The difference between the toilet water from perfume. What is the cologne differ from toilet water, what is better? What is the difference between cologne and perfume water

What is the difference between perfume perfumes from toilet water

What are perfume and toilet water

Perfume, Parfume, they have the most resistant and rich aroma, they consume 15-30% of fragrant substances, the fragrance lasts 4-8 hours.

Parfum water The French name Eau de Parfum is part of 8 to 20% of fragrant substances. The smell keeps from 3 to 6 hours.

Very many buyers are often mistaken and think that for the resistance toilet water is inferior to perfume water! But it's completely wrong! This factor has many evidence that toilet water like perfume water is very in demand today on the sale of perfumes!

What does it mean to smell well?

That imperceptible aura, which comes from the skin, carries a hint of bed linen, shimmering the image, affectionate of silk, rustling of music, in other words, is a direct and powerful connection with unspoken, irrevotable, unimaginable and impossible. "Perfume is a piece of clothing. covering, but sometimes and imperceptibly for us opening, exposing.

How to store perfume? What is the deadline for the storage of spirits?

On average, the shelf life of the spirits is 3 years, in a closed bottle, and from 6 to 18 months from the start of use. However, with improper storage, the perfume can be spoiled for 1 week! How to avoid this? First of all, remember that perfumes have 3 worst enemy - light, warmth and humidity. All of them lead to a rapid impairment of the formula of the spirits and, ultimately, to their spoilement. To avoid this, it should be stored perfume in their original packaging, as far as possible from any light sources and heat! In no case do not keep perfume in the bathroom! The best place is some kind of drawer of the chest in the least visited placement of your home.

How to apply perfume?

Perfume should be applied directly to dry clean skin (behind the ears, in the hook of the neck, under the breast, in the bends of the elbows, on the wrists, knees). As Coco Chanel said, "apply the spirits where you are waiting for a kiss." You can sometimes ponder your hair if you are not afraid to cut them.

In the manufacture of spirits use dyes. They are added to give the perfume liquid necessary color, which usually does not affect its aromatic properties. Dyes are added in the form of aqueous solutions.

Perfume traditionally bloom in curly glass bottles of the original form. The design of the bottles is very diverse, and is a prominent part of the marketing image of the spirits.

Production of spirits, limestone, fragment from the tomb of the IV century BC. e.

There are two main types of essential oils - this is distillation (steam distillation process) and an anfleara (a process based on absorbing fat properties).

Eau de Toilette

As already mentioned, the main difference between the perfumes from the toilet water is the concentration of aromatic substances. Here it is about 5-15%. You can find the dressing water on the inscription, usually it is indicated as Eau de Toilette (EDT), goes in bottles with a sprayer (another difference). As for durability, it is much less than the spirits, approximately 2-4 hours of active action from the moment of applying. However, this may also be an advantage, because the toilet water is best used for daily application, while perfumes should remain only an evening option for a female or male toilet. The advantage will also be more affordable price, as well as all sizes of bottles. It is worth saying that the toilet water is also great for allergies, having a latter, light fragrance.

Cologne-sprays find much more difficult, and here they are just will stay on the skin almost all day. This is a real cologne, which is so appreciated earlier.

The composition and concentration of perfume

The force of aroma depends on how many percent of the perfumed oil is contained in one or another aroma. It, as a rule, dissolves in conventional water or alcohol.

Light water / Eau Fraiche

Many perfumers allocate light, gentle, barely catchy eau fraiche fragrances into a separate group, as perfume oil here is contained quite a bit: usually 3% or even less. Therefore, such odors cannot be held for a long time.

But at the time of his short action, they will be able to charm all who are at this moment next to you. And so Eau Fraiche is worth choosing if you are going to a short-term date or meeting or simply decided to make an evening walk. This variation has Gucci, Dior, Chanel, Versace.

The cologne uses only 2-5% of perfume oil, but its composition uses the so-called volatile and tanning substances that distribute its fragrance for a long time. It is believed that the real recipe for cologne, open by Italian perfume Farina, and remained a secret.

For many inhabitants of our country there is no difference - they bought perfume or toilet water, because we are considered that if the fluid is in the bottle, then this is the perfume. However, spirits, toilet and perfume water are absolutely different in terms of manufacture and opening flavors.

Perfume, dressing and perfumed water, as well as cologne consist of aromatic essences, water and alcohol. Differ among themselves the ratio of these components and ways of bottling. The concentration of these essences for different types of perfumery can be different depending on the country in which it is produced, however it always holds within certain limits.

So what exactly is the difference between perfumes, perfume and toilet water?

Perfume - Parfum or Perfume

Perfume (Parfum (Franz) or Perfume (English)) - the most concentrated from all types of perfumery. Also is the most expensive. Usually they are used in the evening or cold time, because The spirits are brightly pronounced loop notes, which are also called the final. The concentration of essential oils in spirits, as a rule, from 20% to 30%. In Russia, you, practically, do not meet perfume in stores, but you can always buy them in some network companies. For example, the company offers perfume with the initial concentration of oils 20%

The same you can get acquainted with the concept of licensear perfumery.

"Perfume Water" or "Toilet Arts" - Eau de Parfum (Abbreviated EDP)

Parfum water (EAU DE PARFUM) also uses the term "toilet spirits" - the concentration of essential oils is from 11% to 20%. Often, perfumey water is also called daylight spirits. The heart of the fragrance is strongly expressed in perfumized water, and significantly weaker loop notes. Well retain the fragrance for 4-6 hours.

Toilet Water - Eau de Toilette (Abbreviated EDT)

Eau de toilette (Eau de Toilette) is a light view of perfumery, in which the top and medium notes are brighter. The plumes are practically not felt. The concentration of aromatic substances is 7-10%. Toilet water can be used several times a day, and it is suitable for use throughout the day, outdoor activities, hot climate and sports. Currently, the toilet water is the most common view of perfumery.

Cologne - Eau de Cologne (abbreviated EDC)

Cologne (Eau de Cologne) is the easiest view of perfumery. Cologne enjoyed mostly men. The appointment of cologne is the same as for toilet water, but the concentration of aromatic substances is even less than only - 3-6% in 70-80% alcohol.

Perfume Deodorant or Deo Parfum

Perfum deodorant (DEO Parfum) is a perfume product that combines the personal hygiene tool and perfume properties. The concentrations of fragile substances in perfumed deodorants can be different from 3 to 10%.

Perfum body care products

In order to maintain the smell of your favorite flavor as long as possible, you can use perfumized body care products (body milk, gels for the shower, sprays for hair, etc.) the components that are contained in them slightly fix the fragrance, not Giving him to quickly disappear. Perfumeful body care products are cosmetics (cleansing, moisturizing, nutritious), which use the basic fragrance fragrance. The content is this component in the care products, as a rule, is not large, sometimes their concentration is less than 1%. But the effect of laying odor, which is obtained by consistently using all the products of the line, significantly increases the smell resistance. For example, a perfumed body milk retains odor with an emphasis on heart notes for 2-3 hours.

The difference between perfumes, perfume and toilet water.

- Perfume, perfume and toilet water, what is the difference between these products?

- Why the cost of one above others, what is the "tester", as well as how to choose from all this manifold?

- In this article I will try to open you the secret hiding behind all this manifold.

D. uhi.

Perfumes contain the largest percentage of aromatic composition (oils) (from 15% to 30% or more) dissolved in very pure alcohol (96%). The high extract content ensures the spirits of greater resistance and agricultural strength compared to other types of perfumes, which actually distinguishes their price. But the pleasure of their use is more: the smell is more multifaceted and deep, design and the bottle is more beautiful, and serve, as a rule, the spirits longer, because Just a couple of drops enough for the smell to keep during the day. In addition, spirits rarely have a pulverizer and for this reason are slower.

Cons of the purchase of spirits can be called only the price, but in general it is, of course, the most exquisite appearance of perfume products.

Parfum water.

This is the most popular type of perfumery product. It is explained by the optimal balance of price and quality: on the one hand, a fairly high concentration of extract (10-20% at 90% of alcohol), on the other - more affordable, compared to spirits, price. Many firms are perfumized water - the highest product type of product on the concentration of extract, because Not all manufacturers consider it necessary (or possible) to produce their aromas in the form of perfume. Parfum water is mainly produced in a bottle with a spray gun, which is very convenient for use. So, if it is impossible to purchase perfume for any reason, the perfumeful water is definitely the best replacement them.

Eau de Toilette.

Toilet water (in it 4-10% extract and 80-90% alcohol) is also in great demand, especially in Kazakhstan. Many flavors exist only in this concentration, and men's perfumes are almost entirely represented by toilet waters.

This variety of perfumes is distinguished by: an affordable price, a variety of formats (usually 30, 50, 75, 100 ml), ease of use, and there is no fragrance saturation, which can interfere with others, especially in public transport.

Toilet water has a few minuses: it has to spend more, because The durability is not so good. On average, the toilette is kept no more than 2-3 hours.


Along with traditional views of perfume products, in our online store you can also buy a "tester" of perfumery. We offer testers for those buyers who want to get a maximum of quality from their purchase by spending the minimum of funds.

The tester is a demonstration version of the aroma, which is attached by manufacturers to a batch of goods in order to advertise directly at the place of sale. I would like to emphasize that there are no differences (the quality of the flavor, durability, etc.) the tester from the option for sale does not have. The only difference is that since testers are produced with the purpose of advertising, the manufacturer does not belong to their design: Testers often have a simpler bottle and are offered to you in the so-called technical packaging (a simple box other than that in which fragrances are available. for sale). From this and the lower price of testers.

However, it is not worth buying a tester as a gift, for his design always plays a very significant role in the gift, but for itself it is a pretty good option!

Pleasant shopping!

The world of modern perfumery is so diverse and attractive that many women are lost when choosing. Let's try to figure out the gradation of perfumes by concentration. This will help to understand what they differ from each other and what is better - perfume, toilet water, perfumey water and cologne. What is important to know and what does concentration affect?

The composition of perfumery

All perfumers consist of identical components: alcohol, water and perfume composition. The volume concentration is the amount of perfume composition added per unit volume of the vial. The larger percentage producers, the higher the concentration of the final product. Consider in the table which% of fragrant components have different types of perfumes.


EAU DE COLOGNE is located on the "low" stage according to the degree of scented substances. If your cologne is associated with the brutal "spike", you are deeply mistaken.

Initially, this product appeared as a lightweight version of female famous flavors after the perfume revolution in the late 19th century. Then the perfumers began to use synthetic ingredients, which made it possible to reduce the cost of fragrances.

Inspired by the growth of demand, manufacturers began to produce the light versions of the best perfumes with a concentration of up to 5%. At the same time, the main formula in the aroma remained the same. Today, colognes are inferior to other types of perfumery only persistence, but for summer it may be the best option.

Eau de Toilette

Once the toilet water was the only budgetary tool that could afford women to smell well. The concentration of fragrant components EAU de Toilette rarely exceeds 10%, but many famous brands prefer to produce products in this form. It is especially valued for ease, unobtrusion, an acceptable cost. Produced in different volumes: from 30 to 100 ml.

By minuses include low resistance. This deficiency is easy to fix if you purchase a bottle of a small volume and keep it with you in the lady's handbag. By the way, to maintain the aroma of toilet water with deodorants, body creams, lotions and inexpensive leaving agents with a lower concentration of perfume composition.

Parfum water

Product with the most optimal combination of price and quality. Parfum water is an intermediate option between perfumes and toilet water. Concentration up to 20%. Some manufacturers prefer to produce such a kind of perfumery, gradually replacing traditional perfumes.

Advantages of Eau de Parfum:

  • intensive sound
  • good durability.

In terms of quality, perfumed water is as close as possible to the spirits, but it is easier to use the pulverizer, and a small bottle is convenient to carry with you.

From the toilet water perfume is distinguished by resistance: if the first lasts only 2-3 hours, then Parfum de Toilette remains on the skin until 5 hours.

Another important difference is in the original formula. Toilet water may differ fundamentally from the perfumed water, and sound in a new way if the concentration is made saturated. Let's say the aroma, which in the form of toilet water sounds like a light citrus mix, in perfumed water can be revealed differently: it will go to the background, and in the foreground, the honeysuckle notes will be.


Real jewels in the world of perfumery. Initially, all flavors were produced in the form of perfumes, and later perfumers began to dilute extracts, reducing the concentration. The first from diluted spirits at one time appeared toilet water.

Perfume - not just the most expensive products, but also the most concentrated - the amount of fragrant substances in them is 20-30%. The difference of extracts in the density of aroma and durability - it is slowly revealed, but long holds. It happens that one drop applied to the wrist is felt a few days in a row.

Extrait is not released in large bottles - rarely, when the volume of the bubble exceeds 15 ml. The price of perfumes is an order of magnitude higher than the other types of perfumery, they are considered the most expensive products in the flavors industry. Although many modern women prefer perfumed water perfume. It is more versatile in use and aroma is not so active.

Other types of concentrations

Today there are more and more so-called "side" products, which manufacturers produce as an alternative to usual perfumes:

  • Esprit De Parfum refers to a rare perfume category. The concentration of fragrant oils is almost 30% - something average between spirits and perfumed water.
  • Eau de Parfum Intense - toilet perfumes with increased intensity. They contain from 12 to 25% of fragrant components.
  • RERFUME MIST - perfumed haze. Easy version of perfumes made without alcohol. The amount of aromatic substances does not exceed 3-8%.
  • EAU - the name of the marking is translated as water and means a completely light fragrance. Concentration 3%.
  • Deo Parfum or Deodorant is a means of hygiene with aromatic action. The amount of fragrant oils is 3-5%. It is considered a good option for hot summer days.
  • Lotion - a leather care agent with low concentration of odorous substances from 2 to 4%.

Perfume manufacturers constantly expand the line of light products, trying to predict customers as much as possible. You can find a career for any exit from home: on the beach, sports, to work in the office and access to the light, and be always surrounded by a halo of your beloved smell.

Resistance and concentration: Does each other depend on each other?

It is believed that the higher the concentration, the more intense the perfume and above the resistance. But there is another point of view. Chemists argue that the main thing is not the amount of fragrant substances, but the chemical composition of the ingredients that perfumers are used to create a fragrance.

Each element of the perfume composition is unique and contributes to the smell. Bergamot evaporates faster, and Muscus leave a long "aftertaste" on the skin. An important role is played by the balance of the ingredients: if the creator "remarks" with individual components, perfume smells sharply and repels. And on the contrary, a harmonious ensemble even at low concentration can be gentle and noble.

In addition, it is impossible to not take into account the individual susceptibility of man. The impact on persistence can always be provided:

  • The skin type is proven: the fatty structure of the skin, the longer it stores the smell.
  • Air temperature - summer odors are revealed faster, but also quickly evaporate. Winter resistance is higher.
  • The smell - there are people who quickly get used to new smells and cease to perceive every other day after buying even the most intense spirits.

In any case, you should not try to compensate for the amount of quality. It is better to wear a bottle with a favorite smell with you, use low concentration tools to correct it to "aura" from time to time.

Let's summarize. In most cases, it is a concentration that becomes a reference when choosing a fragrance. But, it is worth understanding, the amount of fragrant substances in the bottle is not always a guarantee that the fragrance will have to taste.

See that the fragrance is harmonious and enjoyable, listen to your heart and buy in stores that trust. Sooner or later you will find your fragrance and will surely feel pleasure from the world of pleasant smells.

Each person in his life at least once faced the complexity of the choice of spirits. Experts work quite a long time and invent new types of perfume funds. And therefore the latitude of the range on the shelves in the store can cause you a lot of doubts and difficulties. And the colorful bottles and bright packaging boxes aggravate the selection process.

A variety of fragrant goods

To make the right purchase you need to know some rules. Namely the characteristic features of each type of product. In this article, you will learn that it is better and longer thanks: toilet, perfume, perfume water or perfume, in which the difference between them and what is different from other species of perfume.

To find the desired option, you need to approach specially liable.

The selected smell will accompany you everywhere, describe your character, demonstrate the unsurpasses of taste. When selecting fragrance, it is important to clearly know and navigate in the individual preferences of a person. Especially when it comes to the mentals of the beautiful half of humanity.

Suppose you, after a long study of dozens of different test blotters, still decided on the goods you need. In this case, you will arise new, no less complex, questions.

  • How to determine what is more resistant or better, and what is different: toilet, perfume with perfume water?
  • What concentration of alcohol and oil will be the most optimal, to obtain a perfectly suitable product?

The main ingredients in the formula

There is a weighty difference in variations of relations between essences and ethanol solvents. First of all, it will be expressed in value. Cologne and perfume are in different price categories. Saturation of odors and their stability will become the second feature.

According to the established rules of GOST - any product of this category has in its composition: oils, distilled water and alcohol. The proportions of these components have their own clear frames. Therefore, manufacturers are required to adhere to them. After all, the optimal combination of cost and quality make the product popular among consumers.

Toilet, perfume or perfume water: what is the difference from each other and what is more resistant, better

Historically, the appearance of the names of these aromas occurred in the 19th century. EDT abbreviation (Eau de Toilette) arose thanks to Napoleon Bonaparte, namely his love for fragrances. The invention is also attributed to the invention, quite popular, product.

Perfume water has a brief reduction in EDP. This discovery made Pascal Gerlend. French chemist worked various combinations. This passion and made it a famous person. The scientist created unique incense for many monarchs across Europe.

What the difference between the toilet water from perfume, which is more resistant

The main differences are in the proportional ratios of the components declared on the label.

  • Eau de Parfum - more affordable option. The composition contains 10-20% of essential oils and alcohol (90%). Many companies have the highest quality and concentration of goods. The bottle has a pulverizer, because of this it is easy to apply, which is very convenient in use. The aroma is perfectly revealed on the skin (4-6 hours), due to this it can be used instead of an expensive analog. And one bubble is enough for you for a long time.
  • Toilet water - compared with previous products, has the smallest share of essence (from 4 to 10%) and a large alcohol (80-90%). Does not have high resistance. It will last less than the EDP, will quickly disappear completely. To restore odor, it is necessary to periodically update the product during the day. Only the first notes will be bright.

There are also perfume (perfume). They have the greatest percentage of essential oils (10-30%), which dissolve in pure alcohol. Due to this, such samples have long and expressive sound. They are the most expensive among all the products, but when they are used, you get a deep and multifaceted bouquet.

To create an image, it is enough to use only a few drops of a substance. The design of bottles is more refined and sophisticated, which makes them the perfect option for a gift.

Now you know that stricter: toilet or perfume water. The next question is when it is appropriate to wear every one of them.

How the aromas are revealed, which moments are better to use one or another product

In EDT, the initial and medium notes are well audible (a little worse). There are practically no basic and after the heart of the composition is weathered - it will disappear. With this, the rapid consumption of such products is connected, it is updated during the day.

EDP \u200b\u200bis a more rich option. It quickly envelops the aromatic aura, rather than leaves the lung, elusive fragrance. It pronounced the middle part of the olfactory pyramid. The base is felt, but weaker.

When to use Eau de Toilette and Eau de Parfum

If you are going to study, work, daytime walk or to the gym, then your preference should be given to the toilet water. Thanks to the unobtrusiveness of this variety, you can easily emphasize the simplicity and delicacy of your image.

If we are talking about camping a cocktail party with friends or a romantic dinner with an important person for you - unambiguously choose Parfum or EDP. She successfully emphasizes the sophistication of the image, give him uniqueness and charm. The fragrance should be selected in accordance with the evening outfit.

Unacceptable combination of a complex publication and a simple dress and vice versa. Properly selected product will benefit your image. In the selection of products, it is necessary to take into account not only how the composition will last, but also its sound. It must match your personality, be pleasant to you and cause confidence.

When and how best to use perfumes how they are revealed

This perfume is more resistant unlike perfume or toilet water. After applying to the skin, it does not immediately bloom the full bouquet of essential oils. He gradually, throughout the day, demonstrates his versatility and consistently demonstrates new notes depths. This mechanism of action is specifically conceived.

The main purpose of this scheme is the giving of uniqueness and originality to each of the products.

At the beginning, after applying, you will hear the upper notes. Their task to draw attention to your personality. Next, the average notes are heard. After a few hours after use, the basic notes will be revealed. They constitute the basis of the perfume and maintain interest in your individuality.

Follow the amount of substance. If you bring it too abundantly, then people around you will feel a thick and saturated loop of sharp smells. In some cases, this may cause headache and nausea. These symptoms may occur not only with you, but also have people around you.

Products have a harmonious set of components that are gradually opening and enveloping you an invisible cloud. The composition of each product includes purified water, highly concentrated essential oils or essences and alcohol.

The peculiarity of some spirits is that they are revealed and smelling on the skin from different people is completely unequal. This is due to the individual characteristics of every person. Poromonov isolated on the level of resistance of aroma. The duration of action may decrease in accordance with this physiological process.

Use the product is recommended at different times, depending on the composition. There are heavy, sweet, very pronounced compositions. Often they belong to the eastern or gourmet category. It is not always appropriate to apply them to work. For everyday use, more neutral options are chosen.

What product is better to choose: toilet, perfumey water or perfume - what is the difference from other flavors, which is more resistant

It is impossible to answer that it will be the best for all buyers. The choice always depends on the possibilities and wishes of a person. If the duration and multifaceted disclosure of the Olfactor Pyramid - EDT is definitely not suitable. You can pay attention to two other categories. They will stay all or most of the day.

Edition form and designation on packaging every variety of products

Eau de Toilette more often appears on the shelves in unassuming packaging, while Eau de Parfum can be decorated in sophisticated vials of different shapes and volume. To understand what exactly before you, inspect the box or a bottle. It must contain all the necessary data. Here are their decoding:

  • EDT - toilet water.
  • EDP \u200b\u200b- Perfume Water.
  • EDC - cologne.
  • Parfum - Perfume.
  • oZ - liquid oz.
  • 1 FL.OZ - 30 ml.
  • 1.6 FL.OZ - 50 ml.
  • 2.5 FL.OZ - 75 ml.

Be careful during the purchase, now there are a large number of different editions. Sometimes the concepts perfume and perfume water differ and the second is considered an addition to the main aroma. Tell more about this and other similar means.

What is the difference between toilet and perfume water or perfume from cologne and other species of perfume, which is better

There are also several varieties of goods on the market.

  • Cologne - product with the least use of essential oils. It contains up to 5% of the total volume. Use such products mostly representatives of the strong half of humanity. Many manufacturers have already ceased to produce these samples.
  • Aromatic body facilities. They relate to leaving cosmetics. It can have various functions for your body - food, moisturizing, cleansing. The main task of these products is a long-term preservation of your beloved smell. Basically, they are presented in the following forms: gel, milk, lotion, cream and spray. Their components fix perfume for a short period of time. The concentration of valuable essential oils is no more than 1%.
  • Deo Parfum. Some of the species of goods for personal hygiene with bright aromas of essences. In this product, the concentration of highly pronounced fragile substances can be returned. Most often it uses within 10%.

In this case, it is also difficult to unambiguously say what is better. It all depends on your needs. Each of these products has its own characteristics and dignity. All of them have a certain purpose and purpose. Thanks to the low price, the toilet water has won its consumer audience. After all, no one is a secret than the deocratic cost, the higher the demand. Its makeup is great for everyday use.

If you look at the question of choice on the other hand, this product is faster than spending. Therefore, it makes sense to spend and buy an aromatic essence is more expensive, but stable. Parfum water is available in vials with a pulverizer. It is convenient to apply and take with you on trips. The tool has a unique composition of essential oils.

There is no shortage in the market in the market. You can choose optimal in accordance with personal wishes and requirements. For every taste and wallet. To the selection of smell, approach responsibly, and then there will be no problems when it is used. In any case, to create an ideal image you need to purchase several types of flavors.

A wide range of products you will find in the "first shop of customs goods." Going to the site site, every girl will be able to please yourself not one, but at once several cherished bottles, thanks to the favorable value of products.

What is better: perfume, toilet water, perfume or cologne, what is the difference, differences in resistance - all of this you now know. In this part of the article we will give a description of samples related to all categories.

Popular compositions

The 2002 edition developed by Jacques is Polly. The fragrance is designed for women and refers to a chip, flower group. The pyramid opens with pink peppers, continues Jasmine and Iris, Patchouli, Vanilla and Muskus ends.

Eau de Toilette, created by Gesa Schoen, still causes a lot of disputes, although it was published 12 years ago. It includes only one component - an ISO E Super molecule. According to the author, it harmoniously complements and reveals the natural smell of the body and therefore it sounds differently on each person.

EDT with wood and fuys chords in the life of Ilias Ermendis in 2008. Fresh fragrance is suitable for the summer period and everyday use. As part: Lemon-ginger-mint combination, white freesia, ambretta, vetiver and vanilla.

Versace Bright Crystal

One of the most popular toilet waters belongs to the flower, fruit group. The author is Alberto Morillás. The composition opens with NUZU and grenade notes, continues the sound of lotus, magnolia and peony. Completed with musk, mahagony and amber.

EDP \u200b\u200bhas developed Kristina Press. This publication has several versions with a bit changed formulas. The pyramid begins with a sheet of black currant. The heart contains freesia and rose. Basic components: Vanilla, Patchouli, Ambroxane and Wood Notes.

Oriental perfume water with gourmet nuances for women in the original bottle vial. Author - Louise Turner. Very expressive, sweet fragrance, which is not suitable for every day. It includes: beans thin, cocoa, sandalwood, orange color, iris, jasmine, tube, almonds, coffee and citrus.

Female perfumes released back in 1966. Due to wood and green chords, the composition is light and fresh enough, suitable for the summer, spring and autumn season. The sample is almost completely composed of flower components. Only in the primary part of the pyramid added bergamot and lemon, and in the base, mossy, woody shades, amber, muskus and vetiver.

Lancome Climat.

Another once very popular perfume. Today we produce it updated version. Sweet, feminine, powder smell to many familiar from childhood. It is very resistant, not always appropriate during working hours.

Edition for women from the fashion house "Yves Saint Laurent", released in 2014. The composition was developed by Natalie Lorson, Olivier Cresp, Marie Salaman. It is exclusively autumn and winter, often an evening fragrance with coffee and vanilla chords. It consists of the notes of Fleardoja, jasmine, pink pepper, patchouli and cedar.

From this article, you learned about what is better suitable for different situations: toilet, perfumed water or perfume than different from each other and what is more stable. Applying the recommendations and knowledge that we gave you will always be appropriate to look, you can more effectively replenish your perfume wardrobe, pick up gifts.