“Autumn leaves are spinning and spinning in the garden…” Decoration of the music hall and group rooms for the holidays. Decoration of the music hall in kindergarten for the holidays

Decoration of the music hall in kindergarten

I work in s. Shira, kindergarten No. 2 "Sun", musical director.

The goal of my work is to bring joy to children, instill a love for beauty and turn their stay in kindergarten into a fairy tale.

Holidays and entertainment are the brightest and most memorable moments in the life of a preschooler. It is they who induce children's hearts to arouse delight and surprise.

Of course, as in all kindergartens, we experience certain difficulties with financing. Preparing for the next holiday, we sometimes face the problem of material support, therefore, we manage on our own. We fantasize, invent, create simple design elements. I involve educators, parents, junior educators to help.

They draw, sew, glue, make, many respond to my requests.

This is how we replenish the design piggy bank for the music hall. Someone brought fabric left over from the grandmother, someone brought unnecessary curtains, wedding or evening dresses, etc. After all, it is in the music hall that all the most joyful, fun events for our children and guests of the kindergarten take place.

In preparation for each holiday, we come up with costumes, how, when and where the characters come out. We decorate the hall in accordance with the theme of the holiday.

In the design of the hall we use fabrics and curtains of different colors, balloons, cubes, huts made of wood and cardboard, fences, wells, benches, stumps, multi-colored satin ribbons, wreaths of artificial flowers, posters, children's drawings and large drawings drawn on paper with gouache, indoor flowers in flowerpots. And in our hall there are very large soft toys that also participate in holidays and fairy tales.

Balloons give the interior a special lightness and airiness. We use multi-colored balloons in almost all holidays: - these are seasonal autumn and spring, March 8, February 23 and Victory Day. We create from them flowers, droplets, garlands, clouds, grass, the sun and much more that our imagination is capable of. And of course, you can’t do without balloons at the graduation party, which will add originality and solemnity to the event.

Autumn is a bright, colorful time of yellow, orange, red colors and even rain does not interfere with our joyful mood. The central wall takes on a yellow tint thanks to the yellow voile curtain, and the garlands of thick paper leaves hung on the chandeliers, walls, window curtains, give a windy playfulness to the mood of the children, large drops of blue, blue paper rain strung on a thick thread and a large umbrella with attached to the ceiling with droplets along the edges, reminds of the approaching cool days. And of course, balloons throughout the hall are the color of autumn.

Time flies and now the first snowflakes are flying and covering the ground.

Winter. New Year is the most fabulous, magical and long-awaited holiday for children, and the most responsible and voluminous for teachers. And now the central wall is curtained with a white crinkled fabric, and on it we attach shiny stars, snowflakes, a moon, frosty patterns of gold and silver hues from self-adhesive paper. Along the entire perimeter of the hall we stretch either a fishing line or a silk thread and hang on it either rain resembling the northern lights, or a lot of Christmas balls mixed with snowflakes, tinsel decoration on the curtains on the windows, we also use large figures of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, animals, Christmas trees from whatman paper and gouache. And we decorate the beautiful Christmas tree with great love and patience. Soon everyone present in this hall will plunge into a fairy-tale world.

“Maslenitsa”, “March 8”, “Spring Holidays” and in the productions of fairy tales very often turn to Russian folklore - a house with old curtains, self-woven paths, cast iron pots, a samovar, scarves, painted shawls, fake musical instruments (balalaikas). We combine Russian birches from paper with a trunk, a crown - from fabric or artificial leaves; flowers, birds, clouds can be made from a variety of paper. Elements of such scenery are convenient to store.

Thematic design of the music hall as a means of aesthetic development of preschoolers

The object-spatial environment in a children's institution is important for the formation of the child's personality, its comprehensive development, for creating aesthetic and emotional-psychological comfort in the institution. Constantly influencing the child through the senses, without words and edifications, she forms his idea of ​​beauty, taste, value orientations. It directly, constantly and directly affects children, influencing their emotions, mood, and vital activity. Any environment influences the child, and this influence can be both positive and negative.

Insufficiently thought out organization of centers, congestion does not allow children to concentrate on something that they would like to do, develops absent-mindedness, dulls their gaze, observation and causes nervous overload and fatigue. This environment has a negative impact on children. In order for it to be positive, the object-spatial environment must be aesthetically organized according to the laws of beauty and include the possibility for children to play a variety of games, activities, leisure activities and contribute to the development of children.

What educational opportunities does an aesthetically organized and developing environment have, what mental processes, personality traits, competences are formed in preschoolers by means of the environment?

First of all, children develop aesthetic perception, aesthetic | figurative representations. They form aesthetic feelings - feelings of form, color, proportion, rhythm. On this basis, children form an aesthetic assessment and such an important personality trait as an aesthetic attitude.

GOU progymnasium No. 000 "Pension" has accumulated rich experience in creating a developing space for children of preschool and primary school age.

The decoration of all the premises where the pupils of our educational institution study corresponds to their functional purposes and aesthetic requirements. So, being engaged in physical education, music halls, in the art studio, in speech therapy rooms, moving from one room to another, children constantly find a lot of new, beautiful, interesting things for themselves. This activates their aesthetic perception, forms figurative representations and imagination in them. They develop observation, memory, curiosity.

We see our task in creating an aesthetically organized environment, the main advantage of which is that the child is constantly in the world of beauty. When creating an aesthetic environment, we developed a common approach to creating interiors in a single style.

The music room requires special attention. After all, in addition to music classes, there are concerts, leisure evenings, festive events, “meetings with a fairy tale” and many other interesting performances in which the pupils themselves take an active part. The decoration of the hall, organically connected with the content of the event, evokes aesthetic experiences in children, creates a joyful festive mood, and inspires them to be creative.

Not a single children's holiday is complete without a bright, colorful, memorable design of the hall. The thematic design of the hall should change at least four times during the year: autumn theme, New Year, spring and graduation theme. It is desirable that the design be aesthetic, stylish, practical, easy to manufacture, economical in terms of cash costs, multifunctional.

Those teachers who have been working for a long time remember that in the only magazine - "Preschool Education" - one could see thematic sketches

hall decoration. As a rule, the design was made of paper (drawing paper, cigarette paper, corrugated), cord, ribbons, textiles were used.

Unfortunately, today there are few places where you can see the design options for the music hall. We have to invent, search, produce, create.

I bring to your attention the experience of creating thematic design of the hall with an area of ​​3x5.3 m.

In the music hall of the preschool department of the gymnasium, one wall is covered fishing net(cell size 5x5 m). The mesh is a versatile material: it is aesthetic and hygienic, it is not visible against the background of the wall, it is convenient to attach design elements to it using paper clips or paper clips, the mesh can be purchased in a fishing store and used to decorate not only the hall, but also other premises kindergarten. The disadvantages include the fact that women cannot afford to attach it to the wall on their own - they need male help.

Above the grid, an ordinary cornice, different types of decoration can be attached to it: flowing rain, light fabric, etc.

On both sides of the central wall are displayed electrical sockets for connecting New Year's garlands.

The hall is illuminated by square fluorescent lamps. Attached to the ceiling along the perimeter of the lamps thick twine(or thin rope). It serves as the basis for removable design details: in winter, snowflakes (purchased) are thrown through the twine, in spring - butterflies (made by the hands of educators from material for decorating bouquets). In autumn, you can hang colorful leaves. Such details give the hall airiness, volume, mood.

An interesting, non-standard idea in the design of a thematic wall - special dolls - two boys and two girls. The doll is about 90 cm tall, flesh-colored twill was used for the base, the filler was synthetic winterizer, the details for the face (eyes, noses, lips and wigs) were purchased. Parents brought clothes for dolls. The dolls were dressed according to the season. In autumn, dresses, suits and headdresses of dolls were decorated with berries, fruits, and vegetables. In winter, clothes for the season or elements of carnival costumes were used: hats, masks, elegant clothes, etc. Such dolls are interesting for children, not too difficult to perform, and multifunctional to use. Unfortunately, the dolls cannot be placed in profile, it is difficult to bend their legs and arms.

Most often used in decoration tree images. We make trees from oilcloth, painting it with gouache or spray paint, the oilcloth is durable, it can be ironed. Trees are attached to the grid with paper clips. In autumn, trees in multi-colored leaves, in winter they are decorated with roses: we paint dried roses with silver, gold, white paint from a spray can, attach them to trees, inserting them into grid cells. In spring, we can decorate the trees with pastel-colored non-woven flowers (a good combination with butterflies).

You can also make trees from light fabric (we use organza). We form a crown from organza, fix it with paper clips at a height of about 1.8-2 m from the floor, collect the lower part of the fabric (about 60-80 cm from the floor), twist it into a light tourniquet, twist it with twine, ribbon or braid - the tree is ready. For decorating trees in autumn we use bright colors, in winter - pastel colors, in spring - greens of different shades.

We also use real trees. By the New Year, you can hang a luminous garland on them, bullfinches (made by the hands of educators), place owls, squirrels, decorate with icicles (such trees have been used in the gymnasium for several years).

An interesting solution is trees from disposable tablecloths (they are sold in many stores, they are inexpensive). The size is approximately 1.4-1.2 m, the colors are different. We arbitrarily cut out the crown of the tree, you can put the same one of a different color on it, slightly shifting to the side, attach it to the grid with paper clips, substitute the trunk from below. Autumn leaves can be glued to the crown. Bushes can be made in the same way. Shreds of interlining are randomly attached with a stapler or any glue to a pre-prepared circle and to arcs - this Sun. Drape fabric under the trees - yellow, green, red organza - this is the earth. decorate the composition with autumn leaves, flying birds. It turned out to be an autumn landscape.

Theme "Autumn melodies" can be depicted using musical symbols. Position in the center musical staff. 5-6 rulers from braid of different colors (we used bias tape, trouser tape), attach a treble clef and notes from colored cardboard. Polyethylene film for greenhouses (approx. 5x1.5-2 m) painted with silver spray paint, cut into strips of 1.5 cm, leaving 2-3 cm intact at the top, attach rain to the eaves with double tape or paper clips. Attach polyethylene droplets to the rain strips with a stapler. Trees, free space to fill with autumn leaves, multi-colored notes. The composition is complemented by open multi-colored umbrellas.

Winter hall decoration must be thought through very carefully.

1st option Trees with silver, white roses are used. In the center of the wall are picture frames(they were painted with blue and silver spray paints). In the middle of each frame are New Year's symbols. Connect the frames into a single composition using fabric drapery. (Firefighters! Hide the wires under the fabric.) Place snowflakes on the grid, they can be lightly powdered with blue spray paint. After the New Year, when the Christmas tree is removed, carefully remove the electric garlands from the frames and insert them instead silhouettes of St. Petersburg. Such a design can stand for a long time.

2nd option - "Snowman on a walk" Real trees on both sides of the wall are slightly powdered with silver paint, on the branches - garlands of light bulbs, icicles, bullfinches, owls, in the center - snowman cut a circle from corrugated cardboard (large box), attach a synthetic winterizer to it with a furniture stapler (under it, in the middle of the circle for volume, place crumpled paper, scraps of fabric, etc.). Make three such circles of different sizes, make loops on the wrong side of each to attach to the wall. To make a nose-carrot from a folded bag and a colored synthetic winterizer. Make a hole in the smallest circle - the head, smear the recess with Moment glue, insert the nose into the hole. Eyes - from self-adhesive film, mouth and hands - sticks. Complete the image with a hat, scarf, mittens, a broom in hand. In the year of the Ox, the Snowman "led" on a string Goby. It was made of straw, the torso was tied with twine, the tail was a rope. The bull looked very cute.

3rd option - "In the yard" The design is not simple: it is advisable to re-make a layout on paper (where what will be located and what size) before starting the installation. For decoration, disposable tablecloths of different colors were used. A large house needs two tablecloths. The roofs are made of synthetic winterizer, the window frames hang on a fishing line (the window was decorated by the teachers together with the children). Under the roofs - icicles. The trees are decorated with garlands. On the trees - bullfinches, owls, icicles. Near the house there is a Snowman, he is not homemade. The yard is covered with "snow" (synthetic winterizer, organza), in the "snowdrifts" - New Year's gifts (boxes pasted over with gift paper). There is a moon in the sky, it glows. Around - silver, blue, white snowflakes.

It was a pity to part with such a design, and we decided not to disassemble it completely, especially since winter this year was delayed and by 8 Martha the snowdrifts looked like winter. We replaced snowflakes with butterflies (I really wanted spring!), We changed the design of windows - we removed shiny tinsel and Christmas trees. Instead of a month, they hung the sun (from the autumn theme), removed the garlands from the trees, attached flowers made by older preschoolers from napkins. Snow from synthetic winterizer was covered with green and yellow organza, instead of New Year's gifts - flowers from past designs. The snowman was decorated with flowers and butterflies. After some time, the Snowman was removed and a tree with leaves and flowers was placed.

Another option for spring decoration - "On the swing" Dolls, artificial flowers, silhouette images of birds, butterflies are used.

Design idea "Vesnyanka" taken from a postcard. By cells, the image was transferred to oilcloth and tinted with gouache. The silhouette is attached to the net with paper clips. When laying out the image on the wall, one must be careful, clearly follow the model.

Exhibition of drawings "Wall of Tears". Perhaps the simplest and most effective design. 2-3 weeks before the holiday, educators were asked to motivate pupils to create portraits of their mothers and grandmothers. Children used sequins, lace, scraps of fabrics to decorate the works. Each portrait was signed and cut along the outline. Women approached the wall, with tears in their eyes, recognized themselves. The design turned out to be emotional, memorable, low-cost.

Idea for revealing the topic "Issue 8 school" was chosen by us not by chance, since the logo of the gymnasium is a dolphin: these animals are very emotional, smart, good-natured, responsive, they come to the rescue in difficult times. Design elements helped to create a teacher of fine arts. Volleyball nets are thrown over the eaves along the edges of the wall, artificial flowers (vines) are attached to them, they imitate algae. In the center - a dolphin with the alphabet, around the fish with briefcases, marine animals, the inhabitants of the seabed.

We hope that the presented materials will be useful to you.

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. Thematic design of the music hall as a means of aesthetic development of preschoolers // Preschool Pedagogy, 2011, No. 3. - P. 56-59

Restoration or design work in the kindergarten is carried out on its own in the absence of outside funding. In this case, it is necessary to agree on the conditions with the managing establishment and comply with the requirement regarding the materials used. The nuances and possible design options for the internal space of groups are described in the article.

Requirements for finishing materials

The child's body is susceptible to harmful components contained in building and finishing materials. Therefore, when choosing paints and varnishes for the group, it is important to be guided by the sanitary rules and regulations, which are set out in act 2/4/1/3049.13. They were adopted in 2013, so the compositions of modern materials are taken into account. The main requirements of the document are:

  • resistance to detergents;
  • non-toxicity;
  • safety;
  • color;
  • Fire safety;
  • mechanical stability.

The activity of children is higher than adults, so scuffs on the walls and floor in the group are applied faster and various objects are used for this. So that after each cleaning the wall does not have to be repainted, the coating must be resistant to household detergents. The mechanical strength of the material is also important. The presence of solvents is allowed, which evaporate after application. Another option for the group are acrylic paints. The compositions are made on a water basis, therefore they are harmless.

The child's psyche is plastic and receptive, therefore it is formed under the influence of environmental factors. This must be taken into account when choosing a color scheme when decorating a group room in a kindergarten. Another requirement is the fire safety of the material, which is manifested in its resistance to open fire and the absence of harmful emissions when heated.

Advice! If you plan to use textured plaster for the group, you must ensure that its edges are not sharp. This will serve as protection against injury.

Making a group in kindergarten

With the right upbringing, the child feels safe at home. Therefore, in the kindergarten group, it is important to create conditions close to home. Attention is paid not only to the aesthetic, but also to the developmental component. The stereotyped approach to the group, which inhibits the creative abilities of the child, is not applicable. A creative approach to design contributes to the development of the child's imagination. This is done by the joint efforts of parents, because someone has the ability to draw, and someone embroiders well. The result will be multifaceted.

Drawings on the walls in the kindergarten group

Children spend more time in the group's playroom than in other rooms. Drawings painted on the wall should encourage the child to take action and develop knowledge about the surrounding nature and the world. The photo above shows an example of pictures for a group printed in the printing industry. Murals with grass calm the mood, reducing aggression. Tiled images of different content are used to organize the gameplay. The game is to find a hidden animal or insect. Children can give names to the animals they like.

The floor is the playing surface in the group, so a pattern or pattern is also applied to it. The latter is used to diversify the gameplay. Paths are laid out with tiles of two or three colors, along parts of which you can move if the conditions are met. The group room can be turned into a fairy forest, where the lines on the floor become paths leading to the goal.

Children are brought up on those cartoons that are popular, and not on those that parents are used to. Therefore, images of heroes that are familiar to parents are alien to children. Children will be interested in "Smeshariki" or transformers, so the characters of these TV shows and cartoons are applied to the walls of the game group. To make the drawing functional, each character performs a function. One can hold a scale for measuring height, the other can offer to use a toy.

Saturated colors complement the fabulous picture of the forest. It is important to avoid causticity in colors that cause anxiety and are poorly perceived by the eyes of the child. The ledges or boxes on the wall of the group are played with a suitable element from the picture. If there are no images on other walls, then their color is selected as a shade to the one prevailing on the central part. Illustrations overloaded with details also cause a feeling of anxiety and interfere with concentration. The idea of ​​a drawing in a group should be captured at a glance, and the accents should draw attention.

Curtains for the playgroup

Comfort in the playgroup of the kindergarten is created by light curtains. When choosing textiles, it is necessary to take into account the following requirements:

  • quality;
  • color;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • safety;
  • decorative properties.

The quality of the material is matched to the operating conditions, which are intense in the gaming group. Color should be combined with what prevails in the graphic design of the room. It is possible to use dense textiles in a group, but it visually reduces the playing area and depresses emotionally. Transparent fabric transmits light, filling the room with the color of the canvas. The dimensions of the curtains for the kindergarten group are larger than the home ones, so simple cleaning should be done without removing them. This factor is taken into account when choosing a sample.

Curtains are part of the group's playground, so they are a learning item. Pockets for illustrations or letters are sewn on them. The strength of the fabric must be calculated for this so that the pockets are not torn off by children with part of the fabric. For curtains, accessories are purchased without sharp corners, on which the child can cut himself or get bruised. For playgroups in kindergarten, a canvas without metal fibers is suitable.

From natural materials, an option for a group in kindergarten is:

  • chintz;
  • veil;
  • organza;
  • silk.

Massive curtains in a group, hung on a cornice, can be replaced with roller ones. The latter option has a lifting system that is attached to the window frame. The space near the windows is freed up, and the group room looks visually larger. When designing a playgroup for a kindergarten in a classic style, lambrequins along the cornice are used. This method is suitable for rooms with ceilings above 2.5 meters and a large area.

Note! The decor for the kindergarten playgroup is selected according to the age of the children.

For a manger, the canvas is decorated with faces or images of animals and birds. Curtains with bright accents will help children of the middle group realize their creative abilities. The older groups are preparing for school, so the color schemes are more restrained than in the middle group, and educational modules in the form of numbers and letters are placed on textiles.

Making corners in kindergarten

"Corner" is a figurative name. It does not mean that objects are located in the corners of the room. The concept includes objects intended for the development of children in the group of mental and physical activity. Emphasis is placed on language skills, communication skills and creativity. The play area of ​​the group is prepared in such a way that the child independently finds an activity for himself when the teacher is not around. Exploring objects located in the functional zone, the child develops touch, sight and hearing. The concepts of volume, form and quantity are formed.

Due to limited space, universal corners are equipped in groups. in them, children draw, sculpt or read. Due to the accumulation in one area, children can interfere with each other, therefore it is effective to make several play areas in a group with their own purpose. In this case, the children will unite according to their interests and will be engaged in a common cause. The ability to focus to achieve a goal is higher in adults than in children. Therefore, the latter get tired faster and a change in the type of activity is required, which also speaks in favor of differentiated corners in groups.

For the development of fine motor skills in children under three years old, functional zones are equipped in a group with objects of geometric shapes. Elements are connected in sequences or shapes. Small items are not used so that the child does not swallow them. Games are held under the supervision of a teacher. For older groups, makeshift hospitals, kitties and schools are mounted, where children develop communication skills and prepare for professions.

In the corners of nature, children learn how to care for plants and animals. They can install an aquarium or terrarium. There are several flower pots. Preschool education lays in children ecological thinking and a correct attitude towards nature.

Children's psyche is more mobile than that of adults. The mood of the student changes ten times more often than that of a mature personality. Therefore, mood corners are made in groups. This is a space for psychological unloading, allowing you to form emotional stability. In such a secluded place in the group, the child in the diagram or in the drawings indicates his mood with figures or stickers.

Bedroom in kindergarten

A quiet hour for a child is a quiet horror. Convincing a child of the benefits of sleeping during the day is difficult. Therefore, it is important to create conditions in the group conducive to relaxation and good rest.

Drawings on the walls in the kindergarten bedroom

The bedroom of the kindergarten group should be relaxing, but not gloomy, which is influenced by the choice of colors and patterns on the walls. Soothe pastel colors, which are selected by the amount of dye in water-based paint. The use of several shades for the bedroom in the kindergarten group is allowed if they are close in tone. Sharp transitions activate motor reflexes and excite the body. If the drawing requires, then a bright color is used to emphasize a small area.

Light shades of lilac look harmoniously in the bedroom of the kindergarten group. Unobtrusive patterns with smooth lines do not focus children's attention on themselves, reducing the time to fall asleep. Cartoon characters can be placed on the walls. They are drawn under the stencil in one tone, without highlighting facial features. Such images are suggestive, but do not activate the areas of the brain responsible for wakefulness.

Images are also applied to the ceiling of the bedroom of the kindergarten group. In this case, it is easier for the child to keep a picture of the design in his head.

In groups of private kindergartens, a personal drawing is applied near the child's bed. The child will quickly find his sleeping place and will have a personal cozy corner.

A sky theme with heroes hovering on the clouds is welcome, as shown in the photo above. In the drawings, groups contain objects that can be counted. Their number depends on the abilities of the child.

The drawing in the group's bedroom can be one. At the same time, the surfaces of the walls and ceiling are painted in one tone, which creates monotony and relaxes the child's attention.

Curtains for bedroom

The group's bedroom is not a playroom, so it requires less lighting. This can be achieved with curtains. For the sunny side, dense textiles are bought. It protects from bright rays of light and cools the room, because the surfaces do not heat up from infrared radiation. On a large area, tulle and curtains are combined. Roman blinds "day-night" are sewn from two types of fabric. One has more bandwidth than the other. What is needed when cleaning or refurbishing the bedroom of the kindergarten group.

A suitable color for group curtains would be olive or green. Peach and blue have a calming effect. Hinges and holders are matched to the color of the curtains. The north-facing bedroom windows of the kindergarten group are protected with light curtains that let in light, as the situation will appear gloomy.

A pleasant atmosphere in the bedroom of the kindergarten will be created by colored vertical blinds. A variant with alternating lamellas of light and dark color is purchased. They are easier to maintain, because dust is removed, and stains are eliminated in place without dismantling the elements. Horizontal blinds are combined with tulle and act as blackout curtains.

Beds for kindergarten

Most of the day for the child is spent in the kindergarten group. At this time, posture and physical abilities are laid. Therefore, when designing a group on your own, it is important to choose the right furniture, especially beds for the bedroom. If this is not done, then the consequences will be scoliosis and more complex curvature of the spine.

By design, the beds differ in tiering, the presence of sides and the height of the back. In groups where the bedrooms are small, but there are many children, bunk beds are used. Some tiers are installed one above the other, or are made in the form of drawers, as seen in the photo above. The second option is safe, because when falling, the child will slide to the previous level, and will not fall to the floor.

In the group bedrooms, high-sided combined beds are used. In this case, the neighbor does not interfere with a comfortable rest, because the partition separates the children.

High backs also delimit personal space. They are used when placing beds in a row, with a distance between adjacent ones. The furniture is made of chipboard or MDF. Solid wood is more environmentally friendly, but is used less often, because the cost of the kit is three times more expensive than from chipboard.

Lamination for group beds is selected in light colors. The second tier is equipped with a high side so that the child does not climb over the edge and get injured. Width and length are selected according to the average indicators for the age category of the group in kindergarten. Bed beds are made of lamellas or plywood. In the first case, the surface absorbs body movements during sleep, which reduces the load on the spine.

The arrangement of beds in the group's bedroom plays a role. Each child should have free access to their own place in order to go to the toilet if necessary. Sleeping places are not placed close to the outer wall of the group's bedroom, because because of its temperature, the baby will catch a cold. Beds are also not installed in the vicinity of heating devices, since dry air comes from them. It affects the child's respiratory organs, causing respiratory diseases. Draft from a window or door is the cause of colds, so when arranging beds, it is important to take this fact into account.

Note! According to the standards, there are three sets of removable bed linen and two mattress toppers per child.

Changing room in kindergarten

The locker room is the first room where the child enters in front of the group. In it, the teacher meets the kids and maintains contact with the parents. The locker room is the visiting card of the group, because it sets up those who come to what awaits them next.

There are lockers where children leave personal belongings. Therefore, the room must be comfortable and safe. Information stands are placed on the walls of the locker room in front of the group. From them, parents learn about the needs of the kindergarten or about problems. Graphs of the child's progress are posted on them, which makes it easier for parents to control.

In some groups, the dressing room is combined with the reception. In such rooms, the work of students is exhibited so that parents can rejoice at the fruits of the hands of their children. The walls are painted with hypoallergenic paint or covered with washable wallpaper. Linoleum is laid on the floor in the dressing room of the group. This is an inexpensive coating that retains its characteristics for three years or more.

Curtains in the dressing room

If the dressing room of the group is equipped with windows, then the material for the curtains is the same as in other rooms. There is no need to close the windows tightly, because the child should clearly see what and how he puts on. Therefore, tulles with a length up to the window sill are used.

Light curtains are easier to wash, and in the group's locker room this has to be done often. Coming from the street, children touch the canvas with dirty hands. Long curtains accumulate dust and viruses brought by babies, so it is better to refuse them.

Lockers for changing rooms in kindergarten

In Soviet times, the norms for furniture in groups of kindergartens were determined by the state. Therefore, the design of the dressing rooms was monotonous. When making a group with your own hands, there are no restrictions on the choice of color. Parents at the meeting determine what will be more convenient for the children in the group.

If the facades of the lockers for the group are made in pastel colors, then a bright accent is made on them in the form of an ornament or pattern in order to set the child in a positive mood. In this case, it will be easier for the baby to find his things.

Lockers for the group are made single-tiered so that outerwear is placed inside. Above the jacket hanger there is a shelf for a hat, scarf and gloves. Dirty shoes are folded down the closet or on a separate shelf below.

For the convenience of changing the clothes of the child, low benches are installed in the locker room of the group. They can be soft or hard. If the first option is chosen, then the upholstery material is selected durable, able to last five years. Places for parents who have come for the child are equipped. The color scheme of the benches matches in tone or repeats the one chosen for the cabinets.

Music hall in kindergarten

Music and dance are attributes of raising a child. They introduce the baby to the national culture and develop emotional intelligence. The impression of the lesson is made up of the attitude of the teacher and the atmosphere in the music hall of the group. The hall is visited by students and parents, so attention is paid to compliance with fire safety and sanitation standards.

Paintings on the walls in the music room

The decoration of the walls in the group's music hall is unobtrusive and thematic. The first aspect is manifested in the choice of a light tone for the walls, under which one could make themed decorations for a holiday or event.

In the quiet area of ​​the music hall of the kindergarten, children learn to sing and listen to works. In this section of the kindergarten hall, images of singing children or animals are applied to the walls. Illustrations should not distract the child, because constant contact with the teacher is important.

The second zone of the assembly hall is active. It is used to develop motor skills and teach children to dance. The walls of this area are decorated during events. The rest of the time they remain monotonous.

The third zone is not present in every room. It's called working. Its purpose is to combine music lessons with the visual arts. The walls in this area are painted in bright colors to stimulate the child's imagination. Fairy-tale heroes or cartoon characters are depicted.

Curtains in the music room

Functional areas in the music hall of the kindergarten are divided by curtains. The area where performances take place or a musical choir sings is framed by falling curtains with lambrequins. The color of the fabric is selected dim. A dense canvas is combined with a light one to balance the space visually.

Curtains are hung on a cornice, which is hidden from the outside with a cloth. It is convenient when you need to close the scene. The color of the curtain is combined with the tone of textiles, which are hung on the walls in the music room of the kindergarten.

The windows are hung with a light fabric that transmits light. The latter plays an important role in emphasizing the details of children's performances. The fabric is made from natural materials that were mentioned above.

Decoration of the hall for graduation in kindergarten

Graduation in kindergarten is an important day in a child's life. It marks the transition to a step higher and prepares the child for school life. To save time, parents order ready-made decorations from companies involved in celebrations. A draft is created, which is agreed with the committee. The group then proceeds to complete the task.

Bright balloons and themed inflatable objects are used in the design of the kindergarten premises. They are filled with air or helium. The latter keeps the created decorations in the air. You can place the balls in combinations or by color. Columns connected from balls can frame the stage, as seen above.

Colored paper and ribbons are used to decorate the kindergarten's music room. Bells are made from them, indicating upcoming changes. Flowers made of ribbons and paper are placed on the curtains of the hall. The harmony with the balls completes the picture.

Letters for parting words are cut out of thick cardboard. They can be depicted on the balls with paint or a marker. Children of the group are involved in the design of the music hall. They get the task to portray a teacher or a favorite activity that was in kindergarten. Decoration options are shown in the video below.

Landscaping in kindergarten

In the spring, the kindergarten group spends time outdoors, where the child receives vitamin D from the sun's rays. In the open air, children play moving relay races, which is necessary for muscle development. The formation of physical skills contributes to the correct design of the site in kindergarten.

Each group in the kindergarten has a playground with a pavilion, a sandbox and a swing. If there is a flower bed nearby, then it is planted with bright flowers that show their diversity in the spring. The children of the group can be used for training, showing how planting is done and teaching them how to water the plants, as is done in ecological corners.

Together with the children, the group teacher can make a bird feeder. It is attached to a tree near the site, after which the kids can observe the world around them.

For children of the older group, you can draw hopscotch or a chessboard on the pavement. The latter is used to play checkers, as shown in the photo above.

Crafts from old tires are placed on the site. It can be fences or flower beds. If they are placed at the same distance, dug into the ground, then the children from the group will be able to use them for jumping. Improvised ships and cars activate the creative vein.

Building a fairy-tale hero or a dragon that you can ride from tires is a good idea. An example implementation is shown in the photo above.

Veranda in kindergarten

The veranda is a necessary building on the group's site. She will hide children from sudden rain or from the scorching sun. The way the group's veranda is decorated is limited by the imagination of the parents.

The walls inside the veranda are painted through stencils. A small area is allocated for children, where they, under the guidance of an educator, realize their creative abilities.

The fence enclosing the veranda of the group is made multi-colored. The brighter and more varied the colors, the better for the child.

The drawing on the wall of the veranda may be a continuation of the story depicted in the play group. In this case, it will be more interesting for children to visit the pavilion on the street.

Modern canopies for the group are sheathed with polycarbonate. It transmits light, coloring it and creating a special mood for children. The material is harmless and has no discharge when heated, which is important for a young organism.

Tables and chairs installed in the veranda will make it possible to conduct art classes for the group on the street. In this case, children will complement the imagination with what surrounds them.

In private kindergartens, textiles in the form of rugs and curtains are used for the group's pavilion, which make the veranda space cozy.

Under canopies with benches installed around the perimeter, it is easier to conduct group games. Modular design, if necessary, moves to another site.

Group pavilions in kindergarten can be themed. In some, children learn the rules of the road, in others - the rules of behavior with animals.

Children can make hanging decorations for a canopy in kindergarten on their own at art lessons. In this case, they learn to be responsible and see the benefits of what they do.

Old pavilions can be refreshed by installing homemade decorations and hanging educational illustrations on the walls. When decorating the space on the veranda in kindergarten, it is important that parents put themselves in the place of children.

The music hall is a special place in the kindergarten. It is here that the aesthetic development of the child mainly takes place, his meeting with the wonderful world of music and dance, familiarization with the folk festive culture. And of course, the interior of this room requires a special approach. The music hall should please the children, surprise them, cultivate artistic taste, both on weekdays and during solemn events.

The purpose of the music hall in a preschool institution

The music hall is an educational environment for preschoolers. It is intended for conducting music lessons with pupils, as well as for holding festive events - matinees, leisure and entertainment.

This room in the kindergarten is usually the largest and brightest. They try to equip it in the best possible way, because it is a kind of visiting card of a preschool institution.

The music hall is, as a rule, the largest and brightest room in the preschool educational institution.

Since mass events are held in the music hall, it is extremely important to comply with the requirements of SanPin and fire safety rules. Indeed, in practice, they are often ignored in the pursuit of innovation and a presentable appearance. For example, due to the need to install multimedia equipment, children's active activities are often transferred from the bright part to the dark one (where there are no windows) or, in pursuit of excessive comfort, the windows are darkened with heavy curtains, and the floor is completely covered with carpet, which makes wet cleaning very difficult.

Music hall zoning

In accordance with the specific features of the educational area "Music", the space of the music hall is conditionally divided into certain zones.

  1. Calm zone. It is most significant for musical education, since it is here that children sing and listen to musical works. The equipment of the quiet zone includes a musical instrument (piano) and a small space where the children can sit on chairs. Here, an easel is sometimes installed to demonstrate visual material, a rack for children's tools, a table to put a model there or place a toy character. In this zone, it is very important to observe the principle of eye-to-eye interaction between children and the music director, while preschoolers are always located to the right of the teacher.
  2. active zone. This is a fairly large space for dance and rhythmic exercises, musical and motor creativity. At the same time, the music director, who is at the piano, should be able to see all the pupils. Since part of the active activity of preschoolers occurs while sitting or lying on the floor, it is desirable that there is a carpet in the active area (children will not feel discomfort). There is no place for voluminous furniture and decorations; shelving (if any) must be securely fastened.
  3. Work zone. This place is designed for productive children's activities, which often take place in integrated music classes (music + art). Here, children can express their emotions through paints, pencils, colored paper, plasticine, etc. (materials and tools are in a special rack). This zone should, of course, be equipped closer to the windows. Since such a corner is not needed at every musical lesson, sometimes (especially if the hall is not very spacious) it is quickly installed immediately before it is held.

The main zones of the music hall include the active and quiet zones.

Photo gallery: the main areas of the music hall

In the quiet zone, preschoolers sing songs and listen to musical compositions The active zone is a large enough space for dance and rhythm exercises In the quiet zone, a rack for musical instruments is often placed

An innovative approach to the organization of the subject-developing environment of the music hall provides for the installation of multimedia equipment in the room. It is important for the implementation of the integration of educational areas, makes musical and didactic material more diverse, allows children to be as interested as possible and form a complete picture of the world around them.

Multimedia equipment is indispensable for an integrated music lesson

Various design options for the music hall in the preschool educational institution, including do-it-yourself

Since the music hall is intended for the aesthetic development of children (of course, it is inseparable from the cognitive), its interior is of particular importance.

Choosing beautiful curtains for the hall

Curtains play an important role in the design of any room.

Curtains, as a rule, are sewn from a rather heavy fabric. They are symmetrical, have an official, solemn look. Traditionally, curtains have folds, pleating, sometimes lining (prevents the main fabric from fading in the sun). They are often complemented by various decorative elements: lambrequin, bandeau, tiebacks, perekida, decorative cornices, etc. Curtains are less strict, they are a simplified version of curtains. Their upper part is always visible, not hidden by a lambrequin. It is appropriate to select a simple string cornice for curtains.

In the music hall, curtains are especially important, because they must maintain a fabulous atmosphere, remind the children of magical worlds. Therefore, they are most often sewn in a romantic style.

Curtains should create a special creative atmosphere, remind the children of the wonderful unknown worlds

Curtains should be not only beautiful, but also made of safe material, practical to care for. It should be interesting for preschoolers to look at the canvas, and it is from such decorative elements that aesthetic taste and imagination will develop in kids from an early age.

There are many options for decorating curtains, you just have to apply a creative approach to solving this issue. In addition, this part of the interior needs to be changed periodically. One of the options is a seasonal orientation: in autumn you can pick up curtains in golden, orange, red colors, in winter - silver or turquoise, in spring - green shades.

In any case, the curtains for the music hall should have an elegant and festive look.

As for the colors of this part of the interior, adults usually like calm and restrained shades. Also, a combination of light and dark shades always looks original, a contrasting pattern on a light background.

Contrasting curtains always look advantageous

Since there are always a lot of windows in the music hall, it is the shade of the curtains that will determine the overall color palette of the room. Therefore, preschool staff should have an idea of ​​how different colors affect children's perception and emotional state. This is especially true for children under 5 years old, whose psyche is less stable than that of older preschoolers.

  1. Pink color causes a joyful mood, helps to relieve stress.
  2. Yellow is associated with warmth and comfort, care and stability. This coloring is especially useful for anxious children.
  3. Green calms, but at the same time awakens curiosity and the desire to develop. It will instill confidence in the kids.
  4. Orange invigorates, stimulates active physical activity. It will help liberate overly shy and sensitive children.
  5. Blue - the color of composure, responsibility, personifies order (useful in terms of maintaining discipline in a music lesson).

Psychologists have proven that color has a significant impact on a person's well-being, his performance and mood - this is also true for a preschooler

Curtains in kindergarten should not be black, brown, purple - these colors suppress the child's psyche. It is also better not to make them pure white - the kids will subconsciously have a feeling of insecurity.

It must be remembered that curtains should not only be stylish, but, above all, children should like them. Their tastes must be taken into account. For example, a good solution is to decorate the curtains with an appliqué or choose a material with a mischievous pattern.

Cute little animals and daisies will cheer up the kids

It would also be appropriate to use bright fittings (cornices) and lambrequins.

Lambrequin - decorative drapery, horizontally located at the top of the curtain, in the form of a short element covering the entire width of the curtain.

Lambrequins will give the interior of the music hall a special coziness and at the same time a festive look.

Lambrequins will create a special coziness and festive look in the hall.

In the music hall, curtains are often located not only on the windows, but also play the role of a curtain on the central wall (it is she who depicts the key theme at all holidays). With their help, you can even create the effect of a real scene.

Curtains can act as a curtain in the hall, creating the effect of a real stage.

Such a curtain should be sewn from a dense and durable fabric (after all, it is often decorated with balls, applications, garlands, etc.). Since it will be quite heavy, you need to mount it on a reliable cornice.

Photo gallery: ideas for decorating curtains in the music room of a kindergarten

Interesting design of lambrequins - the arcs overlap each other. Usually the windows are located in the side part of the music hall, but here they are in the center. Although the use of short curtains does not imply lambrequins, everything here looks stylish and in place. The green color has a calming effect on children, and orange raises mood Pale blue flowers give the curtains a delicate and sophisticated look Curtains are in harmony with the interesting design of the ceiling (protrusions)

Video: designer gives tips on decorating curtains and a curtain for a stage in a kindergarten music room (Useful News TV program)

https://youtube.com/watch?v=efqlA3OC_Vw Video can’t be loaded: Textile decoration of the assembly hall in Kindergarten (https://youtube.com/watch?v=efqlA3OC_Vw)

How to arrange a stand in a music hall

The musical life of kindergarten students is quite eventful, especially if preparations are underway for any festive event. Special thematic stands help to reflect it, which can be located in the music hall or near it (if the room is not too spacious).

Stands are always colorfully designed, as they perform both an informational and aesthetic function. The drawings, one way or another, are connected with music: this is an image of notes, instruments, treble clefs, etc. Such details in the design of the music hall help to maintain children's interest in the subject, help set the guys up during class in a creative way, maintain a good mood, including including teachers and parents.

The stand, as a rule, contains photographs of preschoolers participating in music competitions, children's diplomas, diplomas, scenes from matinees, large-scale printed lyrics, poems. The information on the stand must be changed periodically depending on the events taking place in the preschool institution (it can be not only a holiday, but also just a summer vacation for children, the onset of autumn, etc.).

Photo gallery: information content of music stands

The stand demonstrates the achievements of pupils (diplomas), brief information about musical instruments and children's photos The stand presents performances by children's groups in various bright costumes The stand contains the rules for playing children's musical instruments The stand contains interesting information on how to make musical instruments with your own hands The stand reflects musical life of kindergarten

Employees of the preschool educational institution today can order a ready-made stand by choosing any template to their liking. Let's give some examples.

Photo gallery: ready-made stand templates

The colorful stand depicts notes and multi-colored keys The music is depicted as a lovely fairy with a magic wand Naughty little animals playing musical instruments will support children's interest in the subject The cartoon steam train on the stand will take the children to the wonderful world of music The stand depicts a funny bear with an accordion that will cheer everyone up mood A simple stand in a delicate pink and blue color scheme

Stands made by the hands of enthusiastic teachers always look interesting. Here adults can fully reveal their creative potential. For example, you can draw the same musical staff or paste images of musical instruments. A good idea is to draw (or cut out from coloring pages) literary characters, such as the unlucky quartet from Krylov's famous fable.

As a background for the stand, you can draw the heroes of Krylov's fable "Quartet"

Stands can be made for various holidays, for example, Victory Day, Mother's Day, New Year.

On the patriotic stand there are photos of veterans and children's drawings

The anniversary of the kindergarten can also be a reason for creativity.

Stand prepared for the anniversary of the kindergarten

Decoration of the music hall for the holidays

Each holiday is a whole event in the life of a kindergarten, imbued with an atmosphere of joy. And above all, it is reflected in the design of the music hall. Here, all teachers are usually involved, who create jewelry and decorative elements with their own hands. Such work unites the team, creates a pre-holiday atmosphere, develops imagination.

In order not to create complex volumetric decorations in many kindergartens, the central wall is covered with a neutral-colored fabric (or it is simply hung at the top on an inconspicuous cornice), to which it is convenient to attach applique elements made of paper and material. For each holiday, the wall is transformed. For example, in autumn you can see a mighty oak tree with multi-colored leaves, in winter - a window into the winter courtyard, decorated with an elegant snow pattern, in spring - a beautiful lilac bush, etc.

For such a design of the central wall, you can use the following ideas.

Photo gallery: ideas for decorating the central wall (the elements are attached to the fabric)

By the holiday of March 8, a beautiful tree with pale pink flowers can be attached to the wall Elements corresponding to the theme are attached to the central wall Paper Christmas trees, snowflakes, a snow maiden made of fabric are attached to the wall An image of an autumn girl in a red-orange sundress and a rowan branch in hands If teachers show a play to preschoolers, then the central wall also needs to be designed accordingly

As for removable decorative elements, it is best to hang them on safety pins, but such decorations can be stored for several years.

On the rest of the walls (which are not draped with fabric), you can carefully glue balloons, rhinestones, ribbons, paper applications, and even light fabric.

This design is concise, but fully conveys the spring mood of the women's holiday.

The ceiling also requires special festive decoration. Decorations can be attached to chandeliers. A more convenient option is to stretch a fishing line or silk thread around the perimeter of the hall and hang New Year's rain, Christmas balls, snowflakes, ribbons, autumn leaves, etc. on it.

Photo gallery: ideas for decorating the ceiling for the holiday

The highlight of the design is multi-colored ribbons radiating from the center in different directions An original idea - a blue umbrella is attached to the center of the ceiling, from which paper drops of rain fall Multi-colored rain resembles the northern lights

As for the design of windows, snow-white vytykankas are ideal for a New Year's celebration (on the Internet today you can find a huge number of beautiful patterns). By the autumn holiday it is good to attach bright images of fruits and ears, and in spring - delicate flowers in pastel colors.

The vytykanki on the windows perfectly convey the New Year's atmosphere

Consider interesting ideas that will make the holidays in kindergarten more memorable.

New Year

The palette of winter decoration is cold: these are blue, light blue, white and silver shades. The highlight of the design can be made the most important attribute of the New Year - the Christmas tree: it can be made not multi-colored, but decorated with balls only in blue and silver. The same tones are present in the rest of the decor.

The Christmas tree can be decorated modestly, but tastefully - with balls of only winter tones - blue and silver

On the central wall, you can draw a curtain exclusively from snowflakes. Of course, this is a very laborious work, but it is worth it.

Creating a curtain of snowflakes is a very time-consuming job.

If the chandeliers on the ceiling are quite voluminous, then this can be interestingly beaten with the help of balls and tinsel.

Decorated chandeliers look elegant and very elegant

With the help of a simple white fabric, you can equip a cozy winter clearing.

Silvery snowflakes sewn onto white fabric take viewers into the winter forest.

Video: New Year's decoration of the music hall

Video: decorating the music hall for the New Year

https://youtube.com/watch?v=alf6cV-dwjU Video can't be loaded: Decorating the music hall for the New Year (https://youtube.com/watch?v=alf6cV-dwjU)

Autumn is a wonderful colorful season. Therefore, in the design of the music hall you need to use bright colors. Volumetric applications of trees, fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, artificial tree branches are suitable. An interesting idea is to make birch trees from whatman paper and decorate them with yellow foliage (by the way, they can also be used on other holidays, only decorated with snow or green leaves).

The original design idea - birch paper

Another great option is to focus on the birds that fly away to warmer climes in autumn. Draped weightless fabric of pale blue color will convey the movement of air.

Weightless fabric as if transmits air vibrations during the flight of birds

When holding an autumn holiday, it is always appropriate to decorate the hall in the Russian style.

Autumn holidays are often held in Russian folk style, so the hall can be decorated in this way.

Video: decorating the music hall for the autumn holiday

https://youtube.com/watch?v=rPkxfh2SnZc Video can't be loaded: Decorating the hall for the autumn holiday in kindergarten. (https://youtube.com/watch?v=rPkxfh2SnZc)

February 23 and Victory Day

As for such patriotic holidays as February 23 and Victory Day, here the music hall is already decorated in a strict but solemn style: posters, numbers made of paper or satin ribbons, doves, fireworks, blue, red and white balloons.

The decoration of the hall for patriotic holidays should be strict, but solemn

March 8

International Women's Day is a holiday of spring, tenderness and beauty. Therefore, the music room should be decorated accordingly. Most often, a large number "Eight" is attached to the central wall. You can show imagination in its design, for example, make it from yellow balloons symbolizing mimosa flowers.

Mimosa is a symbol of women's holiday, so you can use this image in the design of the hall

Another interesting idea is to make a charming dress of anthropomorphic Spring from delicate white and pink flowers, and hair from paper leaves.

Beauty Spring is dressed in a delicate dress of flowers

High school graduation

Graduation is the last holiday for children in kindergarten. And the task of adults is to make it unforgettable. Most often, the hall is decorated with balloons. Of course, special agencies are engaged in such decoration, which collect rainbows, garlands, clouds, flowers, the sun and everything else that fantasy is capable of. However, parents and employees of the preschool educational institution should adopt this idea: their favorite toys came to say goodbye to preschoolers. To do this, a table or bench should be installed at the bottom of the central wall of the hall, on which (and around it) a lot of plush toys should be laid out. It looks very touching and symbolizes the transition of children to a more adult life.

Preschoolers came to say goodbye to their favorite toys

Also at such a holiday it would be appropriate to arrange an exhibition of children's drawings in the music hall or a photo exhibition about the life of a preschool institution.

The design of the music hall requires good taste and creativity from the staff of the preschool educational institution. After all, this place should evoke positive emotions in preschoolers, it is here that they most often come into contact with a fairy tale and magic. The elegant room contributes to a deeper children's perception of the theme of the holiday. The task of the music director and other teachers is to constantly find interesting design ideas, because the most original things and decorations can be created with your own hands.