Read real stories about betrayal of husbands. Real life stories from wives

I am married, have a child, and everything with us is the best. And I hope that due to my own life circumstances I will never have to write here. She herself would never be able to forgive treason - under no circumstances. And I'm not going to change either. But, oddly enough, in life I still had to constantly face this in the person of relatives and friends.

The first story happened long before I met my husband. I communicated in a large company of people whom I had known for many years. And there was a guy among us who took care of one of my friends for 3 desperate years. They once met, but something did not work out. And since then the thought did not leave him that she was his one and only, beloved woman. She was skeptical towards him, closer than a meter, even as a friend she would not let him. And everyone was sure that nothing would ever happen between them.

But one day I found out that he still got his way. They almost immediately began to live together in her parents' house. Everything was fine, it developed rapidly, and after some six months he proposed to her. She agreed, but they decided to postpone the marriage a little. Every time we met with them, the smile did not leave their faces, they constantly looked at each other and held hands. Just the perfect love story.

Then one day she had to go to Kiev for the weekend. He could not go with her. And what do you think? This seemingly head over heels in love and the most devoted person in the world got drunk like a cattle that same evening, and by some stupid accident I was left alone with him in a closed car. We were going to visit the company. We still didn’t have time to approach, but we accidentally met him and his friend, whose car was, met earlier. This would-be driver locked us in a wheelbarrow, and he went home, supposedly for 10 minutes, to take some things.

I knew that nothing bad could happen. I have known this person for a very long time, and we have always had friendly relations. We drank a glass of beer, talked on various topics, and in the conversation I did not even notice how he threw his hand around my waist and leaned his elbows. Then there was a sheer nightmare. He pestered me so vehemently, and in a state of shock I jumped from him all over the car and only shouted: "Julia (the invented name of his girlfriend) will find out about everything." And he could only answer: "But Yulia is not here!"

I could not get out of the car. The only thing left was to threaten him that now I would start shouting very loudly: "Help, they are being raped!" And not far from the car sat some kind of group of women with children and a couple of men, it was already dark. He, without thinking twice, seemed to calm down. Thank God the driver came very soon after that. I immediately jumped out of the car and, saying goodbye to them, ran home. I didn’t tell his girlfriend about anything, although now I understand what was needed. Nevertheless, shortly after this incident, they still broke up. He felt very bad, but she cooled down. "Well, it serves him right," I thought then)))

The second story was also a long time ago. On February 23, a friend invited me and a friend to visit her boyfriend. A friend then only recently broke up with a man with whom she lived for 2 years in a civil marriage. To say that Masha (a fictitious name) was very bad is to say nothing, but we just had to go to visit the place where her ex-husband lived very nearby. In general, they drank, ate, and talked. There were acquaintances and no. The last to come were two strangers to us, friends of the owner of the house.

One of them was a very arrogant and impudent type (let's call him Maxim). My pretty tipsy Mashenka almost immediately fell into a skirmish with him. They argued long and tediously with and without censorship. Somewhere in that moment, I had to urgently run home, and I learned everything that followed from the words of Masha. In general, having drunk very much, she went to wash with cold water, in order to somehow come to her senses. Without any warning, this same Maxim went to her bathroom - supposedly to talk. In general, he began to harass her, she resisted at first, and then succumbed. They had sex in another room, and by the time they finished, everyone had already dispersed, except for the owner of the house and, accordingly, his girlfriend.

Masha and our friend went to the balcony to smoke. And then she tells Masha that this same Maxim is married, and now his wife is giving birth to his first child in the hospital, and she is tumbling with him. After this conversation, the two of them were “kicked out” into the street under the pretext that it was already 7 am, and no one had slept yet. We must disperse. This couple, leaving the house, went to drink a bottle of beer and talk. It turned out that he also knows Masha's ex-husband. We talked before. As a result, this Maxim himself admitted that he was married, and said that he had never cheated on his wife in his life and was not going to. Nevertheless, he would like her to become his mistress. She refused, condemning his act, and left. After, as I know, this Maxim was still trying to find her, to communicate. And he searched through me. But nothing came of it. Here is such a vile person caught.

The third story will be shorter. About my cousin (Anya, let's say), who could not decide between the two men she loved. She met both of them almost in the same month. With one she talked for a very long time, corresponded. And with another, a relationship began, and soon she moved in with him. She never stopped communicating with the first, and the second simply did not know about it.

One day they met with the first one, they just decided to talk live. We found a lot in common, liked each other, at least as people. They did not stop communicating, despite the fact that she had a boyfriend (or a common-law husband, if you like), and he, as it turned out, had a wife and two children. There was nothing between them until the moment when she had a serious quarrel with the guy and asked this married man for a little help to meet and just talk. It was night, he called a taxi for her to his office. And he rented a two-story office in the city center for work.

They met, talked, cried at their betrothed-mummers for each other and, in the end, slept. He was ashamed, disgusted, badly mentally after that, she too. Nevertheless, such meetings with them became more frequent and lasted at least a year. He did not want to leave his family, as he said that he loved children very much and was afraid that his wife would take them and leave. And she did not want to part with her common-law husband, as she said that she loved him. She said she loved both. In the end, it was over. They, apparently, plucked up brains somewhere and mutually decided to stop such communication. I don't know about his wife, but her husband never found out about anything, and now they are still together. True, the relationship is not the same anyway.

The fourth story is about my friend, who changed men like gloves and cheated on each of them with her next man, and all this was always explained by the fact that she really fell in love! She fell in love like that every 2-6 months. But once she came across a man (military), from whom she in public in the city snatched good ones ... you know why. It was he who learned that when he was on business trips (short - from a week to a month), she cheated on him every time. And at least 3 people have confirmed this. He was already thinking about the wedding and children with her, collecting money ... And then such!

In general, the result: in public in the evening on an alley in the center of the city, he humiliated her with insults ("you are not a woman, but f * ck, slut, an animal"), broke her phone, in which he found at the same time confirmation of infidelity, tore her clothes, which she was, and pulled out a couple of hairs (he didn't want to stain his hands with beating on her, but she hit him a couple of times and tried to run away, so he stopped her).

These are my life stories. Don't cheat on your loved ones. Peace to all and love)

Zhenya woke up early today. It was an ordinary day, which did not seem to foresee turbulent events. But today, she decided to cheat on her husband, because she was tired of loneliness. She has been married for almost five years. She and her husband have a lovely son, Yegorushka, whom she loves more than life. And this is the only thing that keeps her from divorce. Her husband Igor is a successful businessman. Who is constantly busy. He is ten years older than her. But he can’t calm down. There are already legends about his betrayal in their city.
Zhenya is almost thirty years old, although she looks great, but in her soul she has emptiness, internal discomfort, as she constantly feels that her husband is cheating on her. And so she decided to cheat. I called her friend Verka, agreed with her to come to her by twelve in the afternoon, and would have taken a bottle of Martini with me. After I agreed with Verka, I called my mother and agreed with her that she would take Yegorka until tomorrow.
She took a bath and lay near the TV with Yegorka until Verka's arrival. After turning on Yegorushka his favorite cartoons, she and Verka went to the kitchen. They had been friends with Verka since school. They were completely different from her. Verka has never been an exemplary girl. Always cheated at Zhenya's school. And she treated her husband's infidelities philosophically. Since she had several lovers. She told Zhenya that her Vadim and your Igor went to their dacha, and they had a merry party there. Zhenya shared with Verka about her desire to cheat on her husband. Verka supported her, saying: she finally saw the light.
After drinking a bottle of Martini, she asked Verka to stay at home, while she would go to her mother and leave Yegorka. Hearing Verka's consent, she went to collect Yegorka. Leaving the house with Yegorka, they first went into the store. Zhenya bought a bottle of skate, and fulfilled all the whims of Yegorka. Mom lived not far from them. Therefore, they reached quickly. When she went to her mother, she left Yegorka, she told the find that she and Verka were going for a walk today. Mom supported her. Since she had been telling her for a long time that she needed to get out of the house, and not to sit at home all the time, like her, and wait for her husband while he walked up. Hearing understanding from her mother, she perked up and went to her room to continue a sincere conversation with Verka.
Arriving home, she turned on the music center, and invited Verka to go into the hall. Drink brandy and watch the new porn movie she just bought. Verka agreed. The viewing of the porn film was stormy. She and Verka did not even notice how they sentenced a bottle of brandy, as they were pretty excited. Verka suggested to Zhenya, let's go continue the libation of alcohol in one of our favorite bars. For an argument, Verka added that you can hook someone there. Zhenya agreed. Since today she decided to change her husband for the first time in her life. She did not know why today, most likely she was tired of his nonsense and constant betrayal, because a woman cannot be fooled. Although, during these almost five years of their life together, he learned to tell such tales that he could already publish his works.
Calling a taxi to the house, they went out with Verka. When they reached the disco bar, they briskly walked inside to watch a porn film, as they, without agreeing with Verka, began to look at the men in this institution. After ordering a bottle of vodka and some meat, they went to the table. Verka was not alone for long. She accepted the courting of a young man seated at the next table, and twenty minutes later moved to him. For a long time, Zhenya did not dare to respond to the acquaintances that were offered to her; inside she had a feeling of remorse. And then she saw him, it was Mishka. The bear was a very handsome guy. Who was only two years older than her. He courted her before her marriage. But she chose Igor, because she believed that Mishka would constantly cheat on her, since all the girls around were running after him. When Mishka came up to her table, she even got up, because she really wanted it. Mishka noticed this and sat down at her table. By this time Verka had already left the bar. After talking about life, Zhenya learned that Mishka is still not married. As Mishka said, I still haven't found that one. After drinking vodka with Mishka, Zhenya felt uncomfortable, and she herself suggested to Mishka that he accompany her. When they left the bar, Zhenya suggested that they walk him. There was a forest belt ten minutes from the disco bar. Zhenya has been wanting to cheat on her husband for a month already. She didn't know if she still loved Mishka. But she wanted to cheat on her husband. When they began to approach the forest belt, Zhenya invited Mishka to go there, Mishka agreed. When they entered there, Zhenya approached Mishka, and they began to kiss. During passionate kisses, Zhenya whispered to Mishka that she wanted to please him. She unbuttoned his fly, pointed her cute fingers inside, and without a word sat down on her knees. She did it passionately, and like a hungry beast. That Mishka didn't even notice how he finished her right in her cute mouth. Zhenya, satisfied with this, told Mishka, and now take me from behind. Bear obediently obeyed. It was Zhenya's first anal sex, but she did not tell Mishka about it. Mishka felt it when they started doing it. Zhenya, during anal sex, bit her lips all the time, so as not to show it. Everything was like a dream. The only thing that she remembered when he asked, Zhen and where to finish? She told him to cum in my mouth again. He agreed. After that, she achieved for the third time, an eruption that flowed down her face, satisfied and humiliated, she began to gather. Gathering, she told Mishka not to accompany her, and no longer seek a meeting with her. Coming out of the forest belt, she stopped a taxi and he drove her home. Entering home, she barely made it to the bed, and fell into bed without undressing.
In the morning she was woken up by her beloved husband, who, after betrayal, was always affectionate and always with flowers. He began to tell her another fairy tale about business affairs, but she did not listen to him. After telling the tale, he only asked her why, did she fall asleep in her clothes? Hearing in response that Verka was visiting yesterday, and they drank a little with her. Satisfied with the answer, he thought about his own. Zhenya told her favorite "storyteller" to kiss me. He kissed her. During the kiss, she ran over her head and thought. My favorite goat.

Hello. I am 29 years old. My story is real and happened 2 months ago. It just haunts me internally ... I decided to present it here. My old school friend Sasha called me. And he said that he wanted to come. Immediately after school, he left our small town and went to go to college in a big city (our regional center). Yes, he stayed there. And then the parents went there to him. The connection was almost lost between us, however, with the advent of cellular communication, contacts were found. So, he called and said that he wanted to come and see his hometown. I was glad at the prospect of seeing my old friend, I figured out the options and invited him to my place.

The three of us live: me, the wife of Sveta and our three-year-old daughter. At first, my wife was capricious, but then nevertheless agreed that a guest would stay with us. The apartment, thank God, is 3-room. The hall, our bedroom and daughter's room ... For convenience, the daughter was transported to our bedroom. And he was given her room. I decided to meet my friend well: I booked a table in the restaurant on the day of his arrival. I met at the airport ... How we never parted! We had something to talk about. The remaining half of the day we did not stop talking, everything about life, but about hobbies, interests. There was something to discuss in 12 years. A lot of stories have accumulated. The daughter was taken to my parents because we planned to go to the restaurant for a long time (my wife and I haven’t gone anywhere for a long time, so we decided to sit all the way). Well, we went there.

The evening was a success. Sashka has become an even bigger joker over the years. What did he not tell! He married, he says, recently for the second time. The first marriage was unsuccessful ... The evening flew by like an instant. My wife and I laughed at his stories and jokes without stopping. We didn’t notice the past, but we drank a lot. Apparently, my wife and I had a rare use. We got lucky! I, however, are a little stronger ... But Sasha had to take us both out of the restaurant, put us in a taxi. Shove even. He almost carried us to the house too ... How we packed up, I hardly remember. I was falling off my feet. I remember that he fought off the bedclothes, said that he would get some sleep today, and his wife tried to give him something for bedding ...

I woke up in the morning. It was not good. The wife was still asleep. Sasha too. I went to the store and bought a beer. We drank it, it became easier. Then we went for a walk. It was incredibly fun in his company. Really: the soul of the company. We walked around the city partially, looked at our old places, his house ...

The next day I had to go to work already, Monday. Sasha was about to go around the city himself. Having issued an order to Svetlana to prompt him if necessary, he left for work. I work in one ... organization, I sit in a heap of papers. Fortunately, they pay well. And the week has turned out to be a stupid one. Reports, a bunch of everything. You can't even get out, that's why I left Sasha without my help and wheels. In the evening we sat and talked, but for days we couldn't go anywhere with him. Grieved. So the week passed. He was leaving on Friday. And I vowed to take him.

In the morning, as usual, I took my daughter to the kindergarten and rushed to work. To have time to take him by noon, it was necessary to do a lot and quickly ... Sasha called at the beginning of the tenth, said that he was fully assembled and ready to leave ... And I have a blockage. He said he could call a taxi, but I wanted to see him off myself. I say: "No, I will come, at 12 for sure, wait!" And he grabbed his head. They were expecting urgent information from me ... And then my partner, a good girl, came to my aid. Having learned the reason, she took all the papers and said: “Fly, eagle! See off. I will do everything for you ... "

Promising to love her forever, I jumped in the car and rushed home. He flew up the stairs, flew into the apartment and ... near the sofa in the hall there was a collected bag, Sasha was sitting on the sofa with his pants down, and completely naked Sveta sucked his penis in the most natural way. What happened next ... I find it difficult to describe. I remember that I hit him in the face once and said: "Get out!" He silently left the apartment with his things ... His wife went into the bedroom and got dressed ... There was a strong desire to kill her. But I restrained myself.

Gathering my will into a fist, I asked: for what? And why? At first she tried to attack me with her verbal attack, but she could not resist ... drooped. And she told everything: that on the day of the meeting, when we got so drunk, we returned home, I fell asleep, and she still decided to spread his bed. And so she stayed in this bed. He pulled up her dress while she was laying ... She herself didn’t, why didn’t begin to resist. She allowed herself to undress, and there he fucked her. The next day they pretended that nothing had happened ... Yes, and we left for the whole day. But on Monday, when I left for work, a conversation took place between them about what had happened ... which only led to the fact that she was again under him. And so the whole week passed ... While I was at work, he did not walk around the city - he fucked my wife.

I realized that it was not for me. I was angry. For about a month I ran through different offices, found out. But they told me everywhere that in the event of a divorce, the child would stay with his mother. I couldn't have left my daughter with me. And I just can't part with her ...

This is why I am ashamed that realizing that I could not do anything the way I would like, I returned home like a beaten dog. For the fact that for almost a month now we have been sleeping on the same bed again. And for the fact that it's been 2 weeks since we have sex.

Have you ever seen a woman cheating on her husband? Admire. It's me. I am unfaithful to my husband and at the same time I love him very much. My marriage is fine. My husband is intelligent, successful, kind, caring and loyal to me. And yet I go all over again and again. Adultery, romance, affair, leftist - whatever you call it, but I can't live without it.

So how did I end up in this life? I don’t know where to start. Probably from the beginning. The beginning is a good place to start a story. At least that's what Mary Poppins thought. In general, I got married. Home, husband, dog. Everything was great, everything was great. But one day, two years after the wedding, I opened my chest of drawers and was stunned: my linen was neatly folded in it. In stacks. Cotton pajamas, practical briefs with wide elastic bands. Everything is like an old woman's ... I sat down on the floor and began to cry. Where are my lace, spiky bras? Where are my awkward, twisting garters? Where is all that beauty, that love uniform? How did it happen that I left big sex and didn't even notice it?

That same evening, I made an attempt to revive the old passion. I danced a striptease to my husband against the background of a vacuum cleaner in the corner. My husband smiled: "Kid, thank you for a great performance! But I have an important meeting tomorrow, and I'm on my feet." Next time I decided to surprise him with something more unusual. In one magazine I found an article "How to seduce your own husband" and underlined with a pencil the most successful, in my opinion, advice: "At a noisy party, whisper to him that you forgot to put on panties. You will be pleasantly surprised to see how much he was aroused!" Anticipating my husband's excitement, I left my comfy panties at home when we went to dinner with my mother-in-law. In the midst of a lively family conversation ("Perchik is not enough in stuffed cabbage, don't you think?") I leaned over to my husband and said: "But I have no panties!" He choked: "Natasha, what are you, insanity? How can you forget to put on your panties?"

No, everything was fine in bed. We have not yet reached the stage "Sex? What is this?", But have already got used to each other. To each other's smell, to each other's body. We no longer had to discover anything new and be surprised at discoveries. We felt comfortable, good. We slept like spoons in a box. But when I read the book "The Diary of Bridget Jones", for some reason I understood it very well: "If there is a God in the world, I would like to ask him (although it is clear that I am deeply grateful to Him for the fact that Dani ate unexpectedly and inexplicably turned into a completely regular character after such a long powdering of the brain) to make sure that Daniel does not go to bed in the evening in his pajamas and reading glasses, stared at the book for twenty-five minutes, and then turned off the light and turned away - and turn him back into a naked, full of frenzied sexual beast that I knew and loved. "

The problem was that, unlike Bridget, I knew very well: it is impossible to enter the same river twice. Never again with my husband will I feel like the first time. Never again will we "blush with a suffocating wave, barely touching our sleeves." There will never be the excitement of "Call - won't call?" My heart will never sink: "My God, how he smiles!" You will never feel like you are swinging on a swing when he kisses you for the first time ...

In general, I began to look at nice young people and, as it were, try them on: "But this one would suit me?", "I wonder, but what about this in bed?" powerful antero-beam ... ". I did not pester men with immodest proposals. But she no longer shrugged off their little signs of attention. She flirted a little. She laughed. Allowed, as if by chance, to touch myself. I was not going to open the door behind which all these sinful possibilities lurked. I just thought that I would look into it through a small crack ...

But when I met one wonderful guy and, as they say, it blew my head off, I didn’t think for a long time. There were only four reasons not to start an affair (in decreasing order of importance):

1. Ugly linen.
2. I can get pregnant or get AIDS.
3. Where?
4. There is a husband.

The answers were found pretty quickly, in seconds and a half:

1. Don't give a damn!
2. Condoms are now of high quality.
3. And at least in the car.
4. He won't get hurt.

I kicked open the mysterious door. And only when I got into this wonderful world called "Let's get to know each other better," I realized how much I missed him. It was a fantastic novel! I ran out on dates, coming up with alibis like a girl. I could not see enough, breathe in my unexpected happiness. We called back a hundred times a day. We were hiding. We recognized each other by touch. We fell into the abyss and took off to the heavens ... We flew for two months. Then my lover cooled down, and I no longer froze anything inside when his name was displayed on the phone display. We have calmed down. This is quite natural - a wild passion with inevitable cosmic overloads never lasts forever, and then we had to either build some kind of serious relationship, or walk in circles, moving further and further from each other, or part without unnecessary explanations. The first was impossible - although I had some feelings for this person, I understood that they cannot be compared with feelings for a husband, proven and reliable, like a rock. Of course, the lover is always clean-shaven, he does not walk around the house in an old tracksuit and does not close the window in the bedroom at the moment when you want it to be open. But I understood: maybe the grass on the other lawn looks greener, but it also needs to be cut. Why start all over again with someone I hardly know? We broke up.

But since then I began to cheat on my husband from time to time. Unlike men, a woman practically does not have to strain if she decides to change. There are always plenty of people willing. And you don't need to whistle. You just have to come to the bar and smile. But the motives of female infidelity are in many ways similar to those of men. This is exactly the conclusion I came to when I tried to explain to myself why I need lovers.

Sexual diversity

It is not true that only men love variety. Women yearn for newness too. It's just that some in this case, having sex, close their eyes and imagine instead of their husband Brad Pitt or neighbor Alexei Kartoshkin. Plus, women, like men, want to try something out of the ordinary - like threesomes, for example. It's scary to offer this to her husband - what if he falls in love with the other one? Or will the family cease to be a family, but will turn into a den of libertines? It is better to conduct such experiments with a lover.

Emotional doping

Married life is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday ... You wake up, have breakfast, go to work, come home, have dinner, have sex ... Bored? Partly. But deep down, you understand that this is real life. You understand that it is impossible to live your whole life on an emotional upsurge. You understand that you need this stability, this rear, where it will be convenient for you all: for you, and your spouse, and your children, and the dog Tyafa. But you also know very well that time passes and if a man has a chance at seventy to be a desirable sexual object, then you are unlikely to succeed. Therefore, you are in a hurry to live, you are in a hurry to catch everything, you are in a hurry to hear as many discordant "I love you!" Besides, all these dates, the feeling of risk so excite the blood.

A way to be in shape

Your husband knows you inside and out. Another thing is a lover. You can't just spank your barefoot past him in a nightgown, set the alarm clock and, sitting next to him in bed, say: "Oh, something shot in my back. Massage, please ..." For a lover, you strive to be cellulite-free, silk-cow-skinned, flexible-backed and crepe-chested young chamois. And as long as possible. During your romances, the surrounding beauty salons are enriched, and you are doing good right before our eyes.


Some men are afraid to get involved with married women. It seems to them that women do not play novels just like that, but only dream of how to ruin their lives, men. For example, they can drag them to the registry office - they know how, they have already tried it. How they got the idea that they were being hunted is unknown. A married woman needs a lover, by and large, for self-affirmation. Seeing another man at my feet, I mentally draw an asterisk on the fuselage: "I'm young. Sexy. I'm still wow!"

Of course, I do not tell everyone I meet about my betrayal. Even if one of my friends finds out about my next novel and is perplexed, I put on a meaningful face and explain: "Life is a difficult thing." A monument should be erected to the one who came up with this phrase. "Life is a complicated thing" - and that's it!

There is only one person to whom I cannot answer that way. But he doesn't ask me anything yet. And I hope that the time when he puts his head in his hands and asks "Why? Lord, why?" Will never come.

Natalia Unknown

If this happened:

Do not throw away all your closed and practical panties one day and replace them with sexy little threads. Change your intimate wardrobe gradually, giving your husband time to get used to your new preferences.
Think of some non-existent hobby for yourself, which, firstly, will allow you to often leave home, and secondly, it will not require material embodiment. The Brahmaputra Witnesses' Club or the Global Warming Fighters Community will do.
Play sports in the evenings. Let it be not just jogging in the park, but classes in a sports club, after which you need to take a shower.
In the evening, turn off the sound of your mobile phone - it is at this time that lovers develop a craving for romantic sms and it will be difficult to convince your husband that it was just your mother who wanted to wish you good night at 23.45.
Even if you are sure that your husband will never rummage through your things, still destroy traces: clean your phone from unnecessary messages, your pockets from yesterday's movie tickets, and your purse from tubes of spermicide.
Let condoms become your lover's concern. You can, of course, tell your husband that condoms, like a gas canister, should be in your purse in case of an attack by a rapist, but this sounds unconvincing, you must admit.
Try not to look too happy. If you've never sung in the bathroom, then there's nothing to start.
Pay close attention to your speech. Indeed, in response to your fleeting reservation - "They feed so badly in that new restaurant" - the husband may quite reasonably ask: "When and with whom were you there, dear?"
Do not refuse sex with your legal spouse, even if the illegal lover satisfies you to the fullest.
Don't faint if you violate any of the points in the above manual. We all know perfectly well that most men do not see anything further than their noses, and yours, most likely, will not understand what's what, even if you say after a family dinner: "The Narcisians invite us to ski on Sunday, and I cheating on you. " But still, you should not give more signals to the faithful than the traffic controller at the intersection.
I almost forgot! If you suddenly decide to write an article about your infidelities (everything happens in the world) - use a pseudonym.