Spring general cleaning in the country house. Secrets and rules for general cleaning

In the spring, most housewives do general cleaning... This has already become a kind of tradition - with the arrival of warmth and lengthening daylight hours, I want the house to be filled with freshness, "air" and by itself give us a great mood.

The term "spring cleaning" is associated, as a rule, with a rather serious time expenditure: it is necessary for everything to shine, sparkle and breathe. The main thing that is required of you is to bring the cleaning to the end (so that it does not develop into summer, and then autumn, winter, etc. - year-round).

What is Spring Cleaning?

Spring cleaning- this is the liberation, clearing of space from things that, with the arrival of heat, cease to be needed. In parallel with the cleaning, there is a "global" cleaning of the entire apartment or house. This is, among other things, a great time to get rid of the trash that has accumulated over the past six months or a year.

Mid-late spring is suitable for general cleaning, not only because you need to wash / take away winter clothes, but also because the weather is great outside - you can open the windows wide open, rinse them thoroughly and at the same time ventilate the room, driving away the musty winter smell. Right there, in the air, you can ventilate and dry warm things under the sun.

What shouldn't be considered as part of spring cleaning? Everything that you do on a regular basis: washing the bathroom, cleaning carpets with a vacuum cleaner, dusting. You will have your time for these tasks, according to your usual schedule at home.

How best to tackle spring cleaning

It is clear that spring cleaning is a rather voluminous task. After all, sometimes it happens that a complete tidying up only in the bathroom is already exhausting ... And here - the whole apartment needs a spring transformation! To successfully solve a problem, you need to find your own approach. Here are the 2 main paths you can take:

1. In one fell swoop

With this approach, you will need to set aside a fairly large amount of time: clean up until you have done everything planned. In time, it can be one full weekend or even a whole week. The main idea of ​​the approach is to complete the spring cleaning as quickly as possible. This method, of course, will appeal to those who find it easier to give their best once, than to stretch out the case and constantly think about what is not completed.

2. Divide the device into small "projects"

In contrast to the previous option, you can break up the cleaning into many small parts and disperse them over a long period of time. For example, you could completely devote one Saturday to tidying up on the balcony, the next - to sorting things out, sorting them into necessary / unnecessary ones and, for example, putting unnecessary items as lots on an auction on the Internet, etc. This method is suitable for those who do not can allocate a lot of time at once.

Any of the methods will work as long as you are properly configured and know exactly what you want. Do not take a one-time approach unless you are sure you have enough time to spare. If you chose the second path, then make a schedule for the subtasks and stick to it. After all, if you delay the tidy for six months, then by its "end" the traces of the first steps will be completely lost and it, looped to the next circle, will never end.

After you've chosen your approach, it's time to start tidying up. And you have to start with a plan. The plan will help you get through the general cleaning "without a hitch." Here are 10 tips to help you get things done and meet deadlines.

1. Make a list

List everything that you would like to achieve as a result of spring cleaning, and then group the tasks that will be convenient to solve one after the other. This will "tighten" and make the application of forces more effective, you will not be sprayed, often changing the type of activity. And, of course, after drawing up a to-do list, you will not have any questions about what to do next.

2. Assemble a team

Prepare your assistants in advance. Warn your husband and children that you may need their help this weekend. Consider roughly what tasks you will entrust them. If potential assistants took this idea without much enthusiasm, you can promise them a festive dinner or a picnic in nature - spring must be met in full!

3. Stock up on everything you need

In the week leading up to your scheduled cleaning, stock up on whatever you might need. Make a shopping list before visiting the hardware store (based on your to-do list). Know ahead of time which tool you should use for each task.

4. Schedule time-consuming tasks earlier.

If you have planned something that is laborious and time consuming, then you may need to set aside additional time for it. For example, if you are going to wash carpets with shampoo, then they will need a day or two in the sun to dry thoroughly. Therefore, it is better to do this in advance so as not to think about drying carpets during the main activities. As a last resort, you can postpone such tasks for a time after the end of cleaning.

5. Focus on one specific task at a time.

Do you know the feeling when your eyes run up from business? We must do both this and that. We start to tackle one thing, then on the way we jump to another. So more energy is wasted, and the end of the cleaning is not visible. To avoid this development of events, stay focused only on the task that you took on until you complete it. You cannot do several things well at the same time. This rule is fundamental to good time management.

6. Praise yourself for success and acknowledge progress.

It's very easy to give up if you just think about how much is left to do! Yes, general spring cleaning is a voluminous task, there can be about fifty to-do items on the list, some of which take a lot of time. When cleaning is in full swing, pay attention not to how many items are left, but to how many you have already done. Recognize that you are well on your way to your quest. In order to see progress, you don't even need to check the list - just watch how everything around you begins to transform. Think only about the good and do the tidying in a great mood.

7. Be realistic

Remember that cleaning is a big project (I have already reminded about this more than once and will remind you again). It is time consuming. And now you are doing general cleaning, although you could be doing something else. But imagine how much satisfaction you get from the work done. Self-pride, joy from the visible result - all this will also certainly be.

8. Take breaks

You are not a machine, you cannot work all day without rest. Plan breaks ahead of time. When the end is in sight, it is easier to work. While waiting for the break, time will fly by faster, and during the break, you can relax and enjoy the sun, fresh air and birdsong. Planning breaks in advance will prevent you from taking them too often and for a long time;)

9. Prepare snacks and meals in advance

You will have to spend a lot of energy on spring cleaning, so it would be nice to have something on hand for a snack (but not fast food! - yoghurts, fruits). It is also better to prepare lunch in advance, in the evening, so that you can simply warm it up when the time comes.

10. Be prepared for congestion

So many things you don't need to do! But don't be discouraged, and try to have fun. Turn on your favorite playlist and start fighting for order in your home! Choose fun, fast-paced music to make your work stand out. You can even include dance moves in the cleaning process for a great aerobic exercise routine!

To make sure you haven't forgotten anything, read the sample and compare it to yours.

Today we'll talk about how general spring cleaning able to transform your apartment. In 2018, the Vernal Equinox Day falls on March 20. This day marks the beginning of a rebirth in nature and we hope - warmer weather. For many people, with the onset of spring, they want a change. The soul begins to demand something new, fresh, clean. Spring is the time when the desire comes to put things in order in their affairs, in the head and to do the cleaning in the apartment. Yes, we are all, to one degree or another, subject to general trends and have heard more than once about spring cleaning... That's why

a few tips for spring cleaning of the apartment will be very useful.

General technology

1. First, in the spring, you need to establish general cleaning, army order, if you like, in things. An apartment should not resemble a house, from any movie - a disaster when the tenants left it in panic. And here's some advice on how to quickly and easily deal with it.

Let's start with the cabinets. Of course, it's hard to part with old skirts and shirts. In spring, we are all sentimental. However, everything remained in the past, and the time has come to do the cleaning, a difficult but correct choice in favor of future well-being. A good way to let go of the past when cleaning in the spring is to select three shelves or three large boxes in the closet before cleaning and label each one of three names: "trash", "give / to the store" and "hide". After that, the prelude to cleaning, i.e. the process of distributing old items to shelves or boxes will become easier. The difference between give / go to store and hide is as follows. Do you plan to wear these clothes again or not. If "no", and the things are still good, give them to those in need or hand them over to "second-hand". Items that you plan to use in the future, put them on the "hide" shelf. This shelf should be easily accessible after cleaning. These clothes should be. always at hand. It has been noticed that cleaning in the spring saves a lot of time and money on shopping. you will find many nice and still fashionable items in your wardrobe.

2. Spring comes the time to clean up warm sweaters and fur coats. It is more convenient to store them in plastic storage containers. But before putting them away "in the back", wash the part of the garment that needs to be washed before cleaning. For example, warm socks or sweaters. And dry thoroughly. Be sure to make sure the storage containers are airtight and prevent moisture from getting inside. Dampness can damage clothing due to the formation of mold, and insect infestations can result in containers that are not sealed. Organize a place to store containers in a cool, dark and clean area of ​​the apartment.

3. Next, you should take care of the apartment itself, i.e. her general cleaning. But first you need to make sure that you have enough cleaning chemicals and all cleaning equipment. Believe me, it is very inconvenient, while cleaning, to quit the process in mid-sentence and go to the local hardware store. It will not be superfluous to buy a few large bags, which are used to dispose of household waste during cleaning after the renovation of an apartment or cottage. They can be useful not only for spring cleaning.

4. Now that the things are cleaned up, household chemicals and cleaning products have been purchased, we proceed to the actual cleaning. General cleaning in spring, however, like any other, must be carried out from above (from the ceiling) from the windows to the exit door. And if your ceiling is in relative order, then the windows are probably pretty dirty by the spring. How to clean windows, you can write another great article, so we will only recall the main points. Wipe off the dust from the cornice and windowsill before washing. Remove curtains, drapes or curtains. Wash the blinds. After that, it is advisable to treat them with an antistatic agent so that dust sticks less in the future. Mosquito nets also need to be removed, treated with soapy water and washed under running water. Then dry them thoroughly before reinstalling. Remember to remove debris and insects between the frames. And useful advice, if you do not have a special rag - microfiber, you can achieve the shine of the windows with the help of ammonia and women's nylon tights. We mix alcohol with water, wipe the already cleaned glass with it, and at the end wipe the windows with tights. Cheap and practical!

5. Next, we remove dust from chandeliers, sconces and other bulbs, which are abundant in every house. This is a somewhat dreary, but simple task. Any hostess can handle this easily. One very important note, before proceeding with the removal of dust from the bulbs, disconnect the power from the electric lamp!

6. As a rule, it is during spring cleaning that we think about washing curtains and / or curtains. Before you start washing them, we recommend that you find the washing labels on them and check the icons placed there. It is possible that some will be labeled dry clean only. In this case, a steam generator can help to eliminate serious contamination. And if you don't have one, contact a special cleaning agency or dry-clean the curtains this spring.

7. We continue to clean the apartment. Now carpet cleaning. Removing dust from carpets and carpets is not difficult at first glance. And if you're not a bum, what could be easier? I took a vacuum cleaner, and you're done! But! Over the years of service, carpets collect so much debris that a household vacuum cannot cope with it. In this case, deep cleaning is required, i.e. special equipment and cleaning agents are required. Of course, everything can be bought or rented, but, in our opinion, it is easier to contact a cleaning company. However, as always, everyone has a choice: to vacuum the carpet yourself or to hand it over to professionals.

Undoubtedly, these are far from all the activities that it is advisable to carry out during the spring cleaning in your house. To cover all the nooks and crannies of the apartment, so that it shines like new in the spring, you need to carry out a real general cleaning. To do this, you need to purchase a lot of cleaning products, cleaning equipment and spend more than one day cleaning in the spring. Not many housewives are ready to go to such financial expenses and such a waste of personal time. But you can always contact a cleaning company. The staff will quickly and professionally clean up your home. And then springtime will really burst into your home! Spring will enter you with a gentle breeze and a fresh scent of primroses!

Alexandra Savina

Spring is associated with us not only with an increase in daylight hours, warming and primroses, but also with traditional spring harvesting. The weather outside the window so far has little resemblance to spring, but for general cleaning, neither a serious reason nor clear calendar dates are needed. It is customary to be skeptical about spring cleaning and the tradition of organizing subbotniks, which has been going on since Soviet times, but general cleaning has many advantages. Let's talk about some of them.

It will become easier to live and breathe

Alas, few of us approach cleaning so responsibly as to wipe the dust in the most inaccessible places on a weekly basis. Everyone knows that dust is harmful to health: for example, dust mites, which feed on dead cells of human skin (of which dust is largely composed), can cause allergies, in particular, in people with asthma. It is impossible to completely and completely rid the house of dirt, but it is entirely within your power to improve the situation. Spring cleaning is a good reason to go beyond weekly mopping and light dusting of surfaces and fight dirt more thoroughly.

Have to get up off the couch

Cleaning will not replace a full-fledged trip to the gym, but it will definitely help to become more active: an hour of intensive work with a mop helps to burn about 150 kilocalories, half an hour with a vacuum cleaner allows you to get rid of an average of 120 kilocalories, and washing windows burns about 160 kilocalories in half an hour. It is worth remembering the recommended daily rate of steps (for an adult it is 10 thousand steps per day): during cleaning, constantly moving from room to room, it will be very easy to complete it.

You can combine business with pleasure

A big plus of cleaning is that, like no other thing, it is easy to combine with other activities. While you are doing household chores, you can listen to voraciously several episodes of interesting things, a TED lecture, an audiobook that you just couldn't find time for, a couple of fresh music albums, or watch several episodes of your favorite TV series (of course, provided that you you will not be very distracted by the video - it is impossible to wipe the dust or vacuum without looking). The Internet is replete with motivating and invigorating cleaning playlists for every taste - all that remains is to turn on the music louder.

Develop concentration

For those who do not like doing household chores with music, cleaning has its advantages. Monotonous actions - shifting things in the closet, washing the floors, or cleaning the refrigerator, for example - help you focus and think hard about problems or work tasks, plan your time or analyze the events of the past week. The ability to distract yourself for at least a short time and disconnect from the endless information flow is a big plus of cleaning in silence.

Free up space (for new things)

The first and most obvious step to take when disassembling wardrobes during general cleaning is to get rid of all the things that you have not worn for at least a year and will hardly ever wear them at all. This will help free up space (including for new things), and free hangers will finally appear in the closet. By disassembling cabinets and shelves, you can find things that you thought were lost for a long time - even if they are no longer needed, it is still a pleasure. Unclaimed things should be neatly folded and not put deep in the closet or on the mezzanine - give them to those in need or to your friends as soon as possible.

Earn or help those in need

Getting rid of unnecessary things is an indispensable element of general cleaning. There are several ways to deal with them, and first you need to assess the state of unnecessary things. If the clothes are in good condition, they can be donated to charity, given to friends, or sold through social networks or special services. Things that have outlived their time can be recycled with a clear conscience; collection points for unwanted clothes are periodically organized by many brands, in particular, the giant of the mass market H&M. Whatever you do with unnecessary things, giving them away will make you feel better.

Reduce stress levels

It is unpleasant to enter a dirty and cluttered room, even if you do not give yourself a report and do not understand why you often prefer to spend your evenings in a cafe, and only come home to spend the night. According to a study conducted several years ago, women who felt they had a mess at home were more likely to feel overwhelmed during the day and had a harder time getting home from work.

Cleaning can help reduce the stress levels caused by clutter. Research shows that a repetitive activity like washing dishes can help you calm down - as long as you are fully focused on the process. Findings from another small study suggest that we tend to eat more in messy kitchens and stressful environments - another reason to finally get our fridge and cupboards tidy.

Strengthen the relationship

Spring cleaning doesn't have to be done on your own - it's a good occasion to chat with your partner, friends, or family and work on a common goal together. In addition, loved ones can help you gather your courage and finally part with clothes and things that are dear to your heart, but objectively no longer needed.

Scientific evidence also suggests that household chores should be done with a partner: studies show that heterosexual couples, in which the man devotes more time to household chores, are less likely to divorce, while fathers who share household chores with their wives equally are less likely to divorce. daughters grow up more ambitious.

Make a small revolution

General cleaning is akin to a small renovation: it does not bring radical changes, but it helps to look at a well-known space in a new way. You can make a small rearrangement, move the furniture, and also change the annoying covers on the pillows, armchairs and sofa for new ones. In addition, spring cleaning is a good reason to think about how to organize the space and storage of things in a new way in order to save space in the apartment. Fortunately, there are a lot of ideas on how to do this.

And in the end, bring at least something
in order

The end of a long cleaning is always satisfying. A clean apartment or room inspires to put things in order in other areas: it is more pleasant to work at a clean table, and after hours of cleaning tasks and tasks are much less frightening. Scientists have also found that working in a clean and tidy environment makes us more productive. The experiment showed that in a clean room, people are more likely to do what is expected of them - choose healthier food and agree to participate in a charity program. Solid pluses.

March is coming, which means a big spring harvest is just around the corner! For those who want to put the perfect order and enjoy the radiant cleanliness and fresh air of the house, we have compiled a list of things and places that must not be forgotten to clean.

1. Door handles (and around)

There are three dirty zones on the doors in the area of ​​the handle. Firstly, the handles themselves, on which, in addition to the shiny parts that were polished with our fingers, there are also accumulations of dirt and dust. Secondly, the surface of the door is around. Thirdly, the part of the door that we grab when we close or open it. Go into the bathroom or bedroom now and notice how you close the door behind you: most likely, you grab it above the handle.

2. Switches

The same as with the door handles: the center has been polished by our touches, but dirt has accumulated around the edges, dust is on the top end, and the wall around is pretty smeared. Be aware of electricity when wiping the switches and do not use an overly wet cloth.

3. Doors

Not only doorknobs, but doors in general need attention. Dust accumulates on the edge of the platbands, baguette elements and on the upper end of the door itself. Just a damp cloth is not enough here, you will need another brush to scrub the dirt and dust from the corners.

4. Fixtures

Floor lamps, wall lamps, work lamps and ceiling lamps all need your attention, and the latter especially. It's not so easy to get to the chandeliers, but at least once every six months it must be done: dust accumulates on them, which then scatters around the house again, and if the shades are transparent, it also noticeably dims the light.

5. Trash can

You take out the trash regularly, but how often do you wash the bucket itself and the place where it stands? Yes, this is a terribly unpleasant activity, but without this, real cleanliness and the smell of freshness cannot be achieved at home. So take the bucket to the bathroom and clean it with a brush and an antibacterial agent.

6. Sofa

Once, in a rented apartment, I ran my hand between the sofa cushions and, together with the invisibility that rolled there, pulled out several coins, tweezers and an elastic hair band. Naturally, besides this, there was also a bunch of dust and crumbs. So even if you can't remove the pillows from your sofa, there is no reason not to vacuum it at least once a year. Take the narrow nozzle and go.

7. Curtains

Curtains pick up dust and absorb odors just as well as anything else in the house, so you need to wash them from time to time. If you buy curtains made of intricate fabric, take a picture of the washing instructions as a keepsake.

8. Paintings and posters

It is better to dust off the paintings, posters and framed photos hanging on the wall during each cleaning, and during the general cleaning you can wipe not only the frame, but also the glass.

9. Teapot and kettle

Don't forget the teapot and teapot. Wash the first one from dirty splashes and dust from the outside, and the second one to get rid of plaque inside. A French press will require attention to a strainer, a classic teapot to a spout. In any case, remember that baking soda is the best cleaning agent: it does an excellent job of removing plaque and leaves no odors.

10. Batteries

Heating radiators, with all their curves and irregularities, is not easy to clean, especially in winter when they are hot. So you don't have to include them in the pre-spring cleaning plan, but remember them as soon as the heating is turned off.

11. Intercom

Another thing that successfully hides from our attention. The dust from the tube can be wiped off with a regular cloth, but in general it is more convenient to clean it from dirt with special wipes for electronics.

12. Computer mouse

If you often work at home at a computer, do not forget to clean not only the keyboard and monitor, but also the mouse from time to time: we take it up every day, and not always with perfectly clean hands, especially if we are used to eating in front of the monitor.

13. Washing machine

Clean the outside, paying attention to the side panels, buttons and door glass. At the same time, run the drum cleaning mode so that the inside of the washing machine is perfectly clean.

Cleaning an apartment or house is a necessity that every housewife faces. Where to start and how to properly carry out spring cleaning so that the time and effort is minimal, and the result is amazing?

Features of general cleaning of an apartment or house

General cleaning is a large-scale event. It involves a complete cleaning of the home from accumulated dust and dirt, removing stains, washing glass, cleaning carpets, etc. Depending on the time of cleaning, the cleaning is different:

  • periodic;
  • seasonal (organized twice a year - in spring and autumn);
  • postrepair.

Seasonal spring general cleaning involves washing windows, changing curtains and installing mosquito nets. Autumn general cleaning is distinguished by insulation of window openings, basements, washing of heating radiators, cleaning of ventilation systems. The main thing in general cleaning after renovation is the thorough removal of construction dust and dirt remaining in the field of work.

Each type of cleaning has its own implementation technology, which includes the following steps:

  1. Removing dirt from all hard-to-reach places.
  2. Cleaning of upholstered furniture and carpets.
  3. Washing of mirrors and windows.
  4. Washing curtains, curtains and tablecloths.
  5. Cleaning of ceilings, walls and floors.

Where to start: inventory, supplies, and a positive attitude

For a competent organization of cleaning and getting a quick result, prepare the necessary equipment and cleaning products in advance. The procedure for cleaning the premises is most often the following:

  1. Cleaning of living rooms.
  2. Tidying up the kitchen and common areas (bathrooms, hallways, storage rooms and terraces).

This procedure is not accidental: the hostess uses the bathroom and toilet during the entire process, changing the water and throwing out the garbage. If you clean the bathroom at the very beginning, it may lose its cleanliness by the end of the general cleaning of the home.

A positive attitude plays a significant role in preparation. Start cleaning only in a good mood, then the result will surely please you.

Getting in the mood for cleaning: the 20 minute principle - video

Each type of surface requires a different cleaner, which can be liquid, powder or paste. Aerosols and liquid sprays are used to clean glass and mirrors. Air fresheners are the final touch to cleanliness and comfort.

An important assistant in house cleaning is a vacuum cleaner, which has a set of attachments for different bases in the kit.

The washing vacuum cleaner makes it easier to clean upholstered furniture and carpets.

Also, for general cleaning, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • mop;
  • broom;
  • panicle;
  • rags;
  • paper towels;
  • bucket;
  • rubber gloves;
  • scoop;
  • microfiber napkins;
  • dust removal brooms;
  • brushes and brushes for cleaning plumbing;
  • other devices at the request of the performer.

Modern housewives often use steam cleaners to clean surfaces. These are new devices that perform steam treatment of any surface. In this way, you can clean tiles, windows, mirrors, furniture and even iron your linen.

Cleaning the bathroom with a steam cleaner - video

How and how to properly wash different surfaces in the room and kitchen

For general cleaning, different means are needed: cleaning, washing, polishing, etc. As part of general cleaning of the bathroom, many housewives start the “idle” mode of automatic washing machines. The purpose of the procedure is to cleanse the insides of scale and dirt.

Glass surfaces and mirrors are best cleaned with formulations designed specifically for this purpose. It is also recommended to clean floors with the addition of specialized solutions, and their choice is based on the type of surface to be cleaned.

Read the instructions for use carefully before using any detergent.

Products designed to eliminate fat are indispensable helpers in cleaning the kitchen. These include gas stove, oven and microwave cleaners, powders and pastes. They can be used to clean tiles, metal and glass surfaces.

Many housewives use available tools during general cleaning. These are old, time-tested recipes based on soda, ammonia, lemon juice, vinegar, mustard powder, hydrogen peroxide, etc.

  1. It is better to clean glass surfaces with a napkin soaked in the following composition: 2 tbsp. l. vinegar in 1 liter of water.
  2. Dirt from old mirrors is well removed by a microfiber cloth moistened with vodka.
  3. Scratches on dark furniture are treated with a cloth soaked in iodine solution (5-10 drops per 1 liter of water), and cracks in the wood are well masked by beeswax.
  4. Polished surfaces perfectly clean milk.
  5. Salt or baking soda, generously scattered over the carpet, collects all dust and dirt. The funds are left for half an hour, then the surface is vacuumed.

Methods for cleaning with improvised means have been known for a long time and successfully cope with their task to this day.

DIY spring cleaning assistants - gallery

Vinegar diluted with water cleans glass surfaces well Mirrors, rubbed with vodka, become clean and shiny Milk is suitable for cleaning polished furniture Iodine solution masks scratches on dark furniture Use coarse salt to clean the carpet.

Step-by-step general cleaning of bathrooms

The intensity of the use of the toilet and bathroom is several times higher than that of other rooms. Cleaning here requires a special approach and is carried out in the following sequence:

  • garbage collection;
  • dust removal from all surfaces;
  • wet sponge cleaning of ceramic tiles, panels, painted walls;
  • wiping lockers;
  • washing doors and slopes;
  • cleaning mirrors;
  • rubbing shiny plumbing fittings (taps, mixers, shower heads, etc.) with special pastes or tooth powder;
  • cleaning plumbing and shower cabins;
  • wet cleaning of floors;
  • washing of rugs, curtains, bathrobes and slippers.

You can remove limescale from plumbing products with chemicals or soda. In addition to baking soda, soda ash is suitable for this purpose. Many compositions for cleaning bathtubs and shower cabins have the same principle of action: applied to the surface to be cleaned, the agent is left for 20-30 minutes, after which it is washed off with a sponge and water.

Bathroom Cleanliness: A Step-by-Step Guide - Video

General cleaning plan after renovation work

Self-service general cleaning of premises after current or major repairs is a painstaking, responsible occupation that requires a lot of time and effort. In addition to cleaning debris and dust, you will have to deal with stains from paint, cement, glue and other materials.

How to properly carry out post-repair cleaning of a house or apartment:

  1. Waste collection (including construction waste) in large bags.
  2. Removal of dust from all surfaces (walls, ceiling and floor).
  3. Washing window and doorways.
  4. Cleaning of plumbing fixtures and fittings (handles, taps, pipes, etc.)
  5. Damp cleaning of surfaces free from dust and stains.

When picking up rubbish, use cotton gloves with rubberized palms and fingers. This will protect your hands from accidental cuts and splinters. The choice of footwear should also be based on safety requirements. Household slippers will not work in this case; the sole of the shoe must be strong and thick enough.

Cleaning surfaces is an equally important stage in general cleaning after renovation work. Construction dust is perfectly collected with an industrial vacuum cleaner equipped with different attachments. Cured paint from ceramics, linoleum and plumbing can be wiped off with a cloth dipped in kerosene. Remains of glue from the scotch tape are well wiped off with vegetable oil or White Spirit solution.

Cleaning tiles after renovation

It is on ceramics that builders and finishers most often leave the "results" of their labor - frozen drops of cement mortar, poorly distributed grout, etc. Dried grout is not easy to remove from tiles. Experts recommend using a sharpened chisel or a knife with a thin sharp blade for these purposes. Care must be taken when removing stains to avoid damaging the finish.

Spots of hardened lime are well cleaned with vegetable oil or vinegar 9% solution. After processing, the surface must be washed with a cloth soaked in soapy water.

After repair, tiles can be cleaned with a special ceramic foam. The composition perfectly copes with the remains of putty, tile adhesive and silicone-based sealant.

Any cleaning procedure with tiled surfaces should be performed only after removing dust and debris from them.

When wet cleaning plastic surfaces and doors, do not use scouring powders with abrasive particles that leave scratches on the surface. As part of the general cleaning, plumbing products are necessarily disinfected, eliminating pathogenic microbes and bacteria, thoroughly wiping pipes and all fittings in public places.

The final chord of the general post-repair cleaning is wiping the floor surfaces throughout the house with a slightly damp cloth. At the end of cleaning, it is advisable to ventilate all rooms in order to get rid of the smell of household chemicals and disinfectants.

Traditional general cleaning of the home

The scale of general cleaning of a one-room apartment differs from the same manipulations in a large private house. The hostess may lose heart from the huge volume of work to be done, but you should not despair. The main thing is to draw up a cleaning plan, which greatly simplifies the process.

Any dwelling, regardless of its size, is cleaned in the following order:

  • bedroom;
  • living room;
  • kitchen;
  • bathroom;
  • hallway.

Rooms are cleaned according to the following principle: everything unnecessary - in a trash bag in the middle of the room, everything you need - in its place. Then you can move on to washing windows and doors. After that, upholstered furniture and carpets are cleaned. The next step is getting rid of dust.

Cleaning the kitchen begins by sweeping the cobwebs off the corners and ceiling. The surfaces are cleaned from top to bottom: first, the hanging cabinets are washed, then the apron with the table top and, finally, the modules of the lower tier. Bathroom cleaning also covers all surfaces: walls, ceiling, floors, doors. Hanging cabinets are carefully wiped with a damp cloth and soapy water. Final general cleaning of living rooms - wet cleaning of the floor.

Fast and high-quality spring cleaning: tricks and tips

There are many tips on how to save time and make cleaning a pleasure. Below are secrets to simplify not only cleaning your home, but also many daily household chores:

  • for express cleaning of a mattress or sofa, spray vodka on its surface, then collect dust with a napkin;
  • Clean the microwave with lemon and water. It is an affordable tool with no additional cost. Cut the lemon in half and place in a saucepan filled with water (water should cover at least 50% of the lemon halves). From the moment of boiling, wait 1.5-2 minutes and turn off the stove. Wait 1 minute more and remove the dirt with a napkin;
  • dry wet shoes or boots by stuffing crumpled newspapers from the inside. As the paper swells, change it to dry;
  • to pick up wool from the carpet in a short time, use a rubber spatula or a telescopic glass mop instead of a brush;
  • You can clean the blender in a few seconds - just fill it with water, put a few drops of dishwashing liquid in it and turn on the mixing mode for 15 seconds. The composition poured into the bowl will wash the device from the inside by itself;
  • White rice will help you to remove the unpleasant musty smell from the coffee grinder. It needs to be grinded for 2-3 minutes, and the smell will disappear;
  • so that carbon deposits and dirt on the walls of the oven go away without problems, place a can of ammonia inside overnight. In the morning, wipe the walls of the oven with a damp cloth;
  • you can clean the shower head from limescale with a plastic bag with vinegar. Pour vinegar into a bag, place on a watering can, secure with an elastic band and leave overnight. In the morning, plaque is easily cleaned with an iron brush or knife;
  • to remove the blockage in the pipes, use 4 tablets of the drug "Alka-Seltzer" and 1 glass of 9% vinegar. Pour the solution into the drain, leave for 10 minutes and rinse with hot water, the blockage will disappear;
  • the surface of the bath cleans well the grapefruit. Dip half of it in coarse salt and wipe the surface. This method guarantees not only purity, but also an amazing citrus aroma;
  • Use baking soda paste to remove vomit and urine residues from carpets and upholstered furniture. Dilute it with a little water, put it on top of the problem area and leave it to dry completely, then vacuum the surface.

Marie Kondo's cleaning method

An important step in any general cleaning is the disposal of unnecessary items. Dishes with chips, worn out towels, torn bags, unpaired socks, empty tubes of cosmetics - all this "good" is a place in a landfill.

Clothes, shoes and books that are no longer needed and relevant can be donated to a charity center.

The KonMari system, developed by the Japanese woman Marie Kondo, has become a fashionable way to restore order in the house. The author of the technique gives things mystical symbolism, assuring that a person's bad or good memories arise after visual contact with a particular piece of interior.

The Japanese-style general cleaning algorithm is divided into 2 stages:

  1. Getting rid of things that do not bring joy.
  2. Distribution of other things in the freed up space.

For all its seeming simplicity, the method works and has found many followers in Russia. KonMari cleaning is not divided into separate rooms, but into categories:

  • clothes;
  • Books and magazines;
  • documentation;
  • Other.

The principle of sorting is simple: the thing causes joy - we leave it, no - we throw it away. When all unnecessary things are sent to the landfill, Marie offers to distribute the remaining things for storage. The way things are arranged vertically may seem unusual to many at first, but then they assess the degree of convenience. The magic of Japanese cleaning brings harmony and more order to family life.

How to clean using the Marie Kondo system - video

When we lived in a one-room apartment, we also scrubbed the floors and rubbed dust every day) you won't wash three rooms)) the vacuum cleaner helps a lot! Especially when the child starts throwing crumbs)) we have a cat at home, we forgot what the puffs of wool in the corners are. And in general, the house is clean, I walk barefoot and nothing sticks to my feet) only the sand in the hallway does not collect very much. Climbs under the kitchen set! The only thing is that not all corners will pass, you cannot do without a simple vacuum cleaner. Therefore, the so-called general cleaning on Saturday takes us an hour and a half) I'm a maniac for cleanliness in the closets and make sure that nothing is scattered. So I don't know what all day cleaning is)



It takes me 15 minutes a day to clean. I clean one thing every day. In connection with this approach, general cleaning is not particularly required. On weekends I go out of town, we have a house there. I clean up there every other time - but even though the house is large, cleaning takes me a maximum of an hour. Of course, I don't wash everything until it squeaks, I'm not a professional cleaner, but still everything is clean - both in the apartment and in the house.


I clean once a week stably: 1) sorting things out and putting them in places, 2) wet cleaning with a cloth from dust - all horizontal surfaces and equipment, 3) a vacuum cleaner throughout the apartment, 4) wash the floors in the kitchen, bath, toilet, 5) wash the parrot's cage, 6) wash the toilet, 7) wash the bath. The apartment is two-room, there is a long-haired cat (in the spring from molting you can hang yourself!) And a parrot. The above cleaning with a shower after it takes about 1 hour and 20 minutes. I get out alone. I will separately make a reservation about cleaning the kitchen - I wipe after each cooking, everything that gets dirty in the process. General cleaning - with funds, with wiping all cabinets and washing the hood, washing the shelves behind glass with dishes - about once every 2 months and several hours. I’m missing more often. And 4 hours for cleaning is when I wipe all soft toys from dust, rub mirrors (with a total area of ​​6 square meters) and plus everything that I described above (without a kitchen). Well, it's about once every 2 months. Somehow I arranged a general cleaning of the whole apartment - i.e. soap, rubbed, cleaned up EVERYTHING. More than 10 hours. Very hard.



I do not do general cleaning (in the sense in which it was, for example, for my mother). I just disassemble and wipe (and throw away) some regular cabinet or shelf according to my mood. Or mine very carefully in some corner, with the furniture being pushed aside. My windows often (I have 9), the floor - every day, every day a vacuum cleaner, every day a stove, plumbing (I make no exceptions to this).



The correct organization of spring cleaning is half the success of this event. Using the tips and secrets listed above, the hostess will be able to put things in order in her house without unnecessary costs and efforts.