Cheerful wedding toasts and congratulations. Video: original toasts from parents. Wedding toasts with humor in prose

On the day of the wedding, you want to constantly shower the young with wishes. But even the most beautiful and warm words in large quantities can turn the most wonderful wedding into a banal reading of kilometer-long congratulations. Do you want to make a speech from the heart and briefly? The portal offers you short wedding congratulations toasts. You will be convinced that a few well-spoken words can be remembered more than a well-learned and beautifully told wedding poem.

Cool short wedding toasts

Humor takes the lead in toasting. It is funny toasts that are always original. Agree, congratulations about happiness and health have already been heard hundreds of times. We focus on fun and offer you the following options for short toasts in verse and prose:

Congratulations, dear, we wish you different things:
Very quiet mother-in-law, mother-in-law - just cool,
Good father-in-law, to sponsor you with money,
Yes, and father-in-law to invest in you too.

So that the mother-in-law does not visit,
So that the husband does not beat, does not drink.
And a wife to love
May peace come to the family!

Let the honeymoon be in Bali
Guests give money, but not rubles!
A wedding to dance for a long time, until dawn,
We wish sun, peace and love!

So that family quarrels are infrequent
And passionate after there were reconciliations,
So that Vanya is red, Dasha is big-eyed
Sat on each knee.

An exemplary spouse will never reprimand her beloved for salted eggs, and an exemplary spouse will pretend every time that she does not see how her wife hammers a nail crookedly. Let's drink to an exemplary marriage and complete understanding of our newlyweds!

They say that in an ideal family, the wife does not pay attention to where the money comes from, and the husband does not notice where they go. May you have a truly perfect family.

What is the difference between fairy tales and were? A fairy tale is when he married a snake, and she became a princess. And true - if vice versa. Let the life of our newlyweds be like a fairy tale!

Eva was too jealous. And even though there were only two of them in paradise, when Adam came home too late, she counted his ribs, just in case a fireman. Let's wish our bride not to be so jealous, and her husband - never give a reason to count the ribs!

When a man is persistent, he will certainly achieve what a woman wants. Let's drink to ensure that the purposefulness of a man and the whims of a woman coincide!

Wedding toasts in your own words: short and clear

A wedding wish for the young can be pronounced in your own words from the heart, without memorizing a long text. To do this, you just need to be inspired a little and the right words will come by themselves. We are pleased to present you a selection of wedding short toasts in our own words.

They say that in a good marriage, the husband is the head and the wife is the heart. Let's raise our glasses so that our newlyweds do not know any headaches or heartaches!

Friends! We offer to fill a glass for a kiss! After all, it was he who came up with a man as a way to close a woman's mouth.

We wish you that all the difficulties are on your shoulder, that only pleasant chores fall on your shoulders, that your shoulders carry competent heads and that you are always shoulder to shoulder!

The honeymoon is the happiest period of the spouses: the time of carelessness, passion, sublimity of feelings, lightness, gentle trembling of lovers. Let's wish the young that their honeymoon was a lifetime.

We wish that today's start of family life will lead you only to victories, a bright future and to winning gold medals of joy!

We wholeheartedly welcome you to legal marriage. The most important thing in life is great human friendship and true love. May your love be as long as your life!

We wish that every stage of life together be progressive, only up and up the hill! We wish you rapid growth and progress in all aspects!

Many men fantasize about a harem, so that many women surround it every day, bringing variety to family life. Let our groom never have the thought of having a harem, because his wife is able to replace him with a thousand women!

The secret of a successful marriage lies in some folk wisdom: you need to love not as much as possible, but for as long as possible! We drink for the slowness of the newlyweds!

We wish you that daily trifles and trifles in no way overshadow what is necessary in your life - fidelity and love!

If the husband is the ship, then the wife is the helm. We wish your home ship not to sink in the ocean of everyday problems, swim out of every whirlpool and rush to a safe harbor.

Wedding toasts: short in verse

Surely, among us there are those guests who always wish all the best to young verses. Pay attention to our interesting examples of short wedding toasts in verse.

Like a cup of the best wine
May life always be full!
Don't spill this cup
Drink it all, to the bottom!

What advice do you give, instructions?
At the wedding, the words are all known for a long time ...
You just love. And with great excitement
Thirty years later, kiss in the movies!

Let's hurry to the sounds of Mendelssohn
Congratulate the newlyweds on their holiday!
Let all obstacles melt like smoke
Always love in life will rule!

They emptied a glass of intoxicated
So that in five decades
Meet you together golden wedding
To live the whole century without grief, tears and troubles.

We wish happiness over the edge,
Smiles, sun, joy.
Let the family be happy
Now and straight to old age.

Accept congratulations
On a beautiful day from relatives.
Let love warm you
Passion let seethe in the blood.

You have become a strong family,
Prosperity only to you.
respect, understanding
Let it be a shield from dramas.

Always store carefully
Warm fire in the heart.
Let the tracks all through life
They lead the threshold to the native.

Congratulations on legal marriage
From our entire big family!
We wish you love and happiness.
Let the fires of joy burn!

Let the sun warm, the light does not fade,
And life is beautiful and generous!
And let fate not regret
For you fun and goodness!

Our dear newlyweds, we congratulate you on your wedding day! We wish you peace and harmony, support and understanding, eternal love and tenderness. May your life together bring you only good and development. Support each other, please, appreciate and respect. Bright and kind life to you!

Happy wedding! From the people closest to you
Please accept this congratulations.
We wish you to live more fun, friendly,
Than even in dreams and visions!

Always give care to each other
Appreciate attention, affection,
May happiness give you all the days and years,
Reminds me of a beautiful fairy tale!

Dear young people,
Congratulate you relatives.
This is how we know you
We wish you personal happiness!

So that you love each other
Didn't swear, didn't drink,
Would be patient
And brag about your skill!

May God send you children:
Both girls and boys!
This little verse
Our heartfelt congratulations!

Congratulations, relatives
Happy day so beautiful.
Let the sky above your family
It will only be clear.

All native frames for the wedding
Happiness only wish
Let it be in abundance and love
Your marriage is flourishing.

Today is your wedding bright buffet.
There is no more beautiful couple in the world:
You are young, your feelings are visible to everyone,
You are self-sufficient, very strong!

Well, you accept congratulations from your relatives,
Dreams come true soon
May you be a strong and friendly family.
May heaven keep your union and peace.

Desired kids, good friends,
Good luck, energy, new ideas!
May joy always live in your house,
May the years last happily ever after!

Happy wedding day guys!
Love each other
without looking back,
Let them run in circles

Days of tender sweetness
Great success!
Make friends with hope
And happy laughter!

Our relatives, with an important day
Today we hasten to congratulate.
Let there be a full house of happiness
Well, we want to add

Let the sonorous children's laughter flow,
Let sorrows not overshadow.
May success accompany you
Never know sadness.

Dear groom and dear bride,
Forever now you will be together.
May your hearth be strong and comfortable,
Cheerful mood, never frown.
Accept congratulations from relatives,
And a parting word, like a rhyme.
You save your love, of course,
Gently, tremulously carry through the years.
Give us glorious children,
Be wise beyond your years.

Your family and friends have come to congratulate you.
And we - friends came here now
So let me tell you without lying
That we are immensely happy for you.

And we want to wish you well
Love, prosperity and healthy children,
In any adversity, stand on your feet,
So that your marriage is as strong as a hundred-year-old oak.

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wedding toast

None of the scientists can still
answer the question: what is love?
Everyone agrees that love is a mystery
which remains unsolved to this day!
So let our newlyweds live all their lives
with this mystery in their hearts, they will never be able to unravel it!

wedding toast

I want to drink for you, dear newlyweds, and make a wedding toast:
Each of us has our own path, which may be different. For some, this is a winding path full of obstacles and obstacles. Someone has a wide road where you can move freely and easily. Someone likes to move quickly and swiftly, while someone appreciates caution and calmness. Today you have combined two completely different paths into one common one. I would like to wish you that no matter what you meet, you must move together, hand in hand, support each other and protect. Smooth road to you!!!

Wedding toast in your own words

Bride and groom!
I ask you to rise.
Bow down to the guests.
From now on, your fate is sealed
You have been given the titles of "husband" and "wife"!
We wish you great and heartfelt love,
May your union be the most durable and eternal.
Let everything become more beautiful day by day
And let your house be a full bowl!

Wedding toast in prose

Dear young! I have a clear and short toast. I wish that four holy names, four guardian angels are always present in your life: Faith, Hope, Love and Sophia-wisdom. Follow them and God bless you in your family life.

Cool wedding toast

As they said in ancient Babylon: take hold of your chest - say something. Take a glass - say a toast. Here is my wish: “Let two loving hearts never part, grow together in sweet fidelity, as the creator wanted.” With legal marriage you!

Wedding toast to the newlyweds

I propose to drink for the young, let the countdown of the most wonderful part of their life begin for them today. Let the hands of the clock freeze forever, fixing the moment of the beginning of their family life, and let the chimes strike only on happy dates that are worth remembering! For the young and their families!

Beautiful wedding toast

Wedding toast in verse

The life of a modern person is a garland of colorful days: bright and cloudy. And it depends only on you, dear newlyweds, which days you will have more! So let everyday trifles and troubles not spoil the most important thing in your life - your selfless love, which makes you the happiest in the world. Bitter, newlyweds!

Wedding toast in your own words

On this joyful day, I would like to wish you family happiness.
As you know, happiness cannot exist without love. Today is a wonderful sunny day. Imagine for a second what would happen if it were overcast? Would it ruin your holiday? No. Do you know why? Because you really love each other and want to be together. So let's drink to the young and their family happiness. Bitterly!

Short wedding toast

I want to congratulate our newlyweds on this extraordinary event in their lives, wish them mutual understanding and great love. Today is your day, and we drink to your happiness!

Cool wedding toast

Dear newlyweds!
With all my heart I wish you celebrate in your life
at least ten more weddings: paper - in a year,
glass - after two years, aged - after three years,
calico - after five years, bronze - after ten years,
porcelain - in fifteen,
crystal - in twenty,
silver - in twenty-five,
gold - in fifty,
diamond - in seventy-five years.
I also wish that all today's guests
certainly attended all these weddings.
Let's drink to the fulfillment of this desire and the happiness of the young!

Cool short wedding toast

Marcus Aurelius believed that "people exist for each other."
So let's drink to
so that it was so in this newly-made family.
Young people, live for each other!

funny wedding toast

In the words of Rogers: “Live, young people, so that you are not ashamed to sell your pet talking parrot to the main gossip of the city!”

Wedding toast in prose

Newlyweds, tell me, please, how do children appear? Do not know? I will remind you of three ways how and where to find them. First, order them from the stork. Second, look in cabbage. And thirdly, go shopping. But I want to drink for the fourth way to replenish your family - the most pleasant and proven! For the young and their future children!

Wedding toast in verse

Friends! Today at an early hour
Suddenly the muse visited me!
She came to ask about you
And gave a toast for happiness!
What tender words
She dictated to me, brothers!
And ... dizzy!
I have to confess now...
Look for eternal words
Scoop tenderness with a full spoon!
And let it burn like firewood
Love passion inevitability!
And the Muse's toast was simple:
“You have to love each other STRONGLY!”
And I, a single boy,
Raising a glass, I will shout to you: “Bitter!”

Funny wedding toast

A slender poplar grew in the forest,
and a slender birch grew nearby.
And they fell in love with each other, and were drawn to each other,
until finally they connected their branches and entwined together.
Why are our newlyweds not poplar and birch?
Let's wish them to twigs
their loves never unraveled and held tightly to each other.

Best wedding toast

A variety of feelings lived on a distant island: Joy, Boredom, Pride, Happiness, and, of course, Love. One fine day they noticed that the island was slowly sinking into the water, and decided before it was too late to move to another. Only one Love was in no hurry to leave her favorite place. But when there was only water around, she began to call for help. No one wanted to save her, only one old man swam up to her in his boat and transported her to the island. For a long time she tried to find out his name, and when she was told that it was Time, she was very surprised. Only one Time can understand how important Love is in life.
Let's drink so that in your life this bright feeling never fades and illuminates your long and happy path.

Short wedding toast in your own words

They say marriages are made in heaven. Today, on your wedding day, I wish heaven to keep your union, and let all life's difficulties and worldly problems be nothing to you. Love each other and be happy all your life.

Wedding toast from friends

We want to wish that the path of life that you walk hand in hand runs through a beautiful flowering garden with sweet-voiced birds of paradise. So that the bright sun of love and kindness warms and illuminates your path. May fate favor you in all your endeavors, obstacles and sorrows cannot break you, but only make you stronger and more resilient! Be happy!

Wedding toast from parents

Our dear children,
You are more precious than everyone in the world
We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts
We bless your union.

You take care of each other
And always live together
And appreciate every time
What brought fate suddenly you.

Some mistakenly believe that wedding toasts are solely meant to encourage guests and newlyweds to drink as much alcohol as possible. A well-written speech can encourage the newlyweds to think seriously about their future lives, or simply bring a touch of fun to the feast.

Close relatives often make toasts in their own words, but not all invitees have innate eloquence. In addition, the best man and bridesmaid need to have cool short speeches in their arsenal in order to fill a pause in the holiday on occasion.

Wedding toast from a friend

The best man and bridesmaid are entrusted with a difficult mission - to be constantly ready to keep the celebration from dying down. Therefore, it is better to prepare cool wedding toasts in prose or poetry in advance.

  • Naturally, you need to touch on the topic of children. Ask if the newlyweds know where they come from? To the general mirth, explain in your own words that the old methods of having a baby - stork, cabbage and the store - are no longer relevant and offer to drink for the fourth method without naming it. Let your guests guess what you are talking about.
  • Depending on who speaks - the best man or the bridesmaid - you can proclaim a toast to the groom or his half, wishing him / her patience and indulgence, since the one who is smarter does not enter into disputes. You can hint in your speech that one of the spouses is always right, and the second is the wife / husband. It depends on whose friend you are.
  • Be sure to offer a drink to the parents of the bride and groom. Express your gratitude to them in your own words for raising such a wonderful couple, add a couple of unobtrusive kind jokes in the form of a toast, showing respect.
  • Describe to the lovers the enchanting sunny landscape, which is replaced by the magnificent coolness of the night. Advise them to keep their feelings and not get fed up with passion, to alternate tenderness with passionate confessions, and minutes of excitement with hours of peace. Then their marital relations will be diverse and will not bore them for many years.

It is easier to speak short, but precise and witty toasts than to memorize entire poetic opuses. But prose must be poetic and beautiful. Mix romance, lyrics and humor in your speeches. Then the guests, moving from tears of tenderness to unconstrained laughter, will not be able to get bored.

Funny wedding toasts

Alternating serious toasts to the health and well-being of the bride and groom, as well as their parents, with funny speeches, you can not be afraid that the degree of fun will drop to zero.

  1. You can take funny jokes and retell them in your own words. For example: “Moisha, who always gave $10 to a beggar, today gave only $5, explaining that now that he got married, he had to cut costs. To which the indignant beggar replied that he was not going to support Moishe's family. So let's drink to the fact that the husband always knows how to ensure the well-being of his betrothed!
  2. When speaking short speeches in your own words, make spectacular pauses to focus the attention of the guests on the main meaning of what was said: “A wife, asking her husband what he appreciates more in women - intelligence or beauty, heard that these qualities are not important for him, because he is married on her. Our newlywed also has an original taste (significant pause). He thinks his fiancee has a brilliant intellect (pause). And incredibly attractive appearance. We drink for the lucky one who was lucky enough to get such a treasure as our newlywed.
  3. From a conversation between two friends: “How many husbands have you had? I'm even embarrassed to say. - Yes, okay, the 21st century is in the yard. I'm not ashamed to admit that I had 5 of them. - And I have only one! “I wish you, dear newlyweds, to experience such a feeling of shame all your life! Bitterly!"
  4. Sometimes cool toasts are very thoughtful. Tell the newlyweds this anecdote-parable: “on the day of the celebration (25 years of marriage), the husband, sighing, announced to his wife that he had married her through a misunderstanding. - How?! exclaimed the indignant wife. “It’s very simple, on the day we met, I whistled, calling for a taxi, and you turned around” - “So let's wish the newlyweds that all the misunderstandings in their lives are only for the good, and mistakes lead to a happy coincidence!”

Toasts from parents and for parents

  • Often the mother of the bride is almost more sinister than the groom. There are cool toasts that can smooth out conflicts between mother-in-law and son-in-law. Speech from the parents (mother of the newlywed): “After meeting her daughter’s new boyfriend, the mother announced that she was so unpleasant to her that she would gladly become his mother-in-law!” - "Let's raise our glasses to wise women who can find a common language with any man!"
  • The toastmaster can offer such a comic speech for the bride's parents in her own words: “One couple in love decided to run away and get married without blessing. One night, a young man came to the house of his beloved and called her. Climbing out of the window, she asked him not to make any noise, otherwise her father would wake up and prevent their escape. To which the lover replied: “Do not be afraid, he is very busy right now - he is helping me hold the stairs you are descending” - “Let me drink for parents who are able to sacrifice their peace for the sake of the happiness of their children!”
  • Support from the groom's parents is very important for the bride. It is worth expressing it in a benevolent comic toast on behalf of the father-in-law or mother-in-law: “When my son was small and came home dirty, I warned that this was the last time. When he first brought a deuce, I strictly said that I see it for the last time. And now, my dear young ones, I look at you and say - so that I see this for the first and last time!

Cool wedding toast options

Variants of toasts based on the sayings of great people

    As the famous French writer Hugo said: "If love is real, it will never know satiety and will not be able to cool off." These are brilliant words! So let's wish the young spouses every day of family life to enjoy each other's company and never get enough of the sweetness of their love!

    The French writer Albert Camus once said: "Come always by my side and be my friend." I believe that spouses are not only lovers, but also faithful, devoted and closest friends for life! I want to wish the young family to always keep pace with each other, looking in the same direction and having a common goal! May their journey be easy and pleasant for both! Bitterly!

    Dear young! As the great Spaniard Cervantes wrote: "Love wears such glasses through which copper seems to be gold, poverty - wealth, and drops of fire - pearls." So let's drink to the fact that in your family you see all this with the naked eye!

    Dear young! Anton Pavlovich Chekhov wrote: “In family life, the most important screw is love, sexual desire, one flesh, everything else is unreliable and boring, no matter how cleverly calculated.” I propose a toast to the "most important screw" in your life - to your love!

    Dear young! The great Spaniard Cervantes said:
    "The lover, in whose chest everything is again and again
    Doubt feeds on love
    Her holy peace is unworthy."
    So let's drink to the fact that our bride and groom never doubt each other!

    French writer Andre Terrier wrote: "There is no happy life, there are only happy days." Let's drink to the fact that the newly created family has many, many happy days, from which their happy life as a whole would be formed!

    Bernard Shaw said: "Marrying is stupid, not getting married is even more stupid." Our young people chose the lesser of two stupidities. And they did it right! We raise our glasses to you and your happiness!

    The great writer A.P. Chekhov said that everything in a person should be perfect - not only the face and appearance, but also the soul. Today I want to wish the newlyweds every day and hour to be the most beautiful for each other in the whole wide world!

    The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, having an obstinate wife, Xanthippe, liked to talk about marriage. On the one hand, he argued: “Whether you marry or not, you will repent anyway,” and on the other hand, he assured: “Get married, no matter what.” I want to raise a glass to the beautiful women who have made us never regret allowing ourselves to be bound in marriage. For women's wisdom, love, tenderness and care! For the bride!

    A loving person sees beauty in everything. Its light and brilliance ennobles spiritual impulses and eradicates shortcomings. As Dostoevsky said: "Beauty will save the world!". I raise a glass to the sincere love of this couple and to the radiant beauty of the bride!

    Dear newlyweds, I want to quote Chekhov for you: “Don't calm down, don't let yourself be put to sleep! While you are young, strong, cheerful, do not get tired of doing good. I have only one addition to this statement - do not get tired of giving love to each other! I raise this glass to the happiness of the young!

A wedding is impossible without sincere wishes to the newlyweds. The guests think over their speech in advance, choose the right words. Someone likes to say in their own words, someone prefers to choose a poem on the occasion of the celebration, while others prefer a long parable with an instructive ending. Whatever format of the toast is chosen, the main thing is to speak sincerely and from the heart.

Like any important celebration, the wedding should begin with an opening speech. This role is usually assumed by the host of the event. After a short introduction, he gives the floor to the guests.

The first toast at a wedding is an important and crucial moment. Only close people who mean a lot to the newlyweds trust to pronounce it. Usually these people are parents. It is they who say the first words of congratulations, sincerely wishing their children a long family life. Such words are very sincere, touch to tears.

Although parents can’t say bad things, you still need to prepare for the speech: choose the right words, rehearse in front of the mirror, make a toast out loud more often. It should sound melodious, harmonious and carry an important message and instructions to the young.

Below are 2 options that will touch both the couple and the guests:

  1. “Young people, you were born to meet each other. Your paths run parallel. You grew up, learned new things and met each other. The family does not appear immediately. Anyone here will say that. Family is a lot of work! Get ready to give it your all. But not everything is so difficult. All this work is easy, because love helps to survive any difficulties. Protect your love, do not let strangers interfere with it. Give yourself to the relationship to the fullest. Please take our advice!"
  2. “Happy day when love, loyalty, support are famous. Be a support to each other, learn to forgive mistakes, find beauty even in everyday little things. We wish to be realized as spouses and parents. Always remember the feelings that overwhelm you now. May you live happily ever after!"

Mom's wedding toast

The most touching are congratulations from mom. This is a person who, like no one else, knows the young or the young, will be able to pick up the best words and will not wish bad. A wedding toast from my mother causes awe in the whole hall, because these words contain true love and hope for a bright future for their children.

Not all mothers are eloquent, so the toast cheat sheets below will help you speak correctly or feel inspired to write.

in prose

“Time flies inexorably. First steps, words, assessment. And now you are facing a wonderful stage in your life. Dear ones, may happiness be with you. We will always help you, in word and deed. Our family has found a daughter (son) today, whom we also love and respect. Today all the words are for you!”

“My father and I lived together for many years and we can tell you that family life requires a lot of effort. And a happy life is even more. There is no general recipe for making a perfect marriage. Yes, this is not necessary. Just be gentle. Love is the key to a happy marriage, no matter how much time has passed from the marriage.”

“How much I want to say to express our love, dear newlyweds. Only a parent's heart can store all the memories and generously share them at such moments. May all the angels protect you, may all your joint dreams come true. Now there is a single "WE" that you must protect. For love, for your future."

in verse

Such a congratulation will be perceived much more pleasantly, therefore, you should take a closer look at the following options:

“I will shower my family with congratulations
Which is a little more than an hour old
I will sprinkle you with holy water
I will bless so that with a margin.

Father's wedding toast

Men are rarely verbose at a wedding. When the father's turn comes to say a toast to the young, this short farewell includes all the most important, significant, valuable. The toast of the father at the wedding is no less touching, all because the sincerity of the words of a strong man cannot but touch the heart.

in prose

In most cases, fathers choose congratulations in prose. The following are 3 options for a speech that will be remembered by everyone present.

“You have been told more than once how long-awaited and wonderful this day is. I wish you to do everything together - laugh, be sad, work, rest. And let today be so fun, but I'm a little bitter. Bitter young!

“Do not know sadness and sorrows, let the family be wrapped in love, tenderness, comfort. Know that you will always find support in your father's house.

“I wish the young couple that you take good care of each other. In the ocean of vital passions, they managed to stay afloat, protected each other from bad weather and worries. You are still so young, there is much to learn. But everything is on the shoulder if a loved one is nearby. For your endless love."

in verse

Nice short wedding toast

Brevity is the "sister" of not only talent, but also a good mood. Who wants to listen to a long boring toast, even if it's about deep feelings? That is why experienced speakers recommend speaking briefly at ceremonial events, but in such a way that others remember this speech.

in prose

“Always remember that you are the creators of your life. May the sun always illuminate your family, and may the winds bring only changes for the better!

“So glad to be present at your celebration and would very much like to be present in your life. We wish from the bottom of our hearts great love, respect and tenderness. Less domestic problems and life difficulties. May your dreams come true!

“In short, love one another. Then all difficulties will go aside. Protect each other. Then no one can destroy your relationship!”

in verse

Short wedding toasts

Cool wedding toasts will help to defuse the atmosphere a little, make it less lyrical. They will make those present smile, cheer up and will stand out from the rest.

in prose

“Love is often compared by poets to a flower. And this is a good comparison: love, like a flower, must be constantly bestowed with love, cherished. Then the plant will bloom luxuriantly. A person will also flourish if you love him with all your heart. Newlyweds, we wish you to always remember this comparison.

“There is one secret that will allow you to live happily. You just need to always remember the first kiss and forget the last quarrel. Always remember this day and the feelings that you feel now.

“Let's drink to the male desire for hunting. If not for it, then our groom would never have won such a charming bride. »

in verse

"Let it never go out
happy life dawn
May you always be happy
And for today - Bitter!

This verse can be accompanied by small gifts on the topic:

And one more option:

"To the sound of a crystal glass
To the sound of sparkling wine
Congratulations to the newlyweds
And today we drink to the bottom.

Funny short wedding toasts

When the mood of the guests has risen to the maximum mark, the fun is overflowing, you can move on to funny toasts. Usually they work out for friends - merry fellows, youth.

in prose

“Funny anecdotes about marriage are often about failed relationships. But there is also an anecdote about a happy marriage: “We lived happily with my wife for 25 years, until ... we met.” I wish the happiness of our young people to begin here and now!”

“Once there was an accident on the road. The inspector asks the guilty why this happened. The woman replies: “I was driving as usual, and my husband was driving.” Therefore, it is important that the bride remember that she is the “neck” of her husband and turn in the right direction.”

“For love without marriage! So that the newlyweds encounter only excellent quality in love, family, people around.

“We wish the newlyweds to visit a fairy tale: wash more diapers and choose a lot of sliders. After all, children are a real happiness.

“Who is our good fellow today? Who coped with the task at 100%? These are the parents of the young. They gave birth to good people, raised them and gave them a good ticket to life. Let's raise our glasses to them!"

in verse

In verse, funny toasts are also very relevant:

"Don't hesitate to be in love
And cherish love
To make you newlyweds
They could call all their lives.

A few more options:

Original wedding toasts

Coming up with original toasts for a wedding is not an easy task. I would like to say at the same time important and boring words, such that they fully characterize the newlyweds. The selection of such congratulations will take time. You can read the options below.

in prose

“Let's thank our enterprising fiancé. He managed to find a wife who combines beauty, intelligence, thrift, femininity. This is not for everyone. For the groom!

“Chekhov said words that are very important for every couple: “In marriage, the main screw is love.” So let's raise our glasses to the love of the newlyweds. May she never know the end.

“In Eastern countries, men can have several wives. But our fiance is all to nothing. He just met his love, which will replace any harem. May it always be so. Bitterly!"

in verse

Touching wedding toast

If the guest wants to say a touching toast at the wedding, then you can use such blanks.

in prose

“Scientific minds have been racking their brains over the definition of love for many years. Chemical reaction, hormones, the highest gift... One thing is clear - this is a great mystery. I wish our newlyweds to live with this mystery all their lives and never solve it.

“When a man is stubborn, he will achieve what he wants. But on the condition that a woman will allow him to do this. For harmony in this pair!

in verse

“Is that the decree of fate or luck?
This meeting of two hearts definitely means something
After all, it’s probably not without reason that you are together today
In this role, the groom and his bride.

Caucasian wedding toasts

Caucasian wedding toasts are chosen far beyond the Caucasus. They are imbued with a special flavor, carry a strong message and act as an instruction for the newlyweds. Not all of them begin "High in the mountains ...", there are more original options.

We can highlight the following congratulations:

  1. “Family life can be compared to a raging sea. Only on rare days does it calm down, and the rest of the time the waves walk on its surface. But an experienced sailor can sail both in a storm and in a calm. Be a real sailor."
  2. “Let us recall the famous mountain, which never reached Mohammed. He just didn't offer drinks. And we will drink for friends who came to such an event associated with the deprivation of a man's freedom.
  3. “Once a Caucasian husband got together on business and told his wife to wait for him. The wife waited a long time and decided to send messengers to his friends. After a while, they all brought the same answer, "Don't worry, I have your husband." For true male friendship!”

Wise wedding toasts

Wise wedding toasts must contain a deep thought, instruction, and, perhaps, the speaker will even convey his own experience of family relationships.

in prose

“Every woman should always remember that her husband should always be surrounded by affection and love, then he will never go looking for it outside the house. Let's drink to wise women!"

“I want the family life of the young to be the embodiment of this celebration. May there be as many smiles, joyful speeches and confessions in it.

"Young! May the weather in your hearts always be clear, the sky above you be clear, and all storms pass by.

in verse

Toastmasters for a wedding

An experienced toastmaster at a wedding can juggle congratulations like balls. Each of them is an example of a perfect toast. That is why, when preparing to attend a wedding, you can borrow some of them.

in prose

“Having visited more than one celebration, I can note that our bride is the ideal of beauty and grace. How much happiness in her eyes. May it always be so! And I wish the groom to always do so that his wife is the happiest!

“Dear newlyweds! A man in love wears glasses that make gold out of copper, and out of poverty into wealth. Let you see all this with an unarmed eye.

“One French writer said that a happy life is a fiction, there are only such days. I wish that many happy days flow into your happy family life.

in verse

"Happiness for a hundred years ahead
Live without quarrels, misunderstandings
Here is a task from us for you
And love keep each other
Let the envy of the district!”

Toast - a parable at a wedding

In order for a toast - a parable to attract attention and be appreciated by the guests, you need to think it over well. If imagination is not enough, then you can choose one of the following:

  1. “Some newlyweds quarreled very often. Then they went to the sage for help. He gave them a box of matches and said that the quarrel was minus 1 match. When they run out, the couple should part. Young people thought and began to appreciate their relationship. May not a single match be broken in your pair.
  2. “Once a couple was walking along the pavement. The girl stumbled, but the guy supported her. “Careful, dear, there are pebbles,” he said. History repeated itself 5 years later. “Be careful, there are stones here,” was now said. And after 10 years, the man said: "That's stupid!". So let only pebbles and no stones be in your destiny.
  3. “Each young lady has a small gift from God - a piece of sugar. But some hide even two such pieces in themselves. Finding such a person is difficult. But our fiance did. For him!"

A wedding toast is a wish for all the best for a young family. The more interesting and beautiful it will be, the more exciting and pleasant it will be to listen to both the newlyweds and guests.