Social development of the child. Social development in preschool children

The social development of a preschooler is an interconnected process of socialization and individualization. That is, on the one hand, this is the process of assimilating sociocultural experience in the form of rules, norms, methods of behavior, standards of action and interaction of people in society. On the other hand, it is the process of development of the child's essential self, his individuality and uniqueness, a certain independence from society, but capable of harmoniously and effectively adapting to a changing social environment and keeping another person as an important subject of his needs.

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"Indicators of social development of the child and modern requirements of preschool education"

Child social development indicators

and modern requirements of preschool education

Social and communicative development aimed at assimilation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and ethical values; development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers; the formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of their own actions; the development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy, the formation of readiness for joint activities with peers, the formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to their family and to the community of children and adults in the Organization.

Extract from FGOS DO

The social development of a preschooler is an interconnected process of socialization and individualization. That is, on the one hand, this is the process of assimilating sociocultural experience in the form of rules, norms, methods of behavior, standards of action and interaction of people in society. On the other hand, it is the process of development of the child's essential self, his individuality and uniqueness, a certain independence from society, but capable of harmoniously and effectively adapting to a changing social environment and keeping another person as an important subject of his needs.

The social development of a pupil is mastered taking into account the following social dominants:

The child develops confidence in his abilities. (a child is neededto others, they love him);

Self-esteem and freedom develops (childchooses
friends, activities, he has personal belongings)

A positive perception and attitude towards others is fostered
(tolerance, respect for peers, interest in values
cooperation, responsibility for a given word, for one's business, for anotherhuman);

An understanding of others develops ( theiremotional state, need for empathy).

The FSES of preschool education clearly defines the conditions necessary to create a social situation for the development of children, corresponding to the specifics of preschool age:

1) creating conditions for direct communication with each child; respect for each child, for his feelings and needs (providing emotional well-being);

2) creation of conditions for the free choice of activities by children, participants in joint activities; making decisions, expressing your feelings and thoughts; support of children's initiative and independence (support for individuality and initiative);

3) creation of conditions for positive, benevolent relations between children, development of communication skills, allowing to resolve conflict situations with peers (establishing the rules of interaction in different situations).

Pedagogical guidelines for the social development of a child in a preschool educational institution:

The teacher forms the child's self-esteem, confidence in their capabilities;

The teacher develops, stimulates the child's positive attitude towards

The teacher educates the child in social skills and forms
social competence.

According to research data of domestic educational psychologists Smirnova EO. Sterkina RB. Shchetinina A.M. the level of socialization of a child in a preschool educational institution should be determined using special indicators. You can see indicators of the child's well-being social development on the screen.

Indicators of a child's safe social development:

- emotionally responds to the experiences of another;

- emotionally well;

- shows self-confidence, independent, active, initiative;

- possesses the skills of self-control, self-regulation;

- mostly positively evaluates and accepts others;

- accepted by a group, i.e. has a positive social status;

- owns the methods of sociocultural behavior and communication;

- quite communicative (within the framework of individual characteristics);

- socially ready for school, etc.

As you can see, it is possible and necessary for a teacher to measure the level of social development of a child in a kindergarten.

I bring to your attention the teaching aid "Diagnostics of the social development of the child", the author Albina Mikhailovna Shchetinina.

I suggest you consider the level of formation of the child's social forms of behavior (based on observation results) (by A.M. Shchetinina):

- knows how to play amicably, without conflicts with other children;

- sympathizes with another when someone is upset, tries to help him, comfort him, regret;

- is benevolent towards others;

- tries to resolve conflicts by himself;

- helps another;

- coordinates their actions with the actions of others;

- restrains its negative manifestations

- subordinates his interests to the interests of other children

- inferior to another

- accepts social norms and rules of behavior and follows them

Dear Colleagues! Do we always take a responsible attitude to pedagogical diagnostics? But on the basis of the results obtained, it is possible to determine a number of tasks for the development of certain qualities in a child and methods of pedagogical influence that are adequate to them.

Material description: I offer you an article on pedagogical topics in the section "Modern trends in the development of preschool education" (from personal experience) on the topic "Social development of preschoolers." This material will be useful in the work of educators, methodologists and contains information that can be used at parent meetings, teachers' councils, etc.

Preschool age is a time of active socialization of a child, development of communication with adults and peers, awakening of moral and aesthetic feelings. The kindergarten is designed to provide the child with harmonious interaction with the world, the correct direction of his emotional development, and awaken good feelings.

The child looks at the world around him with wide eyes. He wants to know him, to feel him, to make him his. And we teachers help a little person to become a Human with a capital letter. In close interaction "child-adult" and the social development of the child's personality. And the more consciously the adult organizes this process - the educator, the parent, the more effective it will be.

Social development is one of the directions of modern preschool education. For the successful implementation of its goals, teachers need a high level of professional competence. In our kindergarten, the programs “I am a Man” (SI Kozlova and others), “Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle” (NP Smirnova and others) are widely used. These programs orient teachers towards the following goals:

Create conditions for the full social development of children;

Think over the types and forms of pedagogical activity, including special classes that form self-confidence, self-esteem, a positive attitude towards the world, understanding the emotional state of people around, the need for empathy, etc.

Determine the level of development of each child based on special indicators (interest in oneself, interest in peers, in the kindergarten group, etc.).

In the program "I am a Human" social development is interpreted as a problem of cognition of the social world, and the authors of the program "Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle" are interested in the problem of social adaptation of children, taking into account the realities of the modern world.

The purpose of my work in this direction- to reveal to the child the world around him, to form his ideas about himself as a representative of the human race; about people, about their feelings, actions, rights and obligations; about various human activities; about space; finally about what was once, what we are proud of, etc. etc. In other words, to form a worldview, your own "picture of the world".

Of course, a preschooler is not yet able to purposefully educate himself, but attention to himself, understanding of his essence, understanding that he is a human, gradual awareness of his capabilities will contribute to the fact that the child learns to be attentive to his physical and mental health, through himself learns to see other people, to understand their feelings, experiences, actions, thoughts.

The main task is to gradually introduce the child to the understanding of the essence of the social world. Naturally, the speed of assimilation of the material and the depth of its knowledge are very individual. Much depends on the sex of the child, on the nature of the social experience he has accumulated, on the characteristics of the development of his emotional and cognitive spheres, etc. The task of the educator is to focus not only on the age of the preschooler, but also on his actual mastery of the material. Using games, classes, exercises with varying degrees of difficulty in order to select what is most consistent with the level of development of a particular child so that he masters the material individually.

The content of games, exercises, classes, tasks for observation, experiments depends on the creativity and professionalism of the teacher. For example, in the game "What is he" we teach children to listen attentively to the speaker's intonation and to determine his state of mind by intonation. And in the “Interesting minute” exercise, we invite the children to remember and tell what remarkable things they noticed during the day (a good deed of a friend, helping an adult, etc.) and comment on this event.

In accordance with the content of the material, its characteristics determine the main activity of the child, which is most adequate to the task being carried out. In one case, it can be a game, in another - work, in the third - activities, cognitive activity. Forms of work - collective, subgroup, individual.

Particular attention is paid to the organization and style of educational work, since it is this process that is the basis and indicator of the success of solving problems in the social development of preschoolers. The focus of educational work: the child should feel confident, protected, happy, convinced that he is loved and that his reasonable needs are met at the preschool educational institution. The kindergarten is his home, so he knows the room well, freely and independently orientates himself in this space. Together with the children, we equip our group, they help, say, make manuals, toys, meet and see off guests, etc. If the child is mistaken about something, we suggest, but in such a way as to once again arouse interest.

In our group, places are allocated not only for solitude - one to draw, see a book, think, dream, but also for collective games, classes, experiments, work. In general, the group should be dominated by an atmosphere of employment, meaningful communication, research, creativity, joy.

The child knows not only his duties, but also his rights. In an environment where the teacher pays attention to each pupil, he is nevertheless not isolated from other children - they are united by interesting joint activities. Relationships with adults are trusting, benevolent, but not equal. The child understands: he still does not know much, does not know how. An adult is educated, experienced, so you need to listen to his advice and words. However, at the same time, the child knows that not all adults are educated, that the behavior of many does not at all correspond to moral foundations (and this is not hidden from him). The child learns to distinguish between positive and negative actions.

Our goal is to give initial ideas, arouse interest in knowing ourselves, the desire and ability to analyze our actions, actions, feelings, thoughts. At the same time, one must not forget for a minute: the listener is a preschooler, an emotional, direct being. The teacher's story (conversation) is simple, arises naturally (on a walk, in the evening, before meals, while washing, etc.). We try to awaken interest in the child, the desire not only to answer us, but also to ask questions ourselves. We are in no hurry to answer his questions. Joint search through observations, experiments, reading books will indirectly lead to the correct answer. We support in the preschooler the confidence that he himself will certainly find the right answer, think of it, and solve a difficult problem for himself.

Work on social development can begin already with the younger group, gradually complicating its content. Younger preschoolers are interested in including themselves in the surrounding reality through play actions. Accordingly, the consideration of one's “I” as a part of “adult” reality allows one to form an idea of ​​oneself, one's capabilities, to foster initiative and independence, to develop activity and self-confidence. Already in the younger group, children are actively involved in games - imitations. Babies imitate the actions of different animals, and also convey the images of animals and their babies. In my show, and independently in movements and facial expressions, they reproduce different moods of animals (good - evil, cheerful - sad) and their images. For example: a small fast mouse and a big clumsy bear.

The family is our constant helper in the social development of children. Only in cooperation with close adults can you achieve high educational results. We try to interest the parents of our pupils, for example, with the desire to instill in children a love for their ancestors. We are trying to revive a valuable tradition - to be proud of our ancestry, to continue its best traditions. In this regard, individual conversations are useful, the purpose of which is to draw the child's attention to his own family, to teach her to love, to be proud of her.

Interaction with family is effective only when we and parents trust each other, understand and accept common goals, methods and means of social development. Showing parents their sincere interest, kind attitude towards the child, the desire to contribute to his successful development allows us to become the basis of our joint efforts with the family and help the child in establishing contacts with the social world.

The basis for the accumulation of positive experience is the emotionally comfortable climate in the group and the meaningful, personality-oriented interaction of the educator with the children.

A living example of an educator, his sincere participation in the affairs and problems of children, the ability to support their initiative and encourage the manifestation of good feelings are the most important conditions for the successful social development of preschoolers. So, the social development of preschoolers is manifested in the humanistic orientation of their activity, in the desire to express their attitude to the world in accordance with the cultural traditions adopted in society.

Children are individuals who are not capable of normal development in conditions of isolation from society. Socialization refers to two-way processes: on the one hand, children learn the social experience of the group to which they belong, and on the other, they themselves influence the behavior of members of their own social groups. The goal of social education is to help the child survive and live normally in society.

Socialization - what is it ?:

Socialization or social development is understood as the process of successful assimilation of social traditions, the formation of universal values, communication skills. For the success of social development, it is important:

Give your baby enough attention


Important! The family is the most important link in the way of transferring the accumulated experience of previous generations to children. It is imperative to constantly work to create a favorable family microclimate. Remember, the main feeling in the relationship between parents and babies is love!

When to start the process of socializing babies ?:

Learning for life in society in children begins from the period of newborn, and continues to develop throughout their lives. During the first years of life, the foundation for successful socialization is laid, influencing further adaptation in society.
For successful socialization, active interaction between a child and an adult, as well as older children, communication with him, familiarity with the surrounding reality is important.

Communication of the baby with the parents plays a big role. From the age of three, the child begins to ask adults a lot of questions. It is necessary to take this seriously, to answer them competently and without reproaches. At this age, the baby enters kindergarten, which is a huge event in his life. From this moment, parents will understand what level of development the child's social development has reached.

Preschool age is an important stage in the formation of a child's socialization.

During this period, the family strongly influences his upbringing and development. Father and mother are vivid examples for the formation of spirituality, culture, communication skills with people around them. By the age of six, children completely copy the behavior of their parents: boys - dads, and girls - mothers. The attitude of adults towards a child influences the formation of a child's social skills.

How is successful socialization manifested ?:

If the process of social development of children proceeds successfully, then they are actively developing such concepts:



As a result, the baby develops not only as a person, but also as a part of a large society.

On the social factors in which the child develops:

All babies develop under the influence of important factors:

Micro-factors: family, kindergarten, friends, people around

Mesofactors: conditions for the development of a baby, the media

Macro factors: state of ecology, politics and economy of the state

Social adaptation of preschoolers:

Social adaptation is understood as a kind of result of social development. Socialization includes three phases:


Social development always goes in two directions:


If an optimal balance is established between individualization and socialization, then the child successfully enters society. In other words, the baby becomes adapted for life in society.

Features of socialization of babies up to three years old:

The family is the source of socialization for a child. Parents form the skills of a culture of behavior. Social development always starts with communication. The baby is more in need of communication with the mother. From the age of three months, children are already looking for contact with other family members. If during this period the child is brought up in a calm, benevolent atmosphere, then he will show positive emotions.

From six months, the baby needs joint games with parents, the basis of which is the speech of adults. You need to talk more with your child. When he is one year old, his own speech will become the main tool of socialization. The child repeats what the elders do, learns to say hello and listen to strangers. At the age of three, it is advisable to assign a baby to a preschool institution in order to develop and form full-fledged communication skills.

Socialization after three years:

Parents are the most important people in the socialization process. The child asks many questions that need to be answered patiently and easily. From the age of three, the baby's vocabulary expands. Thanks to speech, he communicates, expresses thoughts, gains new knowledge. The kid learns the norms of morality and ethics.

Important! The standard of correct behavior for a child over three years old is the parents. Therefore, they need to control their behavior. The relationship within the family is the foundation of the social adaptation of children.

The main way of socializing a three-year-old child is speech. At the age of six, children see the adult as their main role model. A child is a carrier and a reflection of the behavior of his family members. The personality trait of the baby will depend on the experience of family communication.

How should a baby be socialized ?:

Social education is a constant process of forming such sides of character:

Positive attitude towards others

Ability to cope with violations of generally accepted rules of conduct

Ability to live in a large or small team

Respect for other people

Compliance with established rules of conduct

The main activity for preschoolers is games. The development of social skills should also be carried out in a playful way. For this, games that simulate the behavior of others are perfect. In children under 6 years of age, interpersonal relationships come to the fore. In a relaxed play environment, kids learn to subordinate their own actions to universal human norms. Thus, the game in the "hospital" is able to convey the relationship between patients and doctors in the clinic. In role-playing games of the "Family" type, the kids will convey the relationship between their family members. Imitation of the behavior of elders proves the importance of parental example in the process of social education.

Preschoolers with social adaptation disorders:

If, when a baby enters a peer group, disagreements and conflicts do not occur, then we can assume that the baby has adapted to the new environment. The following signs indicate social maladjustment:

unwillingness to communicate

Such preschoolers require psychological assistance, as well as social rehabilitation. If adults create conditions for the harmonious development of the baby, maintain a friendly relationship, then the process of socialization will be successful.

Talk to your baby with confidence and openness

Be an example in everything for your children: behave adequately in any life situations, follow gestures, manners, facial expressions, be able to listen and hear others

Encourage your child to meet and communicate with peers

Learn to be friends

Teach your child to be proactive in activities

Arrange your child's leisure time: holidays, travel, hiking, cinema, museums, theater, exhibitions, concerts

Learn to take different positions in communication: leading, submissive, observant

Teach your child to speak competently, clearly and expressively, and also develop his facial expressions

Cultivate your child's patience, ability to listen, and be purposeful

Build adequate self-esteem in your baby

Try to share your personal joys and defeats with your baby, rejoice together in yours and his successes

Develop in the child the ability to defend his own opinion, as well as respect for the opinions of others

Teach the observance of the rules of etiquette at the table and in public places, principles of conduct among elders

Social development is the assimilation of the values ​​of society, the ability to interact with others. The source of socialization of preschoolers is the behavior of the adults around them.

Everyone knows that childhood is a special and unique period in everyone's life. In childhood, not only the foundations of health are laid, but also a personality is formed: its values, preferences, guidelines. The way a child's childhood goes directly affects the success of his future life. Social development is a valuable experience of this period. The child's psychological readiness for school largely depends on whether he knows how to build communication with other children and adults, to cooperate correctly with them. It is also important for a preschooler how quickly he acquires knowledge corresponding to his age. All these factors are the key to successful studies in the future. Next, what you need to pay attention to in the social development of a preschooler.

What is social development

What does the term "social development" (or "socialization") mean? This is a process by which the child adopts the traditions, values, culture of the society in which he will live and develop. That is, the basic formation of the initial culture takes place in the baby. Social development is carried out with the help of adults. While communicating, the child begins to live by the rules, trying to take into account his interests and interlocutors, adopts specific behavioral norms. The environment surrounding the baby, which also directly affects his development, is not just the outside world with streets, houses, roads, objects. The environment is, first of all, people who interact with each other according to certain rules prevailing in society. Any person who meets on the path of a child brings something new into his life, thus, directly or indirectly, shaping him. The adult demonstrates knowledge, skills and abilities in how to make contact with people and objects. The child, in turn, inherits what he saw, copies it. Using this experience, children learn to communicate with each other in their small world.

It is known that individuals are not born, but become. And the formation of a fully developed personality is greatly influenced by communication with people. That is why parents should pay enough attention to the formation of the child's ability to find contact with other people.

In the video, the teacher shares the experience of socializing preschoolers

“Did you know that the main (and first) source of a child's communicative experience is his family, which is a“ guide ”to the world of knowledge, values, traditions and experience of modern society. It is from parents that you can learn the rules for communicating with peers, learn to communicate freely. A positive social and psychological climate in the family, a warm home atmosphere of love, trust and mutual understanding will help the baby to adapt to life and feel confident. "

Stages of social development of the child

  1. . Social development begins in a preschooler as early as infancy. With the help of a mother or another person who often spends time with a newborn, the baby learns the basics of communication, using communication tools such as facial expressions and movements, as well as sounds.
  2. Six months to two years. Communication between a baby and adults becomes situational, which manifests itself in the form of practical interaction. A child often needs the help of his parents, some kind of joint action, for which he asks.
  3. Three years. In this age period, the baby already requires society: he wants to communicate in a team of peers. The child enters the children's environment, adapts in it, accepts its norms and rules, and the parents actively help in this. They tell the preschooler what to do and what not to do: is it worth taking other people's toys, is it good to be greedy, is it necessary to share, is it possible to offend children, how to be patient and polite, and so on.
  4. Four to five years old. This age segment is characterized by the fact that kids begin to ask an infinitely large number of questions about everything in the world (which are not always answered by adults!). Communication of a preschooler becomes brightly emotionally colored, aimed at cognition. The baby's speech becomes the main way of his communication: using it, he exchanges information and discusses the phenomena of the surrounding world with adults.
  5. Six to seven years old. The child's communication takes on a personal form. At this age, children are already interested in questions about the essence of a person. This period is considered the most important in the formation of the personality and citizenship of the child. A preschooler needs an explanation of many life moments, advice, support and understanding of adults, because they are a role model. Looking at adults, six-year-olds copy their style of communication, relationships with other people, and the peculiarities of their behavior. This is the beginning of the formation of your personality.

Social factors

What influences the socialization of the baby?

  • a family
  • Kindergarten
  • environment of the child
  • children's institutions (, development center, circles, sections, studios)
  • child activity
  • television, children's press
  • literature, music
  • nature

All this constitutes the social environment of the child.

When raising a baby, do not forget about a harmonious combination of various ways, means and methods.

Social education and its means

Social education of preschoolers- the most important side of a child's development, because preschool age is the best period for a child's development, for the development of his communicative and moral qualities. At this age, there is an increase in the volume of communication with peers and adults, the complication of activities, the organization of joint activities with peers. Social education is interpreted as the creation of pedagogical conditions for the purpose of the positive development of a person's personality, his spiritual and value orientation.

We list basic means of social education of preschoolers:

  1. The game.
  2. Communication with children.
  3. Conversation.
  4. Discussion of the actions of the child.
  5. Exercises for the development of horizons.
  6. Reading.

The main activity of preschool children and an effective means of social education is role-playing game... By teaching the kid such games, we offer him certain patterns of behavior, actions and interactions that he can play. The child begins to think about how relationships occur between people, realizes the meaning of their work. In his games, the kid most often imitates the behavior of adults. Together with his peers, he creates games-situations where he “tries on” the roles of dads and mothers, doctors, waiters, hairdressers, builders, drivers, businessmen, etc.

“It is interesting that by imitating different roles, the child learns to perform actions, harmonizing them with the moral norms prevailing in society. This is how the baby unconsciously prepares himself for life in the world of adults. "

Such games are useful in that while playing, the preschooler learns to find solutions to various life situations, including resolving conflicts.

"Advice. Conduct exercises and activities for the child that develop the outlook of the baby more often. Introduce him to the masterpieces of children's literature and classical music. Explore colorful encyclopedias and children's reference books. Do not forget to talk with your child: kids also need clarification of their actions and advice from parents and teachers. "

Social development in kindergarten

How does kindergarten affect the successful socialization of a child?

  • a special socially-forming environment has been created
  • organized communication with children and adults
  • play, labor and cognitive activities are organized
  • a civil-patriotic orientation is being implemented
  • organized
  • the principles of social partnership have been introduced.

The presence of these aspects predetermines a positive impact on the child's socialization.

It is believed that going to kindergarten is not at all necessary. However, in addition to general developmental activities and preparation for school, the child who goes to kindergarten also develops socially. All conditions are created for this in kindergarten:

  • zoning
  • play and educational equipment
  • didactic and teaching aids
  • the presence of a children's team
  • communication with adults.

All these conditions simultaneously include preschoolers in intensive cognitive and creative activity, which ensures their social development, forms communication skills and the formation of their socially significant personal characteristics.

It will not be easy for a child who does not attend kindergarten to organize a combination of all the above developmental factors.

Developing social skills

Developing social skills in preschoolers, it has a positive effect on their activities in life. General good manners, manifested in graceful manners, easy communication with people, the ability to be attentive to people, try to understand them, sympathize, help are the most important indicators of the development of social skills. Another important thing is the ability to speak about one's own needs, set goals correctly and achieve them. In order to direct the upbringing of a preschooler in the correct direction of successful socialization, we propose to follow the aspects of the development of social skills:

  1. Show your child social skills. In the case of babies: smile at the baby - he will answer you the same. This is how the first social interaction takes place.
  2. Talk to your baby. Answer the sounds made by the baby with words, phrases. This will establish contact with your baby and will soon teach him how to speak.
  3. Teach your child to be attentive. You shouldn't bring up an egoist: more often let your child understand that other people also have their own needs, desires, and concerns.
  4. When raising, be affectionate. In upbringing, stand your ground, but without screaming, but with love.
  5. Teach your child to respect. Explain that items have value and need to be treated with care. Especially if these are other people's things.
  6. Teach to share toys. This will help him make friends faster.
  7. Create a social circle for your baby. Strive to organize communication between the baby and peers in the yard, at home, in a childcare facility.
  8. Praise good behavior. The child is smiling, obedient, kind, gentle, not greedy: what is not a reason to praise him? It will reinforce the understanding of how to better behave and acquire the necessary social skills.
  9. Talk to your child. communicate, share experiences, analyze actions.
  10. Encourage mutual help, attention to children. Talk more often about situations in the child's life: this way he will learn the basics of morality.

Social adaptation of children

Social adaptation- a prerequisite and result of successful socialization of a preschooler.

It takes place in three areas:

  • activity
  • consciousness
  • communication.

Field of activity implies a variety and complication of activities, good command of each of its types, understanding and mastering it, the ability to carry out activities in various forms.

Indicators of developed spheres of communication characterized by the expansion of the child's circle of communication, the deepening of the quality of its content, the possession of generally accepted norms and rules of behavior, the ability to use its various forms and types, suitable for the child's social environment and in society.

Developed sphere of consciousness characterized by work on the formation of the image of their own "I" as a subject of activity, understanding their social role, the formation of self-esteem.

During socialization, a child, along with the desire to do everything as everyone else does (mastering generally accepted rules and norms of behavior), manifests a desire to stand out, to show individuality (development of independence, one's own opinion). Thus, the social development of a preschooler occurs in harmoniously existing directions:

Social maladjustment

If, when a child enters a certain group of peers, there is no conflict between generally accepted standards and the individual qualities of the child, then it is considered that he has adapted to the environment. If this harmony is violated, then the child may show self-doubt, depressed mood, unwillingness to communicate, and even autism. Children rejected by a certain social group are aggressive, non-contact, and inadequately assess themselves.

It so happens that the socialization of a child is complicated or slowed down for reasons of a physical or mental nature, as well as as a result of the negative influence of the environment in which he grows. The result of such cases is the emergence of asocial children, when the child does not fit into social relations. Such children need psychological help or social rehabilitation (depending on the degree of difficulty) in order to properly organize the process of their adaptation to society.


If we try to take into account all aspects of the harmonious upbringing of a child, create favorable conditions for all-round development, maintain friendly relations and contribute to the disclosure of his creative potential, then the process of social development of a preschooler will be successful. Such a child will feel confident and, therefore, will be successful.

To be successful in society, it is necessary to have social skills and abilities, to establish contacts and solve problems together, showing respect and tolerance for each other. The rudiments of social development begin to manifest themselves even in infancy. In preschool age, friendly relations continue to form, where a partner is assessed for business and personal qualities. The level of social development of the preschooler (OV Solodyankina) is presented below.

Levels of mastery of self-service skills

low: knowledge is elementary, not systematized according to age and the requirements of the training program. The amount of knowledge does not make it difficult to communicate and interact with other people. Most of the practical actions are performed only in joint actions with adults, with the constant help of an adult.

medium: knowledge, skills and abilities are partially systematized according to age and the requirements of the training program. Most of the practical actions are performed independently, but not regularly.

high: knowledge, skills and abilities are systematized. The child independently performs actions in accordance with the age and the requirements of the educational program.

Levels of social adaptation

low: a high level of emotional anxiety, low self-esteem, incomplete or distorted ideas about the methods or norms of social interaction. Learning based on situational personal and business interests. The child externally does not show initiative (acts individually or passively follows the initiator).

medium: the average level of emotional anxiety, stereotypical self-esteem, the emergence of opportunities to reflect not only personal, but also social experience in communication; communication based on personal and cognitive interest. The child does not outwardly show initiative, but actively accepts the position of a partner.

high: a low level of emotional anxiety, self-esteem, based on their importance of personal and socially significant characteristics, communication in accordance with knowledge of socially acceptable ways of communication, communication based on out-of-situational personal cognitive interest. The child shows initiative (he knows how to coordinate his actions with the wishes of partners, acts reckoning with the actions of the partner).

Social competence:

low: needs support for his initiative in games and actions according to his own rules. In every possible way attracts the attention of peers and adults. Single games with objects and toys are more successful than group games. Interactions with peers develop successfully with the participation of an adult or correction on his part. Needs an assessment of actions by adults (especially positive). Often does not want to show concern for others, openly protests such proposals. He is often emotionally deaf to the pain caused to people and animals around him.

average: prefers peers to adults in his studies. Collective games prefers all other activities. Needs peers' attention and recognition of their successes. May follow the sequence rules. Shows compassion and care for loved ones.

high: feels the need for cooperation and knows how to subordinate his interests to the rules of the game. Prefers regular partners for joint games. Preferences can turn into friendship. Restless, but can subordinate its activity to not very distant goals. May keep the younger one interesting for him. Interested in the assessment of work by peers and adults. Holds the assumed role until the end of the game. Shows compassion and care for loved ones; initiative, inquisitive, with pleasure and fearlessly participates in the search for a way out of difficult situations.