 and ends at 12 weeks of gestation. At this time, the main cause of interruption is considered to be hormonal deficiency, which disrupts the process of placental formation. This condition may be associated with reduced work of the corpus luteum of the ovaries, excessive production of androgens by the adrenal glands - male sex hormones, as well as malfunctions of the pituitary or thyroid gland. Threat of abortion can be eliminated with the help of properly selected and timely prescribed hormonal treatment, which will allow the baby to safely live before the due date.

In addition, throughout the first trimester of pregnancy, the fetus may stop developing due to the following adverse environmental factors:

  • mother taking medications incompatible with pregnancy
  • harmful working conditions
  • having bad habits
  • physical effects - radiation, vibration, intense sports training, etc.
  • acute infectious diseases (influenza, cytomegalovirus, herpes, rubella and others)
  • severe stressful situations

And even if the fetus develops further, the negative impact of most of these factors can occur after a few months of pregnancy or even after the baby is born: these can be anatomical disorders or severe malformations. Therefore, the entire first trimester of the development of a new life can be considered "critical".

Second trimester

The third critical period of pregnancy falls at 18-24 weeks of pregnancy and is more associated with the active growth of the uterus. At this time, spontaneous interruption most often occurs due to (ICN), as a result of which the fetal egg descends under the influence of gravity, loses its integrity and starts the mechanism of labor. However, shortening and expansion of the cervical canal detected in time allows suturing the cervix or installing an obstetric pessary and safely prolonging the pregnancy. Here we should also remember about infectious diseases, including intrauterine infection, which can disrupt functions, lead to the outflow of water from the fetal bladder and late miscarriage.

Another common reason for interrupting the process of bearing a fetus at this time is presentation or its low location: for various reasons, it can exfoliate, cause severe bleeding and death of the fetus. In addition, at this time, pregnancy may stop developing due to violations in the development of the brain and the most important functional systems of the baby, caused by the harmful effects of various negative factors on them in the first trimester.

third trimester

In this trimester - at 28-32 weeks - the fourth critical period takes place. Threat of preterm birth may occur due to insufficiency of the placenta, its premature detachment, severe forms, and various hormonal disorders. In addition, due to the overdistension of the uterus, most multiple pregnancies end at this time. Children born during this period are already viable, but they need long-term qualified medical care.

In addition to all the periods listed above, critical periods for women who have had reproductive losses in the past are the days of planned menstruation, miscarriages or "fading" pregnancies. Doctors believe that during these periods the body can “remember” the need for hormonal changes, so they carefully monitor the condition of the future mother and baby and prescribe treatment in a timely manner in case of any threat.

To successfully overcome dangerous periods of pregnancy, it is necessary, when approaching these dates, to avoid any physical exertion, stress and, if necessary, visit a doctor. In addition, if you experience pain, bleeding or other warning signs, you should also seek medical attention as soon as possible. Only an attentive attitude to oneself will help to safely endure a healthy baby and give birth to him at the time set by nature.

Take care of yourself and your little one!

Dangerous weeks of pregnancy- these are critical periods during which the fetus is most vulnerable to adverse external influences. Each trimester of pregnancy has its own dangerous weeks for the development of the fetus.

First critical period (3rd obstetric week of pregnancy)

This is the period from conception (ovulation) to implantation of the fetal egg in the endometrium of the uterus. Implantation of the ovum into the uterine wall occurs 6-7 days after ovulation.

Most women at this time are not even aware of their pregnancy, and visit the sauna, dip into the hole at Epiphany, undergo fluorography or x-rays.

Taking medications prohibited during pregnancy during this period is not able to have a negative impact on the fetus, because the fetal egg is in limbo, and there is still no connection with the mother's body. But too high / low ambient temperature or exposure during examinations can lead to the death of the fetal egg. In this case, a woman, as a rule, does not even realize that a pregnancy has failed, because menstrual-like bleeding occurs on time or with a slight delay.

If a woman was in a solarium 1-2 weeks after conception (not knowing about her position), and the pregnancy continues to develop, then you should not worry, it means that the ultraviolet did not affect the fetus, otherwise the pregnancy would immediately terminate.

Among other things, the danger of this period is that the uterus may simply not be ready for pregnancy. When the corpus luteum produces insufficient amounts of progesterone, the lining of the uterus does not go into the state necessary for the development of a fertilized egg, resulting in a miscarriage without supportive therapy. In this case, in order to maintain pregnancy, a woman is prescribed a progestogen drug (Utrozhestan or Duphaston) and / or hCG injections.

Second critical period (4-12 obstetric weeks of pregnancy)

This is the first 2 months after a missed period. During this period, the woman already knows that she is pregnant, because she has a delay in menstruation, and she probably did a pregnancy test from the first days, which showed the cherished two strips.

During this time, the danger lies in the fact that the fetus is laying all the organs and systems, the formation of the body, head and limbs.

Taking drugs prohibited during pregnancy can lead to:

- non-developing pregnancy (anembryony) and / or spontaneous miscarriage;

- intrauterine growth retardation and / or malformations.

The list of "harmful" medicines includes:

  • Aevit. This duo-drug contains a large dose of vitamin A. Taking Aevit in early pregnancy can have a teratogenic effect on the fetus, that is, prolonged use of this vitamin can lead to the development of defects in the internal organs of the unborn child, most often the cardiovascular and nervous system.
    • Aspirin / Analgin (or acetylsalicylic acid). With the onset of pregnancy, it is necessary to forget about this painkiller, and use instead, for example, paracetamol, which has neither toxic, nor teratogenic, nor mutagenic effects on the fetus.

In the first trimester, Aspirin can only be taken if indicated, for example, with a high risk of thrombosis, and only in microdoses.

Taking a full dose of acetylsalicylic acid for several days can cause a splitting of the upper palate in the fetus.

  • tetracycline antibiotics, a group of fluoroquinolones (Ciprofloxacin) and aminoglycosides (Gentamicin, Streptomycin), nitrofuran derivatives (Furagin), metronidazole, etc.
  • Spazmalgon. With spasms of smooth muscles of the internal organs, pregnant women are advised to take No-shpu (or drotaverine), which does not cause (unlike Spazmalgon) absolutely no negative effects on the fetus.

These are the drugs that are in the medicine cabinet of any woman. There will be nothing from taking one pill, but it is better not to risk the health of your baby, and exclude these drugs from the moment you plan pregnancy, because vitamin A, for example, can accumulate in the body.

Third critical period (18-24 obstetric weeks)

This is a period of increased growth of the internal organs of the fetus and the formation of many systems of its body. A threat to the life and health of a baby occurs when a pregnant woman develops acute forms of infectious diseases, in particular sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, herpes, toxoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis).

Detrimental to the fetus and prolonged retention in a pregnant woman of high body temperature (38 ° C or more), as is the case with influenza. Therefore, when the body temperature rises to this critical level, take 500 mg of Paracetamol (these are 2 tablets of 250 mg). The temperature should drop within an hour.

If this does not happen, it is recommended to rub the body with a water-vinegar solution (mix 1 part of vinegar with 2 parts of warm water), dress warmly and lie under the covers. And after 4 hours from the last dose, re-drink 500 mg of Paracetamol.

This period is also characterized by the manifestation of isthmic-cervical insufficiency, which is fraught with spontaneous abortion. To avoid this, a pregnant woman is prescribed Utrozhestan vaginally, a gynecological pessary is placed on the cervix, or stitches are applied.