Why a woman does not want a man - the most common causes. Give her to feel that she is loved and welcome

Once upon a time ago ...

... I heard such an expression as "be yourself". Being still at a young age, I did not understand how it could not be. After all, I know that I am me. Not someone, namely I!

And how is it "not to be yourself"? If not, who then? And how to live when you are not you? Pretend, it turns out? Deceive? Wear masks? Play the role - other people's, not your ... How does a woman cease to be a woman, how does it happen?

Then I really did not understand how you could not be myself ...
However, life is a magical thing. And, being a woman, I had to observe how many women periodically become "not". Someone on short segments of time, someone for longer. Someone understanding what he does, and someone in perfect "unconsciousness."

Now I have bitterness to state the fact that many, yes - many women live not their real life, they play roles, wear masks and thus lose themselves.
And sometimes, these roles and masks are ensured that she forgets that she is first of all a woman. Woman goddess, woman-Beregina, custodian of kind and family, woman boring and creating, real.

And then, as if on the rolled, life begins to flow on someone else's scenario. A woman begins to play, not live and stops being a woman.

Often a woman is not aware of the existence of the game itself. And, since it is in the state of "playing" of life itself, then automatically from the surrounding expects the same. The overall game turns on, the effect of manipulation occurs. And the first under crossfire their men fall.

A woman loses his femininity, forgets the purpose, makes mistakes, ceases to feel and create the world, LAD, behaves wrong with a man - his divine companion.

And that the worst thing, starts not to create a goddess, but to destroy. Destroy yourself, man, family, rod, world ...

What accompanies the loss of female divinity? What behavior of a woman leads to destruction? How does a woman cease to be a woman?

How a woman ceases to be a woman

1. Lack of cleanliness and beauty in clothes

Woman must support beauty in appearance, dressed clean.

Modern fashion is not always generous to women. More and more designers compete, who will create an outfit more interesting, more unusual, original. Many of women are "trusted" to them, and dress up, playing fashion. Sometimes not worrying about the fact that they become too accessible for the opposite sex.

Thus, women do not acquire beauty, forget about cleanliness. Dining too frankly, they revive unclean thoughts in men. A man looks at dressed "openly" a man only across the prism of her body lust. Automatically.

The look enjoyable hurts energetically, punching the (aura) of a woman. There is a destruction.

A loving male look caresses, a woman feels admiration, amazement. It fills her strength that she is loved that she is a goddess and wants to create.

2. The desire to quickly uncover the riddle

The woman should be a mystery, raisin. Litted phrase, right? However, that it means on a deep level - not everyone can say.

In essence, a woman like water. You never know in what direction she will "flow now." In her soul a lot of trends, directions. It can be calm, as a centuries-old pond, and may in one instant turn into a raging and rapid waterfall.

Agree, sometimes we, women, do not always understand the motives of their behavior. And what to say about our dear men. They are ready to rush into the ohwow with their heads, just to comprehend the riddle of the beloved woman. And they will do it again, and again, and again, trying to make a feat - knowing her woman. To infinity.

In an effort to issue all the intimate, the woman makes a mistake. After all, if a man comprehends the secret of a woman, he loses interest to her - he has already won! Meaning to deal next?

How many lives are not arranged due to the fact that the girls, afraid to lose a man, quickly allow him to their body, open the mystery curtain. How many families were destroyed due to the fact that the woman stops keeping her secret, kills a mystery: walks with a man in Bigudah, prepares everyday dishes, ceases to interest a man.

You can not rush to reveal your mystery. Let the solidification occur gradually. Then not only the outer shell will be important, but also the soul.

3. Give me. After all, I am a woman!

One of the most excellent manipulations of women is the excessive use of female strength.

What is the power of a woman? When a woman knows how to be soft, plastic, flexible, trusts the ability to protect and manage a man.

At that moment, when a woman begins to honestly use his femininity, manipulates. With the help of frequent and excessive capsies, tears, female flirty disorders of the type "Well, cute, I'll be offended" Woman begins to manage. That is, it puts on the role of a man (yes, let such a veiled path), steps on the male path - along the path of management. Yes, and is she at this time?

Becoming a "man", even if not real, the woman destroys itself. Donywasy surroundings, she destroys relations. Who wants to manage them?

Not even aware of what arsenal at the time of the capsov uses a woman, a man intuitive will try to escape from the manipulator. That is why long attitudes on whims and resentment do not hold. Everyone wants freedom.

Therefore, even flirtary and innocently flashes with eyelashes in front of his man, a woman should clearly understand that everyone has its own freedom. And be honest with you and the surroundings, in order not to make life on male. And stay - a woman.

4. Quarrels and Peres

Cursing, invalid by the Peresay, and the Woman enters the state of struggle. The lack of a foreign point of view, someone else's opinion enters the woman into confrontation.

In an effort to prove and impose your point of view, a look at life, a woman acts by a male way.

Consider the Peresis and Breaking from the position of a man / woman. When a woman rersulates her man, he, in an effort to prove his right, to automatically become in the position of the warrior. And here there are two options for the development of events.

Option one, when a man starts to "put pressure" on a woman, show irritation and aggression, show its strength.

Option two, when a man, losing respect, as if not wanting to "pain her arms", goes away. Because it feels that "opponent" is weak and compete with a woman makes no sense.

When a woman truly supports a man and trusts him, even if he thinks that he takes an incorrect decision, the circumstances will continue to develop safely supported by the female force, faith and wisdom.

5. I myself, or will be my will

The woman is very self-sufficient in nature.

What can a woman can't? Son give birth, the tree will plant, the house will build. Even in space is already flying. How many different professions have mastered women - a lot can, with ease they are trained, quickly embody.

However, it is important to remember that to fulfill one of the main destinations - to continue the genus, give birth to a child - a woman without a man can not.

Living life in the position "I myself can", the woman destroys her man. And even their children.

As children learn from the examples of parents, and not in words, it is important to remember that when the mother is domineering, the daughter will also show authority.

The boy, seeing the "strong" mother and the "weak" father, will never learn to independently make decisions and bear responsibility for them. Yes, and truly love the "powerful" woman, he can hardly succeed.

It is important to remember that children most often show the qualities and patterns of behavior that are present from their parents, even if they are hidden stubbornly.

Unnaturally, when a woman acts without the help of a man. The ability to ask for help man, express his request - is vital for both sexes.

A man, fulfilling the request of a woman, develops the strength of the Spirit, is moving, constantly finding new solutions, new options for developing events. A woman learns to trust what is happening, develops sickness, acceptance.

Such interaction in tandem excludes opposition. A woman creates a paw and the world, following her female destination.

Appeal to me

Perhaps reading this article, you, an expensive woman, remembered the moments when somehow I put on myself a mask, played the wrong, not your role. Not was - a woman.

I will say this: who does not happen with anyone! It is not necessary to return to the past and blame yourself for your actions, for living in accordance with the present time.

The real role of a woman, the importance of the female path in our time is strongly endorsal. Women have new priorities: to become successful, not dependable from a man, to achieve freedom, no one should be due - and most importantly, to achieve anything.

Most women have forgotten their destination - to create in female, create a way and the world, the genus of their own and the genus men to unite, yes to the well-being lead. Forgot that they are goddess, Beregini, the keeper.

Now the memory of the soul of female is becoming more and more reborn. More women are true, without outside roles and masks.

Not always it is simple. After all, in order to learn how to live in a new way, learn to do it is honest - a lot of effort is required.

But I believe that we are women, we have a unique birthday and creation! And we, the goddess, it is only to want - and each particle of the universe will help us to live-in female, following their female destination.

I believe in you, dear women! I believe in us!

Every day, waking up in the morning, remind yourself that you are and will be a woman, a goddess, Bereginna, a keeper.

Yes, female strength in us!

Where did this stupid expression come from? - "Babskaya team"?

In the distant-distant Kenya there is a village in which some women live. It is called manifesting that translated from the Sauhili language means "unity". The village was founded twenty years ago by female sambura tribe. Prior to that, according to the traditions of the tribe, they were completely damped: they were equated with cows or agricultural inventory. Samburu can beat his wives, mock them, even kill. Povements expensive bought their security: husbands brutally beat them to "turn women back to women." But they won, and they were left alone.

A few years ago, I wrote the coordinator of the project "Umoja" Jane Wilner and asked to tell, with what problems women sambour face now. Jane replied to me that there are some difficulties in the village. First, they lack two sources of income instead of one. Secondly, they still hope that they will marry a decent man. Women whom men beat, raped, sold and humiliated, regret that they did not find "worthy." The habit is the second nature, not otherwise. Thirdly, residents of the village began conflicts due to leadership. They began to quarrel with each other.


Is it so bad? Is this notorious Babskaya team, the Kingdom of the Deadovshchina (Babovshchina?), Still, not a myth invented by men?

Monkeys and dominance

We appreciate the society of themselves like, whether at work or among friends. For example, I often heard from women: "I have always been friends with men," and it sounded proudly. When did the man's society become such a value? Why to be among them cooler than among us?

At chimpanzees, our closest relatives, the relationship between females is also not easy. Monkeys live in small groups (about 50 individuals), which are called communities. Sometimes females of chimpanzees go from one community to another, and there they meet other females, indigenous residents, - almost like stepmother hesitates Cinderella in an old fairy tale. It comes to the point that the local kills not only the prosidic, but also their newborns. So often strangers have to ask for protection in males. But Bonobo, famous for sexual liberty, is happening exactly the opposite. Instead of conflicting, females build very strong harmonious ties and even dominate the males in pursuit of food. That is, where the chimpanzees will fight each other, Bonobo will unite.

We are monkeys. And in us more from chimpanzees than from Bonobo. If we lived in the jungle, our aggression would be explained by the desire to leave as healthy and strong offspring as possible. At chimpanzee, the success of the female is primarily in access to high-quality food, while the success of the male depends on whether it is popular among fertils.

The beginning of hatred is laid. The males make us children, and females are taken by bananas and give their kids. One joy - we are no longer in the jungle.

Knights and feed base

There is time, men cease to be such lochmata (well, most, at least), get out of the caves and settle in the castles. Others, less successful, occupy accommodation more. We still live by communities and, as before, are forced to decide who we beneficially hold on, and who is better to avoid or eliminate.

Throughout thousands (I am not kidding), all the most valuable resources of mankind were concentrated in the hands of men: male education received; The property of men owned; Religion, politics and family models built men.

Accordingly, and to be friends did not make sense, but to arrange a race for the right to be closer to the "feed base" - yes. After all, if a man goes to another woman, he will take with him all the benefits. In addition, in a traditional society, a woman, exactly like chimpanzees, leaves his home and comes to the man's house, where there are other women, often hostile. Hence so many stories and fairy tales about an angry stepmother or mother-in-law. Previously, the girls at the wedding even sang special foul songs about how mother-in-law will tear them by the hair and beat.

The situation has changed only in the last hundred years, that by the standards of history, not even yesterday, and literally today at lunch. Women come to universities, write books, own land and business, make decisions that concern their bodies ... The need for a strong partner has become much smaller, so what is the matter?

"You're a girl"

When I was small, my mother told me that if I did not learn to restore the order in my room, I would never marry. And it was, I will report you, a terrible threat. At the same time, Mom did not assume that a man would be cleaned in the house. Or even we are together.

So from the hellish flame is born "You're a girl."

"How can you fight, you're a girl!", "Straighten, you're a girl!", "Smile, you're a girl!" ... I remember, and teeth drives, and you?

That's interesting, and if I were not "I'm a girl," I could do whatever I want? Walking shaggy, fight, spit on chewing paper balls and hurt? "We are girls" are never good enough, no matter what they do. We borrow this presentation from our moms and grandmothers and carry a lifetime with them, as forever hot potatoes.

"You're a girl" there is a twin sister - "Look at Katya (Masha, Dasha, Marina)." Then there may be options: "Kati is a luxury braid, not what you have - three hair," "Kati is only one four." And so indefinitely. We are constantly compared with each other not in our favor, so that even the best friend causes irritation after these endless "look at ...".

And what is the most interesting, never in my life I did not hear anything like that of the boys, well, except for "don't cry, you're a man." Boys also compare with each other? They say: "Misha, look at Petya, he has already bitsuha eh, and you have some miserable bags"? Then we take on autonomy and begin to convince themselves that another woman is better than us, which means that she has nothing to love.

"Girlfriends exist to bring husbands to"

This wisdom was shared with me my close girlfriend, and with her - her grandmother.

"But if you think, often it happens," the girlfriend laughs. - I know so many stories when my husband has changed with her friend ...

Yes, such stories are really darkness. In fact, everything is explained by simple mathematics. At the middle woman, girlfriends are always more than friends, and the circle of communication and her husband is approximately the same. Interestingly, wave anger always fell on the mistress, which "carried out", "destroyed the family" and "Okhturila". It always sounds like if a man had not participated in this event at all. The husband in such a scenario usually performs in a dual image. On the one hand, a man is power and power, on the other - this is such a little boy who cannot be responsible for his actions.

We want to be friends, but do not know how

We have always been women with loved ones. I do not believe in the "Babake Hysteria" or "Babic teams." The best of my boss and wonderful girlfriend, by the way, was a woman - only a little older than me, her chest was blocked by a huge heart tattoo, it was written on it "I don't regret anything."

No one ever told us how to be friends. The books we read in childhood have always described the valiant friendship between men - it was she considered a model of loyalty and devotion. The films that we looked again showed us male friends. "D" Artanyan and Three Musketeers "," Mio, My Mio "," Vacation of Petrova and Vashechkin "... This is not going further - to Icelandic sagas or ancient Greek tragedies. Although strong female characters finally began to appear in the literature, but they have "There are no friends-girls. Even Hermione, a magic girl from the world" Harry Potter ", and that helps boys, and she does not have friends.

It will take a lot of time before the body of history will increase the new meat, girls who have friends will appear in literature and cinema. They will travel too, and with them different adventures will also happen. We will read these books, watch these films, and new values \u200b\u200bwill appear in our Girly World. Moms will grow, who will not say "you're a girl" and will not call to look at Katya, Marina or Elizabeth ...

We just need time.

Text: Anastasia Maximova

Photo: Getty Images, Wikipedia

Unfortunately, not all women can know the happiness of motherhood. Some married couples face a terrible diagnosis of "infertility", which sounds from the mouth of the doctor as a sentence. What causes infertility in women? Is it really because of him a fair floor representative will never be able to have children? Is it possible treatment? Let's find answers to these questions.

Infertility in a woman: Definition and classification

Under the term "infertility" means the inability of a fair sex representative to have children. Doctors put this diagnosis in cases where during the year the woman lives regular sexual life, does not use the contraceptive means, and attempts to conceive a child are unsuccessful.

Depending on the presence of pregnancies in the past, infertility in women are divided into two types: primary (infertility 1 degree) and secondary (infertility 2 degrees). The diagnosis of "primary infertility" is made by the people who have never had a pregnancy before. The reason may be heredity, the presence of congenital disorders (for example, incorrect form of uterus). Secondary infertility is an acquired problem. It arises due to the flow in the female organism of any pathological processes.

Also infertility can be absolute or relative. With the first variety, pregnancy is impossible due to the fact that a woman has no ovaries or a uterus. With relative infertility, conception may occur provided that the necessary medical manipulations will be carried out.

There is another classification. The following basic types of infertility are distinguished:

  • endocrine (hormonal);
  • genetic;
  • pipe-peritoneal;
  • immunological;
  • after abortion.

Endocrine (hormonal) infertility in women is diagnosed in cases where deviations in the work of the thyroid gland are observed, germ. The improper functioning leads to a violation of the hormonal mechanisms regulating the menstrual cycle. Endocrine infertility can have different forms, but they are all united by one symptom - the irregularity of ovulation or its complete absence.

Infertility can be caused by genetic reasons . Most often, chromosomal disorders are manifested by miscarriages. If a woman has a spontaneous interruption of pregnancy several times in a row, in this case, it is necessary to undergo a genetic survey.

Pipe-peritoneal Infertility is a fairly common problem. The inability to have children may arise due to the formation of adhesions, the inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes caused by the infection in them.

Immunological infertility in women - a peculiar reaction of their body. He perceives male cum that has fallen into the uterus, as an alien body. In the body of a fair floor, antibodies begin to produce antibodies, due to the actions of which men's sex cells die, and fertilization does not occur.

One of the frequent reasons for infertility is abortion . They break hormonal processes occurring in the female body, provoke the formation of adhesions. Why maybe if an abortion may arise? The fact is that during this medical procedure may be irreparable damaged by the endometrium layer. Because of this, the fertilized egg will not be able to attach to the wall of the uterus, and the pregnancy will not come.

The reasons

The inability to conceive a child can be due to different reasons. Here are the main of them:

  • incorrect operation of ovarian or their absence;
  • obstruction or lack of uterine pipes;
  • state of the uterus;
  • the state of the cervix.

Consider each of the above reasons.

Very often signs of infertility in women arise due to deviations in the functioning of ovarian Or because of their absence. These paired sex glands play a very important role. The ovaries produce progesterone and estrogen - two sex hormones, on which the reproductive health of the fair sex is dependent. If the balance of progesterone and estrogen will break, then problems with conception arise. In addition, infertility can be caused by the absence of ovulation.

In 25% of cases, infertility arises due to lack of uterine pipes Or because of their obstruction. The blockage in the pipes prevents the advancement of the egg and spermatozoa. Neprivability is formed due to various diseases (for example, due to chlamydia, trichomoniasis, salpingooforita, gonorrhea, endometriosis).

About 5% of cases of infertility symptoms in women are caused the state of the uterus . This body is designed to wear a child. Because of the irregular form of the uterus, pregnancy may not come. Various diseases of the cavity of this organ can also lead to infertility.

The ability to have children affects cervical state . In a healthy woman, this channel is covered with cervical mucus, which contributes to the promotion of spermatozoa in the uterine cavity. Diseases, infections are negatively reflected in the physicochemical properties of mucus. Promotion of spermatozoa becomes difficult.

It is also worth noting that the infertility can push the harmful habit - smoking . Nicotine negatively affects the female organism, destroys eggs. Smoking and infertility in women are interrelated concepts. Modern scientists conducted a study, the results of which showed, the more woman smokes, the more chances of conceiving a child. Under the action of nicotine, the reproductive function is worsening.

The list of reasons provoking infertility does not end. There are other problems that impede the onset of an interesting position.

Signs of infertility in a woman

The main sign is that pregnancy does not occur over a long period of time. At the same time, the representative of the fine sex should lead a full sex life and not resort to the means of contraception. If fertilization does not occur, then both partners are worth visiting the doctor and pass the survey no earlier than 1 year after attempts have begun to conceive the kid.

You can contact a specialist and much earlier, if a woman was seen strange symptoms:

  • discharge from the vagina with an unpleasant odor;
  • itching in an intimate place;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • intelligence sensations arising during intercourse and after it;
  • lack of menstruation;
  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • long (more than 7 days) or too short (1-2 days) monthly.

The above symptoms may be inherent in serious diseases that prevent spermatozooid egg fertilization. For example, monthly may not be due to, hormonal failure. Very often, the menstrual cycle is disturbed due to the long-term use of contraceptive drugs, receiving emergency contraception. Without the help of a specialist it is impossible to do here.

Diagnosis of infertility

If the pregnancy did not come during the year with regular attempts to conceive a child, and the exact reason for infertility is unknown, then you need to visit the gynecologist or contact the family planning center and survey in infertility in women. In general, various doctors can be dealt with solving problems with conception: gynecologists, endocrinologists, sexopathologists. It depends on the causes of infertility.

Doctors diagnose the inability to have children only after fully assessing the state of the health of the woman. Do not be afraid if experts cannot find the exact cause. It may be necessary for quite a long time.

The process of diagnosing pathology consists of the following steps:

  1. Collection of anamnesis.
  2. Gynecological inspection.
  3. Laboratory tests.
  4. Primary evaluation of the ability to ovulation.
  5. Endoscopic diagnostics.

Consider them in more detail.

1. Collecting anamnesis when making a diagnosis

The test for infertility in women is not one of the procedure, but a combination of various analyzes and surveys. The first stage of diagnosis is the collection of anamnesis. The doctor talks with a patient, finding out the information meaning for the diagnosis.

Specialist asks the following questions:

  • when the first monthly arrived;
  • how many days is the menstrual cycle, whether it is regular;
  • are there any delays;
  • what is the duration of menstruation;
  • what is the nature of monthly discharge;
  • there are intermented bleeding.

Also, the specialist will ask a few questions about sexual life. He will ask when there was first sex, whether regular sexual contacts are that the means of contraception were used, whether the pregnancy transmitted in sex was diagnosed in the past, whether the abortion was occurring before, whether abortions were held, whether the miscarriages were held.

No need to be afraid of the doctor, shy to respond to the questions asked, to keep some information. Only he can understand the problem, find the causes of infertility and help in the performance of the dream - the conception of the child.

2. Gynecological examination

After collecting anamnesis, a gynecological examination is carried out. First of all, the condition of external genital organs is estimated. Then inspect the internal genitals. The mirrors allow the doctor to inspect the mucous membrane of the vagina, the cervix, suspect the pathological changes due to which pregnancy may not come.

Also during the gynecological inspection, the condition of the mammary glands is estimated, anthropometric data (growth, weight) is measured. In addition, the correspondence of secondary sexual features is determined.

3. Laboratory tests

An important stage in the diagnosis of infertility is to pass laboratory tests for infertility in women. The results make it possible to learn the reason for the inability to conceive a child. Women hand over common blood tests and urine. Experts, exploring biological fluids, determine the levels of genital hormones.

Special attention is paid to estradiol, which is one of the estrogen. This hormone affects the functioning of the ovaries, the process of ovulation. The amount of progesterone, luteinizing and follicularity hormones is also assessed. They affect the functioning of the yellow body, the ripening of the egg and its functional state.

In the process of diagnosing infertility, analyzes are prescribed for genital infections (chlamydia, mycoplasma, candidiasis, streptococci, staphylococci, etc.). They need to be passed, since these diseases affect fertility and prevent the spermatozooid egg fertilization.

4. Primary assessment of the ability to ovulation

Research on women's infertility is carried out not only by specialists. They are also involved in the patient. A woman is invited to measure each day its basal temperature and make tests for ovulation.

Thanks to these simple measures, it is possible to find out if the representative of the beautiful floor occurs in each menstrual cycle, the outlet of a ripe egg from the ovary. Some women have no ovulation. In some cases, this process is very rare.

5. Endoscopic diagnostics

Endoscopic diagnostics are performed to confirm infertility. Approaches such procedures as laparoscopy and hysteroscopy. Thanks to them, you can find out the true causes of infertility.

Laparoscopy is a modern method of surgery, thanks to which you can find pathologies that interfere with conception, and immediately delete the detected neoplasms, that is, the treatment of infertility in women. The main tool is a telescopic tube. It is called laparoscope. This tool is equipped with a video camera. Laparoscope is introduced inside through puncture in the pureth wall.

Hysteroscopy is a diagnostic procedure that allows the doctor to examine the walls of the uterus, using a hysteroscope and conduct diagnostic or operational manipulations. Thanks to hysteroscopy, you can detect various pathology of the uterus, eliminate them, remove endometrial polyps and foreign bodies.

Treatment of infertility

If, during the survey, experts identified that a woman, as well as its spouse, the reproductive functions are normal, then the pair is recommended to hold a "scheduled interchange". Perhaps the pregnancy does not occur due to incorrectly calculated ovulation or due to the passing of favorable days for conception. The doctor will tell you what day it is best to schedule sexual intercourse.

For the treatment of primary or secondary infertility, women apply various drugs. Only a doctor may appoint them, depending on the cause, due to which a woman cannot have children. If infertility is caused by a hormonal failure, then hormonal drugs are issued, normalizing the functioning of the ovaries and stimulating the production of female genital cells. This treatment method is very popular, since many women have a hormonal background violated (there are diseases of the thyroid gland, there are violations of the menstrual cycle). Hormonal drugs give a good effect. After the course of treatment, the pregnancy comes quickly. The disadvantages of funds are that they have side effects (may increase weight, dry dryness in the vagina, etc.).

Modern methods to overcome the problem of infertility

Modern medicine works wonders. The problem of infertility can be overcome by resorting to the methods of artificial fertilization:

  • Eco - extracorporeural fertilization;
  • Icix - intracitoplasmic spermatozooid injection;
  • insemination.

The representatives of the finest floor, in which the egg cell for some reason cannot meet with a sperm (for example, in the absence of uterine pipes or their pathological structure), can use Eco services.

The essence of the procedure is that the woman is taking eggs, and in a man - spermatozoa. Women's sex cells are inspected with spermatozoa and are placed in a special incubator. Then the finished embryo is delivered to the uterus, where it is attached to the wall and begins to grow. Eco can help with primary infertility in women. Also, this method of artificial fertilization fulfills the dreams of a child in many of many representatives of the beautiful sex suffering from secondary infertility.

The following method of artificial fertilization - Icia . The intracitoplastomatic injection of the spermatozoa can be carried out with undiagnosed pathologies of eggs. The essence of the procedure is to maintain a male genital cell in feminine with a special microinstrument. The embryo obtained in this way is placed in the uterus.

If pregnancy does not occur because of the special composition of the cervical mucus, due to vaginism or because of other problems, then in such cases you can choose insemination - Another method of artificial fertilization. With this procedure, spermatozoa is taken from a man who are then entered by a doctor in the uterus with the help of a catheter.

It is worth noting that Eco, Ixi and Insemination are procedures, the effectiveness of which is not equal to 100%. Pregnancy may not come. In this case, the procedure can be reused.

Treatment with folk remedies

One of the most common plants used for the treatment of infertility in women is Ortlia Single Broke, called the people of the Borovy Make. This grass is able to get rid of various pathologies, because of which people fail to conceive a child. Boring uterus eliminates spikes in the fallopian tubes, inflammatory processes of various etiologies, cyst of uterus, endometriosis, ovarian cystosis. The grass can be prepared as follows:

  • take 10 g of a boring uterus;
  • pour the grass with hot water;
  • insist for 15 minutes.

When infertility can help their parents four-plated (red brush). This plant normalizes the menstrual cycle, eliminates some endocrine diseases, eliminates endometriosis, ovary cyst, mioma, cervical erosion, that is, with a red brush, you can eliminate the causes of infertility. To prepare infusion, you need:

  • take 1 tbsp. l. red brush;
  • pour glass boiling water;
  • hold half an hour in a water bath;
  • cool and strain;
  • add water to 1 cup.

Cellifications from infertility for women are sage. He can help get pregnant. The medicinal plant accelerates the growth of endometrial, the follicle in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, improves the work of the ovaries. Sage can be prepared as follows:

  • prepare 1 tbsp. l. dried grass;
  • pour 1 cup boiling water;
  • insist for 15 minutes;
  • strain.

Infusion you need to use three times a day for 1/3 cups for half an hour before meals. The tool is recommended to drink after the end of the monthly and until the ovulation. Course treatment - 3 months.

Before use of dishes prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs, it is worth consultering with a specialist. Not in all cases of plants that are famous for their healing properties can help. Medicinal herbs should be chosen when the exact cause of infertility is known.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that it is not necessary to get upset and lower the hands, having heard a diagnosis of "female infertility" from the doctor. In most cases, the inability to have children can be eliminated. You can also use the services of Eco, Ixi and Insemination. These methods of modern medicine allow many couples to fulfill their dream about the baby.

Cognitive video on the topic


A terrible word, which every year in our country hear hundreds of women. But the later the diagnosis was diagnosed and the later the reason why a woman cannot become pregnant, the less chance of having his own child. So why can't a woman be mom? For what reason does her organism simply refuse to enter the kid?

In fact, the causes of female infertility are incredibly a lot. But in the first place is worth problem with ovulation. If the menstrual cycle of a woman is less than 21 days and more than 35 days, the egg cell simply does not have time to ripen (in the first case) or simply is a non-visual (in the second case). More details about the violation of ovulation is described.

At the same time, there is no full-fledged development of the follicle, in which a healthy and mature egg cell could develop. This means that spermatozoids are simply nothing to fertilize. And therefore the pregnancy does not come.

The second reason is ovarian dysfunction. In this case, in the coherent hypophysic system - hypothalamus - ovaries occurs a malfunction of hormones. They are produced either too much or, on the contrary, too little. About dysfunction written in more detail.

Therefore, again, due to this failure in the follicles, the normal ripening of eggs does not occur. The egg cell in this case either does not ripen in the follicle at all, and if it matures, it is most often a non-viable. Dysfunction of this coherent hormonal system may occur after injuries of the brain, in the presence of a tumor in a pituitary or chemical changes.

No less common cause of female infertility - hormonal violations. At the same time, monthly either is missing at all, or they are, but there is no maturation of the egg. In this violation, not only sex hormones, but also hormones of thyroid and pancreas can be guilty.

Early Climax is another reason why a woman cannot get pregnant. In the norm, the climax, a woman begins at 50 - 55 years. But sometimes it also happens that the stock of eggs for incomprehensible reasons ends at 40 - 45 years. This is not considered the norm, and sometimes such a state can be cured by correctly prescribed hormonal treatment. However, it is worth it in mind that early climax is transmitted from generation to generation, so it's not worth tightening with such women with the birth of a child.

This is perhaps the most difficult reason for the treatment of infertility. This leads both a violation of the hormonal background and to strong changes in the ovaries. In this case, constant underdevelopment of follicles occurs, which means that the egg cells themselves do not ripen. At the same time, the ultrasound can see many follicular cysts, and the ovary itself is enclosed in a white capsule, through the walls of which even accidentally matched the egg cell.

Sometimes it happens that the cause of infertility can be mucus in the cervical canal. It is either too thick, or due to the characteristics of the body of a woman, poisonous for spermatozoa.

In addition to all the above reasons, infertility in a woman may depend on its mental state (read more about it in the article about). Therefore, why a woman cannot have children should deal with an experienced specialist.

With you, the chief editor jumped the site - Polyshuk Tatiana. Good luck in conception of a child and health to you and your loved ones!

And what problems did you have with the conception of children and how did you cope with this problem?

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"Previously, she was pretty and gentle, and now it began to turn into an eternally disgruntled grinding aunt ..." Familiar? If a woman next to you started changing not for the better, then you should look for reason and in yourself.

website Selected common mistakes of men who are able to remove even the most perfect woman from equilibrium.

You are not careful in everyday life

Crumbs on the table, scattered things, Stulchak finally - all this is wildly annoying. Of course, it is not difficult to remove the socks left on the sofa. But if such little things become a daily norm, then in the woman begins to wake up the ferocious fire-haired monster.

You do not interest her

Women simply need to talk to feel good. Scientists have proven that this is a genetic feature: Women's content in the brain of the FOXP2 protein, which is responsible for communicative abilities, exceeds the male rate 3 times. In addition, due to greater emotionality and sensitivity, women want to share their thoughts and experiences about the last day with a close man.

Therefore, if your woman is not in the mood, try it just to listen. So she will free from the shipment of experiences and will feel your participation.

You do not notice her efforts

All women love compliments. But men most often praise women only for appearance, trying to notice their new outfit or hairstyle. Undoubtedly, this is important and pleasant, but not in the first place. Psychologists held a number of studies during which they found out that women more applies to their character and actions.

Men, your woman will be nice if you appreciate the breakfast prepared by her, the ability to keep dialogue and other qualities of her personality, not forgetting about appearance, of course.

You do not hold back promises

New promises, "superimposed" to the other, constant postponing for later, ignoring - this is how the woman saw is born. The beautiful half does not really like such a role, but, as they say, the great woman stands for each great man, which: "What ruled, get up! The crane does not repaid itself. Is that Boca? Tomorrow in the gym! "

You leave her all households

In modern society, women have long divided the role of the minimum girl with men, but the role of householders men are not in a hurry. Household work requires daily attention, his routine is tiring, so you can understand the irritation of a woman when all this work falls on her shoulders in addition to the rest.

Women who are forced to stay at home on a maternity period or for other reasons, spend almost all the time for domestic affairs, locked in four walls, which often leads to depression.

You show marks attention only on holidays

To make a woman feel comfortable, she needs emotions. Sometimes it is enough to call in the pastry shop for her favorite cake, so that irritation replaced a happy smile. After all, gifts are the most pleasant.

You do not give her to be alone

Every person has loneliness as food and water. It is in a state of rest and privacy that nervous cells are restored and the general emotional background is harmonized.

In addition, do not forget about such a concept as a personal space. He is especially lacking for mothers and women with professions requiring permanent communication with people.

You compare it with others

If you tell her that your mother was preparing better or that her girlfriend looks more attractive, then it will certainly or later provoke a scandal. It is important for a woman to feel the only and unique. Comparisons with others, especially not in its favor, reduce self-esteem and sow grain doubts in the relationship.

You dislike her friends and loved ones

In addition to a man in the life of a woman there are other people whom she loves and appreciates. And it is important for her that you divide or at least respected this attachment. Try to find a common language with her loved ones and get rid of it from the painful choice "I or them."

You argue and prove your right

There is nothing wrong with the dispute if people talk argued and essentially. If the purpose of the dispute becomes proof of its rightful, contrary to everything, then it leads to a quarrel and increasing misunderstanding in the future. To keep a healthy atmosphere in the house, you need to search for compromises, learn to listen and even give up.