Products for stimulating libido. Aphrodisiacs for men in products: safe increase in potency

Forget questionable love drinks and Viagra - a simple trip to the supermarket will provide you with everything you need to make your sex life as bright as fireworks.

The centuries-old interest of people in sex has led to the discovery of a number of products that stimulate a person.

They excite the smell, taste, chemical composition, appearance of food (or these properties in any specific combination). For each nation, the list of such products has several dozen names. They can arouse passion, prolong the period of sexual activity, etc. One recipe even claims that if a man tastes this dish, an erection will last for a whole month. This is, of course, a clear exaggeration. However, many foods are indeed energizing.

Some of them are listed below.

Almond,often referred to as the "king of nuts".Almonds are rich in riboflavin, protein, vitamin E and calcium. It has been used for centuries by Hindus, Arabs and Chinese to preserve sexual potency. Ayurveda, the classic Indian health book, notes that almonds are good food for the brain, an aphrodisiac; its oil renews the cerebrospinal fluid.

Marzipan , sweet almond mass is a gourmet dessert considered to be especially energizing.Almonds grow in the East, in Italy, Spain, California and enjoy this reputation everywhere.

Asparagus (asparagus) - a time-tested cure for prostate diseases. Asparagus is shaped like a phallus. Asparagus contains asparagine, a well-known diuretic that stimulates the ureters. The tender shoots are cut and eaten in the spring. The younger the shoot, the more tender it is. It is not necessary to cook asparagus for long, without overcooking. Rich in vitamin A, phosphorus, calcium and potassium, asparagus is considered to be an energizing food.

Avocado.This fruit got its name from the Aztecs, who called the testicles that way. Indeed, the avocado hanging from the tree is like a man's testicles. Avocado is a highly nutritious fruit rich in proteins, vitamin "A", potassium and essential fatty acids. It successfully replaces meat in the diet. Avocado is one of the ingredients in salads. It is also rubbed finely or served pureed like guacamol, a Mexican favorite. Its popularity has gone beyond the borders of Mexico. The stimulating effect of avocados has been known for a long time. These fruits were delivered to Louis XIV, who suffered from sexual impotence. There are many varieties of this fruit, the most nutritious of which is the haas, which grows in California.

Banana. Because of its phallic shape, the banana has always been the "hero" of many anecdotes. Bananas are rich in potassium and natural sugars. Ayurveda calls banana one of the aphrodisiac drugs. One recipe for an energizing banana dish is to layer them with butter and walnut curry. Eaten at breakfast, this dish will whet your sexual appetite for the whole day.

Caviar- a delicacy, and its price confirms this. Some people consider caviar as the main "love" food. A female sturgeon can produce as much as 100 pounds of eggs in one go - amazing fertility. Aristocrats from the time of Casanova to the present day considered caviar the best treat in bed. Like all eggs, caviar is high in protein and easy to digest. It is difficult to deny its special stimulating effect on the genitals.

Coconut.Ayurveda claims that coconut increases sperm count and cleanses the bladder. Walnut pulp, viscous, rich in oil, is eaten in the tropics instead of meat. Indian doctors recommend it as a valuable food for fatigue caused by chronic diseases. Coconut milk with honey quenches thirst, improves digestion, increases sexual appetite. Pineapple juice, fresh papaya and grated fresh coconut drink is a delicious, rejuvenating and refreshing breakfast that replenishes enzymes and arouses sexual interest.

Eggs.Eggs are a protein product that has been used as a sexual stimulant for centuries. Before the joys of love, Casanova ate them with pleasure. Ayurveda calls eggs "instantly firming". Sheikh Nafzai, author of Scented Garden, recommended eating as many fried eggs in oil as possible to provide fuel for an energetic endless love marathon. Egg liqueur (eggs mixed with milk, cream, honey, vanilla and nutmeg) is a "love" dessert (if it exists at all). Eggs can be used to make many delicious meals. Just try to buy fresh eggs.

Garlic- phew, what a smell! Yes. But thanks to its famous smell, garlic is a particularly valuable "love" food. It is widely used in Eastern and Indian medicine and is also known as "Russian penicillin" due to its amazing natural antibiotic properties. As a love filter, garlic can be called a legendary product. It is used by Italians (they are known as good lovers) and is indispensable in gourmet cuisine. However, if you want to consume garlic to fuel passion, remember that the prospective partner must also eat it so that the breath of one person does not dislike the other. Garlic fried in oil with eggs is a traditional dish before all night love.

Honey. It is sometimes called the food of the gods. Honey is a sweet elixir that bees produce from flower nectar. There are hundreds of honey scents - they depend on the flowers from which the bees have collected nectar. All of these scents are unique: from the heavy, deep aroma of chestnut honey to the light, moisturizing scents of lavender and wild thyme. Honey is especially revered for its effect on sex life. He is the best restorer of sexual energy and is included in all recipes for stimulating dishes, along with nuts, fruits, eggs, meat. Honey can be eaten only natural, not heated and not filtered, retaining its natural taste.

Laminaria (seaweed). Who would have thought that ordinary seaweed would be on a par with the most exotic foods that stimulate sexuality? Kelp is highly nutritious and, like pollen, contains all the essential nutrients. Its richness in mineral salts allows it to convert common or weakened glands into small hormone emitters. Seaweed is prepared with vegetables or fish and tastes especially good in its own juice. Eating kelp every day will help you keep in shape for a long time.

Mushrooms.Mushrooms, whose cap, which looks like an umbrella and the head of a penis at the same time, rises above a slender leg, are shrouded in age-old legends, fears and speculation. Edible, hallucinogenic and even poisonous, in the folklore of many countries, they were considered arousing the prophetic gift and messengers of death. Many believe that catfish - the legendary substance of cosmic vision - is actually just the hallucinogenic mushroom Amanita Muscaria. Mushrooms used to be the food of the elite. Nowadays, they are being grown in large quantities. They are used to prepare soups, salads, gravies, sauces. In general, they are of little nutritional value, but they contain a lot of zinc. It is believed that mushrooms are a source of sexual energy.

Onion. A product of everyday use. Its subspecies are pearl, white, yellow, Spanish and Bermuda. This most common, well-known vegetable, stands at the top of the pyramid of products that give a person sexual strength. Called the "musk of the poor," the onion is praised in Ayurveda as a diuretic - tonic, stimulant, blood purifier and aphrodisiac. In Islamic, Chinese, European and Indian love traditions, no product is used as widely as onions. In gravies, smoked meats, hot, chopped, sliced ​​into rings, and even juiced, onions are considered to be a great way to maintain sexuality. Its use is prohibited in monasteries. But in the home pantry, it is necessary.

Pistachios.In Central Asia and India, pistachios are believed to arouse sexuality. Currently, they are actively cultivated in California. They are also said to purify the blood. Pistachios with honey revive love attraction.

Sesame seed.Sesame is highly prized. Some peoples endow it with mystical properties. Sesame seeds are very nutritious. It is widely used in India and other eastern countries. Sesame seeds contain high amounts of vitamin E and, perhaps for this reason, they are widely known as food for courageous men. In India, sesame is believed to prolong life. Tahini, a ground seed oil, is an excellent meat substitute. It is advised to use it with honey to increase sexual activity. Halva is made from ground sesame and honey, which is famous in the East for its stimulating properties.

Wheat sprouts. The most nutritious part of its grains. Sprouts are a well-known "healthy food". They are rich in vitamin "E", the famous "sex" vitamin, and ostacosanol, a well-known spermatogenic factor. Wheat sprouts increase sexual activity and alter sexuality in ways that are hard to miss. Whatever you eat them with, wheat seedlings work great. Buy them vacuum packed or they will go bad and taste bitter. Sprout oil is also available. One daily sip of oil is enough for a long, high-speed love flight.

Wild rice. In fact, this is not rice at all. It is a wild, reed-like aquatic plant found in the swampy areas of the center of the United States. It is extremely expensive and is served in small quantities as a delicacy. It is often used as a pie filling or cooked with brown rice. Wild rice has an amazing, incomparable taste. And he has a pretty strong reputation for "love food". Taste it with gravy and stuffed mushrooms and enjoy its rejuvenating and energizing effects.

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For a long time, people began to note that some smells, food products or plants can enhance the carnal desire of the fair sex. These intimate assistants were named after the ancient Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite, aphrodisiacs. Some of them are actively used to this day. What aphrodisiacs for women are popular in modern reality?

Funds that spur a woman's libido can be of various origins: they can be purchased in a network of pharmacies or use natural raw materials provided by nature.

So, the most powerful natural aphrodisiacs are:

  • Cayenne pepper. This hot spice contains substances that increase the sensitivity of erogenous zones. The pepper itself has vasodilating properties, which can speed up blood circulation in the genitals, tone muscles and speed up metabolism. Also, the sharp pod adds strength and energy for the upcoming sexual adventures.
  • Damiana. This herb has been used for centuries as a therapy for impotence in men and frigidity in women. Damiana is recognized as a stimulant in the production of hormones, it also improves the condition of the reproductive system. The plant is used as decoctions and tinctures.
  • Melissa. Promotes an increase in the sensitivity of the vaginal walls. The herb tones the body, improving reproductive function.
  • Angelica. Increases feelings of satisfaction, joy, strengthens blood vessels. The herb enhances immunity, promotes sexual desire.

Advice. Herbal aphrodisiacs can be used alone or in combination. Before using such infusions or decoctions, you should familiarize yourself with the mechanism of their action and the existing contraindications.

Essential oils to enhance libido

Aphrodisiac essential oils are no less popular than herbal pathogens.

The most potent are:

  • Ylang-ylang. Recognized as the most powerful oily aphrodisiac. Suitable for both ladies and men. For women, a couple of oils help to liberate themselves, to become more sensual and feminine.
  • Vetiver. Ideal for indecisive and timid people, allowing them to become more relaxed.
  • Bergamot. Helps you to relax, gives confidence, tune in to more decisive action.
  • Geranium. Increases libido in women.
  • Carnation. Increases tactile sensitivity.
  • Patchouli. Excites, stimulates the nervous system.
  • The Rose. A truly feminine oil. Increases femininity, sensuality, gives confidence in its irresistibility.

Aphrodisiac products for women

Certain foods can also make a woman more relaxed and sexually active. Used alone or as part of certain dishes, they are able to spur carnal desire and tune in to love.

The most popular aphrodisiac foods for women:

  • Celery. Androsterone in the plant stimulates sexual desire in women. He also affects the emotional sphere, allowing you to get moral satisfaction from intimacy.
  • Avocado. Vitamin B and fatty acids help increase the production of female hormones and increase blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
  • Honey. Increases testosterone levels in men and estrogen in women. Also, the product is rich in vitamin B, which helps to improve blood circulation.
  • Chocolate. Promotes the production of the hormone of joy, enhances the pleasant sensations of sexual intercourse.

Advice. In order to stimulate sexual arousal, dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least, and preferably more than 70%, should be consumed.

Spices that stimulate desire: a list

These include:

  • Saffron. This spicy and vibrant spice goes well with rice. Lightly flavored with saffron, the dish gains a great taste and aroma. Having tasted such a dish, a woman will definitely not remain indifferent to the idea of ​​upcoming amorous adventures.
  • Fenugreek. This spice is widely used in the cooking of Eastern countries. Since 2011, scientists have equated fenugreek with aphrodisiacs.
  • Fennel. This plant, which looks a bit like celery, is disliked by many people because of its specific taste and smell. But it was he who was used by the ancient Egyptians to increase libido in women. The plant can be used raw or as an ingredient in salads. The powder made from fennel seeds is also considered effective. It is these parts of the plant that have an exciting effect.
  • Carnation. This spice increases blood flow to the genitals, slightly raising the body temperature.
  • Ginger. The spicy root is widely used by many peoples as an aphrodisiac. Ginger is still relevant in this capacity.
  • Nutmeg. The fragrant spice has been used in India and Africa for a long time as a "female Viagra". Studies have shown that the nut really has a powerful stimulating effect on humans.

DIY aphrodisiac for women

Female pathogens can be bought in special stores and drugstore chains, or you can make yourself. An aphrodisiac dish will be an excellent decoration for a romantic dinner and set you on an erotic wave.

Here are some examples of DIY aphrodisiacs:

  • A mixture of honey, almonds and walnuts. Taking a few dessert spoons of such a delicacy a day, a woman after a few weeks will be surprised to find an increase in femininity and sensuality.
  • Seafood. These are not only powerful pathogens, but also sources of the protein the body needs. Regular use of salads and other dishes with oysters or shrimps will significantly improve the condition of a woman's genital area.
  • Berries. Strawberries and black currants are natural and delicious aphrodisiacs. They can be used both as an independent dish and for preparing various desserts.

Purchased drops and tablets

In the event that the decision is ripe to turn to purchased aphrodisiac drugs, you should pay attention to the following funds:

  • "Spanish fly". A natural remedy based on an extract of the blood cells and glands of an insect called the Spaniard fly. The powerful effect of the drug appears within 5 - 10 minutes after ingestion and lasts up to 5 hours. Reception of "Shpansky Fly" enhances sexual arousal in women, increases the sensitivity of erogenous zones and provides a bright and intense orgasm.
  • Rendez Vous. Fast acting aphrodisiac in capsule form. Begins to act within a few minutes after ingestion, the effect lasts up to 4 hours. The capsules increase blood flow to the vagina, increasing sensitivity and relieving dryness.
  • Forte Love. Female pathogen containing natural ingredients. Increases the sensitivity of the vagina, allowing you to achieve a bright climax. The tool works continuously for several hours. Compatible with alcohol.
  • "Silver Fox". An effective and high-quality product based on natural ingredients. It is produced in the form of a powder, which must be diluted with water or other liquid. The drug is tasteless and odorless, compatible with alcohol and food. Under the influence of this pathogen, a woman's sensuality and sexual arousal increases. The powder contributes to a strong and intense orgasm.
  • Prolonglove gum. Chewing gum formulated to enhance female libido. The complex of natural aphrodisiacs in the composition has a tonic and stimulating effect. Virtually no side effects. The use of gum promotes the production of natural vaginal lubrication and stimulates blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

Aphrodisiac spray for women

Exciting sprays are another effective aphrodisiac option for women. These products are formulated with pheromones and include special formulations that are great for men and women. Sprays for ladies contain the main aphrodisiac substance - copulin, a primordially female pheromone. The liquid inside the bottle is colorless and odorless. The action of the spray is aimed at stimulating receptors in the woman's nasal cavity. They stimulate the production of hormones.

Women's aphrodisiacs are aromas, drinks or products that awaken the sensuality and passion of the fair sex. With the help of small tweaks, you can make your sex life brighter and more intense, and the climax of intimacy - memorable and intense.

Medicinal herbs, essential oils. It is not difficult to prepare an aphrodisiac at home, especially if you know which components have stimulating properties.

The pathogen can be prepared at home

Essential oils

Arousal essential oils have a direct effect on the nervous system. This or that aroma helps to overcome depression, relax and give strength, improve mood and eliminate drowsiness. Under the action of some aromatic oils a woman becomes more relaxed, and her self-esteem and interest in her sexual partner is rapidly increasing.

The following oils have a strong stimulating effect:

  • the Rose;
  • sandalwood;
  • ylang-ylang;
  • patchouli;
  • ginger;
  • Orange;
  • cedar;
  • Pine;
  • neroli;
  • geranium;
  • rosemary.

The easiest way to use essential oils to increase libido is by applying a few drops to your wrist or by using a scent lamp. In order to achieve a high-quality effect, it is recommended to add the oil to a lotion or massage cream.

So, a light relaxing massage is an additional type of stimulation and will help to gain self-confidence after a hard day at work.

To prepare a stimulant, you must use natural ingredients

Making aphrodisiacs yourself

You can make an aphrodisiac yourself from the following components:

  1. egg;
  2. tomato paste;
  3. dry white wine;
  4. lemon juice;
  5. mustard;
  6. hot pepper.

You need to beat a chicken egg with a blender, add one tablespoon of tomato paste, one teaspoon of lemon juice, half a teaspoon of mustard, and a pinch of hot pepper. Beat all ingredients again. A glass of dry white wine should be added to the resulting mixture and put on low heat. Without boiling, remove the product from the stove and cool slightly.

A warm drink should be consumed one hour before the onset of sexual intercourse. It effectively tones the body, accelerates blood and improves its flow in the pelvic region, and enhances the sensitivity of the nerve endings of the vagina... You can take the pathogen regularly or as needed. It is better to eliminate the risk of an allergic reaction before use.

Specialized drugs

Nowadays, there are many drugs to increase female arousal. They have a common principle of action: improving physical activity, restoring smooth muscles of the vagina, activating the blood circulation process, and increasing the production of vaginal secretion. The most common among them:

Herbs affecting sexual arousal

Herbs that work on sexual arousal are effective for low libido. Their advantage is maximum safety for the body and the absence of contraindications (except for the presence of individual intolerance).

  • creeping anchors;
  • parsley;
  • celery;
  • Damian;
  • ginkgo biloba;
  • muira-puamu;
  • wild yam;
  • ashwagandha;
  • shatavari.

The best way to use medicinal herbs for arousal is to take special decoctions or tinctures. Rhodiola rosea has a strong stimulating effect. This plant is best used in the form of a ready-made alcoholic tincture. It is sold in any pharmacy. You need to take the product two teaspoons an hour before sex.

Also, for 40-60 minutes, you can take two teaspoons of a pharmacy alcoholic tincture of prickly eleutherococcus. Plant has a good tonic effect, increases the production of vaginal secretion and increases physical endurance.

Video why foreplay is important for women

In this video you can see why intimate foreplay is so important and necessary for women.

Healthy recipes to fuel passion

Healthy recipes to fuel passion:

Proven methods

A proven way to turn a girl on is to take a mixture of medicinal plants, which includes:

  1. rhodiola rosea;
  2. ginseng;
  3. lemongrass;
  4. echinacea;
  5. eleutherococcus.

The listed herbs must be mixed in equal proportions, finely chopped in a blender, and then left to infuse in a dark place for two weeks. The stimulant should be taken one teaspoon half an hour before intercourse. The active ingredients affect the blood flow in the small pelvis, enhancing the release of natural lubrication.

Another quality remedy is the stimulating tincture, which contains the following ingredients:

An equal amount of all dry ingredients must be crushed to a powder state, filled with alcohol in a ratio of 1:10, and insisted in a cool place for three days. The pathogen should be taken two to three hours before sexual intercourse, two tablespoons. The tincture enhances natural arousal, promotes orgasm and increases the duration of intimacy with a man more than three times.

Video products to increase sex drive

This video is about products to increase libido.


Champagne, candlelight dinner with chocolate and fruit - this is, of course, romantic, but you will not be full of romance alone, especially if there is a burning night ahead. We will show you a list of 10 foods that are beneficial for sensuality in women and increasing stamina in men. All these products do not require a long preparation and can be used in ...

There are products on the contrary with the opposite effect - suppressing and depressing the mood of love. We will tell you about them in the same way ...


Almonds and other nuts
Fresh figs
bitter chocolate

About the recipe:
Champagne, candlelight dinner with chocolate and fruit - this is, of course, romantic, but you will not be full of romance alone, especially if there is a burning night ahead. We will show you a list of 10 foods that are beneficial for sensuality in women and increasing stamina in men. All these products do not require a lot of preparation and can be used in their natural form or as an addition to light salads.

First on the list - celery containing androsterone - a hormone that stimulates women. A similar hormone is secreted by men along with sweat when aroused, which undoubtedly attracts women, but instead of the smell of sweat, celery has a delicate fresh scent, which also freshens breath. Celery roots and stalks can be eaten raw or steamed or sautéed in olive oil and served as a side dish with a main course.

Oysters Is a classic aphrodisiac. They contain zinc, the so-called macho mineral, which increases testosterone levels and is necessary for sperm production, and iron, which helps to saturate all body tissues with oxygen. Oysters also contain dopamine, a hormone that stimulates libido. And the very process of eating fresh oysters from shells is quite erotic and can be a prelude to an unforgettable night. According to legend, Casanova seduced a young maiden by passing her an oyster with a kiss. Fresh oysters look exquisite on an ice platter and go well with white wine and lemon.
Bananas affect libido directly - with the help of the enzyme bromelain, and indirectly - with the help of potassium, which stimulates the production of serotonin, the hormone of pleasure, and B vitamins, which increase endurance. In addition, peeling and eating bananas can create a real erotic spectacle.

Avocado contains a large amount of folic acid, which helps to digest protein faster and generate energy. Vitamin B6 and potassium stimulate the production of sex hormones and increase the body's endurance. Ripe avocados are remarkable in that they can be eaten not only with cutlery, but also with your fingers, licking them.

Almonds and other nuts - a rich source of fatty acids that stimulate the production of male hormones, and the smell of almonds stimulates women. Marzipan figurines (sweet almond mass) are a meaningful gift for a girl. In general, any nuts (walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, cashews) can be used to quickly restore sexual energy. Eat them raw, or better - lightly toasted, without salt or sugar.

Eggs and caviar although unromantic, they are very useful for regulating hormonal levels thanks to vitamins A, B5 and B6. It is a great source of protein. Please note that mixing eggs with caviar in the same dish is not recommended.

Liver rich in glutamine - a substance that strengthens the immune system and increases libido and general tone of the body. Fried liver is much more beneficial as a main dish for a romantic evening than red meat.

Fresh figs rich in amino acids, which provide the necessary energy, and has a soft structure that cannot but awaken the imagination. For the same reason, peaches, mangoes and strawberries are considered erotic dishes. Their color, aroma and taste will help create the mood for a romantic evening.

Rounding out the list is bitter chocolate containing theobromine, an alkaloid similar in action to caffeine, and phenylethylamine, a pleasure-inducing substance, especially in women. Melted chocolate can be used as a base for fondue: dip berries, pieces of fruit or cookies in it.

From spices and flavorings for a romantic dinner, ginger, chili, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, lemon balm and honey are ideal.

There are also products with the opposite effect - depressing the mood of love. This is strong alcohol, fatty, fried, too salty and sweet food. The amount of food is also important, even the most powerful aphrodisiacs will be powerless against a hearty multi-course dinner.