"Remove the T-shirt": how young girls sell their young bodies for the husks. Girls in girls, formation and development

Age periods. International Symposium for Age Periodization (Moscow, 1965) recommended to distinguish the following periods of development of the girl: newborn (1-10 days), inaglement (10 days - 1 year), early childhood (1-3 years), first childhood (4 -7 years), second childhood (8-11 years), adolescent (12-15 years old), youth (16-20 years). In this scheme, adolescent age will be shifted for an earlier period. The scheme has not yet been widespread.

Doctors engaged in gynecology of children and adolescents more often resort to the next classification of the phases of sexual development of the girl: a period of intrauterine development, a period of newborn, "neutral" period (up to 7 years), a prepubertal period (from 7 years before the year of the appearance of menarche), pubertal (from Menarche under the age of 16) and teenage (from 16 to 18 years) periods.

Allocation in the life of the child's domestic development period has become carried out in domestic pediatrics from the beginning of the current century, from the work of the N. P. Gundobin school.

Characteristics of genitals of a newborn girl. The girl is born with clearly differentiated in the female type of external gender. The clit is relatively large. Empathy lips are often edema, hypertized, easily sticking together. Small immature lips are only partially covered in large. The skin is thin, slightly pigmented and is often covered with original lubrication. Vestibular glands do not function.

At this time, the Great Piece is located more deeply in the sex gap than in subsequent years.

The variability of the magnitude, shape and view of both the meal itself and the holes (or holes) of the virgin splava attracts attention.

The vagina is located in parallel vertical axis. The length of it varies from 25 to 35 mm. Vaults, especially the rear, to some extent already expressed. The notable folding of the walls of the vagina, the muscular layer of which is pretty pretty good is determined. The smear taken from the vagina of a newborn girl is characterized by high eosinophilic and cariopic nodules. The reaction of the vaginal content is acidic; Deterlee wands are found. By the end of the described period, the thickness of the epithelial reservoir decreases: from 30-40 to 2-3 layers. After the first week of life, parabaznaya and basal cells begin to prevail; Microflora is represented by Cockkops. Intermediate cells remain no more than 30%.

The uterus in the newborn is located in the abdominal cavity; The region of the outer mouth is placed not lower than the line corresponding to the diagonal conjugate. The length of the uterus is on average 30 mm; The same figure is typical for the length of the uterus at a 10-year-old girl. The body of the uterus has a lentil shape, bottom - slightly concave ("saddot"). The ratio of the length of the neck and body of the uterus is 3: 1. The body and cervix almost do not form an angle among themselves. The uterus is in the position of Anteversio.

Myometry is well developed. Not only endocervix, but the endometrium form a large number of folds. The inner zev of the cervix is \u200b\u200bnot formed. The outer zev from the point (in the fetus) turns into a slit (in a newborn). In the area of \u200b\u200bthe outer point, there is often pseudo-erosion. The cervical canal is filled with a thick mucus, which can enter the vagina.

In endometrials, secretory changes are most often stated. Sometimes there is a phase of desquamation, accompanied by menstrual-similar discharge from the germ.

By the time of the birth of the girl, the uterine pipes are very long (reach an average of 35 mm), sorrow because of relatively short wide ligaments. Muscular layers of pipe wall are well developed. The uterine pipes are passable throughout. Even with normal intrauterine development, their asymmetry is observed: the right tube is usually 5 mm longer than the left.

The ovaries of the newborn girl are located in the abdominal cavity. They have a cylindrical or prismatic elongated form. The liberty length of the newborn ranges from 15 to 25 mm. Surface in places convex at the expense of constructive follicles. With the normal course of pregnancy in the ovaries of the fetus there are no follicular cysts. The histological structure of the eggs of the newborn in the main features resembles the picture of an adult woman's ovarian, although there are some differences.

One of the features of the ovarian newborns is the abundance of the priority follicles, the number of which, as some researchers identified, is within 500,000-700,000 each. The second feature consists in a strongly pronounced process of atresia at all stages of follicular development. Ovulation is absent. The third feature can be called imperfection of the ovarian structure: a thin whitewash, anisocytosis of granular cells, moderate luteinization of the cell cells, the absence of a shiny shell, an abundance of degenerated oocytes. The fourth feature is the good development of interstitial (targeted) cells and their high endocrine activity.

The magnitude and mass of the right ovary of the newborn prevail over those left.

Summing up, it can be emphasized that the genital organs of a newborn girl are highly differentiated. The functional voltage, which they experience, is largely transient associated with a sharp change in homeostasis (in particular, hormonal status) during the neonatal period.

Characteristics of the genital organs in the "neutral" period. At this age, outdoor genitals, as well as the rest of the genitals, are developing slowly. At the girl up to 6-7 years old, large immen's lips are not completely covered with small. Small vestibular glands on the lateral surface of the sump lips appear in 3 years, on medial - at 4 years. Ripening of these glands refers to the 6-year age. Large vestibular glands remain little differentiated throughout the term.

At the age of 3 years, the process of lowering the internal genital and some neighboring organs in a small pelvis becomes a noticeable process. At this time, the bladder is approaching the front wall of the vagina. Longer of the vagina begins to be installed under an acute angle to the vertical axis. The length of the vagina almost does not increase and reaches the end of the described period of 40 mm. Epithelial reservoir is thinned up to 4-5 layers. In addition, in the girls of this age period, the mucous membrane of the vagina is distinguished by abundant folding, its cells contain a slight amount of glycogen. The reaction of the vaginal content is alkaline or neutral. In the vagina strokes, the cells of only deep layers of epithelium, single leukocytes are determined. Flora vagina is not stable, such microorganisms such as diplococci, staphylococci, streptococci, intestinal wand can be found. The listed features of the vagina, along with other factors, play a role in the emergence of vulvovaginites. Among girls suffering from vulvovaginitis, 85% are children under 8 years old.

In the first years of life, the uterus decreases in size. The ratio of cervical and body of the uterus undergoes the following dynamics: in 1 year it is 2: 1, at 4 years - 1.7: 1, at 7-8 years - 1.4: 1. The uterus is in the state of artwork and anteflexia. By a three-year-old, the bottom of the uterus is lowered to the level of the entrance plane in a small pelvis. In the second year, the circular layer of myometrium thickens, in which the circular branches of the uterine artery are located. Children's surgeons and gynecologists, it is important to remember about one particular nature of the uterus inherent to her up to 10 years of age: the uterine artery is not tortured and is not located at the very side surface of the uterus, but by 10-12 mm laterally it. It should be borne in mind that the ureter comes into contact with the middle of the cervix, and then, before entering the bladder, with the front wall of the vagina.

During this period of the girl's life, the uterine pipes change little. They are still very thin, long and sorrow. There is no peristalism.

The ovaries before other internal organs begin to fall into the cavity of the small pelvis, however, and at 5 years old, their high location is found. The dimensions and shape of the ovaries almost do not change; Some strengthening of their growth refers to 6-8 years. Despite the fact that this period is called "neutral" or "asexual", in the ovaries of the girls of this age there is always a small number of ripening and mature, as well as atrethic, follicles. The inner shell of follicles reacts positively to steroid histochemical tests. At the specified period, the number of priority follicles is falling in half compared to the period of newborn. Ripening of follicles does not have a cyclic nature.
It is known that a low level of sex hormones is noted in the "neutral" period. This circumstance is explained by the lack of sharp jumps in the development of genital organs. The process of lowering the internal genital organs in a small pelvis, whose cavity increases. The topography of related organs is changed.

So, until 7 months of age, the top of the bladder is located in the middle of the distance between the Lone and the Pup. The inner opening of the urethra channel during the first two years of life is shifted by a book by 53 mm. The urethra canal in the girl is wider and relatively longer (on average 29 mm) than in an adult woman (30-38 mm). He has an oblique direction, the convexity is addressed to the kepened.

In the breast girl, the outer hole of the urethra is located at 11 mm caudal than that of a newborn. The urinary bubble sphincter is finally developing in the younger school age (the beginning of the prepubertate period).

Feature of genital organs in the prepubertal period. The peculiarities of the outer genual parts in this period include their increase due to the growth of adipose tissue. By the end of the prepubertal period, the hole of the virgin splava significantly increases, and Hymen himself is located more superficially than at an early age. It becomes well visible to the outer hole of the urethra. To this period, the beginning of the functioning of large vestibular (bartoline) glands.

By 13 years, the average length of the vagina reaches 63 mm. The folding of the walls becomes more pronounced. Rear arch is quite deep. The thickness of the epithelial formation increases significantly; If in the smears in a 9-year-old girl, intermediate and surface cells in the amount do not exceed 10% and the parabaznal cells are still dominated (they are not always distinguishable from intermediate), then after 2 years, intermediate and surface cells are prevailing, the cariopic component reaches 30%, eosinophilic - 1-20%. In the prepubertal period, the deterlene wand is again sewn, the reaction of the vaginal content is shifted into the acidic side.

Only to 10 years of age, the uterus achieves sizes inherent in her newborn; Its mass within this period of 4.2 god, the folding endometrium gradually disappears; If a folding is not liquidated by the menarh longer, this circumstance can become one of the causes of algodismenore. By the end of the prepressing period, endometrical glands are hypertrophy, branched; Strom is clearly divided into functional and basal layers. The ratio of the length of the neck and body of the uterus changes: the neck of the neck is 1/3 of the magnitude of the organ, and the body of the uterus is 2/3.

During the preperser period, the ovaries increase markedly (their mass reaches 4-5 g, length - 3-3.5 cm). The process of ripening follicles becomes more intense, but remains chaotic. Occasionally ovulation occurs. The number of priority follicles is reduced to 100,000-300,000.

Thus, the prepubertal period is characterized by the beginning of intensive growth and maturation of all departments of the sex tract, which are ready to function by the end of this period.

Feature of genital organs in the pubertal period. In the pubertal period, the genitals gradually acquire similarity with the organs of an adult woman. So, by the end of the dale, the length of the vagina reaches 80-100 mm. Vaults are well formed. Colpocytological patterns reflect the configuring cyclicity of changes in the vaginal epithelium characteristic of this period. Depending on the day of the cycle in the smears, you can register the change of four degrees of proliferation (the cariopicnotic index, even in the middle of the cycle, rarely reaches 60%), and then signs of progesterone stimulation.

The uterus is rapidly increasing in size: if in 11-12 years old the average mass of it is 6.6 g, then at 16 it is 23 g (at an annoying woman - 46 g). The uterine artery is finally located along the side surface of the uterus; There is some emissions of this vessel. The asymmetry of ovarian and uterine pipes with age does not decrease. Pipe peristalistic appears. Transformations in the ovary and endometrials are becoming increasingly cyclic.

Throughout the adolescence, not only the anatomical formation, but also the functional maturation of both the genital organs and the central regulatory departments is completed. At the end of this period, we can talk about the completion of the integration of the sexual system and the assimilation of the right rhythm. Sexual maturity usually occurs after 18 years. In the future, the female organism is able to fully implement the reproductive function.

"The woman is the biggest threat to a man, an evil spirit that knocks him down from the road. Selects it to be between her legs. Therefore, it should be cut. " This is a quote from the "vital wisdom" Nasser Al-Shaker Shaker - one of the main supporters of legalization of the cutting of girls in Egypt. The barbaric tradition of cutting girls is practiced in many countries of the world: in Egypt, Iraq, Yemen, in the countries of Africa, South America. According to UNICEF, there are about 125 million cropped women around the world, and three millions of girls annually threaten this cruel ritual. The European capital of the cutting of girls was ... London. From the report of the Parliamentary Commission, it follows that 170 thousand cropped women live in England, and 65 thousand girls under the age of 13 are under threat of execution of the Hellic ritual of circumcision. See the photo report from Kenya, where the tradition of circumcision, although it is prohibited by law, is still practiced.

18 photos

1. Theoretically, the ritual of cutting girls in Kenya is prohibited by law. However, in many of his districts, this tradition is so strong that no laws can stop this cruel practice, even if it threatens imprisonment.

In countries where girls are massively practiced, there is deeply rooted confidence that the uncut girl will be slutty and incorrect, so she will not have the slightest chance of marrying.

In the photo: Pokot tribe girl after the ritual of circumcision - she was wrapped up with skin and painted white paint, and now lead home to rest. (Photo: Siegfried Modola / Reuters).

2. All Girls Pokot tribes are necessarily a clipping ritual. This is part of the root of initiation, after which the girl becomes in the eyes of the adult community. Only after circumcision she can get married.

In the photo: Young Kenyka after the barbaric ritual of circumcision. (Photo: Siegfried Modola / Reuters).

3. According to the UN, in Kenya more than 25 percent of women are cut off. The law prohibiting the ritual of circumcision, which was adopted in 2011, is ignored - especially inhabitants of poor rural areas.

In the photo: Pokot tribe girls run to the place in which the circumcision ceremony will be held. (Photo: Siegfried Modola / Reuters).

4. "The ritual of circumcision has always practiced," says the father of one of the cropped girls. - The girls are cut off so that they have the opportunity to get married. This is their entry into adult life. "

In the photo: Young Kenyka after the ritual. (Photo: Siegfried Modola / Reuters).

5. Ritual, as a rule, is carried out in terrible conditions, using primitive tools - scissors, razors and even broken glass. (Photo: Siegfried Modola / Reuters).
6. Circumcision is carried out not only in poor, backward families. The ritual of circumcision is subjected to girls from both the poor and from rich families, daughters and illiterate, and educated people.

In Egypt, for example, 99 percent of women are cut into the villages, 95 percent in cities. In Nigeria, most circumcision is done in rich families.

And although this tradition is often associated with Islam, there is no single word in the Quran. Girls are cut into Saudi Arabia, in which Islam is considered the most orthodox. In Nigeria, Niger, Kenya and Tanzania among cropped girls most of the whole Christian.

In the photo: Senior women of the tribe are trying to pick up girls in every way so that they come out of the hut and went to the place where the ritual will be held. (Photo: Siegfried Modola / Reuters).

7. "Pain will make them stronger - said the mother of one of the girls to the Reuters agency reporter. - She will show the community that can withstand pain. I am proud of it. "

In the photo: Pokot tribe girls are waiting for the beginning of the ritual. (Photo: Siegfried Modola / Reuters).

8. The authorities of Kenya hope that tribes will change their attitude towards the tradition of female circumcision. Nevertheless, fear that this tradition has too deep roots.

"We still have a lot of work in this direction - says the prosecutor Christine Nanjala. - Maybe not today, but someday it will end. " In the Kenyan Prosecutor's Office, there are currently about 50 criminal cases related to the illegal ritual of the circumcision of girls.

In the photo: girls are waiting for the beginning of the ritual. (Photo: Siegfried Modola / Reuters).

9. The Pokot tribe is going around the fire in order to take part in the ritual of circumcision of his girls. (Photo: Siegfried Modola / Reuters).
10. In the photo: the girl is crying after passing the ritual of circumcision. According to one woman, who herself passed through this horror: "This pain is impossible to describe ... it's how to take a knife and cut off someone a piece of body." (Photo: Siegfried Modola / Reuters).

Circumcision is the removal of part of the genitals, usually the clitoris, less often of the sex. The consequences of this ritual are deplorable - girls can die from blood loss or from infection. Cropped women are more likely to suffer from urinary tract infections, cysts, infertility, they often happen complications during childbirth, and there is also no sexual attraction.

11. Pokot tribe girls after cutting ritual. (Photo: Siegfried Modola / Reuters).
12. In the photo: Girls waiting for the girl's hut, which is to undergo circumcision. (Photo: Siegfried Modola / Reuters).

International organizations and national governments of those countries that consider ritual violation of human rights are struggling with barbaric traditions of female circumcision. However, it is difficult to deal with traditions without increasing the overall level of education among the local population, although, as practice shows, in Europe, where everything is in order to education, this ritual is practiced as if nothing had happened, despite prohibitions and laws, while most often It is carried out in expensive paid clinics.

13. Girls after circumcision. (Photo: Siegfried Modola / Reuters).
14. After circumcision in the tradition of the Pokot girls, white paint color. (Photo: Siegfried Modola / Reuters).
15. A teenage girl just passed a terrible ritual of circumcision. (Photo: Siegfried Modola / Reuters).
16. Pokot tribe women carry stones on which girls will sit during circumcision. (Photo: Siegfried Modola / Reuters).
17. Ritual dialing girls White paint after circumcision. (Photo: Siegfried Modola / Reuters).
18. A minute before the start of the ritual. On the faces of girls draws fear. (Photo: Siegfried Modola / Reuters).

This terrible, barbaric tradition is nothing more than a crime over girls who do not have any arguments to be justified. Girls are crippled in the name of the tradition, which considers women a threat to men, the habitat of evil spirits who knock down men from the road ... This is an obsession with nagging and sex, and the irrational fear of "unclean" naked female body. Ignorance and faith in obsolete laws and customs.

The unemployed blogger from Gomel asked girls to undress for the husky in social networks in front of tens of thousands of spectators.

Andrei Burima is eighteen years old. If you go to his page in the social network "VKontakte", you will see an ordinary young guy from the provincial city: Selfness, Fastfud's pictures, "rather summer", reposit from fashionable publics and songs of progressive trap performers. The Belorussian Gomel's close walls of Andrei apartment spread out, but instead it could be almost any city of the CIS - the life of a teenager plus-minus is identical to all the latitudes of the former Union.

Probably, therefore, Andrei engaged in Streaming, taking Nick mellstroy. It is innocuous, in general, hobby: usually young people include the camera, include the game, and are curved. Someone succeeds better than others, and the hobby turns into a well-paid job - we wrote about the hundreds of thousand rubles for a couple of evenings of Stream. A Gomel teenager was probably dreamed of such a career, but the trouble did not find the Hero, but no tens of thousands of subscribers do not earn money. Andrei began to raise the bets: in particular, in one of the stereos promised to burn a couple of his things if a certain number of viewers would be checked. The idea failed, but the young man found another way - to undress teenagers live, promising them likes.


It all started with Chatroulette - video service, where the interlocutor is selected randomly. With "Chatrolets" launched a wide career of a blogger and an Internet artist Dmitry Larina. Andrei, apparently, Grezil about the similar development of popularity. Mellstroy "I caught" the forgive girls who often had 14-15 years old, and offered to play the game: if the interlocutor did not answer a simple question ("How old are I?"), I had to remove some element of clothing. Many refused, but someone did not hesitate and safely endured drumma and (then more) 500-700 spectators.

Over time, everything happened to Andrei what he dreamed of all his life - the long-awaited glory. There were several tens of thousands of people to the canal, and the amount of one-time spectators reached a slightly crazy digit - 5-6 thousand. Lots of. Even top showmen like Khovansky and Pugs are not always assembled at the monitors such a crowd - for a little-known streamer it is an astronomical result.

Money and money came to fame: during the "show" grateful spectators will not be bought to encourage young pornograph ruble - they work the very "donats". Amounts, by the standards of top streamers, small - a couple of thousands per hour, after popularity - more, but for not the most prosperous Gomel quite nothing. Yes, and Mellstroy himself does not hide the financial side. That's what he spoke on one of the stereos:

My family is completely dangerous. There is nothing. Mother works in the kiosk, the bass - at the plant. Do you know how much he gets? Five million [about fifteen thousand Russian rubles]. And we are four: brother, me, mother and father. I go in sneakers in winter. Thanks to you I earn more than all

streamer Mellstroy - about the economic side of the creation of child pornography

With the growth of popularity, the divorce technique was improved: the guy was already the victims before the start of the fun, adding them to Skype, and then he already asked to undress. For a children's striptease - award: Buris promised girls a lot of likes on social networks, free PR of their instagram page, and other attributes needed for minimal vital activity of a 14-year-old lady. We can not show full videos from the stereos, but here's a clear passage for which you can conclude - we note that almost 17 thousand people watched.

With the rest of the teenagers, he communicates in a similar way:

And you can drop your fingers down and play with your mandar

streamer Mellstroy persuades a child to a public striptease

As you can see, Andrei's own activity clearly turns out. When another victim swims in its network, the pupils of the blogger are expanding, the voice is trembling in anticipation, and the hands involuntarily launches into the hair - most likely the reason in sweating palms. The girl shoots a sweater, and the streamer flows into something, very similar to ecstasy; The term "pedophile" from now on can be illustrated by which photo.

Apogee this story came at the beginning of January: while Russians came to themselves after the New Year holidays, Mellstroy in front of 50 thousand spectators denied children. It took only a small seducker, perseverance and one-sole promise - to fall asleep the web page of the victim.

Anyone who has minimally dealt with "YouTube" is now in bewilderment: why did Gomelchanin's gossip banned in the middle of the glorious path? Ordinary rollers closed even for nude breasts, is there an unprecedented tolerance, really have unprecedented tolerance? As we told blogger Denis Aiden Merenkov, the thing in the other:

The fact is that Youtube has no automatic filter on direct broadcasts. Only if you use someone else's content, they can cover. And since after the end of Ether, Andrei removed the record, then he had nothing to prevent. Although it is known that several of its channels were blocked

blogger Denis Aiden Merenkov

It is not surprising that Mellstroy chose a twinkling platform from YouTube: on a similar Twitch service, he would hold out no more than two minutes - there may foresely close the channel for accidentally shown panties. Teenage stripping would definitely not have passed any control.

But the glory that Andrei tried so stubbornly, as a result, he wondered and spoiled him in his face - a truly broad public found out about Streamy Burim.

Fall and wanted list

For the first time, the canal Melstroy pulled the Mentioned Idan blogger under the light of Sofita. It was from his exposure video recorded on January 17, a chain wave was launched: the opinions of other bloggers (there is no noisy Internet scandal without this), the video of the Yutubera channel, which is positioned as a media about YouTube events. The chadliners of the Russian Internet are silent, but their word will definitely say: a wild story has been splashing in a hello boiler, but about it is about to splash out. While this did not happen, Life asked Aiden about what a young man pulled into such things.

Of course, this is an attempt to gain an audience in any way. It is known that he initially promised on the streets, for example, jump from the balcony if the necessary mass of the audience is thrown. But from innocuous jokes Andrei switched to serious things, undone juvenile girls

blogger Denis Aiden Merenkov - About Motivation Andrei Burim

Here, Denis is completely right - innocuous jokes have imperceptibly crossed the line, including criminal. The alerts can be qualified under the article of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus 343-1 "Production and distribution of pornographic materials or pornographic items with an image of a minor". In particular, the first paragraph of the article:

UK Republic of Belarus, Article 343-1

So the term before the young streamer looms real, and it is not a drop of our speculation. As told in the press service of the Internal Affairs Directorate of Gomel, the police had already visited Andrei's apartment, talked to his parents, seized a computer and now conducts an examination for the presence of pornography in the rollers. The press center also added that Andrei did not work anywhere and does not study, and now it went to run - the location of the Burim is unknown, but is established.

This, however, does not prevent the striMer to enter social networks - at the time of writing this article Andrei last time was in Vkontakte in the morning of January 18. Life tried to contact the blogger, but Gomelian shy away from questions.

Body for husky

But do not forget that in this dubious story, at least two sides. And if with the one that he asks to remove the sweater and shouts excitely, everything, alas, is understandable, then to the second there are questions: why do this sweatshirt at all?

Let's remember how the Rakamakafo canal scored the popularity. That's right - at the expense of Prankov over the jet girls. "Furniture Section for an iPhone" - Roller with this name broke into Russian YouTube, provoking the strongest discussion. The formula once successfully implemented by Sobolev, periodically emerges each September: someone from regional custodia suits (usually to initiate students) competition for public undressing, where the main prize is a new phone of Apple brand. The discussion flashes again, girls will disgrace on the entire Internet (and part of real life), but no one even looks at the leading, they say, the guys are here with what, they just allowed people to be themselves. In a situation with Malstro, everyone talks about him - and not a word about the second side.

Understand correctly: we do not protect Andrei in any way. We understand the difference between students and children (let it fit in a couple of years). But once again: why do you take a shuffle, knowing that 10-20 thousand people watch you right now (the victims, usually, knew)? Because this dismissed Individual, who drowned in Adrenaline, promised to propagate the page in VKontakte? Strange, very strange motivation - and iPhone in this context looks not so Merzko.

To understand the situation, Life appealed to the Children's psychologist Svetlana Prokopyuk:

For children of this age, status is very important - children are ready to do for him. Fashion clothes, gadgets, decorations - all this status emphasizes. Similar shameless use of the body as an object of trade may be an attempt to get the desired adolescent. It turns out that the status is more important than bodily safety. There is one more point - at this age, intimacy is formed: the awareness of the body, the borders of this body, there is interest in the conversations of this kind. And at the junction of these two processes - the desire to become noticeable in the eyes of the rest and developing attitudes towards their body - it turns out that the status wins: the child is more important among the peers, and the value of intimacy is lost

Svetlana Prokopyuk, Children's psychologist

In addition, as Svetlana Prokopyuk told Life, a great influence on the behavior of a teenager also provides society. In the talk show, in political and economic circles, the bet on the shower is pedals, at the desire to do something antisocial. And maybe it becomes a contribution to the behavior of these adolescents - the desire to relate to their body aggressively. And, perhaps, the teenager then repents, because he understands - so infinitely offensive use of his body does not lead to good.

It is possible that children are afraid of a perfect act, because of the final result - when they see their nude body on the screen, which is available to millions, they have a shift

New Media

I remember about the main trends of the Russian Youtube 2016 year, Life finished the prophecy: they say, thanks to the streaming services, the interactive was included in the fashion, and so far it is impossible to predict what all this will lead to, because the possibilities of "YouTube" and "Twitch" are intangible and endless . The only thing we were exactly sure - the playground will still throw surprises.

The most important thing in this story is: the case with Melstroke is only a part of the upcoming events that cut the cutting services on us. Since Karina's streamer realized that Twitch can be used by anything, but not only for a direct purpose, the idea of \u200b\u200bdirect broadcasts changed in the root - now it is huge and, repeat, uncharted playground for experiments of the widest field. Pug suited in the real life of a "running man," Buris thought to a children's striptease. This can be treated with contempt and fear (and it will be the most understandable emotions), but at the moment youtube resembles the Pandora drawer, wrapped into a regular plastic bag: it's worth scraping the familiar layer and dig a little further like all the demons of the world will immediately fly out and They will show their shallow - and nothing about it, alas, not to do. Because on the delay of last year there was more than one hundred thousand people who paid for the beating of a former robber and explorer, and at the beginning of this - more than fifty, let the saliva on a frightened girl, raising a sweater slightly above his chest.

Gynecological examination of adolescents is special techniques and methods that detect the pathological and physiological states of female genital organs to eighteen years. The main task of the survey is to obtain data in order to put an accurate diagnosis of a possible gynecological disease in girls and adolescents. Such a survey is significantly different from the one that adult women pass. He has a number of features.

  1. Very often, adolescents are afraid of the gynecologist, they expect pain and unpleasant sensations, because of what they resist the action of doctors. In order to carry out a full-fledged examination, the doctor must calm down the patient and make it that she trusted him. To do this, it is necessary to handle it affably and friendly. To this end, you can start a conversation about the subjects that are not related to the inspection, distract the child, to help him better get acquainted with the doctor and the surrounding environment, which is of great importance. In addition, it is impossible to allow the girl to see inspection tools and other materials. To do this, you must try to remove all things that can cause fear. In the office of the inspection should not be extraneous, it is also impossible to inspect other patients.
  2. Girls genital organs examine inside much more difficult than the organs of adult women who have already gave birth or behave sex. Therefore, the doctor is quite difficult to deal with young girls, and he needs to do everything very carefully, not causing pain and unpleasant sensations. It is also important to choose the least traumatic tools.
  3. Girls have a dense pelvic bottom, very limited spatial relations, small genitals, the form and size of which are not installed as adult women.

Primary reception at the gynecologist video

At the reception of the gynecologist-mammologist video

Therefore, doctors who are engaged in children's and teenage gynecology should have a special training on this subject. In addition, it must be also medium and younger medical personnel.

Before the examination, the girl should empty the intestines and the bladder.

Gynecological examination of adolescents can be divided into a general and special examination. The last is divided into gynecological and additional types of research.

Teenage gynecology - doctor's lecture

Designers took into account the fact that girls of any age love to dress up, and besides, they do not sit in place. Fashionable children's swimsuits of this season are designed for active and comfortable rest and, of course, correspond to the most fresh beach trends.

But choose the children's model is not easier than adulth. In many ways, the choice depends on the age and the opinion of the youngest fashionista itself - it must be taken into account. The taste, as you know, is brought up by childhood and choosing a beach dress - a great reason to lay its foundations.

Beautiful swimsuits 2019 for girls: fashionable styles and colors

Look like an adult girl - a reserved dream of any girl 10-12, and a beautiful swimsuit - the right step towards this dream. But you should not fall in extremes and choose a frankly adult model - this season is presented in my own beach fashion. In many respects they copy adult models, with the exception of one - frank openness.

First of all, it is important to determine the style. This season in the Favorites in the ranks of three very interesting directions - romance, ethnics and sports. In each of them there are very stylish, adapted for the age and features of the figure of the model.

Please note how the trend swimsuits for girls on these photos are spectacular:

Favorite bikini in version for children this season looks sufficient and even modest. No thong and tanga are only democratic slips and shorts. Very stylish in such models, micro skirts in a fold or a wide waist look.

They are unassigned bodies - simple classic styles decorate Ryushi different and decorative flowers.

Children's swimsuits for children: photo and description of models

In the creation of comfortable and stylish images there are no equal to children's closed swimsuits, in 2019 such styles have become hits and adult collections. One of the most successful of them is the best option, not only for mom, but also for daughter.

The most fashionable colors and prints of children's swimsuits - in the photo:

Stylish and very girlish looks like such models in bright clean shades of fashionable orange, sky-blue and rich pink. And the Prints of Swimwear 2019 for girls can envy and adults - the heroes of comics and anime, the spectacular drawings in the style of POP ART decorate the most stylish models.

But do not forget about the fashionable classics - polka dots, small "naive" flowers, a cell and a thin strip truly spectacular look only in very young words.

Children's fashion for swimsuits: photo of models

Special choice - models for very young fashionistas. Of course, no separate models of the "adults" of the stagns can not be. But, but even for very little girls, designers today offer: a shortened top bracket on thin straps and panties with a short-skirt-waist.

The most fashionable closed style of the season was a classic simple model with freely veiled through the neck of stray. Designers tried to combine the actual style and comfort in it - therefore, it is not necessary to choose between fashionable and convenient.

To stop on the beach will not be able to float, play, and of course sunbathe in such a model it is most convenient.

Beautiful swimsuits for girls this season are withstanding in trendy color scheme. All summer shades of orange, gentle green, blue and pink, as it is impossible to look better in simple shapes intended for children.

Designers contributed to adult trends amendments to age. Hawaiian prints, miniature flowers and bouquets, contrasting "peas" and cells are very stylish - it's important to choose bright and juicy combinations of trendy colors.

But the main year hit appliqués with portraits of cult cartoon characters and dolls.

Look at the photo - the children's fashion for swimsuits is never inferior to adult:

As decoration in the models of this season, spectacular ruins and swans are used - they decorate cutouts and waistline. Gently, on the girl's slightly flirtary looks like a finish with small beads, shells, spectacular plastic accessories and colors-broots from the fabric.

Stylish swimsuits for girls and their photos

The choice of this season is huge and can satisfy every taste. But there are several design "taboo" addressed to parents. First of all, it is not worth literally copying adult styles and colors.

Today, it is very fashionable to pick up mom and daughter beach outfits in one color scheme and style - it looks like such a duet is really very stylish. But the children's model in no case should be a copy of the mother.