Offer the guy save the ring and keep it. What ring to give your beloved girl

When it comes to presentations, the doubt immediately arises whether it is worth giving this or that item? The gift-related topic is always shrouded in various beliefs and prejudices. For many years people have been trying to figure out why it is impossible to give a ring to a girl. This article will help you deal with this situation and tell you when such gifts are appropriate.

Folk omens

There are many popular superstitions about many presentations: candles, watches, handkerchiefs, mirrors. For example, giving candles is a bad omen associated with a funeral, or handed handkerchiefs will surely bring tears. Rings are also prohibited gifts.

Many beliefs are associated with the ring presented to the girl in honor of the holiday. Unfortunately, the donated ring is a bad omen that threatens to be separated from her young man who presented such a present. Therefore, it is worth presenting a necklace, bracelet or earrings. At the same time, it does not matter for whom the gift is prepared - whether it is a woman or a man, because superstitions are not divided according to gender.

There is another popular belief that is connected with the custom of giving a beloved family heirlooms. For some, this gift is a sign that the family of the future husband is ready to accept the girl, while others are alarmed, because it is not known what information the ring carries, so as not to repeat the fate of the former owner.

If the girl was still presented with a ring as a gift, then she just needs to get rid of all prejudices. Perhaps the guy who gave such a present had no idea that such beliefs existed. All that remains is to rejoice at the decoration and drive bad thoughts away.

Practical reasons

Some young people often do not understand why a guy should not give a ring to a girl, because these are just prejudices. However, do not forget that in addition to various superstitions, there are practical reasons, they can easily make the ring not the best option for a gift. They should be considered:

  • A guy doesn't always know what his girlfriend's finger is. Often, men made a mistake with the required diameter, and then they had to adjust to the required size, but such a present is doomed to failure. Therefore, before delivery, you should find out about such things.
  • If a young man gives a ring, then it becomes clear that this present was made for a reason. Although it is not engagement, it already gives a hint that the guy wants a more serious relationship. It's good if the girl's desire is mutual, but there are times when she is not yet ready to rise to a new stage in the development of relationships. In her opinion, everything should happen smoothly and gradually.
  • The fairer sex may think that her beloved is making her an offer. Then an awkward situation will arise. This will undoubtedly be very upsetting for the girl. This case should be considered before presenting an accessory.
  • A man who gives a ring can easily fail to guess the style that his soulmate likes. For example, if a woman does not like gold or precious stones, and a loved one gives the product just such, of course, the gift can upset her.

When a ring is an appropriate gift

Obviously, a gift made from the bottom of your heart will bestow success, prosperity and happiness in your personal life with its owner. A number of holidays are not complete without this attribute, because then it is impossible to carry out the ritual. These are the following celebrations:

When a man nevertheless decided to present such an accessory, then he should focus on the following important points:

  • Jewelry should match the style of the beloved woman. It is necessary to choose an accessory made of metal, which the recipient prefers.
  • It is necessary to find out the exact size of the future acquisition.
  • When choosing a wedding ring, you need to give preference to a product that is smooth and without unnecessary details.
  • Massive gold jewelry is more suitable for mature ladies.
  • Pack your gold purchase in a beautiful box.
  • Do not hand over the accessory before the holiday event. The giver should be well aware of why gifts should not be given in advance. After all, a present presented ahead of time can significantly spoil the mood.

If a person does not believe in superstition, and is firmly decided to give his soul mate a ring, then he should not give up his idea. Any present that is presented from the bottom of my heart will never bring misfortune!

Precious jewelry is something that invariably pleases girls and women at any age. Not surprisingly, men often resort to jewelry shopping to surprise their soul mate. But if there are no difficulties with the purchase of a chain or bracelet, then choosing a ring can be very difficult. Especially if young people have just started dating and the man does not yet know the tastes of his chosen one. So that the joy in the eyes of the girl is not replaced by disappointment, the following points should be taken into account when buying jewelry.

Sizing spy operation

Any gifts will cause more delight if they are presented as a surprise. But when buying a ring, you must at least know the girl's finger size. Engagement rings are not presented after the future groom has taken all measurements from his beloved's hand. And it is advisable to buy any other jewelry only after you are sure of the size.

It is definitely impossible to ask your beloved the diameter of the product, because the girls have an extremely developed imagination and after such a question she will already think over the marriage ceremony. Therefore, the best way out of the situation would be to discreetly remove the ring belonging to the girl. It is only necessary to circle it along the inner contour and the trick is in the bag. If you have to act fast, just try on the product on your own finger. An experienced jeweler will tell you which diamond ring will be your favorite.

Choose a design

After you know the diameter of the jewelry, you will probably think that all the difficulties are behind you. But when you come to a jewelry store, you will understand that the most difficult thing is to choose the right ring from a huge range of products. Without knowing personal preference, try to start from age. Refined rings with small stones are intended for young ladies. And older ladies prefer massive rings with large stones.

Metal: gold or silver

When choosing a metal, start not only from the budget (gold is more expensive than silver), but also from the situation (it is customary to give gold jewelry for the engagement) and the girl's personal preferences. If your chosen one considers gold to be a despicable metal, then she is unlikely to be delighted with an expensive ring made of it. But on the other hand, it is possible that she does not wear gold, because she has not been given it before and you will be the first. It is better to find out this point in advance.

What does the horoscope say

A classic of the genre is a ring set with a diamond. But there is one "but". It is believed that such a decoration is certainly presented for an engagement. If you would like to postpone the proposal of a hand and heart, then choose another stone. If you know the girl's zodiac sign, then you can rely on the horoscope and choose the gem that is suitable for her energy. Another option is to match the stone to the color of her eyes. The main thing here is not to make a mistake, otherwise a fatal resentment cannot be avoided.

How to donate

A gift such as a precious ring requires special decoration. You can go the traditional way and buy a bouquet of flowers and a box upholstered in velvet. Or you can hide the ring in a box of her favorite chocolates. If you are doing well with versification, the decoration can be presented after an expressive reading of a poem dedicated to her alone.

Imagine and your girlfriend will certainly appreciate it!

Not everyone is ready to admit it explicitly, but in fact, consciously or subconsciously, many women want to receive a ring as a gift from their beloved boyfriend. This speaks to the majority of. And if we are not even talking about the upcoming wedding and the proposal of a hand and heart, then, at least, about the fact that a girl means a lot to a young man, since she has received such an expensive gift as a gold ring.

What does it mean to give a girl a ring

Guys who want to do something nice in the form of a gift to their girls should keep in mind that they certainly melt and melt from the fact that you gave them a gold ring. But, if you are not ready to make a marriage proposal yet, it is advisable to choose something else as a gift. For example, earrings or pendants, or even a bracelet. For many women, the fact that they were presented with an expensive ring means the upcoming marriage or, at least, the maximum degree of seriousness in the relationship. This is the desire to see in a girl not just a beloved, but a life companion. And this is a generally accepted fact.

What does it mean if a husband gave his wife a ring

If, as they say, all the seriousness in the relationship has already taken place, moreover, we are talking about a married couple, then the significance of the fact that the husband gave his wife a ring should not be exaggerated. With such a variation of the gift, the spouse can celebrate your anniversary of meeting or living together, or even prefer a ring for the role of a gift for your birthday or even for the New Year. If a husband gives his wife a white gold ring, one can only be glad that they still have a warm relationship that inspires a man to make gifts for his beloved woman. And it's not so important whether it's a gold ring or a silver ring, a cubic zirconia or a real diamond, the main thing is that the husband, as before, wants to please you, and that costs a lot.

How to hint for a guy to give a ring

Every girl who is in a serious relationship with a young man secretly, if not clearly, dreams that the guy would give a ring of gold. However, being clear about it is definitely not the best course of action. A man can be so confused, or even frightened altogether. In this case, diplomacy should be, first of all. It should be softly hinted that the lover will give a white gold ring. Do not lead your loved one in the context of a walk in, but, for example, wait for the moment when he will take your hand and hint that you would like to decorate this very hand with this piece of jewelry. You should also not cause jealousy in order to directly declare the absence of a yellow gold ring as an integral attribute of an engagement. It would be better to say this softly, but not intrusively, seizing the appropriate moment.

The theme of objects that are presented to young girls is always fanned with superstitions and omens. This is especially true for jewelry. After all, it's not a secret for anyone that it is gold that is the metal that absorbs the energy of the owner. Let's try to consider whether it is possible to give a ring to a girl just like that, for no reason. There is an opinion that a ring can be given to a young girl only for an engagement, which will take place on the eve of the wedding. But very often a young man wants to do something pleasant to his beloved outside the holiday, but he is stopped by the well-known superstition that giving rings is a sign of separation. Let's try to destroy this opinion.

When they give a ring

In our country, it is customary to give rings for engagement. However, many do not know exactly which ring is presented for an engagement. A young man chooses a piece of jewelry, preferably with a diamond. Stones are a symbol of confidence and stability in a relationship, and metal only confirms these intentions. During the wedding, the newlyweds buy a pair of rings, which they put on each other's fingers in a solemn atmosphere in the registry office. The couple should then wear these rings on their ring fingers. It is also customary to give rings in the United States for the birth of the first child and for the day of college graduation.

These are just a few of the cases when, having donated a ring, you do not fall under the influence of this ridiculous superstition. This ancient opinion is based on the usual everyday position, explaining why a ring is given. Giving a ring to a girl just like that, you thereby reassure her. If the young man for some time does not take any action and does not call her down the aisle, then this will certainly lead to separation. This is the everyday explanation of this superstition, which has no mystical connotation. Thus, if you do not know if it is possible to give a ring to a girl, feel free to give it, because any woman will be happy with jewelry.

Many girls want to give their boyfriend a worthwhile gift, one that he will carry with him all the time and which, as it were, will "insure" him against the betrayal of the one who loves him. What is a bad gift for these purposes - a ring? And beautiful, and for a long time, and reminiscent, and ... Do not rush, dear ladies! First you need to figure out if the opposite will turn out if you give the guy a ring? A large number of gifts are shrouded in omens and superstitions. Some beliefs are rooted in the distant past of mankind, while others are simple conversations of an idle crowd. But in any case, before presenting a gift, it is worth weighing the pros and cons of any offering and draw the necessary conclusions for yourself. One way or another, but often girls, for example, are interested in: is it possible to give a guy a ring? Everyone knows that giving a ring to a girl before the wedding is prohibited by many signs, it is believed that such a gift can "scare off" cupids, kill love or accidentally break off a relationship, for reasons beyond the control of the individual. Therefore, girls prefer to give other jewelry, such as a chain with a pendant, earrings, a necklace, and a diadem. The same signs exist in relation to the stronger sex. Guys should not be gifted rings for the same reasons as girls. This sign especially applies to gold rings and signet rings, because such a gift is a symbol of separation. But this is one answer to the question posed. There is also another. It is also noteworthy that Orthodox priests allow the donation of a ring. They even insist that it is a symbol of strong love and loyalty. For this reason, you can only give a ring to the person with whom you intend to associate your whole life. However, the wearing of jewelry such as "Save and Preserve" rings is consistently blessed by clerics. For a believing Orthodox person, it is a great joy to be gifted with a "Save and Preserve" ring. Save and save silver and gold rings are considered church jewelry and are worn by religious people along with a pectoral cross. So maybe you should think about this fact and give such a ring to a guy? It is known for certain that any thing presented with good thoughts and from a pure heart cannot harm its owner. And signs of superstition most often come true only because they simply believe in them. Shakespeare's eternal lines "to be or not to be?" can be paraphrased into the more relevant expression "to give or not to give?" You decide. But from any, even a very difficult situation, there are many ways out - the law of eternal optimists. If you or your loved one are afraid of bad omens, then it is not necessary to give the ring in the literal sense of the word, you can present a certificate for the purchase in a jewelry store as a gift to your beloved person. You can also take a symbolic penny payment for the ring or make an exchange by inviting the guy to give you in return, for example, a notebook.