Romantic date invitation. We choose the right words. How to ask a girl out on a date


Remember that the content of the letter should be in harmony with its design, unless your idea implies otherwise.

Unusual delivery to add originality to your letter. Beat this important point, depending on the content of the letter and who the addressee is.

The letter can be delivered by a special courier who will sing a song while handing it, tell a funny story or be dressed unusually.

You can hide the letter in a certain place, and send riddles to the addressee. Solving each of them, he will approach the message.

Your task in organizing delivery is the addressee in the right way.

The moment when you propose to the girl you love to connect your lives should be special. Make it memorable using original ideas and finds.

You will need

  • Ring.


Some girls love traditional proposals, which they constantly see in films, and dream of being in the place of heroines. Invite your beloved to a restaurant, ask the musicians to play your favorite song. After that, kneel in front of her, take her hand and say touching words about your feelings. Ask her to marry you and when she agrees, put on the ring and kiss.

If you are an actor, a musician, a person who has access to the stage, ask for her hand in public. Invite her to a concert, and at the end of the performance, ask the audience for attention. If possible, shine a spotlight on her so that everyone knows who your words are intended for. Confess your love from the stage, tell about your feelings, then go down, approach her, kneel down and ask to be your wife. It is desirable that at this moment the microphone is in your hands.

Surprise a sentimental girl by giving her a photo album of your relationship. Gather photographs showing the development of your feelings. If there are no photos, try to draw stories. For each illustration, make an original caption that will clarify the event. At the end of the story, attach a photo of the ring and a cherished question.

Get out with your beloved on the river or seashore and propose there. Pre-put a leaf with a declaration of love and a ring in the bottle. Fix the vessel on the shore in the water and, when you walk, pay attention to this. Let the lady open the bottle so that she herself reads the message and speaks of her decision.

Consider the interests and hobbies of your girlfriend. If she likes extreme sports, take advantage of this and link the sentence to the appropriate activity. For example, jump down with a parachute, and on the way to the ground, confess your love and ask her hands. Present the ring on the ground so as not to accidentally drop it during the flight.

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People have different temperaments and types of characters. There are very positive and cheerful people who will seem like a fairy tale to date, anywhere. But, besides such people, there are also bores who are difficult to please with anything.

Unexpected Trouble

In life, sometimes it happens like this: you get to know a person, with him, he seems to have a pleasant appearance, and he is a good person. But suddenly one day it turns out that he is a terrible bore. What to do in this case? And abruptly stopping communication will not be too beautiful, and it is very difficult to communicate with him. He is constantly dissatisfied with something, and "drips on the brain." A person, even with iron patience, can break loose and say nasty things in the direction of a newly-made bore friend. You need to have a great imagination in order to somehow entertain the bore and have a good time in his company. It is worth going through all the options first before deciding to take the first step.

Often you want to quit everything and stop communicating with this person, but something stops you, either affection, or feelings that have already flared up.

It is impossible to remake a person, especially a bore, but you can get used to any character, if only there is a desire. To impress a bore, you need to invite him on a date and not once reproach him for being boring. But where to invite a person who is always dissatisfied with something and with whom, in fact, it is not easy to talk? This issue must be taken very seriously.

A wise decision

A person with whom it is not possible to talk about something can be invited somewhere where it is not necessary to talk at all. For example, cinema is a place where there is no need to have a conversation. But patience will be needed after the session. After all, after watching the movie, you need to go to a cafe, drink coffee and discuss the movie. Here the bore will express everything he wanted to say. But while watching, he will most likely be silent and these will be the most beautiful moments of the whole date.

You can also invite a bore to the pool, it will turn out, firstly, very unusual, and besides, he will be busy and will not be able to get bored.

But there is a nuance, if the bore does not know how to swim, you are unlikely to be able to arrange a date in this particular place.

Going to the ski base will be a winning date. If your boring friend loves skiing, your date will be a hit. And you can have a good time and everyone will be happy. Skiing on the slopes, there will be no time for talking, and not everyone wants to spend energy.

In general, there are no special places for bores, of course. But there is always a way out. You can go with a bore to any place where you need to move a lot and talk less, or where you can’t talk at all - a cinema, a philharmonic society, an opera, a theater. Not bad to spend time, even with a bore, you can on the rink. If he does not know how to skate, this will be an excellent opportunity to teach him how to skate, and, perhaps, if the bore likes it, you can even get his gratitude in return and less boring conversations.

Appointing a meeting has become so familiar and banal that many treat it with a degree of disdain. But the invitation is the first step towards a relationship. Therefore, you need to think about how to originally call your new friend on a date.

You will need

  • - envelope;
  • - paper;
  • - Internet;
  • - flowers;
  • - postcard.


Use extraordinary means. This includes regular paper letters. How long ago was the last time you received a message in this way? The effect of surprise can have a positive effect on your future relationships. To make sure that your letter does not get lost in the mail, put the envelope in the mailbox yourself. However, there will be no postage stamps on it, which can spoil the idea a little.

If you want to do everything perfectly, then do not indicate the exact date of the meeting in the letter. Let your chosen one decide for herself when the date will take place. After such an invitation, most likely, her answer will not be long in coming.

Ask acquaintances or friends to invite your chosen one on your behalf. However, this should not be seen as cowardice or indecision on your part. Plan in advance how the invitation will be carried out. For example, you can call, introduce yourself as an employee of some service and convince her that by going to a meeting with you, she will solve a global problem. If you consider yourself a sensitive person, you can think of something more romantic.

Use social networks. However, sending a message with a proposal to meet the original is difficult to call. But things change radically if your girlfriend receives a similar invitation from completely different people, convincing her that she should meet with you. This is easy to do by asking your friends registered on social networks to help you. If there are no volunteers, ask for the support of a variety of groups dedicated to love and relationships.

Use the most banal way to meet. A card and a large bouquet of roses sent to work are sure to impress her. Unfortunately, not many men use this method, and therefore, in reality, it becomes original.

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  • how to invite a girl to meet in verse in 2019

There are a lot of questions and answers around dating, but how to invite a girl to your date with her - we will find out today! But stop, first things first! Do not be afraid of such an abundant amount of "How ?!" In fact, the truth is nearby, I would even say “within you”!

A huge number of pretty girls are waiting for the prince, and it may well be you!

Good advice from Pasha - the first date is almost in your hands:

  • Hello! Tell me how to have fun? Came to a friend, but he has things to do. Keep me company tonight!
  • Oh sorry, when will you be free? I want to have dinner with you, give me the number - I'll call!

In fact, girls love it when they ask their competent opinion, it should not be difficult to come up with a question.

  • You have a great walk! Let me take you, and will you show me a good cafe in the evening?
  • Hello! It's my "Birthday" tomorrow, let's have a cocktail with you?

Everything ingenious is simple, and be sure - this is exactly where you can start your acquaintance

In the park:(or wherever you happen to be)

  • Listen why are you alone. Join me for dinner! I treat =)

But before you start making acquaintances, you need to be able to create and maintain a conversation!

Girls love to talk, much less often - to listen. They love the active attention of the interlocutor.

Starting from asking in the area in which she specializes and ending with advice on your plans. In communication, the communication itself is not so important, but how it takes place.

2. Body language

If you didn't know this existed, now you know. You know that your timidity and tightness all these years did not pass without a trace, but were expressed and expressed in you constantly.

Shot from the film “This Stupid Love” - Be sure to watch!

Do not think that this is a physical problem, on the contrary - metaphysics! If you are a young man who is insecure and notorious about himself, then no physical changes will do any good. Love yourself the way you are! You've heard it before, so let's hear it again!

Take care of yourself, your state of mind and remember that nothing in this world is worthy of your experiences. Be more confident in yourself, but do not allow too much (this line is not so difficult to find) and changes will begin.

The main way to overcome insecurity is a gym: a boxing section or just athletics, but sports treat a lot of mental problems and shortcomings in general.

3. Phone call - 6 rules of communication

But what if you can only rely on yourself? No hairstyles and expensive wardrobe, you can’t see it!

There is a separate method. It is not difficult and, like everything else, requires practice:

  1. Be smart
  2. concrete,
  3. speak easily and in high spirits.
  4. The girl should feel your smile.
  5. Stay a man on the phone, don't give a girl a reason to think that you're running after her.
  6. Speak unobtrusively, gradually leading to the desired result - a meeting.

Correct example:

  • Listen, how about we continue our conversation tomorrow at 18:00? I think that I will be free already, however, if it does not work out, we will reschedule.

It's the most important! Give her a reason to be nervous, say so. Let her know her place, and don't expect feedback from you 24/7

An example of what not to do:

  • Hello, you know that, and maybe continue our conversation, let's say tomorrow, well, at 7 pm, what do you think, you can come?

The difference is obvious, she sees how dependent you are on her decision, how weak you are and you are unlikely to continue

How to invite on social networks?

This is one of the easiest ways. Here you allow her to know yourself exactly as much as you want. You are not seen or even heard, you cannot even feel the body language, so all that is required is competently and interestingly for the interlocutor to conduct a dialogue. But the chances of agreement are very low!

Compliments are especially pleasant to the opposite sex (she probably has a lot of photos), but you should not overdo it either. It should be sincere and in no way should it seem flattery.

Support your words with funny pictures or photos. No need to load the girl with smart and philosophical conversations, be lighter and simpler. But remember to prepare!

Where is the best place to have a first date?

The best options would be: cafe, bowling, walk, hookah. You don’t need a lot of pretentiousness, you should fall in love not for money, but for originality and positive traits.

In the end, when a pleasant evening comes to an end, you must make a new date. Tell:

  • It was nice, we had a good time, we will need to meet again. I'll call!

Does appearance matter?

Here we can safely say - no! Of course, this will give chances, but if you have the qualities listed above, then this is all that is required. Of course, no one canceled self-care!

Facial expressions and gestures:

  • Smile. Try to smile more often, while watching how “neatly” you laugh. Excessive laughter is not pleasant.
  • Sight. He should be kind, gentle and bewitching your lady. You don't have to stare at her. When talking, you need to look into the eyes.
  • Hands. Do not make sudden and rough movements. Do not allow too much and forget for a while about touching. It's too early for touches, but don't be afraid, you will feel that it's time when the time comes.


Also a good and more productive way to communicate is to act as a lecturer. Give the girl the bait to talk, draw her attention to your words, and answer her questions as much as possible. It can be anything, it does not have to be limited to routine problems.

Less excitement, don't be afraid to sound stupid or not good enough for her. Relax, only YOU are worthy to be with her.

Good advice from a beautiful girl, look at what the opposite sex reacts to:

Men often get too excited when they ask a girl out on a first date. At the same time, women are no less worried, especially when they are preparing for this meeting. To invite a girl, it is important to calm down, gain confidence and invite her there, as you think, she would like it. Therefore, in order to get consent, you need to choose a place, prepare a couple of successful phrases and make a call or write a message. But is it as simple as it sounds?

What and how to say when inviting a girl on a date

Asking a girl out on a date don't beat around the bush. It is important to feel confident, but not push too hard. What and how to say depends on the particular young lady, therefore, before the invitation, it is necessary to draw up her psychological portrait in advance. Where did you meet? What is she interested in?

Think through your entire speech, or at least a plan. If the invitation is planned in advance, then the conversation should begin with general phrases. Find out how the girl is doing, ask her what plans she has for a particular day.

Always have 2-3 date ideas on different dates and times.

Don't ask if she's busy on Sunday. Ask her if she has plans for the day at 4 p.m.

You can invite her in an original way, keeping the meeting place a secret. But don't forget to mention how should she dress: in a sporty way, do not forget comfortable shoes or a dress and shoes will do. If a girl has to walk around the park in high heels, she is unlikely to want to continue communication further.

If a woman refused to go with you, try to find out the reason. Usually there are 2 of them: either she does not like the man, or she is not interested in the place. In this situation, you should not be boring, and pester with questions. Try to invite her in a week with something creative and original. If this does not help, then it is better to leave the girl.

Examples of successful phrases

  • “Remember, we discussed Italian cuisine with you? Will you keep me company in one cozy trattoria? They cook the best carbonara in the city…”;
  • "Let's go somewhere for tea/coffee/cider?";
  • “The title of the movie is in theaters right now, and everyone is raving about it. Would you like to keep me company?"

All these phrases indicate that you want to be with a girl together, chat and get to know each other better. At the same time, they have a share of specifics, which allows the young lady to make a first impression. It is better to include a specific place or occupation in such phrases. If it hooks her, then the time of the meeting is a secondary issue.

How not to speak

As for unsuccessful phrases, everything is simple here: you can’t use profanity and setting wrong expectations.

free book

Want to get step-by-step instructions for successful dates: how to choose the right place, what to talk about, how to behave, how to stand out from the crowd of her fans? We advise you to read free book by Roman Vinilov"Effective Dating".

Surprise a girl on a date and impress her will help.

Very often, girls are late for dates. You will learn how to react correctly in such situations.

In order to stand out from the crowd of her fans, you can present it to her.

Which is better: write in social networks or call by phone?

VKontakte messages are used when correspondence logically leads to the fact that you could meet in real life. For example, at the end of a discussion of favorite movies or food, a girl can be called to the cinema or to a restaurant with a particular cuisine.

It is easier to write in a social network or SMS, especially for shy men. The call positions the man as a self-confident person, so it is preferable. Depending on how you want to present yourself in the face of a girl, and choose the appropriate way.

If you feel that the girl clearly shows sympathy, then during such correspondence you can call her on her mobile phone. Almost a win-win option when she herself says hello and writes first. In this case, the risk of getting rejected is minimal.

How to call a girl on a date in VKontakte

Another scenario: you met a girl in contact, corresponded with her for some time and now you want to meet her in reality. What is the best way to proceed in such a case?

Here are a few more proven tricks that will surely come in handy for you in correspondence.

In short, when inviting a young lady on a first date, you need to be yourself (or a slightly more confident version of yourself), think over the date in advance in order to answer all possible questions, be friendly and remain optimistic. The main thing is not to delay for a long time and not to make an appointment in a week. 2-3 days after the call is enough, otherwise the girl may forget about you while waiting. If in the coming days there is no opportunity to meet, then before the meeting you can call a couple more times and confirm the date.

You liked the girl, and you think how best to invite her on a first date so that she definitely doesn’t refuse? Or have you been dating for a while and want something new? Or maybe you are a fan of originality and romance and try to make every date unusual? To invite a girl on a date, you can choose a good poem. It is these thematic invitation verses that are collected on our website. We are sure that in this section you will definitely find the option that suits you and your chosen one. Welcome!

Appreciate your efforts wholeheartedly
To make it easier for me to breathe
I want us to go on a date
I promise I won't bother.
So many feelings, and maybe recognition,
And I want to talk about us
Enough of the standby mode
Maybe it's time to open a new page?

Good afternoon, or maybe nights,
I am writing to you now
I'll try to keep it short
I won't take much time.
I have wanted to be with you for a long time
Walk around by the hand
Finally mustered up the courage
And now I want to say:
You are wonderful, beautiful
I fell head over heels in love
You will go? - answer me clearly
On a date with me.

I promise to do what you want
I promise to always be with you
I promise - morning or night
Support you with my hand.
And maybe it all starts with a date
I promise you will appreciate my efforts,
I'll be in a relationship with my head
I promise that I am forever yours.

I like you for a very long time
Today I decided to invite you to the cinema,
I beg you, do not refuse me,
Come to our place at seven.
I will wait for you, let it rain or snow,
To meet with you, there is no obstacle for me,
I cherish this date so much,
Today I will tell you the main words.

For you, I always want to be the best,
I'll get a star from the sky for you,
Without you, like a fish without water,
Come on a date, my love, at seven.
Though not a poet, he composed a poem for you,
I promise to turn your life into a continuous pleasure,
I will find a scarlet flower for you,
And today on a date I will give.

I invite you on a first date
I'm worried like a boy, which I don't know myself,
I will give you a romantic evening
And the main words to you, good, I will say.
I beg you, please come
Never change your plans
The first date you will remember forever
I will make every effort to do so.

One step from friendship to love
Here I am, I decided to build a destiny,
Maybe suddenly, and we will be together,
We can soothe sadness with love.
And a date - will serve as an impetus,
Somewhere there are hugs, kisses,
I confess to this business newbie,
Here's a chance - let's pamper each other.

Date invitation by name on phone - select a name:

In this life I never dreamed of Finding a more beautiful creature. You are without a doubt the ideal. Let's go on a date today!

I'm looking forward to a cherished meeting like never before,
May it be the best evening for you,
I want to take you by the hand
And fun wherever you want to go.
Expectation lurks in my heart again
Come with me on a first date.
And it may not be the last
After all, I know how to amuse and surprise.

Darling, do you remember our first meeting?
And our first kiss?
Do you remember how strong your heart was beating?
From every touch?
I remember and really want to repeat.
Let this evening will be only ours?
And even if this meeting is not the first,
but it's not important what she is in a row,
And what emotions it will give us.

I feel the breath of love, When you are near, I feel desire. Baby, if you want - take your heart, But come on a date today!

I promise to do what you want
I promise to always be with you
I promise - morning or night
Support you with my hand.
And maybe it all starts with a date
I promise you will appreciate my efforts,
I'll be in a relationship with my head
I promise that I am forever yours.

I never dreamed of this in my life
Find a more beautiful creature.
You are without a doubt the ideal.
Let's go on a date today!

I sit, I write and my heart is waiting,
Will you go on a date with me? -
And I want to hear the answer "YES",
Will you make me happy today?

Poems invitation to a date

You know, I don’t know how to speak beautifully at all, but if you agree to a date, I will quickly learn ...

I invite you on a first date
I'm worried like a boy, which I don't know myself,
I will give you a romantic evening
And the main words to you, good, I will say.
I beg you, please come
Never change your plans
The first date you will remember forever
I will make every effort to do so.

My thoughts are about you again
My thoughts are empty again
I try to collect my thoughts
Whisper about love
I will send you a sms
I will write that I love you
That you are the sun, my joy
Without you, my life is empty.

A day without you is one misery
Will you go on a date with me?

You know... I miss you, I close my eyes - I remember you! On a mug of coffee, let me put it down, In a cozy cafe - treat you :)

Darling, I still distinctly remember the moment when I first met you. I remember I thought to myself that I was definitely delirious, You seemed to me like a vision, a perfection. When you looked at me and smiled, my heart seemed to stop. I know it sounds like something out of a crappy love story, it took my breath away, I forgot everything in the world.
It seems that I am in love with you and still my heart does not find peace. I can’t calmly think about anything, your image often pops up in my thoughts.
I'd really like to meet you, if you'll just let me. I never believed in love at first sight. I don't know what's wrong with me. I ask you only one date, or I'll go crazy.
I will look forward to your reply.

There is only one desire in my soul
Call you on a first date.
I dreamed about this meeting hundreds of times,
Baby, spend the evening with me!

I have a fire in my chest
The doctor said love fever
Ultrasound showed:
You are in your heart and you are in your thoughts.
I can't heal a fire
Come and put it out!

Poems invitation to a date

Ask me out on a date.
I'm tired of being sad waiting
'Cause I'll be the very charm
On this most mysterious day.

I want wish fulfillment
And cheeks of dear touch,
And walks to the top of the universe,
For the sun to shine through the shadows.

We will spin in the foxtrot effortlessly,
There will be my right dreaming face,
Let the dream not melt for a long time,
Let the phone not ring in the morning.

The floors of the dress soar like a cloud,
And dreams fly up like falcons,
And the heart trembles and screams.
I am not myself today.

And champagne drives doubts
Tonight I am your ghost.
How beautiful is my dream!
But I'll wake up in the morning, friends.

All thoughts are only about you
The soul is languishing in anticipation.
My dear, come to me
Let's have a hot date!

first date

Today is the first date!
I'm all in anticipation
I only think of one
What are we going to do together?
When you meet, what will you say?
Will you hug me again
I'm all in anticipation
And I don't understand anything.
And time drags on so long!
That all minutes are like hours!
And when someone passes
I think it's you
I think you smile.
And tell me love words
And I will have kisses
Head spinning!!!
Get away, it's too late to persuade
Get away, don't look at me
Can't bring back the past
I fell out of love with you forever
You laugh at me in front of everyone
You left me on the other side
I was left with a deep longing
Following you with my eyes.
Get away, it's too late to persuade
Get away, don't look at me
Can't bring back the past
I fell out of love with you forever.

As soon as I close my eyes, I see you! So maybe we'll meet today so I don't have to sit with my eyes closed all evening?

I want you ... I invite you to drink a beautiful wine. Eat the most delicious dinner. Come to me, you are very needed!