Proper care for oily problem skin. What salon treatments are good for oily skin? Care for oily skin throughout the day and regularly

If you are lucky to be born with oily or oily skin, you know what "floating" makeup is, ever-rolling shadows in the crease of the upper eyelid, skin shining like oil poured over in any weather, except for winter frosts (and even then ...) , and cheek prints on the cell phone screen after the call. We understand your pain. Why are the sebaceous glands so actively producing sebum and how to solve this issue?

There's an answer.

Oily skin is in constant search of a balance between the overproduction of sebum and its lack. Where does the shortage come from - you ask. It's simple: you cleanse the skin, remove excess fat, and the glands begin to produce more of it. We asked dermatologists how to properly care for oily skin, and this is what they advised us.

Oily skin care


More careful with scrubs and peels

“People with oily skin, especially if skin is prone to comedones, acne and acne, need to be three times more careful with exfoliation than those with dry and thin skin, as strange as it sounds,” says Elizabeth Tanzi, professor , Head of the Department of Clinical Dermatology at the George Washington Medical Center. - The worst thing that can be done is to peel off the skin and pores until it “squeaks”. Firstly, as already mentioned, such an attitude towards the skin provokes an even greater overproduction of sebum, and secondly, it leads to premature aging, since the upper layer of the epidermis becomes thinner and injured. " You need to cleanse oily skin with the most delicate products, non-abrasive peels or with the help of Clarisonic.

Choose the right cream

Often, owners of oily skin neglect a moisturizer. Why, because the skin does not dry anyway! A popular and dangerous misconception. Dermatologist and cosmetologist Joanna Vargas explains: “Oily skin suffers as well as dry skin when there is a lack of fluid. Imagine that you took dried dried apricots and poured them with oil. The surface has become greasy, but no moisture has increased inside the fruit. And with a lack of moisture, skin aging accelerates rapidly! " So don't forget to moisturize your oily skin. An ideal moisturizer for oily skin should contain zinc (anti-inflammation), jojoba oil (control sebum production), and have a light, gel-like texture so as not to clog pores.

Avoid greasy SPF creams

“When choosing a sunscreen, look for those labeled transparent, oil free and light. The texture does not affect the quality of protection, and it is not a good idea to apply a greasy cream on oily skin, ”says Dr. Tanzi.

Replace the cloth towel with a paper one.

“The point is not whether the cloth touches your face or the paper,” explains Dr. Vargas, “the point is that you throw away the paper towel immediately after use, and on the cloth, and even warm and damp, bacteria can begin to multiply. into the lint from your skin. And with oily problem skin and enlarged pores, it is especially important to prevent inflammation! "

Many of us know that oily skin ages much more slowly than dry skin, but everyone wants to get rid of this problem. Greasy shine, the appearance of comedones and purulent acne, enlarged pores, a grayish complexion, blurry makeup - these signs of this type are familiar to many and cause a lot of excitement, anxiety and inconvenience. Not only girls and boys who are going through puberty, but also people of a more mature age can face this problem. And in 10% of adolescents with oily skin, it remains oily even after 30 years.

What can you do to make your skin healthy, beautiful, clean, matte and well-groomed? The answer to this question, which is important for many owners of oily skin, can be found in this article. In it, we will acquaint you with the causes of oily skin, the principles of skin care and treatment. Using our advice, you can enjoy looking at your reflection in the mirror and forget about the annoying oily sheen and many other problems typical for this type of skin.

Why does the skin get oily?

Poor nutrition, frequent stress contribute to hormonal changes in the body and excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.

The main reason for the increased oily skin is the excessive activity of the sebaceous glands. Excessive production of sebum by them leads to the formation of a greasy film on the face, clogging of the lumen of the sebaceous glands with plugs (comedones), the appearance of a rash and a deterioration in complexion.

Why do the sebaceous glands start to produce too much sebum? There are many reasons for their activation. Here are the main ones.

  1. Excess testosterone. This most common cause of oily skin is most characteristic of adolescence, when powerful hormonal changes begin in the body. In most cases, by the age of 25, the level is normalized and the problem is eliminated on its own. Hormonal imbalances can occur in women during different phases of the menstrual cycle or during pregnancy.
  2. Hereditary predisposition. This reason is due to the peculiarities of the hormonal background and the functioning of the nervous system, and it cannot be eliminated. In such cases, owners of oily skin have to master the features of daily care for this type of skin.
  3. Poor nutrition(fast food, fatty, sweet and salty foods, excess of preservatives, etc.). This reason for oily skin is due to the dysfunction of many systems and organs, and you can get rid of it only by reviewing your diet.
  4. Frequent stress or depression. This cause of oily skin is caused by a disturbance in the functioning of the nervous system. You can get rid of it by changing the attitude towards emerging problems, a positive attitude towards life, or by treating nervous disorders.
  5. Violation in the functioning of internal organs:, intestines, stomach, etc. Many of the diseases of internal organs lead to or disruption of hormonal levels, and the sebaceous glands begin to work in an enhanced mode. To get rid of this cause, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment for the underlying disease.
  6. Frequent use of cleansersalcohol-based products.Under the influence of alcohol-containing tonics and lotions, the epidermis is actively dehydrated, and in response to this, the sebaceous glands begin to produce more sebum. To get rid of this cause, it is often enough to choose the right skin care products.
  7. Frequent peeling. Facial cleansing using mechanical or chemical peels always gives noticeable and tangible results, and “in pursuit of perfection,” many begin to abuse these procedures. Constant microtrauma and inflammation of the epidermis that accompany the skin resurfacing process lead to excess sebum production. You can get rid of this reason only by changing the attitude towards the need for peels and performing them in a more "gentle mode".

In some cases, excessive oiliness of the skin can be provoked not by one, but by several reasons.

Signs of oily skin

You can determine oily skin type by the following signs:

  • an hour or two after washing, an oily film appears on the skin;
  • oily sheen (usually in the area of ​​the nose, forehead or chin);
  • frequent appearance of areas of inflammation or rashes;
  • enlarged pores (especially in the T-zone);
  • periodic peeling of the skin;
  • black and white comedones;
  • the presence of hyperpigmentation from rashes;
  • the appearance of scars and post-acne;
  • smearing makeup.

How to properly care for oily skin?

Oily skin needs special care, and its appearance will largely depend on its correctness and regularity. Caring procedures must be complemented by compliance with the following recommendations:

  • adherence to a diet: exclude spicy, sweet, fatty, spicy and too salty foods, alcoholic beverages, coffee and chocolate from the diet;
  • prevention of stress: excessive excitement of the nervous system leads to more active work of the sebaceous glands, if necessary, should be taken;
  • frequent pillowcase replacement: it is best to change this piece of bedding daily, as bacteria accumulating on it can cause skin inflammation and acne;
  • no touching your face with your hands during the day: touching the skin with dirty hands increases the likelihood of inflammation and acne;
  • respect for the skin: do not squeeze out pimples and comedones on your own, such procedures should be performed only by a specialist, since if performed incorrectly, they can lead to infection and more severe complications (up to sepsis);
  • obligatory make-up removal before bed: a layer of decorative cosmetics interferes with the normal functioning of the skin, clogs the pores and leads to the appearance of acne and areas of inflammation.


You should cleanse your face with oily skin 2-3 times a day. For this procedure, it is advisable to use lukewarm water and special cleansers: gels or foams for this type of skin. It is not recommended to use antibacterial soap for cleansing, since it dries out the upper layers of the epidermis, activates the activity of the sebaceous glands and can provoke inflammatory reactions.

With oily skin, you should completely abandon washing with hot or too warm water, since its high temperature will lead to increased activity of the sebaceous glands. It is also not recommended to constantly use only warm water, since this causes skin atony and constant enlargement of the pores. Rinsing your face with cool water after washing your face with a cleanser will help to avoid such consequences.

For washing with gel or foam, you can use a special brush or sponge for the face, which provides a deeper cleansing of the pores from sebum. The cleanser is applied to damp skin, and gentle massaging movements are performed with a brush or sponge for 2-3 minutes. After that, the face is rinsed with water and blotted with a towel.

Toning and antiseptic

After cleansing the skin, apply a toner or lotion for oily skin, containing oxide and salicylic acid, to the face. For daily care, you should choose those products that do not include alcohol. Alcohol-containing products should be used only if there are inflammatory elements and pustules on the skin. Tea tree oil can be used to treat such problem areas, which has a strong antiseptic and wound healing effect.


For oily skin, it is recommended to carry out peeling 1-2 times a week, which provides exfoliation of dead skin cells and prevents clogging of pores. For this procedure, you can use ready-made cosmetics (scrubs and peels) for oily skin or products that have been prepared at home.

Application of creams and gels

Oily skin, like any other, needs additional hydration and nutrition. That is why you should not give up the use of creams. It is necessary to choose them taking into account the needs of this type of skin: they should not contain a large amount of fat. For oily skin care, use only light non-greasy creams or special hydrogels. They should include fatty acids, antiseptic and astringent extracts (birch, tea tree, witch hazel, eucalyptus, cedar, pine, etc.). Creams or hydrogels can be applied 1-2 times a day (morning and evening).

When choosing cosmetics for the care of this type of skin, you should pay attention to products labeled “non-comedogenic”. Various colorants, thickeners and moisturizers can be comedogenic, i.e. clogging pores, for oily skin. In some cases, such a tendency to blockage of the lumen of the sebaceous glands may be individual, and you will have to choose the means for care by the selection method.

Steam baths

People with oily skin are recommended to do steam baths 2-3 times a month. For this procedure, you should use decoctions of herbs (chamomile, sage, calendula, yarrow) or collections from them. Steam baths are best done before bed and only after thorough cleaning of the skin. These treatments improve blood circulation, unclog pores and remove blackheads and whiteheads (comedones).

Face masks

For more complete care of oily skin, it is recommended to do masks 2-3 times a week. Such procedures allow to eliminate and prevent skin inflammation, dry it, deeply cleanse the pores, make them narrower and improve the complexion. For masks, you can use ready-made cosmetics or homemade healing compositions.

Any mask is applied only to well-cleansed skin and removed according to the instructions. With such procedures, the duration of the applications must also be respected.


Oily facial skin needs protection from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Sunscreens for this type of skin should be free of comedogenic components and fragrances. Preference should be given to those products that have been created for sensitive skin. These creams are softer and will not clog pores.

For daily use, you need to choose products with an SPF of 15-30. When visiting a beach, pool or park - with an SPF of more than 30. The application of such products replaces the use of moisturizers or hydrogels. If necessary, sunscreens are reapplied to the skin (for example, after contact with water or at regular intervals).

Anti aging creams

Many anti-aging creams are too heavy for oily skin because they contain comedogenic substances. For this type of skin, it is better to use anti-aging gels or serums that are lighter in texture. The composition of such anti-aging products should include anti-radicals and sunscreen components.

What products for oily skin care can you prepare yourself?

To solve many problems associated with oily skin, products that can be prepared at home are excellent help. For their manufacture, medicinal herbs, food products, essential and natural oils are used. When using such home cosmetics, be sure to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the components.

There are many recipes for preparing oily skin care products. In this article, we will describe some of them.

Soap based on white or blue clay

Grind 100 g of baby soap and place in an enamel bowl, add ½ cup decoction of herbs (chamomile, sage, calendula and oregano) and melt the resulting mixture over low heat, stirring constantly. Add 5 drops of tea tree oil, 2.5 ml of grape seed oil and a heaping teaspoon of white or blue clay to the soap base. If desired, add ¼ lemon juice to this recipe. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and pour into a mold (for example, into a small glass jar). After cooling, use for washing.

Oatmeal soap

Grind 100 g of baby soap and place in an enamel bowl, add ½ cup decoction of herbs (chamomile, sage, calendula and oregano) and melt the resulting mixture over low heat, stirring constantly. Add a tablespoon of oatmeal ground in a coffee grinder to the soap base, ½ teaspoon each of lemon juice and almond oil, 5 drops each of rosemary and mint essential oils. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and cool in a mold.

Sea salt and lemon juice scrub

Mix equal proportions of lemon juice and chopped sea salt. With the resulting mixture, rub the cleansed face with massage movements for 1-2 minutes. Wash off with cool water.

Scrub with honey, wheat bran and lemon juice

Melt 2 tablespoons of honey in a water bath and add 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice and a tablespoon of wheat bran to it. Mix thoroughly, cool to a comfortable temperature and apply to face. Massage the skin for a few minutes and rinse with warm water.

Apple cider vinegar and essential oil tonic

Mix 2/3 cup of witch hazel or chamomile broth with 1/3 cup of apple cider vinegar and add 5 drops of essential oil (lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus or juniper) to the resulting solution. Pour the tonic into a sterilized glass container, close the lid and shake several times. Before applying the toner to the skin, be sure to shake it.

Mint, calendula and lemon juice tonic

Pour boiling water over a bag of mint tea and let it brew for about 10-15 minutes. Prepare a decoction of calendula. Pour mint infusion into a sterilized glass container, add 2 teaspoons of calendula broth and a tablespoon of lemon juice. Close the container with a lid and mix thoroughly. Store toner in the refrigerator.

Cream jelly made from honey, glycerin and salicylic acid

Soak 6 g of gelatin in ½ cup of warm water and add 50 g of honey, 1 g of salicylic acid and 80 g of glycerin to the resulting mass. Put the dishes with the future cream in a water bath and keep, stirring constantly, until all the ingredients are completely dissolved. If desired, you can add a few drops of essential oil (cedarwood, rosemary or lemon) to the cream for fragrance. Beat the cream, pour into a sterilized glass container and close the lid. Store in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.

Cream based on oils and beeswax

To prepare the cream, you can take various base oils:

  • apricot kernel oil - with severe peeling of the skin;
  • olive oil - if there are areas of redness;
  • grape seed oil - in the presence of comedones, acne and areas of inflammation;
  • wheat germ oil - for wrinkled problem skin.

Essential oils are also selected depending on the characteristics of the facial skin:

  • oils of bergamot, lemon, cypress, geranium, eucalyptus, tea tree or juniper - in the presence of comedones, acne and areas of inflammation;
  • lavender, chamomile, neroli or lemon balm oils - for itching and peeling of the skin;
  • small cedar, jasmine or sandalwood - for wrinkled skin.

Melt 15 g of beeswax in a water bath and mix it with 50 ml of base oil. Cool the mixture to room temperature and add 5 drops of essential oil to it. Beat the cream, pour into a sterilized glass container and close the lid. Store in the refrigerator for up to 7 days. Shake well before use.

White clay and pineapple juice mask

Mix 2 tablespoons of white clay with a tablespoon of pineapple juice. Add another spoonful of juice and mix until smooth. Put the mask in the refrigerator for 5 minutes. Apply to cleansed skin. After 15 minutes, wash off with cool water. Do the mask 2-3 times a week. Pineapple juice can be substituted with lemon juice.

Vitamin mask from grapefruit juice and oatmeal

Grind a tablespoon of oatmeal in a coffee grinder and mix with ¼ cup fresh grapefruit juice. Apply to cleansed skin. After 15 minutes, wash off first with warm and then cool water. Do the mask 2-3 times a week.

What salon treatments are good for oily skin?

Salon treatments will help improve the condition of your skin.

Many salon procedures help to suppress the activity of the sebaceous glands, cleanse and narrow pores, remove age spots and scars after acne, and improve skin color. They are selected individually for each client, and their choice depends on many indications, contraindications and skin characteristics.

In the salon, owners of oily skin can be offered the following procedures:

  1. Ultrasonic face cleansing. This gentle procedure allows you to cleanse the skin of the stratum corneum of the epidermis and evens out the tone and relief of the skin.
  2. Vacuum peeling. This superficial resurfacing treatment evens out the skin's texture, removes comedones and excess sebum, removes fine wrinkles and improves blood circulation.
  3. Biocybernetic therapy. This procedure normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, accelerates the elimination of harmful substances, improves local metabolism in skin cells and accelerates the processes of its recovery.
  4. Darsonvalization. Exposure to pulsed alternating currents improves blood microcirculation, narrows pores, suppresses the activity of the sebaceous glands, relieves inflammation, and eliminates seals and hyperpigmented spots on the face.
  5. Mesotherapy. This procedure allows the delivery of medicinal substances, vitamins and minerals to the deep layers of the skin. If necessary, it can be used only on problem areas of the face.
  6. LPG facial massage. This procedure is performed to eliminate enlarged pores, swelling, infiltrates and, to normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands and improve skin tone.
  7. Laser resurfacing. This procedure allows you to get rid of the increased activity of the sebaceous glands, eliminates areas of hyperpigmentation after acne, scars, post-acne and significantly improves the complexion.
  8. Microcrystalline dermabrasion. This procedure opens the pores of the sebaceous glands, removes the top layer of dead skin, evens out the complexion and allows you to get rid of scar changes, hyperpigmentation from acne and post-acne.
  9. Superficial chemical peeling. To perform such procedures, non-toxic alpha hydroxy acids can be used: glycolic, tartaric, lactic, malic, trichloroacetic, almond and salicylic. Such peels can suppress the activity of the sebaceous glands, narrow pores, prevent acne and improve complexion.
  10. Medium chemical peeling. To perform such procedures, the Pro Anthox methods (peeling with a composition of 5% TCA and 10% glycolic acid) or Yellow peel (peeling with a composition of retinoic, azelaic, phytic, ascorbic and kojic acids) are used. Such procedures allow you to get rid of deeper skin defects: hyperpigmentation after acne, post-acne, scars and wrinkles.

The salons can also offer services for complex individual care for oily skin using professional lines of cosmetics. Such cosmetics allow not only to achieve a temporary aesthetic result, but also have an effective therapeutic effect. Their appointment should only be performed by dermatologists or cosmetologists.

The most popular lines of professional cosmetics for oily skin care are the following brands:

  • Dermalogica;
  • Natura Bisse;
  • GIGI Cosmetic Labs;
  • Comodex;
  • Dermo Control;
  • A-NOX;
  • ONmacabim, etc.

When is it necessary to treat oily skin?

Proper and regular care of oily skin in many cases helps to cope with the unpleasant manifestations of this type of skin, but in some diseases of the internal organs, it gives only temporary results.

To eliminate such problems, it is necessary to undergo a series of diagnostic examinations that will reveal the cause of the excessive activity of the sebaceous glands. To do this, you need to seek advice from such specialists:

  • endocrinologist;
  • gynecologist;

The owner or owner of oily skin can be seen from afar. Such people have rough and oily skin, shiny with an earthy tinge, reminiscent of the texture of an orange. Oily skin is characterized by the fact that it is secreted in excess and, when combined with dead skin cells, creates a blockage of the sebaceous glands. This leads to the formation of blackheads and blackheads.

Characteristics of oily skin type

As a rule, this type of skin gives the owners a lot of problems. Acne forms on it, it is covered with a permanently greasy film that prevents it from "breathing".

As a rule, this type of skin is typical, but even 10% of adults have “faces” with oily skin. The culprit for such skin manifestations is hormonal system, namely the male hormone - testosterone, which activates the sebaceous glands. The only joy of having oily skin is that it is less prone to aging, and wrinkles appear on it a little later than in owners of or.

With improper care of oily skin, it becomes oily even faster.

Therefore, the good appearance and health of oily skin depends on the factors affecting it and on proper care. Some products may be great for one girl or boy's oily skin, while others may not work well to maintain a healthy and beautiful complexion. Therefore, it is quite difficult to choose the right effective remedy for a specific person.

Oily facial skin benefits from various cleansing masks, compresses, steam baths.

For morning and evening washing, you can use a decoction of oatmeal or sour milk. After washing, you can lubricate the skin with a cleansing lotion or tonic, strong brewed tea, infusion of chamomile, sage or oak bark.

Nourishing and moisturizing cosmetics help oily skin look healthy. Cosmetologists recommend doing cleansing masks 2 times a week. With enlarged pores, dermatologists advise wiping the skin with cucumber or lemon juice diluted with water, and instead of ordinary water, wash your face once every few days with unboiled milk.

Cosmetologists-dermatologists suggest that owners of oily skin try the following step-by-step daily care:

Morning care for oily skin

1. Washing with cool water with a cleansing gel or foam

Washing with cool water that tones the skin, a special cleansing gel or foam that dissolves easily in water and is designed to care for skin prone to excessive oil secretion. You can not use simple soap, which only dries out the skin, leaving a plaque.

This product cleans and soothes the skin well, preparing it for subsequent makeup application.

3. Application of a special moisturizing base cream with a low content of fatty components and oils

If acne and inflammatory formations are already observed on the skin, it is recommended to spot them with a remedy with salicylic acid or pyroxide.

4. Using SPF-products (foundation, mineral powder)

If you need to go outside, you need to apply an SPF-agent, for example, foundation or mineral powder. The SPF-protected product is applied last, on top of all makeup, otherwise it simply will not work.

Evening care for oily skin

Evening care for oily or any other skin begins with cleansing it of make-up using special means - a gel or a foam for washing.

It is good to use special serums containing vitamins.

Care for oily skin throughout the day and regularly

During the day, you can use special wipes to remove oily shine. They do not spoil the makeup and remove excess sebum with high quality.

The most important part of caring for oily skin is to cleanse it regularly. This is helped by scrubs with particles of raspberry kernels, microparticles of cedar shells or apricot kernels. After cleansing with such a scrub, the skin becomes smooth and silky. However, the cleaning procedure must be very careful, as there is a danger of micro-injury. Peeling is done no more than once every three days. It is best to scrub your skin before going to bed, when you no longer need to go outside.

After 25 years, a good effect can be achieved by peeling with products containing AXA acids. They are considered the best helpers for getting rid of old and dead cells, renewing the skin, and stimulating the formation of young cells. It is best to have these procedures carried out by specialists.

Mixtures containing clay or healing mud are well suited as masks. They help to narrow the enlarged pores, preventing them from becoming clogged.

Cleansing oily skin

Oily skin needs more frequent cleansing than other skin types. You need to wash your face at least three times a day with special products... And remove makeup with a cleansing cream. Better to use mild toning lotions. They stimulate blood circulation and tone the skin, improving its texture.

For oily skin, it is very important to use special products that regulate the work of the sebaceous glands and increase the immunity of cells to various infections.

Washing water should not be hard.

Oily skin: care mistakes

The first mistake is dry skin

If the cleanser dries out the skin severely, the opposite is true. The skin tries to rebuild and expels more sebum to the surface.

Cosmetologist's advice: Use sparing products, but more often. Wipe your skin several times a day with a lotion or toner designed for oily skin. This product contains antibacterial substances that prevent the development of inflammatory processes.

The second mistake is squeezing acne

Do not squeeze out acne and pimples often. A pimple is a plug of dead cells and sebum. Acne and severe inflammation can replace the inflamed pimple.

Cosmetologist's advice: Acne should be squeezed out no more than once a week. It is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin, steam it with a steam bath with a decoction of chamomile or sage. After that, with a cosmetic cotton wool, wound around your finger, gently pressing, squeeze out the acne. Then disinfect the inflamed area.

The third mistake is stress and intense anxiety.

Don't worry about oily skin and acne. The reasons can be different: a large amount of sweets in the diet, hormonal imbalance, poor hygiene. It is necessary to identify the cause and solve it! Excessive stress, on the other hand, can exacerbate poor skin conditions.

Cosmetologist's advice: It is worth contacting a specialist - together it will be easier to cope with the problem.

The fourth mistake is the wrong medicine

The wrong medication exacerbates the problem, causing the appearance of new skin inflammations.

Cosmetologist's advice: When prescribing a drug, ask a specialist about its effect on the skin.

Fifth mistake - frequent peeling

Do not peel very often. Removing dead skin cells with exfoliating agents is certainly beneficial. However, with its frequent and uncontrolled conduct, the opposite result occurs: the skin begins to secrete sebum in an even greater amount.

Cosmetologist's advice: Peeling should not be done more than once every three days. In case of acute inflammation of numerous acne, it is worth abandoning peeling until they are healed, since exfoliation of particles can more injure the inflamed skin areas.

Masks for oily skin

There are special masks for oily skin to help get rid of the problem:

Mix one tablespoon of kaolin and corn flour, the protein of one egg, half a teaspoon of rubbing alcohol and lemon juice. The resulting mask is applied to the face and kept for a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water.

Mix two teaspoons of honey and natural yogurt with half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply the mask on the face for a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water.

Beat the white of one egg with half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply a thin layer to face. Wait until the composition turns into a film, rinse with warm water.

Pour 100 g of boiling water into calendula leaves in the amount of a tablespoon. Cool until warm. Put a towel soaked in the infusion on your face for a quarter of an hour. Wipe your face with a dry soft towel.

Propolis mask

Mix a quarter cup of olive oil and 15 ml of propolis tincture with 15 g of wax. Melt in a steam bath. Cool until creamy and add the yolks of 2 eggs. Apply on face for 10-12 minutes, rinse with warm water.

In the production portfolio of any well-known cosmetic company there is a line of medicinal cosmetics aimed at caring for the skin of the face, prone to excess sebum production.

To normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, cleanse and narrow the pores, it is recommended to use products of the same series. Experts explain this by the fact that then cosmetics will not have a reason to "conflict", causing irritation and additional problems. In addition, dermatologists recommend changing the manufacturer every quarter due to the various effects of medicinal cosmetics on the skin. This method will help you achieve great results. It is best to choose medical and caring cosmetics with the help of professional help.

You can start the selection of "your" series with the main components. Antibacterial tonic and cleansing gel be sure to be in the cosmetic bag of the owner of oily problem skin.

If, after a few days of using them, the skin condition has improved, then this cosmetics is ideal.

You can safely purchase the rest of the products in this series: cleansing foam, toning lotion, scrub, moisturizer, cleansing mask.


Prevention of premature age-related changes

As mentioned above, before going outside, where the sun's rays and wind will affect the skin, it is worth using special protective equipment. They help protect the skin from premature aging. Sunscreen consist of water, fat, vitamin E, softening and moisturizing components. Returning from the street, especially in hot summers or fierce winters, it is useful the use of after-sun products to moisturize and nourish the skin.


Good skin hydration is a good prevention of premature aging. Any climatic and atmospheric factors negatively affect the skin. It helps to avoid this regularly, systematic and thorough moisturizing of the facial skin... Both hot and dry, and frosty air dry the skin, after which it becomes susceptible to microtrauma, cracks, and loses its elasticity. All this leads to the formation of inflammation and wrinkles. The wind exudes and flakes the skin. Using a quality moisturizer allows you to minimize these impacts.

It will help to avoid early aging of the skin and the whole body organization of a healthy and rational lifestyle... So, the body, which is deprived of sufficient sleep, suffers, and the first adverse effect is a tired skin condition. New cells are formed during sleep. It is at night that the skin rebuilds its structure, so sleep should be not only continuous and calm, but also long.

Morning jogging and moderate exercise help to increase the elasticity of the skin. Physical activity increases blood circulation and well stimulates the human skin. Prolonged stress and nervous overload can cause premature skin aging. They cause excessive contraction of the facial muscles and overwork. The skin begins to experience a lack of vitamins and oxygen, and blood circulation is impaired.

A philosophical attitude to life is an effective way to prevent early skin aging.

Smoking and alcohol negatively affect the condition of the skin, causing the formation of wrinkles, enlargement of pores, and redness of the face. But a balanced diet and sufficient water intake (up to 2 liters per day) are able to maintain a normal vital balance in cells and tissues, which means they prevent early skin aging.

Cosmetologists distinguish 4 main types. Determining which one you have is quite simple. To do this, it is enough to know the main features of each of them.

Bold has the following signs:

  • The epidermis looks rough, dense;
  • Enlarged pores all over the face;
  • Permanent oily sheen that rarely goes away on its own;
  • Acne, various rashes, blackheads;
  • Due to the increased fat content, fine mimic wrinkles are practically absent.


  • Very thin, delicate, vessels can often be seen through it;
  • It is almost impossible to notice the pores on the face, because they are rather small;
  • Matte shade, no oily sheen;
  • Often there is a feeling of tightness, dryness;
  • Ages quickly because fine and deep wrinkles appear on it early.

Normal occurs less often than other types:

  • Average density of the epidermis;
  • Lack of ugly oily sheen (it is possible in small quantities on the forehead, nose, chin);
  • The surface is matte;
  • The pores are practically invisible, because they are rather small;
  • Able to withstand hormonal changes, fluctuations in air temperatures;
  • Proper care of normal skin leads to the fact that the aging process, the appearance of wrinkles occurs slowly, gradually.

Combined has the following signs:

  • Combinations of oily, dry and normal skin are immediately located on the face;
  • On the forehead, nose, chin (T-zone), the pores are quite noticeable, although they are practically not visible on the cheeks;
  • Oily sheen appears exclusively on the T-zone;
  • Sometimes you have to deal with small pimples, clogged pores;
  • In youth, acne and pimples may appear on the combination skin, but in adulthood it is not prone to rapid fading, it looks young and fresh.

ATTENTION! The correct definition of the type is very important, because on the basis of it, the correct care and protection is selected.

Cosmetologists say that it is impossible to change the type. It is formed at the genetic level. The only thing is that with age, any type of epidermis becomes drier and needs additional gentle protection.

Poll: What is your skin type?

Oily skin care

Care features

  1. Adhere to a certain diet that will allow you to control the work of the sebaceous glands: limit the consumption of chocolate, fatty, peppery, salty foods, smoked meats, coffee, and alcoholic beverages. Add foods rich in vitamin B2;
  2. Try to avoid stress as it can cause your skin to shine oily. Take anti-anxiety medications as needed;
  3. If you have a fatty type, change your pillowcase at least 2-3 times a week, because bacteria accumulating on it often cause irritation and the appearance of blackheads on your face;
  4. Do not touch your face with dirty hands;
  5. Do not squeeze pimples yourself to avoid the process of infection and spread of infection to large areas;
  6. Always remove makeup before bed to open all pores and allow your skin to breathe;
  7. To care for the oily type, use only specially designed creams, tonics, lotions. It is better if they do not contain alcohol, otherwise it can lead to dehydration of the skin.

Correct daily care

Oily skin should be taken care of at least 2-3 times during the day. The care rules have the following recommendations:

  • It is necessary to wash with extremely cold or slightly warm water, so as not to provoke the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • Do not use soap, because it dries out only the upper layers of the epidermis, causing inflammation;
  • During cleansing, use a special gentle brush or washcloth for the face, which provides deep penetration into the layers of the skin and high-quality removal of dirt.

It is strictly forbidden to strongly press and rub the face, so as not to damage the epidermis and not to infect.

Oily skin care is divided into 4 main stages: cleansing, toning, moisturizing, nutrition. Cleansing is carried out in the morning before applying makeup and in the evening to remove it. This is done using gels, mousses, special milk that do not disturb the acidity of the skin and are able to prepare it for the perception of a moisturizer.

The next stage of care is toning, which is always carried out after cleaning. It removes the remnants of cleaning agents from the surface, moisturizes, and increases the tone of the epidermis. Alcohol-free toners resist allergic reactions, irritation, tighten pores, and normalize skin acidity. Afterwards, it is important to apply a day or night moisturizer. It nourishes and protects from the effects of cosmetics, as well as cold winds, low temperatures in winter. In summer, it is recommended to use gels that can repel harmful ultraviolet rays, due to which the skin often dehydrates, becomes more sensitive, and ages quickly.

Before going to bed, you need to apply a nourishing cream (on the face and neck). Do this 2 hours before bedtime. If after this time, not all of the product has been absorbed, remove its remnants with a soft napkin, gently blotting your face.

REFERENCE! Apply any nourishing, cleansing, moisturizing products only along the massage lines, moving from the center of the face to the auricles. Pay special attention to the area around the eyes, use special creams for this.

Professional or self-care

Professional care is provided in the salon. It consists of the following procedures:

  • Exfoliate with fruit acids. Cleans the surface of the skin, improves tone, moisturizes, brightens, improves the appearance, the pores are noticeably narrowed. In time, the exfoliation procedure lasts at least an hour, it is performed once every 7 days. To achieve results, you will have to visit the salon at least 5 times;
  • Soothing, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing treatments that can not only balance the skin, but also have a healing effect.

One of the modern methods of caring for oily skin is Korean care.

Korean care

We should also not forget about home cleaning methods, taking care of your face. Home care involves the preparation of masks, scrubs, creams only from natural ingredients. Here are some recipes for the fatty type:

  1. Oatmeal soap. To do this, mix 100 g of baby soap (previously grated), 100 g of herbal decoction (from chamomile, calendula, sage). Melt everything over low heat, stirring constantly, so that the mass does not burn. Add ground oatmeal (20 g), 5 g each of lemon juice and almond oil, a few drops of essential oils to the slightly cooled mixture. Pour everything into a mold and wait until the mass hardens;
  2. Make a scrub with fine sea salt and lemon juice. You should get a gruel, which gently wipe the face 1 time a day for 2 minutes;
  3. Prepare a tonic from the mint infused for 15 minutes. Add 20 g of calendula broth, 10 g of lemon juice to the liquid. Store toner in the refrigerator.


A line of cosmetics represented by various means in the form of masks, oils, emulsions, tonics, thermal water. After using such products, the skin becomes really moisturized, the pores on the face narrow, the feeling of tightness, peeling, itching and allergies disappear.


French cosmetics, represented on the market by masks, creams, tonics, cleansing powders, gels. It is characterized by the excellent quality of its product, since it does not cause allergies, deeply cleanses, moisturizes, nourishes, protecting from harmful effects.

Problem skin care


Regardless of oily, dry or normal skin, each of them can be considered problematic, its signs are:

  • The presence of blackheads in large numbers;
  • Uneven layer of the epidermis;
  • Permanent oily sheen in the T-shaped area due to disruption of the sebaceous glands;
  • Various inflammations resulting from hormonal disruption or digestive problems;
  • Pigmentation disorders.

Correct care

Care steps:

  1. Remove makeup with micellar water or special oil;
  2. Gentle cleansing with gels, mousses, foams that do not contain alcohol and do not violate the water balance of the skin;
  3. Application of scrubs, if there is no damage on the face, which gently cleanses the epidermis. Otherwise, use tonics based on chamomile, sage;
  4. Moisturize your face with creams, serums designed for dehydrated, dry or oily problem skin;
  5. Use cleansing masks no more than once or twice a week.

Problem skin should not be washed more than twice a day - this can provoke unnecessary irritation due to increased sensitivity. Never try to get rid of pimples yourself by squeezing them out, as this will cause more inflammation and possibly scarring. Try to walk less under the scorching sun.

Use only those products that indicate that they are intended specifically for problem skin.


Among the store products, pay attention to the comprehensive Korean care. When choosing products separately: tonics, creams, gels, masks - try to give preference to one manufacturer.

Budgetary care involves the preparation of masks, creams and other products at home from inexpensive ingredients: cucumber, honey, onion, kefir, yogurt, potatoes, parsley. The task of such masks is to relieve inflammation, get rid of acne, dry individual areas of the skin, and also improve the work of the sebaceous glands.

Combination skin care


This type needs much more care than oily and dry. In the presence of constantly enlarged pores, oily sheen on the forehead, cheeks and pronounced peeling, dryness on the cheeks, it is worthwhile to carefully approach the care of combination skin.

At home

The main rule of proper care for combination skin of the face is the obligatory cleansing of cosmetics in the morning and in the evening. So, for oily, sensitive and combination skin, herbal decoctions, wiping the face with kefir, yogurt, serum are suitable.

Clean your forehead, chin, nose with a facial cleanser and a soft brush available from a pharmacy. For dry skin of the cheeks and oily T-shaped zone, cucumber, tomato masks, bran-based home remedies, melon are suitable, which can not only cleanse it, but also moisturize and protect it.


Proper care of combination skin, which consists of oily and dry areas, involves the use of products from the Korean care series or other tonics, creams, gels designed specifically for the mixed type.

ATTENTION! Never use soap and hot water to wash your face, because the sebaceous glands will work even more intensely.

For winter, choose a water-based cream over a greasy one. For summer, products with a level of protection against ultraviolet rays of at least 6. All creams, tonics, lotions should not contain alcohol and be hypoallergenic.

Poll: How do you care for your skin type?

Dry skin care


Dry skin is often characterized by increased sensitivity, because it lacks the normal amount of sebum, the lack of which leads to peeling, tightness, redness. Very dry skin often occurs due to improper or insufficient care, which as a result leads to early aging, the appearance of fine and then deep wrinkles.

Correct care

  1. Do not buy products that contain alcohol. This will only increase the sensitivity of the epidermis;
  2. Discard gels, foams for washing. Replace them with milk for dry skin. At home, prepare decoctions of chamomile, calendula, use aloe juice;
  3. As cleansing scrubs, only those that contain small, soft granules that are not capable of injuring the skin are purchased;
  4. It is forbidden to use fruit acids, film masks, as they stretch delicate dry skin, irritate it;
  5. Pay attention to products containing ceramides, unsaturated fatty acids. Their task is to restore lipid balance.


Daily care should consist of the use of cosmetics from the Korean care range or specially selected products for dry skin. It can be creams with collagen, elastane, quickly absorbed, creating a protective film on the surface of the face. Creams and remedies should contain vitamins, antioxidants, extracts of grape seeds, algae, oats.

The night cream should be as nutritious and oily as possible. It may contain aloe, algae extracts, vitamins A, E, ceramides. Apply the cream 2 hours before bedtime with a thick ball. After 10 minutes, the excess of the product is gently blotted with a napkin.

Normal skin care

The normal type does not require special care skills. Daily care of her consists of the following stages:

  1. Cleanse your face with foams, gels, milk, washing your face with cool water. Sometimes replace the washing process with rubbing your face with ice cubes. Do not forget about deep cleansing with peels;
  2. Use tonics that perfectly tone up, tighten the skin and make it healthier. Instead of store products, decoctions of chamomile, linden, mint are used;
  3. Moisturize your face with creams, purchased masks or prepared by hand with the addition of fruits, oils, dairy products;
  4. Protect it with UV filters or moisturizers. The choice of such products depends on the season and weather conditions. Apply the cream at least 30 minutes before going outside to allow them to fully absorb into the skin and begin to act.

Before purchasing any skin care product, be sure to identify the type. If necessary, seek help from a beautician. He will select the right products for your type and tell you how to properly care for her at different times of the year.

Facial skin care after peeling

Peeling is a procedure after which redness, peeling, itching and other unpleasant consequences can often occur. In order to get rid of them as quickly as possible and speed up the recovery period, you should be aware of what post-peeling care includes:

  • On the first day after the procedure, do not wash your face with water, do not touch your face with your hands, avoid direct sunlight, do not apply cream on your skin;
  • In the next 3 days, try to be outside less often, do not use fatty creams, do not go in for sports;
  • Until the face regains its normal color and structure, do not go to the sauna, bath, do not apply tonal foundations, decorative cosmetics to the skin, do not use scrubs, masks.

As you recover, the beautician will allow you to use moisturizing gels, fluids, serums, balms, and then creams. At this stage, it is better to choose products for sensitive skin in order to avoid possible additional redness and allergic reactions.

Care after retinoic peeling also involves a complete rejection of decorative cosmetics, hair coloring, and curling. Use only drugs that relieve inflammation. They should include shea butter, horse chestnut extract, panthenol. 4 days after the procedure, it is allowed to apply a mask with lactic acid, cranberry enzymes on the face.

If there is no way to avoid contact with direct sunlight, apply creams with maximum protective factors (from 30 and above). It is better not to carry out the procedure in summer and winter, because strong hot or cold wind will only irritate your already damaged skin.

Autumn and winter care

Autumn and winter for all skin types is a great stress, it is during this period that the face succumbs to the effects of cold weather and strong winds. Winter care should include products aimed primarily at moisturizing the epidermis. This is due to the fact that a significant part of the time you have to be in a room with dry air, from which the skin suffers no less than the air temperature outside.

In winter, you should use creams with a high percentage of moisture. Cosmetologists advise to apply them not in the morning, but in the evening. This is how the product will begin to penetrate deeply into the layers of the skin and will act much more efficiently.

IMPORTANT! The basic rule of winter care is that after applying the moisturizer, you do not need to go outside for at least the next two hours.

Special attention should be paid to the process of cleansing the face. Habitual tonics in fall and winter can make you feel tight and dry. Experts advise replacing them with foam for washing, as well as using scrubs with small particles. This way you will never scratch or damage your already dry skin.

In the autumn, the face must be protected with creams with a high degree of protection against ultraviolet rays. This indicator cannot be less than 15, since the sun with the arrival of cold weather is sometimes even more aggressive than in the heat. Avoid using soaps and toners that contain alcohol. The best alternative is thermal water. Don't forget about nourishing masks, herbal decoctions, moisturizing toners and creams.

Spring and summer care

In the summer and spring, you need to take care of the skin of the face, depending on its type. At the same time, there are the main features characteristic of these seasons:

  • Introduce more fresh vegetables and fruits into your daily diet;
  • Apply light peels, exfoliating scrubs;
  • Wash yourself with decoctions of herbs, boiled water, special products in the form of foam, milk;
  • Cleanse your face from makeup before going to bed;
  • Protect your skin from harmful sunlight. In this case, products containing hyaluronic acid and a high level of SPF protection will help.

After summer, gradually change your sunscreen to more suitable for the fall period. Do not forget about masks, moisturizers, which will not allow the drying process.

Overview of the Korean Nursing System

The Korean skin care system involves the application of products in stages - this provides better cleansing of the epidermis, as well as protection from harmful factors.

ATTENTION! Korean multi-stage facials are contraindicated for girls with oily skin.


To achieve good results from these procedures, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend much more time on this than usual. In addition, you need to purchase the entire set of necessary cosmetics, consisting of gels, foams, lotions, serum, emulsion and milk.


Korean care is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Cleansing with foam, oil or cream. Allows you to remove all dirt, decorative cosmetics;
  2. Applying a toner to the face, which completely cleanses the skin from impurities, slightly moisturizes it, perfectly toiizes, gives a beautiful, healthy appearance;
  3. Enriching the skin with essence, without which further preparations will not have the correct effect on the skin;
  4. Distribution on the face of the emulsion. It has a slightly stringy structure. Perfectly moisturizes, refreshes, protects from harmful factors;
  5. The cream protects against moisture loss, controls the work of the sebaceous glands. Many of these creams can only be used before bed because they regenerate the skin and also provide maximum moisture.

Regular use of Korean cosmetics leads to the fact that the skin of the face noticeably improves its condition, becomes healthier and more attractive.

Oily skin feeds aging more slowly than dry or even normal.

However, until a certain point she gives her owners a lot of trouble e.g. acne, blackheads, unaesthetic shine, acne scars, etc.

If you are interested, how to care for oily skin to forget about these problems, please read this material carefully and follow our advice.

Care for oily skin should be daily, which will help prevent the appearance of blackheads, acne, flabbiness. This is a rule that must not be ignored.

The main stages of proper care for oily skin: cleansing, toning and moisturizing.

Daily cleansing- This is the removal of makeup, fat traces from the skin of the face with cosmetic milk, foam, water. Wash your face with oily skin often.

For sensitive skin, the remedy is chosen with a soothing effect: with plant extracts (chamomile, calendula, aloe). At home, you can remove makeup using unrefined vegetable oil.

Toning is carried out with special means, for example, tonics and lotions.

Moisturizing oily skin is carried out with water-based products containing glycerin or sodium hyaluronate. Care for oily and problem skin should include procedures using cosmetics based on natural jojoba oil.

Use anti-aging cosmetics after 30 years... And so that your face does not "shine" during the day, use a matting powder with a light texture and foundations designed for your skin type.

My own beautician: procedures for oily skin at home

You can find a lot of tips on the Internet, how to properly care for oily skin at home... Here are some tips and recipes that have really helped many people solve problems with oily sheen or acne.

You can make your own coffee grounds scrub... For 1-2 minutes, massage the face skin with the resulting gruel, then rinse with water. Scrubs made from crushed seeds (pine nuts, raspberries, grapes, apricots) also help well.

But it is worth knowing that mechanical cleansing should be abandoned if you have a lot of acne, as particles of abrasive can "open" acne bubbles and bring an infection there.

Applying a thin layer of liquid honey to oily skin helps to cleanse the pores removing dead cells. When the honey thickens, it is washed off with warm water.

People with oily skin Foam masks that are applied to the face 2 times a week are well suited until completely dry. Then they are washed off. Masks are applied after cleansing.

An ancient and very effective method is the use of cosmetic clay... Blue, white and green clays are best suited for cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing oily skin.

After the procedure, tonic soothes the skin well... The lotion should be applied to the face twice a day. An alternative remedy is honey water. To make it yourself, dissolve half a tablespoon of natural honey in a glass of warm water.

Rubbing your face with an ice cube or a frozen herbal decoction cube (chamomile, calendula) gives a natural glow. Prevents dehydration, smoothes fine wrinkles.

After cleansing, you should go to nutrition. To do this, apply a cream suitable for your age and skin type.

For young skin, light creams and gels with a moisturizing effect are selected. For older skin, creams with increased nutritional potential are suitable.

The cream is applied in a thin layer along the massage lines with stroking movements of the fingers.

To make sure that your chosen oily skin care product is right for you, apply a small amount of the cream to the skin and watch the reaction.

Proper care of oily sensitive skin is impossible without the use of masks, they are used 2-3 times a week. Good home remedies for oily skin can be made at home. To do this, you need fresh food that is available in the house.

will give the skin elasticity, improve the complexion. Mix a tablespoon of oatmeal with strawberries (you can thaw it), apply to your face. Then rinse with water.

1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon olive oil and honey able to make your skin firm and elastic.

Well moisturizes and tones the skin fresh cucumber mask... Apply several cucumber plastics to your face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with water.

In winter, the skin of the face is under the influence of additional negative factors of influence, including subzero temperatures, wind, etc. This can lead to the fact that even your own sebum will not save you from unpleasant peeling, as well as the appearance of new inflammatory foci.

Proper care for oily skin in winter and late autumn should be built taking into account the following recommendations:

Taking care of oily skin in summer

Dehydrated skin- this is what a thoughtlessly long stay in the sun in summer can turn into. Owners of oily skin with this trouble are much less common, however, they can sometimes be bothered by the sun-dried dermis.

  1. Cleanse your skin with a gel containing citric acid or glycolic acid.
  2. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day
  3. Wear soft makeup

It is not always possible to maintain the ideal state of oily skin at home. Especially if you are facing problems such as acne or post-acne.

That's why we offer you a list of salon procedures, which will provide you with tangible help in the struggle for the ideal appearance.

A visit to a beautician, of course, will cost more. than any home procedures. However, in this case, the result will justify the money spent.

So, the top salon cosmetic procedures for oily problem skin in women and men are traditionally headed by mechanical facial cleansing and chemical peels.

But there are other methods. which give the best result, although the price of these services is quite high:

  1. Ultrasonic cleaning: Eliminate impurities and sebum using an acoustic wave that vibrates the pore walls.
  2. Galvanic cleaning: change of skin ph and deep cleansing of dermis layers with electrolyte solution.
  3. Vacuum cleaning: creating negative pressure on the skin and drawing in through a special sebum attachment.

Rules for the care of young skin or skin after 25 years, after 30, etc. are based on general principles, but may have their own age characteristics.

Darsonval, or Modern replacement for the beautician

Now on sale there are Darsonval appliances for home use... They are not very expensive, so you should seriously consider buying this device.

In addition to numerous useful properties, the device has a positive effect on oily skin, effectively treats acne and relieves inflammation. In addition, darsonvalization normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, has a bactericidal effect.

The essence of therapy is in pulsed exposure to high voltage currents on tissue. You may feel a little uncomfortable while swiping the device over your face, but these sensations have nothing to do with pain. This means that you can easily withstand the procedure.