Feeling at 39 weeks. Chicken soup with meatballs and herbs

Closer to childbirth, the amount of amniotic fluid becomes less and less, although they still renew every three hours and will do so even after labor begins. You shouldn't put on weight anymore, but the baby continues to grow. At 39 weeks, it weighs an average of 3300 g and reaches over 50 cm in length.

Fetus at 39 weeks gestation: stirring

And, since the baby is already very large and already occupies almost the entire uterine cavity, he has nowhere to move especially. Accordingly, if before that you could observe periodic "dancing" of the crumbs in the tummy, now it will only push you from time to time from the inside.

Although he already has nowhere to move, the baby, nevertheless, tries to move. Moreover, through movements, the child trains coordination and gradually builds up muscle strength. The intensity and nature of the movements should be monitored further: the masik should respond about 10-12 times per day. If the child is excessively active, pushes hard and often, or, on the contrary, his movements are felt weakly and rarely, immediately inform the doctor about this: a change in the nature and frequency of movements in one direction or another indicates trouble.

Baby at 39 weeks pregnant Heart, lungs, intestines, kidneys - everything is ready to support the life of the baby outside the womb. However, the processes of development and improvement do not stop, and will continue after birth. In particular, the central nervous system develops unevenly.

The pancreas has begun to produce enzymes that will break down food entering the baby's stomach. But beneficial bacteria will begin to colonize the intestines only after tasting - now it is sterile.

In most cases, immediately after birth, the newborn's intestines are emptied by the original feces with meconium. But it often happens that this happens even in the womb before the onset of the labor process (most often the reason is a lack of oxygen in the last stages of pregnancy). In such cases, the doctors and obstetricians attending childbirth perform a special procedure to cleanse the bronchi called lavage. As before, all nutrients reach the baby through. But in the last weeks it begins to age: its service life is coming to an end. The umbilical cord will only be cut after childbirth when it stops pulsing. And only then the child's place is born - the last third.

Future mom

At 39 weeks gestation, the baby is already completely ready for independent existence, but ideally, the pregnancy should still last this and the next week. But you should have been completely ready for childbirth a few weeks ago. Although this does not mean at all that the expectant mother is obliged to lose peace and stay in constant anticipation of the start of labor.

If the bags are collected in the hospital, and you are psychologically ready for the events awaiting you, then everything should be okay for you. But it's easy to say and difficult to do, right? Some anxiety and nervousness are still present. The main thing is to listen to the baby, talk to him, calm him down before giving birth, but ask him not to linger - the time is approaching.

You will certainly understand that it has "begun": cramps will appear in the lower abdomen, repeating 5 times an hour, and then more often; you will feel a pulling pain in the lumbar region; it is possible that water will go away and spotting will appear. In the initial period of childbirth, the mother may wake up appetite - prepare yourself some kind of light, low-fat snack in advance.

Childbirth at 39 weeks gestation: harbingers

In the meantime, it has not "begun", listen to yourself and track possible changes that will tell you about the imminent onset of labor. Shortly before the start of labor, a woman learns about her approach by changes in appetite - it significantly decreases. The weight of a pregnant woman can also decrease: many successful mothers say that the weight at the end of pregnancy, if it does not stop, then decreases by 1-2 kg.

False contractions, which until this time were painless and not frequent, now become more intense, palpable. In addition to the fact that contractions begin to appear more often, they occur against the background of a pulling abdomen and lower back: pulling pain, ringing the lower abdomen and lumbar region, is another of the harbingers of childbirth. It is possible to distinguish false contractions from real ones - and many expectant mothers are very afraid to confuse them - by changing the position of the body. Do you think that you are giving birth? Get up, walk around the apartment, sit down on the chair again. If, with the change in body position and type of activity, the contractions have passed, then it is too early to go to the hospital.

The mucus that appears in the vaginal discharge will tell you about the approach of labor - it can be both transparent and pinkish, brown. An admixture of mucus is particles of a mucous plug that closes the entrance to the uterus. Now the cervix is \u200b\u200bgradually softening and contracting, preparing for childbirth, so the particles of the cork come out. But you can see the mucous plug itself in the form of a lump of mucus, possibly with streaks of blood, the volume of which is approximately 2 tablespoons. The discharge of the mucous plug is another signal that labor is about to begin.

Before giving birth, many women have a nesting instinct: from nowhere there are strengths and an irresistible desire to prettify the house, making it as comfortable as possible. Do not deny yourself such pleasure, but entrust the hard physical work to assistants. Save energy for the most important event in your life.

In the last days before childbirth, a woman may also notice disorders in the digestive system. Diarrhea, nausea, indigestion, possibly even vomiting - all these symptoms may well precede the onset of labor. Well, while the tummy is calm, provide the baby with a sufficient supply of oxygen - go for a walk. But do not go far and be sure to take with you.

Belly at 39 weeks of gestation: pulls, hurts, sags

Abdominal prolapse is another sign by which you know about the imminent onset of childbirth. In theory, the belly sinks between 36 and 38 weeks of pregnancy, but this can happen now. Or it may not happen at all - some women do not observe a sagging abdomen until the onset of labor. If your stomach sank, you will definitely feel relief: breathing becomes easier, hateful heartburn recedes. Instead, there is a need for more frequent urination: the uterus presses on the bladder, which means that the need for more frequent emptying increases.

Do not be alarmed if you suddenly found soreness in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back. Pulling pains with a localization of the lower abdomen-lower back at 39 weeks of gestation is one of the variants of the norm, indicating the approach of labor.

Pain at 39 weeks gestation

So, we already know about the nature of pain in the lower abdomen and lower back - these are the consequences of preparing the body for the upcoming childbirth and its attempt to tell a woman about their inevitable approach.

Again, due to the preparation of the body for an early birth, you are now likely to feel pain in the pelvic region, in the sacrum, in the pubis. The body actively produces the hormone relaxin, the main task of which is to soften and relax the ligaments and bones. Plus, the softened pelvic bones at this stage gradually diverge, preparing the baby the most favorable conditions for traveling through the birth canal. So mommy has to endure pain caused by such changes in the body, and expect childbirth, after which the pain will go away on its own.

Surely you are already familiar with pain in the sacrum, in the back, in the spine. This is the result of a mixture of the center of gravity and increased loads. For the same reason, leg pain is common. In addition: due to the compression of the femoral nerve, you can feel a shooting, aching pain in the back of the leg, sometimes reaching the knee. The recommendations for minimizing pain in the back, legs, and sacrum are the same: regular unloading, sleeping in the correct position, good rest, wearing a prenatal bandage.

By the way, by this time you may feel that your chest hurts. Do not be surprised and do not be alarmed: the breasts are now noticeably increased and heavier, very soon they will be needed to feed the baby. In the meantime, you patiently remove colostrum from the nipples and endure the usual pain and heaviness in the chest.

Discharge at 39 weeks gestation

An important moment of this week is vaginal discharge: normally they should have a light milky color, a uniform consistency and a slight smell of kefir. Do not be surprised to notice a slight increase in discharge from the genital tract - this is a normal symptom of 39 weeks of pregnancy. Also, you should not be scared by the presence of mucus impurities in the discharge: transparent, possibly with a shade of pink, brown, beige, mucus is particles of a mucous plug, which today closes the cervix.

But here - mucopurulent discharge, cheesy or flocculent, discharge of green or yellow color should become a mandatory reason for going to the doctor. Changes in discharge in this direction clearly indicate the development of any of the genital infections, and while there is still little time left, it is imperative to undergo treatment. After all, if this is not done and the infection remains with the mother, the woman will surely “share” this very infection when the baby travels through the birth canal.

Do not postpone a visit to the hospital if you notice even small amounts of amniotic fluid. You will recognize the amniotic fluid by finding liquid, watery discharge, possibly a slightly yellowish tint. Outpouring of amniotic fluid is a sure sign that labor will begin in the very near future. At the same time, the waters cannot always be poured out immediately, in one stream: it is possible to discharge the amniotic fluid in small portions. This happens when the membranes are worn out or damaged, and poses a certain danger to the child - if the integrity of the membranes is violated, he becomes vulnerable to infections. This is why the appearance of amniotic fluid cannot be ignored anyway.

Contact the ambulance operator immediately if you find yourself bleeding. Blood from the genital tract is a sign of detachment of a normally located placenta, a serious pathology that threatens the life and health of the baby. True, vaginal spotting may also indicate placenta previa, but doctors have probably already ruled out this condition by preliminary multiple examinations.


An ultrasound scan at 39 weeks gestation is usually not required, however, there may be individual indications for a repeat ultrasound scan. As before, during an ultrasound scan, the doctor examines the baby, its size, and determines the degree of development.

Again, the state of the uterus, its size, and the degree of cervical maturity will be assessed. An important criterion is also the assessment of the quality and quantity of amniotic fluid. The degree of maturity of the placenta will definitely be established: at 39 weeks of gestation, the placenta is more often in the third degree of maturity. The higher the maturity of the placenta, the greater the degree of wear and tear. But for now, the placenta continues to serve as a good service - through it, antibodies from the mother come to the baby, which take part in the formation of the immune system.

An ultrasound scan at 39 weeks of gestation will also give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe location of the umbilical cord, eliminate the risk of entanglement with the umbilical cord of the fetus. Keep in mind that the umbilical cord entanglement is not an unambiguous contraindication for natural childbirth: the umbilical cord is 55-65 cm long, which makes it possible for a woman to give birth on her own, and the umbilical cord itself is removed from the baby's head immediately after birth. But, even if the umbilical cord is short, and the loop on the neck is tightened at the moment the baby passes the birth canal, doctors, when observing and monitoring the birth process, react quickly and can decide to carry out delivery by caesarean section.

Specially for - Elena Kichak

The content of the article:

By the 39th week, the fetus is already fully developed and can live fully outside the mother's womb. Therefore, be ready to start labor at any time. But if another two or even three weeks pass before the birth, this is also quite natural. Not knowing exactly when they will start, the expectant mother experiences anxiety and a sense of uncertainty, especially if this is the first pregnancy. She may develop nervousness and irritability, so the support and understanding of family members at this time is of great importance.

39 weeks of pregnancy is how many months

One obstetric month equates to four weeks. That is, 39 weeks is 9 months plus 3 more weeks. The nature-designated period for bearing a baby is 280 days, and very little is left before it.

The baby is ready for birth, and is waiting for his mother's body to prepare for this event. The likelihood of complications during childbirth should be minimized, which is why the woman's body continues to actively rebuild.

What happens during this period? Mom's tummy is drooping, and the fundus is now located about 34 cm from the pubic joint. The thickness of the walls of the mature uterus decreases, reaching no more than 1 cm by the end of pregnancy. The rate of change is individual and depends on many factors: congenital characteristics of the female body, the structure of the pelvis of the pregnant woman, the presence of previous pregnancies. So, if this is not the first child and the pregnant woman's pelvis is wide, the uterus opens (2-3 cm) without noticeable manifestations of labor.

As a result of the expansion of the cervical canal, the mucous plug is separated. The aging process of the placenta continues. Now she stops the synthesis of the hormone relaxin and her protective resources are depleted. Therefore, in the central nervous system, the dominance of pregnancy is replaced by the mechanism of childbirth. If these processes are not completed now, they can occur a little later - up to the 42nd week.

The mammary glands of the expectant mother continue to rebuild. They must be fully prepared for the lactation period. In some women, colostrum can come out of the nipples even without pressure. But even if it doesn't stand out yet, don't worry. It will surely appear immediately after the birth of the baby.

Shortly for childbirth, a very unpleasant and embarrassing symptom for expectant mothers is possible - diarrhea. Do not worry about this, your body just seeks to get rid of unnecessary stress before the birth of a baby. Attacks of nausea are also quite likely.

Feelings of a woman at 39 weeks pregnant

39th week is a period of exciting anticipation of the most important event in a woman's life. In the later stages, the expectant mother has a hard time, she focuses on her feelings and thinks hard about the first contractions.

Now it is necessary to fully prepare for the stay in the hospital. Make sure that you have collected all the necessary things and keep your documents (passport, insurance certificate, exchange card) with you.

The end of pregnancy is a time when many expectant mothers strive for peace and solitude. They try to calm themselves down, have a good rest, tune in to a positive way of thinking. It is very important for them to avoid frightening stories from friends about difficult childbirth and possible complications. After all, a good mental state is of great importance for both the health of the mother and the health of the baby.

One of the common sensations in the later stages is pain in the perineal region. There is no need to worry about this, the discomfort is associated with the pressure of the uterus on the bladder.

Discharge from the genital tract at 39 weeks gestation

While waiting for the onset of labor, the pregnant woman must still monitor the nature of her discharge. In case of any, even minor changes, a doctor's consultation is required.
If impurities of pus or mucus appear in the discharge, it is quite possible that an infection has entered the woman's genital tract. And this is extremely dangerous, because during the passage through the genital tract, the baby can become infected.

But when one large lump of mucus appears, don't worry. This is a detached mucous plug that previously closed the entrance to the uterus. Her departure suggests that childbirth should begin very soon.

When the discharge is too thin and resembles turbid water, then, most likely, the discharge of water has begun. Even if you don't feel any cramps or abdominal pain, go to the maternity ward immediately.

The most dangerous sign at this time is bloody discharge. They may indicate a premature placental abruption. And this pathology is very dangerous for both the mother and her child. Therefore, if you notice this serious symptom, do not go to the hospital yourself. Call an ambulance immediately and, keeping calm, wait for the medics.

Belly at 39 weeks gestation

The tummy of the expectant mother in late pregnancy goes down. Moreover, in primiparous women, this process begins somewhat earlier. If the fetus is correctly located in the uterus, then its head enters the pelvic region more and more. The fundus of the uterus gradually deviates forward, and the tone of the press decreases. In circumference, the tummy now reaches 95-100 cm.

Woman's weight at 39 weeks gestation

At the very end of pregnancy, the mother can lose 1-2 kilograms. But that shouldn't be a cause for concern. Weight loss occurs because your body is shedding excess fluid before giving birth. The total weight gain for the entire pregnancy for different women ranges from 11 to 16 kg. This indicator is individual and depends on many factors. Weigh yourself regularly and remember your weight. A sudden decrease in it will tell you about the imminent onset of labor.

HCG rates at 39 weeks of gestation

The norm of hCG during pregnancy at week 39 is 2700-78100 mIU / ml.

Fetal development at 39 weeks gestation

Now the child's body is already fully formed, and the child is ready for birth. It begins to descend with its presenting part in the direction of the mother's pelvis, and will remain in this position until the very birth.

The cranial bones of the crumbs have not yet hardened, they are malleable, and between them are fontanelles and sutures formed by soft cartilaginous tissue. Thanks to this structure, the baby's head easily and safely passes through the birth canal.

The baby is growing now due to the lengthening of the body and limbs. Its head is large in relation to the body. The shoulder girdle and chest of the fetus are well developed, and the lower limb girdle is less developed. The tummy of the baby has a protruding rounded shape.

A baby born at 39 weeks already has good hearing and responds clearly to sounds. He is also able to distinguish objects at a distance of 30 cm from his eyes. It can react to subject movement and distinguish dark colors from bright ones.

The aging placenta performs its functions less and less. It bleeds out, becomes thinner, and the metabolism slows down in it. Its thickness is now only 34.65 mm. Due to such changes in the placenta, the fetus begins to receive less oxygen and nutrients.

Fetal weight and height at 39 weeks gestation

At this time, the child's height can reach 51-53 cm, and the body weight is usually about three and a half kilograms. The diameter of the head is 92.5 mm, the chest is 97.8 mm, the tummy is 101.3 mm.

Stirring fetus at 39 weeks gestation

The child still shows physical activity, and the mother should carefully listen to his movements. During the day, a woman should count about 10 movements.

Possible complications at 39 weeks of gestation

An overweight fetus (over 4 kg) can be very dangerous during childbirth. A large baby runs the risk of injury, and a woman's birth canal may rupture. To exclude damage, such children must be examined by a neurologist.

The most formidable complication of late terms is eclampsia. This condition can occur not only in the last weeks of pregnancy, but also directly during childbirth. Therefore, a woman needs to carefully monitor her blood pressure and the presence of edema.

Nutritional features at 39 weeks of gestation

Now, when the uterus is lowered and not so much pressure on the digestive organs, the appetite of women increases. But you should not overeat - your body does not need an extra load on the eve of childbirth. Eat in moderation to relieve intestinal congestion and help your body flush out excess water.

Make sure you have enough protein in your diet. Eat dairy products and fish. But it is better to limit the consumption of animal fats.
Unlike previous weeks, more carbohydrates are now allowed. Such food no longer threatens with extra pounds, but it will give the supply of energy necessary before an important event. So now you can indulge yourself with sweet yoghurts and cottage cheese, cookies, biscuits, semolina. When choosing desserts, give preference to natural products. It's better to eat homemade jams than store-bought cakes.

Complex carbohydrates are especially helpful in improving the function of the digestive system. Therefore, regularly include wholemeal flour, raw vegetables and fruits in your diet.

Taking vitamin preparations

If you were previously prescribed vitamin preparations, continue taking them now. It is also advisable to take them during the recovery period after childbirth (but only with the permission of your doctor).

Exercise at 39 weeks gestation

Almost all exercises for pregnant women at such a late date are no longer desirable. But lying around the clock on the couch is not worth it. Take leisurely walks, while trying not to overwork. Just do not walk alone far from home, because childbirth can begin at any time. Kegel exercises are recommended from special classes. They will help strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, which will make labor easier and faster recovery.

Sexual life at 39 weeks gestation

If the pregnancy is going well and there are no contraindications, sex is permissible even at such a late date. But at the same time, you need to select positions that are comfortable for a woman, without pressure on the stomach. Sperm contains special substances that soften the cervix and prepare it for childbirth, so sexual intercourse during this period is even beneficial. But after the passage of the mucous plug from sex, it is better to abstain so as not to put the fetus at risk of infection.

Taking medication at 39 weeks gestation

A woman should not independently prescribe medicines to herself, and even those that are considered to be completely safe. If you have any health complaints, it is better to consult a doctor.

Analyzes and examinations at 39 weeks of gestation

If no pathologies were previously detected in the pregnant woman's body, then special studies are not carried out at the 39th week. The only thing that is required is a urinalysis. It is performed to exclude renal dysfunction.

On the eve of childbirth, all the tests that were assigned to the pregnant woman during the first visit to the antenatal clinic are repeated. If a cesarean section is planned, then the mother is sent to the hospital in advance for a more detailed examination.

Ultrasound is prescribed only according to indications. In addition, a woman may be referred for cardiotocography to assess fetal heart function. To exclude fetal hypoxia, dopplerography is performed in some cases.

In the later stages, it is very important to control blood pressure. Remember that an increase is a possible sign of preeclampsia. Another dangerous symptom in this regard is protein in the urine and swelling.

Ultrasound at 39 weeks of gestation

At the 39th week, ultrasound is performed exclusively for medical reasons. The specialist assesses the position of the fetus, the state of the amniotic fluid, determines the presence of the umbilical cord entwined with the fetus's neck. The placenta had already become thinner and old by this time. Its thickness now does not exceed 34 mm, and the degree of maturity is 2nd or 3rd.

Multiple pregnancy at 39 weeks

Most women who are pregnant with twins become mothers by this time. If the pregnancy continues, the female body is under tremendous stress. Disturbed by severe heartburn, pain in the back and legs. A large belly creates inconvenience, making mom clumsy. When the pregnancy is proceeding normally, natural childbirth is possible. And in cases where one of the children is in the wrong position, a cesarean section is shown.

IVF pregnancy at 39 weeks

If the doctor believes that there are risks for the woman using IVF or her baby, he or she may order a cesarean section. This takes into account the general condition of the woman, the characteristics of her body, age, the presence of chronic diseases.

Preparing for childbirth

You probably already know what things to take to the hospital, do not forget about the documents: an exchange card for a pregnant woman, a passport and an OMS policy.

Learn breathing techniques, it will help you a lot in childbirth, study the literature on breastfeeding, the benefits of breast milk and caring for a newborn.

Childbirth at 39 weeks gestation

By this time, women have already heard about how the contractions begin and the waters leave. But when exactly to go to the maternity ward, the expectant mother may not know for sure.
A reliable sign indicating the imminent onset of labor is the exit of the mucous plug from the vagina. It is detached after cervical dilatation and may have minor blood inclusions.
When the first contractions appear in the expectant mother, she begins to pull in the abdomen, the tone of the uterine muscles greatly increases. Irregular contractions are just precursors that occur days or even weeks before giving birth. We can talk about the immediate onset of labor only when the contractions begin to repeat at regular intervals.

Before childbirth, amniotic fluid is discharged. It intensifies the contractions of the uterus and provokes the appearance of contractions.

When labor begins, the woman feels lower back pain and bursting heaviness in the perineum. Sometimes at the beginning of labor, a pregnant woman has diarrhea or is worried about slight nausea with a sharp opening of the cervix.

If the contractions are weak and occur irregularly, you may not go to the hospital for the time being. But when the contractions become pronounced and will occur after equal periods of time, it's time to set off. If the water has already departed, you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible in order to prevent infection from entering your baby's body.

39 weeks pregnant: video

Fetus at 39 weeks gestation

This is the penultimate week of pregnancy, if we take into account its ideal 40-week duration. But childbirth can occur several weeks earlier or later, which is the norm. At 39 weeks gestation, the fetus is completely ready for independent independent functioning. The lungs are fully ripe and will work immediately with the first portion of inhaled air. The digestive system is able to receive, promote, digest and assimilate food: the villi have already formed on the mucous membrane, the pancreas produces the necessary enzymes. True, the baby's intestines are still sterile, but after the first meal, bacteria will begin to colonize it.

A small heart is working properly, pumping blood throughout the body, and the kidneys, removing metabolic products through my mother's excretory system. The amount of amniotic fluid at 39 weeks of gestation decreases markedly, but they do not stop renewing every 3 hours, and this happens until they leave.

The baby's vision is already well developed: he not only reacts to light and darkness, flickering and movement in front of his eyes, but is also able to focus his gaze at a distance of 20-30 cm, that is, during feeding, he will see your face! Be sure to smile at him!

The development of the baby's central nervous system is still ongoing. This process will continue after his birth.

The child at 39 weeks gestation is already very beautiful and looks like a baby: the skin has smoothed out and acquired a pleasant pinkish tint, folds and cheeks have appeared, fluff and original lubricant have almost completely disappeared. Despite the cramped space, he continues to grow and get better: his full height (size) already exceeds 50 cm, and his weight reaches 3500 g. Of course, these data are very individual.


The uterus tightly envelops its tenant, so the mother feels almost every movement of it. Try to capture this moment in your memory: it will never happen again ...

You are probably looking forward to giving birth: after all, the state of heaviness in the whole body and discomfort not only tired for a long time, but reached its peak. The uterus presses with all its weight on the bladder, which makes the trips to the toilet seem endless! To help your bladder empty as much as possible, bend forward when urinating and do not rush to get up. You also experience strong pressure on the perineum and pelvis, which causes aching, stitching and shooting pains that radiate to the legs. It hurts to walk, it's uncomfortable to sit, it's hard to lie down, sometimes it's impossible to find a comfortable sleeping position ...

Yet, despite the weakness and fatigue, out of nowhere most mothers get their strength and inspiration: the "nesting syndrome" begins. A woman with a twinkle in her eyes begins to put things in order in the house, creating coziness and comfort for the whole family and especially its new member. This is perhaps the most pleasant feeling before childbirth. It allows mom to be distracted and charges her with the necessary optimism. But don't overdo it. Now you need to save your strength for childbirth, so take the role of a foreman, and let your family carry out your instructions.

Do not forget about daily walks, because the child now needs oxygen more than ever: the placenta begins to age and no longer fulfills its functions as diligently.

At 39 weeks gestation, the cervix begins to shorten and open. You will begin to feel the baby's head in the pelvis between your thighs, which is pressing on the bottom of the pelvis.


The belly at 39 weeks of gestation, most likely, has already dropped. In primiparous women, this happens several weeks before childbirth, in multiparous women it can happen right the day before, and in some cases the stomach does not drop at all. But the baby is already rushing to the exit: its presenting part (the one with which it appears to the light), in most cases this is the head, enters the pelvic area. The doctor can feel it during examination - both externally and internally. The tone of the abdominal walls decreases - and the fundus of the uterus deviates slightly anteriorly.

The belly is just huge now! The skin is very taut, which is why it often itches, the navel can bulge out. Do not let this bother you: after childbirth, everything will fall into place.

In recent weeks, you have had the good fortune to watch your baby dance: his stomach was literally shaking. Before giving birth, the discos stop, the child calms down, but you still have to feel his movements every day, they just are no longer so active - it has become too crowded inside for activity.

Weight at 39 weeks gestation

Neither a large belly nor continued weight gain by your baby should already affect your own weight at 39 weeks of gestation. By this time, the total gain for the entire gestation period was 11-16 kg (plus or minus). And now you don't have to get better. On the contrary: before childbirth, a woman usually loses a little in weight (literally 1-2 kilograms) due to the increased excretion of fluid from the body. This is a preparatory stage planned by nature: a woman must be flexible and mobile in order to make it easier to give birth.

Therefore, do not stop weighing yourself: a sudden underweight will warn you about an imminent birth.

Often a woman's appetite disappears a few days before giving birth. But it also happens that there are no special changes in this regard.


Sex at 39 weeks gestation is actually sex before labor begins. Is it possible and worth it to practice? Doctors answer this question in different ways, and each couple must decide for themselves. Until recently, doctors imposed a strict ban on intimacy in the last 6 weeks of pregnancy. The main argument for this position: orgasm stimulates uterine contractions and can cause premature labor. Now they are no longer afraid of you, and this point of view has long been refuted. You should focus solely on the well-being of a woman. Some of them get quite tired and feel bad, so in recent weeks they have not been attracted to their spouse. But many, on the contrary, need intimacy with him, want to feel loved, desired, needed. Sex at 39 weeks of gestation is not prohibited if the integrity of the fetal bladder is preserved, and future parents need closeness with each other. Moreover, doctors all over the world have long concluded that sex before childbirth is the best natural stimulation for them, and in some countries it is even recommended to have sex after the start of regular contractions in order to prepare the cervix for dilatation and, in general, to facilitate and speed up the process of delivery. The fact is that male secretion contains the hormone prostaglandin, which prepares the cervix, and endorphins released in the mother's body during sex act as a mild pain reliever.

However, the future dad should be extremely gentle and neat. And if mom feels pain and discomfort during sex, then it is better to stop it.

Pain at 39 weeks gestation

In the last weeks of pregnancy, you probably already experience aching pains in the lower abdomen, which portend an imminent birth. The training contractions are more painful than before. The movements of the child are also often painful for the woman. When trying to stand up or change body position, you may experience pain in the abdomen, side, back.

At the 39th week of pregnancy, the perineal area hurts the most: the baby sank and presses on the pelvic floor. You may also feel this pain in the lower back (lower back and sacrum).

Due to the separation of the bones in this area, aching, sometimes sharp pain appears. Shooting and stabbing pain also radiates to the legs, especially when walking.

When the real contractions begin, the pains will build up and intensify. It is important to learn how to relax in response to pain, so if you still have a day or two, then use it to master relaxation and breathing techniques.

In addition, the chest may begin to ache. This is not strange, because very soon she will have to feed the baby: the production of colostrum has already begun.


Because of this, you may notice milk flow from your breast. Do not squeeze out colostrum under any circumstances: observe hygiene, wash your breasts at least 2 times a day, gently blot the liquid on your nipples.

If the mucous plug has not yet begun to move away, then this can happen now. However, the whole process usually takes several days (and even weeks), since most often the mucous plug comes out in parts, and not all at once. This is indicated by the discharge of thick, viscous mucus at 39 weeks of gestation. It is clear, white, yellowish or creamy in color, but may also contain blood streaks.

The discharge of the mucous plug is one of the harbingers of childbirth, but does not mean that they have already begun. Therefore, calmly continue your business, considering only that now the cervix is \u200b\u200bopen to infections, which means that sex and bathing in standing water should be canceled. Brownish or reddish marks in the mucus indicate that there are likely several hours left before delivery.

However, if the discharge of the mucous plug is accompanied by bleeding, then you must immediately go to the hospital, since premature discharge of the placenta is possible.

In addition, the impending birth portends the discharge of amniotic fluid. They can leak in small portions, which you observe the release of clear fluid from the genital tract. And it happens that the fetal bladder bursts, and the waters flow out at once, in a stream - you certainly will not miss this.

Most often, water leaves in the morning when a woman gets out of bed or has not even gotten out of bed yet, but in general this can happen at any minute. At the same time, many hear a muffled cotton, preceding the flow of water. The opening of the fetal bladder and the discharge of water are not accompanied by any painful sensations.

Usually after this, labor begins. If the waters left immediately, literally gushed out of you, then do not wait for contractions, but immediately go to the hospital. Do not worry if the contractions have already become intense, and the water has not yet departed: this often happens already in the hospital, and it is possible that the fetal bladder will be specially pierced - this does not mean anything bad.

Normally, the amniotic fluid is clean and transparent, it may also contain white flakes of original lubricant, which the baby was covered with. They are odorless or have a slightly sweet smell. However, sometimes the baby's original feces - meconium - gets into the amniotic fluid, and there is a high risk of being swallowed by the baby. This condition is a little dangerous, so if the waters are greenish or brownish, you need to go to the hospital right away.

Harbingers of childbirth

We have already covered many of the signs of labor. In particular, we know that before childbirth, the stomach aches, the lower back, back, perineum, legs, and also the bones of the hip joint hurt. The stomach itself sinks, which makes it easier for a woman to breathe, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is improving a little, and this nasty heartburn, which annoyed the expectant mother for so long, may even disappear! But trips to the toilet are becoming more frequent: due to the pressure of the uterus, the bladder and rectum are forced to empty more often. Sometimes there is even an upset stomach, as if you were worried - this is the work of hormones that prepare the body for childbirth.

You will again remember what sudden mood swings are, or rather, your family will remember this. Do not take to heart your nervousness, which can increase especially strongly from the moment you start regular contractions.

Appetite for childbirth usually decreases (although not always). And last but not least, this leads to a slight decrease in body weight.

Meanwhile, the baby is also preparing for birth. And besides the fact that he goes down and presses on my mother's crotch, he also behaves more modestly - he practically calms down. However, periods of calm can be replaced by increased activity (as far as possible in cramped conditions): the baby works out the tactics of action in childbirth.

The uterus has long begun to train, periodically contracting. But when labor begins, the contractions will become real.

Many mothers worry that they will miss the beginning of labor, but this is in vain: believe me, you will immediately understand that this is it. Firstly, the fact that the ice has broken, you will be prompted by the discharge of the mucous plug and amniotic fluid. Secondly, even if this does not happen, then you will not miss the real contractions: they begin to repeat every 10-15 minutes, then every 5 minutes, then even more often, while the pain is growing all the time: try to relax and rest as much as possible between contractions. If you suddenly woke up appetite, then eat something light (it's good to be ready for this in advance).

From this moment on, the real labor activity begins, and you are already moving into a different status - a woman in labor.

Childbirth at 39 weeks gestation

Now you need to focus on yourself and the baby. Help each other, listen to each other, breathe correctly, follow all the instructions of the medical staff.

The longer you stay on your feet, the better, so walk around during contractions, stopping to rest. When the contractions begin to feel severe pain, it's time to apply breathing techniques. During the fight, breathe evenly, deeply, calmly - this will moderate the pain and save strength for the second period.

Do not rush to push - this can be done only at the command of the doctor, when the cervix opens completely. Then push no matter what, stopping only as directed by your doctor. Don't be confused by unexpected urination or other unforeseen nuances - they don't matter to anyone right now. It is very important to take a comfortable position of the body during attempts - this moment, ideally, should have been discussed with the doctor in advance. In the period between attempts, it is imperative to relax and rest, restoring the expended strength as much as possible.

In the second stage of labor, when the baby is born, a lot of effort and effort will be required from you. It is important to give your best. Different women experience this period of childbirth differently: some feel simply inhuman fatigue, others seem to be reviving and accumulating all their resources.

Your thoughts should now be directed in one direction: the baby is trying very hard, and you must help him to be born as easily and naturally as possible. Don't be afraid of anything! Do not be afraid of pain: it will not exceed the threshold that you will not be able to overcome, nature has taken care of this.

Relax as much as possible and remember everything you've read and heard about getting ready for childbirth. Most importantly, childbirth at 39 weeks of gestation is timely and physiological. The baby is fully ripe and absolutely ready for birth, he is great, because he chose the right moment for this.

Immediately after the birth of the baby, obstetricians will clamp the umbilical cord, and when it stops pulsing, they will cut it. Ideally, the little one should be attached to the mother's breast - this is the best outcome of childbirth for both you and the baby. Getting your baby's first colostrum is incredibly important! These are his immunity, health and strength. But first, if the baby suddenly swallowed water with meconium, the obstetricians will cleanse his bronchi from the contents (that is, they will conduct lavage).

39 weeks pregnant - this is the end of the 9th month or the 3rd trimester

The baby changed position, pressing his knees to his chin, and very soon he was preparing to enter a life separate from his mother. The child continues to gain body weight, being in a completely immobilized body position. The main functional processes in the body proceed in the same way as in an independent adult, but the baby is still very weak.

The expectant mother continues to transfer the necessary nutrients and trace elements to the child through the umbilical cord, however, it is at this stage of fetal growth that trouble can arise if the umbilical cord twists into a knot around the baby's neck, thereby cutting off oxygen for him. In practice, this is not a rare case, fortunately, it does not bring dangerous consequences.

Mom herself does not feel any significant changes in her health, except that the urge to urinate and bowel movements is becoming noticeably more frequent. A woman is overwhelmed with emotions, nervous vulnerability, tearfulness increase, but, fortunately, this is not associated with health problems, but depends on the experiences before the upcoming difficult process of the birth of a new life. During this period, bleeding from the mother's vagina may form. Do not worry, as this is due to the fact that the cervix often narrows and expands, while the mucous plug that protected the fetus gradually disappears.

Also, during this period, the child gradually descends lower to the birth canal, in this regard, the mother's breathing improves and becomes easier, which means digestion is accelerated, which can cause loose stools. If a woman feels that the baby is sinking quickly enough, then this is more likely to mean the imminent onset of childbirth.

What Happens to a Baby at 39 Weeks of Pregnancy

The perfect time for pregnancy is coming to an end, labor should start day after day. The child can no longer wait to be born, to enter into a life separate from his mother.

This week, the baby's respiratory system is fully formed and the lungs are ready to take in air. The pancreas produces enzymes necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive system. The internal environment of the intestine is still sterile; beneficial bacteria will colonize it after the first breastfeeding.

The child's motor activity is markedly reduced. This phenomenon is caused by a decrease in the volume of amniotic fluid. Their renewal, as usual, is carried out once every three hours, but there is not enough space for the fetus to move. The main ability of the baby now is the sucking reflex, which is now being developed most actively. The chewing reflex appears after birth, or rather, after the first feeding of the baby.

The rhythm of a fetus's small life at 39 weeks is the same as that of a newborn. The baby can react to light and darkness, sounds, touching the mother's tummy. Focusing vision, at a small distance, will become possible only after the birth of the baby. Smile and thank your baby, because this is a huge job for him.

The central nervous system develops much more difficult and longer than other systems, during pregnancy and even after the baby is born. A woman needs to be more resistant to stress, personal experiences, since all this is strongly transmitted to the child, negatively affecting his development. A young mother should take care of her psyche, avoid negative emotions and try to remain calm.

The mother's weight gain at 39 weeks is not necessary, although the baby is still growing. The height and weight of the baby is individual, but, as a rule, they do not exceed 50 cm and 3.5 kg. Fat deposits under the skin of the fetus smooth out wrinkles, leaving the skin smooth and pleasant to the touch.


During the period of gestation, the mother's belly can lower 7-14 days before delivery. If a woman gives birth for the first time, then lowering can occur in a day. In those who have given birth again, the belly may not drop at all. When a woman feels the baby's movements up to 10 times in 12 hours, this means that the baby is ready to be born. With the correct position of the fetus, the head is directed to the pelvic region, the tone of the abdominal muscles of the woman in labor decreases.

The volume of the abdomen at this stage may seem overwhelming. The skin becomes not elastic and stretches, a pigment strip appears. Fortunately, itching and peeling on the abdomen can be eliminated with highly effective medications, and after childbirth, these ailments will disappear completely. The uterus begins to work actively, the abdomen can become very hard during contractions. Rest will help eliminate ailments. As a rule, in the last weeks, the baby behaves more calmly, although his movements are still strongly felt by the mother.

Photo of a tummy at 39 weeks


Pregnancy at 39 weeks is one of the most difficult and exhausting trials for a young mother. Any movement of the fetus inside is felt quite strongly. Approximately 8-10 kg of weight put pressure on the woman's urinary system, causing a constant urge to go to the toilet. With each passing day, the pressure on the pelvic bones becomes stronger. Mom is worried about aching lower back pains, movements slow down, movement becomes more difficult.

In order for the child to feel well, without experiencing discomfort and stress, it is necessary to create an environment for him with a sufficient amount of oxygen. Mothers need, as much as possible, to spend time outdoors in parks, squares, gardens. This should be done regularly and continuously.

Physical fatigue, lethargy, weakness will help to overcome the "nesting" method. This is the so-called period when young mothers put things in order in the apartment, buy clothes for the unborn child, prepare a place for caring for a newborn. However, it is worth saving the strength for childbirth and solving only organizational issues, shifting all the worries onto the dad or other assistants to the young mother.

The cervix at 39 weeks begins to open and shorten in size. The baby's head drops lower and begins to press on the mother's pelvic bones. In this period, it is important that the mother does not experience pain when moving, while not long-term discomfort and tingling sensations are considered acceptable. For sleeping and sitting, you need to choose the most favorable postures.

Of course, a good support for a pregnant woman in this difficult period can be a husband, relatives and friends who will give positive emotions and distract a woman from physical suffering. However, if no one can support you, take care of everyday issues: clean up the house, go to the store of children's things, do something that will cheer you up.

Please note that despite all the pain syndromes described above, you should not have severe sharp pain in the lower pelvis. In this area, some discomfort and tingling sensations are considered the norm. The cervix at this time is significantly shortened and begins to open. The baby's head may drop slightly and press on the pelvic bones.

A great tip is to choose comfortable sitting and sleeping positions, paying attention to your baby's signals. At this time, the child can give a push inside if the chosen position is uncomfortable for him.

Nausea and heartburn at 39 weeks of gestation are also quite acceptable and even natural, because right now a large amount of progesterone is being produced. If you want to reduce these sensations, eat more food that does not contain alkali.

Some women complain of swelling of the legs and other limbs during this period. This is also considered one of the signs that childbirth is coming soon.

Pain at this stage is a constant companion of many pregnant women. In the lower abdomen, pain is provoked by pressure on the pelvic region, in the lower back and sacrum it occurs due to the divergence of the pelvic bones. Chest pain may indicate that colostrum is starting to appear.

Special exercises and rest can relieve pain. Try to find a position where discomfort is minimal.

Ultrasound at 39 weeks

Weight at 39 weeks gestation

Nature has foreseen everything so that a woman's childbirth is easier, therefore, before preparing for the birth of a baby, a mother becomes more mobile and flexible. A woman can lose 2-3 kg, do not be afraid of this, since the child is fine, and the lost weight is simply the excess fluid removed from the mother's body. The total weight gain at 39 weeks is 10-15 kg, but here, too, everything is individual. With regular weighing and recording weight data, dramatically dropped kilograms can be a signal that childbirth is close.

Often, women in labor before the birth of a baby are faced with loss of appetite or frequent trips to the toilet, however, these complaints are not found in everyone.


For many years, doctors were against sexual intercourse in the last weeks of a woman's pregnancy. This was due to the fact that with the contraction of the uterus during orgasm, the expectant mother could experience premature contractions, and then childbirth. Today these assumptions and guesses are completely refuted. All people are individual, and you only need to listen to yourself and your body. If a woman feels uncomfortable or tired, cannot relax and feel attracted to her partner, then there is no need to force her to make love.

However, if the expectant mother wants intimacy with her husband, feeling the need for affection and tenderness, sex will be a good preparation for childbirth. This is due to the fact that contained in male secretion, prostaglandin increases the elasticity of the internal female organs, thereby preparing a woman for the upcoming childbirth. Orgasm also promotes active training of the uterus, stimulates productive labor.

In many countries, sex is practiced as a stimulant for regular contractions, which speeds up the first stage of labor. Observations have shown that the uterus opens faster, and the pain becomes less acute.

Despite the fact that the child is reliably covered with natural protective layers, sex should be very careful in the last weeks. If pain occurs, then intercourse should be completed. It is strictly not allowed to make love in uncomfortable positions when the stomach is squeezed, it is better if it is in a free position.

Safe sex positions at 39 weeks gestation

Pain at 39 weeks gestation

Most often, in women, pain at 39 weeks is chronic. The fetus, pressing on the mother's pelvic bones, causes aching pains in the lower abdomen. With the divergence of the pelvic bones, pain is felt in the sacrum and lower back. Not infrequently, these pains develop into stabbing and sharp forms. To relieve these ailments, young mothers should know breathing exercises and conventional body relaxation techniques. This will help with the birth itself.

False contractions before childbirth are quite common. They cannot be avoided, since this is a kind of training of the uterine muscles before childbirth. False contractions are quite pronounced in pain, not much different from real contractions. Pregnant women need to save their strength and not burden the body with worries and deeds. The best helper in overcoming prenatal pains is relaxation in a calm and comfortable environment. Mom needs to find the most comfortable position for her and just relax, restoring calm and even breathing.

In the last weeks, expectant mothers begin to have chest pains, which means the beginning of the production of colostrum. The body is preparing for the important process of feeding a baby.


If at 39 weeks mother begins to notice an increase or swelling of the breast, this means the formation of colostrum. At this point, nipple discharge may appear. Do not be afraid of this, everything is natural and normal. More attention should be paid to breast hygiene, protect from cold and injury.

As mentioned above, during pregnancy, the cervix is \u200b\u200bprotected by layers or mucous plug. At 39 weeks, it begins to recede in parts, in the form of not abundant discharge of thick yellowish, white or cream-colored mucus. Also, do not be alarmed if small streaks of blood are present in the discharge.

Detachment of the mucous plug does not mean the onset of labor, you should not rush to the maternity hospital or hospital. It should be borne in mind that the absence of a plug makes the neck vulnerable to infections, therefore, having sex and swimming in polluted waters should be excluded. If there is profuse bleeding, in the form of spots, it means that labor will begin in the next few hours.

In the case when bleeding appears along with mucus, then you must immediately go to the hospital, this is the main symptom of premature placental exfoliation.

A clear fluid released in the last weeks of pregnancy may be the beginning of the discharge of amniotic fluid, which can be observed for a long time. It so happens that the bubble bursts immediately, then it is impossible to miss this harbinger of childbirth. Pain is usually not felt and can occur suddenly. As soon as this process has begun, it is necessary to urgently go to the hospital, childbirth will begin very soon.

In practice, the opposite happens, when the contractions proceed with a certain regularity, and there is no discharge of water, then the procedure for piercing the fetal bladder is carried out. It is completely safe and harmless, no need to worry.

Harbingers of childbirth

Above, the facts about the harbingers of childbirth have already been stated more than once. Let's repeat the main points:

  • increased pain in the lower abdomen, lower back and perineum;
  • upset stomach and intestines;
  • decreased appetite, resulting in a loss of 1-3 kg;
  • relief of breathing, due to lowering of the abdomen.

Mothers who have learned well the educational lessons on pregnancy and childbirth will never miss the moment of their beginning, they will not be afraid of some of the processes taking place in the body. Prenatal contractions are very painful, and it is difficult not to notice the discharge of water. Before giving birth, you need to positively tune your inner world, rest in between painful sensations, accumulate energy and strength. Therefore, it is better to solve all matters and problems, for example, fees to the maternity hospital, in advance, so as not to forget anything and not to miss important points.

Childbirth at 39 weeks gestation

All the organs of a small organism have long been formed, it is already ready for birth. The baby's weight increases only due to fat, its derivatives of the skin (hair and nails) grow vigorously, so many are surprised that after birth they are quite long.

So, let's imagine the situation that labor has begun. In these main moments, you should carefully consider the correct breathing of the woman in labor in a comfortable position. Listen and follow all the instructions of medical specialists, it is on them that the life of your child and your health depends. It is better to transfer the time of contractions on your feet as long as possible, it is not recommended to sit or lie down. At the peak of the pain, do breathing exercises - deep, even breaths that will save energy before the next stages of labor.

Then the second generic stage begins - the appearance of attempts. Many women confuse them with the urge to use the toilet or to empty themselves. You need to push only at the command of the doctor, otherwise your strength will be wasted. After the woman in labor takes a comfortable position in the chair and the body is ready for attempts after the full disclosure of the uterus, only the doctor needs to listen. Try to direct your breathing down the abdomen, using the diaphragm as much as possible, since it is she who will significantly help the child move forward. During the cessation of attempts, at the command of the obstetrician, relax the muscles, rest, restore all the spent strength.

Do not think about pain, you only need to think about the baby, about how to help him be born. Know that the child also spends energy, no less than you. It will be important to get ready, remember everything that you learned about in preparation for childbirth. Much will also depend on your internal emotional state - do not be nervous, do not be afraid, because nature has already taken care of everything. Childbirth at 39 weeks gestation is physiological, the baby is ready to be born, just help him with this.

After the birth of the baby, the third stage begins - the birth of the placenta. The body continues labor activity, and in the meantime the child is examined by neonatologists, the obstetrician will cut the non-pulsating umbilical cord. The mother's uterus contracts, the placenta is separated, the fetal membrane and the remains of the umbilical cord come out. The most pleasant and emotionally touching moment is the latching of the baby to the mother's breast, which occurs in the first half hour of a newborn's life. The first breastfeeding is required for the final stage of labor, all because it is the strength, health and immunity of the baby. Also, an important physiological point is to lay the baby on the mother's chest, with her warmth she warms the child and gives a little time to adapt in a new, unexplored world.

There are no harbingers of childbirth. What to do?

Many women worry that at the 39th week of pregnancy, they do not show any precursors of childbirth: there are no training contractions, the cork does not come off, the stomach does not fall. Don't worry about it, it's normal that there are no harbingers. After all, we are all different and all organisms are different.

First, labor doesn't have to happen at 39 weeks, even if your doctor has set a date for you. The onset of the labor process depends on both the hormonal profile of the woman and the state of the placenta, the presence or absence of oxygen deprivation in the fetus, the activity of the fetal adrenal glands, and finally, on its gender. Remember that you are individual, your body is unique, as well as your baby. Perhaps the time has not yet come and you need to wait a little, even if you no longer want to wait and have no strength. It's nature - give your body and baby time.

Secondly, in some women, labor can begin suddenly without training contractions and without the release of amniotic fluid. You will feel when the childbirth process begins.

And finally, if you are very worried that something is wrong with the baby, go to the doctor and develop your fear.


The 39th week of pregnancy is dangerous for prenatal depression. Mom may experience unpleasant internal sensations, often run to the toilet. Women at this time are afraid of the unknown, the fear of giving birth to an unhealthy child, of losing their own health. At these moments, it is important that close people are nearby: parents and husband. The norm is the presence of transparent discharge from the perineum. Real contractions can begin, which are painful at regular intervals.

Hurry up to visit your favorite stores with your husband or loved ones, for newborns and for expectant mothers. Buy the necessary lingerie and something for your soul. You will do it better than your husband, who will probably be in a hurry and nervous before giving birth. In addition, purchases always raise the mood, and this is very important, especially in the last moments before the appearance of the baby.

If you have a visit to the doctor, do it;

If you feel a sharp deterioration in your condition, severe pain, contact your doctor too;

You can do an ultrasound or 3D ultrasound of your baby and not only find out the state of his health, but also what your baby looks like

Feel free to ask for the support of your loved ones

Childbirth is approaching and many women are faced with fluctuations in the psycho-emotional state. At first, expectant mothers are happy that soon 9 months of anxious waiting will end and they will be able to return to their usual form. Then they begin to worry about how the birth will go and whether everything will end well. These emotions and sensations are considered normal. Therefore, you need to tune in to the positive and maintain a cheerful mood.

The long-awaited moment of meeting with the baby is approaching, a bag with the necessary documents and things is at the ready. It is important for a future mother to carefully monitor her condition so as not to miss the onset of labor.

The abdomen at this time, as a rule, drops noticeably (this mainly applies to women who give birth not for the first time). This is a physiological process in which the fetus is tightly pressed by the presenting part of its body (booty or head) to the entrance to the small pelvis and prepares for birth. In primiparous women, the abdomen may begin to drop a few hours before the onset of childbirth or immediately during it.

The placenta at 39 weeks of gestation continues to bleed and become thinner. It also slows down metabolic processes. This leads to the fact that the fetus begins to receive less micronutrients and oxygen. The volume of amniotic fluid gradually decreases. Despite this, it is regularly updated as before.

The body of the future woman in labor is trying to facilitate the upcoming childbirth, therefore, at 39 weeks of pregnancy, a decrease in appetite, attacks of nausea, vomiting or diarrhea are possible. As a result, the weight of a pregnant woman may decrease by several kilograms. You don't need to worry about this. Such conditions are not dangerous for the baby. Thus, the intestines of the future woman in labor are cleansed, and excess fluid is excreted from the body.

Periodically, at 39 weeks of pregnancy, expectant mothers may experience training contractions: pulling pains in the lower abdomen and lower back appear, the stomach becomes stony, and the tone of the uterus rises. If the contractions become stronger and more intense or there is an outpouring of amniotic fluid, this may be a sign of the onset of labor. In such a case, you need to call an ambulance or go to the hospital.

How a baby develops at 39 weeks of gestation

The fetus at this time is considered fully mature and ready for independent existence. The baby's weight is about 3.5 kg, and the height is 51-52 cm.

The intensity of the baby's movements during this period decreases. In the mother's womb, the child becomes cramped, so he is not able to move as actively as before. Despite this, the expectant mother should count at least 10 movements in 12 hours.

The fetal digestive system begins to function independently, gradually moving the original feces (meconium) into the lower intestine. The stomach continues to synthesize pepsin. After the first drops of colostrum enter the body, the pancreas will begin to work.

Rollers appear on the mucous lips, which facilitate the sucking process. When the mother begins to latch the newborn to the breast, the chewing muscles will begin to strengthen. The body of the fetus has accumulated a sufficient amount of subcutaneous fat, and its skin has become a pleasant pink tint.

Compliant sutures and fontanelles, formed from elastic cartilage tissue, remain between the cranial bones. Due to this physiological fact, during delivery, the baby's head changes its configuration and passes more easily through the birth canal.

Pregnancy symptoms at 39 weeks

The expectant mother is not experiencing any new sensations this week. At the 39th week of pregnancy, a woman may be bothered by the usual back pain, heartburn, varicose veins, stretch marks, general weakness, swelling of the legs, constipation, hemorrhoids and unstable pressure.

Vaginal discharge may become thinner and thicker. The color of the discharge may turn creamy. This may be a sign of the discharge of the mucous plug, which throughout the entire period of gestation protected the uterine neck from the penetration of pathogens.

By the end of pregnancy, the breast increases by several sizes. When pressed, colostrum can be released from the mammary glands. This is a normal phenomenon, which indicates the preparation of the female body for breastfeeding. In order for the breast to remain attractive after pregnancy, labor and lactation, it needs to be looked after. This can be helped by wearing natural and comfortable underwear, healthy eating, breast massage, contrast shower, as well as the use of moisturizers and nourishing products for stretch marks.

Medical examination at 39 weeks gestation

At this time, the expectant mother, as a rule, does not undergo any special examinations. The necessary tests and examinations can be prescribed if any abnormalities or violations were observed in the pregnant woman or fetus during the gestation period.

An inpatient examination or additional ultrasound at 39 weeks of gestation is prescribed for those women who will undergo a cesarean section. In such a case, it is recommended that the future woman in labor discuss all the nuances of the operation, since each maternity hospital has its own rules for the use of anesthesia and the management of the postpartum period.

Possible problems of gestation at 39 weeks gestation

The appearance of grayish-green discharge at 39 weeks of gestation, which has a curdled consistency and a sour smell, may be a sign of the development of thrush. In such a case, you should consult a doctor who will determine the cause of the pathological condition and sanitize the birth canal. This will avoid infection of the baby during the passage through the birth canal.

The release of clear fluid at 39 weeks of gestation is a sign of amniotic fluid discharge. If the outpouring occurs intensively enough, this indicates the onset of labor. Slight leakage of amniotic fluid can lead to infection of the fetus.

The following conditions and symptoms may be the reason for going to the doctor at 39 weeks of pregnancy:

  • The appearance of signs of colds and other viral diseases;
  • Excessively active fetal movements, or, conversely, its absolute immobility;
  • Temperature increase;
  • Deterioration of general well-being;
  • Dizziness;
  • The occurrence of bloody discharge or blood from the genital tract.

As a rule, the future woman in labor at this time is already ready for the upcoming birth and meeting with the baby: the maternity hospital has been selected, the necessary things have been collected, the children's room has been equipped. The main task of a woman is not to worry, to stay calm and wait for the onset of labor.

Power features

More and more recommendations regarding prenatal nutrition are constantly appearing on the Internet, which, as it were, will help facilitate the upcoming birth. According to them, a month before the expected date of birth, a woman should give up meat and dairy products. During the last weeks, you should eat only plant-based foods.

It is not recommended to adhere to the listed diets and tips. The fetus is fed through the umbilical cord until birth, so it needs proteins and other micronutrients found in milk and meat. If the child does not receive the necessary substances from food, he will take them from the mother's body. This will lead to the fact that the woman will end up in childbirth weakened, hungry and it will be difficult for her to cope with the tasks assigned to her.

Many women experience appetite disorders before childbirth. Some people have a constant feeling of hunger, while others, on the contrary, cannot eat anything. With rapid dilatation of the cervix, attacks of nausea and vomiting may occur. To alleviate the condition of the future woman in labor, one should adhere to fractional nutrition - eat more often and in small portions. Thus, the food will be easier and faster to digest.

Taking vitamins

Almost all pregnant women are prescribed calcium and vitamin D. Such drugs can be taken not only during gestation, but also during breastfeeding.

Sex at 39 weeks pregnant

In the absence of pathologies of gestation and normal well-being of the pregnant woman, sex life can not be limited until the birth itself. In addition, intimate relationships will even be beneficial. Male semen contains substances that soften the uterine cervix, preparing it for the upcoming delivery.

If a woman's protective mucous plug begins to break away, it is better to stop sexual intercourse or you can use barrier contraceptives (condoms). Sexual intercourse during the passage of the plug can cause infection of the membranes.

Physical activity

Many exercises, even those designed specifically for pregnant women, are already contraindicated this week. It is also not recommended to lie or sit constantly. Walking in the air will help keep your body in good shape. Since labor can begin at any time, it is not worth walking alone and far from home. It is better to have an exchange card and telephone with you.

Kegel exercises and breathing exercises will be useful and safe. Such activities will prepare a woman for childbirth and help recover faster after them.

Medical procedures, taking medications

It is not recommended to prescribe and take any medications on your own. If any pathological symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. After assessing the state of health of the pregnant woman and the characteristics of the course of gestation, the doctor will decide on the appropriateness of treatment and select the safest medicines.

Photo of ultrasound at 39 weeks of gestation

What the belly looks like at 39 weeks gestation

Video: 39 weeks pregnant