Growth and weight of newborn girls. Normal weight and growth of newborn kids

The physical development of the newborn is worried about all parents. The child normally develops or not, testifies its weight. Funny healthy child weighs from 2600 to 4500 grams. His weight is determined immediately after delivery. For several days, the kid will lose about ten percent of its weight. So affects the adaptation to new conditions of existence.

For the first six months, the child adds about 800 grams per month. From seven months before a year, the purchase slightly decreases and equals 400 grams. In year, all children weigh differently. It all depends on the conditions for the existence of the child and its heredity.

If the child is badly gaining weight, you can count how much he will eat, weighing it before feeding and after. If he undersides, then it is necessary to change his diet or mamm.

In general, in order to keep track of the growth of the baby, you need a breast weight table and home electronic scales. The fact that the baby once a month weighs at the pediatrician is not enough.

When the child is breastfeeding, he gains weight unstable, so its growth rates may differ from generally accepted norms. Do not panic, looking at the weight gain table in newborns. The norms indicated there are created on children who are fed artificially mixtures.

If the child is healthy, then in the first month it is very actively adds in weight. The baby adapts to the environment, it develops a nervous, digestive and cardiovascular system, the bones are growing and strengthened.

Weight and height of infants - this is an indicator of his health. The kid must constantly recruit grams, even if the gain is not too large, but it is, it means everything is in order.

Weight gain in infants

Until half a year, the child actively gains weight, turns the fat and stretches in length. Then the baby begins to sit down and acquires new motor skills, so the increase, slightly decreases. Everything is interesting for the child, so he does not consider it necessary to spend time on long feeding. Quickly, for a few minutes, eats and again goes to explore the surrounding reality. And when the time comes to walk, the weight will begin to increase even slower.

Weight grows poorly if the kid experienced stress, moved the disease or he has a hormonal failure. Also on poor weight gain influence gymnastics, massage, swimming and vaccinations.

The rate of weight gain in infants is conditional. It is necessary to monitor the child not only added in weight, but also stretched in length.

Breastfish weight set for months

It can be said that the baby is normally feeding if he feels well, regularly empties the intestines and a bladder. If the parents bought home electronic scales, this does not mean that they should weigh the child every day. In order to track the dynamics of growth, just weigh the child once a week. If the child eats badly and behaves restlessly, perhaps he is undernourished. Then it is necessary to weigh it for several days before and after feeding. Only so you can define enough child eats or not.

How the weight gain should occur in the twilight can be found at the pediatrician. Also, the norms of the norm are in the encyclopedias for childcare and the Internet. The main thing is to competently approach the study of the norm. In the world in the entire concept of the norm relatively. What is for one rate for another - deviation.

Big weight of infants

All children's weight is added differently, this process affects the nature of the child, its heredity, the overall health, physical activity and the amount of feedings.

Big weight of the infants is concerned not only by the parents, but also at the pediatrician. A complete child has a serious load on the skeleton, its development slows down, and therefore doctors recommend to parents to revise the baby's nutrition. If the diet does not help, it means you need to examine the child. Perhaps he has some serious endocrine disorders or diseases.

A large and small weight of a child or an adult is a deviation from the norm. In order to live normally and develop, you need to follow your health. What is an extra weight in an adult? This is a complex of inferiority, the load on the skeleton and the heart, the problem with choosing a wardrobe and so on. What is excess weight for the kid? This is a sedentary lifestyle, also the load on the musculoskeletal system and the heart, lagging in development and so on. As a result, both a child and an adult person are forced to lose weight. If the completeness of an adult is his own choice, then the baby does not know that he weighs too much and it represents danger to him. The task of parents to bring the weight of the child to the norm, if the deviation is too large and this is not related to heredity. Loving parents understand this and make everything that depends on them.

Infants badly gain weight

If the child is poorly gaining weight, especially in the first months of life, it is fraught with serious consequences, right up to death. In order for anything to happen to the baby, it is necessary to make sure that he regularly wrote, jacket and drove.

In the period of toasting the child, parents prepare the place in which they bring it after discharge from the maternity hospital. If they are superstitious and do not buy anything into the house, they still prepare lists and look after all that will be needed in the first time. In this list, there must be electronic thermometers and scales. If the baby is poorly gaining weight, it can be constantly weigh and increase the amount and quality of feedings.

Little weight can be a consequence of the infection with helminths or neuralgic problems. Find out the cause of the chance will help the pediatrician. What is the point of increasing the norm of milk, if a child has helminths? In any matter, the problem can be solved if you understand it the root cause.

Breast loses weight

Immediately after childbirth, the child weighed. Before discharge from the maternity hospital, the baby will lose about ten percent of that weight, which he had at birth. It is not necessary to be afraid of this, you need to be aware of this issue, and not worry. The child's care encyclopedia says that the baby loses weight due to the adaptation to the environment. In addition, the baby loses moisture. He still did not eat yet, but Mesconia was lost - the first feces, who also weighed something.

After mom and baby are at home, the weight will rapidly grow. This affects the favorable home furnishings, in which Mom feels comfortable. In addition, the chest is well developed, and the milk flows the river. Fatty breast milk is a pledge of the growth and normal state of health. If the milk is not too nutritious, and the baby will not be pumped, you should always keep a closed artificial mixture at hand. It is necessary to open it only as a last resort, stubbornly trying to achieve from its milk nutrition. This is done with special diets, which consist of veal, parsley, dill, walnuts, tea with milk and other products.

Scales for breasts

Top scales for Breasts Breasts Breasts won great popularity. This model is powered by a built-in battery, has an automatic zero setting, alarm system when the battery is discharged and when rebooting. The Babe Bald determines the weight in children until one and a half years. It is used in children's clinics and maternity hospitals.

The correct development of the newborn is estimated primarily on the basis of growth and weight. It is not surprising why parents pay so much attention to these parameters of their baby.

Data from

More recently, the World Health Organization has approved new tables of normal growth and weight gains in children. In contrast to outdated data, they include norms for babies on natural feeding.

It has been proven that growth and weight gain depends largely on the type of power: slower in newborns that feed on breast milk, faster from "artificials". Therefore, it is quite possible to harm with overproing the child who receives the mixture, if you focus on new, overgrown for it.

According to WHO, there are differences in birth regulations for boys and girls. The table shows the growth rates from extremely low to extremely high. In both cases, that, by the way, a rarity, the child is relied on with a comprehensive examination in order to correct possible pathology.

The average growth rate for girls is 46.1 cm, the lower limit is 43.6 cm, the upper - 54.7 cm. The boys have a normal average growth of 49.9 cm, very low and very high - respectively 44.2 cm and 55.66 cm.

WHO data collected regarding children born on time, in addition to the growth assessment, such indicators such as body weight and head circumference were also taken into account.

The newborn growth paid close attention is explained by the importance of this parameter in the overall development assessment, the calculated formulas take into account age, growth, some - body weight. Normal development rate is a set of 25 cm in the first year of life. Assess the development of the baby in the intrauterine period, it is possible on the basis of the "index Ketle" (numerical ratio of growth and mass). For its counting, birth weight is divided into a numerical growth value. For a duddy child normal are the numbers within 60-70 cm, Born premature indicators will be different.

What affects the growth of the child?

What can affect growth? First of all, genetics is important: the children of high dads and mothers distill in the growth of their peers. The backlog in this parameter provokes irregular nutrition, an unbalanced diet or non-peating age. The reason may also be diagnosed malformations.

Thus, based only on the child's growth indicator, you can tell a lot about its development as a whole, including until the moment of coming to the light. The mandatory measurement of growth and weight at the Pediatrician reception once again indicates the importance of these parameters, both separately and in their numerical ratio. A minor lag or ahead of growth is not the reason for concern. However, significant dispersion indicates pathology and requires a consultation of a specialist.

And, of course, to remember that the statistics and numbers show, the well-being of the child - in his good physical fitness and healthy well-being.

The first thing that the happy parents report to their relatives and friends is the floor, the growth and weight of the newborn. "The Son was born, 52 cm, 3.5 kg," or: "We have a girl, 3000 g, 50 cm" are the most frequent words that speak on the phone or write in SMS messages about their child. The same parameters first brings the doctor in the history of the newborn health. Why are the growth figures and child weight so important for doctors and parents?


Growth, body weight, and the magnitude of the circle of the head and chest are the main indicators by which doctors evaluate the physical development of a newborn baby. Little or, on the contrary, the weight, the ratio of the circle of the head and chest, the growth of the baby is not just dry numbers, they can assume or eliminate some diseases of the newborn. Then, when the child will grow up, it is relying on these parameters, pediatricians will follow his health status, give advice on feeding, regime, do some appointments.

That is why, as soon as the child was born, it is immediately measured, weighed and enter these data into a medical card. Then in the first year of life, the weight, weight, bustland circumference and the head of the child should be measured 1 time per month, because the baby is very intensively growing at this time.

The norm for the newborn is considered:
Height: from 46 to 56 cm
Weight: from 2600 to 4000 g
Head Circle: 34-36 cm
Chest Circle: 32-34 cm

What affects the weight gain of the child

The way the child will be added in weight and grow long depends on hereditary data, from its nutrition and on the quality of life as a whole. At the same time, heredity affects a large extent on the growth of the child - if the mother and dad are high, then the growth of their son or daughter, most likely, will also be the same. But the quality of nutrition is played by the quality of the power in the weight gain - the kid is right, it means that the weight gain will be good. And, of course, the quality of child's life is of great importance: if it grows in good living conditions, it often happens in the fresh air (solar baths are especially important), if they are engaged in a lot, pay attention to health, it means that growth and weight gain will be appropriate Norma for his age.

Growth of the child: Poster for months

The growth of duplicate newborns is usually within 46-56 cm. Boys are usually longer girls, but if the parents are high, the newborn girl can be significantly ahead of the growth of the average newborn boy.

What happens with the growth of children in the first year of life? During this period, the child grows intensely - by as much as 20-25 cm! In the future, such a significant increase in growth will not be.

It is known that the growth of children is increasing uneven, jumps. For example, there is a seasonal and daily dynamics. Many parents notice that over the summer, the child is drawn more than at another time of the year. It is still found that at night the children grow faster than during the day.

An interesting fact: those parts of the body are growing faster than the head (that is, the baby's stop grows faster than the shin, and the shin, in turn, is faster than the thigh), with this, the age change in the child's body proportions is connected with this.

In addition to the growth, doctors also evaluate other newborn parameters. Be sure to measure the circumference of its head and chest. In the medium that appeared on the light, the middle of the head is 34-36 cm, and the chest circumference is 32-34 cm. Breast circles and heads, as a rule, become the same by 4 months of life. After that, the chest in the circumference increases faster than the head. At a one-year-old child, the breast circle is approximately 48 cm, and the head circumference is approximately 46-47 cm. But these are only average numbers: after all, children in the same way as in adults, a different physique, a different shape of the head - therefore, a small deviation from the average figures.

Growth increase for months:
1-3 months: 3-3.5 cm per month (only 9-10.5 cm)
3-6 months: 2.5 cm per month (about 7.5 cm)
6-9 months: 1.5-2 cm per month (only 4.5-6 cm)
9-12 months: 1 cm per month (only 3 cm)

Child weight: Poster for months

The weight of the newborn can be 2.6-4 kg. Kids born with weight more than 4 kg, considered large. This can be as a feature of the Constitution (major parents and the child will be large), and evidence of a violation of carbohydrate exchange in Mom.

An important fact: the body's mass of the child when discharge from the maternity hospital is usually less than the one with which he was born - both indicators are recorded in the documents issued by mom. You should not be afraid of such "weight loss" is a natural process called physiological weight loss. It occurs due to the loss of water through the lungs and skin, the drying of the residue of the umbilical cord, the separation of urine and the meconium (original feces).

The maximum weight loss in most newborns occurs to the 3-5th day and normally is no more than 6-8% of the initial weight. And already by the 7-10th day of life, healthy children weigh as much as right after birth. If a child loses more of the specified norm or a long time cannot restore lost grams, it can talk about infection or congenital pathology.

In the first year of life, the weight of the kid increases the most. There are several ways to calculate weight gain.

For example, in the first half of the year, the child must add at least 600-800 g per month. By 6 months, his weight is normal. In the second half of the year, the rate of weight gain is somewhat reduced - it increases by 300-550 g per month. This is due to the fact that the child becomes more mobile: he is no longer just lying in the crib, but actively turns over, crawling, sits down, gets up and starts walking. By the year, the weight of the child should triple compared to the initial one.

Some mothers are very followed by how their baby adds in weight. They are ready to weigh their child daily, almost after each feeding, believing that the weight should increase their weight with each food intake. It is not worth spending at this time - the weight of the child, as well as growth, increases unevenly. It does not happen that daily kid adds medium-term grams: Over time, mom will notice that there are periods when the weight is stable or increases slightly, and then suddenly a sharp jump occurs.

To control it is enough to weigh a child once a week, preferably in the same clothes. For weighing children, there are two types of scales: mechanical and electronic. Today, electronic scales are more convenient to use - they are light, compact, mobile. Some models automatically take into account and deduct the weight of the diaper, "remember" previous weighing, can show the dynamics of weight change and even measure growth. If there is no possibility to purchase scales, you can do the monthly weight measurement in the children's clinic.

After the first year of life, the rate of weight gain (as well as growth) is significantly reduced. In ordinary life, a child, and an adult will never be able to double or all the more triple his weight in one year.

Average growth and weight indicators in 1 year:
Growth 75 cm
Weight 10.5 kg
Breast Curl 48 cm
Head Circle 46-47 cm

Attention numbers: weight gain rate

Each person has its own idea of \u200b\u200bhealth. So, some parents (as well as grandparents) seems to be that the baby should be a certain replent "Borovich". And insufficient, in their opinion, the weight and growth of the kid leads them to confusion.

In fact, today, more and more children with an excessive increase in weight, and most often it is observed in kids who are on artificial feeding. So, some parents, wanting to feed your child, make a mixture more concentrated or increase the number of feedings. As a result, children add more necessary in weight more necessary, because of which many of them are lagging behind in the development of their peers - begin to turn over, crawl, walk, more often they are more prone to allergic reactions.

In such a situation, it is necessary to revise the diet of the child: strictly observe the number and amount of feeding, after the introduction of feeding more to give the baby fruit and vegetable puree, and porridge, crackers, and restrict cookies. It is necessary to deal with the child gymnastics, create conditions for physical activity. But you should not fall in extremes: Insufficient gain in the weight of the child should not be ignored. After all, sometimes it may be a symptom of some pathology: for example, anemia or rickets.

Getting the results of measuring your baby, you need to remember that all children are different, and not necessarily every infant to a certain age to reach average growth and weight. It is necessary to take into account the growth and weight at birth, as well as the rate of increases of these indicators: so, a newborn with an increase in 48 cm and weighing 2900 g in 1 year can differ significantly on anthropometric indicators from a child born with an increase in 55 cm and weighing 4000 and this Perhaps perfectly - good when there is a variety in the world!

Maria Timakov pediatrician, Cand. honey. Science


We have a son weighs 9.5kg at 8 months. Until 8 months, I recruited 600-800 per month, and for the last just 300g. I think, due to the fact that I began to actively crawl from 7 months. get up, move. Or I'm wrong?

04/30/2017 10:23:25, father

To calculate whether the child has enough weight, make a calculation according to the formula, if the child is up to 6 months:

M \u003d mp + 800 * k,

where - k - the number of months of the child from birth; M - the middle weight of the child at the moment of life; MR - child weight at birth.

If the child is from 6 months to 1 year, the calculation is calculated by the formula:

M \u003d mp + 4800 + 400 * (K-6).

07/28/2016 06:40:26, Grishamma

blah, who writes such articles? Give the data table and not #### letters.

02/03/2016 10:06:12, ku

we have a pediatrician looks some kind of scheme, where it is written in what age how many should add from the initial weight. Weight from the maternity hospital takes and some kind of figure is added according to the scheme for this age. That is, it turns out that the scheme is not focused on a specific increase every month. We gained a double rate in the first months, and now we recruit 200 grams. But the pediatrician does not bother, because According to her scheme, we still weigh more norms for this age. I do not know if it is right?

I have long been tormented by the issue of weight gains. Is there a relationship between weight at birth and additions every month? Son was born 4400 / 61. How three months old. It has a little one. But now in his 3 months he has the parameters of a semi-annual child. The step has anxiousness because of the add-on

06/29/2015 17:56:15, Margaritakaz

Comment Article "Growth and weight of the child: what kind of increase is correct?"

Weight loss in a newborn. Weight gain and growth rates. Head and chest circumference. Is there a dependence between weight at birth and increments every month? Son was born 4400 / 61. How three months old. adds a bit. But now in his 3 months he has parameters ...


My was born prematurely, the weight was 2640, now we are exactly 6 months old and the weight is exactly 7kg, but is height 64 whether it is normal?

07/01/2017 20:34:22, Suaybat

in general, it is considered by weight at birth, but with a lot of loss, this good should be considered. The eldest I lost 500 grams to the discharge, but I found 800 grams for the first month, i.e. In fact, 300 grams from the birth at birth. I tried to bear the brain, but not much. Moreover, often the main increase begins after 2-3 weeks of the child's life. So for almost 2 weeks you can still sooo eat a lot. Try to feed more often, in a dream or about. With this, you will help you in the conference

"Norms" of a weight set for children ???. Doctors, clinic. A child from birth to one year. Care and child education up to year: nutrition, diseases, development. "Norms" of a weight gain from kids ??? Hello everyone, were with a dice on the first planning examination at the therapist.


Many thanks to everyone for the answers !!! Called the newly made mother :) I will look for the wellness of the baby and look at the increase after the second month.

same worried in such a situation, indeed, you understand, and the heart is still worried. But I took into myself in my hands and calmly fed the child, I did not go on weighing. The child was calm, cheerful and cheerful. Poster for the 1st month of the son was only 290g, in the second already 780

Weight loss in a newborn. Weight gain and growth rates. Head and chest circumference. I have a fat man in front of Anton (a large and section was born: age norms (than dangerous weightless weight in infants). Easy kids in my observations are developing faster.


At this age, it is very dangerous: the lag in physical development can be, and most importantly - in mental!

10/27/2005 13:03:06, past

Nuuuu, the question is complex. I believe that if the truth is noticing the doctor - i.e. If a really baby is starving and tolerates 3 months, then fraught with psychological trauma. From the point of view of physical development - probably nothing.

Weight loss in a newborn. Weight gain and growth rates. Head and chest circumference. My born prematurely, the weight was the 2640 section: age norms (the rate of increase in weight prematurely at birth at birth). Normal weight gain is premature ...


Norms norms, but everything is individually. My youngest (10 months) weighs 8 kg (at birth 3 kg). The first month scored about 800 grams, then 300 or less. Doctors shouted "Little" - why a lot?! I have all the children's small, by year, usually 9-10 kg. If the detectives are cheerful and cheerful - it should not necessarily (anything he is worthless!) Diffuse a lot ... IMHO.

Growth and weight of the child at birth and in the first year of life. Weight loss in a newborn. Weight gain and growth rates. Male child. Urgently need advice. You have a good weight gain in my opinion, we were discharged from the hospital in 1.5 months with a weight of 2 100 and said ...


Now Sashka 9. Creon began to give 4 weeks ago - in each food for about 6-8 grains. During this time they scored 1 kg. But Sasha appetite was and so good - the enzyme was given to absorb food. I tried to reduce the number of grains up to 3-4, but Kaka became liquid and frequent, and the weight gain fell almost to zero (we weighed every day), so you returned to the same quantity. It would be necessary, probably, to go slowly from this Creon, but not yet: ((.
Now weigh 5900 ...
But we probably have a special case - we leave the operation on the heart ...

Birth indicators indicate how healthy is healthy, whether it corresponds to the deadline for development. A normal monthly increase in combination with a good mood of the baby indicates that everything goes as it should be worried about what. Separate attention should be paid to the growth of a newborn baby.

Growth of a newborn baby up to the year

The average normal values \u200b\u200bof the growth of the newborn baby are 48-55 cm. Doctors have an index calculating at the birth of the docking children.

Monthly, the kid parameters change, pediatricians and scientists lead tables for which you should navigate to young parents. All children can develop in different ways, the newborn growth table comprises averaged values, but if deviations from the norm are great, it is worthwhile to understand the reasons along with the pediatrician.

There are periods of intense additives, and there are periods when growth slows down. In the first 3 months of Life, the crumb is drawn by 3 cm per month. Up to six months, the monthly increase is about 2.5 cm. Until the 9th month, the infants grows up to 2 cm each month. Then its growth increases only 1 cm per month. On average, the length of the one-year-old kid on the tables is 75 cm.

That's right when the length is tracked by monthly additives, because the final growth will depend on the initial one, at birth and may not coincide with the average values. If the baby grows a month according to the prescribed centimeters, it means everything is in order.

Growth to see

Gapness for the period

Newborn 50 – 53 (+3) 3
1 month 53 – 56 (+3) 6
2 months 56 – 59 (+3) 9
3 months 59 – 61,5 (+2,5) 11,5
4 months 61,5 – 64 (+2,5) 14
5 months 64 – 66 (+2) 16
6 months 66 – 68 (+2) 18
7 months 68 – 70 (+2) 20
8 months 70 – 72 (+2) 22
9 months 72 – 73 (+1) 23
10 months 73 – 74 (+1) 24
11 months 74 – 75 (+1) 25
12 months 75 – 76 (+1) 26

The growth table of newborns and children up to the year.

How to measure the growth of a newborn baby

In the clinic on planned receivers, the growth of a newborn baby is measured, but sometimes it is necessary to periodically do it. Krochu needs to put on a solid surface, so that the head touches the wall. Next you need to straighten one leg, make a mark. The distance from the wall to the mark is measured, it will be the growth of a newborn baby.

The growth of crumbs is important to know more and for practical purposes, because it is quite difficult to choose clothes. In different countries of manufacturers of children's things, it can be specified in different ways. It is difficult to determine the eye, but the clothes can always be measured.

Doctors often use several other methods for assessing the growth of babies, for example, centent. Completing the indicators with a number of figures given in a special table, the pediatrician puts the number from 1 to 7. 1 indicates that the growth is very low, and 7 is very high.

Non-compliance with norms

If the deviations from the given table are essential, then this is a reason for applying to the doctor. Different factors affect the growth of the newborn baby, the heredity of them also applies. When a strong advance or lag occurs, it must be monitored by an endocrinologist. Only qualified specialists can identify the causes of deviations in a timely manner.

What can affect the growth of a newborn baby?

The most obvious factor is heredity. If the parents are high, then you should not be surprised that the child is ahead of his peers. In addition, the flow of pregnancy is influenced by growth, the quality of the mother's nutrition. The backlog occurs due to anomalies in the development or insufficient consumption of food. If the baby is growing poorly, then the problem is to solve with the doctor. A significant advance may be the result of the pathology of the endocrine system, attention should be paid to this.

There are certain indicators indicating the normal combination of the weight and growth of the child. This parameter is called the ketle index. Normally, it is 60-70. Baby body mass is divided by its length, the index is applicable for children born on time. The rate for premature children is considered to be an indicator of 34-46 cm. The numbers listed in numerous tables are not the truth in the last instance. If Kroch was born "warmer", it is not surprising that in the year he will be higher than the peers.

In this article:

If the obstetrics immediately measure weight, head circumference and the growth of a newborn baby. Of course, it is possible to talk about the growth of the kid with a large stretch, the formulation of the "body length" will be more accurate. Children are born with different weight parameters and lengths. In this article, we will look at why this is what factors have an impact on the intrauterine development of the fetus, as the kids develop after birth.

Normal is considered the length of the body of a newborn within 46-56 cm. Many babies do not fit into these parameters and their growth exceeds the average indicators, which is not pathology. It is believed that if the length of the baby at birth is less than 45 cm, then it is classified as premature.

How to measure the length of the child

The first measurement is carried out in the maternity hospital. The newborn is applied to the measuring line so that the head comes into contact with the stop and pull the legs as much as possible by making the corresponding division on the scale. The accuracy of such measurements is influenced by two circumstances.

After birth on the head of the newborn, there is a generic tumor, which appeared after passing it through the generic channels of the fever. It does not represent danger and is dissipated in a couple of days, but in the very first measurement affects the total length. More accurate data can be obtained after 2-3 days when the tumor disappears.

On the correctness of the testimony in measuring the length of the newborn, the muscles is usually in a tone and straighten the leg is often very difficult, without causing it harm. Many parents after the maternity hospital measure not only the weight, but also the growth of their baby. For children, older than the year there are special leaders.

Baby length measure harder. It is necessary to create a head for the head, which can be used a wall or a side of a table for swaddling. Putting the toddler's head close to this extra, you need to straighten the legs and press them to the table. The feet of the child must be perpendicular to the table. They should be positioned as if the baby stands.
Fixing the place where the feet of the newborn revealed, they say it. Baby raise and make measurements. To overcome muscle tone and break legs, measurements are produced after a warm bath and a relaxing massage.

What factors affect growth at birth

Of course, the growth of the newborn has the influence of genetics. Not always, heredity is manifested immediately at birth. Many people expect that high parents will have a long child, and the growth of the baby in low dad and mom will be small. Often such expectations are not justified and happened on the contrary. More accurate will be a comparison of the length of the newborn with the growth of his parents at birth.

The intrauterine nutrition of the fetus has a significant effect on the length and weight of the child. The future mother should eat right, refuse smoking, alcohol, lead a healthy lifestyle. The kids who appeared small, often grow pretty quickly and already in the first year they catch up with their peers born bigger.

Tables V.

There are special tables drawn up by WHO (World Health Organization), in which the labeling standards are presented. Such tables that existed 20 years have been updated in 2006. Previous data were based on the measurements of children receiving artificial feeding. Scientists have taken into account that in breastfeeding children grow and gain weight slower.

The tables are composed in the form of a graph, separately for boys and for girls. According to them, you can follow the months to trace the rate of increasing growth and the weight of the child since birth. According to WHO, the average growth of newborn boys is from 46.1 to 53.7 cm, girls - from 45.4 to 52, 0 cm.

Child growth rates

In the first year, the baby is growing very intensively, an increase in growth is 25 cm. In the second year, the increase is 12-13 cm, by the end of the third year another 7-8 cm is added. By four years, the baby's body long doubles, and by 12 years it is tripled. These indicators are not true in the last instance, they should be perceived as reference material. All children are different and can develop on their own individual standards.
And yet there are approximate regulations of the rate of increasing the growth of the newborn by month. These tables are somewhat different, but basically they state the increase in the growth of the baby for 25-26 cm in the first year of life.

Age (month) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Growth gain (cm) 3 3 3 2,5 2 2 2 2 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5

Measurement is performed on a month or quarterly. In the first three months, the baby grows on average by 9 cm, then in every three months it adds 6.5, then 5.5 and 4.5 cm.

As you can see, the most intensive child grows in the first months after its appearance. In the future, the pace slows down. Mostly increasing growth occurs at night and in the summer. Young parents want to know what their baby will be in the future. To calculate the approximate growth of the growing child there is a special formula.

As the basis take the growth of dad and mom, which is developing and divided into two. In order to learn the growth of the boy, it is necessary to add 5 cm to the resulting result, the girls - to take away 5 cm. Of course, this formula cannot be taken as the basis, modern kids can overcome father and mother. In addition, low parents can grow tall children.

Useful video about the development of the child