Hair in dark brown shades

Brown hair is suitable for almost any girl, making it the most versatile. Owners of this hair color can be called refined and noble, soft and rich. They are truly eye-catching.

Light brown hair color photo

Natural chestnut color is more common among Caucasians. Women with this hair color attract a lot of attention. They, as a rule, are executive, balanced, sociable, self-sufficient and responsible, while they have a rather soft and cheerful character.

How to choose your own chestnut shade?
The fashion for natural and natural tones has pushed the fashion towards a coffee tone with different tints depending on the lighting. This color looks spectacular on women of any age, highlighting their beauty and style. But do not forget to approach each color individually, avoid sharp contrast and transition between hair and skin tone.

Different tones of chestnut can be seen in the stars, for example, Michelle Monaghan, Scarlett Johansson and Leighton Meester can be called representatives of light tones, and Kim Kardashian, Serena Williams, Ozhrina Partridge and Misha Barton can be called representatives of dark tones.

All people have a certain division into color types, that is, a division into types of appearance, determined by the color of skin, hair, eyes, and so on. For girls of the summer color type, light pink or grayish-beige skin tones and gray or gray-blue eyes are characteristic. Shades with ash tints are well suited for such girls. For the spring color type, light blue, light brown, amber and green eyes are more characteristic, however, as well as for the autumn color type. In terms of hair color, both types can be combined and it is safe to say that they are very rich golden shades.

Video of a single fashion show of models with brown hair

Winter beauties by type can be divided into two groups: contrasting and not, the former is characterized by very light skin, and the latter, on the contrary, is dark, but both groups converge in one - dark hair color. Therefore, it is better for the winter color type to choose dark chestnut tones.

For fair-skinned ladies, shades of ripe cherry will add elegance and aristocracy, and for girls with an olive skin tone, nut tones are well suited. Golden and honey shades are suitable for dark-skinned women. But for fair-skinned and brown-eyed representatives of the beautiful sex, the ideal combination would be an intermediate tone between red and dark brown, this is a copper-chestnut shade.

Let's take a closer look at the colors. Light chestnut shades:
light nut
light honey
A deep red glow will give your curls the following colors:
Red tree
frosty chestnut - the shade has become very fond of girls lately for its depth and saturation
Dark chestnut shades:
graphite - is gaining popularity in recent years more and more due to the bright notes of dark chocolate, loved by many.

In order for the desired shade to be obtained during painting, a number of rules must be observed:
1. The shade you are striving for should not differ from the existing hair color by more than two tones.

2. Blondes need to choose a paint one shade darker so that the color does not appear transparent the first time it is dyed.

3. To tint natural dark hair, you must first wash it off (this stage is called pickling), then dye your hair with paint two tones lighter than the shade you need.

Red hair is quite easy to dye brown, but it will take three months for blondes to give a rich and deep brown or any other dark shade.

Girls with natural light hair can also be dyed in light brown on their own, and for dark-haired, on the contrary, it is better not to experiment at home and turn to professionals to get light brown shades.

Dark brown hair color photo

For any hair color, it is quite easy to achieve a golden hue.

For a vibrant, long-lasting color, use a color-treated hair care product.

For many ladies, brown hair color is given by nature, but there are many who incredibly want to become a brown-haired woman. For a long time, the chestnut color has been at the height of fashion: ladies of different ages are painted in it, and there are now many possible shades for this procedure.

Who is brown hair color suitable for?

A stylish color that will suit absolutely any woman is chestnut. Its rich palette will not leave indifferent even a young girl, even an elderly lady - there is a suitable shade for everyone. But for its selection, it is necessary to take into account natural data:

  • iris color;
  • skin tone;
  • the presence of age spots, freckles, moles on the face.

To get a slip with a touch, you can use the tips of the stylists:

  • warm tones of chestnut (red, copper tints) will suit the face of brown-eyed beauties with skin of any color;
  • cold (ash tints, frosty chestnut, chocolate) will be combined with blue and gray eyes, the preferred skin color is pale, without signs of sunburn;
  • olive skin or dark skin will be great combined with light chestnut tones, it is advisable to choose options with golden, honey tint, caramel shades;
  • pale skin will be in harmony with chestnut color without additional "notes" in the form of reddish or yellowish reflections;
  • a face decorated with freckles of varying intensity will look great framed by a sunny chestnut-colored hairstyle, or similar shades with a hint of a slight yellowness or reddish tone.

Dark brown tones are still able to visually hide damaged curls, giving them a healthy shine, so this color is ideal for blondes who have mercilessly lightened their hair for a long time and decided to radically change the color.

And who does not suit?

In fact, there are no categories of women who, for whatever reason, do not like the brown color. It is really possible to pick up the “wrong” shade, but this does not apply to the color as a whole.

Possible reasons why chestnut is not suitable may lie in the intensity of the color of the eyelashes and eyebrows. For example, if dark chestnut tones are chosen, and the eyebrows have long been burned out in the sun or are barely visible, then such a tandem of accents is unlikely to look beneficial. Therefore, it is recommended to "go" to the brown-haired hair complex, paying attention not only to the color of the hair, but also to the eyebrows and eyelashes.

Examples of shades from a photo

The palette of chestnut colors is considered the widest among representatives of other hair colors. Therefore, choosing the most suitable one, where the difference is calculated in a quarter tone, is rather difficult. The most common tones tend to be honey, caramel, reddish, as well as cold ash, chocolate and coffee.

Dark brown

An excellent shade that will adorn the hair of both a young lady and a gray-haired lady. Suitable for persons with any color type, it favorably emphasizes sophisticated facial features. Perfectly copes with signs of gray hair of varying degrees of intensity, emphasizes the natural beauty of the hair.

Ash chestnut

The representative of the cold color scheme will be an excellent addition to the image with gray or heavenly eyes, fair skin. Also popular in the fight against gray hair. It can be a good base before painting in modern techniques like shatush or balayazh. Against the background of ash chestnut, it is successful to create a coloring effect by adding strands with a color "aftertaste" in the form of golden, reddish tints.

Light chestnut

A good option for all owners of skin with a shade similar to olive. Swarthy and tanned ladies, he will also come to face. For solving the problem of gray hair, such a shade is not particularly suitable, since such pigments will not linger for a long time in loose and porous hairs.

Golden chestnut

Mischievous freckles will not become a burden if you refine them with golden chestnut on your hair. A good shade for women who have not yet reached middle age. Although for especially bold and determined ladies this color will become risky, but at the same time a successful experiment. You can have any color type in order to decide on the step of dyeing curls in this tone.

With a copper or red sheen

A very warm and cozy color - chestnut with a natural sheen of copper or red. It goes well with a variety of looks for women of all ages. But it is still preferable to use this tone if there are pigmented areas on the skin or freckles. So you can get a balanced image and not be afraid of dissonance. With gray hair, the shade copes well.

Frosty chestnut

This shade can be found among natural dark blond tones. But if you darken it at least half a tone, you get a shade - frosty chestnut. It looks very natural, without a hint of artificial production by staining. Able to hide gray hair, give freshness to the face, emphasize cheekbones. The cold shade of the eye will only complement the harmony of the image.

Dark caramel

A soft and warm shade that will add radiance to the face, looks great in tandem with warm eye shades. Ladies of different ages and any facial features are suitable. Having made this shade the main one, it will be effective to add another shade for coloring in the ombre or shatush style. It is convenient to switch to dark caramel if the original color is close to golden blond or reddish light brown. Curls or light curls will add special charm to the final hairstyle.

Chocolate chestnut

A rich shade of chocolate and chestnut tones can create different color effects when using the sombre and shatush technique. By deviating from the main color in several tones, you can get a result close to natural. Ideal for painting gray hair, since pigments of this shade are able to stay in gray hairs for the longest time. The color type can be any to get a successful staining result. Looks rich on straight strands and light uniform curls.

Walnut chestnut

A slightly lightened chestnut tone is obtained by adding hints of nutty to it. Both the main color of the dyeing and an addition to the coloring of the ends (sombre) can be used. Looks great on short haircuts for women of different ages. It is recommended to dye your hair hazelnut brown if the roots grow back light. Choosing this color will temporarily hide the difference between natural and tinted.

Chestnut blond

A good choice for those who want to look natural and stylish at the same time. Ladies of all ages will look fresh and elegant. Haircut style doesn't matter. A chestnut color similar to light brown is an excellent choice for both dark-skinned women and owners of fair skin, as it has a brown natural overflow.

Red chestnut

As a variation on chestnut, this color will suit older women. Young beauties do not need it. A mixture of chestnut and ruby ​​red to hide gray hair, while refreshing the complexion. After dyeing, even the disturbed structure of the curls does not give the effect of damaged hair, but on the contrary gives them vitality.

Chestnut red

Another option for those who have the manifestation of freckles directly depends on the activity of the sun. Dyeing your hair in this color is more than logical in order to balance the accents in the image. Also, chestnut-red will not let women down at the age of 30+. The color will refresh the face and visually "throw off" for several years. The color type of a woman can be anything.

Gray chestnut

A calm cool shade of chestnut is a trend for several past seasons. Now it is at the peak of its popularity, so you can choose it for two reasons:

  1. goes well with any color type;
  2. makes the hairstyle trendy and the wearer stylish.

But ladies who are at the peak of the average age (about 40-45 years old) should be careful about this color. Due to its similarity with dark shades of gray hair, gray-chestnut may not play into the hands of a woman and make her look older.

Choosing the right shade: an overview of paints and balms

Having decided on your color type and shades suitable for it, you should not immediately resort to home staining. If the original color is far from chestnut, some nuances may appear during staining. They are associated with the structure of the hair, hormonal characteristics, the persistence of its own pigment in the hair. To obtain a satisfactory result, it is better to use proven paints and tint balms to avoid color embarrassment.


Recently, this brand has significantly improved the formula of the product, so choosing a paint from Garnier of the Color Natural line, you can count on a good result. But on previously bleached hair with serious damage, the chestnut pigment can be washed off in a couple of weeks, therefore, at first, coloring with Garnier should be carried out at least 1 time per month with the choice of a shade that is 1 tone darker than the desired one.

It contains olive oil, which nourishes the hair. But additional care measures after staining with natural oils will not hurt.


Professional dye is able to stay on hair with different structure. For example, choosing a shade according to the type of dark chestnut, you get the natural chestnut color of the curls. Additional care in the form of special shampoos will shed the coloring effect and the hair will not lose its beauty.

In addition to paints, Estelle has a line of tint balms and shampoos. They can maintain the brightness of the color, if you choose the right tone, or tint your natural hair color. But for this, the original shade should not differ from the desired one by more than 1 tone.


The popular Schwarzkopf paint has several lines that are designed using natural or artificial colors. Quite a durable option when compared with paints in this price segment. But it has one peculiarity: if it is applied to damaged hair, then the pigment after several shampooing procedures can "shed", leaving incomprehensible green or purple shades.


A budget option for those who wish to dye their hair auburn color effectively and without unnecessary worries. Despite its cost, the product is quite high quality, and the pigment has good durability. The smell from the paint, of course, is not attractive, but you can tolerate it.

Vella has a line of special tint balms that can add color to both dyed and natural hair.


A very popular option for women who decide to get rid of gray hair with the help of a chestnut shade. The Londakolor series perfectly paints it over and stays on the hair for a long time, thanks to the persistent pigment and "vigorous" ammonia composition.

Brown hair looks very pretty. However, how to choose the right "your" shade? Is it possible to achieve an excellent result at home?

Stylists say that dyeing your hair deep brown with various tints of chestnut will work at home, it is enough not to skimp on the quality of the dye and carefully read its instructions, especially the part where the initial and final results are compared.

Every woman wants to be stylish and irresistible. How many subtleties and nuances she should know about her own appearance in order to use all its possibilities in the best way! Sometimes, only after trying hundreds of tricks, beauties acquire true beauty and self-confidence. Wanting to help those who are in search of interesting ideas for improving the image, today we will dwell in a little more detail on such a topic as hair dyeing, discussing the possibilities and riches of color - chestnut.

Who does brown hair suit and who doesn't?

Noble stylish color with a rich palette leaves no woman indifferent. It suits both young girls and older ladies. To find the right shade, you should consider:

  • color of the skin;
  • tint of the iris of the eyes;
  • the presence of moles and freckles on the face.

Dark tones visually hide damaged curls and saturate them with a healthy shine. Light chestnut, on the contrary, will emphasize all the imperfections of the hair, their fragility, dull color.

A chestnut shade can not suit a woman only when the color of the eyebrows and eyelashes is very different from the curls. If the eyebrows and eyelashes are burnt out in the sun, and the hair is dyed a rich brown, the image will look ridiculous.

Popular chestnut shades

  • dark chestnut - will perfectly decorate the image of a young girl and a wise old lady. It suits women of any color type and emphasizes the dignity of appearance;
  • golden chestnut - will emphasize youth and youth. Ideal for girls up to 35 years old.
  • ash chestnut is a great option for combating gray hair. Looks perfect in combination with gray and blue eyes;
  • with a copper tint - the noble shine of copper can be combined with any outfit, but it is best suited for women with freckles and pigmentation on the face.

Having achieved the desired result, all that remains is to properly care for your hair in order to maintain the strength of color pigments and the healthy shine of the curls.

Several rules for the care of hair color "chestnut"

Do you want your hair to look well-groomed and healthy? Follow our advice!

  1. Use only mild detergents for washing and care - shampoos and conditioners recommended for your hair type (dry, normal, oily, combined). In this case, the depth and radiance of the chestnut will be guaranteed.
  2. Long-term exposure to sunlight depletes hair. Chestnut color, like no other, fades under ultraviolet light. On a sunny summer, chestnut brunettes are highly recommended to wear hats, walk under an umbrella, and be in the shade if possible.
  3. Light chestnut shades change their tone when exposed to chlorinated water. You should "acidify" the final rinse water by adding a few drops of lemon juice or an aspirin tablet.
  4. For dry chestnut-colored hair, masks with oils of olive, amaranth, apricot and almond oils will be very useful. Massage the oils into the scalp.

By remembering and following these simple rules, you will look no worse than famous celebrities who most often choose aristocratic chestnut tones.

Brown hair. Successful and unsuccessful experiments of the stars

The blonde Reese Witherspoon, habitual in most films, dyed her hair in brown tones. She chose not the lightest of chestnuts, which made her a couple of years old and gave her an earthy complexion. From this it follows that girls with the "spring" color type should be careful with this color, preferring cold rather than warm shades of chestnut.

Dakota Johnson (color type "summer") for the last two years "wears" dark brown hair with a slightly copper tint. Her fair skin and bluish gray eyes are beautifully set off as delicate as china.

Over the years, the beautiful autumn actress, J. Roberts, has given her locks now dark, now light chestnut tones, periodically adding a touch of variety to the image, a carefully thought-out ombre with light tips and a darker top. We find her examples to be successful and worthy of emulation.

Cindy Crawford, with her pronounced winter color type, often chooses brown hair color, which looks spectacular with both ombre and highlights.

British top model Cara Delevingne often appears in front of us in light brown hair, delighting her fans with either well-groomed straight curls, sometimes braided braids or loose knots.

Model and TV star Vanessa Incontrada made the right choice by opting for a light chestnut-copper shade that matches her bright dark brown eyes surprisingly well.

Drew Barrymore often chooses chestnut, transforming his natural light brown into a light chestnut, making highlights or blonding. As a result, such curls are successfully combined with the tone of her fair skin and gray eyes with reddishness.

The beautiful image of Indian film actress Frida Pinto, who gave her dark hair a golden brown tint, is perceived as something natural and unique. That's what it means to skillfully choose a tone!

American dancer, singer and producer Nicole Scherzinger looks great, and a lot of the secret is that she opts for a basic reddish-brown color with alternating slightly lighter strands.

American actress, model, and clothing designer Lindsay Lohan was highly acclaimed by fashion critics when she appeared in public with brown hair.

Rihanna, who looks great with all the colors she chooses, was most liked by fans when her hair was brown with a bright sheen of red.

Actress and public figure Eva Longoria, being a burning brunette, did highlighting, giving the strands a light chestnut color.

We will not list all the Hollywood stars and their chosen shades. We have outlined the main ideas with chestnut, now the choice is yours!

Brown hair. Nuances

Let's summarize.

  1. Olive skin tone "asks" for warm chestnut tones with rich reflections of gold or bronze.
  2. Light-eyed blondes should choose cool, medium chestnut tones.
  3. All shades will suit fair skinned beauties with gray, blue and green eyes.
  4. If you have an indefinitely light blond hair color, hurry up to shade it with a fashionable saturated color, and your appearance will immediately attract attention.
  5. If blondes or light-haired girls have chosen medium or dark chestnut, do not forget to make makeup brighter, while the eyebrows and lips should be wider and thicker. At the same time, the face will become younger and more expressive.
  6. The darker tone you choose, the more attention will have to be paid to the condition of the skin and the choice of foundation. Therefore, the younger the girl, the darker hair color she can choose, and vice versa.
  7. The chocolate shade of chestnut goes well with almost everyone.
  8. Red combined with chestnut gives a strong image of a confident lady.
  9. A shade of coffee on chestnut is a sophisticated option that never goes out of style.
  10. With dark brown eyes, the chestnut tone "cherry red" looks spectacular.
  11. Chestnut always looks as natural as possible. But if you are a former blonde, you will have to strictly monitor your hair roots.

We are sure that brown hair color will give you a lot of new and interesting ideas for harmonious transformations! Do you like this color?

Shades and dyes of brown hair - photo

I have already written several times that I want to return my natural hair color. It would be a bad option to grow them, because I was dyed in dark chocolate (but the color was almost black) and the regrown hair would have looked like a bald patch. I started to dye my hair a long time ago, from about 12 years old, I dyed it blond. At the age of 15, I decided to paint in a color close to natural and for some reason took a dark chestnut "rowan" ... How did I do a stupid thing at that moment ... And then I was a dark chestnut (mocha, dark chocolate) for 6 years ... I read reviews, I saw enough videos and decided to do something. I ordered estel color off paint remover on the Internet - 2 packs, armed myself with everything necessary and began to wash it off. Even if you have medium length hair, 1 bundle is hardly enough.
Everything is described in the instructions, but there are some things that are not indicated there.

So the process:

1. Preparation: I bought 6 hats at the pharmacy (one would be enough), 6 masks (I used everything), 3 pairs of gloves (not cellophane, ordinary sterile) and a disposable gown. She put on her uniform and started. There was a little trouble with the gloves ... They seemed to pass the mixture through themselves and white traces remained on the hands, like from peroxide.

2.There are 3 bottles of chemistry in the package. 1 - reducing agent, 2 - catalyst, 3 - neutralizer. You need to mix 1 and 2 jars in a 1: 1 ratio and quickly apply to the hair, because the action of the wash is only 20 minutes. In one jar 120 ml. I broke it 4 times. Measured with a glass, the volume of which I do not know exactly. Equal portions came out, it turns out that I poured 30 ml from each jar. Tried to find a measuring cup but failed.

IMPORTANT!!! If you dye your hair dark for a long time, you have a lot of pigment accumulated in the ends of your hair, much more than at the roots. Therefore, the first 3 times I applied the mixture to the ends (about 10-15 cm and even in spite of this, the transition was noticeable). For the 4th time, I applied full length, as well as the 5th, and the final 6th. That was enough for me. After you have applied the mixture to your hair, you need to cover it with a cap (better than a shower, of course), wrap it in a towel and warm it up with a hairdryer (at least 10 minutes each time) After 20 minutes, the mixture must be pulled from the hair with a dry paper towel. DO NOT WASH HAIR. Apply the mixture until you see a result that is satisfactory to you. I haven't washed it for 5 times. After the fifth wash, I rinsed my hair with water WITHOUT shampoo. The result was good, but uneven in some places. And I finished off my hair for the 6th time. After that, she again rinsed her hair under warm water without shampoo and applied a neutralizer to all hair (it must be applied, despite the fact that many do not do this, because it completes the process taking place inside the hair, if this is not done, in the morning or after staining, you can get an unexpected result), held for 3-5 minutes and washed with NaturaSiberica deep cleansing shampoo. This is the only thing that I found in my city of deep cleaning (price 49 UAH) ... The scalp baked well, but the shampoo seemed to go over the skin like a frost, refreshed, cooled, and everything went away). I dried it with a hairdryer and ran to the store for paint (you can dye your hair after 40 minutes. After washing it off) I didn't buy it in advance, because I didn't know what I would get from the wash. By this time it was already dark, and I was carried away from the shame =) The paint should be taken 1-2 tones lighter than necessary. I bought LorealPreference 10.1 "Light-light blond ash lightening". I applied it 3 hours after washing. The paint is good, the balm is good (after the balm, the hair became soft-soft) Although everything is pretty, neat, the balm and gloves are in very convenient packages, there is a large bottle for mixing ... But the paint stinks of ammonia worse than a cheap garnish, it bakes the scalp ... brr ... I want the color light brown or ash blonde ... Naturally, I won't get it right away, and after dyeing it was ready for a dark color, still not so black =) ... But the hair turned out to be dark brown - red, the roots are lighter ... it was all the same to tint the hair or additionally treat it with a clarifier powder. We'll have to tint some more ... And the paint will wash off a little. Or you can dig in and make highlights.

Now about the quality of the hair ... You know, some moments just amazed me ... My hair is not so hot anyway (the ends of 2-5 cm break), you use a comb, and they pour like sand ... I expected that my hair would deteriorate even more, but then what happened in the end, I had no idea ... Yes, the hair dried out along its entire length, but no stronger than from ordinary dyeing. The split ends of the hair STUFFED !!! I was shocked ... I pulled the hair at the ends, but nothing remained in my hand, not a single hair ... Kaaak ??? !!! They are strong, very shiny, voluminous ... I'm really in SHOCK ... Dry, yes ... but a week of masks, sprays and oils and the hair will become even better by several steps than it was ... I don't know ... Oh, yes, one more minus ... The scalp is slightly irritated ... pulling hair is rather unpleasant. But, I have oils, blends, so ..)

Cons of washing: 1. no gloves; 2. the most awful smell ... sharp and disgustingly unpleasant. the first hour even an hour and a half can be tolerated and even without disgust, but after two hours the smell simply begins to annoy and can be heard everywhere! even in the fresh air. penetrates to the very brain. aroma - a mixture of hydrogen sulfide and rotten eggs. But if your windows open, then 1 hour and there is no smell =) you can endure, but unpleasant. and a towel before washing it is better to ventilate on the balcony until it dries or the smell disappears. the abomination of the smell 7 out of 10. But if you manage quickly, then this will not really make you uncomfortable. And about the smell in your hair. This muck lasts for a long time, 2-3 weeks. And if your hair gets wet (shower, rain, fog ...), the scent becomes much more contrasting and it can cause discomfort to people around you, and you too. As soon as you color your hair, it disappears immediately.

Well, and the photo itself =)


Determine the color of your hair at the moment using a farb card (shade card). Farb cards are available in beauty salons and beauty shops in paint stores. Get the result by applying a section of your hair to the swatches. They must match. Now choose the recommended bleach tone for your hair type.

Dark brown hair cannot be converted quickly to blonde hair without lightening. Do not wash your hair before the lightening procedure so that the natural oil will protect it from damage. With thick thick curls, you will need more lighting emulsion than with thin ones.

Lubricate the skin of the face with growing hair with olive oil or nourishing cream. Make the brightening composition as recommended on the product packaging by the manufacturer. Do not use metal tools when doing this. Put on plastic gloves.

Apply to hair, starting from the back of the head to the bottom of the hair. Color the temporal part of the hair and above the forehead at the very end of the application of the product. Moreover, apply the clarifier first on the hair itself, excluding the roots, hold for 10 minutes and then paint over the roots.

Keep the bleach on your head for 30 minutes, including the 10 minutes that were stained at the beginning. Do not fold hair in half when applying bleach, do not curl, leave straight, do not cover with plastic or towel. Rinse off the clarifier thoroughly after half an hour.

Now the stage has come for dyeing the hair in the tone that you want to achieve. the color the day after they are lightened. But if you are in a hurry, then you can dye your hair on the same day, using a balm-conditioner for dyed hair. Follow the directions for dyeing your hair color as recommended by the dye manufacturer on the package.


This can be a longer, but sparing option for acquiring a light brown hair shade from chestnut. You should choose a light brown hair tone that is close in tone to your hair. For example, it can be a beige-blond tone ... After two weeks, use a lighter paint (light blond or ash-blond). Perform all subsequent hair dyeing with the last selected dye tone.

Helpful advice

Colored hair requires special care. Apply hair balms, nourishing masks, herbal rinses.


  • how to dye dark hair light brown

Blond Colour hair is the most common among people of the Slavic type. Moreover, its shades can vary from light (almost blond) to dark. Most women with a light brown tint are trying to get rid of it, although there are those who want to become the owners of light brown hair.


First of all, you need to decide on the shade. It can be warm with golden tints. It is important to consider the type of skin Colour eye and focus on your natural Colour... If your hair is initially warm in shades, then you should not dye it cold. It can mess up visually. Colour faces.

The most difficult thing will be for owners of dark and, especially if they are painted, and not natural Colour a. First you need to wash off Colour to make the hair practically. Doing this in one go is not worth it - you can harm your hair and scalp. Then Colour can no longer brighten dry, burnt hair.

Clarification should be done in 3-4 doses, depending on the initial Colour a. If you want to get light brown Colour without harming the hair, it is better to consult a specialist. Of course, multiple visits to the salon will significantly affect your financial condition, but this way you can get the desired Colour no doubtful experiments.

If your natural Colour close to light brown, and you firmly decided to become the owner of the shade for a long time, then you can show patience and your natural Colour... Then it will be much easier to slightly change the shade, and it practically does not harm the hair.

Owners of red hair are better off not thinking about cold shades of light brown. Hair will also need to be lightened, possibly in several stages. Get white Colour it will not work - there will be yellow or a shade. Therefore, fair-haired Colour for staining, you need to choose a warm shade.

Natural blondes are the most fortunate in this matter. To choose the right shade of light brown, you can first experiment with tint tonics so as not to immediately tie yourself to a certain Colour at. They wash off in just a few times. And then, having decided, you can already choose a persistent paint of the shade you like.


  • how to dye from red to light blond

Tip 3: How to dye your hair from a dyed brunette to a blonde

In their quest for perfection, women are unstoppable and sometimes go to the most daring experiments with their appearance. Often in such experiments, they change the color of the hair, in the hope that it will not be difficult to restore its original appearance. But if you are concerned about the question of how to repaint from a dyed blonde, then we want to warn you that this will require considerable effort and you will not always be able to achieve the perfect result.


Hair coloring is caused by a coloring pigment, particles of which, falling between the scales that cover the hair like a shell, give it color. The dark pigment on the hair will be noticeable for a very long time and it will not be possible to wash it off with ordinary shampoo. It is best to consult a professional hairdresser. If your hair is thick and strong enough, it will be able to withstand repeated lightening with a special composition-remover. If problematic, then the master will offer you a gentle program in which you gradually change the color.

In the event that you decide to repaint from a dyed brunette to yourself, then in order to cause minimal damage to your hair, do it gradually. 4 months before, stop dyeing your hair, limiting yourself to dyeing only the roots so that they are not noticeable. During this time, the color will wash off a little and become much lighter.

Purchase a special paint pigment remover in your shop. One of the high-quality and inexpensive ones is Estel Color Off. To achieve the desired effect, proceed in accordance with the attached instructions and, depending on the effect, repeat the procedure several times with an interval of 4-5 days.

If the result is still not very satisfactory for you, lighten your hair. But choose a good brightening paint that doesn't contain a lot of ammonia. If your hair color is not uniform, do not torment them further - trim the ends, which, as a rule, are more difficult to lighten. After a few days, dye your hair whatever color you like. If possible, consult a hairdresser-colorist in advance so that the hair does not acquire a greenish, pink or purple hue.

Helpful advice

Such coloring from brunette to blonde is a serious stress for the hair. Therefore, use nourishing hair and scalp masks throughout the entire process. They can be bought at a pharmacy or made by yourself using folk recipes.


  • how to dye from blonde to brunette

A drastic color change requires caution. In a hurry, you can get an unexpected effect - an ugly shade, uneven coloration, dull, lifeless strands. But if you choose the right paint and gradually change the shade of your hair, you will achieve an impressive result - for example, turning your chestnut curls into light brown.