Secrets of oriental beauties: natural recipes. Beauty Secrets of Oriental Women

Oriental women have always been considered real beauties. Thick, shiny hair, matte skin, dark almond-shaped eyes. A true poet's dream! And the envy of other women whom nature has not endowed so generously. We want to immediately reassure all blondes who are haunted by the attractiveness of oriental women - all this is acquisitive. Nature, of course, also had a hand in creating female beauty, but the main thing is the ability of the fair sex to take care of themselves. So you can become one too. It is enough just to know the beauty secrets of Eastern women to drive Western men (or whatever you want) crazy.

Women of the West and the East: looking for 10 differences

Immediately hasten to upset a good half of the readers. For Eastern women, being beautiful is a duty. Almost all of them do not work and are only busy cleaning the house, cooking dinner and meeting their husband. Therefore, they can spin around the mirror all day, trying new scrub recipes and carefully applying makeup. That is, everything that you do on the run in the time remaining from work, they carry out sedately, for a long time and with great pleasure. You will not believe it, but even an oriental woman combs her hair three times slower than an ordinary Russian girl. And it's not that the other one has longer hair. She just has nowhere to go. Are you already late for something? That's the whole difference.

What to do? Looking for a husband in the East? In principle it is possible. But are you ready to wear a veil? And implicitly obey her husband? We are sure that some would agree (still, they are probably just tired of making decisions on their own and every morning in a hurry to apply makeup). Then tell me: do you agree to sit bezvylazno at home? And forget about the weekly gatherings with friends in a cafe around the corner? No, no, there are cafes in the East. Yes, there will be friends. But you will be friends with exactly those people with whom your husband will allow you to communicate. And in the cafe... You probably won't get there anytime soon. Unless with the husband on a holiday. And then in a veil. And it is not comfortable to eat or drink in it. Therefore, let's better master the secrets of oriental women and stay free! In the end, the scrub can be applied before bedtime.

Secrets of Oriental Women


Oriental girls do not like chemical dyes. That is why their hair is thick and shiny, which cannot be said about the ever-split strands of Slavic girls. Do you want to strengthen your hair? Use henna. It is this natural dye that carefully and accurately paints over the natural color of the hair, giving the hairstyle a radiant redhead. Don't want to be like Oleg Popov? Use colorless henna. By the way, to strengthen hair, oriental beauties do not use newfangled balms and masks, but ordinary kefir. Are you going to wash your hair? Apply a little yogurt to your hair, let it soak in, after which you can continue the procedure.

Skin, nails

The matte skin of modern Scheherazade is the result of good sleep, thoughtful nutrition and green tea. It is this drink that removes antioxidants from the body, which our body is literally stuffed with. Well, healthy sleep has always been useful for both men and women. Just do not forget to air the room before going to bed. And one more thing: no computers in the room. And, especially, her husband playing "shooters". The second half should be next to you. These are also the beauty secrets of oriental women.

If you have already adopted all the tricks of the attractiveness of dark-haired rivals, and your nails are still brittle, we advise you to take a salt bath. To do this, dissolve some sea salt in warm water and hold your hands in it. Where does sea salt come from in the East, you ask? We answer. Import and export in hot countries is no worse developed than in cold Russia. Do you eat bananas? So why can't Eastern women strengthen their nails with sea salt?

White teeth

As you understand, a faithful wife cannot go to the dentist without the consent of her husband. And then, the veil will interfere. How to restore the natural whiteness of enamel? Everything is simple. Oriental women whitened their teeth with thick sour cream. To do this, they dipped a dry brush in a dairy product, rubbed the enamel with it and left it for a while (you can’t eat sour cream, whiten your teeth, then you’ll have lunch). The procedure must be repeated 3-5 times a day. In the modern interpretation of the recipe, sour cream is replaced with powdered milk or natural yogurt without added sugar. Although it seems to us, than walking with a mouth full of sour cream, it is easier to make an appointment with the dentist. We don't need a husband's permission. Yes, and no veil (thank God).

Smooth body

Do not feed Eastern women with bread, let them take a steam bath in a hammam and pamper their body with a scrub (and what else can a poor thing do while waiting for her husband?) At the same time, they rub their bodies exclusively with coffee grounds. To do this, they steam natural coffee, let it brew. After that, the girls add olive oil to the future scrub in a ratio of 1: 3 (there should be less oil) and enrich the mixture with various essential oils. The variety and range of fragrant oils depends solely on personal preferences. Do you like the smell of lavender? So, add its extract to steamed coffee. Do you want to smell like a rose? A couple of drops of rose essential oil will grant your wish.

By the way, Eastern women are very fond of olive oil. They rub the body with them during pregnancy (to avoid stretch marks) and eyelids before going to bed (so that there are no wrinkles). Yes, there are eyelids! Many girls wash themselves with olive oil so as not to age prematurely. But, before repeating their feat, keep in mind that the skin condition of an oriental woman and a typical Slav woman is very different from each other. Therefore, for one person it is a panacea for wrinkles, for another it is a source of acne and excessive skin hydration.

What do you want to say in the end? Don't try to be like someone else. Who knows, maybe Eastern women would madly want to live at least one day of the life that you are running from? So love yourself just the way you are. And who knows, maybe a French eye cream is 1000 times better than olive oil?

The beauty of oriental women always arouses admiration and captivating glances of men. Women of the East amaze us with their attractiveness, delicate peach complexion, luxurious thick hair, and elegant eyebrows.

The secrets of the women of the East were passed from one generation to another.

The secret that many women would like to know is how to preserve their natural beauty for many years. In this article we will try to consider some oriental beauty secrets.

Perhaps not all Eastern secrets will suit us, but you can use them.

Secrets of Oriental Women

Natural beauty has always been held in high esteem in the East. This was treasured by all the women of the East. Luxurious shiny hair, flexible body, silky skin are the envy of many women in Europe.

The main secret of longevity and youth is. This is the rejection of bad habits, good nutrition, healthy normal sleep.

The women of the East do not adhere to different diets. They cook their own food, at home, from products that they buy in the market.

They do not use semi-finished products and processed food, only natural meats, vegetables, cereals and fruits. They cook food, eat slowly, without rushing, savoring every bite of food.

Oriental women owe their beauty to shiny hair and perfect skin, which is carefully looked after. They do not use advertising cosmetics, but only natural remedies:

  • dairy products - kefir, sour cream, yogurt;
  • essential oils;
  • natural olive oil;
  • scrubs from coffee beans and nuts;
  • pulp of fruits and vegetables.

Oriental women always cleanse their skin both in the morning and before going to bed with the help of creams that are prepared on the basis of natural oils.

The secrets of oriental beauties include. In the sauna, women make nourishing hair masks, and then rinse them with decoctions based on medicinal herbs.

Beauty secrets of oriental women

Being beautiful like the women of the East is not so difficult. They use the most common products for masks.

Beauty secrets include:

  • proper care of your hair;
  • careful facial skin care;
  • taking care of your body.

Oriental hair beauty secrets

Oriental women's hair looks shiny, healthy and beautiful. They use essential oils for fragrance.

On wet hair, apply a mixture consisting of equal parts of jasmine oil, lavender, 2 drops each, add 4 drops of sandalwood oil with 4 tablespoons of olive oil. Lubricate the hair, wrap it with a towel. Hold this mask for 20 minutes and rinse with shampoo.

A very effective mask can be made by mixing olive and burdock oil, adding a few drops of essential oil. Apply to hair, hold this mask for 3 hours and rinse with shampoo.

Add 1 liter to the juice of 1 lemon. honey and aloe juice. Mix everything well and apply to damp hair.

The secret of women is that they do not use chemical agents for dyeing their hair, but use henna and basma.

Oriental beauty secrets of the face and body

1) You can make a mask of tangerine: chopped peel, yolk and 1 tsp. sour cream. Mix everything well, apply on face and wash off after 15 minutes.

2) Connect 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey, half a glass of sour cream, add grapefruit zest and apply on face. Wash off after 20 minutes. The mask tightens the pores.

3) Masks with lemon. Lemon moisturizes the skin, saturates it with vitamins, whitens and gives the skin elasticity. Take the juice of one lemon, add a few drops of olive oil and a little flour. Apply to face, wash off after 10 minutes

The condition of the skin largely depends on proper nutrition. Women of the East use fruits, dairy products, butter to preserve their youth and beauty. For face whitening - kefir.

For masks, oriental women use turmeric, avocado, aloe. Turmeric is very popular in the East. She is treated for burns, cuts, wounds. Add to masks, scrubs, creams.

With the help of turmeric and honey, treatment, cleansing, and nutrition of the skin are carried out. Everything is very simple, honey is mixed with turmeric 1: 1 and masks are made 2 times a week, only 10 masks.

Body and skin have always been a subject of admiration. Before visiting the sauna, women of the East apply scrubs from coffee beans and sea salt to the body. Essential oils are added to give the skin a delicate fragrance. Add to bath
flower petals.

And after the sauna, they drink green tea, which contains antioxidants and tones. Everything is very simple, and the result is simply amazing!

Oriental women, like all women, also age. But for rejuvenation, they make masks from honey, citrus fruits, yogurt. Withering skin to make elastic helps chocolate wrap.

More beauties used natural oil perfumes. These perfumes are made from highly concentrated blends of essential oils that blend naturally into your skin. A popular side effect of this reaction is that no one person will smell the same, even when using the same perfume blend.

Conclusion: there are many secrets of oriental women and their beauty. They help to remain attractive for many years. But whether you want to be like them is up to you. The main thing is to eat wholesome food, lead a healthy lifestyle and use natural cosmetics.

Be healthy, beautiful, cheerful. Then men will not deprive you of their attention. Write comments. Click the social buttons networks, share information with friends.

Best regards, Olga.

The woman of the East has always been an attractive mystery for our men. She beckoned with her natural beauty, generously emphasized by natural cosmetics, lush and well-groomed body, and ... patience and humility. It is humility that distinguishes our businesslike and sometimes excessively active contemporaries from moon-faced beauties. It is the ability to tacitly agree in everything with your husband that causes our second halves to quietly envy the padishahs and sheikhs. What is she, a woman of the East?

In order to become a real Scheherazade, it turns out that it is important not only to have luxurious long hair, beautiful and delicate skin, but also to have other virtues that are far from being as easily accessible as external beauty. Inner qualities, often hidden from prying eyes, are what we women of the 21st century lack.


An oriental woman willingly and joyfully fulfills all the wishes of her husband. And it should be noted that the whims of a husband are not limited to access to his wife's body 24 hours a day. Husband wants a foot massage - please dear! Demands to talk at 3 o'clock in the morning about something uninteresting to every normal woman - yes, honey, all night long she dreamed about it. What is striking is that the women of the East rejoice at such attention, and their husbands do not demand too much.

If you suggest that a European woman behave this way, then she will most likely look at you with eyes wide open in surprise. It is not customary for us to dissolve our husband like that. Our women have been fighting for equality with men for too long to become servants again. Such a fate, almost every young lady will say, you would not wish even for a slave.


The Eastern woman herself does all the housework, the husband should not participate in this in any way. The husband is the breadwinner and maintainer of the whole family. Therefore, he is very tired - whether he is a shepherd or a sheikh - and in no case is it appropriate to pester him with stupid requests, for example, to take out the trash or vacuum. There is a rational grain in this rule - women do not work in the East, so devoting oneself to home and family is the most logical thing to do.

A modern woman in Europe cannot afford to do housework exclusively. We work exactly the same hours a day as our halves, and earn the same (sometimes more). This order of things is no longer new. I personally know many families where the husband is in charge of the household, and the wife is the “earner”. At the same time, neither he nor she feels any discomfort.


The most important mission of an Eastern woman is the task of giving birth to a son. It is for the sake of the birth of a male successor of the family that marriages are made. The mother takes care of the baby until the age of three, after which the father decides what will be the upbringing of the boy in the future. Girls are not interested in the head of the family, and they remain near their mother until they are married off. In any case, demanding that a husband feed a child, change his diaper, or simply rock him in a cradle is the height of arrogance and ignorance.

Alas, many of our men, following the traditions of the Eastern padishahs, have no idea what their newborn offspring looks like. For them, the baby will become interesting when it will be possible to play football with him, or at least he will be able to say something “human”. But, fortunately, there are daddies who are not afraid to leave with a child for a couple of hours. They say that there are unique fathers who even stay with their children, letting a tired mother go to her friends, or to a beauty salon.


An Eastern woman, going out into the street, carefully hides her beauty so as not to seduce other people's men. She belongs exclusively to her husband, so she is afraid of the attention of others like fire. At home, the wife dresses in beautiful clothes, puts on jewelry, and greets her husband with a joyful smile.

Alas, we forget about this rule. No, of course, I am not campaigning to go to work in a veil! But let's think, do we always look as beautiful at home as at work? As one Eastern woman said: “Why should I seduce other people's men if I have a husband at home?” Perhaps we get tired of high heels all day long, we get tired of office suits and dresses, and our face needs to remove a layer of makeup and give it some air. But this is not a reason to walk around the house in curlers, a dressing gown, or, even worse, in an old tracksuit!


Every self-respecting oriental man leaves a little time for his favorite pastime. His wife should admire her beloved, praise his ability to ride a horse, play football, or shoot monsters on a computer. Hinting that spending four hours in a row on a hobby, and not on a beloved wife, is too much. Such remarks will most likely lead to divorce. And divorce in the East is a delicate matter. It is enough for a husband to shout three times in the square “You are no longer my wife” and the beauty can go to all four directions, and in what she is wearing.

I don’t know how other wives cope, but personally I can’t endure the eternal nirvana of the Internet, into which my husband periodically plunges. Although I myself, in addition to my favorite work, have a hobby, and more than one. No matter how I try to look without irritation at how the only one turns off for several hours, forgetting about sleep, food and other needs, nothing sensible comes out of it. I repent, yell and swear.

What is the result? Probably to each his own. If your chosen one has an enterprising, imperious character, then it will not be difficult to become an oriental meek beauty. But, if your loved one is soft, driven and requires constant guidance, then most likely, Scheherazade will not suit him.

Oriental beauties have long been considered gentle, passionate and beautiful women, whose eyes captivate, their body captivates, and their lips yearn for kisses. Since ancient times, the richest of them bathed in the milk of donkeys and endlessly rubbed themselves with essential oils, honey, juicy fruits and fragrant flowers. The beauties of the East passed down recipes from generation to generation on how to keep their appearance charming.

We are amazed at the health of Eastern women with their ideal forms, peach complexion, silky hair. To adopt the oriental culture of appearance care, it is important to remember: women of the East have always used only natural ingredients for care.

To drink coffee in the East, a beautiful, inalienable tradition. Roasted coffee beans have fascinated people since ancient times with the beauty of their color, the finest aroma, the charm of which cannot be denied even by those who do not drink the drink itself.

Coffee for thousands of years gave people courage and strength. The followers of the prophet Mohammed called it "the wine of Islam" and achieved bliss without touching the forbidden fruits of the fermentation of wine berries. The first beauties of great civilizations used hot coffee bean baths, various ointments prepared from coffee cherry and its seeds, and believed that all this would bring them eternal youth and beauty.

Coffee Purifying Body Scrub

We take 100 g of ground coffee, pour it with boiling water (quite a bit) so that a thick porridge is obtained and leave for 15 minutes. in a sealed container. Then add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil to the coffee porridge. You can take olive, almond, grape seed oil. Then we add essential oils with anti-cellulite effect: grapefruit, orange, eucalyptus, cypress, rosemary, juniper, bergamot, cinnamon.

For this amount of the mixture, you can add 8-10 drops of essential oil. And finally, mix everything well. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator. Apply 2-3 times a week after a hot bath: apply to wet, steamed skin and massage for 5-10 minutes. Then rinse under a strong stream of water. It is good to use a contrast shower (hot water alternates with cold).

Sleeping coffee grounds are used as a body scrub. We rub the body steamed in the shower either with clean coffee grounds, or mix it with shower gel. Massage for 5-10 minutes, rinse.

After the first procedure, the skin becomes soft and smooth. Regular use of coffee body scrub makes the skin smooth and supple, reduces the appearance of cellulite.

The weightless texture of the body scrub with honey and natural ground coffee gently and effectively, without causing irritation, exfoliates and removes dead cells, stimulates blood circulation, and helps to gradually rejuvenate the skin. To do this, 1:1 you need to mix ground coffee with honey.

In the past, women made golden turmeric paste and smeared it at home on the face when it was not necessary to work in the field. They knew that it kept the skin smooth and soft, although they had no idea that the active ingredients in turmeric had the “antioxidant” properties that experts talk about today and that protect the skin from the negative effects of the environment.

Turmeric(root of a plant from the ginger family, rich in essential oils) in crushed form can be added to cosmetic masks - turmeric root has an antibacterial and cleansing effect. Perfectly cleanses the face, and makes a light lifting of the turmeric mask. It is desirable to do a course - 10 masks, 2 times a week. Mix turmeric with honey, 1:1, in the ratio of a teaspoon.

Now let's talk about dry fruits.

Please note that the medicinal substances in dried fruits are contained in a higher concentration, so they should be consumed in moderation. Dry fig fruits primarily strengthen hair. But to achieve the desired effect, a fig mask must be done daily for a month. Grind with a knife or in a meat grinder 2-3 dry figs. Pour 1 glass of milk into a separate enameled bowl, put the figs into the milk, mix everything thoroughly and put on fire, closing the lid.

When the mixture boils, reduce the heat to a minimum and bring the composition at a low boil until a homogeneous mass (slurry) is formed. Then cool the mixture. Before washing your hair, divide your hair into strands and apply the resulting slurry to the roots, and distribute the rest of it along the entire length of the hair. Tie your head with plastic wrap, and on top with a terry towel or woolen scarf. After an hour, wash your hair with a mild shampoo for your hair type.

Or another option (raisin mask), which will also effectively help with hair loss.

To do this, take a handful of raisins (preferably light). Put in an enamel bowl and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Close the lid tightly and cook for 10-15 minutes on low heat, then let it brew for 2 hours to swell the raisins. Then strain the decoction into a separate bowl - the liquid is useful for making a mask. Wipe the raisins to make a gruel, and put in a ceramic dish. There also add 1 yolk, 1 tsp. liquid honey, 1 tsp any vegetable oil, 1/2 tsp. salt (dissolve salt in a decoction of raisins). Mix everything thoroughly.

If the mixture becomes very thick, add a little broth and stir. Before washing your hair, follow the same procedure as in the first recipe. Only after 40-50 minutes, wash your hair with a mild shampoo for your hair type, and then rinse with acidified water (1 tsp of citric acid in a basin of water). It is desirable to do such a mask once a week for 1.5 months.

Dried fruits extraordinarily rich in the so-called beauty vitamins. Masks of dried apricots, raisins, prunes give a wonderful and quick effect. The skin becomes beautiful, smooth, elastic, acquires a beautiful shade.

Fig mask. Ripe fruit cleanses and refreshes the skin. It is useful to massage the face and neck with a cut berry. After the massage, rinse your face with cool water.

peach masks suitable for any skin. For dry, thinned, aging skin, masks made from gruel of two peaches and a teaspoon of lemon juice are useful.

The peach is peeled and the juice is squeezed out of it. On a previously cleansed face (for dry skin - grease with a nourishing cream, cream or sour cream), a gauze napkin or a layer of cotton wool soaked in juice is applied. The mask is applied for 15-20 minutes. As it dries during this time, the napkin should be additionally moistened with juice. After removing the mask, wipe the face with a dry cotton swab. The course of procedures is 15-20, 2-3 times a week. It is used for dry and normal skin.

Peach mask with oatmeal. To a tablespoon of oatmeal (or oatmeal crushed in a coffee grinder) add the juice of 1 peach and raw milk until a slurry is obtained, stir well. The gruel is applied to the face and neck for 20-30 minutes, then washed off with cold water. It is used for sagging, aging, greasy skin. The mask tones and cleanses it.

For skin prone to pigmentation and freckles.

Two tablespoons of non-candied honey are mixed with lemon juice, previously filtered. Gauze is soaked with the mixture and applied to the face for 15-20 minutes. During this time, the napkins are changed 2-3 times. Wash off with warm water. The course consists of 15-20 masks, you need to do it 1-2 times a week. The mixture will keep in the refrigerator for a week.

More delicate whitening properties have a mask of almonds. Half a cup of almonds is poured with 1 cup of boiling water, after 3-5 minutes the water is drained, and the almonds are scrolled through a meat grinder. In the resulting slurry add the juice of half a lemon and a tablespoon of boiled water. Everything is ground to a homogeneous mass. Masks are made 2 times a week. The course consists of 30-40 masks.

Feijoa - these are small green oblong sweet and sour fruits with strawberry and pineapple aroma. The pulp is tender, with a slight taste of strawberries. In terms of iodine content, feijoa is many times superior to many other plant foods. It is useful to wipe the face with fruit juice.

Persimmon contains 2 times more dietary fiber and beneficial trace elements than apples. It is also high in antioxidants. Persimmon fruits contain a large amount of water, ash, proteins, carbohydrates, organic acids, tannins. This fruit is also rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron, as well as vitamins A, C, and P.

In addition to the usual persimmon, there are also kinglets. Due to their coloring, they received a second name - chocolate persimmon.

Grind the pulp of one fruit of a ripe persimmon into a gruel, add starch or oatmeal to bind. Apply to face for 10-15 minutes. The mask is suitable for all skin types.

With fading skin of the face, mix the crushed pulp of persimmon with cream or milk in equal proportions and apply for 15-20 minutes.

Tangerine mask. Peel the tangerine and squeeze the juice out of it. Wipe the skin of the face with a cotton swab dipped in it or soak a thin layer of cotton wool or a napkin from several layers of gauze in the juice and apply on the face and neck for 15-20 minutes. After removing the mask, the skin is wiped first with a wet and then with a dry cotton swab. The frequency of procedures is 2-3 times a week. Course 15-20 masks. Applies to any skin.

Oriental women love to use juicy vegetables, caring for beauty.

Sweet Pepper Mask. Grate half a pepper on a plastic grater and apply to cleansed skin for 30 minutes, paying special attention to areas with age spots. Rinse with cool water and apply a nourishing cream.

Speaking of the secrets of the East, it is impossible not to mention henna (alkana leaves) and basma (indigo leaves). They are the best natural dyes.

Henna - natural dye, which is obtained from the leaves of the cinchona tree. It contains many essential oils and tannins, so its effect on the hair is not only harmless, but, on the contrary, extremely beneficial: it strengthens and heals the hair and gives it shine. In the East, even men who want to prevent baldness dye their hair with it. In addition, henna paints gray hair well. Coloring is advisable to carry out 1 time in two months.

Henna is also useful for strengthening nails. In this case, you need to hold your nails for half an hour in a solution of henna. True, after that you will have to walk around with orange fingertips for a week.

Henna hair coloring

Dilute henna with boiling water to a state of thick sour cream. There should be no lumps left in the henna. If you want to achieve a deep chestnut shade on dark hair, add a tablespoon of instant coffee to the henna. And if you are attracted to purple tones, dilute the henna not in water, but in beetroot juice.

The paint should be applied to dry, clean hair. Make sure that henna does not get on the skin. If this happens, remove it immediately with a damp cotton wool dipped in vegetable oil.

Leave the dye on your hair for about 1 hour, then rinse with warm water. The hair should be washed until the water flowing from them is absolutely clean.

Using only henna, you will dye your hair reddish-red. In order to get a pleasant bronze tint, you need to add 1 part of basma to 2 parts of henna. A mixture of an equal amount of henna and basma will dye your hair black.

For more varied reddish nuances, combine henna with 3-4 teaspoons of cocoa (mahogany shade), four teaspoons of coffee (reddish-blond tone), chamomile infusion - 1 tablespoon in 1/2 cup of water (bright golden color ). When dyeing dry hair, it is better to dilute the paint not with water, but with kefir or yogurt at room temperature. You can give a beautiful golden hue to blond hair with a decoction of chamomile (200 g per 2 cups of boiling water, insist for an hour, strain).

When stained with onion husks hair acquires a golden tone (boil 50 g of onion peel in 200 g of water for 20 minutes, cool and strain the broth).

A light brown shade to oily and normal hair can be given with a decoction of rhubarb (leaves and root): 200 g of rhubarb is boiled in 0.5 liters of white wine or a mixture of water and vinegar (about half a glass) until half of the original volume is obtained. Wipe your hair with these decoctions with a damp swab daily until you achieve the desired color. Hair grows by about 5-10 mm per month, and therefore the roots of regrown hair must be dyed every 3-4 weeks.

Laurels for the face. This tool will help cleanse the face, make it very gentle, and also rejuvenate the neck. And most importantly, it is very easy to make. To do this, take 200 g of bay leaf, boil it in 100 g of water. Let it brew a little and use it: wipe your face and neck with a swab. After a few days of regular rubbing, your face will become much softer and brighter.

Lavender mask. Recommended for normal skin with age spots or freckles. The mask contains: lanolin - 20 g, vegetable oil - 5 g, lavender oil - 5 g, borax - 0.5 g, water - 40 ml. Mix lanolin and oil, gradually adding water in which borax is dissolved. Beat the mass, adding lavender oil, and beat again until a white homogeneous mass is formed. Apply the mask 1-2 times a week for 1-1.5 months. Repeat the course in 2-2.5 months.

After washing, it is useful to lubricate your hands with special water: take equal parts of glycerin and rose water (or an infusion of rose petals) and add 10 drops of ammonia.

To keep the skin of the body soft and supple, rub olive oil, then take a bath. It may also be advised to mix 400 g of rose petals with 1/2 liter of oil. Infuse for 1 week, then strain. Add to the bath 3 tbsp. spoons of tincture.

Oriental beauty is based on ancient recipes, the relevance of which does not weaken: we learned all the most important things about self-care a thousand years ago! Of course, various oils and natural products, spicy aromas and, of course, bath culture are used.

Argan oil

Valuable argan oil is the number one beauty product for Arab women. It has been used since ancient times, but to this day, argan oil does not give up its position. Girls use it in its pure form without cosmetic additives and not only for hair (we have all heard about this method), but also as a remedy for the face and body. Argan oil is rubbed into the skin not only for smoothness and elasticity, but also for the sake of aroma - the product has a very pleasant spicy smell.

amla extract


Amla, or Indian gooseberry, is very popular in the Middle East and India as a miracle hair remedy. Amla extract can be in powder or in the form of oil (by the way, it can also be found in Russia): the product is simply applied as a mask. Amla is especially good for the scalp, perhaps Oriental beauties have such thick hair not only due to genetics, but also due to proper care! If we are talking about amla powder, then it can be added to shampoo and balm to enhance the effect.

Pink water

Rose water is a wonderful facial tonic with a mesmerizing scent. Women used to use it as their main care, but today this remedy can replace micellar water for you. In addition, rose water has a calming effect, reduces redness and inflammation. And another secret of oriental beauty - it is best to keep rose water in the refrigerator to refresh the skin even more.


Turmeric powder masks are ingrained in Indian and Pakistani traditions as part of the bride's wedding preparation ritual. Fortunately, you can buy turmeric in any market, which means that you can easily make an Indian bride's mask at home yourself! To do this, you need 2 tablespoons of flour, a pinch of turmeric, 2 tablespoons of rose water and the same amount of milk. All ingredients must be mixed and applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Here is such a beauty secret of oriental women in facial care.


You have probably heard about the coloring properties of henna powder and, perhaps, even experienced it yourself. For example, mehendi, henna tattoos, have long gone beyond the Middle East, India and Africa. Unlike artificial dyes, henna is completely harmless and even useful. We do not call for dyeing hair (however, colorless henna is suitable as a firming mask) or getting a tattoo, but henna is just perfect for eyebrow dye!


Citric acid is a natural skin bleaching agent that is also very refreshing. We most often strive for a tan, but oriental girls, on the contrary, try to whiten their skin by rubbing their faces with lemon juice. Yes, life is unfair! By the way, there is another common beauty trick of Oriental women: the soft side of the lemon peel can be an excellent scrub if you wipe your face with it.

Mustard seed oil

The history of mustard seed oil is quite controversial: until 2012, food was cooked with this oil in India and the Middle East, but then it was banned in food products due to the high content of harmful erucic acid. But hair is a completely different matter! For centuries, girls have rubbed in mustard seed oil for growth, conditioning and shine. And it really works! If you want to quickly grow a “braid to the waist”, then this tool will definitely come in handy for you.

Natural Wax Halawa

Halawa wax is incredibly popular in Eastern countries. It consists of a mixture of natural oils, paraffin and beeswax, and smells like sandalwood. This tool is universal: for example, wax can be rubbed into the nails to make them strong and shiny, and can even be used as a deodorant! Yes, yes, the fact that sweat can be fought in this way, the girls of the East guessed a very, very long time ago. What is most interesting, natural wax is beginning to gain popularity in other countries, replacing the products we are used to.


It is difficult to imagine Eastern culture without a hammam or, as it is also called, a Turkish bath. In fact, hammams originated from Roman baths and are common to this day in the Middle East. Doctors are sure that these wet baths are really very good for health, and beauties do not miss the opportunity to take a steam bath once again. Thanks to this, all the excess “dirt” leaves the body through the pores, sorry for the frankness, and the skin becomes perfectly smooth. In addition, they always take a natural body scrub with them to the bath, so there is no question of any cellulite!

natural perfumery

Of course, Arab women have access to all perfumes, even the most expensive ones, but natural perfumes based on essential oils, with pronounced oriental spicy aromas, do not give up their positions. Jasmine, musk, vanilla, rose, sandalwood - well, how else can you charm an oriental prince, if not with such a flair? Arabic perfumes are oil-based, without the use of alcohol, so they are very long-lasting.