The reasons why the girl does not show tenderness and affection. Anorgasmia, or an unkind wife. Sexual female problems

October 17, 2015

Girls say they love romantics. But sometimes we begin to understand that in some female representatives tenderness, affection and romance are not mutually manifested. We start calling the girl the sun, and in response, at best, we hear our name. What is the reason for this relationship of the girl and why does the girl not show tenderness? We will talk about this.

Girls love flowers, gifts, surprises and all this should be done with tenderness and affection. But over time, they get used to it and do not show reciprocity. Well, when a guy becomes less romantic, they begin to blame him for this. Such relationships are not uncommon.

It is also possible that the girl simply does not need affection. Therefore, such female representatives simply do not notice that there are fewer gifts and surprises, well, and affectionate words. And then we start to feel confused. What to do next? Does she need my love at all?

Therefore, let's try to figure out why the girl does not show tenderness:

1. The girl is shy. This is natural in the first phase of a relationship. Smart girls try not to use affectionate words so that the guy does not think that they are deeply in love with him. They try to keep the guy at a distance and give him the opportunity to take the initiative. Therefore, do not be upset about this, wait a little, and I think everything will work out.

2. Not an emotional person. There are people who do not know how to show emotions. In fact, it is sometimes very difficult to understand such people, especially for a person who needs tenderness. And we men, no matter how strong we are, need female affection and tenderness. It is this relationship that makes us strong and inspires us to great deeds. If your girlfriend is not an emotional person, then I advise you to try to stir her up a little. Try to watch romantic movies together, go outdoors, and have romantic evenings more often.

3. Education. If in the girl's family the parents did not show tenderness, then she may simply not know what it is. This bad experience and it affected your relationship. In no case should you blame the girl. Try to help her and show that tenderness is needed in your relationship. But do not pull the coverlet hard on yourself, it should come from the girl. Your task is to teach her, and then she must prove herself.

4. The girl has no feelings for you. This option should not be ruled out either. Some girls have to decide for a long time, and they will pull the relationship until you get tired of it. In this case, try to calmly talk about it with the girl.

I advise you to stir up your soul mate a little. Show her that in a relationship, tenderness and affection are simply necessary. After all, without female affection, we men just nowhere.

For many men, cheating personifies the collapse of family life, but in life it turns out, most often, like in jokes, where the husband is the last to know that his wife is cheating on him. Are there any signs of female infidelity? And how do you know if your wife is cheating?
There are several small signs that a husband should be wary of when they appear. But this usually does not happen, since a man rarely pays attention to small changes in the behavior of his other half. So, what are these signs and what are these changes?
1) The wife's sphere of interests has changed dramatically: she has new knowledge and curiosity in those areas to which she was previously indifferent. For example, she begins to understand cars well, shows interest in football (basketball, etc.) teams, clubs. Provided, of course, that earlier these things were absolutely uninteresting to her.
2) The wife's tastes have changed. Everything seems to be going fine, nothing darkens your life together, when suddenly, she doesn't like your deodorant, your dressing style or your way of talking to nausea.
3) Sudden change of image. If suddenly before she was not worried about the presence of excess weight, wrinkles on the forehead and under the eyes, not dyed hair for a long time or lack of hairstyle, then everything here changes in a strange way. The wife begins to buy herself pretty bright things, goes on a diet, enrolls in a fitness center, disappears with beauticians and hairdressers ... As a rule, these changes happen all at once.
4) Strange animation and rather stable good mood. She begins to smile mysteriously, laughs at any occasion, hums, she is not annoyed by family chores, lack of money or the presence of things scattered by her husband. Dirty dishes, cleaning, mother-in-law - everything that used to drive her to a frenzy now begins to be perceived by her very easily.
5) Strange bouts of care, attention and love. The woman begins to become more affectionate, caring, attentive towards her spouse. He often begins to kiss him, does not swear and does not interfere with watching TV, supports her husband's suggestions to relax in a male company, go fishing. And with pleasure he collects everything he needs: from medicines to fishing rods - which, again, has never been observed before. More often than not, this change can be caused by feelings of guilt towards the spouse.
6) Late arrivals home, accompanied by strange vague explanations (or, conversely, too confident). The husband should be wary if the wife suddenly becomes more beautiful, more attentive, but too often disappears outside the house. The common question: "Where have you been?" vague answers often follow, or irritation and aggression.
7) Mood swings and, oddly enough, appetite. If a woman quarrels with someone who is dear to her, she rarely manages to hide her bad mood, tears and lack of appetite, while the deceived spouse does not understand in any way why he is to blame for her.
8) Strange interest in the phone. Her frequent questions are: "Has anyone called me?" or "Who called today?" In addition, the radiotelephone always accompanies her movement around the apartment, and conversations with her friend acquire a strange coloring: "yes", "no", "I'll tell you later," "I can't tell now," etc. Often he can communicate with a friend in the toilet, occupying the territory of the bathroom for forty minutes. The home phone starts to junk: it rings, but, as it turns out, "no connection", "calls are dropped."
9) Increased attention to underwear and intimate hygiene. The wife does epilation almost every day, although last year she looked like the sister of King Kong. It's winter, and every day she changes the color of the varnish on her toes.
Of course, many of the signs here seem comic. But, as they say, in every joke there is only a fraction of a joke. Husbands, be careful!

Each of the men comes at some point in his life to the point when "she" or a wife appears in his life. Whether we like it or not, but without this, the continuation of our kind is impossible, without what we call a family. Since a man calls his wife - pussy, honey, cat, bunny, wife, wife, second half.

For their soul mate, men are usually affectionate and gentle, but there are exceptions:

  1. Sun.
  2. My love
  3. Martin.
  4. Fish.
  5. And other diminutive names for animals and plants and adjectives.
  6. "My".

Each husband naturally has in his arsenal several special, very intimate, tender affectionate nicknames that he will never tell anyone about. Well, if you follow the pattern then you can call it like this:

As soon as her beauty, clever woman, sorceress, charming woman, needlewoman, beloved hostess is not called :)

And I call her that - my swallow, little blue, chicken, saffron milk, baby, lapatusya, kitty, zainka, goat, mistress of my soul, fish, sun, flower, ray, seven-colored light.

And also a whole galaxy of affectionate affectionate names derived from her name.

A source:
100 to 1
Each of the men comes at some point in his life to the point when "she" or a wife appears in his life. Whether we want it or not, but without this, the continuation of our kind is impossible, without the fact that we

Women's World

As the famous saying goes: "The way to a woman's heart lies through her ears." Therefore, dear men (I am addressing you), it is time to go beyond the boundaries of traditional compliments and affectionate words and conquer the heart of your beloved with the warmest and most tender words. And you, dear women, accidentally provide your man with useful information. So, how can you affectionately call your girlfriend, girlfriend, wife? Let's turn to the dictionary of affectionate names and nicknames.

Hellishly divine Angel my Angel
Angel Angelic Beautiful Angelic

Balovnitsa Velvet Belly
Unsatisfactory Insanely good Bottomless eyes
Belenochek Squirrel Belchenok
Berezka Berezonka Speedless
Fragrant Shiny Goddess Diamond

Little Witch Gorgeous Camel
Spring Wind Twig
Enamored Excited Airy
Sweetheart Exciting Magic
Exclamation Delightful Impressive

Graceful Checkmark Galchenok
Golybyshka Golyba Golybka
Tibia Verophageal

Curiosity Precious Girl
Kind Trustful Long-awaited
Dear Soul Dear

Desired Pearl Pearl
Life Joyful Life is mine

Amusing Girl Enticing Calling
Zainka Tempting Zaychenok
Bunny Shy Zayushka
Star Asterisk Calling
Golden Golden Zorenka

Toy Play Play Play Play
Playful Delightful Zest
Graceful Intriguing Sincere

Kapyz Droplet Kisylechka
Kisylya Kisa Koroleva
Goat Sweetie Kitten
Kitty Beautiful Small
Kposhka Kposha Kpokhotylka

Lastena Lastena Lanochka
Lanka Lapylenok Lapylechka
Sweetheart Sweetheart Sweetheart
Little Paw Affectionate Swallow
Light Petal Fox
Fox Fox Leaf
Best Boy Best
Lychezapnaya Favorite Favorite
My love buttercup

Malek My Little Baby
Malyuska Malyutka Alluring
Dream Cute Sweetheart
Pretty Wise Musical
Mypzik Myrochka Mypenochka

Non-recyclable Delicate Dear
Insatiable Irreducible Irrepeatable

Enchanting cloud my fluffy adorable
Seductive Educated Sociable
Lively Ozornaya Deer
Dazzling Responsive Delight
Charming Charm Stunning

Steamy Poetic Captivating
Captivating adorable charm
Difference Excellent Excellent
Attractive Fluffy Fuzzy
Pyshok intoxicating

My joy Rare dear
Native Rosette Rosinka
Luxury Romantic Fish
Little fish Ryzhik Rysenok
Little Risenochek Rysalka Rysalochka

Fresh Light of my soul Light
Firefly Sexy Heart
My Heart Heart Radiance
Cute Sympomomchik Fabulous
Nice Sweet Sweet
Sweetness Sweet Bold
Smiley Snegylochka Snegypochka
Snowflake Stunning Sun
Juicy Passionate Stem
Strong my happiness

Mysterious Talented Warm
Lukewarm Tiger Tiger
Tiger Tiger Tiger
Silent Reed Reed
Touching loving

Fascinating Amazing Smiling
Skillful Clever Clever Clever
Delightful Refined

Fantastic Phenomenal
Fairy Fairy

Heryvimchik Good Crunchy

Tsaritsa Tsarstvennaya Tsvetylechka
Flower Flower Flower
Chicken Chicken

Sensual Wonderful
Chapteyka Charodeyka Devil
Sensitive Wonderful Wonderful

Playful Naughty Whispering
Shocking Playful Generous

A source:
Women's World
win the heart of your beloved with the warmest and most tender words. So, how can you affectionately call your girlfriend, girlfriend, wife?

How to affectionately call your wife

Can a wife be called affectionate and gentle words?


Assalyamu alaikum. It is important for me to find out the answer to the question: is it possible to call your wife affectionate words? for example, "my angel"? This is very important to me, please answer as soon as possible! (Samir)


With the name of Allah, Merciful to everyone in this world, and in the other world, Merciful only to believers.

As-Salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh!

Yes, it is allowed to call your wife with affectionate words and names.

The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) called Aisha with the word Humayra (red, red-haired) to say how beautiful and cute she is!

Just as a husband should speak sweet words to his wife, so should a wife do the same with regard to her husband.

As it is written in Kitabul Fawa’id, one day the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) looked into the eyes of his wife Aisha and told her about her beauty:

"Your eyes are so bright!"

Husband and wife should complement each other, abundantly spicing up the relationship with trepidation and tenderness. When there is mutual understanding, then the strength of the marriage is beyond doubt.

And Allah knows best.

Mufti Suhail Tarmakhomed

Jamiat ul-Ulama, Dar ul-Ifta

Especially for

The story of how Imam Azam Abu Hanifa responded to his enemy

During the time of Imam Azam Abu Hanifa, one of his rivals, who did not like him, wanted to dishonor him in front of his disciples and followers, and prepared an insidious question. Arriving at the place where the great imam was giving lessons to his disciples, he asked his question to Abu Hanifa

Wise parables about attitudes towards the difficulties that life presents

One day his daughter came to her father and began to complain: “Father, I’m tired, I have such a hard life, such difficulties and problems, I’m swimming against the tide all the time, I have no more strength ... what should I do? Instead of answering, the father put three identical pots of water on the fire, threw carrots into one, put an egg in the other, and poured coffee into the third.

What does Islam say about going before those who perform namaz?

Question: More than once I had to see how in the mosque (usually when there are many people in it) some pass in front of those performing namaz, and those, in turn, put their hand forward, as if telling the passer-by that he is doing a bad thing. I am wondering if there is such a distance from a person performing namaz when, having passed in front of him, there will be no sin for me. And in general, what does Islam say about passing in front of those who perform namaz? Answer: In a well-known work on the Hanafi fiqh, Mukhtasar "Al-Wikaya" by Sheikh Ubaydullah ibn Mas'ud (died in 747 AH), the following is said: “It is forbidden (makruh-tahrim, the action is very close to haram)

In our great Holy Book - the Koran, there are many verses related to the purification and ennobling of nafs. In these verses, the purification of nafs is considered in three aspects:

When one of you wants to do something, then let him perform an additional prayer of two rak'at, and then say

Dua read by the Prophet, wishing to get rid of the disease

When the Messenger of Allah (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) had any wound or ailment, he first of all looked for traditional ways of treating it, found a medicine and applied it. However, when taking medicine, the Messenger of Allah (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) also made dua, asking Allah for the medicine to have an effect.

The Holy Qur'an contains a tremendous blessing for a person, it contains the healing of soul and body. And when a believer or his loved ones falls ill, he undoubtedly seeks salvation from Allah Almighty and in His words.

Zakia Belkhiri, a 22-year-old Belgian Muslim woman, became the author of a viral photo that was shared in thousands of shares on social networks.

© 2018 Information-analytical federal portal "Islam Today"

An affectionate calf sucks two queens, but an unkind calf cannot even her own.

Chuvash proverb

- I am an old soldier, I do not know the words of love ...

The film "Hello, I am your aunt"

Non-affectionateness as a quality of a person is not a disposition to affectionate treatment, an inability with kind-hearted, gentle words, kisses, hugs, strokes to deliver pleasant, tender sensations to the soul and body.

Affection is one hundred percent female personality trait. A man cannot give birth to affection. Unkindness is its nature. In a world where you have to hunt to feed your family, there is no time for affection. In a world dominated by greed, passion, ignorance, selfishness, you will inevitably be unfriendly, gloomy and unsmiling. Affection is not appropriate where everyone is pushing and trying to "eat" you. Sullen and dry, the man, looking unkindly at his competitors, daily strives to prove to the outside world that he is in debt, like in silks. Today, a man who shows affection in the outside world looks suspicious and weak. Therefore, he prefers to do without affection, remaining courageous and brutal.

However, the soul asks for affection and tenderness. It is necessary to take it somewhere, since he himself is not able to generate this energy. Thank God, there is a woman in the world who charges her man like a battery with affection and tenderness. When a woman says: “You are an affectionate man,” she does not even suspect that she herself gave rise to this affection. The nature of a man is toughness, firmness, determination. But when, under the influence of a woman, a man is impregnated with affection, he becomes generous in its manifestation.

The selfish, unreasonable woman begins to accuse the man of being true to his nature. Without giving him affection, she wants him to be affectionate first, and she then, as it turns out, looking at his behavior. Moreover, a narrow-minded woman begins to accuse a man of unkindness: - Your mother was unkind, so she raised her son, who cannot say an affectionate word. Well, why is it difficult for you to tell me something pleasant, affectionate? Is your tongue going to dry out? That's when you will be affectionate with me, then I will be affectionate with you.

When love is demanded, when it is exploited and manipulated, it immediately melts. Love is not added from compulsion and violence. To groan love and affection is one of the proven ways to stay alone: ​​- Why you unkindly do you treat me? Why aren't you talking to me? Why don't you smile at me? Why don't you caress me? Why don't you hug? Why don't you buy me nice clothes? Why don't you walk to the movies with me? Why don't you do that for me, syo?

Unfriendly, unbearably rude
How painful you kiss my lips
How hard you squeeze my shoulders
How strange you love - not human.

An unkind woman and a man is unkind.

Took an unkind, sullen,
with convict delirium, with a dark thought,
with the unhealed longing of a widow,
with an old love that has not passed
he took for himself not for joy,
I did not take it at will, but loving.

A man, being unkind by nature, nevertheless needs her, for affection is one of the basic emotional needs of a person. And not just a person. Once a hungry lion was thrown into a cage of a live lamb. The kid was so naive and good-natured that he did not feel intimidated at the sight of the king of beasts. Taking him, apparently, for his mother, the foolish youngster approached the formidable hairy beast, tenderly bleated and stared at him with wide, clear eyes full of boundless love, meekness and admiration. The lion was disarmed by such gullibility and did not dare to tear the lamb to pieces. Grumbling displeased, he fell asleep that time hungry.

An incompetent man can rarely form a self-sufficient, integral and mature personality. For example, if you constantly talk unkindly with a child, his ability for harmonious development is completely destroyed. He becomes like a snot. That is, he does not understand what he needs and should do.

Weasel is a panacea for all sorts of ailments. Mikhail Shishkin writes in "Letter to the letter": "It is impossible for a person without affection, and it is always lacking and will be missed, because the need for affection is always greater than any affection." Guy de Maupassant echoes him. In Dear Friend, he asserts: “Women who are fondled a little, clumsily or rarely, live tormented by a thousand pitiful worries, vanity, a thirst for money, all sorts of accidents that cause so much grief. Women, caressing their fill, do not need anything, do not want anything, do not regret anything ... because voluptuousness replaces everything for them, heals from everything, comforts in everything! "

In a word, both man and woman need affection. In the airport lounge, a young woman cried for a long time. Everyone saw, but no one knew what to do. One guy got up the courage, walked up to her, hugged her, said something comforting to her and asked, “Is there anything I could do to help you stop crying? “I'm afraid not,” the woman replied. “It's an allergy. But please keep trying.

A man can appreciate in a woman the severity, exactingness and ability to inspire, but still, in his best compliments, there is a longing for affection:

You were not affectionate,
Not only stroked the head,
And you chilled and burned
And mercilessly rejoiced.
But you were a window to the dawn
You helped the wings grow
And I thank you
For mercy and for disfavor.

A prudent woman combines gentleness with exactingness, tenderness with severity. Once a young peasant woman came to the Sage and asked: - Teacher, how should I raise my son: in affection or in severity? What's more important? “Look, woman, at the vine,” said the Sage. “If you don’t cut it, you don’t, out of pity, pull off extra shoots and leaves, the vine will run wild, and you, having lost control over its growth, will not wait for good and sweet berries. But if you hide the vine from the caress of the sun's rays and do not carefully water its roots every day, it will completely wither away. And only with a reasonable combination of both, you will be able to taste the desired fruits.

The wisdom of most spiritual traditions says: “If a person is unhappy in the world, the reason for this is his failure to fulfill his class duty. Perhaps, because of your addiction to relatives, you neglected the duty of hospitality and the offended wanderer left our home without meeting the proper reception? An unkind householder will incur grave troubles in the future. Truly, an inhospitable house, where the guest will not even be offered water, is like a jackal's burrow. "

Petr Kovalev