The timing of the planned ultrasound scan during pregnancy. How many times is ultrasound done during pregnancy? Scheduled examinations. Deciphering the examination results

Ultrasound diagnostics is a routine routine examination during pregnancy. Ultrasound is considered one of the most reliable and safe procedures. It allows you to diagnose fetal malformations during its intrauterine development, to determine the state of the child and the "uterus - placenta - fetus" system. Thanks to ultrasound diagnostics, an obstetrician-gynecologist conducting a pregnancy has the opportunity to intervene in the processes taking place in the mother's body, and thus preserve the life and health of her and the child.

However, the question of the safety of this type of research continues to haunt the minds of future parents. How safe is the procedure for the baby? How often should you do it? How many ultrasound procedures can be performed without health consequences? There is a lot of reliable information about ultrasound examination, but there are also many conjectures. It's time to figure out which is which.

Ultrasound diagnosis of pregnancy is by far the most informative research. It allows you to diagnose the development of the fetus, check all its systems and the readiness of the mother's reproductive organs for delivery

What is the method of ultrasound research based on?

The method is based on the analysis of the difference between the signals of the probing and reflected ultrasonic waves. With the help of a special ultrasound transducer (transducer), an ultrasonic wave of 3.5 MHz is directed to the examined organ. Reflecting from various media and changing its frequency, the ultrasound wave returns and is absorbed by the receiver of the ultrasound sensor. Further, the information goes to the computer, which is an integral part of the ultrasound diagnostic apparatus, which processes the received data. The ultrasound operator can see on the monitor structures of different echogenicity (amniotic fluid, fetal bones and tissues, etc.) and interpret the result. The reliability of the information depends on the accuracy of the ultrasound machine and the experience of its operator.

Frequency of ultrasound procedures during pregnancy

How many times can an ultrasound diagnostic procedure be prescribed during the period of bearing a child? According to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 457 dated December 28, 00, the algorithm for examining a pregnant woman includes 3 scheduled ultrasound screening:

  • the first screening in the period from 12 to 14 weeks is carried out to clarify the duration of pregnancy, its fertility and to check the compliance of the child's size and TVP (thickness of the collar space) with the standards;
  • the second screening in the period from 20 to 24 weeks is carried out to diagnose possible pathological processes in the "uterus - fetus - placenta" system, the place of attachment of the placenta, the state of the child in the womb and his gender are determined;
  • the third screening in the period from 32 to 34 weeks is carried out to clarify the presentation of the fetus, to confirm the placenta attachment, as well as to confirm or remove suspicions of pathology and anomalies in the development of the child. A comparative analysis of the size of the child and the normative data is carried out, as well as the quantitative characteristics of the amniotic fluid are assessed.

The first screening is done at 12-14 weeks. It makes it possible to clarify the exact time of conception, to compare the characteristics of the development of the embryo with the standards, to exclude genetic abnormalities.

Grounds for prescribing additional ultrasound procedures

In addition to screenings, additional diagnostic ultrasound studies can be prescribed, referral to confirm / clarify pathology identified earlier or by other methods, to monitor the condition of the mother and her baby and control the treatment process, if any, up to an early ultrasound examination. The grounds for ultrasound are quite weighty:

  • burdened heredity;
  • chronic diseases of the mother, which can affect the development of the baby (diabetes, phenylketonuria, GB, etc.);
  • when the expectant mother is exposed to pathological and harmful environmental factors (radiation, toxic substances, infections and intoxication);
  • as a monitoring procedure for previously identified abnormalities during pregnancy.

Most expectant mothers wonder how long the ultrasound procedure takes, and how long will the fetus be exposed to ultrasound? The time required to complete the procedure depends on the type of examination:

  • standard ultrasound scan - 10 minutes;
  • the duration of 3 and 4-dimensional ultrasound is from 30 to 50 minutes.

Ultrasound in the first weeks of pregnancy: benefits and harms

The reasons for prescribing an ultrasound scan in the early stages are:

  • the presence of bloody discharge;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, sharp or pulling.

There is no reliable data on the harmful effect of ultrasound in early pregnancy on the formation or development of the embryo, or any long-term consequences. However, it is worth remembering that ultrasound is a medical diagnostic procedure. And it is carried out strictly according to indications. In the process of ultrasound, the fetus (its body and brain) is exposed to ultrasound radiation, once again it is not worth doing this.

How often is it harmful to carry out ultrasound diagnostics?

The harm of ultrasound during pregnancy has not been proven. No developmental implications for the child were found. Of course, no doctor or scientist will give a 100% guarantee. Because it is difficult to conduct a pure experiment, i.e. exclude the influence of other factors (examinations, treatment of the underlying disease, the influence of bad habits). It is also required to trace the effect of the ultrasound factor on several generations.

That is why they talk about relative safety or safety in comparison with other methods. Any medical procedure, any intervention should be carried out only if there is no other way out, especially in the early stages of pregnancy. Of course, the embryo is exposed to radiation directed at it, and although the effect of such an effect has not been revealed, it is better not to experiment. In relation to any medical procedure, it is necessary to proceed from the following rule: when the benefit obtained from the procedure (in this case, ultrasound) exceeds the theoretically possible harm, then it must be carried out.

A child in the womb reacts to external factors; during an ultrasound scan, he is often active, waving his arms. However, the harm or pain symptoms from ultrasound have not been proven.

If you want to conduct an additional ultrasound scan, it should be remembered that none, including ultrasound, provides one hundred percent reliable information about the child's condition. The reliability of the information is large enough, but still it is a probabilistic indicator. Carrying out volumetric (3- and 4-dimensional) studies, all the more, must be carried out strictly according to indications, since the time of exposure to ultrasound waves on the fetus during these procedures is much longer than with standard ultrasound. The desire to capture your unborn child or to clarify the gender of the baby is not a rationale for an additional ultrasound procedure.

Ultrasound diagnostic myths

Ultrasound is a breakthrough in the technique of non-invasive, painless diagnosis. How much ultrasound is needed during pregnancy?

It is considered normal in Russia to carry out 3 screenings, but in some cases additional procedures may be prescribed.

You should not give up a sufficiently accurate and informative research, listening to the following unproven considerations:

  1. Ultrasound diagnostics negatively affects the genome. Ultrasound allegedly deforms the structure of DNA, causing mutations and developmental abnormalities in future generations. There is no evidence to support this theory. Experiments on mice have led to the denial of this hypothesis.
  2. It is believed that the baby is in pain when exposed to ultrasound, because some children actively respond to research by swinging their limbs. It is not known what the fetus reacts to: ultrasound, transducer pressure, mother's excitement or discomfort caused by a full bladder. If you pat yourself on the belly, chances are your little one will respond and push back. This does not mean that your actions caused him suffering.

A specialist should appoint an examination, carry out diagnostics - a master of his craft with the help of high-quality equipment. This minimizes possible risks and maximizes the undoubted benefits of ultrasound. The answer to the question: "How often can an ultrasound scan be done during pregnancy?" - comes down to a simple recommendation: not more often than prescribed by an obstetrician-gynecologist leading a pregnancy.

Surely there is not a single pregnant woman who, when prescribing a referral for an ultrasound scan (ultrasound), would not ask the question: how safe is it for the child, what he will feel at the time of the procedure, whether he will not be uncomfortable, how many times they do an ultrasound scan.

Especially such thoughts arise when you first go to an ultrasound scan, because, as a rule, it is carried out using a transvaginal sensor.

In the article, we have selected interesting and useful information for you that will give you answers to such important questions:

  • how many times and in what time frame it is necessary to undergo ultrasound screening;
  • how often can an ultrasound scan be done during pregnancy;
  • is the procedure safe for the child and the expectant mother;
  • whether it is necessary to specially prepare before going to the uzist.

Did you know? In medicine, ultrasound waves were first used as a diagnostic method at the end of 1947, and in gynecology - since 1966. Before that, they were used as a method of treating arthritis, stomach ulcers, asthma and other diseases..

What is ultrasound done for?

This type of research is used to to reveal:

  • whether the fetus is developing normally and does it have serious abnormalities;
  • the development and growth of the child in dynamics;
  • gestational age;
  • the presence of bearing threats;
  • the state of health of the pregnant woman and her temporary organs that ensure the bearing of the baby;
  • development of all organs and systems of the child.

Ultrasound during pregnancy, carried out in the early stages, provides an answer to the main question: does the embryo have defects that are incompatible with life or will necessarily lead to the disability of the newborn. If such anomalies are suspected, additional research will be required for a final conclusion: amniotic fluid, chorion.

It is important to understand that early detection of defects will interrupt the process of carrying a child with the least harm to the mother's health.

Ultrasound examination at a later date allows you to decide on the method of delivery and tactics of labor management.

Dates of scheduled ultrasound

In medicine in most countries of the world, a decision has been made on the advisability of carrying out three planned ultrasound of a pregnant woman. According to the testimony, there may be more of them. The same recommendations are made by the World Health Organization.


For the first time, a gynecologist who observes a pregnant woman gives her a referral for an ultrasound examination from the 10th to the 14th week. In this period the ultrasound doctor should:

  • confirm / deny the fact of pregnancy;
  • to establish whether the fetus is in the uterus or outside it;
  • set a deadline;
  • determine if a single or multiple pregnancy;
  • identify the presence of a threat of interruption;
  • assess the condition and problems of the uterus, placenta, pelvic organs;
  • measure the neck-collar zone and determine whether it is within the normal range (deviations from the norm may indicate possible developmental anomalies);
  • calculate the due date.

Did you know? The first studies of the fetal heartbeat in the sixth week using ultrasound and a transvaginal sensor were carried out by one of the most famous uzists of the last century - Austrian A. Kratochvil.

According to the indications, a decision can be made to conduct ultrasound diagnostics at an earlier date - up to the 10th week.


It is important that the second ultrasound scan in case of a successful pregnancy is carried out exactly when the referral will be given by the gynecologist, since the planned timing of the diagnosis was not chosen by chance, because only from the 11th to the 14th week the measurement of the collar zone will carry the necessary information.

Measurements of it earlier or later will no longer be able to accurately indicate anomalies. Also, the size of the fetus is judged on the gestational age only up to the 15th week. In the future, the child can already develop depending on heredity.

For the second time, the pregnant woman should visit the uzist in the period from the 20th to the 24th week. In this period the specialist establishes:

  • the size of the fetus;
  • measurements of the head, abdomen, humerus and femur, lower leg, forearm;
  • the condition of the fetus and the development of its internal organs and systems;
  • the amount of amniotic fluid;
  • fetal malformations;
  • gender of the baby;
  • presence / absence of abnormalities in the development of the placenta and uterus.
He also compares the results of the first and second ultrasound findings.

According to the indications, an unscheduled ultrasound screening can be performed in the period from the 14th to the 20th week. These indications include changes in the amount of hormones identified during the delivery of a routine blood test.

The most accurate results on the condition of the pregnant woman and the child at this time can be obtained from joint ultrasound screening and Doppler ultrasound. The latter is carried out from the 22nd to the 24th week and allows you to assess the state of the vessels of the uterus and blood flow from the mother to the placenta and the child.

It is the conclusions after these studies that make it possible to draw up an overall picture of the condition of the mother and child and develop the correct tactics for managing pregnancy in the future.


If the course of pregnancy passes without problems, the third ultrasound examination is prescribed in the period from the 32nd to the 36th week. During it:

  • fetal measurements are taken;
  • attention is paid to the position of the child and the placenta;
  • if available, developmental abnormalities are described;
  • problems in the development of the placenta and uterus (if any) are investigated;
  • a conclusion is given on the state of the organs and systems of the infant, including the structure of the lungs;
  • the assessment of blood circulation in the vessels of the child, uterus, umbilical cord is given.
If violations are detected in this period, a decision is made to hospitalize the pregnant woman. The next ultrasound screening will be scheduled after treatment.

Also, in some cases, additional research is prescribed immediately before childbirth. It will be required in order to clarify the location of the fetus and placenta, as well as examine the blood flow from the mother to the placenta and to the baby.

Thus, depending on how the process of carrying a baby proceeds, a pregnant woman can be sent for an ultrasound examination from three to ten times.

Important! An ultrasound examination should only be done with a referral from a doctor. You should not abuse the procedure if you did not like something about your condition, or just for the sake of interest - find out the gender or weight of the baby. The decision on the need for an ultrasound scan should be made only by a gynecologist who observes you during the carrying of a baby.

Establishing the term of pregnancy using ultrasound

At the first visit to an ultrasound specialist, he measures the diameter of the ovum, the length from the crown to the coccyx of the embryo and the size of the uterus. All these indicators, based on existing data, will allow him to establish the gestational age and date of birth.

Most often, in the conclusion of the uzist, there will be a period not obstetric, which the gynecologist calculates from the date of the last menstruation, but embryonic - that is, from the day of conception of the child. Therefore, the timing will differ within one to two weeks.

How to prepare for the procedure

The procedure is for the mother painlessly... Your gynecologist will tell you what you need to take on her. If necessary, you will need to come to the uzist's office with your own towel or diaper, which you need to cover the couch with before lying on it.

Also, at the first ultrasound, you will need to have one condom with you, which the specialist will put on the vaginal probe.

The preparation will consist in refusing a few days before visiting an ultrasound diagnostic specialist from eating foods that can provoke bloating: cabbage, legumes, carbonated drinks, bread.

How is the diagnosis carried out?

The first diagnosis is carried out two ways:

  1. outwardly, through the stomach;
  2. using a transvaginal probe that is inserted into the vagina.
In the first case, a woman only needs to bare her stomach to the pubis and chest and lie on the couch. The doctor will lubricate the abdomen with a special gel and will move the sensor along the abdomen, examining the image on the screen.

In the second case, the woman will need to take off her underwear, lie on the couch, relax and spread her legs. The Uzist will insert the sensor into the vagina and make the necessary movements with it, which will allow us to consider the required parameters of the fetus.

Both the first and second diagnostic methods are painless.

An ultrasound scan during pregnancy is deciphered by an ultrasound doctor and a gynecologist, who monitors the course of carrying a baby in accordance with the prescribed norms.

Important! After examination with a transvaginal sensor, there may be slight bloody or brownish vaginal discharge for three days. In case of profuse discharge with the presence of bright red blood, an urgent visit to the hospital is necessary.

Answers to popular questions

Below we have collected for you the answers to the questions that expectant mothers most often ask about this diagnostic method.

What may be the reason for an early ultrasound examination

Among the indications for the first unscheduled ultrasound scan during pregnancy (up to the 10th week) includes:

  • bloody vaginal discharge;
  • that are observed in the lower abdomen;
  • the size of the uterus does not correspond to the period of pregnancy, which the doctor puts after a gynecological examination;
  • in the anamnesis the pregnant woman had miscarriages, frozen fetus;
  • pregnancy after artificial insemination;
  • developmental anomalies of the child in previous pregnancies;
  • suspicion of multiple pregnancy.
Also, up to 10 weeks, an uzist is visited if a probable pregnant woman has menstrual irregularities and it is impossible to accurately establish the fact of pregnancy. For example, if there is a long delay, but the test shows that the woman is not pregnant.

Is ultrasound harmful for the unborn baby and mother

There is no definite answer to this question. The Internet is full of stories of panicked mothers, who cite statements by various foreign experts about the harmfulness of this procedure for a child.

According to some reports, it allegedly affects the delay in fetal development, according to others - on its genome, leading to mutations.

There are studies carried out on animals, which, on the one hand, claim that ultrasound beams have a negative effect, on the other hand, that no negative effects have been identified.

However, large-scale experiments that would allow to prove the harm of the procedure to humans have not been carried out. Thus, neither prove nor disprove the harmfulness of ultrasound for a pregnant woman and a baby so far nobody could.

What fetal malformations does ultrasound help to exclude?

With the help of an ultrasound machine, a study of all organs and systems of the child is carried out.

This research method allows diagnosing up to 90% of congenital defects, including gross violations in the work of the heart and brain. In the first trimester, it is possible to diagnose the likelihood of a baby having Down syndrome.

It is not always possible to identify problems with the thyroid gland, pancreas, adrenal glands.

Is it possible to refuse ultrasound

To do or not to do an ultrasound - such a decision is made by a woman on one's own... In principle, like the decision to register for pregnancy, to visit a gynecologist on a monthly basis, follow his recommendations and pass the necessary tests.

However, it is important to understand that ultrasound diagnostics is an important and informative method that provides answers to many questions related to the condition and development of the child and mother.

Often, its implementation allows both parents and the child to avoid further problems in life, or to interrupt gestation, if it is clearly visible that the baby will not be able to live. She also helps doctors to correctly determine the tactics of giving birth, which allows the child to be born comfortably and avoid complications.

Important! Refusal from an ultrasound examination must be recorded in writing and signed by the pregnant woman personally. It is pasted into an exchange card that is issued to a woman when registering with an antenatal clinic.

Is it worth doing 3D ultrasound and is it really better than usual

Three-dimensional ultrasound differs from two-dimensional in that it shows an image of the child in three projections. Thus, it can be better viewed, photographed and its movements captured. on video... This is what attracts future parents who are eager to acquire interesting, clearer pictures and videos of the baby as a keepsake.

The invention of three-dimensional ultrasound made it possible to identify fetal defects that could not be detected in two-dimensional. Among them: "cleft lip", anomalies of the spine and ear, etc.

Whether it is worthwhile to conduct a child's study with the help of a 3D apparatus, each parent has the right to decide individually. After all, an experienced and competent uzist will be able to consider what was wrong with the help of a conventional ultrasound machine.

Did you know? The development of computer technologies gave impetus to the improvement of ultrasound diagnostics - the first studies in the field of three-dimensional ultrasound were carried out in 1984 by the Japanese K. Baba.

The gynecologist should tell you where to get diagnosed. The cost of its implementation depends on the duration, brand and power of the ultrasound machine. On average, in the first trimester, the procedure costs from 1.5 thousand rubles, in the second and third - from 2 thousand. 3D diagnostics will cost from 3 thousand.

During pregnancy, a complete examination of the female body is mandatory in order to monitor the health of the expectant mother and the development of the baby. One of the most important points is ultrasound examination, which allows you to monitor various growth indicators and identify pathological abnormalities, if any. Every expectant mother wants to know when the first ultrasound is done during pregnancy, and what the examination shows at such an early stage.

Types of ultrasound during pregnancy

Ultrasound examination is a procedure that helps to examine human organs from the inside, diagnose diseases and track the course of diseases. Examination of the body with ultrasound is the most popular procedure that is prescribed to every woman during the period of bearing a baby. With the help of such a simple technology, it is possible to diagnose developmental disorders in a timely manner, refute the gynecologist's suspicions of the presence of pathological phenomena, or confirm an existing anomaly.

If the examination confirms the pathology, then the doctors have the opportunity to correct the course of pregnancy, carry out competent treatment, plan the birth process and determine the treatment regimen for the baby after birth.

In gynecology, several types of ultrasound are practiced:

  • Ultrasound screening - does not differ from a conventional study, but pursues completely different goals, namely, to determine the presence of pathology in the early stages. If you are interested in how long you need to do the first ultrasound screening, contact the supervising gynecologist who will write out a referral from 10 to 13 weeks of pregnancy. With the help of a screening test, it will be possible to determine the state of the uterus, placenta, amniotic fluid, and to assess the health of the expectant mother.
  • Transvaginal ultrasound is prescribed from 11 to 14 weeks. The purpose of the procedure is to study the state of the uterus, determine the uterine or ectopic pregnancy, study the state of the woman's internal organs.
  • Cardiotocographic research helps to study the organs and anatomy of the fetus, its condition, and determine the initial stages of pathologies.

All these studies are carried out without fail, even with good health and well-being of a woman.

Ultrasound to determine pregnancy

Many expectant mothers are interested in how long an ultrasound scan can be done to determine pregnancy, and what does this procedure mean? As a rule, to confirm the presence of pregnancy, a diagnosis is prescribed from the third to the seventh week. The study can be classic transabdominal or more informative - transvaginal.

The classical examination method is prescribed from the fifth week, it is possible to record the heartbeat of the embryo only for 7 weeks. Transvaginal technology is more accurate, it allows you to determine pregnancy as early as the third week. In this study, the correct attachment of the ovum and its vital activity are diagnosed.

The benefits of an early ultrasound scan include:

  • Allows you to confirm pregnancy test results.
  • Identify an ectopic pregnancy at an early stage and avoid the threat of infertility.
  • In the early stages, determine a single or multiple pregnancy.
  • To assess the risk of miscarriage due to hypertonicity of the uterus.
  • Determine a more accurate gestational age.

After there was a delay in menstruation and the test showed 2 cherished stripes, the expectant mother needs to go for a consultation with a gynecologist, who will determine when to do the first ultrasound during pregnancy. This procedure is prescribed only on an individual basis if there is a suspicion of pathology or spotting. If, upon visual examination, the pregnancy is proceeding normally and the woman has no complaints, then an ultrasound scan is performed at the end of the first trimester.

The first scheduled examination

In obstetric practice, the first test is called one that is carried out for a period of 10-14 weeks and is assigned to all women without fail. Diagnostics is necessary to confirm the correct attachment of the ovum, to exclude a frozen pregnancy, and to determine the number of embryos and possible developmental anomalies.

The study at this time is most effective, since the fetus has reached the optimal size for a full examination. And despite the fact that the weight of the crumbs does not exceed 7 grams, and the growth from the crown to the coccyx is about 40 mm, the baby already has characteristic features, clearly visible knees, wrists and facial features.

With the help of an ultrasound examination, it is possible to determine whether the vital organs of the baby are formed correctly, how the placenta and the state of the amniotic fluid function. If a woman does not know when it is best to do the first ultrasound during pregnancy, you need to contact the gynecologist leading the pregnancy. After visual examination and genetic analysis, the pregnant woman may be referred for routine ultrasound or screening.

Screening tests include an expert ultrasound scan and a detailed biochemical blood test. Screening is prescribed for pregnant women who live in an unstable epidemiological region, have chronic diseases, were vaccinated at the time of conception, do not plan to give up bad habits or if there are relatives with chromosomal diseases. The examination takes place on a device with a higher accuracy, which allows you to determine the slightest deviations from the norm.

What will the first ultrasound show?

As soon as a woman found out about her situation, she is recommended to make an appointment with a specialist as early as possible, register and undergo the necessary research. How many weeks do the first ultrasound scan during pregnancy, the gynecologist will say based on the woman's physical condition. If a pregnant woman complains of poor health, pain in the lower abdomen and specific discharge, the specialist immediately issues a referral for diagnosis to determine the condition of the fetus.

Ultrasound examination is carried out at different times, but the first is the most important and informative. The main task of diagnostics is to determine the correctness of the intrauterine development of the baby and to exclude pathological abnormalities. Pregnant women experience mixed feelings of joy and anxiety when they receive a referral for testing. However, expectant mothers should understand that the first ultrasound scan during pregnancy, which shows the most informative results, must be completed, despite numerous worries and fears.

What the study will show:

  • Well-formed fruit and its size. The diagnostic computer has a special program with a table of correct indicators, which makes diagnostics easier and reduces the risk of error.
  • The approximate weight of the fetus at 12 weeks is about 10 grams, the growth is about 70 mm.
  • Heart rate, the rate of which is 110-160 beats per minute.
  • An analysis of the development of the fetus, the presence or absence of genetic abnormalities is carried out. It is during the first study that it is possible to determine the absence of such deviations as Down, Patau, Lange, Edwards syndromes. Assess the degree of the functional state and exclude congenital defects.
  • The doctor evaluates the location of the placenta and its anchorage to avoid premature birth and miscarriage.
  • The amount of amniotic fluid and its regular renewal are determined.

From the results of development obtained, it is possible to determine the date of the upcoming birth, with a small error of 2-3 days. Expectant mothers are always interested in what they are looking at at the first ultrasound scan for pregnancy, so do not be afraid to ask questions and be interested in the condition of the child. An attentive doctor will always answer the most important questions and give appropriate recommendations.

Rules for preparing for the examination

This procedure does not require any special preparation from the woman, except for the emotional one. A pregnant woman does not need to worry too much, worry and worry, since such emotions can only harm. On average, the diagnosis takes no more than 15 minutes and does not cause any discomfort or pain.

A full bladder is examined, so women are advised to go to the toilet 2 hours before the procedure, or drink at least 0.5 liters of liquid in an hour. Such rules exist only for the first ultrasound, since the procedure is carried out through the abdominal wall and the uterus should be clearly visible through the bladder.

You must take a diaper or towel, napkins, shoe covers and condoms with you if the examination is carried out transvaginally. It is best to wear comfortable clothes for an ultrasound scan, without numerous buttons, strings and elastic bands.

How is ultrasound diagnostics performed?

Most future parents are looking forward to the moment when they need to do the first ultrasound during pregnancy, in order to make sure that the long-awaited baby is developing correctly. The examination process is quite simple and does not require any effort from the pregnant woman. In an uzist's office, a woman lies down on a special couch and exposes her abdomen. After that, the doctor applies a special gel to the abdomen, which will facilitate the sliding of the sensor on the skin. During a transabdominal examination, the number of embryos, their development and the state of the fetal membrane are determined.

Also, this method allows you to determine the presence or absence of severe pathologies and the area of ​​attachment of the child's seat. After a complete diagnosis, which takes no more than 5-7 minutes, the computer issues the results on a paper sheet.

If a transvaginal ultrasound scan is prescribed during pregnancy, when it is necessary to do it, the supervising gynecologist will determine. As a rule, diagnostics are prescribed in the early stages, since in the second half of pregnancy, the study can cause uterine hypertonicity. The procedure is performed using an ultrasonic sensor, which has a length of about 12 cm and a diameter of 3 cm.

Before the examination, a condom is put on the transducer sensor and lubricated with a special gel to ensure unhindered penetration. The woman does not experience any painful sensations, since the depth of penetration is minimal. The diagnostic process takes no more than five minutes, during which the specialist manages to record all the necessary data.

How often can an ultrasound scan be done during pregnancy?

Almost every pregnant woman knows that 3 examinations are routinely carried out over the course of nine months - one in each trimester. And if the gynecologist prescribes repeated examinations at the time of clarification of some parameters, the expectant mother begins to worry about how the additional diagnostics will affect the baby. Many parents ask themselves: what week should an ultrasound scan be done during pregnancy and is this procedure a threat?

It will be useful for expectant mothers to learn that ultrasound is an ordinary and safe sound waves, only of a high frequency, which our hearing organs cannot perceive. The device used for diagnostics emits a high-frequency signal, which echoes from the organs, and returns to register the picture.

The only thing that this procedure has an effect on is the uterus, which can come in tone during an ultrasound scan. If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, then there is no danger in the diagnosis. If the uterus is in hypertonicity or there is a threat of miscarriage, then it is better to refuse additional research.

Ultrasound examination today remains one of the most informative research methods. This is not only an opportunity to find out the gender of the baby, to see its outlines on the screen, but also to obtain comprehensive data on its development. Disputes about possible harm do not subside, but numerous experiments have proven the safety of the procedure, both for the child and his mother.

This is a way of examining internal organs and tissues. The principle of operation is echolocation, is as follows:

  • the sensor of the apparatus, in contact with the surface of the skin, produces sound waves directed to the body;
  • when meeting with the internal organs, they are reflected, and the result is displayed on the monitor.

A safe and painless procedure is performed on average 3 times, but if pathologies or abnormalities of the fetus are found, the frequency increases to confirm or refute the preliminary diagnosis.

What is ultrasound done for?

An appointment to visit an ultrasound office is not a whim of doctors or parents, but a mandatory study. And at what time is ultrasound done during pregnancy? It is carried out as standard during the following periods of gestation development:

  • the first ultrasound scan at 10-14 weeks, helps to determine the gestational age by the development of the fetus, it is possible to assess the condition of the uterus, measurements of the collar zone are taken to exclude chromosomal abnormalities;
  • the second ultrasound - 19-23 weeks, the development, growth and weight of the fetus is assessed, it is also possible to obtain data on the formation of its internal organs and their compliance with their norms, the number of amniotic fetuses and the state of the placenta are calculated, if no samples were taken for chromosomal abnormalities before this period, at this time, it is already possible to confirm or exclude using the sensor;
  • the third ultrasound - 33-38 weeks - the development of the fetus and the absence of anomalies are clarified, the maturity of the placenta is examined, the term of delivery is set, it is also already possible to find out the diligence of the fetus, entanglement with the umbilical cord, the size of the child is also calculated as standard.

The action of the device causes a slight heating of the cells, but this will not harm either the pregnant woman or her baby. Thanks to this method, the study managed to save millions of lives, prevent the development of pathologies, detect deviations in a timely manner, and carry out successful treatment.

First ultrasound

Only a doctor can decide at what stage of pregnancy the first ultrasound is done. For a planned study, the period is usually set at 10-13 weeks. If a woman passes earlier, in the first weeks, this is done to exclude complex pathologies, such as ectopic pregnancy and cystic drift.

A woman can receive the most reliable information about the state and development of the embryo at 12-13 weeks:

  • the thickness of the collar zone is measured, if it differs from the norm, the doctor may suspect chromosomal abnormalities and prescribe an additional examination;
  • the quantity is measured and the quality of amniotic fluid is determined, the functions are to supply the embryo with nutrients;
  • the anatomical indicators of the development of the child's organs are assessed, the liver, kidneys, stomach and bladder are seen;
  • the placenta is studied, the place of its attachment in the uterus, as well as the condition of the muscular organ, thanks to the study, it is possible to prevent its detachment as a result of hypertonicity.

A pregnant woman cannot independently interpret the results of the obtained data, which are entered into the protocol. She also does not prescribe additional ultrasound on her own. If the doctor suspects developmental abnormalities, a second ultrasound is performed after a few weeks.

Second ultrasound

The second ultrasound scan is loved by all parents for the opportunity to find out who will be - a boy or a girl. It is possible to determine the gender for 12 weeks, but it will be more reliable after 20 weeks. The timing of 19-24 weeks helps:

  • find out the exact gestational period, and therefore calculate the approximate date of birth;
  • special attention is paid to the compliance with the size - weight, height, length of the limbs, the development of internal organs to the norms;
  • the state of the placenta is assessed - the degree of maturity, location, structure, as well as the features of the uterus, amniotic fluid - the quantity and quality make it possible to judge the development of the kidneys, the absence of infection;
  • the fetus makes the first movements that can be seen on the monitor;
  • by week 22, all organs are formed, their condition is analyzed;
  • if the doctor prescribes after 24 weeks, the purpose of the study is to check the gynecologist's fears for a frozen pregnancy, as well as deviations in the health indicators of the expectant mother.

A second planned ultrasound can confirm the presence of a deviation and chromosomal abnormalities. With the consent of the pregnant woman, in case of violations leading to a deep disability of the child, gestation is interrupted until 22 weeks.

Third ultrasound

A planned screening study or the third ultrasound is carried out at 30-34 weeks, provided that the gestation proceeds without complications. The results will allow you to determine the plan for the birth process, the main focus is on:

  • the placenta, its location is especially important when prescribing a cesarean section, the internal structure allows you to determine maturity, the width and indicators of the ratio of the lower edge of the placenta to the cervical opening are also measured, which helps to prevent bleeding both in the last months and during childbirth;
  • the last ultrasound also determines the weight and size of the child, the volume of the head and abdomen, the circulatory system, the state of the vessels are examined;
  • you can already see if there is an entanglement of the umbilical cord, if detected, is recorded in the protocol, these data will be taken into account in the process of giving birth to the baby.

How many times an ultrasound scan is done during pregnancy, and at what time, is determined only by the doctor. There are 3 scheduled screening studies, in the first, second, and third semester, respectively. If there are concerns about abnormalities in the development and formation of the fetus, as well as threats to the health of the mother, re-diagnostics may additionally be prescribed a few weeks after the planned one. Today, this is the safest and most painless method of collecting information, allowing you to control the gestation.

In modern medicine, it is believed that routine ultrasound during pregnancy is not only recommended, but also required. With their help, they look at the state of the body of the fetus and the mother, it becomes possible for the early diagnosis of many serious fetal diseases.

At the same time, for routine ultrasound screening, no serious preparation is required, and the procedure itself is absolutely safe, both for the mother and the fetus. In this article, we will talk in detail about why a scheduled ultrasound is prescribed, what it can show and when it should be done.

Many women ask quite reasonable questions: why is it necessary and how important is it to carry out routine diagnostics during pregnancy? What does this screening see and can show? How accurately does he see abnormalities in the development of the baby? How long is the ultrasound done?

And this is not the whole list of questions that mothers-to-be are interested in. Let's try to answer all these questions and start with when and at what stage of pregnancy such a survey is carried out.

There are three routine obstetric ultrasound scans. The timing is as follows:

  1. in the early stages, do at 10-14 weeks. In rare cases and in the presence of indications, the date of the first ultrasound is shifted to 5-7 weeks.
  2. do at 20-24 weeks. If you suspect an unfavorable pregnancy, the second ultrasound is done at 14-20 weeks.
  3. do on.

If we talk about how accurate and informative (as well as later), then the situation here is optimistic. Such a diagnostic method can very accurately show the condition of the baby, the presence of twins and various, even small, violations of the course of pregnancy.

It should be understood that a routine ultrasound examination in some cases can save the life of not only the baby, but also the mother.

And if we talk about how much this procedure costs and how much its biochemical supplement costs (for better information content), then for 2016 the prices are as follows: ultrasound - 1600 rubles, biochemistry - 1400 rubles.

Preparing for diagnosis

It should be said right away that preparation for routine examinations is the same for any period of pregnancy. At the same time, the preparation itself is simple and does not require taking any medications or adhering to the strictest diets. However, in terms of nutrition, you still have to limit yourself.

So the day before the procedure, you should refuse to take the following products:

  1. Fatty and fried foods.
  2. Dairy products (only cottage cheese is allowed, but in small quantities).
  3. Alcohol (strictly prohibited).
  4. Fresh vegetables and fruits (due to gas formation).
  5. Coffee and tonic drinks (due to the diuretic effect).
  6. Bakery products (due to the expansion of the intestine, the loops of which will interfere with accurate diagnosis).
  7. Pork and veal (for the same reason as with baked goods).

Otherwise, no preparation is required. The only thing is that the bladder should be emptied 10 minutes before the procedure. In this case, it is highly desirable to empty the intestines in the morning before the study. This can be done with an enema, but in no case not laxative medicines.

Indications for the procedure

Routine ultrasound screening during pregnancy is done in order to prevent the appearance or development of fetal diseases. But sometimes this is not just a preventive survey, but a necessity.

Most often, this is a suspicion (based on indirect signs) of a violation of the normal course of pregnancy or the presence of fetal pathologies. In these cases, ultrasound can detect many different defects even in their early stages of development.

So on ultrasound, the following deviations from the norm are perfectly visible:

  • the umbilical cord entanglement of the fetus's neck (which during childbirth can result in the suffocation of the baby);
  • infant cyanosis (a condition where the fetus does not receive enough blood from the mother);
  • asynchronous development of twins (which during childbirth can result in the death of a less developed child);
  • the wrong position of the fetus is clearly visible (which during childbirth can lead to suffocation of the child);
  • there is a discrepancy in the size of the fetus relative to the norm of the procedural week of pregnancy;
  • you can see the baby's heartbeat inconsistent with the norm (if CTG is additionally performed);
  • in the later stages, ultrasound shows deformities of the baby's hip joints.

Also, routine diagnostics during pregnancy is carried out for other reasons and indications unrelated to pathologies. These include:

  • determination of the duration of pregnancy by ultrasound;
  • the procedure may show the presence of twins;
  • the need to accurately determine the position of the child;
  • (it is important to understand that only the second ultrasound and the third can accurately determine the sex of the child);
  • in cases where you need a baby for sure.

First study

The first screening examination is carried out, as mentioned above, at 10-14 weeks. In the presence of menstruation (the phenomenon of which during pregnancy is deviation from the norm) screening is carried out earlier than 10-14 weeks.

Moreover, the first screening examination is carried out ahead of schedule and for other, no less important reasons. These include:

  • bleeding from the genital tract;
  • pain of unclear etiology (cause) in the lower abdomen;
  • miscarriage during a previous pregnancy;
  • malformations of the baby during a previous pregnancy;
  • suspicion of multiple pregnancy, which can be confirmed already at the first examination, and quite accurately.

By itself, the first ultrasound scan in the early stages does not give a lot of information about the condition of the fetus. However, with its help, it is possible to exclude many diseases that are potentially dangerous for both the child and the mother.

It should also be understood that ultrasound in the early stages, upon detection of non-treatable defects in the intrauterine development of the baby, is able to preserve the mother's fertility. This is explained by the fact that if a problem is found that does not have a solution and an abortion is required, then it is preferable to carry it out early. Thanks to this, the negative impact of the operation on the woman's body will be minimal.

Second study

The second planned ultrasound scan during pregnancy is done at 20-24 weeks. The main task of this screening examination is to detect congenital malformations of the baby.

It is the second ultrasound scan during pregnancy that already quite informatively visualizes the internal organs and systems of the child. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to timely detect serious developmental defects.

Also, the second ultrasound allows you to assess the amount of amniotic fluid, CTE of the baby and analyze the performance of the child's heart (in conjunction with CTG). Moreover, the second ultrasound in 90% of cases accurately determines the sex of the child. The presence of twins during the second screening examination can be determined with 100% accuracy.

In addition, a second ultrasound scan is performed to visualize the baby's vascular bed and to analyze the baby's intake of blood from the mother. In this case, it is possible to assess the degree of blood filling of the fetal body relative to the norm and prevent insufficient blood supply in the early stages.

Second planned ultrasound (video)

Third study

The third and last ultrasound examination during pregnancy is carried out for the final verdict: whether the baby is born healthy. The results of the third screening examination are checked against both the medical options for the norm and with the previous results for the 1st and 2nd screenings.

Sometimes the latter research is done with application or even. There is no direct need for this and this procedure is most often carried out simply at the request of parents who want to see their child before childbirth.

The latest study allows you to detect genetic (chromosomal) abnormalities of the fetus with maximum accuracy. Moreover, the last ultrasound scan accurately determines the position of the fetus, and this is very important information for the preliminary preparation of labor management tactics.