Phased paper appliqué. Colored paper appliques - the best crafts and options for their use (95 photos)

All parents want the child to grow up with a developed and gifted person. But in order to embody this, it is necessary to pay attention to him, engage in developing a creative beginning.

For creative development, classes with paper are selected. For example, volumetric applications will take a small inventor in their free time. And the final work can be decorated with kashpo for flowers and shelves for books.

Such classes are in schools in labor lessons and in kindergartens. By creating your own masterpieces from paper, a small man is taught to a neat scrupulous work. He learns to combine together different colors, shades, getting acquainted with the texture of the material, develops a small motorcy.

  • Flat crafts with convex items and elements: postcards, panel. This kind of craft is available to very small donations. For such a craft, it is enough to take a sheet of colored paper or dense cardboard as a basis for work. Put the flower bud, carved by a mother of corrugated paper. Very good look at paper homemade postcards bulk butterflies and flowers.

Children up to three years old are very difficult to cut minor details, so the work for yourself should take mom. Suggest a ready-made pattern or draw a picture for a postcard. Let the child try to glue the bulk parts without going beyond the contour pattern. Do not load uninsulated with small details. Let them in your composition be 2 - 3.

  • Volume composition. These include applications that you can or hang as a toy, for example, on a New Year tree, or put on a shelf, table. Very nice looking paper snowflakes or bright summer butterflies.

The volumetric applique of paper gives space for creativity. You can use corrugated paper, make mirror figures of two halves. The child during work will get acquainted with the balance, find out how to make a crawl so that it does not fall.

The simplest technique is faming pieces of paper. Details obtained in this way are neatly glued to the base.

The exercise immediately attracts the attention of execution technique. Make such an unusual autumn tree is even a one-year-old child - he will gladly labeam small colored pieces of paper, smearing the adhesive pencil base for the crown.

Getting ready for work

To create beautiful volumetric applications, it is necessary to prepare the workplace in advance and the necessary materials.

  • Paper: Color, Corrugated, White. You can prepare several velvet sheets.
  • Scissors should be with rounded edges so that the child does not accidentally shock.
  • Glue. You can apply and paper, PVA or adhesive pencil.
  • Line, simple pencil, paints (watercolor or gouache).
  • Templates for appliqués that are in any bookstore. Often they are already made on non-ferrous paper, so it is enough to cut through the contour to the craft and gently glue.
  • For bulk work, you can use firming materials: straws from cocktails for stems of flowers, pieces of fabrics, chains, beads, branches of the Christmas tree. Fantasy in such crafts is not limited.

Experts advise that the applications "Flowers" were the first bulk craft of a young inventor. She will not take much time, a boy or girl will not have time to get tired.

  • Choose which topic will be used to create a masterpiece. Butterfly, flowers, - all these are details of summer. Summer themes are pleasant in the autumn and winter months: bright colors raise the mood. In winter, looking at work, it's nice to remember the warm pore. Volumetric butterflies can be decorate any surface.
  • In the manufacture of postcards Mom and grandmother on March 8 with flowers, dad can come to the help of the child. It is necessary to help your son cut minor details, select a template to create a bulk application or draw a contour picture.

Paper creativity is not affected by age. For many people, the surround appearance of the application becomes a chance to show their creative start.

A simple option is to make a chamomile from paper. To do this, it is enough to take paper of 3 colors: green, white and yellow. The basis of the work may also be a white sheet. On the basis, first stir the composition of the composition. Let them cling to the edges with each other to obtain volume. White daisy petals can be cut separately or immediately with a whole flower. It is necessary to glue only the middle. The edges of the petals should be free. In the middle to attach a crumpled chick of yellow paper.

Already in 1 year, children are ready to meet appliqué.

But in order not to repel your child interest in this type of creativity, you need to comply with some important rules.

In this article you will find the ideas of applications with children 1 - 3 years, learn about the rules of classes them.

You can download templates for applications one file. The link is more than 100 templates for all types of applications that I tell in this article.

Also a large number of ideas you will find in the album group VK "Be Mom's Easy".

In their classes, we also use ready-made benefits for creating applications. I will make an overview of such benefits in one of the following articles.

Use of applications

Many parents postpone their applications at a later age, considering that the one-year-old baby is still early. But it is not.

During the application of the applique, the child:

  • develops a small motorcy
  • improves coordination of movements of hands;
  • acquires a new touch experience;
  • get acquainted with the outside world;
  • develops speech (during the fiction of the plot and discussion of what you do);
  • activates the imagination and creative beginning.

This is exactly what needs to be intensively develop at an early age.

How to make appliques with children

Classes should bring joy and child, and parents.

Moms usually two difficulties: lack of ideas and lack of time to prepare.

In this article, I just share the ideas of appliques for kids.

As for the second complexity, I believe that the preparation for any classes and not only appliqué should take at least time. No need to pervert and invent everything extraordinary and complex.

Neat appliques made in complex technique look beautiful in photographs in instagram, but in reality, if the child is small, it turns out everything is not so colorfully. That whole leaf is a melting order, the elements are crookedly glued, or even in general else. And it is wonderful - it means it is the child who did this application and did (under the persistent leadership of Mom, of course, and not her hands).

Take simple ideas for weapons, draw, cut out of what is, in minutes. You are not ready for the exhibition, but do one of the hundreds of crafts with the child, which he still has to do.

And then, when these classes become familiar, complicate the technique, come up with something new.

As for children, then you need to remember:

  • Appliqué is, first of all, the game, which means that they intend to come here an interesting and understandable story plot;
  • Applications must be simple available for its age;
  • No coercion;
  • The lesson should take no more than 5 to 7 minutes with the kids and 15-20 minutes with older children. And with some fidgets and 3 minutes will be enough;
  • There should be nothing superfluous on the table - only glue and paper (or other material you use);
  • Alternate materials from which you make an applique: the child is important a variety;
  • If the child is patient enough, you can cut the items and with it. So the child and scissors will be interested. And closer to three years, if you wish, simple details will be able to cut yourself;
  • If the child is impatient, quickly tires, prepare everything you need in advance;
  • Classes must be regular. We do appliques about once a week.

On many crafts write the date and age and add them to the daddy.

Most ideas I find in the book Elena Yanushko "Application with young children" (Labyrinth, Ozone). A wonderful allowance that presents a methodology for holding an order of young children.

A huge number of ideas with a detailed description of each classes, including what you must say the child during the execution of the application. In general, I recommend it to reading.

What makes appliques

To diversify classes, useful alternate materials. For the manufacture of applications, well suited:

  • colored paper: ordinary, double-sided, velvet,
  • napkins,
  • stationery stickers
  • stickers
  • clippings from magazines,
  • foil,
  • felt,
  • the cloth,
  • wool and cotton disks,
  • plasticine,
  • natural materials
  • cereals
  • sand,
  • salt,
  • insulating tape.

Take the basis of taking cardboard or tight paper. We most often in our work we use A5 format, sometimes A4.

Where possible, the template is better to paint and cut the right shape (Christmas tree, vase, etc.) - so the child is more interesting.

As for glue, you must have a pencil adhesive, and a regular PVA. Now, at 3 years old, Antushka suddenly began to make a piece of paper with the usual glue, which he soul from the soul. And we temporarily moved solely on the adhesive pencil.

Ideal for children who barely fulfilled a year. Do not require glue. Now there are many different stickers, there are even in the form of animals, machines, but many games can be invented with usual.

Here are some simple ideas:

Hide mouse (bunnies, etc.). Draw several mice on a sheet and offer the child to hide them from the cat. The child sticks the sticker directly on the mouse. Then it is interesting to pry, who is sitting there. You can cut from leaf stickers and hide under them worms, bugs, etc.

You can also glue garages for machinery.

Rainy droplets. Draw a tucca and offer a child to glue raindrops - small rectangles, carved from the sticky part of the sticker.

You can make rays for the sun, flower petals, grass, mustache for a cat, needles for the hedgehog, scaly for fish. Of small round stickers or stickers - spots for the giraffe, balls for the Christmas tree.

All this can be done and on magnetic board for drawing:

Stickers Also excellent entertainment and appliqué material. You can buy them with whole thematic sets.

Simple appliques with chaotic elements location

This is the first stage in mastering the art of appliqué.

It also needs to be printed in advance (or draw) and cut the base for appliqués, cut the remaining elements. Let the child himself decide wherever he wants to glue one or another element. Here are some ideas:

  • Solim cucumbers, tomatoes;
  • Cut the pan and the stuff in it pancakes;
  • Cook jam, mushroom soup;
  • We draw a plate and feed of rubber animals with oranges, cabbage, carrots, etc.;
  • Decorate the Christmas tree, cap, mittens, booze;
  • We stick to the trees of leaves, apples, pears, and in a garden planting vegetables;
  • In the aquarium, planted fish, in the pond - ducklings;
  • We collect mushrooms in a basket;
  • Cut out a thin strip - the road for cars and glue the typewriter.

You can also make ice from foil:

Appliques from geomethcheki shapes

At 1.5 - 2 years, you can complicate the applications. Print or draw on the contour of the elements. Invite the baby to glue the appliqué elements on these contours.

I print a template, cut out the geometric elements, I carry on the colored paper and cut out already out of it.

Thus, it is convenient to make applications not only from geometric figures, but also any other form.

Appliques without contours

This is a complicated variant of the previous type of appliqués. The complexity is that here already no ready-made contours.

Previously a child with you lays out the formation elements to see what should or may turn out. And only then sticks.

Here is just an infinite number of options. If the child is small, then a little bit will go to the preparation. But closer to three years I want to do something original and then you will have to spend time and search for ideas and preparation.

The easiest option:

A little harder:

Such appliques The child can do closer to three years. Here at the same time and the figures are studying:

Appliques from magazines and ready-made pictures

In order to make applications not necessarily have even colored paper. Use old magazines, catalogs goods.

Here we and Antoshka filled the fridge. I cut out products from the directory of the nearest supermarket, and Antoshka placed them on the shelves.

By the same principle, you can place toys on the shelves, fill the baskets with fruits and vegetables, hang clothes in the closet, etc. Drawing the foundation will take you not more than a minute. It will remain cut out products or other things.

Appliques from wool and cotton disks

From the cotton excellent: bunny, swan, polar bear, sheep, cat, dog and other animals that can be white and fluffy. As well as snow, snowflakes, dandelions, clouds.

As a basis, use coloring for the smallest or templates for appliqué.

Tree in the snow:

The basis can be painted with the child. Wool clouds:

Appliques from cereals and sand

About the applications from the croup I told in the article about.

In essence, these are two in one: and drawing, and the application.

Print coloring for kids. Invite the child to smear with glue coloring and sprinkle with rice, cornframe, semal, etc.

Manka It is perfectly painted with a gouache (just do not add water), but you can leave it white and create masterpieces in the winter theme.

Fig It can easily paint the child himself. This is a separate useful entertainment.

On sale colored sand For creativity.

Squirrel from painted mankey:

And these are sunflowers from buckwheat, corn cereals and painted rice:

You can also learn letters and numbers, making appliques from Manka.

Here you also need to print coloring for the smallest. The basis should be no more A5 format. Offer the child to smear plasticine on the basis. To begin with, choose the pictures that you need to lure in one color:

And then complicate:

The easiest option of the application from plasticine - to make the specks of the giraff, the points of God's cow, etc. Here is a pressing technique.

Write in the comments, does your kid like to do applications? Does he have patience to do this difficult affairs?

Complete application of paper. Cactus with your own hands

Necessary materials and tools

■ Colored Paper (Yellow, Green and Red)

■ Scissors

■ glue, it is better to use pencil glue

Step-by-step process of cactus applique

1. Select the yellow sheet of tight paper for the background. A4 format. You can use a sheet of yellow cardboard.

2. Cut the templates.

3. After folding in half a leaf of green paper, we apply templates to the collapse and cut out 4-5 pieces of each part.

4. From the red paper, cut the barbs for cactus - very thin strips (slightly pointed to one edge) with a length of 1.5-3 cm.

5. We begin to glue the cactus from the lower tier. To do this, we take one large part of the cactus, lubricate the glue half of its outdoor side, we glue 4-5 needles on it and we glue another part of the petal on top.

6. By analogy, we glue all the same parts into the size of the needle, gluing between them.

7. Similarly, glue all other cactus elements. It turned out five inches of cactus with needles.

8. We glue the processes to the background by connecting them between themselves.

9. We make a blooming cactus, so moving to the manufacture of floweries. By stencil, cut out 4 red flower. Flowers can be another shape.

10. We fold each petal along Poland - the petals became "alive", they rise up.

10. We glue ready-made flowers to cactus processing.

Helpful advice. You can plant a cactus in a pot. To do this, you will first need to cut a pot from colored paper, for example, in the form of a trapezium.

Each mother and dad are trying to pick up a fascinating lesson for their child, which will not only take it for a while, but also will have a beneficial effect on the comprehensive development of the baby, will force a child to improve creative thinking, think, fantasy, learn to concentrate attention.

Colored paper appliques are a great option for the useful pastime of your child. An older kids can do this creative occupation on their own, the kids will create their first work together with their parents.

The role of applications in children's development

Application from paper implies a phased creation of a picture by sticking different in the form and color of elements on a cardboard or paper base. Looking at the various photos of appliqués from paper for children, you will understand what is this type of occupation, and which will be finished at the end of the process.

The technology of appliqués from paper is quite simple. The child itself, either with the help of parents, nannies, the educator, must come up with what kind of picture he would like to portray, prepare the tools necessary for the creative process, make patterns of elements, alternately cut out of paper sheets small parts, which will be needed to recreate the planned image and sequentially Give them to the selected basis.

So what is the benefit of such a classes?

Application Creation Process:

  • develops the prishability;
  • improves small motility;
  • allows you to remember and distinguish between colors and forms;
  • teaches independence;
  • instills accuracy;
  • teaches patience;
  • forms creative and figurative thinking, etc.

The role of applications in the development of a child is undoubtedly great. They contribute to the multifaceted and versatile development of the child.

Here are some simple paper appliques, which can be useful for the first lessons and dating kids with the concept of appliqué.

Examples of applications

We will try to make a presentation of some, the easiest applications from paper, from which you can begin the learning process for this case.

Ice cream

To create such an applique, you must prepare:

  • cardboard or paper base;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • colored paper of various shades.

To begin with, on colored leaves it is necessary to draw the basic elements of the future picture: separately horn and separate ice cream balls. After, with the help of scissors, it is necessary to cut these details. At the next stage, you need to glue small items in a strict sequence: the head is the first to the base, then, alternately, the balls are escair.

After the completion of actions, the resulting picture can be decorated with additional details: cherries, chocolate crumbs (which too need to cut out of paper).

With the help of such an uncomplicated algorithm of actions, you can make appliques of different types: and a plate with fruit, and fish, and a bunny, and a house.

Volumetric Applique

This embodiment is a bit more complicated, but the result is worth it. Consider how to make an unusually beautiful bulk paper flower. To create it, the materials mentioned above will be needed, the only refinement - colored paper should be as thinner as possible.

From the base, it is necessary to cut the flower shape, it may be, for example, a rose bud or chamomile inflorescence. After, from paper of different colors, it is necessary to cut a lot of small pieces and their fingers to squeeze them.

Very nice and plausible look at the bulk winter appliques from paper, which will become an excellent gift to grandparents for the New Year holidays. On a cardboard basis, you can depict a Christmas tree decorated with multi-colored balls, and with the help of crumpled pieces of white paper to recreate snowfall or install a snowman.

Appliques created from colored paper, a huge set, so such an occupation will not be able to borrow a child, every day he will open something new and interesting for himself, while improving figurative and creative thinking, intelligence, perfection, discipline and intelligence.

Photos of paper appliques

The most common material for creating non-complex crafts is colored paper. Indeed, with paper work not only easily, but also fun. Working with paper is also excellent charging for kids fingers. Given all these advantages of paper, we decided to offer you crafts from colored paper for kids. Here you can see the brightest ideas and try to have fun with your child.

Ideas of crafts from colored paper


Today there is a huge amount of paper crafts for children. But we are in a hurry to offer only the best ideas. For example, the flower chamomile loves all the kids. Therefore, they will love it with pleasure. To create a flower, you will need:

  • multicolored paper and cardboard sheet,
  • pVA glue and scissors.


  1. Long strips are cut from white sheets of paper. Whatever the strips were smooth, on a sheet of paper, first of all drawn the line with a pencil and a ruler.
  2. After that, mugs are cut out of the paper of yellow color, which will be a middle chamomile.
  3. It is also worth cutting 3 long strips of green paper and several leaves.
  4. From white strips you need to make petals. White strips glued together on both sides, so that you have loops.
  5. Then all the elements are glued to the cardboard. (Pay attention to the photo).

Gold fish made of paper.

All crafts from the colored paper that we list in this article are suitable for children of 4-5 years. Whatever the fish you should take:

  • tight cardboard sheet and round plate,
  • ruler and scissors
  • colored paper and PVA glue,
  • simple pencil and elements for decorating fish.


  1. First, cut out the figure of the fish. For this, a plastic plate is taken, stacked on the cardboard and the child circles its contours. After that, the circle is cut out, which turned out.
  2. Through a pencil, spend flat lines to the edges of the plate. The line at the same time should be used so the triangle has been formed. Now the baby must cut this triangle.
  3. A piece that was cut recently will be the tail of the fish. It is glued to the back of the cardboard mug.
  4. Now you need to paint the eye or cut it out of colored paper.
  5. That's all simple handicraft ready. You can simply admire or use it in children's games.

Original butterfly from children's palms.

Very entertaining applications may turn out of the contours of the palms of children. In addition, such an occupation will be able to please your child and give him a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive.

On a note! Save a similar cracker in order to remember the size of your child's palms in the future.

To make a crawl take:

  • Colored paper and scissors,
  • White sheets and glue-pencils,
  • Elements for decoration.


  1. The kid must first attach his left palm, and then right to sheets of paper. With the help of a pencil, an adult circulates the palm contours. As a result, it is worth making 4 palms of different colors. They will be the wings of the butterfly.
  2. On a sheet of white cardboard, the palms are now glued. (Pay attention to the photo).
  3. After that, a color sheet is drawn oval. He must become a butterfly body. His child should stick between the wings and palms.
  4. Now the felt-faucers need to draw eyes and a smile.
  5. To decorate the wings, you can use completely different items. It can be: sparkles or sequins. You can also stick ready-made stickers.

Beautiful applique of paper.

In this article you can find simple crafts for babies from colored paper. Such products will be fun and easy to do. Suggest the baby to make appliques from colored paper. Surely, he will like this lesson. To create an applique, you will need to prepare:

  • tight cardboard sheet and simple pencil,
  • scissors and glue, colored paper.


Heart "with love."

Crafts from colored paper for kids must be bright. In this case, their creation process will definitely interest the child. To make the next craft you need to take:

  • Dense sheet of cardboard and PVA glue,
  • Corrugated paper of different colors and scissors.


  1. On a sheet of cardboard, draw a flat heart. It must have a size of 20N20 cm. Cut this heart.
  2. Colored corrugated paper is cut into square 22 cm.
  3. These squares are glued as follows. The glue is stuffed with a small segment of the heart to it, the square is glued. With the help of toothpick edges of this box are lifted.
  4. Thus, you need to fill the entire heart of the heart.

Cute caterpillar.

Whatever the kids were fun and interesting to make crafts of various kinds, be sure to offer them for work only bright colored paper.

In order to make a caterpillar take: Color and glue paper.

Making caterpillar is incredibly easy. Cardboard base is prepared. Circles are cut from sheet paper sheets. What the circles should be of different sizes. The biggest circle is a head. A smaller diameter circle is a tail. Get all the details on the cardboard.

On a large circle of black felt-tumbrix, draw the features of the face and make a hairs with horns from black paper.


Here we offer you not sophisticated colored paper crafts. Make God's cow is very simple. Take cardboard and glue for this.


  1. Circle cut from red cardboard. Circles and strip are pasted on it.
  2. Separately from the cardboard of black color, the legs, head are cut. All these elements are glued to a red mug from the inside.
  3. Now it remains to glue only eyes and mustaches, which can also be made of colored cardboard.

Volumetric cat.

The volumetric cat is simple and very fast. In order to make a cat, take:


  1. In order to make the cat use the template. It downloads and cut out.
  2. In the template make 4 outbreaks. They are made according to the marked, solid lines.
  3. The neck bends the harmonica, and the tail is spinning.
  4. The foot paws should also be bent and glued to a piece of cardboard.


Now you know about what crafts make it with a colored paper preschoolers. We hope that the above ideas are excellent for you and you can make creativity with your child in the very near future.