Wedding scenarios for people aged. Wedding Scenario: Creating a cozy atmosphere for a small company

1. Meeting of newlyweds.
Guests line up on both sides, in the hands of the tape. In the end of the corridor, parents with cow and icons.
Leading asks whether guests are ready for the meeting of newlyweds, if they are inactive, it is necessary to pumle that you will send young more. Repeat the question.
Young comes out of the car, guests raise ribbons - young pass under the ribbons they are sprinkled with flower petals.

Dear newlyweds! By tradition, people are celebrated here the most expensive people - parents! My mother has a wedding loaf as a symbol of well-being and prosperity. Young, break on a piece of bread and someone should be spent! You have the opportunity for the last time to pump each other. Yes, get bigger ... And now change the pieces of bread. Look at each other with tenderness and feed each other! ...

Well, they found out who in the family the breadwinner will
Now take this wine, it is a symbol of sweetness of your family relationships and drink to the last drop for your family.

Let these glasses together
Inconsistent never
For the whole life of the bride with the bride
Will be long year! (drink up)

And now the road is paired!
Let only happiness in life waiting!
Pass, hurry
Wedding all feast call!

Young people go to the hall, witness, parents and other guests.
In the hall are young become.

Music sounds festive today!
Iir with bones Congratulations we,
Let always in their memory remain
The joy of the first meeting and love!
Dear guests, congratulate the young.

(Parents associate young towel and spend on the table)

Knit stronger, so that the young walked in the life of a family friendly, happily on the joy of parents and friends!

(Young stopping for the development of three roads)

And now you have come out on the way. The goal is further clear of the roads in the world, but among them is alone. Where want to follow, find out your destiny!
On the right go-wealth will find!
Left will go friends who will find fun!
And right go, you will find your happiness!
(The groom collects all three walkways together, so that everything is in the house: both friends and wealth, and, of course, family happiness)
And now we will see how you will go on this track? Hand in hand or foot in the leg?
But in order to go through this road as one whole.

(The groom carries the bride in his arms)
(Guests are cleared at the tables)

First table.

Dear friends! Today in this beautiful hall we led us a joyful event, which will be accomplished in our eyes.
Dear newlyweds! You marry, in the Family Union of Love and Friendship. It was desired an hour, and you became relatives. His love, respect and affection for each other you brought marriage. From this day you start building your family. This is a creative job, and therefore interesting, but also difficult at the same time. And God forbid you with dignity to cope with all the difficulties and always be happy!
So that you love your way to measure,
And see the joy of life all
Head to live, love and believe
Friend from the very first days.

Well, guests got together,
Glasses have fun raised.
Let's happiness, they wish
And three times together say:

(Guests stand chant)

A long time to drink it all time -
Newlyweds friendly:
(guests pick up)- Hooray!

So that the happiness was in full,
Glasses dry up to the bottom!

Look what is happening!
Everyone drank and silent,
And the wine is so patched,
Uncomfortably shout only
And actually bitterly !!!
(Pause 3-4 min.)

Dear guests!
- In all peoples, at all times there was a special attitude to fire. Fire is a symbol of life, the fire is a symbol of the hearth, at home. The custodian of the family focus is a woman and his symbol_stitch .. I'll ask for those who gave life to these wonderful guys, their mothers, light two candles as a symbol of long life together and transfer the young flame of family foci of two breeding families.

Noisy wedding table
Like light friendship, kindness
You will challenge now together
Star Hope and Dreams.
Dear parents pass the candles to newlyworn. And tell me the parting words of a young family. (Parents say) And you young lit your family hearth.

So let this bright light
You shines in life to the end,
So that is infinite, for many years
Two rings have walked ...
Dear bride and groom! From the bottom of my heart we congratulate you on the entry into a lawful marriage. Today, on the day of your marriage, you gave you a particle of myself, and this particle is a family hearth. The sun is the source of life on Earth, family hearth is the source of the family life. Keep this expensive gift all my life. Whatever cold wind is a blow, the flame of the focus should burn, giving light and warmly your family. I raise my glass for the restless light and the warmth of your family hearth!

toast - for grandmothers.
- Dear newlyweds, dear guests! Parentar blessing on the day of marriage is the key to the future consent and happiness in family life. But even more rare and happy blessing is the blessing of the grandfather and grandmother. In the east, they say: "The crown of an old man is the children of his children," but we will go even further and the following: "The elder is the crown itself for children of his children."
So for many years, this crown decorates, keeps and protects our newlyweds. I suggest raise glasses for the health and longevity grandmothers of newlyweds!
And now dear guests let's drink for the fact that young standing on the legs do not forget about their hands raised

Dear guests, and now I ask your attention at this table there are those who take care of honor,
From now on there must be many years in a row
Follow with a welcome, with joy, with hunting,
To be in the family is a prudent world and a way,
So that the wards are steps
Expensive light, joyful, big
Before the wedding of their silver first,
Hu, and then - to the golden wedding!
Have a guest, as you noticed,
There are our young witnesses!
And words for congratulations are provided with witnesses.

(Witness, toast for women)
The first marriage occurred many years ago in Paradise. Roses are friendly and affectionately inclined their flowers before the first clear, Jasmine sent them his fragrance, lilac flourished with their approximation, and the nightingale was delayed by their hearing. There is no doubt that women are good geniuses of a woven world who can make heaven from the marital life.
Therefore, I suggest raising glasses for many years of all women present here!

For young drank.
For parents saw
To become closer to us and relatives, let's drink for guests.

Dear groom, cute bride! I want to raise this feud for all those who gathered in this room. For all guests who came to share with you your joy, which they said from the soul and will also tell you so many good and good words today. Let your house's doors always be welcomed with people who love and self-respecting you.
For expensive guests!

Game dating.

Today everyone will sing ____ more.
Everyone will dance ____ more.
All louder will shout "bitter!" ____.
Today ____ will give ____ hundred hryvnia.
____ will give your TV with joy.
Now ____ Everyone will be loaning money. Without returns.
The most (Aya) beautiful (Aya) today ____.
The most (AA) shy (Aya) today ____.
After the wedding itself, it will take ____ on foot.
Has car will leave ____.
Tomorrow I invites ____.
With a box of beer will come tomorrow ____.
The dried fish is taken to bring ____.
And ____ and ____ from 5 am will cook the ear.
For the health of all drinks ____.
For the health of the newlyweds and all seven times drank ____.

Well, the guests who were not familiar met and now let's get every man will rise and say in one word as our bride and for the best compliment he will receive a prize.
(Prize - Bride's Smile)
Let's drink for our bride.
"Row to crystal glasses
Boiling moisture magic,
We reclaim the feminine
And the mystery of his eternal!
We send our young!

And now our dear women will say what kind of groom we have.

I am in the form of an accurate verse
Heat to remax the groom,
And let my solemn verse -
Worthy of this fiance.
Come on, ... .., no embarrassment
With you we will drink, here's hand
For all surprise
Was love your strong.
So that you live with my wife,
My wife has always been friends.
And without worries and without alarm
Always was full of wallet.
And now Gorky cry
Bitterly! Gorky young!
Kee down newlyweds,
Let the kisses do not consider
Otherwise poor invitation
And drink bitterly, and there is a bitter!

And now waltz for young ... Wedding Waltz! How hard to forget you! Years will be held, a lot will be forgotten. But this simple motive will always remind the happiest day of your life - the wedding day.
Dear guests let's become a circle
Oh, as the bride looks in love,
Oh, how excited the proud groom.
The first waltz for you is young,
The first dance for you two.

Young leaving in a circle and dance.

The first dance compartment.
Waltz for young.

Dancing 1-2.
Stolen with a shoe. Mafia asks for a redemption for a shower.

Contests for witnesses.

1. Witness and witness should be shown with a ball. Raise it without the help of hands to the head, kiss and omit back.
2. Without hands. A bottle with vodka is clamped by a witness between the legs. The village of the seated witness. The witness must unscrew the bottle, the witness pour her a glass then drink.
3. To unleash each other bias with blindfold.
4. The witness must kiss the toy at 15 seats. I will kiss the witness there.
5. The evidence is dancing striptease.

Dance game "Dancing hearts" (Guests are hearding hearts on which the male and female names of famous couples are written, for example, Odyssey and Penelope. Couples are looking for each other, and then dance under Popurery: Sirtaki, Gypsy, Tango, Seven-Forty, Rock and Roll). The winners are awarded the Order of Dancing Hearts.

The dance branch continues.

Second table.

So relatives and friends!
R Light is born family!
Let's leave dances
And again young congratulations!

While we rested, danced, important documents came to us.
Transmission acts. Read out.
The adoption of these documents please bore the stamp of the connected lips.
Today it is impossible to be sad and gloomy
Today it should be easy and light!
And if our _________ married __________
So he was lucky!
Let's drink for these documents.

In this joyful day
You called my wife and my husband
Not for a day, not a year, but for a lifetime.

Dear newlyweds! In life will have to fulfill many duties on housekeeping, and let the fate now distribute these duties between you, the magic balls will help us. (Remove 10 balls, 2 pins.)
The bride and the bride take turns choose and burst the balls, read the duties that fell into their share.
Groom: "My only! For your smile, I am ready ... "
Bride: "I love you so much that I agree ..."

"To nourish money, I can quite"

"Cooking, and maybe borsch
I do not mind it. "

"Sport in the morning is engaged in
It suits me, brothers "

"Play Casino to Night
I love this work very. "

"Shopping walking
I will be, so be "

"I will wash, and wash,
And clean the apartment "

"Mushrooms, fishing and hunting
Here, friends, my work "

"Stove I will pies
Only on holidays "

"There is no more wonderful job.
Do on the winter compote

"I will led children
In the circus, in the cinema, the theater, in the museum "

"I say at all, friends,
I will mess around with children. "

"Garden digging in the country
I will i, and how else? "

"To serve coffee in the morning
I will be in your bed "

"Write in the bath at the same time
Here is a wonderful job "

"To eat a crop on a garden
I will be, here everything is in order "

"To remove the bed in the morning
I'm not too lazy at least every day. "

"The garbage will throw away from the house-
I'm familiar to me

"Give gifts and flowers
In our house you will be "

"Change the call Ile door,
I can, you believe me "

"Shelf to nail to the wall,
That I can quite "

"Ride relax at sea
I will not argue "

"Dress up only in motion
This is forces, like.

"Replace the car in the garage
I will, of course, "

"Travelling aroun the world-
I will be like it's cute "

"Repair apartment-
I will be another on Divo "

So family responsibilities were distributed, although I think you will help each other in a difficult family work.

According to Honor de Balzac: "Love is so badly putting home grazing, that for durable happiness you need to find outstanding quality from each other." So let's drink for the fact that our newlyweds found each other as many such qualities as possible!

Dear our newlyweds! Congratulations! You create a family. Let peace and bread will always be in it. The world - because only in the world and consent you can find faithful answers to all questions, get out of any, even a deadlock. Bread - since he is all his head. He will give you strength to you and your children, will help to overcome all the tests that will fall on your share. Bread - source and base of life, symbol of well-being and prosperity!
Dear young, relatives, friends! Let's cut the wedding loaf now!

(cut the loaf)
The first piece is awarded young.

Two hearts merged together
And two hands in one spurled.
Union yes will be indistinct
For the rest of my life.
That in life can be more beautiful
Her hand in his hand
Fire of love and will not fade
In the family of your heart

And now we start the view,
Gifts of wedding handing,
Guests of kind congratulations
Friends and senior instructions.
From under green oak
Where Barwinka goes from the young and young loaf walked.

(loaf is handed clockwise)
After punishing.
Swiss bank opened his branch
He in my hands is reliable and beautiful.
The Swiss bank was sent to us a safe,
So that young people would live happily.
Discovered all of us by spouses,
We transfer them to possession,

Well, our young family teens in minutes and I think they ripened to make a joint decision. However, they accepted being a bride and groom, and this decision was our wedding, but the second (two packages)

Well, it is a choice of our newlyweds, and now let's go all - play. Dear guests please throw off on the slider and at the same time learn from whom the youngsters will begin with a son or daughter.

(Witnesses with the sliders bypass guests)
The husband of course wants a son,
To make a man in the house
The force of the article, all in the Father.

And, of course, dreams
Daughter grow a wife
Let the house help
It will be gentle, smart!
(Witnesses consider money)
Here is already the basis -
So that the firstborn is healthy -
These deposits will retain
Ha daughter (Son) Only use!

Children are flowers of life. Always fine when another flower appears on Earth! And I want to wish our expensive gardeners to be a big and beautiful bouquet to old age!
(Cheerful, joy-sea is boundless,
Husband and wife wish you to you
If happiness is the most tender,
Firstborn if the six kilograms!)

Always fun when a family is born. Today you have, young, many relatives appeared, both with one and on the other hand.
But in this solemn moment I want to appeal to the parents of our young. It's no secret for any of us parents.
I apply to him in joy, and in the mountain. Our pain is their pain, our joy is their joy. And how many people have appeared until they raised such beautiful children. It is said that small children are small worries, big children - big care. Cute and wonderful parents! Even now, when your children come into an independent life, your hearts are alarming anyway. Cute, good, good parents! I raise the toast for your good deeds, for your tender hearts, for raising such beautiful children. Low Bow!

And the bride invites the father to the white dance!

Second dance. Branch.

And now I will ask you a question. Who among family members is the most frequent heroes of jokes. (son-in-law).
Well, as without a shabby. Without a tender and son-in-law will become skinny and festive.
Mother-in-law as a bride
From the most blessing test.
I will say clearer and easier is lucky with a newly demanded.
Well, now I will check how the son-in-law will be a common language to find.

Competition. Cards husband - 2 pcs. Wife- 2 pcs.
1. Who will clean in the house.
2. Who will play with children.
3. Who will bring breakfast to bed.
4. Who will spend money.
There will be a son-in-law. Let dance before you fall.

Competitions for guests.
Competition "Baby" (Competition for the bride and groom and their parents). They need to collect kids to the speed (Some of the guests) for a walk. Dress: Cap, Tel, pampers, give a nipple and a rattle. The kid who is ready for a walk should thunder a rattle.

Competition. A drink game "Where to invest money?"
The presenter causes two pairs (in each pair a guy and a girl): "Now you will try to open a whole network of banks as quickly as possible, investing in each one bill. Get initial contributions! (Issues money-candy money). Banks for your deposits can serve pockets, lapels, and all secluded places. Try to make your deposits as quickly as possible, open as many banks as possible. Prepared, started! ".
The presenter helps pairs to perform the task, after 1 minute, the host sums up. Host: "How many bills are left with you? And you? Sumptuously! All the money is invested in the case! Well done! And now I will ask women to change places and as soon as possible to remove the whole amount. Open banks, shoot money! Attention started! " (Music sounds, women find money)

Competition. Best dance steam. The ball is clamped between dancing. Who will take to the end, he won.

Competition. Pig.The bride's team and the bridegroom braided the pigtail. Moms are watching.

Fasting game "Thorny Path".
The presenter invites three married couples. Men get 3-4 meters from their wives. The presenter opens 3 bottles of vodka or wine and puts them on the path of each man. After that, each man tie his eyes, turn several times around themselves, put face to his wife and ask to reach her and hug. When the eyes are already tied up, the leader quickly removes the bottles and changes their wives. Spectators ask to keep silence.

Favorite part of the body.
On the piece of paper they write a part of the body of a neighbor, who attracted, then become in the rank. It is not allowed not to leave a favorite body.

Dance game "Love Guarders". The leading invites all couples to the dance floor. Then take turns asking to leave the pair of the pair, which are married:
- less than one day;
- less than a year;
- less than 3 years;
- less than 5 years;
- less than 10 years, etc.
A pair of marriage most of all is awarded the Order of the Guardians of Love. They congratulate newlyweds and give them a parting.

Bouquet, garter
So, friends come time
Arrange us one attendance.
It's time to learn to us finally
Who to send under the crown?
Well, now it's time to say goodbye with the symbols of the virginity. The bride is a gentle colors of happiness. I want to write a leamental finger of all girls here, which does not yet have a wedding ring.
(Bride or throw a bouquet or dancing in a circle with a bouquet, and then blindfolded with his girlfriend)

Now there is a turn of bachelors.
Tell me together: "I'm ready!"
Who will be the next bridegroom?
We learn this in a moment.
And so that this we know the bridegroom should take a garter from the bride, but not just to remove, but without the help of hands. (And no one said that the path to family happiness is light.)
The groom throws a garter.

Removing Fata.

Dear _____ and ________!
Now you are together, you are one
And therefore it is necessary
A veil from the bride is quietly removed
Goodbye Maiden say.

Dear guests let's light these candles so that they will illuminate the beginning of a joint path in the life of our young.

(In the center of the circle, the bride is sitting, the groom removes veil. The song "Removes the Fata" Ruslana Mark. Guests go in a circle)

Removed the vest of the beautiful bride,
And here applause will be to the place!
Kiss my husband wife Mladu
Per minute of unity holy.

The mother-in-law dressing the bride of the handkerchief.

With his hands from his mother
Fucheel b1land zn1mal
Before the Lyceum Ne1stz1 kicked.
Before the Lyceum of Ne1stz1, Same Qia Hustina,
Scho Bulla Sudzhign1 on Ruz1 in Sina.

And now the bride, come to your mother, worship her in the belt and give a veil so that the mother keeps her, as kenned and faithped you.

You, my daughter, go to the house of someone else's. There you are going on with an assessment. And you - my fruit, grew not for the land, and they will appreciate me. You are silent with them, a faithful girlfriend, and devoted man's wife

Mum (gives the bride bread) And you squeeze your daughter to her husband and pass her hand to her husband, so that he begins her.
The groom brings the bride to his mother
The bride gives the bread of mother-in-law.
- Nefts as a native daughter, accept.
Let the son be a faithful wife!
And now we are all one family, we will take friends - one homeland.

Third table.

Happy Birthday Family
Happy Birthday Family ________
Congratulations to you.

Dear our young husband and wife. Now please make your first job together. Take the knife and immediately the first piece will disable for yourself. And now take the spoon and feed each other to the cake. And, promise from now on and forever give a friend only sweet moments.
And always remember
Love is not one
Magic MiG,
not a fairy tale and not even
love at first sight.
Love is just love. "

And now our young mistress and the owner treat their guests to the cake. Share with them sweet life.

Do not lift in the mouth,
And happiness of loyalty and love
Let it be strengthened over the years.
And let the pain of separation beyond you,
And friendship will not fade between you
Do not disclose woven hands,
Do not limit the setting
We drink for your happiness, loyalty and love!

- Dear friends!

Today _____ and ______ heard a lot of warm words, heart congratulations, good wishes. But these were individual congratulations and wishes. And I would like to leave the young and collective congratulations on all those present.

Honestly confess that I have already prepared such a general congratulations. But to bring to the end to end, I need your help. The main text has already been written, but it lacks 20 adjectives. Well, what is adjective, you know. So, I ask you to call any adjectives that only come to your mind. What they will be unusual, the more interesting. And I will be right in a row to enter them here. Let's see what we succeed. So, started ...

Congratulations to Asya and Denis from the most ... guests!
Today, a day ... Wedding, you are the most ... people on earth, and we are the most ... You have!
We want to wish that in your house there were blooming ... Smiles, heard ... Laughter, Dip ... Kisses.
For ... Happiness is needed that the husband had ... work, and the wife ... The mood so that the husband did his wife ... Gifts and gave ... instructions, and the wife showed about her husband ... care.
We wish you to be ... relationships with a test, sweeter and ... relationship with mother-in-law and mother-in-law.
Let you, when you come home, are always waiting ... news, ... joy and do not wait ... grief and ... trouble.


And now dear guests let's spend our young people as beautiful as they met. (Guests with Bengali lights become a corridor)

That's it! It remains at all very much.
Candles on the big table.
And you shake on your way
Leaving childhood somewhere in distant.

Not much sorry that you leaving the nest,
Start your life now to cut your own.
And that is just very, very often,
Moms will only come to visit.

And we all wish you a lot of happiness,
Smiles, joy for many years.
Let never go out in your soul,
Love as loyalty is a hot tear.

Do not part next to each other,
Nor in joy, nor in the mountain, nor in trouble.
In terms of loyalty, favorite spouses,
Place the candles on your desk!

Meeting of newlyweds in a restaurant

(Instrumental music sounds, young awaiting invitations, guests get balloons and dulls)

Host: Hello, dear participants of the big celebration! I ask you to take place at the festive table. Allow me to introduce myself - My name is Natalia, and today I will lead this wedding celebration.

Let me from the face of our newlyweds to thank you for responding to an invitation and this significant day decided to spend along with them. Wedding is the greatest event in the life of every person. They dream about her, looking forward to it, they are preparing with special trepidation and excitement. So let's give our newlywed together today is only the best that in their memories only warm words and happy people relatives and people close to them.

Dear guests, let's meet our young "salute", while loudly slabs, crying "Congratulations!", After all, as you know, the loud sounds scare away the evil spirits, any evil and envy.

Therefore, dear friends, loud and happily we meet the main characters of a beautiful evening! Here it is our new family!

(Under friendly ovations, banging balloons, newlyweds pass to their honorary places)

Host: In Russia, since ancient times there is a belief. For the happy life of a new pair, you need to close the symbolic lock, the key of family happiness. Let the road be long and will not separate you either grief or trouble. Close your love finish, under friendly applause! (Newlyweds close the castle).

Fill the bowl to the edges to congratulate a pair again and drink everything to the bottom, for happiness, for love! Men, help the ladies, cope and vodka and with Agdam. You, dear women, follow men, appetizers offer. Kohl are ready, my first toast is ready, from the most joyful and gracious words!

Sound fanfares.

First toast "For young"

It happens, happens, so happens -

Sometimes not immediately half meet two,

Sometimes not two love at once are,

Search and believe long they have.

But this day is happy, he has come,

For a new family we will raise a glass.

Let the endless will be happiness,

Let neither grief nor trouble do not knock into the house

We know, all the bad weather will be afraid,

For eternal love, we will drink at the table!

Without breaking the weddings rituals,

To be happy bride and groom,

We will rise, devastating the glasses,

My first toast - for the happiness of young!

Turns on the song "White Dress"

Toast "For rings of newlyweds"

Host: Dear newlyweds! Today has become the point of the report of your family life. Certificate of Marriage Registration officially confirms your rights to a happy family life. At the same time, marriage, it is also a big responsibility for each other and a series of tests, to overcome which is possible together.

We wish you, mutual respect, understanding and patience, so that joy, peace and God's grace in your souls and hearts are settled in your souls and hearts.

Turns on the song "Wedding Ring"

Host: Dear newlyweds! The most expensive feeling that you must have, this is love and not only to yourself, but to your loved ones and native people and first of all - love for parents. Thanks to parents, you are here, enjoying long-awaited happiness. They disappeared with you hooks and sticks, solved the challenges, sleeved the tears of the offense, worried about your bruises and abrasions, pleased for your progress and helped you come to this happy wedding day. Before we raise glasses for them, parents say the words of congratulations on your address, expensive newlyweds.

The leading wedding represents the parents of the groom, then the parents of the bride.

Congratulations of newlywed parents

Host: Dear newlyweds, let the toast for parents.

Listen today to the words of your parents, they are sincere, filled with love for you. Let's drink for those who one day, forced to knock the hearts of newlyweds and gave life a new family. Let's drink for parents whose love will light the way in difficult times for your family. For dad and mothers, whose thoughts and souls filled with the joy of a solemn event. For parents!

(Toast for parents is pronounced by the "Parental House" song, which is enhanced with the end of the text of the lead)

Host: (with a chest in hand) Dear newlyweds, gaining momentaries beautiful, happy and very important day for you. An important moment of the holiday, it is congratulations on your relatives and friends.

Custom wedding is constant,

Congratulate the family young beautifully

Gift to put in the chest my magic

So that the life of the young began so cute.

Dear newlyweds, you are in a hurry to congratulate your sisters and brothers.

Congratulations to newlyweds

Congratulations to the rest of the guests.

Final toast for all congratulations.

Moderator: Dear guests, let's wish our newlyweds, so that mutual understanding, friendship, happiness and endless love prevail in their family! And also wish any desires (name of the bride) coincide with the possibilities (the name of the groom).

Wedding Games

"Entry exam in a marital life": For the groom. The groom without tiping guests kisses the bride 20 times in different places.

"Introductory exam for the bride": The bride calls his spouse as much as possible in gentle words. "Affectionate Hedgehog"

Host: Dear guests, in line one more congratulations for newlyweds!

"Congratulations". Lined in one line in front of the table of the young to the face of a dozen guests. In chaotic order, everyone is distributed with letters. On the team, guests must restrain in such a way that it turns out the phrase "Congratulations!"

Words leading to the first dance of young

Host: Raise Your Handles! (Guests raise hands)

Lower your handles! (guests lowered hands)

Now take in your hands, from the table any things (guests take any object from the table)

He took a glass again

It can be seen little, he accepted,

We appreciate your big impulse,

But first we ask

Host: right to open our dance evening I give our newlyweds. So, the first matrimonial dance of the young!

Under the chosen music, the first dance of the young, after execution, is declared a dance change.

2 table:

Host: Today there were already a lot of toasts, but I wanted to say one more thing - this toast for fun, energetic, young and cute ... guests.

Musical pause.

Host: And I have for you, dear guests, task. Sight song, tell the verse, call the movie where your name is mentioned. At the same time we will seem to know. The guest rises, sings, toast young - drinks - sits down, etc. In turn.

We remember the songs, movies in which the names of the bride and groom appear.

  1. "Loud name" - remember the famous people of the past and present, which are the same names as the newlyweds
  2. "Lovers" - famous couples in love, a man calls the lead, a woman - guests
  3. "Revolutionary" - guess the famous phrase according to the specified "reversal"
  4. "Shoe and shoes" - a comic distribution of duties between the bride and groom
  5. "Who keeps a glass" - a test for guests
  6. "TAILE-EXCREST" - "No one does not get married"

Game "Cinderella"

6 pairs are called. Guys are withdrawn to another room. Girls at this time sit on the chairs in a row and from one leg shoot shoes and fold into a pile. The foot leg is pressed to themselves or hide in a different way, and the barefall is pulled out. Guys come. Their task is to remember how the shoes look like their ladies and choose the proper shoes from the heap. After the shoes are chosen and is in the hands of guys who try his partner's shuffle. If the pair of shoes come together - the couple goes away, and the rest of the guys, changing his shoes, without tips of girls, trying to find the right pair to a shower, dressed on the leg of the partner.

Game "Snack"

The host invites several steam. Girls will take place in another place. Men issue 10 bills. The task of men - "hide" in your clothes one bills in different places. Then we invite women, and they are looking for a "snack" in the partner's clothing.

Game "Plastic Operation"

Pares take part. Men sit on her chairs back to partners. The girls are standing, and on the team pull on the head with young people in stocking, so that a small tip remains. Then, keeping the tip of the stocking, the girls with one hand! tighten stockings from the guy's head. Guys do not smile at the same time!

The game "The most attentive husband"

Women are built up in a row (including the wife). They pull hands. A man is put on the bandage. After that, all women are replaced by men. The task of the husband is to find out your wife on the palms.

Wedding is a wonderful reason for the reunification of the whole family and close relatives. But, alas, not everyone can celebrate such a magnificent holiday in an expensive restaurant or in a public prestigious institution. The modest budget limits the options to a minimum, which means the best option in this case remains the festival at home. But you should not hurry with conclusions and make such a decision to lick. Make a wedding modern even at home - a wonderful idea for a romantic and fun atmosphere.

But how to do that? - you ask. After all, the professionalism of the Tamada lies in the knowledge of the scenario, funny competitions, jokes, congratulations, and the organization of the holiday as a whole. We do not need to despair, we will open the secrets of the most competent plots, where the wedding scenario of the house will not differ from the script of professional Tamada. Thanks to the recommendations and advice, you can create all the necessary conditions for joyful pastime and unforgettable moments.

Positive aspects of the wedding at home

  1. The comfort of the native home will not compare anything, here everyone will feel comfortable all their native people.
  2. Saving your finance for renting premises, service.
  3. You can celebrate the wedding without time limit.
  4. Banquet meals will be eased a few more days.
  5. Young will be relatives to be at home, rather than in a noisy restaurant.

Do not underestimate the organization to the wedding even if it is carried out at home. High preparation is needed here. You need to calculate each trifle, take into account the interior decoration, attributes for contests, menu for treating guests.

Rules that hold

Before organizing the scenario, it is necessary to comply with some rules:

  1. Make a phased plan for the entire wedding (groom meeting, ceremony in the registry office, photo session, arrival, etc.).
  2. When you decided on the number of guests at your wedding, you need to think in which part of the house (if bad weather) make a banquet and the scheduled script program.
  3. Just think about the menu to the wedding, because among guests there may be allergies, it is better to ask the invited guests in advance.
  4. Decorate the house or household plot with decorations of one topic. Connected colors and design made in one thematic style - the best option of any holiday.
  5. The principles of the organization at home determine the restriction of space, so it is worth thinking in advance for how many people are designed your apartments.
  6. Taking someone else's scenario for the wedding, alter it precisely under your newlyweds, given any characteristic features.
  7. In order for the contests to truly cheer and discharge the situation, find out in advance specific trivia about some guests and invited (addiction, shoe size, hobbies, etc. All that could have the basis for jokes in contests).

Menu Wedding Table

The wedding script includes a refined banquet menu in a narrow circle of the house. The treats should be delicious, and the table is "rich" by abundance of different dishes. Take care that there are well-known dishes on the table to all familiar, but also several of those that have deserved high marks in modern cooking. In view of the fact that the wedding involves a large number of food and beverages, it is necessary to buy all the possibilities in bulk or in boxes. Separately, you can say about drinks.

The assortment of alcohol should be different: champagne, vodka, wine, brandy. Calculate in quantity can be based on 20 people, approximately such a quantity will be required:

  • the first important champagne drink is about 4 bottles;
  • wine of different varieties. You can ask you in advance from acquaintances, what wine they drink (sweet, dry, semi-sweet). Bottles should be at least 10 pieces;
  • strong drinks, such as vodka and cognac, prefer a majorly man. They will need no less than 10 bottles of 0.75 l.;
  • non-alcoholic drinks are better to be as follows: juice, water, soda, compote from dried fruit.

Table setting must be performed in one color palette or at least identical shades. Candelabra will serve as a beautiful design, small color bouquets, you can collect them with your own hands and arrange in homemade vases. Wedding celebration with homemade cooking does not compare with the restaurant, because homemade food will always be distinguished by cooking: carefully, with love, with attention and from the best products. Present homemade food can be 100%.

Creation of festive interior

You have a unique opportunity to stay by the designer and the decorator in one person, and also do everything as you wish. If you have a fairly large plot near the house, you should think about how to decorate it right. The storm effect brings crafts from paper in the Origami technique. Particularly decorative colored balls that are suspended by a ruler around the perimeter of the yard. Bows and ribbons, as well as colors it will be appropriate to note every tree. An interesting idea will be birdcards for birds, they can be issued in bright colors.

A remarkable feature will be hand-painted with acrylic paints of these other tweenes, where on one house for birds heart and a male sign, and on the second heart and a female sign, to tie them beautifully with ribbons. This will be a symbol of the coming fun.

In order for inside all rooms, one melody of a festive wedding celebration sounded, make an emphasis on the same thematic image, which would show the individuality of the bride, because the celebration takes place in her house.

Here are some attributes and crafts to prepare the interior to the holiday:

  • pompons and paper flowers. They are suspended on the ceiling, and they hang like rain;
  • live flowers and rose petals;
  • a variety of candles;
  • multicolored flags and fans that can be decorated with every room and make the accompanying inscriptions on them: "Tili-tili dough bride and groom", or "love", "happiness to be together", etc.


After the young people met with carabically and salt and identified the chapter of the family (who will beat the punishment more, the main one), everyone sit at the table to treats. All is well: sophisticated dishes, congratulations towards the bride and groom, the loud exclamations of hot "bitterness", but this is not enough. Naturally, no wedding takes place without fun and interesting contests.
The entertainment program begins after all the plenty of delicious food.

Naturally, you can take the initiative into your hands, but it is better to appoint a leading of the closest relatives, especially since the relaxed home furnishings relaxes guests and makes them relatives. Usually the witness and evidence act as leading. Here is a sample of one of the wedding scenarios at home.

Wedding scenario at home

  1. Leading start with the search for Boatswain. Boatswie - follows the order. Announce that under one of the chairs, guests will find a whistle (everyone looks under her). With this whistle, the Boatswain will call for guests to silence before the toast.
  2. Next, the lead says that the team "Gorky!" Will now sound, but that this grand moment has come, it is necessary to earn it first. The presenter conducts the auction of the first kiss of young. He ends with the last majority of guests. At the same time, the number of bills means how many times the newlyweds should kiss each other within the evening in honor of his victory.
  3. Under the kind words of the lead, they begin to count the first kiss and scream "bitterly".
  4. The next important step of the bride and the bride announces a toast for its parents. Then parents must say the accompanying words of young and tips for further living together.
  5. After a toast young, the right to congratulations take guests to their hands, and leading with words much most will leave the budget of young, provides to replenish the financially somewhat envelope with the inscriptions "on the child", "traveling", "in gifts to his wife", "my husband's beer "
  6. Time comes to execute the first dance of the young. The presenter says: "The legitimate husband and his spouse admire each other all day. It is time to rise to them and in the rhythm dance show. " After dancing, the young people go to the half-hour disco.
  7. A good reason to the beginning of the competitive program for guests is the opening of entertainment themselves. For them, the contest "who will quickly dampen ice". Each give a piece of ice. The winner becomes the one who will melt it. In honor of him proclaimed toast.
  8. Then the time comes to find out for whom the boy or the girl will vote. Witness and testimonial take one socks (blue, pink) and pass by every guest. Who has a desire for the birth of a boy in young, puts money in the blue sock and the opposite with the girl.
  9. The presenters (witnesses) are also engaged in the formulation of a number of further fun competitions. "Chamomile" - from the most common of them, in which only the bride and groom participate.

Competitions: The process of joyful celebration


Chamomile from paper should be prepared in advance. On each reverse side of the petal write, which obligations may be for the bride and groom. You can make a "chamomile" with dates and the parameters of the beloved. Then the bridegroom will be checking how well he knows his beloved.

"Abduction of the bride and shoes"

Even the scenario of a small wedding can not do without this contest. In order for the groom with his friends to buy a bride, he must pass a series of tests. It will not remain without rapid applause a scene of dance of small swans, during which the groom, disguised with his team, try to portray them. The task on the demonstration of the physical possibilities of the groom will also have to be by the way - you can ask him to spawn on the floor, and the witness will not bypass by any lady in the hall, kissed them into the cheek.

Throughout the evening, the bridegroom must make his welfare in every way and prove to her that he truly loves her and is ready for her for her. One of the evidence of such a competition will be the test called "Apple". I am a conventional apple team of girls insert matches. With every stretched match, the groom should call warm words for his beloved. If the phrase turns out to be re-his team pays a fine.


This intellectual contest for witnesses. Two chairs are put on several items. Witnesses close their eyes and assign the task to guess them to the touch. The one who coped and guessed the greatest number of items, he won.


Practice shows that this contest, intended for guests, is a success for a fun time. Damas are issued bathrobes, and men mittens. The task is: who will quickly unbutton the buttons on the bathrobe at their lady, he won.

Rite "Removing Fata"

All famous rites means the transition of a young from the bride into a married girl. By tradition, the mother of the groom should do it. After the veil is removed, the head is young, covered with her handkerchief. After that, all unmarried girls are collected and dance with the bride, and she, in turn, each is trying on the removed veil for a successful marriage.

The house is a family hearth, so even a small company without a tomada with an estate can prove that a mental and sincere joyful holiday can be at home. Give each other joy, warmth and care and your most important day will remain in the heart forever

Little wedding with a small number of guests can be the same memorable as a large-scale celebration. Create the necessary atmosphere at the wedding at home will help a cool script that you can find on the site website.

How to make and implement a scenario of a small wedding

Regardless of the number of guests and venue of the event, you need to make a script and choose who will lead the holiday. Otherwise, the wedding risks turning into a boring feast. If you decide to spend your wedding in a small company and do without the service of the Tamada, then the scenario for the celebration you will have to be independently. First you need to decide on the topics of the wedding. You can select such options:

  1. traditional wedding with the observance of classical rituals;
  2. creative themed celebration (Biker Wedding, Wedding-Quest, etc.);
  3. mixed script (traditional rites in combination with original contests).

You can take the basis of any finished wedding scenario without a tomada and supplement it with ideas and contests in accordance with the wedding format.

You can offer the role of the host:

  • witness or witness;
  • one of the honorary woven;
  • friend or relative.

The most important thing to choose the role of a leading cheerful and charismatic person who will not be shying to the public.

Wedding Scenario at Home: Meeting Young

No matter what a wedding is planned, a luxurious or small, the wedding scenario for tradition begins with the meeting of the newlyweds. Lead says: "Let's meet young, let God be in the arms of them! They wish a lot of happiness, smiles, peace and harmony! ".After greetings, the host offers the bride and the bride an interesting contest.

Overcoming obstacles

  • Participants: bride and groom.
  • Props: Nameplates with numbers and ribbon.

On the way of the newlyweds, signs with numbers are laid out: 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, the finish is noted with the help of the tape. Lead says: "Dear bride and groom, from today you will go through life together, divide for two joy and adversity. And we have prepared a small symbolic test for you. You need to jointly cross the finish tape, but only one can pass on this path. How can you cope with this task? ".The correct answer: the groom should carry the bride on the hands. If newlyweds do not guess, then they need to tell. Guests can also give tips. During the movement of newlyweds, guests can sprinkle them with rose petals, confetti or grain. When the task is made, the presenter speaks young: "Do you know what they mean these numbers? After all, these are anniversary of living together. So let your path to the golden wedding will be as light and light as today! ".

Further, the tradition of newlyweds must treat each other karable. Before serving punishing, parents utter words of faith. During the meeting of the newlyweds, you can also hold a rite of farewell to the surname. The bride needs to write their maiden surname on a piece of paper and run into the sky with balloons. Then the host solemnly invites guests and newlyweds to the festive table:

"And now the road is paired!
Life let it be without worries!
Come, dear,

Wedding feast: toasts and congratulations

Wedding feast, as a rule, takes periods of 30-40 minutes. The presenter must take care that at that time the toasts and shouts "bitter!" Sound at the table. If the scenario for a small wedding includes giving newlyweds during a feast, it is necessary to provide the word to all relatives in turn so that they can solemnly give a gift and voice congratulations.

In a narrow family circle, the toasts can pronounce native and friends, but also the lead must prepare several original congratulations.

Toast for young

We wish our newlywed
Let their life be successful.
Become over the years Mile and more
And let the house be a complete bowl!
We wish the victories and success of large.
And make up the young!

Toast for love

You remember all your meetings,
And your first recognition, and words.
Love connected you forever.
And even in the hearts it will always be.
For the feeling that the blood is worried!
Let's drink for love!

Toast for parents

I ask a minute of attention.
About important I want to say.
We must necessarily
For parents a glass to raise.
Today we wish today
Live together happily and friendly.
Those who gave birth and raised them
For everyone to say thank you need.
Who led to people, supported,
Taught, from the misfortunes,
Whose hands were swing in childhood
They are together with us today.
Never forget,
Always love them and respember!

In the interruptions between the feasts you need to provide entertainment for guests, fun contests and dance blocks. The wedding scenario for a small company also does not exclude such wedding traditions as the first dance of the young, the removal of Fata, etc. In the finals of the banquet, it is necessary to schedule the removal of the wedding cake. Strong the evening can newlyweds, thanking relatives for the fact that they divided this solemn and happy day with them. If the second day of the wedding is planned, do not forget to report this guests. The script on the second day of the wedding you can find on the wedding

Scenario of competitions for a wedding in a narrow circle

The wedding scenario at home may include both mobile and feast contests. Choosing contests, consider the age category, status and interests of the guests.

Question answer

  • Participants: all guests.
  • Props: Cards with questions and answers.

Participants take turns reach cards and read them. The first participant voices a card with a question, and the second - with the answer.

Examples of questions:

  • Are you ready to kiss the stranger?
  • Do you like to drink?
  • Are you able to make theft?

Examples of answers:

  • Only when there is money.
  • I dreamed of this all my life.
  • Just not today.

You can come up with completely different questions and answers, but the most important thing is that they are funny and cool.


  • Participants: all guests.

The presenter says that no wedding costs without alcohol, and offers guests to find synonyms for the word "drink". One who comes up with the maximum synonyms.

Also as a drinking entertainment at the wedding at home, such contests such as solving the wedding crossword can be included in the script. It must be prepared in advance and draw on Greater Watman. You can make a photo collage from children's photos of guests and newlyweds, and offer participants to guess who is depicted in the photo. As active entertainment, you can conduct dance flash mob or various commandera plates. Karaoke can also be appropriate.

Russian roulette

  • Participants: 6 men.
  • Props: 5 boiled and 1 raw egg.

The presenter causes the most courageous and brave men who are willing to risk. It warns that among boiled there is one raw egg. Each of the participants is invited to get from the bowl one by one egg and break the forehead. Wins the one who breaks raw. You can deceive guests and cook all the eggs. In any case, the glow of passions and the storm of emotions is provided.

Excellent entertainment can be funny scenes for the wedding. The presenter reads a small story, and the actors depict the actions of the characters. For such a game you need to choose charismatic and fun participants.

A good scenario with cool contests will help create a bright and fun atmosphere at your wedding celebration.

    Even when a small number of people are going to the wedding, you still need a script for praznik. It is especially important for the wedding evening, which combines the aspirations of newlyweds to individuality with traditional rites through which all the newlyweds pass.

    Therefore, it is important to choose the right wedding script for a small company without a tomada. After all, a small number of guests affects the choice of toasts and contests in the same way as the venue of the celebration. It is also necessary to take into account that a large group is sufficiently non-additive, any contests will be suitable for its entertainment, with the small number of people will have to look for more sophisticated entertainment.


    The wedding ceremony, passing in nature, is different from the one that is carried out at home or in the restaurant. It is important not only to decide on the menu and contests, but also prepare all related materials.

    It is necessary to decide where guests will sit like a flat platform, how to preserve or warm meals. Small weddings will not require a large number of tables or chairs, but they need to be installed in advance - before the guests have reached the venue.

    Most often, small weddings are carried out after registration of marriage in the registry office, but if newlyweds want to spend an exit ceremony, then you need to prepare a place where the solemn exchange of oaths will occur. If the holiday is planned informal, then you can spend it in the picnic style, then you will need only a large amount covered. But this is suitable only for the warm season on the clearing area. When the newlyweds spend a wedding ceremony in nature, then parents with bread and salt meet them at the end of the passage.

    If only the banquet part will go out in the fresh air, then it is necessary to continue where the car will stop, and it is there to wait for newlyweds.

    To make a meeting place for special solemnity, you can install the arch of living or paper colors there. This is one of the few exceptions, which is distinguished by a holiday in nature from the restaurant conducted in a restaurant or cafe. Another feature is a greater number of active competitions. After all, fresh air and large spaces around, stimulate guests on great mobility.


    • find the clothespin;
    • favorite lips Kasaneye (the bride tie their eyes, and she must determine the kiss on the cheek, who exactly the fiance);
    • general creativity (the first team calls a line from the song, and the second must add it in words from another composition, until someone stops the chain).

    Wedding Scenario with Exit Registration

    Lead 1: We all just watched how you combined your destinies in one. The oaths that you were, pronounced, very talked to all of us, so we sincerely congratulate you! Hooray! Applause to our friends!

    Lead 2: Now please all of us, and quench curiosity - who will be the main thing in your family? Calm the same piece, show who is better than a grip!

    Lead 1: And now, to dip it in Solonka - offer a treat with your pair. Makake from the soul! Let your beloved person tell that they are ready to eat with you not one salt, separating not only happiness, but also problems.

    Leading 2: Yes, it looked creepy, I am sure that many jaws are reduced by the amount of salt. But we all joyfully that you are ready to endure much for each other. Now drink all champagne so that the wine washed away all the unpleasant feelings.

    Let there be many joyful events in your life together, which will also gently hit you in the head, like bubbles of this golden drink!

    Lead 1: Spread the same glasses about this stone to show that there are no way, and you are ready to go with my spouse to the end.

    Broken tableware - fortunately, even if the kitchen utensils suffer in the most difficult moments, and not your relationship!

    Leading 2: Let's go to the tables, listen to the first toast, and you will put your first dance as spouses.

    After the first toast and dance passed, the word give the most closest relatives or witnesses. It should not be delayed for a long time, 3-4 wishes are enough.

    After this, there are several calm contests to fill the time between the ceremony and the first variable dishes.

    How to hold a celebration in a cafe or house

    Most often for a wedding with a small number of guests, a cafe is chosen. In them, as a rule, prices are an order of magnitude lower than in restaurants, and you can choose an institution in your liking. After all, such cafes are much more than larger or elite restaurants, but it is necessary to approach the choice. And when it was determined where the holiday would take place, you can choose than this day will be filled.

    Script creation steps:

    1. The first, with which you need to decide - in what style the whole wedding will be held. The holiday can be decorated Classically, or to make it choose an unusual subject (Provence, Eco, Sea, etc.). This image will influence not only on the outfits of newlyweds, but also will affect the manner of holding all contests and on what words will be the selected leading.
    2. The second thing is to decide whether the redemption of the bride will occur. This is a good way having fun, watching how the groom tries to show that he is a worthy couple for the bride. If this element is included in the program, then trust its design and coming up with girlfriends contests, they choose tests and count the time when men should arrive. Also they will hold this action.
    3. The third point when creating a scenario is the choice of the lead, because depending on the person, the same words can acquire a completely different meaning.
    4. Choose where newlywed photo session will be held: most often for small weddings, traditional check in monuments will be carried out. But sometimes they decide to create a photocona on their own.
    5. Who and how to meet newlyweds on arrival on the banquet.
    6. The choice of contests that are suitable for a small company. Due to the fact that the holiday will be in a closed room, most competitions must be low-lived. You should also prepare several contests, the plot of which will be tied to the speed of reactions or physical skills. But in such trials, in contrast to the wedding in nature, only a few people participate. Because of limited areas it is impossible that all guests take part in entertainment.
    7. With which words of newlyweds will be invited to cut a wedding cake.
    8. How and how much will the celebration end.

    Due to the fact that the bride and groom do not hire a special person, they will have to independently find all the contests, as well as words that will speak lead. This requires a rather large amount of time between the beginning of training and a solemn day.

    What contests can be held in a small company:

    1. A gift from the bottom of my heart - when men write on a leaf that they will give their partners by the competition, and women at this time tell what they will do with the gift. At the same time, girls do not know what the subject is preparing for them.
    2. Passionate dances - when the pairs are dancing dance, with a balloon shed between them. They will win those contestants whose ball will burst first.
    3. Whole beloved. Men must tell in which parts of the body they are ready to kiss a beloved woman to express her feelings. At the same time, the presenters remind that everything should be decent.
    4. I can't look at. During this competition, all guests must call, which part of the body is the most beautiful in a person sitting on the right. When the circle is closed, the leading declare that now this part needs to kiss or stroke.

    Since the redemption organize girlfriends of the bride, and the entire script depends on their fantasy, then the main leading to sign the celebration plan is necessary from the newlywed meeting.

    Lead 1: Dear assembled, you see - a solemn tuple is approaching us. Here from the cars appear dazzlingly beautiful and happy bride and groom, more precisely - already husband and wife!

    We will greet a pair of slamming and prubing for the fact that we decided on such a bold act - the creation of a new family. Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

    Lead 2: Beautiful day to you (newlywed names)! Lost preparations for the wedding, experiences: whether the place and time and time of holding, the list of guests and inventing the outfit were correctly selected. We all hope that only in each other you have not doubted any seconds. All this in the past, and it is from now on that your holiday begins, where you are obliged only to have fun and enjoy what they have carried love for their pair through these difficult days of preparation.

    Lead 1: Congratulations to you with this significant event, as well as what you have created a young family, and the symbol of your association - rings and one name.

    Show your hands on your loved ones, name the name of your family!

    Lead 2: It's so wonderful! Let your shared life, will be the same easy and smooth like a track! There is an amazing tradition - when something great is created before opening it to the eyes of everyone - an important person must cut the ribbon, opening the way.

    And on this holiday there is no one more important than you - and therefore we ask: before you pass on the way to your parents - cut together tape. Yes, and do not forget to save a piece to always remember that all obstacles are easily overcome when they are divided with his spouse!

    Lead 1: What are you great! Go to parents for the last instruction, which they want to give crowned children. Guests, and you greet newlyweds as you should, wish them happiness and well-being.

    After all, this is exactly what the petals with rice grains that you hold in your hands. Vivat!

    Leading 2: Here you have reached your closest people who have been with you all your life. They shared the successes, failures, joy and sorry, taught you a lot of lessons, scary to say - they taught you to keep a spoon!

    Let's bow to them for their patience and hard work, for bringing up the feeling of excellent, as well as the ability to achieve your goal.

    Lead 1: And now pay attention to this wonderful loaf, which baked your moms. Withdraw, you each in a piece, and one whose piece will be more - will be in the family of the leader. Now dip these pieces into salt and feed your pair. Let it be the only case when you pour your loved ones.

    Lead 2: Please drink a treat with champagne, washing an unpleasant taste, and we wish that in your family life only his bubbles hit the mind, the mist of thought. Let all your life be happy and complete mutual understanding, and what they say, happens "for happiness"? Right!

    Do not hesitate and break the glasses so that your family ship will never power.

    Leading 1: Please pass all to the hall and stay at the table. After all, everyone needs to relax, reinforce forces - especially young spouses. And after you can listen to what the parents say to their children, what facilities will give, wiring in a family life.

    All guests are sitting behind the tables, they enable them to talk and try light snacks. After that, give the floor to one of the parents who will pronounce the first toast.

    If the Cafe Hall is quite large, and the dance floor is close to the tables, then after a toast, you can spend the first newlywed dance. But if the playground is rather far away, then it follows it or cancel, or postpone the middle.

    Lead 1: the first toast - parents, because each of them has invested the soul in his child.

    This holiday is not only for the bride and groom, but also for their relatives!

    Leading 2: Well, now I will start entertainment contests. Who is ready to prove himself in the competition, cheering not only newlyweds, but also yourself?

    In this video - a few contests for your wedding:

    Wedding scenario for a small company, when newlyweds are decided not to hire Tamada, falls completely on their shoulders. And because how many people pay attention to planning, depends on how much the holiday will pass. And what would you like to hear welcoming words after married?