The biggest wild cats. Breeds of wild cats: overview, features, types and interesting facts

Man's desire to show his strength and power is reflected in the domestication of wild animals. Of course, domesticating serious predators like a cheetah or a tiger is an initially unpromising and frankly dangerous undertaking, but it turned out to be quite possible to "deceive" nature with the help of genetics. Let's see what came out of this with the example of cat breeding. Here are the names and photographs of the breeds that are the result of scientific experiments. And I must say, very interesting and successful.

One of the most wild and exotic breeds of cats, in which the blood of the temperamental and freedom-loving African Serval flows. The official date of the appearance of the standard is 1986, but Savannah received its official recognition only in 2001. Outwardly, the cat looks very catchy and thoroughbred due to its characteristic color and noble posture. She is energetic, cunning, mobile and has remarkable intelligence. Endowed with amazing jumping ability, and habits are similar to her distant relative - the cheetah. Adults can weigh up to 14 kg. In intelligence and intelligence, he is more like a dog than a cat. Perfectly "gets on" with a leash, loves to swim and is quite easy to train.


A rare breed developed in America in the 70s of the last century. The result of crossing a wild Geoffroy cat and a simple domestic cat. They have powerful muscles and a large skeleton. In adulthood, they can reach a weight of 13 kg. The coat is short, soft, dense in structure.

Traditionally, they have a spotted brindle color of a golden brown hue, but sometimes animals with a silvery sheen of wool are found. Safaris have a violent disposition, which makes them tireless in active games. Like all representatives of the wild, they are wonderful hunters and will never miss a moment to practice their skills on birds, rodents and other small "prey". Despite the independence of character, they quickly become attached to the owners and get along well with children.

African grace and beauty - this is how this large wild cat can be characterized. The name of the breed in translation means "endless valley", which, in principle, reflects the whole essence of the character of the animal: willfulness, pride and natural originality. It is interesting that initially the serengeti was conceived as a kind of serval, but in practice its "progenitors" were Bengal, Abyssinian and Oriental shorthair cats. The breed began its life in the 90s of the last century and today is the rarest in the world. There are only a few hundred of its representatives, and the number of official breeders does not exceed ten people. The cat is very graceful, curious and has obvious leadership qualities. Fearless, but at the same time unusually talkative and literally on the heels of her master.


The breed acquired its present appearance both through the efforts of breeders and natural evolution, which modified the cat in natural conditions. She is equally suited to both status - wild and domestic. The first standard was announced in 1988. Distinctive features of the animal are a large, developed body with powerful paws, as well as a long, hard and thick coat with a water-repellent impregnation. To atone for such a fluffy lump, you need to try hard. The color of "Siberian" can be different: from silver-ash to peach and red with tan. In Russia, there are a lot of the most diverse names for colors, photos of which can be easily found on the Internet. Cats are very affectionate, friendly and have a sharp mind. They like to walk freely, with pleasure hunting birds and mice.

Chausie (chausie)

One of the most expensive breeds in the world, officially recognized only in 2003. It is considered a hybrid, bred by crossing Bengal, Savannah, Abyssinian and common domestic cats. The result was an animal with a domestic character, but inside it retained the temperament of a savage. It is very difficult to breed and practically does not occur in the post-Soviet space. Many features of the Chausi have survived from her distant ancestors: long strong legs, proud and graceful posture, high cheekbones and large ears that catch the slightest shades of sounds. Cats are mobile, inquisitive, adore heights and are ready to jump for hours on the mezzanines of cabinets and backs of sofas. They do not tolerate loneliness, missing all the household.


A real tarzan cat, inherited from its descendants, a brave disposition and domestic obedience. The breed appeared as a result of crossing a Bengal cat and an Ocicat. The external resemblance to cheetahs is not accidental, although many generations separate it from wild relatives. Despite their fearless nature, such cats do not live in nature on their own, although by their behavior they are very wayward and energetic. Chito are smart, loyal to their owners, gladly let themselves be stroked and are distinguished by an enviable listen. A distinctive feature of this breed is that males show tender care for kittens - a rather rare phenomenon in the feline "world".

The breed was registered in 1995, although trial crosses were carried out long before the official recognition in TICA. The name of the cat is translated as "elf with a short tail." In addition to the severed tail, the uniqueness of the animal is given by the mischievous tassels on the ears, making it look like a wild lynx. Due to the lowered eyebrows, the muzzle seems somewhat sullen and gloomy, although in fact the cat has a cheerful, kind and inquisitive character. She is very tactful and self-possessed, easily gets used to the leash, loves to talk and play active games. For all its openness, the pixie bob is wary of strangers, but this quality is inherent in them, rather, from a jealous attitude towards the owner than from distrust or suspicion.


A domestic mini-panther is the first thing you want to say when you see this cat. Work on breeding the breed began in the United States back in 1956, and only after 20 years of painstaking breeding experiments did it receive the long-awaited standard. The result of crossing a Burmese and a shorthaired American cat was the beautiful Bombay - perfectly black, orange-eyed and incredibly graceful in her posture. The cat's coat is so smooth and shiny that it feels like it has been treated with a special mastic. Animals of this breed are very affectionate, sociable and active. And they also have a high sense of their own dignity, not tolerating unnecessary liberties in relation to themselves, especially from children.


The result of crossing an Asian leopard cat and a shorthair domestic cat. The ancestors of this breed continue to lead a wild way of life, but their "heirs" have become perfectly domesticated and from the old days have preserved, perhaps, only an unusual color and a flexible powerful body. The coat of the Bengal cat deserves true admiration - smooth, shiny, characterized by a dense texture and a characteristic color in the form of speckled marks of a golden-orange hue. This mini-leopard has a tolerant nature, which makes it possible for him to get along even with dogs. Due to its genetics, the animal loves to climb trees, is not afraid of water and has an instant reaction.

The homeland of this breed is Israel. It was based on the genes of the Bengal, Abyssinian, Ocicat, as well as the wild Libyan cat and outbred individuals. The result of this "vinaigrette" was a cat with a very interesting character and appearance. The color of the animal can vary from apricot to chocolate, but several details should remain unchanged - three rings at the tip of the tail, black socks on its paws, a necklace on the neck. The forehead is necessarily decorated with a clearly visible pattern in the shape of the letter "M". Despite all the kindness, playfulness and affectionateness, the cat is quite stubborn and self-confident. She does not like to sit on her knees for a long time, moves a lot and organically does not tolerate loneliness. He quickly learns the rules of everyday life and becomes attached to a person.

In addition to the above names and photos of wild cats, there are a number of other breeds that are still experimental. It is quite possible that in the near future this list will be replenished with new interesting representatives of the feline family, which will be included in the number of pets in many families around the world.

South America is a continent of contrasts, home to the densest forests alongside arid deserts and mountain ranges. The fauna here is as diverse as the climate. This place has become home to 9 species of rare cats - from the majestic jaguar to the cute little Chilean cat.

1. Jaguar

The jaguar is the largest carnivore in South America and the third largest of the panther family. The adult weighs approximately 160 kg, has a sandy color with ring or solid spots and powerful jaws that allow him to hunt big game. An excellent swimmer, he feels at home in the rainforests of South America. Like most cats, the jaguar lives and hunts alone.

Males and females only come together during the breeding season. After mating, the male immediately leaves, leaving the female, and takes care of the offspring. Jaguars breed all year round. Pregnancy lasts 100-110 days.

There are up to 4 cubs in a brood. They are also patterned, like their parents, only the colors of newborns are more muted, matte, and the spots are solid, black.

2. Ocelot

This predatory cat was on the verge of extinction just recently. Because of the unusually beautiful color, the animal was a "tasty morsel" for poachers, but the 1996 ban on their destruction, saved the species from extinction.

Outwardly, Ocelot resembles a sturdy, short-tailed cat. Their length, often, does not exceed 1.5 meters, and 1/3 of their size falls on the tail, and their weight is no more than 16 kg. Such parameters allow him to perfectly hunt small animals and birds.

In South America, there are more than 10 species of these predatory cats. Indians often tame young ocelots, however, they don't make real pets.

3. Jaguarundi

Despite the name, this feline has nothing to do with jaguars. Outwardly, it looks more like a weasel or marten. The jaguarundi has a small, round head and small, rounded ears. The maximum weight of an animal is 9 kilograms.

Unlike other cats, he is diurnal. Before the arrival of Europeans, the Indians of Latin America domesticated jaguarundi to protect their homes from small rodents and other pests. Young animals are really easy to tame and get used to people.

There are eight known subspecies of jaguarundi, they inhabit the entire territory of America and are not classified as protected species.

4. Geoffroy's cat

Geoffroy's cat is the size of a domestic cat. The length of her body is approximately 60 cm, and her tail is 30 cm. These cats are gray or yellowish-brown in color, depending on their habitat.
Geoffroy's cat eats small rodents and fish. For her love of fishing, she is also called a fisher cat.

Unlike other cats, she does not possess their natural gracefulness, is reluctant to climb trees and loves to swim. He prefers to live in forest thickets, next to water bodies.

5. Andean cat

This cat chose the hard-to-reach regions of the Andean mountains as its place of residence. Individuals of this species have thick long hair, even in the ears, which protects it well from cold weather. Their torso is no more than 1 meter in length, and the maximum weight is 7 kg.

The Andean cat is a little-studied, rare species that is listed in the Red Book and is protected by the Washington Convention. A close relative of this cat is the Pampas cat, which lives in the same region.

6. Margay

The Margi or Long-tailed cat lives in the evergreen forests of South America, right up to Mexico. The body length of an adult is 60 - 80 cm, excluding the 40 cm tail, and the average weight is 6-8 kg.

Margai is very similar to his closest relative, Ocelot, who lives in the same forests. A distinctive feature of Marga is her long legs and tail, conditioned by life in the trees. It feeds on birds, lizards, rodents, frogs and small monkeys.

Now, in the wild, Margai is on the verge of extinction - this is due to its fluffy, valuable fur of amazing colors.

7. Pampas cat

In the flat areas, among the bushes and swamps of South America, the Pampas or Grass cat lives. Its body is dense, densely covered with long, coarse hair.

The Pampas cat prefers to hunt at night and is solitary. It feeds on small rodents, lizards and birds. Virtually unmistakable.

8. Oncilla

This amazing cat is distributed throughout South and Central America, but almost never catches the eye of humans. These cats have the most unusual ear color - completely black, with a white mark in the middle. Every fifth oncilla born is completely black in color.

Outwardly, Oncilla resembles a Jaguar, and in size it is no larger than a domestic cat. An adult does not exceed a meter in length, and its weight is only 2-3 kg.
The tiger cat's menu is varied: it includes rodents, birds, and frogs with snakes.

Now the planet is inhabited by only about 50,000 thousand individuals, and their number is rapidly decreasing.

9. Chilean cat

The Chilean cat, known as the Kodkod, lives in the forests and mountain slopes of South America. Locals know many myths and legends about this cat. One of them says that the Chilean cat trades in vampirism and completely exsanguinates its prey.

Keeping a wild cat at home is very difficult. Tigers, lions, jaguars look harmless and cute as babies, but they grow and become dangerous for their owners. Of course, if you are a circus trainer or an Arab sheikh, then in the first case you will have enough experience, and in the second - money for such a whim. What if you just love wild cats? How not to expose animals to suffering and yourself to danger? As if specially for this occasion, there are breeds of cats that look like wild brethren.

Toyger cat

Can you imagine a little tame tiger? A kind of beautiful short-haired toy with a recognizable striped tiger color. By using the word "toy", we do not want to offend a beautiful animal. When breeding the breed, Judy Sugden set out to create a mini-tiger from the genotype of a domestic cat crossed with a Bengal cat. The name of the breed is made up of two English words: "toy" and "tiger".

Toyger was introduced in 1993. To date, the breed has been recognized by several international associations, but the process has not yet been completed. According to the breed standard, a cat should have an elongated low body, dense shiny fur with a clear striped pattern.

The toyger's head should be decorated with circular markings, which ordinary people do not have.

There are special requirements for the color of the fur. The background color should be brown, orange-brown or golden brown. The stripes are required to decorate not only the back, but also the stomach, chest, head, and even ears. A prerequisite is the absence of longitudinal stripes on the body of the animal. The toyger fur should feel like plush to the touch. Ideally, the sides of the muzzle are decorated with bucks. The shape of the ears of this breed is rounded, the eyes are medium-sized. They are slightly covered by overhanging eyelids.

Despite its wild appearance, the toyger is a very playful pet. He is sociable and non-aggressive, while strongly attached not only to the house in which he lives, but also to the owners.

Marble cat

The Pardofelis marmorata, or marbled cat, is a wild breed. This feline resembles a clouded leopard in appearance, although in size it is slightly larger than a domestic cat. According to genetic examinations, the Kalimantan cat and the Asian golden cat are direct relatives. In 2002, it was included in the Red Data Book as an endangered species.

Description of appearance:

  • The marbled cat has a brown-gray color with a reddish tint. The wool is decorated with black stripes.
  • The shape of the head is round, short. The forehead is wide.
  • The cat has large brown eyes.
  • The legs are short in shape, while the paw is quite wide.
  • The tail is very fluffy, long, sometimes it can exceed the size of the body and head.

Ocicat breed

Not all rare wild cat breeds can boast of true predatory ancestors. For example, representatives of the Ocicat breed are insanely similar to wild ocelots. But they do not have the genes of these predators. The breed is bred entirely on the basis of pets. In a long list of ancestors, you can find the Siamese, Abyssinian, American Shorthair cat.

Ocicats have a light brownish-gray coat with elongated dark spots. The base of the tail, neck and head are decorated with rings and stripes.

Bengal cat

This cat breed is amazingly beautiful. She resembles a small leopard not only in appearance, but also in habits. The creation of this hybrid was painstakingly worked out in America. The first attempt at crossing a wild Bengal cat with an ordinary domestic "Murchik" took place in 1961. American Djinn Mill brought a wild kitten from a trip to Bangkok. He gave birth to very beautiful offspring, but most of them died of leukemia. This happened in every litter. Around 1976, the University of California took up the issue of breeding a new breed. Here they managed to achieve the emergence of a viable breed of wild cats for home keeping.

The Bengal cat turned out to be slightly larger than the usual domestic breeds. She is agile, strong and graceful. But the most important quality for the owners is an extraordinary mind. The animal is considered the smartest cat breed. The Bengal cat has rounded legs and a smooth, medium-long tail. The cat's muzzle is wide, and the large oval eyes are set wide apart. Eye color can be any, but if you were offered a colored cat with blue eyes, then this is not a Bengal breed. Only a snowy Bengal has blue eyes. This is the name of the silver color, which is the rarest and most expensive of this domestic breed of wild cats. The ears of the animal are medium, but they are slightly inclined forward, which is also considered a sign of the breed.

The coat of the Bengal cat is dense and short. It shines as if it was rubbed with a special agent. Regardless of the main color, there are clear spots or rosettes along the coat, the color of which can be either brown or black.


This is another hybrid obtained by crossing a predatory shrub with domestic breeds. Savannah was bred around 1986. The work was carried out by lovers of the breed of big wild cats, so the result is superior in size to ordinary pets. The first kittens were received by Patrick Kelly and Joyce Sroufe. The breed standards are approved by an international association, but they were only recognized in 2001.

At the withers, the savannah can exceed 60 cm, and a unique pet weighs up to 15 kg. And in this case we are not talking about overfed, loved pets, but about active, lean animals. The body of these cats is elongated, the neck is elongated, and the legs are rather long. and round, because of them the head seems somewhat small. The coat is short, pleasant to the touch and very thick. The colors can be quite varied. There are brown, chocolate, golden and silver savannas. The coat of the breed is covered with numerous spots.

The wild domestic cat (Savannah breed) is a vivid representative of the struggle of opposites. She is both active and calm. The cat needs to move, she spends a lot of time outdoors. But at the same time, like a dog, she is devoted to the owner. And savannahs are not afraid of water at all.

Usher's cat

In 2007, a wild breed of Usher cats was presented to specialists. She was positioned as a large hypoallergenic pet, bred on a gene basis of African servals, Asian Bengal cats and domestic breeds. The price of a kitten reached $ 27 thousand, an adult cat could be bought for $ 6 thousand.

Later it turned out that the new breed was not all that new. The enterprising con man was just trying to cash in on his love for unusual pets. Breeder Chris Shirk suggested that the wild cat breed, whose name is Asher, does not exist, and the specimens presented are Savannah cats from his cattery. To prove his point, the breeder demanded a DNA test. The official examination exposed the swindler.


We have already talked about several hybrids bred by crossing with other breeds. But it turns out that wild predatory servals can be kept at home in a pure, not hybrid form. If you take a serval into the house as a kitten, then it is well domesticated. But with such a pet you need to be careful. Although the animal becomes a loyal and affectionate pet, it does not lose the reflexes and habits of its predatory ancestors. By the way, servals are excellent swimmers. They are not afraid of water at all.

Sand cat

We have described breeds of domestic cats that are similar to wild ones. But our story was about large animals. Now imagine an adult fluffy animal that looks like a kitten all its life. This sand dune is the smallest representative of wild cats. The length of the baby's body together with the tail is about 80 cm. The maximum weight of an adult male is 3.5 kg, the female is slightly less.

Dune cats are well domesticated. They make cute fluffy pets with curious wide muzzles. The animal's head seems a little flattened, and beautiful sideburns grow on the sides. The ears of the sand cat are large, slightly pointed in shape. The animal has excellent hearing.

Pixie bob

Many wild cat breeds look funny rather than aggressive. These include the pixie bob obtained by crossing domestic cats with a short-tailed forest cat. Outwardly, the pixie bob looks like a wild lynx. The breed is often confused with the Maine Coon and the domestic lynx, but there is a slight difference - a short tail and a special look. The eyes of cats are set deep, their shape is similar to a closed triangle.

Among the features of the breed are multi-toed paws. Animals with a similar deviation are even allowed to show.

The character of a pixie bob is very similar to a dog. This is an intelligent and loyal animal, amenable to training. He is attached to the owner's family and participates in her life, while he does not impose any special requirements on the content.


Remember the beautiful panther from the cartoon Mowgli? Would you like to have one at home? Of course, a large predatory cat is not very suitable for home keeping, but a miniature Bombay is just right! Mickey Harner worked on the breed for almost 20 years, but the result was worth it. The mini panther bombay looks amazing. The animal has a bluish-black shiny coat and bright orange eyes. The movements are smooth and graceful, like a real wild animal.

Shawzie cat

Wild cat breeds can be very different. But oddly enough, they often make sociable, unpretentious, loyal pets. The Shawzie breed, obtained as a result of crossing jungle cats with domestic cats, was no exception. The animal turned out to be large, tall and heavy. An adult cat can weigh over 15 kg.

The breed is characterized by an elongated triangular head with a small muzzle. The ears are large, with a wide base and pointed ends. Tassels are often visible. The tips of the ears and tail should be black by standard. Shawzie wool has a unique structure. She has a very dense undercoat, and each hair is adorned with two noticeable dark stripes. These stripes form a pattern on the legs and tail, and on the body it is almost invisible. The color can be black, gold, brown, silver. The chest and abdomen are always lighter than the back.

By nature, the breed is curious and energetic. Cats love to jump and master the height.

Each cat owner is sure that his pet is unique. But some animal breeds are actually unusual. If you like the feeling that a tame predator lives in your home, then get a cat breed that looks like wild animals.

It probably won't be a mistake if I say that the most popular wild cat is the lion. no wonder they call him the king of beasts.

The lion lives in Africa and India. Few people know, but in India there is a nature reserve in the state of Gujarat called Gir Forest. So, in this reserve, a small population of Indian lions has survived.

Lions are the only cats that live in flocks all the time. For example, cheetahs can temporarily unite in small groups, for example, three individuals. And lions constantly live in a collective, a flock of lions is called a pride.

Of all cats, and perhaps of all predators, lions are distinguished by their mane.

These large cats are sexually dimorphic. What does it mean? In fact, everything is very simple, in lions, boys and girls are very different from each other, not only internally, but also externally. Lionesses do not have such a lush mane.

Lionesses occupy a subordinate position in the pack. They mainly hunt and the food of the pack depends on the lionesses.

Servals are also found in Africa. Although they are not large, they compete with cheetahs. And they may just be their prey, I guess.

Serval is a cat with big ears. She loves to live in thickets of small vegetation, which is why she is called a bush cat.

In the bushes of shrubbery, the serval perfectly disguises its color.

Like the cheetah, the serval is tamed. He is even kept in apartments as a pet.

Caracal lives in the deserts of Africa and Asia. Therefore, the caracal is also called the desert lynx, and outwardly it looks like a lynx.

The name caracal comes from the Turkish word karakulak, which is disguised as "black ear". The ears of the caracals are really black.

Despite the outward resemblance to a lynx, the caracal is genetically closer to the serval. In captivity, these cats interbreed.

Although the leopard is a large predator, it is inferior in size to lions and tigers. And not a little inferior.

The main habitat of the leopard is Africa, although it can be found in Asia up to China. But only in Africa is its population in a normal state, if so it is possible to write about an animal from the Red Book

Photo of tigers

So, moving closer to Asia, let's pay attention to tigers - this is one of the symbols of Asia.

The wild tiger is one of the most formidable predators. They live and hunt alone. Only during the mating season can the female and the male hunt together.

Now let's move to South America. Here the largest representative of the feline family is the jaguar.

The jaguar has a magnificent color, somewhat similar to the color of a leopard. Outwardly, these cats are very similar.

Black jaguars are found in nature. This is not a separate species, but an unusual color variant.

The Indians told the legends about these cats, endowing them with mystical powers.

Jaguarundi photo

Another cat, whose range is mainly in South America, is the jaguarundi. This cat lives in savannas and leads a rather hidden lifestyle.

Jaguarundi dark color.

Outwardly, the jaguarundi resembles a mixture of a cat and a weasel, the shape of the animal is very elegant and graceful. Jaguarundi hunts during the day.

Cougar photo

America's other large wildcat is the cougar. It lives in North America and is a very common predator there.

Although its appearance is quite impressive, especially in winter, when its lush winter coat makes it visually larger, it is about the size of a normal house cat.

Pallas are not tamed. They can live in a vallière, but they will not become tame animals. Keeping them at home is generally illegal, since the species is dying out and is listed in the Red Book.

Many feral cats are becoming increasingly rare due to population growth. People are destroying habitats, food supplies and just poaching.

Panthers are animals that have a special structure of the larynx, due to which they can emit a roar. The reason for this is the not entirely ossified hypoglossal apparatus of representatives of this genus - instead of one bone there is a flexible ligament, which allows the larynx to swell. In addition, the vocal cords are undivided and a tubular structure is formed by them, which serves as a very efficient device that produces sound. Only a few animals in Africa can do something like this. Representatives of the genus are large in size.

Panther black cat

Active predators

All representatives of the panther genus are active predators that prey in most cases on large mammals, mainly ungulates. In many cases, the prey can exceed the size of the hunter, sometimes several times. Animals hunt in stealth, as well as from an ambush (at watering places, on thrones). Mostly panthers eat their prey lying on their belly, while resting their elbows and forearms on the underlying substrate, with the help of a jerk of their head up they tear off pieces of prey. These animals are active mainly in the dark, although they are also active during the day. Panthers are solitary animals, with the exception of the lion.

Panther black cat

Solitary animal

The difference between the lion is that he hunts all the time and keeps in small flocks, which are called prides. They live both in mountain forests and on plains, sometimes on treeless open mountain ranges, reed thickets, they are also inhabitants of savannas, steppes and semi-deserts.

Goddess of the animal world

The panther is a very harmoniously built, flexible and graceful animal. And if the lion is the king of the beasts, then the panther is undoubtedly the goddess of the animal kingdom.

When a wild black cat is mentioned, a considerable number of people constantly associate with an intelligent beauty named Bagheera from the animated film about Mowgli.

By the way, in the "Jungle Book" published by Kipling, which is immortal, the wild black panther cat is a male, not a female, and it is called Bagir (this male name is widespread in Asian countries). And the creators of the cartoon, made in the Soviet Union, endowed their character with qualities, thanks to which he turned into the embodiment of femininity. Agility, intelligence, gracefulness, mysteriousness ... Remember only one of the eyes that sparkle against a dark background!

Are all panthers black?

No. The reason for this is that the panther is not an independent, separate species of animal. This is one of the genera of felines, which includes the lion, tiger, leopard and jaguar. And the dark color of the coat is a result of genetic inherited changes called melanism. Often, jaguars and leopards have a black version of the color.

For example, in Malaysia, approximately 50% of leopards are dark colored. In general, the mutating gene in most cases is characteristic of predatory cats that live in dense forests, where the sun's rays are extremely rare: animals with a black color are less noticeable here, and this makes their life much easier. (Here you can recall why a handsome white lion cannot be seen in the wild).

Black panther cats get along well with their relatives.

, the wool of which has spots: they do not differ in anything other than color from one another. Thus, the unique world ordered that the animals that inhabit it receive an additional bonus that will help them survive. Panthers of different colors can produce offspring, where there can be both spotted and black kittens (although spotting most often wins).

The image of a black cat with burning eyes has become a symbol of a dexterous, insidious, graceful, mysterious and intelligent woman ...

The panther is such an animal.