Hand care hand washing. SPA hand care. Egg mask with linseed oil

To make your hands look “100”, it is not enough for them just a weekly salon manicure. Hands, like the face, require daily care. Below we will tell you how to take care of your hands at home without spending a lot of time and money on it.

Obligatory daily routines

Every day, hands should be washed with soap, dried with a towel and smeared with cream. And if it is recommended to wash your hands after any dirty work or visiting public places, then the cream can be used much less often, but always at night. It is better to put on cotton gloves on the hands treated with cream and sleep in them until the morning.

Hand scrubs

If the skin of the hands has become rough for any reason, then it can be cleaned up with daily evening scrubbing. The scrub is made from any available ingredients. In this case, one part of the product must be abrasive (ground coffee, salt, sugar, oatmeal, semolina), and the other part must be liquid-plastic (butter, honey, cream, eggs). Of course, any scrub can be scented with oils.

Scrub recipes:

  • Coffee scrub. Pour enough coffee into one tablespoon of liquid soap or shower gel to make a thick mass.
  • Oat scrub. Grind a tablespoon of oatmeal in a coffee grinder, but not until flour. Pour in a teaspoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of honey. Stir the mixture thoroughly.
  • Sugar scrub. Take a teaspoon of sugar and mix it with a teaspoon of olive oil. For aroma, add a couple of drops of rose oil.
  • Cream-based scrub. Take 1 tbsp heavy cream and add a teaspoon of baking soda and a teaspoon of semolina to it.

In any scrub, beauticians advise to drip a few drops of pharmacy vitamin E (oily form). Apply the scrub to your hands from all sides, and then rub it into the skin with a “soaping” motion for 2-3 minutes. Rinse off the scrub with warm water, and then rinse your hands with cool.

Hand baths

Daily hand scrubbing can be alternated with trays. They are mainly made on the basis of herbal decoctions with the addition of a variety of active ingredients. Baths will not only help your hands become smooth and gentle, but also solve some other problems:

  • Softening bath. Pour two tablespoons of vegetable oil, one tablespoon of glycerin and one teaspoon of ammonia into two liters of warm decoction of chamomile.
  • Bath for rough skin. Take half a liter of sauerkraut juice (no vinegar) and half a liter of whey. Mix both liquids and be sure to warm up to a temperature of 40-42 degrees.
  • Sweating baths. In one liter of water heated to the above temperature, add a teaspoon of sea salt (you can buy it at the pharmacy).
  • Bath for chapped hands. Stir a tablespoon of potato starch in one liter of warm water.
  • The tray is universal. Put any vegetable oil in the warm water where the potatoes were boiled. Proportions (decoction / oil drops - 1 liter / 10 drops).

Hand baths must be taken for at least 15 minutes. If the liquid cools quickly, add some hot water.

Hand masks

Masks also have a good effect on hands. They can be done even if the hands are in perfect order, but then they will be of a preventive nature:

  • Potato mask. Boil two large potatoes in the skins, peel them, mash with a fork and mix with hot milk. As a result, you should get a puree-like mass, which you should apply on your hands. After this mask, your hands will become soft and smooth.
  • Yolk mask. Take one raw yolk, whisk it with a spoonful of flaxseed oil and stir in a teaspoon of honey. At the end, add a little vitamin E. This mask will relieve redness and heal small cracks.
  • Melon mask. Mash the melon pulp (two large wedges), pour in the juice of half a lemon and add a spoonful of starch. The mask whitens the skin well.

Hold any mask on your hands for 15-20 minutes and to enhance its effect, wrap the treated hands with foil and wrap them in a warm scarf or terry towel. Rinse off masks in the same way as scrubs.

Protection of hands from adverse factors

The result can be offset by forgetfulness to protect hands. And this must be done when:

  • working with chemicals - wear protective rubber gloves;
  • work in the garden or vegetable garden - use latex gloves or special protective gloves for working with the ground;
  • active sun - apply light-protecting cream to your hands;
  • in severe frost - smear your hands with greasy cream and wear warm mittens.

And a couple more effective methods that will refresh your pens in just a few minutes:

  • If you returned from the cottage with dark, chapped hands and you do not have the strength to scrub, mix a bath or prepare a mask, then ordinary raw potatoes will help you. Peel it and cut into very thin slices. Place the circles on your hands so that they overlap. Keep the so-called "potato gloves" for 10-12 minutes, and then remove the slices. After the procedure, be sure to lubricate your hands with moisturizer.
  • Another rather effective recipe for the case when you urgently need to go out, and your manicure is not entirely fresh. Take a lemon, cut it into two equal halves across and dip your fingers into the pulp. Hold them like this for one minute, and then squeeze the juice out of the halves and completely treat your hands with it. Rinse your hands with cold water, wipe dry and spread with cream. This method can be used rarely - only in urgent cases. Pure lemon juice, when used on the skin, can dry it out.

We have told you how to take care of your hands using the available tools. If you pay attention to them at least 10-15 minutes a day, then your hands will always be beautiful and young.

I don't want to repeat the cliché “hands are our business card”. And it turns out that it is necessary: ​​very few people are trained in caring for this very card. Moreover, they spoil it in every possible way. A small survey of acquaintances showed that only three out of 20 people wash the dishes and clean the house with rubber gloves, and only half use a moisturizer. Meanwhile, there is very little subcutaneous adipose tissue and sebaceous glands in the skin of the hands - this means that the mechanisms of restoration and hydration in it work very badly. And, on the contrary, there are a lot of sweat glands - therefore, it quickly loses moisture.

“The skin of the hands is most susceptible to temperature changes and the action of irritating substances,” dermatologist-cosmetologist Tatyana Gerasimova explains to me. - It is almost as gentle as the skin around the eyes. But hands, unlike the face, cannot be rejuvenated with plastic surgery or hardware cosmetology ".

Accordingly, it is easier to take good care of it than to fix something later. And not only for women: chapped, flaky male hands instantly take away from their owner a hundred points of attractiveness.

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Home hand care rules

Considering all of the above, I insist that both boys and girls should follow these rules:

1. Do not wash your hands with too hot water and always dry them thoroughly. The abundance of moisture disrupts the water-lipid balance of the skin, and when the temperature changes (for example, from home to street), wet hands instantly turn red and begin to peel off.

2. In the cold, always wear gloves made of natural materials: delicate skin cracks in the cold, and in synthetics it sweats and dehydrates.

3. Do the dishes and clean with good rubber gloves. The alcohols and acids in detergents destroy and dry out the epidermis. The result is rough skin and burrs.

4. Make it a rule to regularly lubricate your hands with a good moisturizer. It is optimal to keep one bottle on the office table, in a bag and at home near the sink.

5. Drink plenty of water and take vitamins A, C, E (of course, after consulting your doctor). They act as antioxidants, preventing the breakdown of collagen fibers and the appearance of age spots - one of the main problems for the hands.

And most importantly, do a home spa treatment for your hands two to three times a week. It consists of the same steps as for the face: steaming, intensive cleansing, moisturizing. There are three great scenarios to choose from.

1. Hand skin care: relieve fatigue

1. Bath: in warm water add three drops of rosemary oil and menthol, a tablespoon of olive oil. Submerge your hands and steam for five to seven minutes.

2. Peeling: combine two tablespoons of sea salt, a drop of tea tree oil, and two tablespoons of coconut (or vegetable) oil. Massage one hand with the other one at a time, moving from the wrist to the fingertips. Rinse off thoroughly with warm water.

3. Mask: mix one grated apple, two tablespoons of olive oil, a teaspoon of softened petroleum jelly and a drop of camphor or menthol oil. Lubricate your hands liberally, hold for 10 minutes, then rinse. Finish with a moisturizer.

2. Hand skin care: cleanse and tone

1. Bath: Add the juice of one lemon, three drops of grapefruit essential oil, baking soda on the tip of a knife, and a pinch of cinnamon to warm water. Immerse your hands, hold for five to seven minutes.

2. Peeling: mix half a cup of sugar, grated zest of one orange, a teaspoon of ginger, two tablespoons of olive oil. Massage your hands alternately with a clean brush or sponge.

3. Mask: combine the pulp of one orange, a teaspoon of sesame oil, a pinch of red pepper. Apply to hands, rinse after five minutes, and brush with almond oil.

3. Hand skin care: moisturize and soothe

1. Bath: slightly heat two cups of milk, mix with the same volume of warm water. Add a pinch of cinnamon and two tablespoons of olive oil. Immerse your hands in the mixture, hold for 10 minutes.

2. Peeling: mix two tablespoons of sugar, a tablespoon of sunflower oil, a pinch of baking soda, and a tablespoon of rose water. Massage your hands, then rinse.

3. Mask: combine one egg yolk, a tablespoon of jojoba oil, a tablespoon of coconut oil, and a teaspoon of honey. Lubricate your hands thoroughly, rinse after 10 minutes and apply grape seed oil.

These, of course, are not all options, but I guarantee: a thoughtful home spa treatment for hands perfectly relaxes and relieves fatigue, and in the whole body. After the scrub with ginger from recipe # 2, I want to live. What recipes do you know?

The vast majority of women love to take care of themselves and try not to miss procedures. What parts of the body are usually paid attention to? Of course, they start with the face, because, when meeting a person, they pay attention, first of all, to him.
In second place are the neck and décolleté. Further, the percentage of women who pay attention to the whole body drops rapidly. They believe that keeping it in good condition is too expensive and time consuming.

Do not neglect your beauty so much. Youth is given to people only once, and not prolonging it as long as possible is tantamount to a crime.
Many people generally forget about their hands, believing that they do not age. They are remembered at best when the skin is weathered in winter.

Why do you need to take care of your hands?

For a long time, in men's circles, it was customary to kiss a woman's hand when greeting. In many countries, this tradition is still very popular. Now it's more fashionable to shake hands. And all thanks to the fact that the weaker sex strives to be on a par with the strong. But that's not the point.
The bottom line is that the way of greeting in both cases implies visual and tactile contact.
Rough, cracked hands with unkempt nails and a mass of barbs look very unsightly. A handshake like this is definitely not fun.
When a woman gets ready for a meeting very quickly, she does not notice the condition of her skin. The understanding of the whole situation comes at the moment when he reaches out his hand to say hello or for a kiss.

Hand care at home

Very often, ladies ask themselves what they need to care for their hands at home. They find such treatments unequal to the alternative in the salon. But this is not the case. It is enough to follow some rules:
1. Hand washing should take place in pleasant water for the body. The temperature is chosen as for bathing babies, since cold tanning the skin, and hot - leading to its dehydration. Thus, the balance of natural fat and moisture in it is disturbed.
2. Before you start tidying up the house and washing the dishes, you should buy household gloves and do all this work in them. Surfactants are designed to remove fat. They have the same effect on the skin of the hands.
3. It is desirable to wash them with special means intended for these purposes: soap or gel.
4. Water procedures must be completed with thorough wiping.
5. It is advisable to apply cream on hands twice a day.
6. In addition to these procedures at home, you can make your own different masks, scrubs, creams and lotions.
7. With regard to nails, to maintain their beauty, you just need to systematically do a manicure. Which method to use is a purely individual preference: classic, European, hardware, hot. In order to do it yourself, you need to have a set of special tools:
- nail files;
- pliers of several sizes;
- blunt shoulder blades;
- orange stick;
- scissors with curved tips.
8. It is important to train yourself to use varnishes and removers that do not contain acetone. This substance greatly dries nails, makes them brittle. and prone to delamination.
9. The main condition for healthy skin and beauty of hands in general is a balanced diet, enriched with vitamins and microelements. This is the basis without which it is impossible to feel like a healthy, vigorous person. Especially useful for such purposes:
- vitamins A, E, nourishing and strengthening nails;
- group B, iodine, enhancing their growth;
- Calcium, Silicon, Iron, responsible for giving the nails hardness, elasticity, strength;
- Without Sulfur, cases of various inflammations of the nail plates become more frequent, the process of their occurrence worsens and slows down.

In general terms, it is clear how to care for your hands at home. Consider the most popular recipes that any woman can do and will not hurt the state of the wallet:
1. There are often complaints of sweaty hands. To get rid of this trouble will help wiping with a cotton swab dipped in a mixture, the composition of which is salicylic acid and alcohol.
2. To improve the condition of dry, flaky skin of the hands - a bath of warmed vegetable oil will help. This procedure is carried out no more than four times a month. It is necessary to heat the oil a little and dip your hands into it for half an hour.
3. If the skin becomes rough, unpleasant and hard to the touch, you can try applying a homemade cream to your hands before going to bed. To create it in equal proportions, you must take: petroleum jelly, glycerin, vegetable oil and lanolin.
4. The coarsening problem is also solved in this way:
- take chicken yolk, mix with four teaspoons of glycerin and starch in the amount of one such spoon;
- mix the ingredients by taking a little water at room temperature;
- then add the resulting mixture to two half-liter jars that are hotter. By doing such baths regularly, you can get rid of this discomfort very quickly.
5. When the nails become brittle and peeling, apply a compress consisting of an oil-based solution of vitamin A. Often, fish oil is used as a variant of the procedure. It is allowed to replace it with a tray of fresh lemon juice.
6. Mask of mashed potatoes, hammered with milk and butter, copes well with the manifestations of age-related skin changes. It smoothes, becomes softer and softer.
7. The problem of pigmentation of the hands can also be fought. The well-known oatmeal, ground to a state of flour, will come to the rescue. For such a mask, take it weighing 60 g, add two teaspoons of highly heated water and one at a time - lemon juice with vegetable oil. The prepared mixture is applied before going to bed and special gloves are put on for such purposes. After lifting, wash it off and spread the nourishing cream on your hands.

To get the best effect from masks, it is important to follow the rules for their use:
- care is carried out in courses several times a week;
- hands must be dry and clean;
- the duration of one procedure is no more than twenty minutes;
- after applying the product, hands are wrapped in cellophane and wrapped in a towel;
- when the session is over, the mask is washed off and a nourishing cream is applied.

8. Scrubbing is applied in this way:
- mix 1.5 dessert spoons of ground coffee, lemon juice, coarse salt, vegetable oil;
- Apply the resulting mixture with rubbing movements and wait 10 - 15 minutes;
- when it is washed off, a cream is used.
Do this procedure once every seven days.

Caring for the beauty of your hands at home is not at all a problem. It is enough to devote quite a bit of time to this for the stunning effect to delight everyone.


Dear readers, today on the blog I propose to talk about preserving the beauty of our hands. They have always been the hallmark of every woman. Probably everyone knows the feeling when the hands are in order - the mood changes immediately, right? And every woman wants so much to always remain young and beautiful. But, unfortunately, the human body is designed in such a way that aging is inevitable. And modern medicine has not yet come up with a "magic pill" for the appearance of wrinkles on the skin.

Greetings, my dear readers. The topic of my today's message to you will concern an issue that is relevant just for the fair sex. Dear women, I dare to assume that you all want to look young, fresh and attractive as long as possible. Aging, alas, is a process that cannot be stopped completely, but you can try to slow it down.

Many people now talk about beauty. But let me, dear ones, one well-known writer and philosopher called beauty an object of action, not reasoning. And this is a real common truth. You have to work hard to stay young. And this applies not only to the face and figure. A woman's hands are a kind of litmus test, in my opinion. No matter how much makeup you use to refine your face, your hands will still give out your true age. Unless, of course, you do not provide proper hand care.


Have you ever wondered how much work your hands do? They do laundry, do the dishes, do the cleaning, prepare meals for the whole family, carry heavy bags (not all husbands are perfect), sew, and so on. It is no wonder that the skin of the hands is subject to aging 10 times more intensively than in the case of the face.

Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, detergents, frost, dry, hot air, dirt, aggressive substances, your hands gradually lose their visual appeal. And I have a clear belief that if all women paid more attention to their fingers and palms, there would be much less women with wrinkled, dry and unattractive hands.

Answer my question. Do you have rubber gloves in your house? No? There was no doubt about it. There are a number of at first glance banal, but really effective rules. This arch can be safely considered the first way to care for hand skin. And for some they will probably sound like something new.


If you want to know effective ways to protect and preserve the youth of your hands, I will tell you the most important ones.

So, home hand care.


  • Finally, buy gloves. The skin of the hands suffers as much as possible due to contact with household chemicals. Wear gloves while mopping, dishwashing, cleaning - this commonplace rule will help keep your pens intact.
  • I would recommend washing your hands with extremely warm water. ... If you prefer cold or hot, then remember - from contact with it, the lipid balance of the skin is disturbed. And restoring it is a difficult task. There are practically no sebaceous glands and subcutaneous fat in this area, so the lipid layer cannot be fully restored.
  • Winter is the most dangerous time ... The skin of the hands must be protected with gloves made from natural materials. Synthetics are the enemy, the skin in it sweats, loses moisture. And if you are not a supporter of gloves, be prepared for the fact that your hands will be cold all the time. As a result, skin coarsening cannot be avoided.
  • Drinking plenty of fluids useful not only during colds. Pure, non-carbonated water replenishes the loss of fluid in the body. It is very beneficial for the skin.
  • Vitamin beauty complexes are also beneficial. ... The substances included in them are strong antioxidants. They stop the destruction of collagen fibers, the appearance of age spots.
  • Salvation of the aging is the work of the aging themselves ... This is how I paraphrased a well-known expression. If you can't afford to pay for specialists at salons, home therapy can be just as good. There are many ways and relatively new healthy recipes that can provide excellent hand care.


So, I recommend not only to adhere to all the above rules, but also not to forget about the need to strictly adhere to the sequence of procedures for caring for your hands at home. Start by cleansing. You can use your usual soap, but do you want to make an effort to dry your skin? The best option is effective and useful baths. They are designed to deeply cleanse the skin, as well as disinfect it.

Here's a simple recipe: for a liter of warm water, use a teaspoon of regular liquid soap, the same amount of baking soda and two less ammonia. Immerse your hands in such a bath for 10 minutes, and after wiping them dry, do not forget about the greasy cream. I advise you to actively use pharmaceutical herbs when preparing baths. It can be mint, chamomile, parsley, lime blossom, St. John's wort and many others.

And here's another new, little-known method: do a hot oil manicure. We heat any oil (corn, olive, sunflower) up to 46-47 degrees on the stove. Then we apply a cuticle softener with vitamins A and E (the pharmacy will help you). Having processed each finger, we place our hands in heated oil for 7 minutes. Now you can start the manicure, but first I advise you to degrease the skin (a liquid for removing nail polish without acetone is suitable). Your hands and nails will be amazing after taking such a bath.


Cleansing is followed by exfoliation. Someone considers such procedures a waste of time, limiting themselves to the use of creams. But exfoliating dead cells is a great help for your skin. And it is not at all necessary to buy industrial scrubs to get the maximum effect. For home hand therapy, it's even better to use the products you have prepared yourself.

Effective recipes. Hand peeling at home.

  • An elementary option - you simply add any natural abrasive (sugar, semolina, coffee) to the liquid soap.
  • And here's another recipe from me: Prepare lemon juice, olive oil, sea salt, in a 1: 1: 2 ratio. Mix it all together for a great scrub.
  • Here's another useful recipe for home care and exfoliation. We mix bee honey (2 tablespoons), wheat bran (1 tablespoon) and lemon juice (from half). We heat all this in a water bath, wait until it cools down, and apply it to the hands, previously moistened with water. It is necessary to rub in the composition until the movement becomes difficult. Now we wait a couple of minutes and wash off the product. Your handles are smooth and beautiful again.


Moisturizing and nourishing are important steps in hand skin care. And here creams and masks will help you. Let's figure it out. An ideal cream is one that retains moisture for a long time, has healing properties, while being remarkably absorbed and does not leave marks on clothes. Try some magic at home and make your own cream. I'm sure you've never done this before?

Homemade hand cream.

  1. Pour boiling water over any herb (1 tablespoon), insist under the lid for up to 9 hours. It can be a series, and chamomile, and plantain. Now you can strain it all. Rub butter (50 g) with honey (tsp), and the herbal infusion (1 tsp) is also sent there. As a result, we have a great hand cream.
  2. Another new recipe for you: beat sour cream (half a glass) in a mixer with yolks (2 pcs.). Slowly, pour in vodka (2 tablespoons), lemon juice (from half) and alcohol (1 tablespoon). An effective cream is ready.

Hand care masks.

The mask is easy to prepare in your home country. There are hundreds of recipes, here are a few of them:

  1. Mix one yolk with a teaspoon of honey, 7 drops of olive oil; all this is applied to the hands, then special gloves made of cotton fabric are put on, and after 15 minutes the mask can be washed off;
  2. Cottage cheese will help out dry skin of hands, mix two tablespoons of this product with yolk and a tablespoon of milk; the mask is washed off after 20 minutes.
  3. The following mask will help to strengthen the nails and accelerate their growth: red ground pepper (0.5 tsp), greasy hand cream (1 tsp) and boiled water (10 drops) should be mixed and heated in a water bath. It remains to cool the mixture and apply on nails for 20 minutes. Carefully, more than once a month, I do not recommend using such a mask.


And the last way to prevent aging of the hands is to devote time to massage and gymnastics. For any regular pinching, stroking, tapping, your hands will say "thank you very much."

Ladies, your pens can do so much more. And their main purpose is to please you and us, men. Take care of them, treat them and cherish them. Love yourself completely.

How do you take care of your hand skin all year round? Do you have proven and effective beauty recipes?

I would very much like all of us to take care of our health, not only from the outside, but also from the inside. This book will help you improve your health and make your life much easier.

I thank Mark for his helpful advice on caring for our hands.

My soulful gift for today Dream a Dream - Bernward Koch Bernard Koch's music is always an amazing conversation about the eternal, a flight of thought, a touch of something so subtle. When I was looking for a video for an article, I got the idea to write an article about B. Koch's music on a blog. I will definitely share with you how the inspiration for such an article appears.

I wish you all joy, spring renewal. Spoil yourself with simple recipes. And don't forget about your loved ones. Give them warmth and your love.

Scientists have proven that corn silk is good for medicine and more. Corn silk is incredibly useful for weight loss, as decoctions and infusions based on them help to reduce weight.

The skin of the hands is more vulnerable to external mechanical damage, and there is less moisture in it than in the skin of the face. She is the most unprotected of the visible parts of the body, because we, as a rule, forget about her. It is affected by: temperature drops, hard water, chemicals for washing dishes and laundry, bleach. The result is dry or loose skin, all wrinkled and scratched, burrs. Such hands constantly want to hide somewhere so that no one can see them. But this look is not always a sign of the mistress's slovenliness, sometimes it is the result of improper hand care. Therefore, today we will give some advice to women, tell them how to properly care for the skin of your hands, so that not only you but also other people can admire it.

How can you take care of your hands at home?

Let's start with the most basic - nutrition. The condition of the skin of your hands depends a lot on what food you eat. It is important to know whether it contains enough useful components such as: calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins B, E, D, proteins. It is necessary that your body does not feel a lack of them. Therefore, include in your daily diet dairy products, vegetables, fruits, meat, cereals, eggs, foods that make our skin soft, smooth, clean and elastic. Meals should be varied!

To prevent rough and dry skin, wash your hands only with warm water. The pores from this expand, and the skin of the hands begins to breathe. Use a mild fatty soap with an acid level of 5. Clean heavily soiled skin areas by rubbing them with lemon or cucumber juice. The juice of these plants brightens the skin well.

Watch how detergents and cleaning agents act on you. If any of them irritate the skin, then it is better to replace them in time. You will not eat mushrooms if you are told that they are poisonous ... you throw them away. So why should you feel sorry for such detergents ?! Well, we spent money on them, so now, spend it on treatment as well ?!

Let's go further ... After any contact with water, wipe your hands immediately and thoroughly so that no moisture remains on them. It is advisable that the towel used for this is hard. It will improve blood circulation in the small vessels of the hands.

After washing, do not forget to use a nourishing cream that contains glycerin, fats, vitamins and plant extracts. Their components will moisturize the skin, eliminate its dryness, thereby postponing the visible signs of aging.

In many, the skin on the elbow joints is keratinized, this defect can be removed with a pumice stone, pre-moistened with warm soapy water. Then apply the cream in a circular motion, after 10 minutes, remove the excess with a napkin.

Do not forget to protect your skin when cleaning: use rubber gloves. To keep your hands from sweating, wear thin cotton gloves under the gloves. After cleaning, do not forget to wash your protective equipment, and then remove, rinse from the inside, sprinkle with talcum powder so that they do not form dampness, and dry well away from fire.

When working with the soil in the garden or when transplanting flowers, if there are no gloves, then in order not to collect germs under the nails, walk them over the soap so that it fills the space under the nails, and grease your palms and fingers with a fat cream. After finishing work, all homemade protection must be washed off.

When going outside in winter, do not ignore mittens and gloves. Otherwise, the hands will dry in the wind and frost, the skin will crack and peel off. In the summer, in order not to dry out your skin, use a sunscreen that contains sunscreen filters.

For better penetration of the cream, apply it correctly to the skin. Lubricate your hands while still wet. Rub, starting from the pads of your fingers, gradually going down to the palm and fold of the hand. Massage each finger separately, then the palm on each side, and then the hand towards the elbow. Then clench and unclench your fists 5-6 times, and make circular movements of the hand. Thus, you will not only nourish the skin of the hands, but also give a light massage and warm-up for the joints. This whole procedure will support your health, because there are a large number of acupuncture points on the hands, which will help massage the internal organs and allow the fingers to become slim.

To soften the skin, do not be lazy, do weekly baths. Folk recipes will help you with this, caring for your hands with them will be at their best. Use a decoction of potatoes, a decoction of flax seeds, milk whey, sauerkraut juice, and warm vegetable oil. Also, don't neglect herbal medicinal products. Use extracts of chamomile, sage, linden flowers, mint, St. John's wort for baths. They can act as a sedative and disinfectant capable of healing minor scratches and wounds on the skin of the hands. How to prepare these funds was written on the site when describing specific plants. However, here are three recipes.

* When peeling the skin of the hands and their roughness, you need to prepare a mask. Take 3 tablespoons. mayonnaise, apply them dry, clean hands, put plastic gloves on top, wrap your hands with a towel. After 20 minutes, wash off the composition with liquid soap, apply a nourishing cream.

* To smooth the skin and soften it, make a bath with linseed, olive or almond oil every 2-3 days. Combine it with an equal amount of lemon juice, add a little warm water. Soak your hands in the bath for about 10 minutes, then dry your hands with a tissue.

* Combine 2 boiled potatoes, a little glycerin, about 100 ml of milk. Mash the potatoes, combine with milk and glycerin. For a scent, add 3-4 drops of peach oil. Apply the softening mixture to hands for 5 minutes, wearing gloves over the top. Rinse off the mask with slightly cool water.

You can do various wraps and hand masks, peelings. This is a more serious care.

Remember that the cream not only nourishes with vitamins, it also moisturizes the skin, and the more often we apply it, the softer our skin becomes. This is an irreplaceable tool that needs not only our face, but also our hands.

Dermatologists advise to carry out daily hand care: nourish it with creams, at least twice a day - in the morning, upon waking up and in the evening, before going to bed.

So we talked on the site www.site about hand care, hand skin at home, advice to women, folk recipes led. In conclusion, I will say that no matter how we want, time takes its toll, but this should not interfere with taking care of ourselves, not forgetting about our hands. You need to wash with the correct formulations, wash your hands with the correct soap, massage them, use the necessary protective equipment - creams, mixtures, baths.

In this case, following our advice, you will make your hands skin beautiful and supple. The touch of well-groomed hands will be a pleasant delight for you and your loved ones.