Animal Rescue? Loving and God loves. About human attitude to animals

Does the dog prevents grace?

Sometimes you can face the way that the dog is "bad" animal, and it can accommodate the demon. There are also the opinion about the inadmissibility of dogs in apartments and other premises, where there are icons and other shrines.
They say that allegedly can not be sanctified those apartments where dogs live, and if the dog goes into a consecrated room, it must be reinstalled. There is a completely reasonable question: what is the dog to blame, and how can she prevent God's grace? Usually answer that, since the dog is called an unclean animal in the Holy Scripture of the Old Testament, then, therefore, she desets the shrine with his presence.

Moiseev Dimitri, Priest:
If for people who adhere to such an opinion, not enough of the Lord of the words spoken by the apostle Peter, namely: "That God cleared, do not read the unclean" (Acts., 10, 9-15), the decisions of the Apostolic Cathedral, which abolished the need to comply with the Christians of the Old Testament Law ( Acts, 15, 24-29) and other evidence of the New Testament, then they will not know what the holy fathers talk about the reason for the division in the Old Testament of animals on clean and unclean, as well as exactly this impurity. Great Byzantine Theologian of the IX century St. Foty Foty, Patriarch Konstantinople (Memory February 6, writes about it: "Much by nature is very good, but for those who are becoming a big evil, not because of their own nature, but due to the viciousness We use ... Pure began to separate from unclean not since the beginning of the universe, but it got this difference because of some circumstances. For because of the Egyptians, which the Israeli tribe was in the service, many animals rewarded the divine honors and were badly used them, which were very good, Moses. so that the people of Israeli were not passionate about this bad use and did not attribute the divine worship, in the legislation rightly called them unclean, not because the uncleanness was inherent in the creation, in no case, or unclean was in their nature, but Since the Egyptian tribe used them is not purely, but very badly and wicked. And if something from the Egyptians is deified by the Egyptians, the chista X, like a bull and goat, then he did nothing disagreement with a real reasoning or with his own goals. Calling something from the buddhine with them, and the other betraying the misfortune, and bloodshed, and the murder, he equally fencing the Israelis from serving him and the harm he emerged - after all, neither a vile nor scored and subject to miscarriage could be considered God from those who So it was treated.
So, the peacekeeping of God produced all the creation of very good and the nature of everything is the best. The unreasonable and unplanned human use, settled a lot of the created, made something to be considered and called unclean, and something, although I escaped the names of the unclean, gave a reason for the revival to foresee another way to stop their desecration in order to otherwise remove them from thoughts Israelis multi-grade and achieve impeccability. After all, the name is unclean, and the use that gives the sacrificial [meat] to the womb does not allow to think and even imagine something divine or respectable to them.
If someone says: "Then why Noah, when the law of Moses was not yet given, it is prescribed to divide the net and unclean and introduce them to the ark (Wed 5: 2)?", Let him know that there is no contradiction. . For ... if the animals are not called the signs that they recognized then, but by those who became known later, then nothing disproves the above reasoning. After all, the Book of Genesis does not write Noah, who lived before the law, and Moses, who placed the law on pure and unclean. If the fact that she subsequently entered into the law was prevailing Noah, nothing surprising, because and when he had not yet come to universal collapse, he, having gained knowledge about him, did not doubt. When he, he heard about distinguishing clean and unclean, realized to produce their separation? Just saying answers this: the one who learned about the worldwide crash before it came, and gained grace from God to preserve the seed of the human race, in no way slowed down and get over the recognition of pure and unclean, although the use of these items has not yet been In the custom "(SVT. Foty. Amphilochia. Alpha and Omega, No. 3 (14), 1997, p. 81-82).
Thus, the view of the Holy Father on the problem of unclean animals is quite obvious: the case is not in the nature of the creature, according to nature, by nature, all animals are very good. Unclean some animals called Moses, seeking to protect his people from worship them. Nowadays (and already during the earthly life of Christ) this threat does not exist. Therefore, "discrimination" of dogs by Orthodox Christians does not have grounds. It must be said that in the canonical rules of the Russian Church there is a decree prohibiting the dogs to enter the temple, since the dog's stay in it is not relevant due to its characteristics (smell, restless behavior, violating the reverent order and silence of the temple, etc.) . However, this prohibition concerns only the temple and is not motivated by the fact that the dog will defile the shrine and prevents the grace of God to be in the temple. Accordingly, the presence of a dog in the house in no way can prevent grace. It distinguishes this grace from us not a dog, but our sinful life, free from which is much more difficult than from the dog. Therefore, no obstacle to the consecration of the apartment in it does not represent [...].
And let's refer to the patristic heritage, to this truly inexhaustible treasury of spiritual wisdom, because only there we will be able to find the right answer to those or other issues that our life faces. "

On the issue of animals and their souls.

Many dog \u200b\u200bowners are concerned about the question: Does there have a soul dog?
"There is a soul in every living being, but the soul of the dog is different from the human soul.
The soul of man is immortal, and a dog soul, unfortunately, die.
Rome. 8: 19 For the creature with hope awaits the revelation of the sons of God,
20 Because the creature conquered the fuss not voluntarily, but by the will of conquered her, in the hope,
21 What the creature itself will be released from slavery to the freedom of the glory of the children of God.
22 For we know that the whole creature is cumulatively worsens and suffer from Donyn;
Simeon is a new theologian.
Word 45.
... But in order not to think about what the Apostle said applies to another creature, he added: the bustle of Bo creature will not be able to be wilted, but for obeznuzhago Yu in his hope (Rome 8:20). See that the creature did not want to obey and serve Adam, after he pulled the commandment of God, because he saw that he had a spent from Divine Glory? For this, God, before the creation of the world, predetermined to be saving a man through the revival, which he had to receive due to the embodied housing of Christ, and the creature subordinated to him and conquered her to the drainage, since the person was taken for which she was created, "So that she delivered to him in the greeting food to him, putting it when he rersigates a person, and will make it a random, frightened and spiritual, then with him will update and all the creature and make it forever and not.
... the creature did not take his hair in his will, gives the fruit of ammunition, and rubbing and wolves; But she was submitted by the command of God, who determined this for her in the hope, which will update it again. To fully certify in this, the apostle finally says: Yako and the creature itself is free from the work of the elimination of Glory Fame (8:21). See that all this creature at the beginning was notten and created by God in the rank of paradise? But after God is subordinated to the drain, and conquered the bustle of the people.
As, according to the "accurate presentation of the Orthodox faith" pre. John Damaskina, "in it (paradise) did not have one of the wonderful creatures (as in the essence of animals), and one person - the creation of divine hands" (typed, 2, xi), so, - as in paradise he had no, So in the kingdom of heavenly wordless there will be no ..
Sacred Scripture is silent about what is happening with the souls of animals after their death. However, in the Holy Scripture, it is possible to find indirect guidelines for the continuation of their existence in the realm of the future century. So, for example, the Prophet Isaiah, describing the kingdom of the Messiah, speaks of the restoration of harmony in the relations of all living beings, which was in ancient Eden: "Then the wolf will live with a lamb, and Bars will lie along with the goat; And the calf, and the young lion, and the will will be together, and the small child will drive them. And the cow will graze with a bear, and their young will lie together, and the lion, like ox, will eat a straw. And the baby will play above aspid, and the child will stretch his hand on the snake nest "(Is. 11, 6-8)
Priest Mikhail Vorobiev, cleric of the Wolish Blagoveshchensk Church):
"That all the animals without exception have a soul, quite definitely testifies to the Sacred Scriptures:" And God said: May the Earth will give a soul alive by the nature of her cattle, and the reptiles, and the beasts of earthly by the family. And it became so "(life . 1, 24). At the same time, the Bible speaks of the principal difference in the animal's soul from the human soul, which is created by the special action of the Divine: "And God created a man in his image, in the image of God created him; a man and a woman created them ... and created Lord God of a man from the dust of earthly, and blown in his face his breath of life, and became a man with a soul, "(Gen. 1, 24; 2, 7)."

On the issue of immortality from Sv. Luki.
SVT.Lukka (Archbishop Luka War-Yasenetsky):
However, St. Luca is no less right when it claims that in fact the whole innocent creature will not disappear without a trace, but will enter the kingdom of heaven ... Transforming ...
After all, the initial state of creation (the more fascinating sin) does not match the ultimate one in which the creation should go from the initial according to the design of the Creator ..
On the day of the Second Coming ... After all, according to Maxim, the confessor, "the Creator wishes" a lot of things divided by the nature of creatures came to unity, connecting to each other in the uniform nature of the person, and so God himself would have become everything in everything " "(Citizted according to the prot. John Meyendorf," Jesus Christ in Eastern Tradition ")
... But does the person inherit immortality only? The great word "CE, I do everything new" refers, of course, not to one person, but to all of the creation, in every creature, we already told that the spirit of animals, at least the smallest revenge of him, the spirit of life, could not be mortal For and he from the Holy Spirit. And animal spirit is associated with the body, like a person, and therefore there is a complete reason to expect that their bodies will exist in the new nature, a new universe after the death of the current world. The apostle Paul in the 8th chapter of the Message to the Romans (8, 19 - 22) says: "The creature with hope awaits the revelation of the sons of God, - because the creature submits not voluntarily, but by the will of conquered her, in the hope that herself The creature will be liberated from slavery to the freedom of the glory of the children of God for God, we know that the whole creature is cumulatively worst and suffer from the Donna. "
The whole creature would live in the light and joy if the Falls of Adamovo did not change all the fate of the world, and in the grieving sad fate of life, she, in the sinful will of Adam, to whom God subjugated her, poured bustle, caregivers and suffering. And for her, there is hope that on the day of the glorification of all the righteous, redeemed by Christ from slavery, she will be released from suffering and tensions, that is, it will become imperious.
In the new Jerusalem, the new universe and animals will place; There will not be anything unclean, and the new creature will receive an ancient excuse and sanctification by the Word of God "and I saw God all that he created, and here, well quite" (Gen. 1, 31)
Of course, immortality will not have a value for the creature, as for a person. Her primitive spirit can not infinitely develop and morally to improve the life of the eternal for low creatures will be only a quiet joy in enjoying the new light nature and in communicating with a person who will no longer torment and exterminate it. It will be solo and harmoniously in the future of the new universe, and every creature there will be a place in it.

Why did the Lord create "animals".
The Lord has created animals to serve a person. Not necessarily as a meal: there are them after the fall, when death entered the world. They are also created so that the world is fuller and more colorful.
"Decide to me every firstborn, expanding all sorts of subsoil in the midst of the sons of Israel, from a person to livestock: I have" (Exodus 13.1).
So, the "Wednesday of the Sons of Israel" captures, it turns out that the limits from the "man to livestock". What does it mean? At first glance, we may seem that this common belonging to the Almighty and Jewish people, and his pets are due to the most common properties: pets in a certain sense of the members of the human family, and, accordingly, those animals who found themselves in the Community of Israel's Sons, along with them in Some terms are included in their election.
Meanwhile, this turnover: "From a person to livestock: I", I am also a lot of other meanings and intuitions.
First of all, this turnover, no matter how we interpreted it, suggests some specific unity of the human world and the world of animals. It is for this reason that animals living near the Jews turn out to be elected along with them. And we are talking not only about clean, but also about unclean animals - for example, about donges, which is prescribed to redeem the Lamb (13.13)
However, this is only one image, only one aspect of communication between man and animals, which implies Scripture.

Holy hierarchy existing among animals.
Indeed, we see that the separation of animals on the "clean" and "unclean" is also visually elected: kosher animals, that is, animals allowed in food by a Jew - this is a false elected animals, just as the Jews are the chosen people.
And here you can establish even more in-depth gradation. As levies were elected among Israel, and among the left descendants of Aaron, and so right to the high priest, so among kosher animals elected sacrificial animals, and among them - like the high priest - a red-haired telice was elected. Let me remind you that if the kosher is considered all the rhyursham and the wooden-fumes - that is, including antelopes, giraffes, etc., then only goats, rams, calfs and pigeons can serve as silent animals (females of these four species of animals were brought along with males).
So, not only the pets of the Jew dedicated to the Almighty, he somehow is involved and devoted entire childbirth and families of animals.
In this regard, it is interesting to pay attention to the vision of the Economickel, in which he saw four Kerouves: "And I saw: this is a rapid wind came from the north, the cloud is huge and fire flaming, and the radiance around it (clouds), and as if Hashmal (sparkling) - From the inside of fire. And within it - the likeness of four living beings, and the appearance of them is like a person. And four people have each, and four wings each of them. And their legs are the legs straight, and the feet of them, like the feet of the legs of the Taurus, and sparkle, as if shiny copper. And human hands under their wings from four sides of them, and face and wings - at (all) four. The wings touch them with each other; They did not turn around in the procession; Everyone went in the direction of his face. And the image of them is a person's face, and the face of a lion is to right at (each of) four, and the face of the bull - to the left of (each of) four, and the face of Eagle in (each of) four. (1.4-10)
It is not difficult to notice that the faces of these four cerules are the faces of the four types of warm-blooded: namely birds, predatory mammals, herbivore mammals and humans.
Thus, we see that according to the highest mystical insight of Judaism - and the vision of the Prophet of the Andeskel is considered to be precisely the highest mystical insight - the throne of the Most High surrounds not only the similarity of people, but also like the main warm-blooded animals.
This will not be surprising if we recall that the covenant, a prisoner between the Almighty and Humanity, the Testament of the Rainbow, the covenant of the sons of Noah, "includes along with a person not only home, but also all wild beasts.

Hierarchy of man and animals.
The words about the hierarchy of man and animals are also concluded in the words of the Savior. He spends this thought repeatedly, and when he is healing, the Pharisees says straight: "Which of you, having one sheep, if she falls into the pit on Saturday, will not take it and not pull it out? How much is the sheep man!" (Matt. 12: 11, 12). Says to students: "How much are you better than birds?" (Luke 12: 24).
Therefore, when it comes to a derogatory attitude towards dogs, then perceive him for evil - in vain. It would be ridiculous if the creator hated his unborn creator with anybody. The Bible indicates us exclusively on the hierarchy, the violation of which and "there is an abomination in front of the Lord God." A man mentally and spiritually healthy, naturally, loves the creation created by God. Therefore, the death of domestic animals causes sadness in humans. However, it happens sometimes excessive. In such cases, there is a reason to think about the correctness of our spiritual life. The Lord commanded us first of all to love your heavenly parent: "Lite of the Lord God of your God with all your heart and everything is your soul and all of your understanding" (MF.22: 37). With this commandment, the second "similar to it is closely connected: Love your neighbor, like yourself" (22:39). If a person learn to observe this, then love for animals in his soul will take its hierarchically likelying place.
The biblical understanding of the hierarchical place of the dog was also peculiar and our ancestors. But the abundance of forests in Russia, it would seem, raised the role of the four-legged assistant much more than in ancient Palestine. If there "Dog's business" was limited to shepherd and guard-watchdogs, then in Russian land, in addition to the security, it included amateur and fishing hunt (pets avoided cutting into food, consumed to predominantly dyk), and in the extreme north they were added to the hunt Heavy. Nevertheless, even the cold climate was powerless to decline Rusich Christian: in the most severe frost, the dog did not dare to step further; The settlement of it in the residential premises - the sign of the blurred religious consciousness, the fruit of which is to eliminate the decorative breeds of dogs.
Attention to animals, care for them should not distract moral consciousness from attention directly to the person himself. Sometimes someone out of us annoying people, inflicts them insults, and always caresses their dog. It speaks only about the indisputable damage to spiritual and moral life. "Vicknie, Beloved, in the smart Essence of the soul; and Vicknie is not slightly. The immortal soul is a gem of a certain vessel. Look, how great the sky and the earth, and God fagged, but only about you. Reviews to your dignity and nobility, because What was not Angels sent, but the Lord himself came to be remembered for you to appeal the deceased, ulcerated, return the original image of Pure Adam. "
Accurately learned with an old man by a pair of saint-chores. Once asked:
- Father, will the joy of this life and attachment to them our soul to succeed in Christian?
- No, if you can easily treat things to hierarchically. For example, you will love your children as children, my wife as a wife, their parents as parents, friends of their friends, saints - like saints, angels - like angels, God - like God. It is necessary to give everyone the honor and respect that he is supplied - the old man answered.
Today, there are voices: "discrimination" of dogs by Orthodox Christians has no basis for the basis of " When the bride at the role of girlfriends at the wedding made a dog. How to agree with the assignment of human names to dogs, and people - dog nicknames? Write what has already become a banality, but still it is necessary to remind you that there is nothing like that of such a sacrant. Names are taken From the Saints. And this is the crust of Christ in a person and an insult to the king of Heaven on the throne, spitting in the saints - the friends of the Son of the Son of Human. What then we hope to make it all?
Here you just want to bring the praying phrase M. Scott: "Do not look at your dogs as a person, otherwise they will look at you like dogs."
By all the times, the words of the Savior sounds: "Do not shrine pits and do not throw your pearls before the pigs so that they do not hit him with their legs and, turning you, did not confuse you" (MF.7: 6). Here, of course, about people: about the impossibility of preaching the gospel before proud, unskilled, fierce, for such a sermon would be the temptation of the Lord of our God.

"Noah's Ark". About animal addiction.
It's a sinful Christian to beat, syntify and with hatred treats animals, without making it even, for example, the close presence of some of the pets (cats, dogs, etc.), but sinner is also excessive addiction to them when people are too tied to favorite animals and Through that spoil their moral nature.
The addiction to the animal cools the feelings of kindness and compassion for people in man, meanwhile, our love should be developed and proved in the love of the neighbor (1 John 1 2).
The rich, in the parable of Evangelskaya, fell from his table of pieces, and did not pay attention to the starving Lazarus (onions 16, 20 21).
Others are getting used to their dog that they will not make a step without it, caress, holling, not fit, even kiss her (or other any animal) and at the same time hate people, without even the reasons, - they regret lost dog And without pity bother others to find her, cruelly charged for her loss, they cry about the fallen animal and never will stop themselves about their sins! All this is very sin!
The Almighty raised to the ark of all - both clean so and unclean - animals. We read: "And God said to Noahu and his sons with him: here, I set my union with you and with the offspring of yours after you, and with every living being, that with you: from birds, from livestock and from all the crusts of earth which you have, of all came from the ark, from all animals of earthly; And I establish my union with you, and every flesh of the flooding waters will not be more explicitly, and there will be no more flood on the Earth's Earlings. And God said: Here is the sign of the Union, which I give, between me and you, and between every soul, which is with you, - for the eternal generations. I gave my rainbow in the cloud, and it will be a sign of the Union between me and earth. And it will be when I invite a cloud to the ground, and a rainbow will appear in the cloud, and I will remember my union, who between me and you, and between every soul to give any kind of flesh; And there will be no more water with a flood on the emission of any flesh. And there will be a rainbow in the cloud, and I will see her to remember the union of the eternal between God and every soul to the animase in any flesh that on Earth. And God said to Noahu: This is a sign of the Union, which I set between me and every flesh that on Earth. " (9.9-17)
So, we see that the covenant with the Sons of Noah was at the same time the covenant with all alive on earth. Seven commandments gave the Almighty to people, but at the same time people represent the entire animal world, just as Israel's elected later represents for all humanity.
Indeed, there is a lot of evidence that not only the human, but the whole animal world is under the guardianship of God Israel, that he is king and God not only people, but also animals.
On the one hand, they are his creations, which he loves and about which the stove, on the other hand, animals love the Most High and glorify it. On the one hand, it is said that "man and cattle you help you, Lord" (Psal 36.7), and on the other hand: "Praise the Lord from the Earth, the fish are great and all the abyss ... Beasts and every cattle, reptiles and birds winged" (Psal 148.7 10)
Refusing to the animal in an elementary sense of solidarity, a man destroys his own soul and excommunicates himself from the Most High.

Inability to clearly distinguish between a person and a beast. There are points in which our conscience is lost, being unable to clearly distinguish between the person and the beast, as Koette said: "I said in my heart about the sons of human who distinguished them (from other creatures), but saw that They are cattle. For the fate of the sons of human and fate the cattle - the same fate: how to die, so die and this; And the breath is one of everyone, and there is no superiority of a person over the cattle, for everything is a fuss. Everything goes into one place; Everything happened from the dust, and everything will return to the dust. Who knows whether the spirit of the sons of human, and the spirit of animals, is the spirit of animals? " (3.18-21)

On the issue of attachment to animals.

Attitude towards animal PRP. Siluan Athos:
In the Scriptures of the elder, pay attention to his thoughts and feelings towards animals. Here it was really amazing, on the one hand, his sorry for all the creatures, about which you can think about his story about how he mourned his "cruelty to the creature for a long time, when" without need "killed a fly, or when he poured a bat The mouse, settled on the balcony of his store, or how "he fell sorry for him to all the creature and any creation suffering," when he saw a killed and ruined in slices on the road, and, on the other hand, his separation from every creature in Hot aspiration to God.
About animals, about the beasts he thought that they are the essence of the "Earth", to which the human mind should not be pinned, because God must love with all his mind, with all the heart, all the fortress, that is,, by all the fullness, forgetting the Earth.
Often the observed attachment of people to animals, reaching sometimes even before "friendship" with them, the elder considered the perversion of the order established by God, and nasty the normal state of man (Genesis 2, 20). Stroking the cat, sentencing: pussy, pussy, or play and talking with a dog, leaving the idea of \u200b\u200bGod, or in the care of animals to forget the suffering of the neighbor, or to join them in a dispute with people - all this for the elder was a violation of the commandments of God, The right storage of which is perfect man. In the New Year Testament, we do not find a single place that says that the Lord has stopped his attention on animals, and, of course, he loved the whole creature. The achievement of this perfect mankind, in the image of a man-Christ, is a task to us, corresponding to our nature, created in the image of God, and therefore the elder's mental attachment and adapt to animals considered the human image of being. He writes about it like this:
"Some are tied to the animals, but they insult the Creator, because a person is called to live forever with the Lord, to reign with him and love a single God. There should be no addiction to animals, but it should only have a heart that mild all the creature. "
He said that everything was created for serving a person, and therefore there is a need for everyone to use in the creation; But on a person, at the same time, lies a debt to take care of all creation, and therefore all harm, without the need caused by an animal or even a plant, contradicts the law of grace. But any addiction to animals is also disgusting to the commandments of God, because the love of God and Middle, diminishes
Whoever truly loves a man and cries in his prayers for the whole world, he can not be attached to the animals "(Archim. Sofronia (Sakharov)." Stairs Siluan ").
"Not you are alone, but the fact that below you that has no mind, nor feeling, - and that will be participating with you to participate in the benefits." Looms, "the apostle says," from slavery ", that is, will not be Tinnu, but it will be done by the respective welfare of your body. As the creature turned out to be thorn, when your body has become half, and then, when your body is imperishable, and the creature will follow him and will be done according to him. Expressing this, the apostle added: "In Fame Chad of God ", that is, through freedom. Like the cormalist who has robbing the royal son, when he gets his father's power, enjoying with him good, and the creature, according to the apostle. You see that a person always happens ahead, and that everything for His is done? Would you notice how the apostle comforts the old proven proves the ineverance of God's humanity? You wait for myself, and the creature tolerates for you. And not only comforts, but also proves the accuracy of what has been said. If the creature is hoping, which because of you has become that she Now, especially hope you, through which the creature will enjoy all those benefits. And people usually dress servants in the best dress for the sake of his son when he needs to seem in all his dignity. So God climbing the creature in the freedom of glory Chad. "Wem Bo, Yako, the whole creature condemns and breaks even up to now" (Rome. 8, 19-22) .. "(St. John Zlatoust," Conversations for the Message to Romans ", conversation XIV)

On the issue, it is necessary to pray for animals.
"What is the heart of the murgeant? - Heart's fire in a person about the whole creation: about people, about birds, animals ... and about all the creatures.
With the memories of them and when viewed on them, the eyes of a person exude tears, from the Great and strong pity, a computing heart. And from the great patience, his heart is diminished and it cannot bear it, or hear, or see any harm or small sorrow undergoing creature.
And therefore and about the wonderful ... hourly with tears brings prayer to preserved and cleared; And also on the nature of the reptiles prays with a great pity, which without a measure is initiated in his heart to like to in this God "- Pre. Isaac Sirin, word 48
True, you still have to keep in mind that the animals are not people, they have no immortal soul, they do not pray for them.

About the murder of animals. Resurrection of the young man from Naina.

Who does not fulfill the laws of God, he agrees his soul; He cannot teach the law of heaven and state it.
Pleallies will be separated from wheat (1-2).
Jacob's staircase incomparable disappears with the sophistication of thoughts and feelings (3).
On the use of violence and bloodshed (4). Compassion for animals
The killing of animals in order to get rid of them from suffering (5).
Who knows and cleans yourself, he learns to love life (6).
Resurrection from the dead (8-10).

1. And some of his students came to him and told him about the Egyptian, the Son of Beliela, who was tathered that allegedly did not contradict the law to torment animals if the suffering would benefit people.
2. And Jesus said to them: True, I tell you, who benefits from the injustice, committed on one of the creations of God, cannot be decent. Just can do little with the saints or preach the secrets of the heavens, whose hands are taken by blood or whose mouth are desecrated by the flesh of animals. (Ch. 38, 1-2)
Fall: Everything is alive perceives. Like a person, all forms of life perceive joy and pain Li animals, plants or stones. Life is consciousness. Consciousness emits countless evolutionaries. Consciousness is also the formation of consciousness. People, animals, plants and minerals perceive in accordance with their consciousness.
Fix: who pursues animals, hunting for them, he will be in the role of the persecuted. Who is torture animals, one itself will be in the role of tortured. Who uses life on Earth for mercenary purposes, will be the prey of those who encourage it to this.
Each sowing has a crop. That man sows, his soul falls on the Niva; In her sowing rises and grows. Each seed already has a fruit or is contained.
So, who is against their neighbor and against the kingdoms of nature, the same against God, because God, life, is in all of life.
Fall: not the executing laws of God allaches the soul. In the tested or killing animals, hands are tested by blood. Who consumes the meat of animals, pollutes and desets nature is not clean. Such people cannot operate with holy things or know the so-called the secrets of the sky, as well as teach or explain the law of the sky.
Preaching the shrine, the laws of the sky, and the signing of their neighbors, so that they performed them, they do not perform them, will receive approval only those who live and thinks like him.
All godless does not exist forever. It will retreat just how the night is inferior to the day. The time approached when the light highlights all outwards, and people will know the godless life of those who, although they instructed them and commanded them to comply with the laws of life, he himself, however, did not observe them. People will know those whose hands are taken by blood and whose body is defiled by consumption of animal meat.
The mills of God chalk slowly. One day, the Plelevians will be separated from wheat, and people full of God will become the right hand from me, and Pleleviers, godless, will be cleared by the law of sowing and harvest.
3. God gives food the grain and the fruits of the earth; And for a decent person there is no more righteous food for the body. (Ch. 38, 3)
I, Christ, I explain, correct and deepen:
God grants the earth and the fruits of the earth; And for a decent person there is no more righteous food for the body means: God gives people from the womb of the Mother Earth, everything needs to live the earthly body. Who in feelings, thoughts, words and actions performs the laws of love and life, he lives in that he grants his mother-earth.
On the stairs of Yakov, leading to a clean temple of life, many are standing. Many of them are still great sinners both inside and outside, and will remain those for decades or at all of many embodiments, or will be located in the spheres of the souls until they affect the reasons for them, they are generated.
However, from the temple of love, God stretches his hand to everyone, even the greatest sinners. Eternal Being, all-father, tirelessly teaches me, Christ, the Gospel of Love. Constantly souls and people get the instructions in how they live with each other, how to develop a sense of community of internal life, as well as how they no longer kill animals and not consume their meat into food. Constantly both souls and people sounds a call to improve their feelings and thoughts so that there are thus improving their bodies of perception. Because while in the soul there is at least a small iota unclean, she will not be able to enter the sky.
It will be natural, if a person containing his thoughts and words in purity, and the actions of his ascending to God, everything will be completely removed from the dead food, from meat and fish until it is clear to the extent that gratefully take gifts from the womb of the Mother Earth.
Clear will not be misserved unclean if he, being invited to visit, will try the meat dish to be submitted by the guests cooked by the host with great joy and zeal. It will be a gesture of appreciation towards the owner. In this case, the statement has the strength: it defines the body not what is included in the mouth for example, a few pieces of meat and what comes from the mouth: Survy, performed hatred and envy of feelings, thoughts and words; They will define the soul and body.
Rusing the same passion eating meat and fish and take alcohol allaches the soul and desets the body.
In a common conversation with the owner, you can then mention that you, guest, are increasingly removing from meat and fish food, because it was known that the dead food does not serve the soul and the body, because God's law is life. Thanks to such a common hint, the owner comes to thoughts that he, also standing on the staircase Jacob, can clean himself and climb up the steps above.
Any disinterested word and any disinterested act will serve as a neighbor. So, as a result of good, disinterested conversations, someone will be able to realize what I, Christ, being Jesus, commanded people: for a disinterested, honest person there is no other food for the body than the natural food that nature gives: grain and fruits.
In addition, I commanded me not to engage in self-keeping, but to improve thoughts and feelings. Then the admission of the dead food of fish and meat will decrease. With the creation of the soul and man will then take away what is irresistible. The latter will then be not supplanted, but canceled with life in me, Christ.
4. The thief, which takes theft in the house built by people, is guilty; But even the slightest of those who make theft in the house built by God, will be great sinners. Therefore, I speak to everyone who wanted to become my students, do not pack the hands of their shedding blood and do not defile their mouths; For God is fair and kind and ordered people to live only by the fruits and seeds of the Earth. (Ch. 38, 4)
I, Christ, I explain, correct and deepen the word:
So it says the law of life: who makes theft in the house built by a person, he is guilty of the law of God and on the right of human law. A person does not dare to steal or rob. He must respect the property of his neighbor. Fucking in trouble should ask for help however, do not steal and not rob. The robbing neighbor even if the latter has large riches will be guilty of spiritual and earthly laws.
Who breaks into the house of God, in the temple of the Holy Spirit, he is even a big sinner. The house of God, the Church of the Holy Spirit is the human body and the soul that originated from God and which lives in the human body. Deep in the soul live love, wisdom and justice of God. So God lives in the soul. Consequently, the soul and the human body are the temple, the inhabitant of God. So, who breaks into the house of flesh and blood, raping people, enslaving them, turning to them as slaves or killing them at all, he sin against the Holy Spirit. This is the greatest sin.
Keep your hands and soul your cleanliness not only without making theft and not robbery. But first of all, do not commit violence whether against a person or animal and beware of shed their blood.
Unselfishly lovelessness does not make violence over him and will not kill him. The disinterestedly loving neighbor will not be deliberately killing animals. Resperating people and animals also have no warlike intentions, as he respects the laws of God to which the laws of nature are. The striving to fulfill the laws of God will be more and more abandoning the reception of meat and will be grateful to take the gifts of the Earth, that is, food coming from God for children of His human.
5. If the animal suffers greatly, so the life is one flour for him, or if it becomes dangerous for you, then get rid of it from life quickly and with such a small pain for him as much as possible. Send it to the world of other with love and mercy and do not torment him and God, your father will give you mercy, like you had mercy to those who are given to your hands. (Ch. 38, 5)
I, Christ, I explain, correct and deepen the word:
I, Christ, I give it my word of revelation in a mighty turning time, so that, among other things, again, pay attention to the fact that, like the life of a person, the life of animals, plants, stones and minerals are in the hand of God:
Many people turned away from the father-God and betrayed materialism. Due to the deprivation of depth, human feelings are also becoming gross. The man eventually loses the subtle perception of his neighbors, as well as nature. He remains only one ear, an organ perceiving for himself, for my I. As a result, he respects exclusively only himself and does everything in order to satisfy his own desires without thinking about what will be with his neighbor, as well as with his younger brother, animals.
Animals suffer from pollowing people. Therefore, at this time it is impossible to say so simple: if the animal suffers strongly, so the life for him is one flour, or if it becomes dangerous for you, then get rid of him from life quickly and with such a small pain for him as possible. For today, many animals are constantly experiencing pain and suffering because of the cruelty of the human. Therefore, the saying to get rid of these animals from life, immediately freeing them from MUK and suffering today is not acceptable. I, Christ, tell you: Try the flour and suffering to survive in the world of your feelings! Spin in their flour and suffering and know how they suffer from your human actions! You should change yourself by dedicating yourself to God to be able to feel and understand your neighboring animal.
Fall: Whatever you caused animals, then you hurt me, Christ as well as yourself. Flour and the suffering of animals will one day with your flour and suffering.
God, eternal, gave animals to the hands of a person however, not to torment them, but in order to live with them. A person must be behind the animal, then the animal will be for a person. Then it will serve him with joy.
If the animal suffers greatly as a result of an accident or in the age reasons, then a person should quickly and not causing pain to release the spiritual life of the animal, a partial soul or a partial beam, from the earth's body and with love and mercy to pass it into the hands of the Eternal Creator. He, the great all-one, knows every animal. He created him and lives the power in a partial soul or in a partial beam. Partial shower or partial beam of the animal is the developed forces of the consciousness of all-spirit, which became a spiritual form.
6. And whatever you have caused my little of my children, then you hurt me. For I am in them, and they are in me. Yes, I am in all creatures, and all creatures in me. In all their joys, I am glad, and in all their pains will experience pain and me. Therefore, I tell you: be kind to each other and to all the creations of God (ch. 38, 6).
I, Christ, I explain, correct and deepen the word:
That the person sows it, he will also mean, means: that a person hurts the smallest of his neighbors, including animals, plants and minerals, he hurts me and herself.
Every day a man is for self-knowledge, because every day every person can know that he should know today and redeem on himself. Incoming so, becomes sensitive to life. He himself knows what it means to love life.
Loving God is conscious in God, and God lives in it. His human days will be lighter for him, since his soul will become freer. Then he will also comprehend the words: I am in all creatures, and all creatures in me.
Good man is a merciful man living in harmony with his neighbors, animals and with all life forces and forms.
7. It happened the next day that he came to the city named Nain. And many of the students walked with him and many people.
8. When he approached the city gate, then the deceased, the sole son of his mother; She was widow. And many people from the city went with her.
9. When the Lord saw her, he regretted her and told her: do not cry! Your son is sleeping. And he came up and touched the coffin, and those who were worth it, stopped. He pronounced: Young man, I tell you, get up!
10. And the one he was considered dead, got up and began to speak. And Jesus gave his mother. Then everyone embraced their fear, and they praised God and said: the great prophet came among us, and God came to his people (ch. 38, 7-10).
I, Christ, I explain, correct and deepen the word:
So and in this way, I, the Son of God, the co-guarantee of heaven, in the earth's apparel acted in her inheritance, part of the strength from the rule-to-power.
Many, the so-called dead men who awakened from deep sleep were not yet in the kingdom of souls, but the soul was still connected with the body of a silver ribbon, also called spiritual information tape.
Deep sleep is like a fainting. He comes before the tape is separated from the body. This dream is determined by people already as an occurrence of death.
When the informational tape is separated from the body, then the soul is completely separated from the body. Then the house of the soul, the body is gradually destroyed on its components: water and land.

In the modern world, the dog has become something big than just "man's friend." For many people dogs - Children, worshiping this animal massively acquires a cult character. That is why GloryPets turned to primary sources, religious books, which for thousands of people formed the worldview of people to understand what the position of official world religions relative to four-legged pets.

We observe your attention to the fact that the material does not contain any judgments, conclusions and conclusions - only facts with references to the original sources, as well as their interpretation by authoritative faces. The text is solely cognitive.

What does the Bible say about dogs?


According to mentions from the book of books, the Biblical "Zvernets" inhabited as animals known to us, and obviously fantastic: dragon, unicorn, Leviathan. Images and those and others were often used by ancient, unknown by the authors of the Bible allegorically. That is why, the literal interpretation of some passages devoted to specific dogs can roughly distort the meaning laid down in the text of the Bible. It is important to understand that Holy Scripture is not a simple story, but a book with deep cultural, historical, philosophical and even geographical reservoir. Some of her passages only reflect the morals, views and life of people of those times.

Multiplexing of the Bible led to the fact that the believers, the attitudes of the dogs were formed- As unclean animals. You probably had to hear about the superstition, which says: if the dog goes into the temple, it must be closed and consecrated. The roots of this superstition lie in the Old Testament, the Book of Deuteronomy (also Dvrrim - the Fifth Book of the Pentateuch of the Torah), the authorship of which is attributed to Moses. In essence, this is a set of laws, rules of behavior, religious traditions, which should be observed by Jews according to the teachings of the Prophet Moses.

Do not bring the charges of the harlot and the price of the PSA into the house of the Lord, your God, nor by any kind, for the other is the ability to be the god of your God. (De. 23: 18)

Viktor Kutkova, teacher of Orthodox Iconology in NSU. Yaroslav Wise, in his article "About christian attitude to the dog "It approves that thus Moses indicates that in those days the dog was considered unclean animals:" The hatred of the ancient Jews to his egyptians and the Romans, which bred and revered dogs and used them in battle, was probably transferred to animals. . According to the law of Moses, these animals were considered unclean. For the Jew, compare someone with the dog - the top of insults. Even the money spilled from the sale of a dog is equivalent to the harbor fee, it was impossible to enter into the tabernacle. "Thus, looking at the historical context of this text of the Holy Scripture, Victor Kutkova treats lines literally.

Image in the Vatican Museum. Photo: LogicGate.NL.

However, there is another interpretation. Professor Alexander Pavlovich Lopukhin in his "explanatory Bible" suggests that the word "dog" is used as a metaphor: "There are in mind professional harlists and harlots who devote themselves to benut in honor of the pagan deities (Wed 3 Tsar XIV: 23- 24; XV: 12). The amount of money vowes in the tabernacle should not be identical with that board, which is given by the Bludnice and the cloudberry ("PSU", Art. 18). " Such a look can be fair, because in the list of "unclean animals" (De. 14: 1-21) The dog is not listed. At the same time, it is impossible not to deny tightness of Viktor Kutkovogo that the image of the dog in the Jews Oveyan negative, and the word "dog" is used to characterize bad people.

Confirm this we find in a huge amount of both in the Old and in the New Testament.

Who will die from Jerovoam in the city, that dogs will be eaten, and who will die on the field, the birds are glad; So the Lord said. (3 King. 14: 11)

Jeroshoam was an idolatry, who inflicted the grace of God. Therefore, the lord of the Prophet of the Ahi is taking a terrible curse on his home and family. Among the car intended for the apostate family, one of the most unworthy - Being not buried after physical death, but eaten dogs. The same fate he promises a descendant of vassa, which "i went through Jerovoama "(3 Tsar. 16: 1-4).

Do not give the shrines in PSAM and do not throw your pearls before the pigs so that they do not hit him with their legs and, turning you, did not confuse you. (Matt. 7: 6)

The word "dogs", in this case, are used allegorically and indicate people with negative qualities. As in the message of the Holy Apostle Paul to the Philippians:

Beware of pieces, take care of evil guides ... (FLP. 3: 2).

As well as in the second book of kingdoms:

And bowed, and said: What is your slave, what did you win on such a dead dog, how am I? (2 CAR. 9: 8).

However, this is not all references to the dogs of the names of such a form ("dogs") in a negative context.

Saint with a dog head

Holy Christopher

Separate attention on this issue deserves the figure of the saint, revered both in the Orthodox and Catholic tradition - Holy Christopher. On the set of icons, it is depicted with a dog head. Opinions of scientists regarding the nature of such an image are largely diverged. The most fantastic version says that the martyr was from the tribe of cikesophals (Psoblovtsev) - people with dog heads.

The most reasonable thing is that the face is exclusively allegorical: before appealing to the Christian faith, Holy Christopher was a fierce and merciless pagan. This can also talk about negative associations in early Christians associated with dogs. But we cannot say for sure. The versions about the uncompatible, "brutal" appearance, or acknowledged by the Coptic painters to the image of the saint, revered by the pagans of the "dog-head" of the Divine of Anubis, are also quite similar to the truth.

Dog indulgence

Troyan, Puppy of the Bulgarian Shepherd, presented by Patriarch Kirillu students of the Bulgarian University of Cultural Heritage. Photo: Pravostok.

Obviously, the "titles of pieces" in the Christian tradition was assigned to people in unaffordant, sinful, or low. What though indirectly speaks of the negative perception of the ancient Jews of these animals, nevertheless, directly does not indicate that Christianity blames does not tolerate dogs as a view. If it were so, it would be unlikely that we could meet the image of the saint with a dog's head.

Konstantin Parkhomenko's priest in his article "Christianity and ... Dog", referring to the words of Holiness Patriarch Kirill, claims: "unclean" the position of the dog in the Christian tradition was formed solely on hygienic and sanitary considerations. In a word, it is not recommended to let dogs in the temples not only because they can nagward there. Otherwise, the animal offends God and Christians can noise anything, so it's no need to offend him.

I feel good for animals and love dogs very much. I have three dogs in Moscow and two in Smolensk. Never church considered dogs unclean animals, never forbade them to enter the room. Many people oppose the dog to enter the temple, but not in theological reasons, but for reasons a purely traditional, historical nature, rooted, as it seems to me, in the ideas about hygiene ... I want to say that the ban on the dogs Particularly entered the temple, not recorded in canonical law. This is just part of the tradition, and the same tradition spreads, probably on horses, piglets, chickens, geese and other animals. But does not apply to cats. Why? Yes, because they always caught mice. And cats launched into the temple precisely for this purpose. Moreover, the cat is a very clean, almost sterile creature, homemade in the full sense of the word. It does not create hygienic problems for the space in which it is located. I think the problem is only in this, and no mysticism associated with dogs is not, and even more so there is no "anti-fob" theology. We must love animals, because, showing love for animals, we train our human emotions, become more humane. (Patriarch Kirill)

Let's start with the story: What was the relationship to the "four-legged friend" in the ancient era?

Greeks of dogs loved and surrounded care. Enough to read Homer. The Romans dressed even armor on combat dogs.

But the peoples who felt the Bible as a sacred book, the attitude was exactly the opposite. In the Old Testament from thirty mention of the dog, only in two cases it does not have a negative meaning. The hatred of the ancient Jews to their egyptian enemy and the Romans that bred and revered dogs and used them in battle was probably transferred to animals. According to the law of Moses, these animals were considered unclean. For the Jew, compare someone with the dog - the top of insults. Even the money taken from the sale of a dog is equivalent to the harloven fee, it was impossible to contribute to the tabernacle - " in the house of the Lord God of your vow, because it is the obstacle to the Lord God of yours"(De. 23: 18). But since the dog was sold, it means that they still kept her.

Shepherd's cattle worker is absolutely necessary, otherwise the herd does not save. And in the ancient Jews a cattle work - in fact, the main one. And, nevertheless, it did not affect their attitude to the four-legged "Karaulchers": " now we laugh at me younger years, those whom fathers I would not agree to put my herds with ps"(Job 30: 1). But in quality homemade Animal dogs, according to the Bible, appear late, and with the same security function: when Tovia began to keep the way to Raguil, he was accompanied by an angel " and young men's dog with them"(Tov.5: 17). The exclamation of Avenira sounds significant: " is I - Dog's Head? " (II kingdoms. 3: 8). The meaning of it is almost identical to Solomon's Aphoris: " pSU live better than the dead lion"(Eccles. 9: 14). It says so much that all sorts of comments are superfluous.

By the time of the earthly life of Jesus Christ, four-legged watchmen often began to keep at home, as evidenced by the answer to the Hananeyanki for the refusal of the Savior in Help: " Lord! But the dogs eat crumbs that fall from the tables of them"(MF. 15: 27). And in Christianity, the dog does not become lion. Apostle Paul warns: " Tear to pieces!"(Philip. 3: 2), having in mind the false teachers. Ap. Peter is still stronger when the old proverb is denied sinners: " the dog returns to his blax"(II Peter. 2: 22).

Christians of the first half of the V century believed that the leader of Hunov Attila was born as a result of the "criminal relationship of a girl with a dog" - he was so hated.

By all times, the words of the Savior sounds: " Do not let the shrines and do not throw your pearls before the pigs so that they do not bother his legs with their own and, turning you, did not confuse you"(MF.7: 6). Here, of course, about people: about the impossibility of preaching the gospel before proud, unskilled, fierce, for such a sermon would be the temptation of the Lord of our God.

The words about the hierarchy of man and animals are also concluded in the words of the Savior. He spends this thought repeatedly, and when he is healing the Sukhor, the Pharisees says right: " which of you, having one sheep, if she falls into the pit on Saturday, will not take it and not pull it away? How much is a sheep man!"(Matt. 12: 11, 12). Speaks and students: " how much are you better than birds?"(Lux. 12: 24).

Therefore, when it comes to a derogatory attitude towards dogs, then perceive him for evil - in vain. It would be ridiculous if the creator hated his unborn creator with anybody. The Bible indicates us exclusively on the hierarchy, the violation of which and " there is an abomination in front of the Lord God" A man mentally and spiritually healthy, naturally, loves the creation created by God. Therefore, the death of domestic animals causes sadness in humans. However, it happens sometimes excessive. In such cases, there is a reason to think about the correctness of our spiritual life. The Lord commanded us above all to love your heavenly parent: " love the Lord God of your God with all your heart and all the souls are yours and all the understanding of yours"(MF.22: 37). With this commandment closely connected the second " similar to her: Love your neighbor as myself"(22:39). If a person learn to observe this, then love for animals in his soul will take its hierarchically likelying place.

The question of classification on "clean and unclean" animals in Orthodoxy is revised. St. Patriarch Fotiy wrote: "Much by nature is very good, but for those who use it becomes a big evil, not because of their own nature, but due to the viciousness of those who use it ... Pure began to be separated from unclean not since the beginning of the universe, but received this difference from For some circumstances. For because of the Egyptians who have a Israeli tribe in the service, Many Animals rewarded Goddish honors and were badly used by them, which were very good, Moses, so that the Israeli people were not passionate I called them unclean - not because the impurity was inherent in the creation, in no case, or unclean it was in their nature, but since the Egyptian tribe used them is not pure, but very badly and wicked. And if one of Moses deified by the Egyptians was given to the rank of clean, like a bull and goat, then he did nothing disagreement with a real reasoning or with his own goals. Calling something from the buddhine with them, and the other betraying the misfortune, and bloodshed, and the murder, he equally fencing the Israelis from serving him and the harm he emerged - after all, neither a vile nor scored and subject to miscarriage could be considered God from those who So it was treated. "

The biblical understanding of the hierarchical place of the dog was also peculiar and our ancestors. But the abundance of forests in Russia, it would seem, raised the role of the four-legged assistant much more than in ancient Palestine. If there "Dog's case" was limited to shepherd and guard-guard functions, then in Russian land, in addition to the protection, it included amateur and commercial hunting (pets avoided cutting food, consumed predominantly dying), and in the extreme north they were added to the hunt Heavy. Nevertheless, even the cold climate was powerless to decline Rusich Christian: in the most severe frost, the dog did not dare to step further; The settlement of it in the residential premises - the sign of the blurred religious consciousness, the fruit of which is to eliminate the decorative breeds of dogs.

Today you can hear: "Living in the city, we can not keep your dog somewhere outside the apartment, although in the villages they usually, as before, are held in a cone in the yard. Here, apparently, of these purely practical and traditional considerations and the view appeared that the dog can not be held in the house. No and can not be prohibited for it. "

There are no prohibitions on a lot in our lives, which every decent person will not allow himself, but with "restructuring" began to told: "What is not forbidden, then allowed." So, perhaps that it is not prohibited, we for the third time after the civil war flooded Russia of the wave of children's carelessness. If there is a need to keep a dog in a city apartment, then it is reasonable to take her place in the hallway, but for some reason she lies on the sofa or caresses to the owners right in bed. How many times have heard recognition that the dog has become another "family member." No, the saying of the "dog - friend of a person" the Christian should not be understood as literally, but conditionally, remembering the biblical values. The animals do not have the image of God. From earthly creations, only a person was created in the image of God. One of the properties of this image is the immortality of the soul. But the souls in animals are mortal, as Palama taught. And St. Vasily Vasily warned: "Running wanderings of sullen philosophers who are not shameful to read their soul and soul of PSA homogeneous between them." All vulgarity of the four-side "friend" was brightly showed by M. A. Bulgakov in the once forbidden story "The dog's heart".

It is possible that the word "dog" that has entered the Russian language, which is consistent as a crossing, has a Tatar origin, but this does not explain his derogatory shade, as some think. Tatar origin and "Bathrobe", and "Sarai", and "Bashmak", and many more other domestic words, but no one does not use them with a derogatory shade. But the Maternaya Brand is "Pesya Branj", the language of pieces, their speech behavior. As a branch, in Slavic languages \u200b\u200bthere is an expression "Pesya Vera" related to the injectors.

Attention to animals, care for them should not distract moral consciousness from attention directly to the person himself. Sometimes someone out of us annoying people, inflicts them insults, and always caresses their dog. It speaks only about the indisputable damage to spiritual and moral life. "Vicknie, Beloved, in the Smart Essence of the Soul; And Vicknie is not slightly. The immortal soul is a precious certain vessel. See how great the sky and the earth, and God did not favor them, but only about you. Reviews to your dignity and nobility, because I did not send Angelov, but the Lord himself came to be remembered for you to appeal the deceased, ulcerated, return to you the original image of Pure Adam. "

When paganism has again affected Rus, then she stated about himself and "People's Occultum". So the girl was made to the shirt of the girl: "Gavkni, Gavkney, doggy, where my narrowed!". And how many of the most incredible will adopted people with their yard, ranging from their fighting and ending with a gait! The same Matercassian was widely represented in various kinds of rites of obviously pagan origin - wedding, agricultural, i.e. In rites associated with fertility. The mat was the necessary component of these rituals and was, of course, a ritual character.

Accurately learned with an old man by a pair of saint-chores. Once asked:

- Father, will the joy of this life and attachment to them our soul to succeed in Christian?

- No, if you can easily treat things to hierarchically. For example, you will love your children as children, my wife as a wife, their parents as parents, friends of their friends, saints - like saints, angels - like angels, God - like God. It is necessary to give everyone the honor and respect that he is supplied - the old man answered.

Today, voices are heard: "" Discrimination "of dogs with Orthodox Christians has no basis for the basis." That's right, "discrimination" does not have, but hierarchical consciousness should not leave Orthodox Christians. Otherwise, it is necessary to reconcile with such cases similar to what happened in the UK, when the dog was made in the role of girlfriends at the wedding. How to agree with the assignment of human names, and people are dog nicknames? Write about what has already become a banality, but still it is necessary to recall that there is nothing like that such a sacrant. Names are taken from the soles. And this is the crust of Christ in man and an insult to the king of Heaven on the throne, spit in the saints - the friends of the Son of Human. What then we hope to justify the court?

Here you just want to bring the wilt phrase M. Scott: « Do not look at your dogs like people, otherwise they will look at you like dogs».

Despite the symbolism, hierarchical consciousness and put under the ban of the images of St. Martyr of Christopher with a dog head. With the "pagans" from Slavs-pagans, for example, according to written sources, religious magic complexes are connected - eating women's breasts, female puppies, ritual killing of babies.

Although the dog was a symbol of loyalty to church creeds and vigilance in relation to the eragy (images of the dog frequent at the foot of the grave monuments, to which A. S. Uvarov paid attention, which considered the image of the Christian himself).

Nevertheless, what was allowed at the dawn of Christianity, does not give permission to use it today.

We must understand one simple truth: without a hierarchically faithful understanding of the world there is no salvation to man.

And the attitude towards the dog is one of the links of this understanding.

Uvarov A.S. Christian symbolism. Symbols of the ancient Christian period. M., 1908. Reprint: M.: Orthodox Holy Tikhonovsky Institute, 2001. P. 187.

Back in 1995, the "Friend" magazine (the second question was secondary in 1998) touched the topic about the attitude of the church to the dog, about the relationship between a person and dog in terms of the Holy Scriptures due to numerous letters with such issues ...
Currently grows interest in the Bible. However, the overwhelming number of citizens does not represent his life without a dog! Are these two sides of the human life compatible?

Dog in the light of the Bible

1. The purpose of the Divine Creation of Man
2. The attitude of a person to the creature world
3. What is the person responsible for?
4. About fear
5. Who is our animals for us?
6. Means in God's hands
7. Why?
· Unclean animal?
· Lamb, not a puppy?
· Who is the main thing?
8. Find out!
9. Dog battles
10. Special?
11. Place!
12. So who is a dog for us?
13. Is there a soul of a dog?
14. Do animals fall into paradise?
15. In whose hands the dog life?
16. Prayer about animals
17. Cynological motifs in Christianity
18. Chistribution dilution
19. Who is behind all this?
20. What is creativity and self-improvement in it?

The purpose of the Divine Creation of Man

The Bible tells us how sushi appeared from the sea, how the earth was covered with grass, as the world settled animals, birds, fish, etc.
The creation of the world is described in the Bible in the poetic language:
Genesis 1:12 - and produced the Earth greens, grass, seeding around her, and a tree that brings the fruit in which his seed by his family. And God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:16 - And God created two luminaries Great: Light more, for lighting during the day, and the smaller, to control at night, and the stars;
Genesis 1:20 - And God said: Yes, it will produce water reptiles, the soul is alive, and the birds are flying over the earth, according to the firm heavenly.
Thus, the amazing beauty of the story is achieved and its deep essence reveals. In confirmation of this beauty, we understand that God himself celebrates - the sky, forests, the sea, animals, birds - all this is good (after the next act of creation it is written: Genesis 1:10, 12, 18, 21, 25 - and see God, What is good).
But, here is how the purpose of the divine creation of a person is described:

The man was created in the image of God. This distinguishes it from all other living beings. People are able to love, remember, independently exercise their choice.
Man is a similarity of God. So the kingdom is our similar. But is it? How much wisely and right we rule over the ground? How much do we love the land that God gave us and all that on it?! To date, we clearly see the fruits of our reign on earth.

Human attitude to the creature world

In spite of everything, there are still those that sincerely love the creature world and value them. This is what the Archpriest Boris Danilenko noted in a conversation with the correspondent of the journal "Friend" No. 5.98, p.26:
"A long historic path with a person hosted horses, cows and many other creatures. Among them and dogs. Of course, in the old time in the monasteries always contained domestic cattle. We, urban residents, do not need a barn, because milk is sold in the store. We do not need horses as in a heavy strength.
Although in many monasteries, remote from cities, as before, the statements are kept and the cows and horses and this is not a luxury, but the need. We, the townspeople, we need good relationships that are less and less common among people. And our animals remind us of the spiritual warmth and sincerity that we must give our neighbors. " Father Vladimir Lapshin also gave in his time (Magazine "Friend" No. 2.95, p. 24-25) The answer to this question:
"The question is, probably, can be viewed on both sides. After all, a dog is part of nature. On the attitude of a person to the living world can be found in the first chapter of the Bible. On the one hand, God gave power to man over all animals. On the other hand, this power assumes the responsibility of a person before God for all living on Earth. A person must take care of the whole world, multiplying his wealth so that all living on Earth remains and has multiplied. In a word, a person must be very reverent and carefully treat the whole creature world. In the message of the Apostle Paul said: "The creature (ie, everything that is created - Corr.) With hope awaits the revelation of the sons of God," for we know that the whole creature is cumulatively worst and suffer from Donyn. " (Rome 8.19.22). Man is the child of God, but it is necessary not only to be called, but also to be them in everything, including the world around us. Therefore, a person is responsible for everything that happens on earth with nature. The slogan of Michurin, calling not to wait for mercies from nature, and take them from her, completely unethied. Our civilization goes on the wrong path: "We don't need it, let's destroy it, and it is necessary, we must be careful," there is a lot of examples of such a pragmatic approach: unlimited shooting of wolves and, as a result, harm for the forest; The destruction of mosquitoes during the construction of Akademgorodok in Siberia and, as a result, the "disease" of the taiga. What a person creates with this world is just awful. "

What is the person answers?

Conrad Lorenz in his work "Aggression" suggested that if a certain impartial ethologist was sitting on some other planet, let's say on Mars, and observed the social behavior of people with the help of a visual pipe, the increase of which is too little so that individuals can be recognized and To trace their individual behavior, but it is enough to observe such major events as the relocation of peoples, battle, etc., it would never be that human behavior is sent to mind or, especially, responsible morality.
We will not talk about environmental catastrophes; about consumer, and often just barbaric attitude to wildlife, etc. We will talk about those with whom we meet everyday! Pets!
Flocks of stray dogs; Homeless, often affected by the cats of cats; Thickers who do not know what human love and care is farmer burenks; Wild, completely delicious ducks, chickens and other bird on the poultry farms! .. God does not share "this is my animal, and this is not mine," God says:
My all beasts ..., I know all birds ... (Ps. 49: 10-11)
When a person takes something someone else's use, then it is especially careful with this subject or thing, for he knows that if he hurts it, and even more so he will break, he will have to buy a new one, equal. So why do we not pay any attention to what God himself gives us?! For what we are not in front of a person, but before God we will report?!
Genesis 1:26 - And God said: We will create a person in the image of our way, according to our likeness; And yes, they are dominant over the fish, and above the cattle, and over all the earth, and above all the reptiles reptiles on the ground.
Genesis 1:28 - and blessed them (people) God, and God told them: Move and multiply, and fill the earth, and possess it, and dominate the fishes of the sea [and above the beasts] and above the birds of heaven, [and above Cattle, and over all earthy,] and over all animals reptiles on the ground.
Psalm 8: 7-9 - put it (man) Lord over the hands of your hands; Everything put it under his feet: sheep and oxen of all, and also field animals, birds of heaven and fish marine, all that transmits with marine paths.
Genesis 2:15 - And the Lord took the man of man, and settled him in the Garden of Eden to cultivate him and keep him.

About fear

Do we keep our land and all that on it?
Once, I thought, reading the second. 10:17
For the Lord, God, is God's god of the gods and lord of Vladyk, God is great, strong and terrible, who does not look at the faces and does not take gifts.
PS. 46: 3.
For the Lord is the Most High, the Great King Over All Earth ...
Maybe a man justifies his actions in the word eldest.
If God is terrible in punishment, but just, then the person is terrible in punishment by itself. He has a guilty animal will be immediately beaten (and, often in front of the whole family) and, it does not matter that he himself did not have time to walk the dog; It does not matter that I forgot to feed the cat - a person sees one thing: the cake of the puddle, the bread crust and the like disappeared from the table.
I would like to ask you how you imagine a terrible God? I, for example, in no way. My knowledge of the fact that God is love - smithereens breaks "terrible" quality. The fear of the Lord is in each of us, and we know that if we are sinful, we will be punished. But we also know that the punishment will be fair (De. 6: 24-25).
In the non-Canonic book (Sirah 17: 4) it is written that God has invested fear to a person in all kinds of flesh to dominate him above the beasts and birds. In the Message of Jacob 3: 7 it is written: "For any nature of animals and birds, reptiles and marine animals are tamed and tamed by the nature of human."
In Genesis 9: 2 It is written: "Yes, all the stars of earthly, [and the whole cattle of earthly,] and all the birds are heaven, all that moves on Earth, and all the fish are sent to your hands. " We are afraid of the beginning of God's fear. Why is the person even more frightetens the earth?! And does it have the right?

Who is our animals for us?

I will open the book I wasova 40:10, 14, 19-27.
Here is the hippo, which I created, like you; He eats grass as an ox; This is the top of the paths of God; Only created it can bring his sword to him. Does anyone in his eyes and whether his nose is a bug? Can you fly Leviafan and grab the rope for his tongue? Does the ring in the nostrils of it? Purchase the jaw with the jaw? Will he be a lot begging you and whether to talk to you Krotko? Does he make a contract with you, and will you take him forever to my slaves? Will you get fun like a bird, and will you contact your girls? Will it be selling his comrades fishing, will it share him between the Khannei merchants? Can you pierce your skin and his fisherman's head acute? Block your hand on Him, and remember the fight: you will not be ahead.
So, the Lord says: "In the future you will not be"! This is not your "slave", not a toy, this is not the subject of entertainment and sweatings of our! A person must love God's creation with love of Mr. (but not so that to make an image of this animal and worship him beauty and contrived qualities (De. 4: 16-19), but likes to God!
Once, I read the "Life Tutorial", written by Archpriece Artemia Vladimirov. These lines from the memories of Sunday School, I want to pass you:
"Does any of you wishes, thinking, answer such a serious question: why the Lord God created exactly you, how do you understand it? "A minute - everyone was literable. Yes, and no wonder - adults were also puzzled. But then one hand rose, the other, the third - and now, several students of the Sunday school were ready to answer this, it would seem that a completely unstable question. The first to answer a preceptible kid with a Belobryshai head, just like the painting of Polenov "Moscow Dvorik". Having stopped, he (I do not remember his name, unfortunately) Boyko and without a stick said: "God created me, so that I cared for my hamster!" Many laughed. "There is nothing to laugh at," I said, "the answer is given very deep. You see, the boy is convinced that the Lord God appeaseed him from non-existence in order to pour love ... Well, let him first on the hamster. After all, and in the Bible, the King Tsar Solomon is written: "The righteous stuff and about the life of his cattle ..." (12:10). Indeed, having loved and proving his care for a tiny hamster (and the retauls itself are not long, it will then grow up to love for people who require much more work and selflessness. "


Yes, the dog in the hands of God - nothing like a means of our upbringing. In my life, I also see it. It was through the dog that God brought up love in me not only for animals, but through them to people.
This is what Boris is talking about this:
"A person is very tied to the dog, probably no less than a dog to man. And in such a situation, it is very difficult to treat the dog as to the merits; Not equal to yourself.
I am in memory comes to live, the Saint Prokopiya Ustyugovsky. He came from Lubeck - Hanseatic city in the north of Germany. In Russia, in Novgorod limits, he arrived at the bargain, and so he liked him here, which remained forever. It was a long time -XII century. He wandered a lot, finally settled in Veliky Ustyug. The inhabitants of Ustyuga, he often denounced in dishonor and tendency to maintain pagan customs. In the fifth life was a significant case. There lived proofs on the Parity of the Annunciation Temple. One day, frost happened in the winter, strong even for the Vologda limits. Prokoki was looking for referees where it would be possible to warm up. He came to the people of "without a certain place of residence, as they would say about them now, in some kind of abandoned hut, but they were driven him. Then he found another shack - there were dogs there. Judging the wanderer, they ran away. I always think about how this ganty episode characterizes people and dogs in different ways: some were driven, others lost their place.
The destruction of homeless dogs is a crime. Argumentation - Animals can be a peddler of infectious diseases - not convincing, because a person can be a peddler of various diseases. From the murder of a dog to the murder of a person - one step: a person can also be a burden of society, too, can create problems with its crimes. In no case cannot talk about the destruction of animals, even if they represent any danger. We are responsible for those who are next to us. If a person meets a unwarted dirty dog \u200b\u200bon the street, then disgust often arises; Feeling of squeezing. But there must be a completely different feeling in our Christian heart, good. It should be remembered that our soul is "the thing is immortal", and in this respect the implementation of the gospel principles is necessary for her eternal life. The Savior said: "There is no more than that love, as if anyone puts his soul for his" (John 15.13). We must learn all our lives to learn such active Christianity, learn and teach our children themselves. If we do not understand that we are responsible for everything that is called the world, we are an instant it, turn it into the desert. In man nests, and if he gives the will his passions, if he once feels the taste of blood, it will not be stopped. I do not want to talk about recipes for the treatment of this disease. But I can say that those people who choose the profession of stigro, they themselves need serious treatment. The dog and man went together a very long way. And there were a lot of situations when a man saved a man. I'm not talking about those dogs who were pulled out of water and freezing in snow avalanches, but I'm talking about those animals that every day, it is hourly saved by a person from moral death, for example - advantage of the blind things do what people are unable: accompany people According to the multimillion city. Maybe not all understand this, but we live on the fracture of the epoch, at the end of the 20th century, when the results of humanity are summed up, and we must extract from this lessons. The hatred that lives in man and with which the law of righteousness is fighting in us, destructive. Every person the feature between good and evil should feel in his heart. "

Unclean animal?

It is terribly painful to hear (and even more so see), with which one sometimes easily gives a man his dog in the hands of the veterinarian so that the latter soars the animal! "If I knew (a) that with a dog so much trouble?!" - explains the grief-dog breeding a deed. It is even more painful to hear about the "insignificance" of the dog in the life of a person from Christians who so often talk about the love of God to all of the curious (that is, to the whole living, created by God) to the world. What caused such attitudes of Christians to the animal, which so loves a significant part of humanity?
Reflecting on this question, I thought, maybe Christians have such a dismissive attitude towards this animal because the Bible speaks more about the dog, as is the unclean, dangerous and disadvantage, rather than, as a true friend and assistant?! In the book of Coralia Parsonza "Animals. Beasts and birds mentioned in the Bible »We read:
"The dog in the ancient Jews was not at all such a friend of a person like us. Yes, it happened, they were kept as watchdogs, used for the protection of herd from wolves and sacks. Puppies were allowed to enter the house and fed them to the residues of food (Mark 7:27).
But in general, the attitude to PSAs was negative. According to the Jewish law, they were considered unclean. Compare someone with the "dead dog" was considered the hardest insult, and even the money received for the sale of such a desposed animal could not be brought to the house of the Lord (Deuteronomy 23:18). Solomon and the Apostle Peter compare sinners with dogs (Proverbs 26:11; 2 Peter 2:22). In Egypt, dogs, on the contrary, enjoyed great love and respect. "
Here is how this question explains the Archpriest Boris:
"In the Old Testament, all animals were really shared on" clean "and" unclean. " This is a kind of dollaimarkovskaya classification of all creatures by type of hoofs, the presence of scales or its absence, etc. All this allowed this or that creature to attribute to one of the two classes. Dogs on this classification belong to the "clean" animal. It should be remembered that the concepts of the Old Testament belonged to a certain religious-ethical environment. It is possible to talk in very detailed about what sense it was: a generative, allegorical, symbolic. There are examples that suggest that "unclean" is not always bad, unfit. Many fathers of the Church as such an example led an elephant. According to the classification of the Old Testament, he belonged to "unclean" creatures, but decorations from the "Elephant Elephant" - Ivory and Talnia - were considered the most expensive and noble decorations of the Old Testament era. The Lord, coming to Earth, proclaimed the principles of Christian life. In the Nagorno Protection it is said about what we should be. Unlike the commandments of the Old Testament, it is about manifestation of love towards near. And when it comes to hostility, hatred, forbids - it gives the Old Testament Rigorism. "
I can not disagree, because the same Bible describes this animal as not tolerating injustice (Ave. 26:17) that it was the dog to be an assistant to a person: it was used to protect her herds (Jobs 30: 1) and accompanied by the person himself (TOV. 5:17; 11: 3).
Tov. 5:17 - And the dog of the young man with them.
Tov. 11: 3 - the dog ran behind them.
These expressions speak of a long-time friendship of man and dog. In addition, even in the Old Testament times, the division of animals on "clean" and "unclean" did not prevent anything to take into the ark of those and others!

Lamb, not a puppy?

And maybe such an attitude of Christians to the dog because God chose one sheep from all created cattle (3 eczec. 5:26)?! In this case, remember that from all numerous peoples, God chose not us with you (3 years. 5:27), however, this did not prevent us from the pagans, the "Wild Maslin", to make and become common to the root and feed on the power of noble oline which is Jesus Christ (Rome. 11:17)! Here it is the goodness of God (Rome. 11:22).
Where is our goodness?! How long will the earth and birds and birds die for our dishonesty (IIm. 12: 4; IOL. 1: 18.20; Rome. 8: 19-23).

Who is the main thing?

I have been heard from Christians (but much more often from the Mijan): "In our family, everyone is afraid of dogs." I'm interested in: "You all bored dogs?". Answer: "No!". "Scared?". Answer the answer: "No!". Then, where did the Christian have a fear of a creature over which he himself is supposed to reign on God?! Even "... Field beasts will not be wondering, for in the world they are with you," says Scripture in the book of Job 5: 22-23, and even more so an animal, which for several millennia served a person faithfully and has proven itself as "best friend man. " It is about the dog loyalty that legends are composed ...
Where does fear come from? The Lord himself says: "So I command you: be firm and courageous, not afraid and not horrify, because with you the Lord, your God, wherever you go. (IIS. NA. 1: 9)
1 pairs. 22:13; Etc. 3:25; IP. 41: 10,13; IP. 43: 1; Ier. 30:10; 46:27; Onion. 12: 7, 32
Joan. 14:27 - I leave the world, my world I give you not as the world gives, I give you. Yes, your heart is not embarrassed and never frightened.
I do not know, but after these words of our Lord, I am not that dogs are not afraid, but Leo himself! However, this does not mean that I am ready to go to the area where he lives and appear before him! Our Lord knows us, their subjectable (slaves, ministers, children - as you like) as much as we do not know about ourselves (Ps. 138). Thoughtful, loving Mr. always knows needs, desire, etc. His slave. But, do we know our subject? Not! I am not afraid of the lion, because my God is my, but I will not tempt him, for I do not know Lion, his habits, etc. A person who is engaged in studying this animal would probably say: "I know this animal well, I love it and ready to meet him at any minute."

Find out!

The above belongs to the whole creature world - be it wild or tamed animals. In any way, the parties should at least know each other a little. And the closer they know each other, the more trusting their relationships are.
God knows us (Ps. 138) and we need to know the inhabitants of the Earth, at least those who meet everyone else! Animals are also studying us like how we learn our Lord through his word left to us in the Bible.
Those who have ever held dogs, cats, birds, etc. Pets will confirm that our favorites are often with diligence and study us with great interest. I love to bring in the example of the phrase of the Canadian writer, a biologist and ethnographer Farley Moweet, who has devoted many years to the study of such an animal like wolves. In his book, "do not shout, wolves!" Moweet said:
"If I needed a week to soberly appreciate the character of wolves, they diluted me from the first meeting."
I love to bring in the example of saying about Conrad Lorentz. In his book, "Man finds a friend" he says the following:
"Animal congenital ability to understand expressive movements and sounds applies only to nearby species, and an inexperienced dog does not even understand the facial expressions of the feline family. It is necessary to remember this in order to properly appreciate how close to the genuine miracle the ability of a dog to understand the human manner of expressing emotions. "
The man, especially if he is a Christian, should understand that this is a "genuine miracle" - there is from God, and there is in every living being, because both parties must know each other. The whole earth is given to a person, all living things and we have no right to break the connection of a person animal, remember that in any respects the parties should know each other!
So, we must learn those who are next to us, those for whom we are responsible to our creator. Moreover, if you are afraid of any animal - study it, get acquainted with his habits, habits, etc. And the Lord will definitely reveal you that the animal is quite unstable. Moreover, you need you, as in the defender and patron.

Dog battles

Yes, unfortunately, there are people who are fond of dog battles, artificially cause aggression in dogs, and then they can not cope with the dog, in view of the fact that before this one did not pay attention to her upbringing and obedience ... And the result - bitten, often, None in no indifferent people. "Dog battles," says Archpriest Boris, "will never be able to become an element of a cynological culture. Stimulation of aggression in an animal is meaningless and unworthy lesson for man. Of course, almost all service (and not only) dogs can fight. This does not need to be proved. Also they know how to defend a person, territory, cattle. But in the entire spectrum of functionality, the ability to fight is only a small part of its qualities. "


Does sacred Scripture distinguished the dog among other animals?
"No," says Father Vladimir ("Friend" No. 2.95) - the Bible does not separate from each other animals. The Bible does not say any discrimination against a dog, no ban on it. True, there are places in the Bible (for example, in the message of the Apostle Peter), where it would seem to seem to be the words about the dog: "Many sinners, turning to Christianity, again return to their sins, as the dog returns to his vivotin." (2 Peter. 2.22) But this is not a hula on the animal. Yes, this is a biblical expression that has entered even. In the saying, but I will repeat, and not a negative attitude towards the dog, for there is also said that "the washed pig goes to lie in the mud." Or in the Gospel it says: "Do not give the shrines in Psam." Here again there is no negative attitude towards dogs! Just everything should be proportionally. No, the dog is an amazing animal. 0Tets Alexander Merid Somehow said: "The dog is at all almost like a person." Who else from animals can love a person so much, be so faithful? I can't remember biblical, evangelical expressions, poorly speaking about the dog or containing a ban on its maintenance in the house. Another thing is that in former times, when the way of life of people was different, the dog, who performed the role of the guard and shepherd, naturally lived in the yard, and not in the house. Today, the person's lifestyle has changed, but the dog is still needed in all of her hypostatas, and we, living in the city, cannot keep our dog somewhere outside the apartment, although in the villages they usually, as before, keep in the cone in the courtyard. Here, apparently, of these purely practical and traditional considerations and the view appeared that the dog can not be held in the house. No and can not be prohibited for it. "

A place!

Many people, even the clergy, has such an opinion that the dog in the house is not a place! And again we appeal to the Father Vladimir: - I do not want and cannot condemn them. The Lord said: "Do not judge, do not judge!" These clergymen may be guided by some ancient rules, but religion is not something frozen. The church is a living organism, and it is constantly updated developing, many rules are practically outdated now. We have some kind of superstitious fear of the rules. It seems to me that the desire to change anything, turn the church into the reserve, the museum is wrong. All living is updated. If there is no update, no life, and the church and faith are our life? Therefore, I believe that the dog may well be in the house - often she is simply necessary there. If someone from your friends, the presence of this animal in the room can embarrass, then at the time of their visit you can withdraw it into the corridor. " Archpriest Boris did not say on the same question "it can" or "it is impossible", he began his answer as follows: "... the enemy of our salvation, according to him anger, always seeks to disconnect people, make them opponents. In different areas of human activity, people turned out to be divided into warring mills. Unfortunately, we are all divided into two camps: some love dogs, others - no. Of course, each of us seeks to justify your position, consciously or subconsciously. It is difficult to argue with those who are against dogs and good relations with them, trying to search for "theological" arguments. Christian attitude towards animals is based on the fact that the man in the divine design should be thrown by the Creator himself. Previously, all animals and birds ordinary people called "the creatures of God." Fathers of the Church with antiquity taught that there are two differences between animals from people: they, unlike us, are inordinated and sinless. Therefore, any hatred of animals, in whatever clothes it is not dressed, is also unacceptable from the point of view of Christian morality, as well as hatred towards the child.
... Adam made the names of animals. Indeed, a person is much stronger than animals, but not physically, but spiritually. And this superiority obliges to take care of animals. Hate and dislike for dogs. If there has some moral and ethical foundation, then there is no Christian. "
However, the dog can not be included in the temple. Why can a dog, and, for example, you can, although in the Bible (unlike the same dog) in general and words are not about cats!?
"Because," says Father Vladimir, "in principle, the dog is the yard. After all, neither a horse nor a pig you will not behave in the temple, but a cat is not the yard, but a pet, besides, its presence in the temple is functional in nature: she catches mice. " Remember the situation when Jesus Christ coming to the temple in saw there a lot of animals, which the inhabitants of the city were sold (in the Old Testament Times, a person, sinned, had to sacrifice the animal for his sin) ... it was then that Jesus said: "My house is a house of prayer Write down "!

So who is a dog for us?

"The temple is a special place, and the house is a house. In vain, some are trying to divide everything to clean and unclean, God and not God. This is not true. The main thing to remember is the whole world - God, and it is impossible to divide it. Only evil - not from God. But who can say that the dog is evil? Sin is not from God, "Again, who can say that a dog is a sin? A man sometimes creates such a thing in his life that it will not come to mind to the head," said Father Vladimir. Indeed, it is difficult to disagree with this. So , the dog is not evil, not sin, .. The dog is the creation of God, a living being. Living - it means with a soul.

Is there a soul of a dog?

"... Some theologians believe that a person consists of three parts: the spirit (what connects the person with God), the soul (mental life, emotions) and the body (flesh). In this option, it can be said that in animals, in particular, dogs, there is a soul (the spirit is not, and there is a soul). They feel about themselves, can rejoice, worry, etc. " - Again, we appeal to the opinion of Father Vladimir.

Do animals fall into paradise?

And immediately the following question arises. Will our animals fall to heaven? After all, the Bible says that only the Spirit resurrects the dead, and we just found out that the animal does not have this spirit.
"0din a great man, believer and thinking, expressed something like this:" Why do I need a paradise if there is no my cat! " Such a statement may seem blasphemous. You can relate differently to this. After all, the Lord says: "Who loves his father or mother more than me, nor worthy of me." We cannot condemn this philosopher. 0N meant not at all that, he doesn't need a paradise, but the fact that heaven is something where a person is implemented in all its fullness, a certain state of the human soul. That love for animals is also part of the human soul. If the paradise is something, where there is no love for animals, it is not paradise, "says Father Vladimir. Indeed, there is nothing impossible for God (MTF 19:26), does he really refuse us in an accurate copy of our Tisch and Trezorov, if we ask him about being? I think I will not refuse! Our animals will be with us! Another thing, and whether we want to be in God's presence?

In whose hands the dog life?

Take a look into your eyes or in the eyes of a homeless dog and remember that you are caked by eternal life in heaven, and she has one life - here and now, for the Bible says that all animals are mortal (Ps. 48:13, 21). And in your hands to make this life with paradise or hell. And, if in the relationship - the God-man - we ourselves choose "where we will be in eternity", then in the relationship - the animal is - even this right is God exclusively for us.
God - is there love, does God want evil to us? Not! He loves us and takes care of us, so why do we - don't follow it in the image for our Creator?
Why we always (!) Are in love with the second?! Even true lovers of dogs (and other animals) recognize it.
An outstanding scientist and psychologist Conrad Lorenz wrote:
"My dog \u200b\u200bloves me more than I am her, and it always gives me a vague shame, a dog at any time is ready to sacrifice life for me. If the lion or tiger, Edi, Bulli, Tita, Stasi, and all my other dogs, and all my other dogs would have rushed in an unequal battle for a few seconds to extend my life for a few seconds. And what would I do in their place? "
And I really want to wish us now, as one philosopher XIX century said:
Let your goal always love more than love you, do not be in love with the second.

Prayer about animals

Many people think that praying for the animal, even if it is very sick - sin. "All life, in all its manifestations, is consecrated by God, everything is blessed by the church, but life is more difficult for the rules and laws, including in relations to animals. It must be understood that our relationship with them and each other much more important than these rules. How can you live without animals and, especially without a dog. After all, what a positive influence they have to raise children! Fine when there is a living being, about which the child will take care and there may be a dog in such a creature - as it is closer to man. Cats - those more by themselves, "says Father Vladimir. Indeed, and I also repeat that a lot of God teaches us through this animal!

Cynological motifs in Christianity

In Christianity, a lot of figurative comparisons, where the dog takes part! So, for example, with Piece often compare our conscience. Everything is probably remembered by the Bass Krylova "Elephant and Moskka". An elephant is us, Moskka is our conscience. She barks on us: "You're a sinner!" - And it's not afraid that we are much more her.
"There are many cynological motives and fragments in the lives of saints and even Orthodox iconography," says Archpriest Boris, "the famous example is the Martyr Christopher. Many in embarrassment turns the appearance of the icon with the image of this saint. It is often depicted with a dog head. There is such a legend. Christopher was very well-depleted, perfectly face and was very embarrassed by the fact that many women experienced passionate attraction towards him. He asked the Lord so much to change his appearance in order not to be a temptation. And the Lord heard his prayers: on some icons of the martyr of Christopher a head of a dog - just like Rottweiler. There is, however, other explanations of such a casus ... In other words, the cynological motifs in the Orthodox tradition are found in the most unexpected places. I would like to say that the Western Christian tradition in a cynological attitude is even richer. "

Country breeding

Some kelanche experts ask how the Bible belongs to the purebred breeding? It seems that it is a purely human whim ...
Reflecting on this issue, I remembered the article "Funny Dog" (the author wished to remain not known), published in the journal "Hunting and Hunting Economy" (No. 1/93, p. 6-7): "If at least one minute to imagine walking along the trail of the rice beast of a hollow Pointera, which risks rising and tightly held the rolledshnepa riding, greyhound, making a sample on a cohotok along a protein tree, or a taku, beating on the hijacking hare, will turn out in the full sense of the word "nonsense of a dog", and In memory, funny shots from a very funny cartoon "Plasticine Crow" will immediately pop up. Maybe a dog, and maybe a cow, and maybe at all the ostrich is angry ... Of course, none of the listed dogs will come to mind to make such "crazy" actions, and the entire Nausecian, "nonsense of a dog" created In the word word. Rather, not even the words themselves, and their fullest incompatibility with each other. In order for the words to be lined up in a meaningful text dedicated to a species, they should be bound by the "Logic Rodance" ... "
And these bonds of logical kinship can be seen literally in everything! All that is created in the world - everything has its purpose and like these breeds of dogs that cannot be changed in places, it is impossible to try to change anything in general the universe!

Who is behind all this?

Reading 1 Corinthians 15 chapter with 37 verse and below, I have reached the following. It doesn't matter what kind of breed you do some grain sew: wheat, buckwheat or other (Art. 37). But only God gives him the body as he wants, every seed his body (Article 38). I think that people whose hands God created thousands of beautiful dog breeds: be it Doberman (Founder of Doberman breed), Frau von Stefanits (Founder of the Boxer breed), etc. - Agreed to pay tribute to the one who stood for all this, the God-Creator of all visible and invisible. No need to forget that a person only assumes, but God has.
God allowed many breeds to appear, however, no one considered how many breeds were not destined to appear. But people, sometimes, dedicated to this whole life!
Each breed is different from the other type, sizes, character, .. (Art. 39), and each breed is famous for its "raisins", which are achieved by the breeds (not without God's leadership). Even inside the same breed there are a lot of different types! And all by the fact that even the most experienced genetic-breeder will not be able to say with one hundred percent confidence that he will have exactly what he expects! And only God knows everything! Each dog has one breed - its glory! Perhaps, for the entire period of dog breeding, there were no so many champions (candidates for champions) on beauty and working qualities as in our time. I do not think that the titles of all their "bought" or are obtained by any unjust path! Most of these champions are really worthy of representatives of their breed! (Art. 40). In a word, be firm, unshakable, always succeed in the Lord's case, knowing that your work is not whisthed to the Lord (Art. 58).

What is creativity and self-improvement in it?

For example, I really like the kinological expression "keep the breed clean"! The Bible often tells us that we keep our hearts clean! Just as we strive to bring to the perfection of the selected breed (to fit under the ideal that there is a standard), so the Bible teaches us to go to holiness, because God says "Be Holy, because I will holy" (). Each person is committed to improving, causing (consciously or unconsciously) his "I" under the ideal, which is God! There is not a single person who would become a criminal just because he wanted so much! No one wants to be bad. Everyone wants to be good, wish you good, and not evil. Another thing is whether wisdom is enough to be good, saints, as God wishes!
I often think why God allows for the appearance of dogs, whose appearance and the psyche causes dislike and even disgust?! I do not mean a mongrel! Among this "breed" there are a lot of my swell and smartest creatures! I mean the metots that appear to overlook the unrelated owners of dogs, and sometimes just by the stupidity of human. Probably, in order for us even more clearly to see the "good" and "bad" difference, so that it seems to be "good" or in that "bad" yourself, so that everyone makes one day - on whose side to be She strives and what to achieve. I made a choice for myself: I am for purebred dilution: serious and thoughtful. I will not expand the creature that has already been born by someone's irresponsibility, but also myself will not make quality to reduce the amount. I will not forget the words of Novikov (author of the book "Boxer"), who noted such a thought that if the cloning ever comes into dog breeding, then on this the creativity of kinologists will end. Creation! This is what distinguishes us in our activities from animal activities. God is the Creator! We are his similarity, it means that the process of creativity is a kind of semblance of the creation of God! But what you "Create" is already a separate and individual question! For his results, everyone will respond before God and people individually.
Having communion with Trans-Ural hunters, I loved the expression of the true connoisseur of the P.M. P.m. Machevarianova, who wrote: "... Hunters (...) are endowed with an indomitable faith in the future. "Eh, brother! But what the next year I will be the next year! .. "- exclamation, repeated true (...) hunter from year to year and to death."
This is what is called improvement.

Animals in Eden, Lucas Cranes Senior in the Bible mentioned a lot of animal beings. Identat ... Wikipedia

The Bible was divided into four classes: on animals living on land, four-legged big and small, (Lion.11: 2), on the fish of the marine (Article 9, 10), birds of heaven (Article 13) and reptiles (Art. 20 , 29, 41). In these classes, they differed again: clean, ... ... Bible. Old and new covenants. Synodal translation. Biblical encyclopedia ARH. Nikifora.

In the Bible, these are living beings, put on., Like a person, the ability to independs. Perform arbitrary movements, as well as ability to perceive. From the creation of the world of J. are divided into four groups: J., the molding. On the fifth day living in the water and in ... ... Biblical Encyclopedia Brockhausa

Biblical animals - - In the Bible, the animal world is divided into 4 discharge, and each discharge contains animals that can be touched by a person, or clean, and animals prohibited for food, or unclean, namely: 1) four-legged animals (lion, 11 ... Full Orthodox Bogoslovsky Encyclopedic Dictionary

animals - A. Representatives of the animal world, referred to in the Bible Barce: IP 11: 6 Hippopotamus: Job 40:10 20 Camel: Lion 11: 4 ox: Exhaust 22: 1.4 Wolf: IP 11: 6 Hyena: IP 13:22 Home Animals (bull, cow, calf): 1 sir 6: 7; Ps 67:30 Hare: Lion 11: 6 ... Bible: Thematic Dictionary

Animals - In the Bible, almost all existing types of animals are mentioned, including four-legged living on land, sea fish, heavenly birds, reptiles, amphibians, etc. Each species subdivided on clean and unclean animals. First Law ... ... Orthodox encyclopedia

Unclean animals Bible (Old Testament) The term denoting animals that were not used in sacrifices and were not eaten. Unclean animals in a more general sense of animals that are not eaten or unloved ... ... Wikipedia

Plants are often referred to in the Bible. It is reported that they (grass and trees) were created on the third day (Gen..1: 11), however, some plants appeared later as a curse for the sin of the progenitors (thorns of life. 3: 18). Content ... Wikipedia

Noah produces pigeons from the bird ark (IVR. עוף, of) are a frequent character of biblical narration. They were created ... Wikipedia

Literary genres in the Bible - Historically established types of lit. Creativity used by holy. The authors of the Bible. The approach to Scripture as a book of God-Serecheskaya suggests the study of those lit. Principles, on the reasons built part of the Bible. Classification and ... ... Bibliology


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