A step-by-step procedure for dismissal for medical reasons in accordance with the law. Transfer of an employee for medical reasons

The basis for dismissal for medical reasons is an expert opinion, indicating complete or partial disability. The employer becomes the initiator of the termination of the employment contract after assessing the health status of the position held. We will tell in the article about dismissal for medical reasons, we will compare how it differs from the termination of the contract on a general basis.

Medical report on the state of health

The employer receives an opinion on the health status of the employee, sent by the expert commission or transmitted by the employee. The following persons have the right to establish the loss of capacity for work:

  • KEC is a clinical expert commission certifying the medical condition of a citizen. On the basis of a certificate issued by the KEK, the employee can extend the necessary treatment for up to a year. The certificate is not a basis for dismissal or disability assignment. When making a diagnosis and making a recommendation, the consent of the person (patient) is required.
  • MSEC is a medical and social expert commission that determines a person's ability to work and the need for rehabilitation and social protection. Citizens with persistent functional and other health disorders are referred for examination. On the basis of the conclusion, a disability is assigned with the definition of a group.

The medical report is confirmed by signatures, personal seals of doctors and the seal of a medical institution. The decision of the commission is binding on the employer and is taken into account when determining whether a person's health meets the working conditions for the position held.

Classification of disability groups

The conclusion, which determines the need to assign a disability group, indicates the reason, the nature of which is reflected in the receipt of social protection. The reasons for the complete or partial disability are:

  • Diseases of a general nature resulting from a chronic illness or injury.
  • An occupational disease caused by exposure to harmful working conditions.
  • Injury received at work or on the road, which has different meanings.
  • Other reasons for the person.

3 groups of disability were established, differing in the severity of diseases and the state of work capacity:

Each of the groups has certain federal and municipal benefits. For example, with a disability of group 2, a shortened 35-hour work week is prescribed. After the expiration of time and a change in the state of health, the category of the group can be changed on the basis of the conclusion of the MSEC.

The employer's procedure for dismissal

The implementation of the recommendations of medical examinations is required to be carried out immediately. Depending on the conclusion made, the employee can be transferred from his position or dismissed at the initiative of the employer. Options for the employer to dismiss a person:

Transfer to a vacant position

Dismissal due to complete disability is made immediately and unconditionally. The basis for dismissal is a medical report indicating the details in the order. In case of partial disability and the need to transfer, the actions of the employer require additional measures. Necessary:

  • Determine the presence of vacancies in the staffing table that meet the requirements.
  • Offer the employee in writing to take a position corresponding to the level of work ability.
  • Organize a temporary commission to confirm the employee's familiarization with the proposals and create an act in case the person does not agree to the transfer.

If there are relevant vacancies, the employer offers the employee any of the positions to choose from. The offer is submitted to the employee in writing with the attachment of available vacancies.

“Director of LLC“ Progress ”Petrov K.N. notifies you of the need to transfer to a position corresponding to the indications specified in the medical report MSEC No. 22350 dated 04.11.2016. A list of available works that meet the requirements is attached to the notification. Additionally, we notify that you can agree to the transfer to one of the proposed positions or refuse vacancies. In case of refusal, the employment contract No. 35 of 09/10/2012 will be terminated under clause 8 of Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

I ask you to notify the administration of your consent or refusal with the transfer to the chosen position by 10/05/2016.

Director of Progress LLC Petrov K.N. (signature)

The employee Kozyrev A.A. (signature)"

Dismissal in the absence of vacancies for transfer

In the absence of vacancies, a written notification form is applied with an extract from the staffing table.

An example of a notification snippet:

IP Romanishin P.P. notifies you that in connection with the conclusion of MSEC No. 15 dated 01/25/2016, it became necessary to transfer to a position corresponding to the state of health for a period of 10 months. Due to the lack of relevant vacancies, we suggest that you terminate the employment contract No. 21/2013 dated 08/10/2013 on the basis of clause 8 of Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

An extract from the staffing table No. 5 dated December 29, 2015 is attached.

IP Romanishin P.P. (signature)

Employee Kovalev V.A. (signature)"

The presence at the time of the proposed transfer of vacancies is a violation of labor law and can be challenged by the employee in court as illegal dismissal.

Step-by-step instructions for employer's actions

If the employee refuses to transfer or if there are no vacancies, the contract with the person is terminated. Employer's actions upon dismissal:

Order Actions Explanations
1 Obtaining a medical opinionDocument provided by an employee or received by mail
2 Identifying vacanciesFamiliarization with the staffing table
3 Convening a commission, issuing an orderThe commission confirms the compliance of the employer's actions with legislative acts
4 Drawing up a notification to an employee about the transfer if there are vacanciesAfter obtaining consent, a transfer is made, in case of refusal - dismissal
5 Drawing up an act in case of refusal of the employee's signature to receive a notificationRegistration of a document when it is drawn up in the register of acts
6 Registration of notification with assignment of number and dateRegistration is carried out in the journal of accounting of general or personnel documents
7 Dismissal of an employeePublication of the order of the T-8 form with registration in the log book. Read also the article: → "".
8 Familiarization of the employee with the orderIn case of refusal to sign the order, a record of confirmation of familiarization is made by the present employees or the commission
9 Drawing up a certificate-calculation for benefitsPayment is made upon dismissal
10 Final steps - calculation and entry in the work bookActions are performed on the last working day
11 Writing to other documentsFilling out a personal card and other documents of internal circulation

Actions and documents drawn up upon dismissal for medical reasons must be carried out in strict accordance with the law, which will prevent the dismissal from being challenged.

Payments to employees and filling out a work book

Upon dismissal, the employee is supposed to receive:

  • the balance of the due wages, benefits for temporary disability based on the data of the report card;
  • the amount of compensation in exchange for the main and additional leave due for the time worked according to the data of the personnel department and the reference-calculation;
  • severance pay in the amount of two weeks' earnings.
  • social or bonus payments established by internal acts of the employer.

Severance pay is due to persons dismissed in case of recognition as incapable of work and the employee's refusal to transfer to a position corresponding to the state of health (Article 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The calculation is made on the basis of the amount of earnings received for the year preceding the dismissal. Payment is made according to the data of the reference-calculation.

Working days are taken into account when determining the average daily earnings and days taken into account when calculating benefits.

Employment registration depends on the basis of the dismissal. In case of refusal to transfer, the text is entered into the document: “Dismissed due to refusal to transfer to a position required in connection with a medical report, on the basis of clause 8 of Part 1 of Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation ". The employment record must be familiarized with the signature.

A controversial situation when a partial incapacity for work is identified

The employee is obliged to warn about the presence of disability upon admission to work or deterioration of health during the period of employment (Article 214 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In a number of cases, the fact of disability is not indicated by the employee. The employer or the security service are not involved in checking the health status if the employee's position does not require mandatory medical examinations.

The concealment of data on partial disability does not allow the employer to provide the benefits provided by law. If the employer becomes aware of a partial disability that does not coincide with the working conditions, the person may be offered another job corresponding to the state of health. In the absence of vacancies, the employee is dismissed. There is no penalty for hiding health data.

Answers to current questions on the topic of dismissal for medical reasons

Question number 1. Can the employer pay severance pay upon dismissal under paragraph 5 of Art. 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in a larger size?

Maybe, if the condition is included in the labor or collective agreement (Article 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Question number 2. Does the employer have the right to withhold the amount of vacation pay granted for the unworked period?

Doesn't have. Withholding of the amount of payment for leave issued in advance, upon dismissal for medical reasons, is not carried out by the employee.

Question number 3. Can the employer transfer an employee to an easier job for medical reasons without his consent?

Excluded. Transfer to another job, even for good reasons, is made with the consent of the employee. Refusal to transfer obliges the employer to terminate the contract if the degree of the person's ability to work does not correspond to the conditions of work according to the position.

Question number 4. What document is used for the transfer to another job for medical reasons?

The transfer is carried out on the basis of an order signed by both the employer and the employee. An additional agreement is concluded with the employment contract.

Question number 5. Is it possible to dismiss an employee under paragraph 11 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation when concealing the presence of a disability in employment for a position that does not correspond to the state of health?

Yes maybe. If the employee does not provide information that allows him to refuse to conclude a contract according to his position, the dismissal may be made in connection with the provision of forged documents.

One click call

Termination of pregnancy (abortion) is a surgical or medical method of removing a fertilized egg from the uterus. Moscow clinics offer several methods of abortion: vacuum aspiration, curettage, medical abortion.

Early abortion

On the 4th day after fertilization, the ovum enters the uterine cavity through the cervix. In the first week of delayed menstruation (13-15 days of pregnancy), the fertilized egg does not have a close connection with the mucous membrane of the reproductive organ, therefore, an early abortion (5-10 days after a delay in menstruation) passes quickly and without significant consequences for the patient.
Early termination of pregnancy does not entail hormonal disruptions or the development of neoplasms on the mucous surfaces of the reproductive system. At the discretion of the patient, an early abortion can be performed using vacuum regulation or drug therapy.

Medical abortion

The pharmacist's behavior is possible up to 6 weeks of pregnancy (less than 40 days of delay). Medical abortion is the least traumatic method of abortion. Pharmabort does not provoke ruptures and other mechanical injuries, excludes the appearance of inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity, as well as complications after anesthesia.

Surgical termination of pregnancy

There are two types of surgical abortion: curettage (8-12 weeks of gestation) and vacuum regulation (4-6 weeks of pregnancy). A classic abortion is performed under general anesthesia with the opening of the cervix and the extraction of the fetus using a gynecological curette. Such surgical correction is carried out blindly, therefore there is a danger of incomplete cleansing of the uterine cavity, injury to the soft tissues of the genital tract, cervix, uterus itself, and bleeding. The manipulation takes 35-60 minutes. Within 6-7 hours after a medical abortion, the patient must be in the hospital.
Vacuum aspiration (mini-abortion) is performed under local or general anesthesia. The principle of manipulation is to remove the fertilized egg using a vacuum tube (electric pump) inserted through the vagina and cervix. A mini abortion does not cause significant blood loss or internal trauma. The entire vacuum aspiration procedure is performed for 4-7 minutes, after which the patient is under the supervision of a specialist for 30-40 minutes and can soon go home on his own.

Where are abortions carried out in Moscow?

In the database of the information portal Zoon you will find the addresses of gynecology and reproductive health centers, hospitals of state clinics and other medical institutions in Moscow. The site also contains questionnaires of obstetricians-gynecologists, surgeons and other specialized specialists. The rating of doctors, patient reviews and the cost of services of certain doctors will help you to make right choice.

The relationship between the boss and the subordinate becomes much more complicated when the second, according to the medical report, cannot fulfill his official duties. Can they be fired for health reasons and what is the procedure for dismissal for health reasons, so as not to violate?

An employer, when dismissing employees in connection with an illness that interferes with work at the enterprise, must rely on the regulatory framework.

Violation of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation can lead to disastrous consequences. There are several articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation that are suitable for termination of labor relations for health indicators. Moreover, the initiative to quit can come from both the management and the employee himself:

  • Clause 5 - the subordinate cannot work anymore due to illness - the management will need to submit documents from the medical institution confirming that the person is not able to work;
  • Clause 8 - due to illness, the subordinate cannot agree with the new working conditions proposed by the employer and, due to the impossibility of staying further in the previous workplace, is forced to resign for health reasons;
  • Paragraph 3 (A) of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - the dismissal of an employee for health reasons due to the fact that this fact does not allow him to fully perform his work.

In addition to the Labor Code (and not all of its articles regulating this area of ​​labor legal relations have been touched on above), the employer must also rely on other norms of modern legislation. These include:

  • Article 5 of the Administrative Code;
  • The Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • The laws on the protection of workers' rights and their health;
  • Judgment by the Supreme Court in 2004.

In cases of non-compliance with the provisions of regulatory legal acts, an employer who fires an employee due to health problems may be held liable.

Refusal to transfer to another job due to illness

How if, on the basis of a medical report, he can no longer continue to work in the same place where he could no longer be? In this case, dismissal for medical reasons is possible only in the following cases:

  • the employee did not agree to be transferred to another proposed job that was medically appropriate for him;
  • the employer cannot offer a subordinate anything that would suit him in accordance with his position.

This provision of the law is applied in cases where the need for a translation is temporary or permanent (in the case of a temporary option, a translation is considered for more than four months). The proposed new position may correspond to the previous one in terms of employee qualifications and remuneration. Or it could be worse (lower position, lower salary, etc.). In this case, legislation primarily looks at the safety of human health and life, and not at prestige and material well-being.

The procedure for transferring from one position to another must be recorded in writing.

The subordinate should be presented with a document with a proposal to move to a more suitable workplace for him. In this document, a person leaves his resolution - whether he agrees or not to the employer's proposal. After the refusal of the subordinate to transfer, an order of dismissal must be issued (it must also be familiarized with it under the signature). An appropriate entry is made in (“what date” was dismissed under Art. 77, Part 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Conclusion of a medical institution

A conclusion from a medical institution is the only basis for terminating an employment contract due to deteriorating health. Moreover, just a certificate from a district therapist will not be enough. Papers are issued:

  • KEK - blade expert examination;
  • MSEC - Medical and Social Expert Commission.

The conclusion of any of the commissions is indisputable. And even if the person himself does not want to announce the result, the conclusion will be transferred to him for work by the doctors without fail. For example, a person works as an ATP driver on a passenger bus, and he has a brain tumor. A person can die at any moment and at the same time destroy all his passengers, not to mention the random cars that are nearby.

Dismissal procedure

So, dismissal for health reasons, which does not contradict modern laws on the protection of workers' rights, is possible in a number of cases:

  • the employees of the medical institution, as a result of the examination, issued a verdict in relation to the dismissed person - completely unfit for work ();
  • if health problems are so great that a person cannot work in the same place, and does not want to transfer to another position;
  • if poor health can harm the employee himself and his colleagues in the process of performing their job duties (threat to health / life, harm to production).

If the employee, indicating the reason for the presence of a disease that is not compatible with work, does not need to work for two weeks. A wordless statement about the disease will not work. The employee will need to document all his words. For this, it is necessary to obtain the conclusion of the medical commission. When an employee wants to quit, the procedure is standard. In case of termination of the employment contract on the initiative of the employer, the procedure for dismissal has certain features.

Another job offer

After the subordinate has provided the boss with confirmation from the medical organization about his illness, the management will have to make a decision.

If there are positions in the organization according to the staffing table, suitable for the "patient", the manager is obliged to offer a transfer to this job. Even if the subordinate loses his salary. The offer is made in writing. Consent / disagreement must also be in writing.

Refusal of an employee to transfer

Job options for easier work should be prepared by the HR department. The subordinate gets acquainted with the proposed options. If nothing suits him, then the person can be fired under the appropriate article. It is better to receive a refusal from an employee in writing or draw up an act of refusal in the presence of witnesses. Provided that the employee has temporary health problems, and he will be able to start work no later than 4 months later, then there is no need to dismiss such an employee. He can simply be sent to "rest", but at the same time the person retains his workplace.

Vacancy notice / job offer must be made in duplicate. One of them must remain with the employee, the other is handed over to the manager with a mark of consent / disagreement. If there are no suitable vacancies, the “patient” should also be informed about the situation in writing.

This document is drawn up in the organization and registered in accordance with the accepted document flow. The content of the order indicates information about:

  • enterprise;
  • the head;
  • dismissed;

At the end, signatures are put with a transcript of the interested parties.

In the case of temporary suspension from office due to the fact that a person is sick, the order indicates the period of time for which the employee is removed.

Employment book entry

A mandatory record of dismissal is made in the work book and the article of the Labor Code is indicated, in accordance with which. This means that an entry is made in the work book that the person was fired due to poor health.

Dismissal payments

Any dismissal is always accompanied by the payment of funds:

  • money earned (salary);
  • unaccompanied vacation -;
  • other payments due to various categories of employees.

In case of being deprived of work due to illness, an additional allowance is paid - the average salary for two weeks.

Subject to the loss of working capacity during the performance of his official duties, excluding the negligence of the employee himself, the reimbursement of the average earnings from the employer should continue until his full recovery.

Features of the dismissal of military personnel

Dismissal from military service in connection with a detected disease has its own characteristics. The main one is the ability to leave only at the request of the serviceman himself. Restriction on health is not a reason for the dismissal of a serviceman at the request of a higher rank / rank. Upon termination of the contract with a soldier, he is transferred to the reserve. Previously, a soldier must be notified of his rights and capabilities:

  • information on the period of time during which documents will be prepared for submission for transfer to the reserve;
  • the opportunity to express wishes for the service and future life;
  • information on benefits and preferential opportunities for a serviceman in reserve;
  • information about the military registration and enlistment office, in which it will be necessary to register, etc.

Payments for military personnel will also differ from payments for civilians:

  • monetary allowance - until the end of the fulfillment of military duty;
  • allowance - once after retirement - two salaries for those who have served less than twenty years, seven salaries for those who are more;
  • bonus for distinctions during the performance of their duties up to 25% of the assigned salary at the discretion of the commander.

If an injury is received at work, compensation will be received in the amount of two million rubles for contract servicemen and one million rubles for conscripts.

Samples of documents

It will be interesting for you

In personnel practice, dismissal for medical reasons is rare, but stable. Therefore, each employee and manager must clearly understand which document and which authority gives legal grounds to launch the process of dismissing an employee at the enterprise, who, for objective reasons, will no longer be able to fulfill his job duties. We will tell you when it is permissible to dismiss on a medical certificate, taking into account the latest judicial practice.

What does the Labor Code of the Russian Federation say

Based on clause 8 of part 1 of article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, dismissal for medical reasons is allowed in two situations:

  1. The employee's refusal to transfer to another job if it is obligatory for him according to the conclusion of doctors issued in accordance with the law (Article 73 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
  2. The management does not have a corresponding job.

The procedure for issuing a conclusion on health

The rules for issuing certificates and medical reports by medical organizations in Russia are regulated by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated May 2, 2012 No. 441n.

According to him, medical opinions are issued based on the following results:

  • medical examinations carried out;
  • medical examinations;
  • medical examination;
  • decisions made by the medical commission;
  • in other cases.

Such conclusions provide a comprehensive assessment of the state of human health.

More specifically, dismissal in connection with a medical report is possible if one of two documents on the degree of disability is available (appeal ruling of the Armed Forces of Yakutia dated 03.28.2018 in case No. 33-1137 / 2018):

  1. The conclusion of the clinical expert commission (KEC).
  2. Conclusion of the medical and social expert commission (MSEC).

In other cases, the dismissal of an employee for medical reasons is illegal.


Based on the results of a periodic medical examination, the medical organization issued a conclusion to the employee that he has contraindications for working with harmful and hazardous substances. He was recommended to be transferred to work with more comfortable conditions.

Based on this document, the management first suspended the employee from work, and then fired him due to the lack of a position suitable for transfer.

The employee considered the dismissal unlawful, since there was neither a KEK opinion, nor an MSEK opinion. The Supreme Court of Yakutia agreed with his arguments (decision of March 28, 2018 in case No. 33-1137 / 2018).

According to the conclusion of the medical examination, you cannot be dismissed

It is extremely important to understand that the conclusion that was issued to the employee based on the results of a medical examination or examination is NOT a medical opinion on professional unfitness. This medical verdict is only a recommendation for the employer based on the results of a medical examination in relation to the employee and at the same time a mandatory basis for the examination of the employee's professional suitability.

Thus, the dismissal of an employee on a medical certificate is only possible according to a document that is defined by Appendix No. 2 to the order of the Ministry of Health No. 282n dated 05.05.2016, together with the rules for the examination of professional suitability. This is a conclusion about the suitability or unsuitability for the performance of certain types of work. It looks like this.

Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy up to 22 weeks. The artificial process of termination of pregnancy is carried out in an obstetric-gynecological hospital or in an antenatal clinic by specialists of the appropriate profile.

Types of termination of pregnancy

Today, any woman has the right to terminate a pregnancy at her own discretion, if the period does not exceed 12 weeks. In the second and third trimester, abortion is performed only for medical reasons. Regardless of the technique chosen, the procedure is accompanied by various complications and is extremely stressful for the female body, both in the early stages of pregnancy and in the later stages.

There are such types of termination of pregnancy:

  • Mini-abortion or vacuum-aspiration of the fetus is performed when menstruation is delayed by no more than 20 days. You can terminate a pregnancy at an early stage in a gynecological hospital or in an antenatal clinic;
  • Curettage of the uterus is performed under local anesthesia or intravenous anesthesia. The procedure for removing the fetus is more aggressive, but it is permissible for carrying out at a later date;
  • Medical abortion is the newest method of terminating a pregnancy, which involves the use of specially selected drugs that cause a spontaneous miscarriage without any surgical intervention.

Planned and unplanned termination of pregnancy

A woman can terminate a pregnancy up to 12 weeks at will, if there are no contraindications. At the same time, the doctor may strongly recommend that a woman who wishes to carry and give birth to a child, resort to the procedure for termination of pregnancy. In all cases, artificial termination of pregnancy is a forced measure (when bearing a fetus may threaten a woman's life or the child himself has developmental defects that are incompatible with life).

Indications for medical abortion can be conditionally divided into two categories:

  • Up to 12 weeks;
  • In the later stages (in the second and third trimester).

Indications for early abortion

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system, which are accompanied by severe circulatory failure (this is dangerous for both the woman and the fetus);
  • Leukemia;
  • Chronic lung disease;
  • Kidney disease, missing one kidney;
  • Open form of tuberculosis;
  • Severe endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, etc.);
  • Postponed surgical interventions, after which the body did not have time to recover;
  • Severe lesions of the nervous system;
  • Postponed rubella in the 1st trimester;
  • Mental illness (schizophrenia, epilepsy, dementia);
  • Severe early toxicosis;
  • Frozen pregnancy;
  • Revealed defects of the ovum.

Indications for late abortion

From week 13, pregnancy can be terminated solely for social reasons and a number of medical reasons. To undergo a medical abortion procedure, a woman must be in the following predicaments:

  • Large families (more than three children);
  • Husband's sudden death during pregnancy;
  • Divorce during pregnancy;
  • The presence of a disabled child in the family;
  • Problems with social services (after the deprivation of motherhood procedure).

To carry out the abortion procedure at a later date, they resort to intra-amnial technology. This is a method involving the introduction of hypertonic solutions into the uterine cavity. A fetal bladder is pierced through the cervical canal with a sterile tube and the required amount of solution is injected. Then the cavity of the amnion (fetus) is also filled with fluid. To speed up the abortion process, they practice the introduction of stimulating labor.

How to prepare for the procedure

At any stage of pregnancy, a woman should carefully prepare for the upcoming procedure. First of all, you need to conduct a thorough gynecological examination. The doctor of any clinic that a woman actually has a fertilized egg, as well as establish the exact duration of pregnancy.

A doctor's appointment begins with a thorough history taking. It is important not only to establish the very fact of pregnancy and to make sure that the woman really wants to resort to the abortion procedure, but also to determine whether there are no contraindications to any kind of getting rid of the fetus. An interruption is not done if a woman suffers from inflammatory processes, acute infections of the uterus, endometrium or other organs and tissues of the reproductive system.

A basic examination of the patient on the gynecological chair is mandatory. Then the fact of pregnancy is confirmed by the necessary tests (analysis for hCG) and ultrasound. After that, the specialist takes a swab from the vagina and urethra. This is necessary in order to establish whether a woman has an infectious and inflammatory process. A blood test for syphilis and HIV infection is mandatory.

How is a medical abortion performed?

After carrying out the standard preparatory procedures and the final decision regarding the procedure for terminating the pregnancy, the gynecologist must carefully calculate the dose of the active substance. Today, many different drugs have been developed and introduced into official practice, which make it possible to carry out medical abortion and get rid of the fetus in the early stages as comfortably and safely as possible.

Interruption with the help of special medications leads to the fact that the ovum is removed from the wall of the uterus and is forced out of the woman's body. Self-elimination of the fetus is accompanied by bleeding, reminiscent of menstruation, but more painful, prolonged and profuse.

The patient is in the clinic for several hours, then goes home. After 24 hours, she is obliged to visit the gynecologist's office again. If the abortion took place, the patient is prescribed drugs to correct the hormonal background and a second examination is prescribed after 3 months.

Vacuum aspiration

The vacuum aspiration procedure for early termination of pregnancy is carried out in a gynecological hospital. The cervix of the uterine canal is not dilated in the traditional way, but a special tip is used. It is connected to a special apparatus that creates a vacuum. At the initial stage of development, the ovum is characterized by weak attachment to the wall of the uterus. Due to the exposure to vacuum, the egg is easily separated. Vacuum aspiration is performed both under local and general anesthesia.

After the abortion has been carried out, the woman remains in the ward for several hours.

Curettage of the uterus

During pregnancy at a relatively late stage, the traditional method of getting rid of the fetus is practiced - curettage of the uterus. The abortion is performed in a hospital under general anesthesia.

First, a preliminary expansion of the cervical canal is performed with special dilators. As soon as the doctor manages to open the organ, the tissues of the ovum are separated from the walls of the uterus by means of a curette. After removing the fetus, the doctor conducts a control curettage. After making sure that the abortion procedure was successful (this is evidenced by the full contraction of the uterus, followed by short-term bleeding and the actual absence of the fetus), the specialist finishes the intervention.

This type of abortion is not possible on an outpatient basis. After the abortion procedure, the patient is transferred to the ward, drugs are administered to contract the uterus, and the woman's well-being is monitored. Blood pressure is monitored and body temperature is measured. If the patient's health is normal, she is discharged from the hospital. If the abortion caused the development of various complications, the patient is left in the hospital until the pathology that has arisen is completely eliminated.