Solemn congratulations on the anniversary of the woman in prose. Happy birthday greetings to a woman in prose

It is with great pleasure that I congratulate on a wonderful anniversary, the most tender, most beautiful, most charming and attractive woman in the world! Your beauty has driven hundreds of men crazy, your ability to be always charming and elegant is an example to follow! I wish you such long-awaited female happiness, pure and sincere love, and loyal friends who can always be sad or happy with you.

I congratulate you on your anniversary! Please accept my heartfelt congratulations and most sincere wishes for new creative successes and inexhaustible energy. I sincerely wish that this anniversary holiday will bring you joy. I wish you new heights in life, warmth, kindness and good luck, may the source of your vital, creative forces and energy continue to be inexhaustible, may the next years be even brighter and happier. Health, love and prosperity, understanding of family and friends, happiness and good luck for many years.

I congratulate you on your anniversary! May the hidden door appear to you on this day, and you finally know what a sincere, pure and light joy is! You are the most beautiful of women, and I wish to remain so forever! I wish you not to know sadness, boredom and sadness! May every day be like this - as clean, happy and bright! I want to wish that all desires and dreams come true, and I will definitely try to help you with this, because you are not a woman, you are an angel! And remember, if something doesn't work out, then we, as they say, just buy it! Happy anniversary to you!

Our beloved and dear hero of the day! We sincerely congratulate you on your holiday. We sincerely wish you to remain as cheerful, beautiful and self-confident. We also wish you health, good luck, success, career growth and fulfillment of all your plans. Your beauty and intelligence will allow you to build your own destiny. So let life be generous and supportive to you, give you health and success, peace, confidence and inner harmony. Let not age be added with each passing year, but life light, luck, optimism, and faith in the best. And also love for you, which inspires and fills all aspirations with meaning. Happy holiday to you!

We sincerely congratulate you on your round date! On this day, you don't want to be banal, and therefore we will refrain from standard wishes for happiness, love, health and other useful, but boring words. We wish you to live life to the fullest, surpassing the sun in brightness, the night sky in mystery, the sea breeze in tenderness, and all other women in the world in attractiveness. Let all men constantly admire your brightness, impress your mystery, delight your tenderness and attract your attractiveness. And may the feelings that you awaken in them never allow them to believe that you can even have an anniversary!

Happy 55th birthday to you! You are the most sensitive, intelligent, gentle and caring. You just can't find someone like you! All the best feminine qualities are harmoniously combined in you: dignity, confidence, beauty, wisdom, femininity and spirituality. I wish you to keep all this in yourself and try to multiply, have good health and a stable nervous system and live in harmony with yourself!

Happy 50th birthday, the most gorgeous woman in the world! May fate not bypass you, distributing its best gifts with a generous hand! Let the sun warm you every day, and the wind only brings changes for the better! I wish on your birthday that goodness and happiness will notice your home and remain living in it forever, driving away troubles and illness from its threshold. Light and happiness to you, dear!

Happy 60th birthday, we heartily congratulate the most beautiful woman on the planet! Let love not leave you for a minute, and luck does not give up. Let all difficulties and failures pass by. Great human happiness, love, luck, warmth, kindness, tenderness and attention - all that is so necessary for every woman!

Dear woman, you are 50 today. I wish you sincere female happiness: so that there is abundance at home, so that there is a loving and understanding spouse, obedient children and a favorite business. I wish that work was not just a livelihood, but really an inspiration and vocation, so that you always strive to do everything perfectly.

Dear birthday girl, even if you are 60, but on this day it will be most relevant to wish: may a wonderful man meet on your way as soon as possible, who will love you, take care of you, guard and protect you! May the coming year be full of wonderful events, meetings with good people, success and luck!

Dear, wise and beautiful woman, happy 60th birthday! On your anniversary, I want to wish you to remain as young, beautiful and interesting. I wish you an inexhaustible sense of humor and the most lasting health! May everything in life come true that you want with all your heart and soul!

Congratulations on your 55th birthday, on your anniversary! Two "fives" - that's great! Therefore, I wish you to do what you like more often, and less often what you need. Youth in your soul and health in your body. May the energy never end, and luck will always be on your side.

You are 55 today! This means that there will be many compliments, gifts, enthusiastic congratulations. You have invaluable experience, great wisdom and understanding of life. Enjoy these benefits while keeping your friends and family happy with your optimism. Congratulations on the anniversary!

On your wonderful anniversary, we hasten to congratulate you and wish you well-being in everything. At 55, life is just beginning: the children have already been raised and a house has been built. Hurry to see the world, please yourself with new discoveries and purchases. You deserve only the best: happiness, joy, good luck!

It's no secret that the magic of numbers exists. Round numbers bear special energy! And today is your anniversary, and therefore the magic of numbers is working at full power! Let this amazing magic attract all the best into your life: health, happiness, wealth, luck and family well-being!

Today you are celebrating a special Birthday - Anniversary! Round, beautiful date - 50 years! And since today is a significant day, then your mood should be wonderful! We wish you to maintain the same elated state of mind, the same feeling of happiness and joy for many years! Peace to you, good luck and prosperity!

On the day of the Jubilee, you will undoubtedly hear many wonderful, warm, sincere and kind words addressed to you. I will not repeat myself, but just say, let in the future everything that the guests who have come to the holiday await you!

Happy birthday greetings to a woman in prose can be called universal. If poetry is usually chosen for special occasions and for close acquaintances, then prosaic wishes are suitable for any situation. They can consist of just a few lines or be long, with a lot of compliments and other pleasant words for the birthday girl.

Beautiful birthday greetings in prose for women

The most beautiful congratulations in prose come out completely unexpectedly. There is no need to sit for a long time over a piece of paper and experience creative torment. It is enough just to write down everything that is in your heart and what you want to say to the birthday girl. Of course, these should be extremely pleasant words.

In order for a woman to be able to preserve the wishes prepared for her for a long time, you can come up with a variety of tricks. The easiest way is to write the text on a postcard or a beautifully designed piece of paper. Do-it-yourself basics for congratulations are especially remembered for the heroes of the occasion.

Today, everyone can find a huge number of interesting master classes on making homemade postcards. Unlike store ones, they will turn out to be individual and original.

Another fun way is to use a cup, diary cover, T-shirt. If a woman loves creative ideas in everything, then she will definitely appreciate such a gift. Modern printing centers will help the congratulator to place the text of his choice on a variety of surfaces. For example, a mug with personal wishes will delight you from the very morning. And besides, you can take it with you and to work. A T-shirt with a congratulation and a compliment will make the girl stand out from the crowd, make the image brighter and more interesting.

You can embroider it yourself on a towel or burn it on a cutting board. Such gifts with wishes will especially please the practical heroes of the occasion.

  1. Happy birthday! May peace, comfort and harmony always reign in your home. I wish you to be happy, enjoy life, be surprised, enjoy every minute, dream, always have loyal, reliable friends and, most importantly, love and be loved. Stay always the same young, bright, kind, cheerful and smiling!
  2. Darling, I congratulate you on your holiday! Today is your day and all the best wishes for today are for you! I wish you to remain as beautiful, feminine, sweet and lovely! I wish you to drown in love, respect and admiration. Good health, patience, strength! Be really happy!
  3. Happy birthday to the beautiful woman! I wish you health and inspiration, love and attention, warmth and sunny mood, success in everything, vivid impressions and a rainbow of emotions! May there always be flowers and surprises in your life, smiles and good events, happiness and joy, luck and luck!

The most touching wishes

When choosing touching greetings, it is important to consider who they are for. Overly personal texts will turn out to be inappropriate, for example, for the birthday of an unfamiliar colleague or manager. It is better to leave them for the closest and dearest birthday girl.

If a congratulation is being prepared for a mother, friend, sister, daughter, grandmother, then in this case there is no need to restrain your own emotions. You can start it with a declaration of love to the birthday girl.

There is no need to be ashamed to tell a woman how dear she is to the congratulator, how much good she did for him, and how she helped on the path of life. Spoken on time, such words bring family people closer together, make their relationship warmer and more trusting.

After the confessions, it is worth making a pleasant compliment to the birthday girl. He will cheer her up. For example: "How beautiful and brilliant you are today, dear ...", "Every year your beauty is revealed even more, it becomes brighter ...".

And finally, it remains only to list the wishes of the woman. Among them there are universal ones: happiness, health, smiles, good luck in life, harmony in the soul, fulfillment of desires, etc. But you can choose more personal, individual options. So, it will be relevant for a single woman to wish strong true love looking for a job - to build her dream career as soon as possible, dreaming of her own apartment - to build the most cozy and warm nest for her family.

  1. Happy Birthday! Happiness, health, good luck, love, prosperity, for sure, they already wished you. I'll just join. And from myself I would also like to wish love - mutual, happiness - dizzying, success - rapid, victories - significant, dreams and desires - feasible, people nearby - reliable, goals - achievable, and obstacles - surmountable! Let your man spoil you and fulfill all your whims. And let everything be as you want. And even a little better!
  2. On this day, I want to wish you sincerity in relationships, fidelity in friendship, inspiration in work, depth in feelings, perseverance in achieving goals, harmony in your soul, joy in your heart. May every day be filled with love and happiness. Happy Birthday dear!
  3. A woman is an amazing creature. You contain everything that is possible: tenderness and affection, strength and severity, beauty and grace, an amazing ability to love, no matter what, and resilience to preserve what is easier to destroy. On your birthday, I want to wish you confidence and patience, which are so necessary for the fulfillment of your plans, for helping your family and friends. Love and understanding, so that all your merits are fully appreciated, as well as the fulfillment of desires that will bring you happiness!

Short congratulations in prose

Even short prosaic congratulations can be made sincere, beautiful, and memorable. To do this, you first need to write a wish for a woman, without limiting yourself in the size of the text. Then, analyze the resulting version and delete all unnecessary, unnecessary.

If you yourself cannot leave a few of the most important lines that the birthday girl will be pleased to hear on her birthday, then you should turn to professionals for help. From ready-made short congratulations in prose, it will not be difficult to choose the one that is ideal in all respects.

  1. Honey, happy birthday! Let the sun shine for you brighter, people smile wider, and wishes come true more often. Let a fire burn in your heart that will never go out, and a spark in your eyes pleases you and your loved ones. Warmth to you, light, kindness and happiness!
  2. May your birthday be in a great mood, may there be a huge number of flowers and compliments, smiles and kindness. May there always be people dear to your heart nearby. Health, happiness, many years! And let every birthday leave a good mark!
  3. Happy birthday. I wish you many, many happiness in life, things in your wardrobe, opportunities for activities, ideas in your head, love in your heart, money in your wallet, nice little things in your purse, charming smiles in every day.

How sincerely, to tears to congratulate a woman

To congratulate a woman sincerely, causing her tears of joy and affection, you need to touch the strings of her soul in your congratulations. To do this, you can designate some valuable moments from the life of the birthday girl, which she warmly remembers for many years, or with the gathered guests tell about all the best qualities of the hero of the occasion, which will surely move her.

The main thing is that sincere, personal wishes are appropriate. For example, they will turn out to be superfluous in the workplace or in a large crowd of people.

  1. There is no age for a woman; every year she becomes wiser, richer spiritually, acquires a special charm and charm. I wish you to find in yourself new facets and opportunities to fulfill your dreams, not to be satisfied with what has already been achieved and to be an exception to all the rules. The uniqueness of your soul is your highlight. I wish the people around me to support you in all your endeavors and give you positive emotions. I wish you to travel the world and live for your pleasure, enjoying the moments. I wish you profitable work and interesting projects, cozy hugs and sensual, real, crazy and happy love.
  2. I congratulate you on your birthday! I would like to wish you more vivid emotions and unforgettable impressions. So that your head is spinning with love, and the earth leaves from under your feet with happiness. So that you are always warmed by the warm words of loved ones and relatives, so that the shadow of disappointment never touches your heart. You have more smiles and positive emotions in your life. Live, dream, love, shine, enjoy, be amazed. Real female happiness to you!
  3. Happy Birthday! I want to wish all the earthly blessings that the Almighty can reward a woman with: health and beauty, happiness and joy, mutual love and devoted friendship, human warmth and inner harmony, inexhaustible patience and female wisdom, incredible feelings of spiritual flight and the most beautiful fantasies, creative inspiration and esoteric blessings in all endeavors! Let the most intimate dreams come true, and all desires "stunned" by the available opportunities!

Beautiful and touching congratulations for a woman should be chosen in advance. If you leave this task for the day of the holiday, in the hustle and bustle you may simply not have time to write or find a suitable text. Then the wishes thought up on the go will sound crumpled and will hardly be remembered by the birthday girl.

Not everyone loves poetry, so sometimes you have to write congratulations on the anniversary of a woman in prose. However, this does not exclude the sublimity and poetry of such speeches, emphasizing the beauty, tenderness and femininity of the hero of the occasion. Words about her unfading external and internal beauty, kindness of soul and cheerful disposition will be appropriate.

All those present will gladly support the mention of those cases when the hostess of the celebration came to the aid of her family and friends, friends and colleagues. Every woman on a solemn day for herself most of all expects congratulations in prose from her beloved husband, parents and children. Let these words be timid and quiet, but they will come from the heart. The hostess will be happy to hear the praise of her culinary talents, the magnificence of which guests can see from the variety of dishes on the festive table.

Today we are in a hurry to congratulate you on your anniversary! We do not regret good words that they come from the bottom of our hearts! Mother, wife, mother-in-law - what you need and you are always with us! Today we are drinking for you together as a friendly family!

On this 55th anniversary, you will be presented with a lot of congratulations, consisting of kind words. Delicious food awaits on the table, but in the shower - only positive emotions. Our precious, sweet, amazing woman, from the bottom of our hearts we wish you not to lose vigor and lightness, to be energetic and cheerful, with each passing year it becomes only more refined and more beautiful.

Happy 55th birthday to you! You are the most sensitive, intelligent, gentle and caring. You just can't find someone like you! All the best feminine qualities are harmoniously combined in you: dignity, confidence, beauty, wisdom, femininity and spirituality. I wish you to keep all this in yourself and try to multiply, have good health and a stable nervous system and live in harmony with yourself!

Dear, respected and amazingly beautiful woman, congratulations on her 60th birthday! On this anniversary holiday, I would like to wish you to preserve youth, beauty and interest in life for many years! Let the sense of humor, energy and health not run out, and all that you dreamily sigh alone with yourself come true!

Happy birthday, 55th birthday, the most beautiful and amazing woman! Let life not deprive you of its blessings, bringing as a gift patience, love, faith, health and happy days! In our indifferent time, you manage to maintain sensitivity and kindness, combined with wisdom and responsiveness. Do not lose your attractiveness and feminine charm, be you, like a true woman, always attractive, charming and elegant in order to constantly remain loved, needed and desired!

I congratulate a lovely and wonderful, unique and charming woman on her anniversary. I want to wish that every morning begins with a smile and sweet inspiration, that every day brings bright moments of happiness and great luck in business, that every evening gives warmth and peace of mind, so that all life is a kind fairy tale and a wonderful long story.

Congratulations on the anniversary. I wish you to meet every day with joy, not to know reasons for sadness. May life be happy, may be faithful friends, may be loving relatives, may there be constant success. Health, beauty, charm and fun.

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on a wonderful anniversary! I wish you positive emotions in the circle of friends and relatives, pleasant conversations with friends, love and family idyll, mutual understanding and prosperity in your home. Let there be only white stripes in life and the sun always shines, illuminating your path to the heights of beauty. Let dreams come true, incomes multiply three times, and the heart is simply content with success.

I wish you to remain always the same beautiful, cheerful, energetic and full of strength. Let your life be full of admiration, compliments and bouquets of flowers. After all, a woman like you deserves all the best. Happy anniversary! And let the years add only health, beauty and wisdom.

Our dear beauty and great clever girl! Your anniversary says that a man and a woman have taken place, with which we sincerely congratulate you! We wish that there are still many anniversaries ahead, so that health does not fail, but only pleases, strength multiplies every year, and there was enough courage for all the girlfriends! Love and be loved - loyally, tenderly, romantically and sincerely! May your family and friends be healthy and happy! prosperity and spiritual harmony to you in a long and happy life!

Happy birthday to a wonderful woman. May spring constantly bloom in your soul, may your heart always be calm and light, may there be no reason for sadness, may the doors of the house always be open for happiness, may there be no doubts for miracles and magic in life.

We congratulate you on a wonderful anniversary date, we hasten to wish you excellent health, fun, vivid impressions, unforgettable meetings. May fate always be supportive and generous to you with pleasant gifts, may all your plans come true with ease.

Congratulations on your anniversary! Let life bloom with flowers, your every day begins with bright sunny colors and pleasant little things. I wish you health, natural beauty of both soul and body, family well-being, so that relatives would please more, understanding, unusual tenderness and warmth. Sufficiency for you the most generous and joy in huge quantities. Happy birthday!

Our dear, we congratulate you on your anniversary, from the bottom of our hearts we wish you all the joys and blessings of life, fulfilled plans and fulfillment of desires, love and respect from others.

Let this anniversary bring a lot of joy, fun and positive! I wish you forever youthful beauty, oceans of love and thousands of pleasant gifts from fate! Smile often and attract good luck! Be happy and get only pleasure from life!

Happy birthday! May peace, comfort and harmony always reign in your home. I wish you to be happy, enjoy life, be surprised, enjoy every minute, dream, always have loyal, reliable friends and, most importantly, love and be loved. Stay always the same young, bright, kind, cheerful and smiling!

On this wonderful day, with all my heart, I want to wish you the fulfillment of all your desires. May all dreams come true! Let success, joy and inspiration become constant companions. Let your head spin only from an overabundance of delight, energy and happiness. I wish that you are always surrounded by joyful and sincere smiles of your relatives. Also, of course, I would like to wish that you always remain the same unique and charming. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to you! I wish you to be always as beautiful as now. To make all your dreams come true. So that every day we live brings only the best, the brightest, and black stripes slip past. I wish you happiness, inspiration at work, peace of mind at home and fire in your heart!

Please accept our most cordial and sincere and sincere congratulations. On your birthday, we want to wish ordinary, but at the same time, the most important things. Happiness, success, health and joy. Fulfillment of all dreams, well-being and health. Peace in the family, good luck in work, faithful friends, at a hospitable table. So that relatives and loved ones are always nearby.

Honey, I wish you a happy birthday! I wish you endless beauty, youth and femininity, joy and inspiration, health and wealth, abundance, security and prosperity. May your dreams delight with their fulfillment. Love and prosperity to you!

Happy birthday! Stay young and beautiful, desired and loved. Happiness, kindness and fulfillment of desires!

I wish you to remain always the same beautiful, cheerful, energetic and full of strength. Let your life be full of admiration, compliments and bouquets of flowers. After all, a woman like you deserves all the best. Happy anniversary! And let the years add only health, beauty and wisdom.

I congratulate a lovely and wonderful, unique and charming woman on her anniversary. I want to wish that every morning begins with a smile and sweet inspiration, that every day brings bright moments of happiness and great luck in business, that every evening gives warmth and peace of mind, so that all life is a kind fairy tale and a wonderful long story.

On this wonderful day - your birthday - I sincerely want to congratulate you! I wish you just a little - let everything that you have brings joy, let everything that is not there is not a necessity for you, let everything you dream about miraculously appear in your life. I wish you to be happy, to enjoy every new day, to find pleasure in the usual things, in a word - to appreciate what you have. And may fate always love you and present wonderful surprises!

I wish you a Happy Birthday, and I want to wish you to remain always the same sincere, cheerful, sincere and joyful, because everything that happens is ultimately for the best! Let your life be a bright streak, let it replete with all the colors of the rainbow! Let all your plans end with the expected result, so that you are always proud of yourself! May all hopes and desires come true, turning life into a real fairy tale! Happy Birthday, the most beautiful woman on Earth!

So I would like to wish something special on this festive day for us, but words cannot be found. Nevertheless, I will try. It seems to me that you have everything you need to be happy: beauty, intelligence, imagination, wisdom, self-confidence, purposefulness, activity, knowledge, understanding of life. Therefore, I just want health and luck to be added to all this, which will accompany you throughout a long and beautiful life! Love and be loved! Happy Birthday!!! :)

On your birthday, I wish you many flowers, gifts, good and sincere wishes! Continue to combine fragility and great strength, kindness and firmness of character, refinement and the ability to cook deliciously, elegance and a sense of humor, external defenselessness and wisdom! I wish you new achievements in true love and a pleasant aftertaste from the upcoming holiday! Hooray!

Let love congratulate you first, because it is always there, and after it, let happiness burst through the door, and, turning your head, announce to everyone that it will remain to live in this house.

On this holiday, I wish that your female fate was always favorable to you. So that the health of parents and children, the attitude of your husband, wealth in the family and your work never become a cause of anxiety, and the feeling of confidence in the future never leaves you!

On this brightest day, accept the words - wishes for happiness and warmth. Let only joy cross the threshold of your house, and anxiety always remain outside the door!

We wish our birthday boy to always preserve his soulful youth, because youth is a delightful state of expectation of beauty, this feeling that everything is possible, everything is within your power. We wish you health, happiness, may you always be accompanied by success and luck!

We want to congratulate the most charming and beautiful woman on her birthday. On this holiday, all kind words are just for you. We wish you sun, flowers, smiles, good mood, attention from men, female happiness and, of course, good health. May all dreams and desires come true!

On this festive day, we are ready to give you the scent of all flowers and the blush of dawn, the tenderness of morning roses, sunlight, friendly warmth, human kindness, many affectionate words and unearthly love! May health and happiness always accompany you. Everything that is light and holy on earth, let it be in your destiny!

Congratulations to the dearest, most tender and most beloved woman today. May your birthday give you a wonderful mood and joy. May the most beautiful words and compliments sound for you today, my dear. I wish you good health, great happiness and many years in the circle of friends who love you. Let life be bright and calm, let fate give only joyful moments. All earthly blessings to you, prosperity and prosperity. May the angel always protect you.

May the sun shine brighter on this day, the day of your ... - anniversary, may the joy of life cover the darkness! What can you wish? Of course, health is the best gift! Happiness is the most beautiful gift! And I also want to wish you love. Let it be huge, as clear as a diamond! We want your smile to never leave your face, so that your eyes shine with joy!