The correct choice of clothing according to the type of figure. Choosing a dress for the type of figure. Triangle shape type

What to do if clothes, once very fashionable, are no longer pleasing to the eye, if you really want to update your worn-out wardrobe, and there are not enough free funds as always? We offer you a way to create the impression of a new extensive wardrobe at low cost.

The first step towards the appearance of new models of clothing in your wardrobe will be a complete revision of the existing one. women's clothing... First of all, remove all your belongings from cabinets, dressers, wardrobes, including underwear, tights, jewelry, women's accessories, etc. - well, how big is it?

Divide everything that has been removed from the cabinets into three separate groups:

  • Group 1. Permanent wear clothes
  • Group 2. Clothes worn from time to time
  • Group 3. Clothes that lie idle for a year, or even more

Concerning underwear, then it must also be subjected to careful analysis and fitting, and left only if:

  • the straps of the bra or bodysuit do not cut into the shoulders, and wide straps are more suitable for large breasts;
  • bra cups fit well in the breast, not allowing it to bulge out from the sides or bottom;
  • the length of the straps is such that the bra just raises and supports the chest;
  • the cut of the bra cups is such that you feel only comfort and no inconvenience, for example, when raising your arms up, turning, bending, and so on;
  • panties tighten the belly well and emphasize the waist, if necessary;
  • panties do not dig into the body on the hips and do not move out when walking;
  • the linen has not lost its elasticity and shape, has not shed from repeated washings.

Throw away all underwear that does not meet these requirements! Don't mutilate yourself!

When disassembling your tights, send to the basket:

  • tights with puffs, and even more so with arrows or holes;
  • tights are not your size;
  • tights with lurex, light, if you don't want your legs to appear fuller;
  • tights with a pattern if you don't like it or have long gone out of fashion.

Return to your groups

All of your Group 1 clothes should go back into the closet, as getting rid of them will be very stressful for the body, moreover, most likely, you are comfortable and comfortable in these clothes, and they are still quite new and fashionable.

Most likely, in Group 2 there are various festive, evening clothes for different events (wedding, going out, vacation). You, too, return it to its place, but be sure to buy something new for all things - give them a new life.

We got to Group 3. Here, show ruthlessness and throw everything out: as they say, out of sight, out of mind. You don't have to look at what exactly is in this group, perhaps the most clothes - a whole mountain. We must get rid of it! Most likely, this is not new for a long time, far from fashionable and not stylish clothes, which does not suit your body type, in silhouette and your color type, finally, it can remind you of the life that has remained in the past for you.

Now figure out the decorations

You don't need:

  • broken, scratched, frayed bracelets, brooches, earrings, etc.
  • bracelets are out of size;
  • out of fashion, irrelevant jewelry;
  • jewelry that doesn't match your facial features.

Similarly, we disassemble our shoes, bags and belts, get rid of everything old, unfashionable, not suitable for the type of figure, not matching your color palette.

Is there a free space in the closet? Then, having taken into account some of the rules, let's go to replenish our wardrobe.

Step 2. Secrets of savings when choosing a wardrobe

You have carried out a complete revision of your wardrobe and got rid of the models of clothes that are unsuitable for your figure and color type, now you can start looking for a new wardrobe.

But, before you go to the store to shop for new models of clothes, think about which option is closer to you?

  1. A full wardrobe of various women's clothing, but at the same time you are constantly tormented by the question "What to wear?"
  2. At first glance, there are not so many things, but they all go well together, and there is no end to your outfits.

The first situation occurs mainly for the following reasons:

All of your clothing models have been purchased:

  • on sales ("Oh! what a discount! Yes, and my size, I'll take it, perhaps");
  • impulsively ("Blouse is awful! And suddenly it will come in handy!");
  • because it is fashionable ("I just have to buy this hit of the season");
  • persuaded ("And nothing color, take it!");
  • I must finally buy something ("I have not a single skirt in my wardrobe, I must buy");
  • given a salary ("I need to buy something for myself!");
  • other options are also possible.

Of course, a reasonable woman will make her choice in favor of the second option. In this case, you need to remember a few basic rules:

  1. Make your wardrobe exclusively from mutually compatible things that will complement each other. How to do it? There are two main conditions for this: simplicity of styles and a single color scheme that best suits your appearance color type.
  2. Without stylish, tastefully selected womens accessories it will not be possible to create an interesting, attractive, memorable look for your clothing models.
  3. Don't buy clothes spontaneously. Plan your purchases carefully. Take a rational approach. First of all, create the foundation of your wardrobe, the minimum that will allow you to feel at ease in most situations.
  4. You will be able to afford to buy extravagant, decorative women's clothing only after you have formed basic wardrobe of simple things.
  5. Great option Is a wardrobe in a classic style. It is the classic style that is distinguished by simplicity of styles, noble silhouettes and graceful lines. Classic clothes always relevant, suitable for almost all occasions. Good, high quality, classic things will serve their master long years and will never go out of style.

What is primarily related to clothing? classic style? These are things that are not overloaded with details and have a regular, simple, classic cut. Such clothes include:

  • blouse with english or shirt collar;
  • straight skirt, straight trousers;
  • classic jacket;
  • slim smooth jumper;
  • vest, cardigan, etc.

But so that your wardrobe does not look simple and boring with such classic things, use the following ideas:

  • the fabric from which the clothes are sewn must be modern, fashionable in texture, the nature of the fibers, etc.
  • the cut of the model should be elegant, with noble lines
  • the quality of tailoring must be impeccable

The basic rules of shopping for fashionable women's clothing have been learned. Move on.

Step 3. Clothing models for an economical wardrobe

Now let's answer specific question- where to start choosing clothing models for a new wardrobe?

At first, it would be nice to choose the so-called "main color" of your future wardrobe. Here, each woman, of course, has her own priorities, but you need the color to match the face, refer to neutral or near-neutral shades, since it is he who will be present in almost all combinations of your wardrobe. It also does not hurt to remember your color type. Neutral colors include black, white, beige, sand, etc. Near-neutral colors include gray, brown, dark blue, cherry, etc.

Secondly, we choose a straight comfortable one-color dress, suitable shade... The material for the dress can be linen, cotton, wool - it all depends on local weather conditions. We also select the style of the dress, taking into account the characteristics of the figure. We emphasize the advantages and hide the disadvantages as much as possible. Immediately, on the spot, we choose a jacket or a cardigan for the dress, knowing for sure that we will wear it with other things too. This means that the length of the jacket should not be higher than the waistline.

Thirdly, we buy ourselves a one-color two-piece suit of the same neutral color. The basic rule is that the top and bottom of the suit are sewn from the same fabric. Again, we select the style of the skirt and blouse taking into account the characteristics of the figure.

Fourthly, we get another two-piece suit, but already multi-colored. Here we adhere to the following points:

  • in the fabric drawing, your main color of the wardrobe, as well as other colors, must be present;
  • the top and bottom of the suit must be sewn, again, from the same fabric;
  • the drawing of the costume can be absolutely anything, but it will have to go well with the rest of your clothes;
  • the cut of a multi-colored suit may differ from the cut of a plain one, instead of a skirt there may be trousers;
  • when choosing a suit, remember that we will combine its elements both with the first suit and with a jacket.

Fifth, it's time to choose the second primary color, which should be combined with the first, that is, if the first color was black, then the second one will be, for example, gray. We select for ourselves a sweater (blazer), as well as a skirt or trousers of this color. These things should go well with each other, but don't aim for them to be the same. Can vary with the texture of the fabric.

Next, we select for ourselves two or three tops of one of the colors of our multicolored suit, but completely different fabrics and styles. Buttons, zippers, collars, shoulder straps may be present here. In any case, all this will be combined with the things already chosen. Add a couple more skirts or pants to everything, again using one of the colors of the multicolor suit.

Thus, we get

  • the dress
  • jacket
  • neutral two-piece suit
  • a multicolor two-piece suit that sets the tone for your wardrobe and matches everything else
  • blazer or sweater
  • a pair of pants / or skirts in a second base color with an interesting structure
  • several blouses / tops / blouses of a neutral color that can be worn with any things

All this can be combined with each other, giving out many options, especially if you choose the right women's accessories and jewelry. Or add new things to others neutral colors or multi-colored.

Step 4. Clothing models for an economical wardrobe. Option two

The first option for the selection of clothing models is here.

Having a limited number Money, you can create the impression of a very extensive wardrobe. To do this, it is necessary to maintain all purchased clothing models in one color scheme, consisting of two tones.

What will it give you?

At first, absolutely all of your clothing models will be mutually compatible. Thus, showing a little imagination, you will always look stylish and unique, and those around you will get the impression that you just have a huge wardrobe.

Secondly choosing simple ones, classic models clothes without unnecessary details, you will create a wardrobe that will be relevant for several seasons, saving a lot of money.

Thirdly, You will stop doubting whether it is worth wearing these or those things together or not, since you will have a fully compatible wardrobe.

So that a wardrobe designed in only two colors does not turn out to be boring and inconspicuous, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Choose two colors (primary and secondary), which, firstly, suit your type of appearance or color type, and secondly, are fashionable and relevant.
  2. Stick to the exact shades you choose, you do not need to choose things "almost the same tone" or "close to the chosen one" - otherwise your clothes will not be completely mutually compatible.
  3. When choosing clothing models, pay attention not only to plain fabrics, but also striped fabrics, peas, cages, floral ornaments- whatever suits your appearance, but stick to the chosen two tones.
  4. Experiment with textures and types of fabrics. If knitted or crocheted things suit you - feel free to take it. Suede, leather, tweed, boucle, corduroy, etc. - thanks to them, the wardrobe will become even more diverse.
  5. Don't forget about the wide variety of different accessories for women. Neckerchiefs, belts, bags, shoes, jewelry and much more help to make female image interesting, unique and memorable.

We offer several options for safe color combinations, choose the most suitable color pair for your appearance, or come up with your own.

  • black and white;
  • dark blue and gray;
  • black and light gray;
  • black and nutty;
  • dark blue and white;
  • dark cherry and white;
  • red and white;
  • Red and black;
  • chocolate and beige;
  • light brown and cream;
  • gray plus lilac, etc.

Thus, thanks to this approach to the selection of clothing models for your new wardrobe, you will create your own unique style, spend less funds and besides, all your things will be perfectly combined with each other!

Step 5. Spectacular evening dress at no extra cost

Almost every woman, regardless of her age and social status, faces situations when it is simply necessary to look especially elegant and attractive. For some women, such situations happen very often, for others the opportunity to "go out" is extremely rare, however, both the former and the latter will feel especially confident in a well-chosen evening dress.

When a woman has quite large financial capabilities, as a rule, it is not difficult for her to choose an evening dress for herself. She can afford to choose outfits for each specific occasion. But what about those who have more modest financial opportunities, or family priorities are set differently (perhaps most of the funds go to educating children, or supporting their parents, etc.).

If you belong to the second category of women, then it would be most reasonable for you to adhere to the following tips:

Advice 1. Instead of buying evening dress, give preference to two or three elements of an evening dress, which can later be combined with each other. To get started, get, for example, an elegant evening velvet skirt or velvet trousers.

Tip 2. Complement this skirt or trousers with a beautiful, shiny, low-cut top, and evening dress ready.

Tip 3. For another occasion, you can purchase a spectacular blouse made of satin or guipure for the same skirt or trousers - here you are new variant evening wear.

Tip 4. And to new blouse if necessary, you can buy, for example, chiffon pants.

Tip 5. Buying evening clothes, you seem to be leading a single chain and, moreover, you save money, since a skirt or blouse is much cheaper than an evening dress.

Tip 6. To make your things go well with each other, choose classics without unnecessary additional details. Simplicity and elegance are your loyal friend.

Tip 7. It's no secret that evening colors Is basically dark colors... First of all, of course, black is the color of nobility and sophistication and elegance. Red is no less effective - the sexiest color. Very good for the evening: dark blue, dark green, dark cherry, burgundy. But the best solution there will be a choice of the main color for your evening wardrobe from the palette of the most suitable shades for your appearance.

Tip 8. Pay special attention to accessories, they will perfectly complement your outfit and add irresistibility to you.

Everyone knows that a woman with curvaceous very often it is not easy to find a suitable evening dress for a special occasion. It used to be almost impossible to find a beautiful, spectacular and inexpensive evening dress, all the more complete. It is good that today the situation has changed dramatically. However, it will be easier for you to choose an evening dress if you take into account several recommendations.

A few tips for choosing an evening dress for a fat woman:

  1. The first step in choosing a stunning evening dress is taking your measurements. It is better to entrust such a thing to a professional - for example, in the same store for fat people for a small price, they will certainly help you. But, if you prefer to measure yourself, then it is better to use a vinyl or cloth meter for measurements and be sure to measure over your underwear. Measure your waist, hips, bust, and write your measurements in inches (1 inch = 2.5 cm) and centimeters.
  2. When choosing an evening dress, remember what they hide perfectly excess weight in the area of ​​the abdomen, thighs and legs, ball gowns. If you have curvy breasts, pay attention to the V-necklines; if you want to look slimmer, choose an A-line dress. Use different accents to draw attention to the merits of your figure, for example, frills, ruffles, etc.
  3. Remember that evening wear is usually one or two sizes smaller than everyday wear, so when choosing an evening dress, be guided not by size, but by the parameters of your figure.
  4. Do not be discouraged if the first time you do not find anything suitable for yourself, keep looking. Let you spend some time looking for an evening dress, but in the end you will find a dress in which you will be irresistible and feel great.

We hope that now you will no longer have the thought: "there is nothing to wear"! You can be safely invited to the theater, to a restaurant or just to visit for an anniversary. And you will still have to choose which evening dress will be the most suitable for this particular occasion.

Taking advantage of these simple advice, You will provide yourself with spectacular evening wear, save your money and will look unique and amazing every time.

The article is provided by the clothing site "Cloakroom"


in my opinion some nonsense

02/26/2010 00:14:00, nikav

not too informative

27.01.2010 13:03:09, luzero

Comment on the article "How to choose new clothes and save money at the same time?"

The teenager's wardrobe is girls. Clothes, shoes. Teenagers. Education and relationships with children adolescence: transitional age, problems at school, career guidance, exams, olympiads, USE, preparation for a university.


I'm 12 and here's what I recommend. First, you need a basic wardrobe.
Usually I have it: Skinny jeans are blue, ripped blue, white, red, black and soft pink t-shirt, convenient warm dress, sweater, sweatshirt, sweatshirt, jacket (like sweatshirt) of a gentle shade, longsleeve. And for warmer weather: a skirt, a denim skirt, denim shorts, regular shorts, a top, two T-shirts, a gray oversized cardigan, a straight line.
Leather Jacket
Jean jacket
Down jacket.
Sandals, sandals with heels, two pairs of sneakers and one sneakers (new ones will be needed soon), warm boots, black low on late autumn and spring with lacing, black with a metal insert for early autumn, slippers, silver boots on the platform.
To school
2 skirts
2 white shirts
1 blue
1 blue
School jacket
One shirt from the fifth grade is also white.
Sport suit.
On the holidays.
One fit. dress, one loose (but no less beautiful) blue blouse under the skirt.
In general, as in my opinion, this is a worthy sample of wardrobe :) you can add something, but everything suits me

01/23/2019 18:05:33, Marra

I am 13 and I need to go to school
2 short sleeve
2 long sleeve
1 blouse
2 skirts, one sun, the second, pleated
1 trousers with arrows
1 long vest
1 long warm blue jacket
1 jacket with buttons
1 shoes

08/18/2017 10:18:49 AM, Olya Shkatova

How to choose new clothes and save money at the same time? Don't buy clothes spontaneously. Elegant winter outerwear, but not a fur coat. What then? Clothes for children: choosing the right one. A girl - a schoolgirl for the winter - what to buy? What winter coat to choose for ...


a down coat + a set of jacket pants ..... otherwise nothing ..... either on a walk like cabbage or at school a priest in the cold

In general, I made a choice, I will take down coat and a jacket / pants set, maybe IcePeak.
Thank you, ladies, for your responsiveness and advice!

At the same time, the girls were very pretty and would look great in the right clothes. But alas - adolescent herd feeling plus Explain that with certain features of the figure it is better to choose certain models? And what sits well on her friend is not ...


no matter how I act, my daughter will still wear only what she personally likes. and everything that she doesn’t like but bought at her mother’s wish will hang in the closet.
I scored, I buy only for the season, only with a child BUT only what suits both.
After going to the store, I usually get sick for a couple of days.

09/16/2010 19:17:12, AP WITHOUT REGION

I just can't understand what kind of jeans a la leggings we are talking about ...
Since last year, mine recognizes only such (by reference) - and I must say that they are incredibly slim! I admire this loudly, without mentioning that some of the X-shape of the legs in them is more visible ...
And from this year (11 years), no advice (tactful and tactless) about clothing is perceived at all. Abruptly and completely (All by itself ...

How to choose the right jacket for autumn, winter, pants, shoes, etc. Maybe some subtleties in sewing, fabrics. How to choose in size, take a little more so that on the trail. was the year enough or not? To take shoes in duplicate? Last year they wrapped it up in an envelope that we ...

Clothes for children: choosing the right one. Choosing clothes for the little ones is not an easy task. Each age period child's clothing, footwear. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development ...


My oldest, from 2 years old, chose things for himself, went to the shops with pleasure and measured out the polish, the sellers were always shocked, especially when they chose turtlenecks for the kindergarten: a child at 2 and a half years old measured and chose turtlenecks for about an hour, often with a narrow throat, and children do not like such clothes. As a result, we bought 3 turtlenecks, which I wore with great pleasure. And so in everything. Now I have become calmer, but if the clothes are categorically not to my taste, I will not wear them.

Regarding the shorts, Sevushka has such a leg structure (dear mother) that almost everyone short shorts rub: ((Shorts like girls' bicycles go well, i.e. cotton, close-fitting and just below the knees, loves such shorts tenderly, pulls them out of the chest of drawers and changes them if I suddenly wear others. Well, I can still agree to long loose shorts below the knees.
Look carefully, maybe those shorts that you offer the kid are just uncomfortable ??? need other models?
My T-shirts love with a free neck, so that it is easy to take off and put on, sleeveless T-shirts, like T-shirts, both do not like. More precisely, shirts need to be carefully selected.

my child from 3 years old chooses clothes for himself only himself, in the store he chooses T-shirts and sweaters for himself (pants and shorts do not bother him much - they do not always have a drawing), socks, sneakers and sandals too,
then wears what he chose
but we do not have a special love for old things, when he buys a new thing for himself - he wants to wear only it for some time
problems and conflicts arose before, when he wanted to dress for something other than the occasion, for example, once his dad allowed him to go to the museum in pajamas, nothing, they went normally (well, this was of course an extreme case)
(now, by the age of 6, he no less understands where they wear what, the clothes were divided into 3 heaps-grand-weekend, for going out into the city and visiting, and for local walks on the playground, and he chooses clothes for himself from desired heap)

maybe you and your child will go to an inexpensive store, bring him to the stand with bright T-shirts with cartoon characters, let him choose, shorts are also bright, what he bought himself, for sure, he wants to wear, expensive good things to buy in this way, of course, is risky ,
but a few not expensive T-shirts for rest is quite possible

How is it correct, I do not know :). But usually for babies, clothes are primarily different in growth, not so much in volume. I'll be my own Child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to one year old: nutrition, illness, development. Please advise how to choose the right size ...

In general, you need to somehow persuade, bet on something beautiful, or I say that fuu this dirty one needs to be washed, let's throw it in the washer and put on a clean one :)

You can't dress out of season with us, because off-season things are put away on the mezzanine. As for the selection of clothes, I mostly pick it up, POLka has no objection yet. At most I don’t want to put on my shirt, for example. Well, he doesn't want to and doesn't need to. Or it will be hot in my jacket, then I suggest an alternative - a sweater. It seems to me that I need to give a choice, but limited, for example, a few things, suitable friend to lay out to a friend, offer to choose from them, which pants to wear, and which blouse will you choose for them? So the child himself makes decisions and the mother of the child is pleased to see :) In general limited choice saves in many situations.
As a child, my mother told me she had a favorite outfit - green woolen pants, an orange floral flannel dress sticking out from under a burgundy jacket from an overalls (she refused to wear overalls) and a pink knitted headscarf, maybe you remember those in our childhood. The result was a set - to get stupid, if they tried to take it off - I lay down on the floor and screamed, and since I had to go to the garden, and my mother had to go to work, I had to lead in this. Maman says that only the fact that it was winter and it was still dark in the morning saved me from shame :)

It is foolish to blindly follow fashion without making allowances for your own forms. Even the most stylish dress the right size may sit on you unsuccessfully, emphasizing what you would like to hide from prying eyes. You need to choose clothes according to the type of figure - this is the only way the outfit will decorate you, and not stick out flaws. Use the recommendations on how to choose the right clothes for your body type and apply them when you go to the store.

If you've ever admired a friend's dress and, having tried it on, found that it didn't look good on you, or admired a trendy thing, for example, jeans with high waist, but could not find such a model to suit you - do not worry, you are not the only one. Alas, cutters do not take into account every body shape.

Without hesitation, you will immediately name your size for jeans, dresses, skirts, shirts and shoes, but can you tell what your body shape is? Have you ever thought about it? If so, do you know which garments work for your figure and which ones work against it? How to choose clothes according to your figure so as not to look ridiculous in them? We live in a three-dimensional world, and one of our tasks is to find our model among all these clothes that look two-dimensional on the hangers. It's not about size, it's about shape.

Pay attention to the photo of the type of figures of women and the selection of clothes in accordance with each type:

How to choose the right clothes for your figure: dimensions and body shape

Many people confuse the size of the body with its shape, but these are completely different things. Before choosing clothes by body type, remember the tables with clothing sizes - S, M, L - that hang in many stores in order to help customers find their size.

Has it ever occurred to you that these tables assign absolutely every person to one of the existing groups? Some stores also offer XS, XL and XXL sizes, but more often than not, it is assumed that you and everyone else must fit one of the basic sizes. Also, not all women wearing the same clothing size are the same height and weight, right? In a sense, the number on the tag and the mark on the scale are just conditional indicators, since on different people the same clothes will fit differently.

The only way to learn how to choose the shape-fitting clothing that suits you best and highlights your body's worth is to understand your body shape. You can work only with that single body that you have, and whatever you are - tall, low, thin, athletic build (or maybe, in your case, all these traits add up to a unique combination). There are many tips, tricks, and principles to help you make informed cut and silhouette choices. You can find a photo of how to choose clothes for your figure on this page.

How to choose clothes for your figure: balance and proportion

People strive for harmony; everyone - supermodel and supermom alike - wants to achieve visual balance. Scientists from the University of Brunel (UK) conducted a study: they developed virtual body models in all details, a total of seventy-seven adult figures, and measured the degree of symmetry of each of them.

To avoid subjective judgments related to facial features or skin color, all models were headless and all had the same neutral skin tone. The researchers then asked the volunteers to rate the attractiveness of the opposite sex models. Although the differences in symmetry were almost invisible to the naked eye, both men and women named the most symmetrical models as more attractive.

But as for our bodies - unfortunately, very few people are symmetrical by nature. How to choose the right clothes for your figure in this case? We can create the illusion of symmetry with clothing. Regardless of size, your goal is to balance your body with outfit silhouettes, accents, and color combinations that work best for you. Finding the optimal balance in proportions is your first priority.

Look at the photo how to choose clothes according to the type of figure, maintaining balance in proportions:

Types of women figures and the selection of clothes (with photo): X-factor

Choosing clothes for your figure is not an easy task. From birth, you have the opportunity to get to know own body, but probably, like most women, you still choose your wardrobe by trial and error: combining different things from your closet, trying new trends on yourself, going outside your comfort zone.

This need has given rise to the X factor. When looking at someone, mentally draw an X on it to quickly identify that person's body type, figure out how to balance his or her appearance, and suggest the most suitable option... The fact that this X is mentally visible on it helps to imagine the starting point to which one can navigate, and those parts of the body that should be emphasized or corrected. By shifting the emphasis in your mind, you will shift the emphasis in the shape of your body.

And the X factor will help you with this. How to choose the right clothes according to the type of figure, taking into account this notorious "X"? Each problem area of ​​the body has an equal winning area. This concept will save you from long hours of despair alone with a closet, from decades of agony and suffering in fitting rooms, and will provide you with tips on how to look at an item hanging from a hanger.

The types of women's figures and the selection of clothes are inextricably linked concepts. All of us different heights, for all the body weight is distributed in various ways, and each of our body parts is unique, only ours and no one else's. However, it is customary to distinguish five main body shapes: hourglass, triangle, inverted triangle, rhombus and rectangle. To find out which form your body belongs to, you just need to find your "X".

How to choose clothes according to body type: body shape

The body shape that you determine from the X factor is based on the shape of your skeleton. Therefore, some details, including height, weight and breast size, can and will differ from person to person in each type. It is due to these variations that we are all alike and at the same time unique; representatives of each group have the same pronounced features, but within the framework of one form, many subforms can exist.

Throughout your life, you tend to belong to the same form, however physical changes- for example, pregnancy, severe weight loss or gain, aging - can cause your body to change from one form to another. In addition, it often happens that a person relates himself to several forms at once. As with your colors, these five shapes are shown here as anchor points only.

If you find that any of your traits are a combination of two different categories, - this is normal. Follow the advice for both forms. When choosing clothes by body type, the main thing is to remember why some styles suit your X-factor more than others - and make your own rules.

Call a friend or family member because you will need the help of a loved one for this session. Stand near a white or solid wall; the back is straight, the arms hang relaxed along the body. You can wear a tight-fitting black outfit or, if you prefer, a swimsuit, or a bra and briefs. Have your sessionmate take a photo of you. The point is that the outlines of your body are clearly visible in the photo. Print this photo and mark with a pencil the most prominent points of the shoulders and hips. Then connect these points with the letter X. Now put two points on the line of your waist - that is, under chest, just above the navel. If your waist is wider than your hips and shoulders, then the X will look more like a cross. Celebrate honestly and carefully.

Here you can see the photo of the selection of clothes for the figure in accordance with the shape of the body:

How to choose the right clothes for the "hourglass" shape

If your "X" lines intersect in the middle of your body, you are probably in an hourglass shape. Implementation of the task “how to choose clothes according to the hourglass figure” is one of the easiest - basically, cutters are guided by just such forms.

Dark areas:

Light areas:

Hourglass is a naturally balanced shape. You can accentuate your symmetry by highlighting the middle of the body. Unlike other forms that work with segments of their body to align the X factor, your goal is to prevent imbalance. The "hourglass" should emphasize its waist; let their natural curves speak for themselves. Therefore, in this illustration, the distribution of accents will be the opposite of all other types. To do this, you need to reduce bends to a minimum and thus approach the shape of a rectangle, distributing accents in the same way as representatives of other forms do.

Clothes for the "hourglass" body type (with photo)

Dresses... Controlling curves: accentuate the waist and generally remember that your trump card- "middle". Hourglass clothing should emphasize a proportional figure, do not let it get lost in loose or baggy dresses.

Are looking for: wrap dresses, bodycon dresses and wide skirt, dresses with a belt, sheath dresses, narrow-cut dresses.

Ignore: Dresses with a low waist and hoodies in which the figure is not visible.

Top... Do not bloat: If you have a curvy bust, avoid loose blouses that are cinched at the chest or widen away from the bust line as they add unnecessary volume.

Are looking for: skinny shirts and blazers; form-fitting tops with darts; with a belt or gather at the waist; tops with V- neckline or an open neck line.

Ignore: T-shirts - trapeziums that increase the volume.

Bottom... Be chic. Hourglass clothing should not have short bottoms (miniskirts, buttocks, etc.) unless you are petite (less than 157 centimeters). Your gorgeous figure is already sexy.

Are looking for: pencil skirts; tulip skirts; cropped trousers; slim-fit trousers with slits at the calves.

Ignore: pleated or gathered at the waist for added volume.

Look at the photo of clothes for the hourglass figure type for women of any height:

How to choose the right clothes for the "triangle" shape

If your shoulders are narrower than your hips and the lines of the “X” cross over your waist, then you are probably in “triangles”.

Dark areas: hide them with dark and neutral colors, solid colors and vertical lines.

Light areas: draw attention to them by bright colors, printed fabrics, textures, horizontal lines.

How to choose a triangle shape to balance your X-Factor? To do this, you need to shift the emphasis up - on the shoulders and neck line. Let visually interesting elements - bright and light colors, contrasting patterns that grab attention - be positioned at the top (above your waist) to move some energy from the bottom of the X to the top. You can easily go for trends (like off-shoulder dresses and blouses, or statement necklaces), or experiment with embellished tops for fun.

Details about clothes for the type of figure "triangle" (with photo)

Here you can see a photo of clothes for the type of "triangle" figure and find out in detail what things should be avoided when making ensembles.

Dresses... The best clothes for girls with a triangle body type are flirty dresses, as these designs contain elements that suit your physique.

Are looking for: flowing trapeze dresses; dresses with an "American armhole" and high waist; off-shoulder sleeves; dresses with a tight top and a wide skirt. A good option for clothes according to the type of "triangle" figure - strapless dresses with ruffles at the top.

Ignore: Low-waisted dresses that draw attention to the widest part of your body and hide your waist.

Top... Expressive Neck Line: To best emphasize your X and balance the lower half of your body, you need styles that draw attention to the graceful upper half.

Are looking for: models with boat neck or wide neckline; tops with a built-in bra. Wonderful option clothes for the type of "triangle" figure - blouses with a neck bow and intricate shoulders; decorative elements in the area of ​​the bust or neck line.

Ignore: tops with sleeves " bat»Or long wide sleeves hide your waist and add volume to your figure

Bottom... Become aware of your shape and accentuate it with skirts and dresses that glide over your body, and simple trousers with clean lines.

Are looking for: A-line knee-length skirts; wide skirts with a high waist; trousers without tucks, slightly widened below the knee.

Look at the photo of clothes for the type of triangle figure: the ideal option is slightly flared yoga pants and palazzo pants:

Ignore: Puffy bubble skirts and pleated skirts that add extra volume to your dominant lower part.

How to Find Inverted Triangle Clothes for Women

If your hips are narrower than your shoulders, and your X lines intersect below your waist, then your figure is an inverted triangle.

Dark areas: hide them with dark and neutral colors, plain clothes, vertical lines.

Light areas: draw attention to them with vibrant colors, printed fabrics, texture, horizontal lines

Inverted triangles top part The “X” dominates the bottom, so the focus should be shifted down to the hips to distribute the energy evenly. Short skirts and dresses, light shades denim, fun-colored trousers and brightly colored shorts highlight your legs. And don't forget to pick some cool shoes. Tie shoes, boots and other expressive types of shoes will balance your shoulders.

Clothing for girls with inverted triangle body type (with photo)

Dresses... You have legs and now you know how to use them! When looking for a dress, look for minimalist styles with simple tops. Balance your hips and shoulders with a wide skirt dress, or show how easy and casual you can wear a drop-waist dress.

Are looking for: low-waisted models; loose dresses falling in folds; short shirts-hoodies. Great option Inverted triangle clothing - strapless or collarless dresses.

Ignore: Dresses with sleeves and open shoulders and neck; dresses with a tight top and a wide skirt. They accentuate the widest part of the body and add bulk to the figure.

Top... Top going down. Choose styles that fit below your natural waist, or bring accents down through pattern, trim, and more.

Are looking for: blouses with raglan sleeves; V-neck blouses, tunics; trapezoidal tops; batwing sleeves; long wide sleeves.

Ignore: tops with a built-in bra for extra volume.

Bottom... Chic Shine: Free your bottom half of all the excess and show the legs.

Are looking for: pleated skirts, skirts with ruffles or flounces. Good clothing for the inverted triangle body type is short skirts; ; tight-fitting trousers and leggings.

Ignore: long pencil skirts that enhance the contrast between the top and lower parts body.

How to choose clothes for the diamond shape type

If your hips and shoulders are the same width, your waist is the widest part of your figure, and the X is tilted sideways, then you are a diamond.

Dark areas: Hide them with dark and neutral colors, plain clothes, vertical lines.

Light areas: Draw attention to them with vibrant colors, printed fabrics, textures, horizontal lines.

To balance the rhombus, you need to shift the accents inward. Light, bright colors and colorful patterns attract attention, so wear them; it is good if the pattern on your outfit is arranged in vertical stripes to visually lengthen the figure.

Look at the photo, when choosing clothes according to the "rhombus" shape, you need to select details and ornaments in such a way that the looks thrown at you move up and down:

Clothes with a neckline and cut that will accentuate the shoulders and bust will suit you. Useful advice how to choose clothes according to the "rhombus" shape: show the world your arms and legs; use long, multi-strand necklaces and lightweight scarves.

Dresses... Draw lines: vertical seams, snakes, pleating and contrasting stitching will help to visually lengthen the figure.

Are looking for: dresses with a light belt over the waist; vertical details to help "lengthen" the figure; Y-shaped dresses; dresses with an "American armhole".

Ignore: Trumpet dresses that mercilessly emphasize all horizontal proportions.

Top... Varied V-shaped: from casual t-shirts and classic tunics to sexy blouses with a deep neckline; they will shade your face and accentuate your figure.

Are looking for: tops with an "American armhole" or with a twisted bodice; boat neckline and plunging neckline with rounded corners. Clothes for the "diamond" figure can be played with playfully trimmed sleeves and neckline. V-neck tunics are also suitable.

Ignore: skinny blouses that emphasize the extra weight in the belly area.

Bottom... Straight and even: not flared, and not too narrowed down, but exactly what you need. Find clothing that visually lengthens your lower body.

Are looking for: elegant high waist skirts; trapezoidal models. When choosing clothes according to the type of "diamond" figure, pay attention to Bermuda or "city" shorts; straight trousers.

Ignore: Tapered trousers that visually thicken your middle.

How to choose clothes for women according to the "rectangle" shape

If your hips and shoulders are the same width, and the X lines intersect in the center of your body, and your torso looks the same and even along the entire length, this figure is usually referred to as a rectangular shape.

Dark areas: hide them with dark and neutral colors, plain clothes, vertical lines.

Light areas: draw attention to them with vibrant colors, printed fabrics, textures, horizontal lines.

In order to choose clothes according to the type of "rectangle" shape, you can create your own "X", shifting the emphasis on the shoulders and hips. Light, bright colors and contrasting patterns are eye-catching, so you can wear similar colored clothing around your shoulders or hips to draw attention to these areas. dark tones place closer to the center of the body. Find diagonal patterns, wavy prints, and styles that flow as you move.

Clothes for the type of figure "rectangle" (with photo)

Dresses... Draw curves on yourself: choose dresses that shape your body and create the illusion of a well-defined waist.

Are looking for: form-fitting models, curved elements; dresses with a peplum; tulip dresses tapered from top to bottom; wrap dresses.

Ignore: shirts-hoodies without a clear shape.

Top... Tighten the belts: transform your midsection with corset models and wide belts

Are looking for: dresses with tucks and pleats; yoke collars and draped tops; feminine dresses with a corset. Ideal clothes for the "rectangle" type - dresses with sleeves and open shoulders, asymmetrical models.

Ignore: Square tunics for a bulky feel.

Bottom... Contours, grab attention: Rectangle clothing (trousers, skirts and shorts) should add volume to your lower half.

Are looking for: trousers with tucks, trousers tapered from top to bottom; bubble skirts and tiered skirts; free, wide pants; year skirts, flared skirts.

Ignore: straight shapeless skirts.

Look at the photo of clothes for the "rectangle" shape type and choose the options you like:

The bottom line is this: before using these tools, you need to master them, collecting valuable instructions. Take advantage of useful tips on the selection of clothes for the figure.

Tips for petite women with a rounded shape.

Extend and Stretch:

  • Vertical lines, seams, finishing.
  • Solid outfits or low contrast color combinations.
  • Vertical patterns.
  • Rolled up or rolled up sleeves.

We are all girls, women strive to be attractive. Our attractiveness depends on many factors: ot of our appearance, from our natural data, from the ability to choose clothes, form our basic wardrobe, use cosmetics, from walking, the ability to keep oneself, from our sense of humor. And there are many more that affect our attractiveness.

It is easier for attractive women to find a life partner and build a career. Let's talk today about one of the not unimportant factors influencing the formation of the opinion of others. About style in clothes. How to choose the right clothes for yourself.

Regardless of the wealth and amount of money, a girl can dress tastefully or not. What minimum should be in the basic wardrobe of any self-respecting girl? What things will always be fashionable?

Choosing the right basic wardrobe

1. A business suit is one of the main elements of a basic wardrobe

Whether you work in an office or not. In everyone's life, there are times when you need to look strict and stylish. When I started building my career, I thought: How to choose the right clothes to look dignified. Like any girl, I wished that as often as possible I had new image... And I found a way out - I always have a three-piece suit in my wardrobe. This is a skirt, jacket and trousers.

How to choose the right clothes by type of fabric:

The fabric should contain mainly natural ingredients. In this case, you will feel comfortable in any situation. Synthetic fabrics tend to look cheap and make it difficult for your body to breathe.

How to choose the right clothes for the style

Style of suit: Regular-cut straight trousers, you can slightly widen to the bottom. This shape lengthens the silhouette. It is better to choose a skirt with a straight cut. Its length is up to the middle or below the knee. The jacket is exactly the right size. You should not choose baggy forms, even if you tend to be overweight. Fitted silhouette always gives a feminine figure. And what could be sexier as a combination of rigor and femininity? Color palette suit, preferably in calmer colors: gray, black, classic striped. Having this option in your basic wardrobe, you can always look different, changing shirts or blouses. Depending on the weather and the situation, you can wear either pantsuit, or an option with a skirt. With or without a jacket.

As you can see - business suit required attribute basic wardrobe.

2. Blouses and shirts must be present in the basic wardrobe of any girl

My weakness is white shirts, in my basic wardrobe there are always several of them: under cufflinks, with a frill, classic, similar to male version etc. But you can start with a couple. White shirt will refresh your look, add style and rigor. It can be worn with a skirt, trousers, jeans. White shirt is always a win-win... It can be combined with a variety of accessories: brooches, beads, ties and scarves. In addition to the white shirt, you can also purchase a couple of plain or striped shirts.

Blouses are a more romantic option. Dressing them with a suit will make you look feminine. It is enough to have a couple of them in the basic wardrobe.

The white shirt is a favorite of my basic wardrobe.

3. Jeans are simply irreplaceable item of any basic wardrobe.

Who doesn't have this versatile piece in their basic wardrobe? Probably, there are no such people! But jeans need to be able to choose the right one.

How to choose the right jeans:

Correctly selected jeans will emphasize the dignity of the figure. Poorly chosen jeans will only focus on imperfections, cut and color are very important, I like deep navy blue, with beautiful scuffs or without them at all. The light version can also look advantageous.

But in the case of a light tone, multiple scuffs can give the appearance of "mass demand". Do not buy jeans under any circumstances. smaller than your own. If, because of the upper edge of the jeans, parts of the body that are wider than the belt are visible, this will definitely not play a plus for your image. Baggy wide jeans also not an option. The best cuts are classic straight lines or slightly flared to the bottom. Elastic jeans also look very advantageous. It is convenient to tuck them into boots and in combination with short jacket the image will look stylish.

No girl's basic wardrobe can do without jeans.

4. Dresses are the most feminine attribute of a girl's basic wardrobe

Until recently, I did not pay special attention this convenient and beautiful solution in your basic wardrobe. Good dress can be your trump card in solving both personal and business issues. Moreover, it is a very comfortable form of clothing. Now, in my basic wardrobe, I definitely have several knitted dresses for winter weather and several lighter options for summer period... A dress is a piece of clothing that enhances your figure and creates a cohesive, feminine look.

It is the girl in the dress that men pay the most attention to. Checked on personal experience more than once!

So, we want to attract the attention of men, then dresses simply have to be in the basic wardrobe!

5. Blouses and sweaters are comfortable things of the basic wardrobe

Sweatshirts will also help to diversify the image and will warm you in the cold season. In this case, it is better to turn your attention to brighter, saturated colors... Then, in combination with a calm skirt or trousers, they will attract attention to you.

Sweetheart and caring little things of the basic wardrobe are blouses and sweaters.

6. The necessary elements of the basic wardrobe - accessories, they will give uniqueness and completeness to the image of the girl.

Every woman loves to adorn herself with jewelry. If you do not have the funds for expensive options, in this case, too, there is a way out.

A small thread even river pearls will look very elegant. In addition, this stone can fit both a business and a romantic look. But remember pearls need to be worn in pairs. Those. if you have beads, get also small earrings, you can use studs. It is better not to buy artificial pearls, they cost almost the same as natural river pearls, but they look much worse. You just need to learn to distinguish natural from artificial pearls.

You can pick up beautiful silver jewelry. They sometimes look no worse than gold ones.

Pearls and silver are jewelry that will add sophistication to the image and are desirable for a basic wardrobe.

7. Outerwear no basic wardrobe can do without it.

  • Demi-season coat - the best way this is fitted coat italian deena(slightly below the knee) made of good solid color. I once acquired this black coat and paired it with bright scarves and bags. It served me for 7 years. And that year, when I was going to buy a new one, one of my friends met me on the street and asked: “Zhenya, where did you buy this fashion coat? Just the trend of the season. " The Italian length will allow you to wear a coat, both with dresses and trousers. I even wore my black coat with jeans, and this option also looked stylish.

Jacket. Now there are so many fashionable options for short demi-season jackets on sale that will be comfortable and beautiful. A well-chosen jacket can be worn not only with trousers, but also with dresses and skirts. The jacket can be leather or made of other material. The main thing is her model. Fitted jacket just below the waist solid color can be worn with a skirt or trousers or a knitted dress.

Winter clothes. Of course, we all dream of a fur coat, preferably a mink coat, for those with higher requests, this article is not relevant at all. But if there is no money for a fur coat, but you want to look luxurious? When I did not have the opportunity to buy myself a mink coat, I bought a silver fox fur, came up with stylish cut and ordered a coat with a collar made of this fur from the atelier. The coat was unique and very beautiful. I noticed how many people turn around to follow me.

Well, a down jacket for weekend walks in winter does not hurt at all.

In conclusion, I want to say that the right approach shopping will also help you create the perfect basic wardrobe without spending a lot of money.

How to choose the right one when buying clothes:

Going to the store, first of all, clearly formulate the subject of your search. At one time I really wanted to buy myself a white demi-season coat. Not just white, but also my favorite Italian length. In my case, it is generally very difficult to find the right option, tk. I am short stature and many models simply do not suit me. I went to different departments, they offered me options for red, black and other colors, but I needed white, and I still found it! And now I wear it with pleasure.

Even when I try on any clothes, I always adhere to the principle, if you don't want to take off, then this is my option. And if doubts arise, then you shouldn't even think, I don't need this thing!

I hope my article was useful for you and now, going to the store, you imagine what things should be present in the basic wardrobe, and which, in the absence of funds, you can ignore))).

And most importantly, now you can answer the question: How to choose the right clothes.

And don't forget about such a feminine and fashionable accessory like a fashionable scarf or shawl.

In order to choose your basic wardrobe, it will be superfluous to learn to understand what are