Everything for making soap at home. Video: how to make liquid soap from remnants. Components for making soap

Making soap is not just an interesting hobby. This is real art! The special magic of the products lies in the unique aromas and magical properties of such a product. However, this activity is not for everyone, it has many difficulties and requires patience from the master. Outstanding craftsmen take their passion to the next level, turning a hobby into a profitable business. Do not be surprised, the representatives of this craft can make a lot of money. Have you ever wondered how many people bring bars of hand-made fragrant soap to their loved ones from their travels? So many!

However, not everything is as complicated as it seems. Of course, those who first thought about how to make handmade soap can easily get lost in a variety of methods and techniques. But, if you treat everything with humor and do not expect quick results, soap making at home can even become a family hobby or business. Now, please be patient, we're getting started.

Handmade soap has deep historical roots. In ancient times, soap making was more of a necessity than a hobby. Therefore, almost every family was engaged in the manufacture of soap for household needs. For this, ash and animal fats were used, healers added medicinal herbs and oils to their products.

Closer to the twentieth century, German scientists began to seriously study the process of soap making. Thanks to their efforts, it became possible to make scented sticks at the production level. But this state of affairs quickly began to supplant home-made. In order for the craft to bring profit to the masters, it was necessary to constantly improve, inventing new ways of making handmade soap. Beneficial features such a product has always been higher than production products, so the demand for the hobby has persisted to this day.

In the modern world, the demand for natural cosmetics has grown significantly. In industrial cities, people experience an acute craving for everything natural. Therefore, making fragrant cleaning perfume home is gaining popularity again. In addition, in addition to the undeniable useful qualities, this soap has many advantages:

  • Making a fragrant batch at home is much more economical than regularly going to the store for sticks. Plus, old remnants can be used to create a new product.
  • Returning to useful properties - this soap does not contain chemicals, so you do not have to be afraid of allergic reactions. And your skin will always be radiant and healthy, thanks to the presence of natural oils and herbs in the composition.
  • Handmade soap in today's industrial world helps not only preserve youth and beauty, but also contributes to the preservation of the environment. It does not contain synthetic substances that do not decompose in water, therefore it is absolutely safe for the environment.
  • If you are a creative person, an exciting hobby will help you discover new facets of your talent, as well as introduce your family and friends to creativity.
  • Such a handmade gift will always be relevant. It can be presented to any celebration or event.

Gallery: handmade soap (25 photos)

Precautionary measures

Making soap at home is not enough just inspiration and patience. It is important to thoroughly study the precautions and strictly follow the instructions. Assess all possible risks and make sure that younger family members do not interfere with the work process. Thus, you ensure their safety first and foremost. Caustic substances will take part in the creation, namely sodium hydroxide or lye... It does not matter at all in what form you use it: flakes, granules or grains - the substance burns the skin and eyes, exfoliates paint and damages various materials. Therefore, be careful and be careful while working.

Before starting work, you must:

  • Wear a respirator mask, gloves with high cuffs and protect your eyes with specialized means. In no case do not inhale alkali vapors... This is a flammable substance, so the area where you will be working must be thoroughly ventilated during the process. After adding alkali to the water, the respirator mask can be removed, but only after making sure that there is no more risk of inhaling alkali vapors.
  • Remember that alkali can only be neutralized with a vinegar solution. Before starting work, make sure that the prepared solution is in the immediate vicinity of the workplace. If the alkaline solution gets on the skin, immediately treat the damaged area with a vinegar solution. If the substance gets on the work surface or other objects, remove it and treat the surface with detergent.
  • For making soap at home it is forbidden to use: tin, wooden and aluminum containers, foil. For these purposes, only suitable: strong plastic, enameled stainless steel dishes, glass containers. It is necessary to store all materials and utensils used out of the reach of children and animals.
  • Before starting work, make sure that children and pets will not interfere in the process of work and will not have access to substances. Be vigilant and be careful.

Tools and materials

Having familiarized yourself with all the rules of work and precautions, you can proceed to the next stage. Before starting work, make sure that you have purchased all the necessary materials, the workplace is ready and equipped, your attitude is appropriate for the work being performed.

The mood of the master while making handmade soap is one of the most important elements in creating a product. Ancient healers paid special attention to this moment, you should not neglect this even now. Even if you are far from esoteric teachings, it is no secret to anyone that human emotions affect the fluids with which they interact.

In 2009, British scientists proved the influence of human emotions on water by freezing it after reproducing any emotion in close proximity to it. The results were overwhelming: the structure of the water, which was frozen in an unfavorable emotional environment, was torn and had many sharp corners. Water frozen in a favorable emotional environment is the opposite. Make further conclusions yourself.

So, to work you need:

This was just a rough list of required materials. Parts of it will change depending on the techniques or recipes used. For example: will you add essential oils to your soap, are you using natural herbs or fragrances, the presence of natural decorative elements in the design.

Features of work

When making handmade soap, do not deviate from the step-by-step instructions a single gram. Measure the weight of each ingredient accurately and several times. This rule does not depend on the method and materials used. Even if you use remnants, always follow the step by step instructions. Otherwise, the finished product may smell bad, look unsightly, or become completely unusable.

To avoid such excesses, the master should always have at hand: kitchen scales, thermometers and an alkali calculator. The alkali calculator can be found on the Internet, on request "soap calculator".

Before getting started, keep in mind that different essential oils require different amounts of alkali. Therefore, in order to make your work as comfortable as possible, find the table with the saponification number of each of the oils used.

Getting to the main part of the question: how to make healthy handmade soap, there are three main ways to create soap:

  1. Shredding. The method allows you to create a new product using ready-made baby soap. It is good because the master does not have to create the base separately. In the process, milk or water is added to the crushed base. Then the mixture is melted, the necessary vegetable components or oils are added to it and the solution is poured into molds. This method is considered the easiest and safest.
  2. Using a soap base. A ready-made base can be purchased at most craft stores or specialized soap shops. It is melted, then the necessary components from the recipe are added to the solution and fragrant bars are formed.
  3. Build from scratch. This is the most difficult method that shows the skill of the master. In addition to its complexity, the process is very exciting. In it, the soap is created entirely by hand from alkali oils and other additives. Since the method is the most complex, we will dwell on it in more detail.

Cold making soap

Making soap from scratch is not an easy task, but the result is worth it. Such a product will be completely natural and a master who has mastered such techniques to perfection will be able to proudly bear the title of soapmaker. So let's get started.

Mix lye and water according to the proportions indicated in the recipe. Please note that in no case should you pour water into the lye, just the opposite. Otherwise, a "mini-volcanic eruption" will occur on your desktop. In the correct sequence, the liquid in your bowl will heat to a near boil, but will not erupt.

After thoroughly stirring, immerse one of the thermometers in the solution.

In a clean saucepan, heat wax, liquid and solid oils... Submerge the second thermometer in the pot.

Now you need to mix the two liquids. But in order not to get unexpected reactions of the composition as a result, observe the temperature regime specified in the recipe. For different components, it can change dramatically. After bringing liquids to the required temperatures pour the lye solution into the fats.

Now that the two liquids are in the same container, they must be thoroughly and vigorously mixed. An electric blender is perfect for these purposes, but you can only use it when the liquid has cooled slightly so as not to spoil the device.

It is necessary to mix the composition until it becomes completely thick. To test the mixture, try leaving a mark on the surface of the composition with a spoon. Remains? So you did everything right.

The finished mixture can be poured into the selected molds. Then we wrap the future soap in a towel and leave it for one or two days out of the reach of children and animals.

Once removed from the mold, the soap needs time to evaporate and finally harden. Therefore, after removing from the molds, the soap should be stored for another month and a half. This time is called “soap maturation”.

Soap making is, first of all, creativity... Enjoy the process, but do not forget about the precautions. Remember that the pleasant scent of essential oils, in high concentration, can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, before starting work, make sure that there are antihistamines in the medicine cabinet.

Among the hobbies of the hand-made class, home soap making is as popular as embroidery. To learn how to make soap with your own hands, no special skills, bulky equipment or expensive components are required. Some are fond of soap making "for themselves", presenting creations to friends and family, others experiment with recipes for the sake of interest, and someone has already been known as a master in this business and successfully sells their products.

Advantages. Homemade soap compares favorably with store-bought soap:

  • The output is a natural and environmentally friendly product that does not contain harmful "chemicals": artificial colors, perfumed fragrances and other dubious ingredients.
  • The basic recipe is the basis, using which you can cook household, moisturizing, baby, antiseptic soap.
  • The cost price of a homemade bar is lower than the purchased one, especially if you do not purchase ready-made raw materials, but collect herbs and prepare broths yourself.
  • Finally, soap making is a creative and fun process that the whole family can participate in.

What you need to work

Tools and equipment: kitchen scales, a cooking container (best of all - made of stainless steel, but not aluminum), a spoon or spatula, if possible - a mixer or blender, molds for bars or bottles with dispensers.

Main components: homemade or commercial soap base (you can find a ready-made one in a hobby store, glycerin or baby soaps, remnants are also suitable), base and essential oils, food (!) Dyes, thinner, care additives, rubbing alcohol or vodka.

How to make soap at home

There are many ways to make soap. Experienced craftsmen themselves prepare the base on alkali, measure the amount of each ingredient up to a tenth of a gram in order to obtain the desired mass viscosity and "transparency". Beginners are advised to adhere to the proposed cooking technology in order to understand the essence of the process.

Component selection

The universal soap recipe allows you to feel free to experiment with "additives" and proportions. Popular homemade soaps include “strawberry with cream”, “honey and coffee”, “herbs and green tea”, “orange and cinnamon”.

  • If making soap for oily skin, use essential oils of juniper, tea tree, and eucalyptus. For dull or ripe - orange and ylang-ylang (5-6 drops for every 100 grams of soap base).
  • Antiseptic properties are given by decoctions of calendula, chamomile, celandine, horsetail. Cream or milk thinner makes the skin velvety (2 tablespoons per 100 grams of base).
  • Glycerin (2 teaspoons per 100 grams of base) perfectly softens the skin, and powdered clay evens out the complexion and dries up inflammation (1-2 teaspoons per 100 grams of soap is enough).
  • Honey (40 grams per 100 grams of base) nourishes, and coffee grounds, oatmeal, fruit pits crushed in a coffee grinder, and dried algae are considered good exfoliants - means for removing dead cells.
  • Use cocoa powder, melted chocolate, berry or parsley juices as dyes and flavors (the more dye, the richer the color of the soap bar).

Universal Soap Recipe


  • soap base - 100 grams.
  • base oil (olive, lanolin, almond, jasmine, peach, lavender or castor) - 4 teaspoons;
  • thinner (cream, milk, green tea infusion, strained herbal decoction) - the volume varies from the desired consistency of the product;
  • any essential oil - 5-6 drops;
  • filler (coffee grounds, crushed seaweed, dry herbs) - no more than 30 grams;
  • vodka (ethyl alcohol) - 5-10 ml.

Cooking technology:

  1. Prepare the base. If it is in a bar, cut it into cubes (about 1x1 cm), rub the remnants on a fine grater. Grinding the soap will turn into a homogeneous mass faster.
  2. Melt the raw materials in a water bath: put the "working" container in a deeper saucepan, 1/3 full of water, heat over medium heat, stirring constantly.
  3. Once the mixture is smooth and free of lumps, add the base oil.
  4. Add thinner. There are no exact proportions: it all depends on how thick the final product should be (at personal discretion). For bar soap, add thinner until the mixture reaches the consistency of sour cream. The more liquid, the more gelatinous your homemade soap will be.
  5. Remove the mixture from heat, stirring in turn, add the remaining ingredients: essential oil, flavors, dyes, fillers.
  6. Pour the liquid soap into molds (silicone or thermoplastic are best), the future gel into a bottle with a spray bottle.
  7. Spray the surface with rubbing alcohol or vodka to avoid ugly bubbles.
  8. Place the molds in a cool place (you can use the refrigerator). In a couple of days, the homemade soap will be ready.

Homemade soap can be shaped in any shape

How to make a soap base

To weld the base yourself, you will need not only components, dishes and kitchen scales, but also protective glasses, a respirator, household gloves, and an apron.

Observe safety precautions when working with caustic substances!

Ingredients for 150 grams of base:

  • coconut oil - 30 grams;
  • palm oil - 20 grams;
  • olive oil - 50 grams;
  • water - 33% of the total volume of oils.
  • caustic soda - 15 grams.

1. Melt the butters (hard coconut and palm oils) in a water bath, remembering to stir the mixture with a wooden spatula.

2. When the mixture is smooth, pour in the olive oil.

3. As soon as the temperature of the oils reaches 60 ° C, remove from heat.

4. While stirring, pour caustic soda into pre-cooled water (must be ice cold!).

It is only necessary to mix alkali and water when the hood is turned on at full power or in the fresh air (for example, on a balcony). Wear a respirator to avoid breathing harmful vapors.

5. The composition should be transparent. If suspension is visible, strain through cheesecloth.

6. Measure the temperature of the oils and alkaline solution. Optimal - 50-55 ° C.

7. Gently pour the alkali into the oils, stirring the mixture thoroughly.

8. Beat with a blender or mixer until thick, 3-5 minutes.

9. Send the soap packaged in molds to harden.

Before making your own soap at home, you should take care of the soap base - the most important ingredient in soap making. The base has detergent properties, but no more: to turn it into real soap, you should give it aroma and color, enrich it with useful additives and oils.

There are three ways to get a soap base.

Second way

Use a special soap base which can be bought in a specialty store or ordered from an online soap making store. There are three types of soap base: transparent, white and organic. Titanium dioxide is added to the white base, which is used in the food and cosmetic industries. In an organic soap base, the addition of chemistry is minimal, natural oils are used - as a rule, coconut and palm oils. The organic origin of this soap base and its environmental friendliness make it suitable for the most sensitive skin.

According to the consistency, the soap base is divided into hard, soft and liquid. Solid is used for making handmade lumpy soap, soft is well suited for making scrubs, cream soaps, and makeup removers. Shower gels, shampoos, liquid soaps are made from a liquid soap base. The finished soap base has a very low odor, melts well and hardens quickly, which makes it very easy to use.

Third way

Make the foundation from scratch yourself. You may ask: how to make a soap base at home, after all, this is a chemical process? In fact, this is not difficult, you just need do not forget about safety precautions. Prepare a respirator, special latex gloves, safety glasses. Make sure the area is well ventilated. You should have a mild citric acid solution or vinegar on hand to neutralize the alkali on skin contact. Use only glass, wood or plastic heat-resistant dishes. Stir the mixture with a wooden spatula. Always pour alkali into the water, not vice versa - otherwise the reaction may be too strong! Be sure to store all used substances in tightly closed containers, out of the reach of children and animals.

Now let's move on to how to make a soap base.

You will need: alkali in the form of caustic soda NaOH (for a solid base) or potassium hydroxide KOH (for a liquid base), vegetable oils (or animal fats), water, glycerin (which makes the soap base transparent). The approximate ratio of the components is as follows:
  • Coconut oil - 1 part
  • Palm or castor oil - 1 part
  • Water and alkali - according to the calculator for soap, water should be 33%
  • Overfat - 1-3%
  • Glycerol- 25-100% by weight of soap before adding glycerin.

With the help of a special soap calculator, you will find the required amount of alkali for the mass of the finished soap. It is very important to accurately measure the amount of alkali - if you overdo it, the soap will turn out to be too brittle, if it turns out to be too little - on the contrary, the soap may not thicken. To do this, use a balance with an accuracy of at least 0.1 g. Pour alkali into the water. You can even freeze some of the water used so that the formation of the alkaline solution proceeds less violently. Stir until completely dissolved.

Now prepare the oil base. The soap calculator allows you to calculate the exact proportion of oils required for a soap base of a given mass. However, given that the ingredients can be of different qualities, and the actual saponification number of each oil is fluctuating within certain limits, you need to leave yourself "room for maneuver", which is the percentage of the so-called overfat. Superfat is additional oils that do not react with alkali, thus moisturizing the skin. The percentage of overfat varies depending on the purpose of the soap - for example, to cook laundry soap, 2-3% of the fat by weight of oils is enough, and for toilet soap you need 5-10%. Since the soap base requires a minimum of additional oils, it makes sense to add only 0.5-2% safety fat in order to exclude the possibility of obtaining a base with excess due to the different number of saponification of different oils with alkali.

Melt hard oils in a water bath, add liquid oils. Gently pour the alkaline solution into the oil base, stirring with a wooden spoon. It is important that the alkaline solution and oils are about the same temperature, about 40-50 degrees. If there are lumps in the alkaline solution, strain it. Continue stirring (or use a blender) until a thick "residue" forms. Transfer the mixture to a water bath and cook the soap until cooked through. Readiness can be determined using a ph-measure (the ph of the finished soap is 7-8), or you can taste the base - if the tongue does not sting, your soap base is ready.

Now you can brew soap at home using a natural base, the quality and composition of which you are sure of!

Airy foam, enchanting aroma and thin jets of water - all this, like nothing else, is able to cheer up in the morning and relax before a restful sleep. But double pleasure will be delivered by the understanding that the bar, gently sliding over the body, was made independently and exclusively for oneself. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the simplest technology of how to make soap at home in accordance only with personal preferences and needs.

Soap Feather Test

To do the same, just your own unique soap, you do not need so much. In fact, the recipe is very simple: the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions.

Step one

We purchase components. The base will be baby soap. It is advisable to purchase its hypoallergenic version, without fragrances. In addition, you should choose an oil base. As a rule, for beginners it is recommended to take sunflower or olive oil. But, having worked out the technology, you can start experimenting with other oils, for example, rosehip, grape seed, coconut or sea buckthorn. The third ingredient needed to make soap is glycerin. Its presence is highly desirable, because it is thanks to it that a special moisture-saving layer is created on the skin. And finally, boiling water.

Step two

We are preparing a "working" toolkit. Before brewing soap, you should prepare a set for creating at home. So, you need a grater for the formation of large flakes, medical goggles and gloves, three containers (for creating a steam bath and forming soap shavings), a whisk and molds.

Step three

The mystery of soap making. For this basic recipe, you need to grate 180 grams of baby soap. Needless to say, in the process of preparing soap flakes, it is necessary to protect the eyes and the respiratory system? If yes, then before starting the soap making process, you should protect your own vision and breathing with glasses and a mask.

Once the flakes have been cooked, you can proceed directly to cooking. To do this, five tablespoons of oil are mixed with two of the same tablespoons of cosmetic glycerin and heated in a steam bath to about 40 degrees. After that, gently add soap flakes and boiling water. By the way, the volume of the latter should be 100 ml. During the cooking process, the mass must be constantly stirred, and this is best done with a whisk, which will help to avoid lumps.

As soon as the consistency of the mixture began to resemble mashed potatoes, it is removed from the bath and begins to be molded. For this, molds prepared in advance for the future soap are greased with the oil on the basis of which it was prepared. And only then the mass is carefully placed to solidify.

By the way, you can use almost any container: these are baby pies, silicone baking dishes, and special professional molds for soap makers. As soon as the mixture hardens, it should be removed and transferred to paper, which can be dried in the open air for three days.

As you can see, both the recipe and the process are so simple that they are available even to those who have never tried themselves in this type of creativity. Unfortunately, however, the result will be the same if additional ingredients are not included in the recipe.

Different soap is needed, different soap is important

And in order for the soap to become the most beloved, but, in addition, distinguished by its practicality and aesthetic appearance, additional ingredients are added to it during the creation process.

Scrub soap

Making it is not as difficult as many people think. It is enough just to slightly supplement the basic composition. So, the best properties of soft exfoliation of dead skin cells are ground coffee, ground cherry or apricot pits, oatmeal, crushed dry medicinal herbs and inflorescences, culinary poppy.

There is another feature of this type of homemade soap - its oil base. It is worth abandoning the types proposed above, replacing them with grape seed oil (soften and tone the skin), shea and sesame (rejuvenating and tonic effect), almonds and cocoa (regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect).

How to make homemade scrub soap?

In general, the process is similar to what was presented above. Only instead of the traditional oil base, the oil is chosen that most closely matches the functions of the future soap. But it is worth adding scrubbers only when the mixture has been removed from the bath, but before pouring into molds.

Cosmetic soap

Your favorite soap can become a kind of mini-salon. To do this, it is enough to add certain additives to the ready-made mixture. So, to remove excessive redness of the skin, honey is injected into the soap mass. At the same time, it is enough to add three tablespoons of a sweet product to the basic recipe presented above.

In order to gradually even out the skin tone and partially whiten it, it is enough to add white clay powder. Also, keep in mind that the essential oils of many plants are excellent ingredients. For example, orange is perfect for those who have an uneven skin surface. Bergamot and eucalyptus are suitable for those who suffer from low immunity.

But you can just add your favorite scent and enjoy its notes on the skin. To do this, it will be enough just to add a few drops of perfume to the finished, but not frozen mixture. Only perfume should be used, not perfumed and, of course, not eau de toilette.

It's worth knowing: trial and error

Creativity is called a trial and error process for a reason. So soap making can be overshadowed by fairly common mistakes that most novice soapmakers make.

The most common of these is to add more base oil than necessary. Such a volume will not only make the soap too greasy, but it will also stop lathering. Therefore, it is best to strictly follow the recipe: one spoonful of oil per 90 grams.

The second mistake is a lack of understanding of the staining processes. It is best to use food coloring to create the shades at the start. But with natural it is best to "work out" the cooking process by the method of samples. So, if you add turmeric, you can really get different shades of yellow. But the hibiscus petals, instead of intense red, will give the soap-maker a dirty green hue. Indeed, some plant components, when reacting with glycerin, "behave" in an unpredictable manner.

Homemade soap making for beginners: 4 recipes

Making soap on your own is not as difficult as it seems, the main thing is to get used to creating small masterpieces Soap is one of the most popular products in the cosmetics industry and everyone needs it. Shop counters are filled with body washes of different quality and price range. At the moment, making soap at home is a simple and affordable activity, because the ingredients for it can be found absolutely in any city. Once upon a time, such a seemingly inexpensive and ordinary tool could only be afforded by people from high society.

How did soap begin

The first recipes for soap making were found on Sumerian tablets, which are more than 6 thousand years old. It was also found that soap in liquid and solid form was actively used by the Gauls and the ancient Greeks for cleansing and dyeing hair.

In ancient times, soap was made from a mixture of animal fats and ash. It didn’t have a pleasant smell, but it cleansed well

There is a legend that soap was first discovered in pagan times, when people offered sacrifices to the gods on the Roman mountain Soap. The remains of the fat of the sacrificial animals were mixed with ash and washed off during the rain into the Tiber River, in which, thanks to this, the ancient Romans washed and washed their clothes.

However, soap was available only to boyars and kings, common people washed themselves with ash and soda. Over time, soap became ubiquitous and entered the life of every person.

How to make soap at home: an old recipe

At the moment, the stores are full of various oils and alkalis for making soap, thanks to which you can make a wonderful and aromatic product for skin care and cleansing. However, it will be interesting to try to make natural soap with your own hands according to an old recipe.

Soap brewed according to an old recipe does not have any special medicinal and decorative properties, but it is an excellent opportunity for novice craftswomen to study the ancient technology of making bases for soap making

The technique of making soap at home according to an old recipe:

  1. Melt 400 grams of lard in a saucepan and add 800 ml of lye to it. Simmer the mixture over low heat for an hour, stirring constantly. Over time, the mass will look like milk, and then begin to turn into an emulsion.
  2. Now you can start adding more liquor a little at a time. Each serving should be equal to 100 g.
  3. When the mass becomes transparent and thickens to a jelly state, you need to stop adding lye. To check that the mass is ready, scoop it up with a spoon and watch it flow down, the finished solution will run not in drops, but in a thin stream.
  4. Now you need to sprinkle the soap glue with salt. Sprinkle a pinch each time over the entire surface of the liquid and stir without touching the bottom of the pot. The cooking process with salting continues until curdled clots form on the surface of the soap glue. After that, the pot with the future soap must be left to infuse for 12 hours.
  5. Pass the soap solution. Weigh the curdled curds and place in a saucepan. Mix the curds with an equal amount of lye.
  6. Put the mass on low heat for 2.5 hours. After this time, it is necessary to carry out the salting again.
  7. When a smooth glue-like liquid floats to the surface of the pan, discard the solution in a colander, covered with gauze folded in several layers, and leave in this form for 2 hours.
  8. Pour the soap into molds and leave to cool completely.

Ingredients for an antique soap, you need the simplest ones.

Modern soap making at home and in production

Modern soap making is a very exciting process available to absolutely everyone. In stores, a bar of soap costs literally a penny, but recently more and more people are abandoning industrial products in favor of hand-made caring cosmetics. And it's not just about the more attractive appearance of homemade soap. In an effort to earn as much money as possible, most manufacturers use harmful synthetic additives in their products. Fortunately, you can get your soap from trusted, bona fide soap makers, or you can learn how to make it yourself.

You can get started making soap yourself with courses, online lessons or a book with illustrations on soap making.

You can apply any ideas that come to your mind for your creations in soap making.

At the beginning of your journey as a soap-maker, we do not advise you to mix a large number of ingredients in one product. Cosmetics oversaturated with mismatched oils can damage your skin. The secrets of making high-quality soap over time are revealed by each craftswoman, gradually studying the properties of different ingredients. For soaps with a cleansing effect, use oat scrubs, fruit scrubs, or salt scrubs. You can moisturize and rejuvenate your skin with a variety of oils. And you can give the product a more attractive look with the help of dried flowers and fruits or using pictures on a water-soluble basis.

Handmade soap, composed of natural substances, is an excellent cosmetics for skin care. The effectiveness of the product you have made depends on how correctly you know how to combine the components with each other.

Master class on soap making for beginners: "Beldi" soap

Soap "Beldi" is brewed on the basis of vegetable oil with the addition of herbal decoctions. It has a soft, creamy texture. With this soap, a regular wash in the bathroom will feel like an expensive spa procedure.

Soap "Beldi" well moisturizes and relieves fatigue from the skin, and fills the bathroom with magical aromas

Master class for making soap "Beldi":

  1. Grind 60 g of oak leaves, fill them with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for 2 hours. Another 60 g of crushed leaves, set aside to add to the soap paste.
  2. In a heat-resistant dish, combine 50 g each of coconut, castor and palm oil and 200 g of olive oil. Place the oil mixture in a water bath.
  3. Chill the oak leaf decoction in the freezer (you can even freeze it). Pour 68 g of potassium hydroxide into the cooled broth. Wait until the potassium is completely dissolved in the liquid.
  4. Cool the oils and lye solution to 35 degrees Celsius. Gently pour the lye into a container with oils and beat the mixture until a trace forms. This is a fairly long process, the texture of the mass should be thick and smooth.
  5. We put the thick mass in a water bath, close the pan with a lid and leave to saponify for 3 hours.
  6. We remove the soap from the water bath, let it cool just a couple of degrees and stir in 7 drops of string, cedar, eucalyptus and mint oils, 17 g of cotton oil, and ground oak leaves.
  7. We measure the pH of the soap, and if it is above 9, we leave the finished product to infuse for 3-4 days.

Soap "Beldi" is perfect for relaxing water treatments. If you decide to take care of yourself, then using a soap like this is a great idea. It is quite difficult to make Beldi pasty soap, but the result justifies the effort.

We cook Whipped soap at home

If you want to make soap for a gift without spending a lot of money, then we suggest you watch different lessons on making two-layer floating soap. It can be brewed from colorless and odorless multi-colored baby soap, and it is not necessary to add expensive oils to its composition. You can read one of these master classes right now.

"Whipped" soap is perfect for gift ideas for family and friends

How to make floating soap step by step:

  1. Pour two teaspoons of castor and olive oils into a saucepan, you also need two more teaspoons of oils, you can make a mixture for them according to your skin type. We put dishes with oils in a water bath.
  2. We rub on a fine grater 2 pieces of baby soap, odorless and colorless. Add soap to butter, pour in 100 ml of milk and 1 teaspoon of honey there. We leave the mixture in a water bath until the soap is completely melted.
  3. We take two bars of soap in bright colors and, with the help of a housekeeper, cut off 10 swirling "rolls" from them.
  4. Beat the melted soap with a mixer and divide into two parts. Pour the first part evenly into a mold and sprinkle with dry green tea on top. Add 5-7 drops of food coloring to the rest of the soap mass and pour over a layer of green tea.
  5. In the not frozen second layer, insert the rolls of colored soap in half and sprinkle with another portion of ground green tea.

Leave the soap to cool completely. After that, we take it out of the mold and cut it into portions. Such soap floats on water and it is a pleasure to watch it.