All in physical culture. Indicators of the state of physical culture in society. b) a longer exhalation

Physical Education

Physical education - Social activities aimed at preserving and promoting health, the development of human psychophysical abilities in the process of conscious motor activity. physical education - part of the culture, which is a set of values, norms and knowledge created and used by society in order to physical and intellectual development of human abilities, improving its motor activity and the formation of a healthy lifestyle, social adaptation through physical education, physical training and physical development (in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 4, 2007 N 329-FZ "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation");

The main indicators of the state of physical culture in society are:

  • health and physical development of people;
  • the degree of use of physical culture in the field of education and education, in production and everyday life.


The term "physical culture" appeared at the end of the XIX century in England during the rapid formation of modern sports, but did not find wide use in the West and with time almost disappeared from every time. In Russia, on the contrary, entering from the beginning of the 20th century, after the revolution of 1917, the term "physical culture" received his recognition in all high Soviet institutions and firmly entered the scientific and practical lexicon. In 1918, the Institute of Physical Culture was opened in Moscow, in 1919, the Universia was held in physical culture, since 1922, a physical culture magazine was published, and from 1925 to present - the magazine "Theory and Practice of Physical Culture". Gradually, the term "physical culture" was distributed in the countries of a former socialist camp and in some "third worlds" countries. The very name of "physical culture" indicates its belonging to culture. Physical culture is the type of general culture, the parties to the development, improvement, maintaining and restoring values \u200b\u200bin the field of physical improvement of a person on self-realization of its spiritual and physical abilities and its socio-significant results related to the fulfillment of their duties in society.

Physical culture is part of the overall culture of humanity and absorbed not only the centuries-old valuable experience of preparing a person for life, development, development and management for the benefit of the man laid in it (from a religious point of view - God) physical and mental abilities, but that not Less important, and the experience of approval and hardening in the process of physical cultural activity of moral, moral structures. Thus, in physical culture, contrary to its literal meaning, they find their reflection of the achievement of people in improving their both physical and largely mental and moral qualities. The level of development of these qualities, as well as personal knowledge, skills and skills in improving them, make up the personal values \u200b\u200bof physical culture and determine the physical culture of the individual as one of the faces of the general culture of man ..

Tools of physical culture

The main means of physical culture, developing and harmonizing all the manifestations of the human body's life, are conscious (conscious) classes with various physical exercises (bodily movements), most of which are invented or improved by the person themselves. They suggest gradually an increase in exercise of exercise from charging and workout to workout, from training to sports games and competitions, from them to the establishment of both personal and universal sports records as personal physical opportunities have grown. In combination using the natural forces of nature (sun, air and water - our best friends!), Hygienic factors, power and recreation modes and, depending on personal purposes, physical culture allows you to harmoniously develop and heal the body and maintain it in excellent physical condition for long years. .

Composite parts of physical culture

Each of the components of physical culture has a well-known independence, its own target installation, material and technical support, various levels of development and the volume of personal values. Therefore, sports in the activity sector of physical culture is highlighted especially using the phrases "Physical Culture and Sport", "Physical Education and Sport". In this case, under the "physical culture", "physical education" in a narrow sense, it is possible to mean mass physical culture and therapeutic physical culture.

Mass physical culture

Mass physical culture form the physical activity of people in the framework of the process of physical education and self-education for their general physical development and improving, improving motor capabilities, improving the body and posture, as well as classes at the level of physical recreation.

Physical recreation

Recreation (lat. - Recreatio, literally - recovery) - 1) Vacation, change in school, 2) Resting room in educational institutions, 3) rest, restoration of human forces. Physical recreation is the enginefully active leisure and entertainment using exercise, mobile games, various sports, as well as the natural forces of nature, as a result of which it is pleasure and achieved well-being and mood, mental and physical performance is restored. As a rule, classes at the level of mass physical culture for a healthy person are not associated with very large physical and volitional efforts, however, they create a powerful disciplining, toning and harmonizing background for all parties to its activities.

Healing Fitness

Another, also unsportsmanlike for purposes, the direction of physical culture forms therapeutic physical culture (motor rehabilitation), using specially selected exercise and, as already noted, some sports facilities for the treatment and restoration of the functions of the body, disturbed by diseases, injuries, overwork and other reasons.


Adaptive physical culture

The specificity of this activity sphere is expressed in the complementary definition of "adaptive", which emphasizes the purpose of physical culture for persons with disabilities in health. This suggests that physical culture in all its manifestations should stimulate positive morpho-functional shifts in the body, thereby forming the necessary motor coordination, physical qualities and abilities aimed at life support, development and improvement of the body. The main direction of adaptive physical culture is the formation of motor activity, as biological and social factors of impact on the body and personality of man. The knowledge of the essence of this phenomenon is a methodological foundation for adaptive physical culture. In St. Petersburg University of Physical Culture. P. F. Lesgaft is open to the Faculty of Adaptive Physical Culture, whose task is to prepare a highly qualified specialist to work in the field of physical culture of persons with disabilities.

Physical education

Under the modern widespread concept of "physical education" means an organic component of the general education - an educational, pedagogical process, aimed at mastering the personality of the personal values \u200b\u200bof physical culture. In other words, the purpose of physical education is the formation of an individual's physical culture, that is, the side of the general culture of a person who helps to realize his biological and spiritual potential. The founder of the scientific system of physical education (initial - education), harmoniously contributes to mental development and moral education of a young man, is Russian teacher, Anatas and Doctor Peter Franventovich Lesgaf (1837-1909). Created by him in 1896 "Courses of educators and managers of physical education" were the first in Russia with the highest educational institution for the training of specialists of physical education, the prototype of the modern St. Petersburg Academy of Physical Culture named after P. F. Lesgafta. Graduates of the Academy receive higher physical education and become experts in various fields of physical culture, including in the field of physical education, that is, the development of physical culture values. With regard to work in higher educational institutions of such a specialist, they call the teacher of physical culture, or the teacher of the Department of Physical Education. The terms "Physical education" should be distinguished as professional training in special educational institutions and "physical education" in its initial (according to P. F. Lesgaft) the meaning of physical education. In English, the term "Physical Education" can also be used in the other sense. It should also be borne in mind that abroad is not in the course of the English term "en: Physical Culture" in the sense of our widespread concept of "physical culture". There, depending on the specific direction of physical culture activities, the words "en: Sport", "En: Physical Education", "En: Physical Training", "En: Fitness" and others. Physical education in unity with mental, moral, aesthetic and labor Education provides comprehensive identity development. Moreover, these parties of the general process of education are largely manifested in the process of physical education organized accordingly.

In higher educational institutions, the process of physical education of students is carried out at the Department of Physical Education through the educational discipline "Physical Culture".

The purpose of physical education is achieved in solving interrelated wellness, educational, educational and educational tasks.

The wellness and developing tasks of physical education include:

  • improving the health and hardening of the body;
  • harmonic body development and physiological functions of the body;
  • comprehensive development of physical and mental qualities;
  • ensuring a high level of working capacity and creative longevity.

It is believed that in order to fulfill these tasks the total time of training sessions on the discipline "Physical Culture" and additional independent practices of physical exercises and sports for each student should be at least 5 hours a week.

see also


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    Physical Education … Orphographic Dictionary

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    - (therapeutic) physical culture dictionary of Russian synonyms. Fisculture See Sport Dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian Language. Practical directory. M.: Russian. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011 ... Synonym dictionary

What does the term denotes - physical culture?

The term "physical culture" appeared in England at the end of the XIX century, but did not receive widespread in the West and was soon replaced by the term Sport (Sport), comes from Disport - game, entertainment.

The foundations of physical culture were laid in ancient Greek gymnastics, which united - military training, rites and dancing into the system of physical education. In Russia, physical culture also united military training, rites and dancing, for example, "fighting dance of the eddyadka".

In Russia, the concept of "physical culture" appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century. Physical culture was immediately recognized in all Soviet institutions, firmly entered the scientific and practical lexicon. In 1918, the Institute of Physical Culture was opened in 1918, published a physical culture magazine. But after the collapse of the USSR, the feasibility of using the term "physical culture" is disputed. The argument against is the fact that this term is not used in most countries of the world, with the exception of Eastern Europe, where more than half a century the development of physical culture and sports was conducted on a sample of the Soviet system. There are even proposals to replace the term "physical culture" by the concept of "sport". At the same time, there is an opinion that physical culture is a step forward compared to Western Sports Science. Since the concept of "physical culture" should be understood more widely.Physical culture is a goal, and the sport is tool for its achievement. (Games, Competitions).

There are at least a dozen different definitions of this term. Here are some of them:

Physical education - This is one of the main types of human culture itself, the specificity of which is mainly that this type of culture is profiled in the direction leading to the optimization of the physical condition and development of the individual in unity with its mental development on the basis of rationalization and efficient use of its own motor activity. Combined with other cultural values \u200b\u200b(L.P. Matveyev, 2003).

Physical education - View of human and society culture. This activity and socially significant results for creating the physical readiness of people to life; This, on the one hand, specific progress, and on the other, is the result of human activity, as well as a means and method of physical perfection (V.M. Volrin, 1999).

Physical education - This is part of the general culture of the person and society, which is a combination of material and spiritual values \u200b\u200bcreated and used to physically improving people (B.A. Ashmarin, 1999).

Physical education - part of the culture, which is a set of values, norms and knowledge created and used by society in order to physical and intellectual development of human abilities, improving its motor activity and the formation of a healthy lifestyle, social adaptation through physical education, physical training and physical development (in accordance With the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 4, 2007 N 329-FZ "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation")

Thus, in the most generalized formphysical education It is understood as a set of achievements in the creation and use of special means, methods and conditions of physical improvement of a person. Since physical culture is an important part of the culture of society - it is a product (result) of the conscious activities of the Company. The main feature of its cultural origin is that at each historical stage, physical culture varies depending on the public formation and inherits cultural values \u200b\u200bcreated by humanity at the previous stages.

Physical culture is one of the spheres of social activities aimed at improving health, the development of human physical abilities and the use of them in accordance with the needs of public practice. The main indicators of the state of physical culture in society: the level of health and physical development of people; the degree of use of physical culture in the field of education and education, in production, everyday life, the structure of free time; The nature of the physical education system, the development of mass sports, higher sports achievements, etc.

Annotation: Terms and basic definitions of physical culture, history of development, value of sports.

1.1. The basic concepts of physical culture and sports

In the theory of physical culture, such concepts as "physical culture", "Sport", "Non-Second Physical Education", "Physical Recreation", "Motor Rehabilitation", "Physical Development", "Physical Education", "Physical Preparation", " physical exercise "and many others. These concepts are the most common character, and specific terms and concepts, one way or another flow out of the definitions of more general categories.

The main and most common of them is the concept of "physical culture". As a form of culture, she in a social scale is an extensive area of \u200b\u200bcreative activity both scientific and practical, as well as the results of this activity to create physical readiness of people to life. In a personal plan, it is a measure and a way to comprehensively physical human development.

In the same case, physical culture is of crucial importance not by itself as an area of \u200b\u200bactivity, but its qualitative results, degree of efficiency, value, utility for humans and society. In wider terms, the effectiveness of this activity may manifest itself in a state of physical education in the country, in its material and technical, theoretical and methodological and organizational provision in specific indicators of the physical development of members of society.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION - This is a type of culture that is a specific process and the result of human activity, a means and method of physical improvement of people to fulfill their social responsibilities.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION - The process of forming the need for practical exercise in the interests of the comprehensive development of the personality, the formation of a positive attitude towards physical culture, the development of value orientation, beliefs, tastes, habits, inclinations.

SPORT - type of physical culture: game, competitive activity and preparation for it based on the use of physical exercises and aimed at achieving the highest results.

It is aimed at disclosing the reserve capabilities and identify the limits for this time levels of functioning of the human body in the process of motor activity. Competition, specialization, focus on the highest achievements, entertainment are specific signs of sports as a type of physical culture.

Physical recreation - type of physical culture: the use of physical exercises, as well as sports in simplified forms, for active recreation of people, receiving pleasure from this process, entertainment, switching from one type of activity to another, distraction from ordinary work, household, sports, military activities .

It constitutes the main content of mass forms of physical culture, represents recreational activities.

Motor rehabilitation - type of physical culture: a targeted process of using physical exercises for recovery or compensation of partially or temporarily lost motor abilities, treatment of injuries and their consequences.

This process is carried out comprehensively, under the influence of specially selected physical exercises, massage, water and physiotherapy procedures and some other means. This is a restoration activity.

PHYSICAL TRAINING - kind of non-sociable physical education: the process of forming motor skills and the development of physical abilities (qualities) necessary in specific professional or sports activities (physical training of the pilot, installer, steel-owned, etc.)

It can be determined as a type of general training of an athlete (physical training of a sprinter, boxer, fighter, etc.).

PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT - the process of changing the forms and functions of the organism or under the influence of natural conditions (nutrition, labor, life), or under the influence of the purposeful use of special exercise.

It is also the result of the impact of these tools and processes, which can be measured at this particular point (sizes of the body and its parts, indicators of various motor qualities and abilities, functionality of the body systems).

PHYSICAL EXERCISES - Movements or actions used to develop physical abilities (qualities), organs and systems, for the formation and improvement of motor skills.

On the one hand, this is a means of physical improvement, human transformation, its biological, mental, intellectual, emotional and social essence. On the other hand, it is also a method (method) of human physical development. Exercise are the main, "cross-cutting" means of all types of physical culture of non-societical physical education, sports, physical recreation and motor rehabilitation.

1.2. The history of the development of physical culture

"The physical perfection of a person is not a gift of nature, but a consequence of targeted formation of it."

N.G. Chernyshevsky

The harmonious combination of intelligence, physical and spiritual forces is highly appreciated by a person throughout its development and improvement. The great men in their writings emphasized the need for the comprehensive development of young people, not highlighting the priority of physical or spiritual education, understood deeply; How reassessing, accented formation of any qualities lead to a violation of the harmonious development of the personality.

The term "culture", which appeared during the occurrence of human society, is far in ambiguous, closely related to such concepts; as "cultivation", "processing", "upbringing", "education", "development"; "West". This term in modern society covers a wide sphere of conversion activities and its results in the form of relevant values, in particular, "transformation of its own nature."

Physical culture is part of the (subsystem) of the general culture of mankind, which is creative activities to master the past and the creation of new values \u200b\u200bmainly in the field of development, recovery and education of people.

In order to develop, upbringing and improving a person, physical culture uses the possibilities of an individual, natural forces of nature, achieving sciences about a person, specific scientific results and installations of medicine, hygiene, anatomy, physiology, psychology, pedagogy, military affairs, etc. Physical culture, organically inspired In the professional and industrial, economic, social relations of people, there is a significant impact on them, fulfilling a humanistic and cultural and creative mission, which today, during the reforms of the Higher School and revising the essence of previous concepts, especially value and significantly.

Academician N.I. Ponomarev, relying on the results of the study of the vast material, came to the conclusion, which became fundamental to the history of the emergence and the initial development of physical education, that "the person became a man not only during the development of workers, but also in the course of constant improvement of the human body. Human body as the main productive force. " In this development, hunting, as a form of work, played a decisive role. It was during this period that a person appreciated the advantages of new skills, vital movements, the qualities of strength, endurance, speed.

Archeology and ethnography provided the opportunity to trace the development of a person, therefore, and physical culture, from ancient times. The results of scientific studies make it possible to conclude that physical culture has been separated from labor movements, the physical culture of vital actions in almost an independent view of human activity between 40 to 25 millennia BC. The appearance of a throwing weapon, and in the future and onions, contributed to the need to prepare food miners, warriors, develop and improve, in the stone age, which appeared to physical education systems, motor quality as a deposit of successful hunting, protection against the enemy, etc.

The interest and the fact that many nations appear the traditions and customs of the use of physical culture, its raising component in the rituals of dedication during the transition from one age group to another. For example, young people were not allowed to marry until certain tests were performed - tests, and girls get married until they prove fitness to independent life.

So, on one of the islands of the archipelago, new hybrids were arranged annually holidays, the culmination of which were "jumping from the tower" on land (L. Kun). The participant of this competition, which was attached to the attachment of the rope from Lian, flies down the head from a height of 30 m. When the head is almost touched by the Earth, the elastic lianas are reduced and throw a person up, and it is smoothly lacing on his feet. In those distant times, these tests were not allowed to rite a dedication, could not appear in humans.

The physical culture of the primitive period, developing resistance, solid will, physical training of each member of the tribe, brought up a sense of community in protecting their interests.

Of particular interest is the physical culture of ancient Greece, where "illiterate considered those who did not know how to read, write and swim" (Ageevets V.U., 1983), physical education in the ancient Greek states Sparta and Athens, where gymnastics, fencing, horse riding were taught , Swimming, running from 7 years of age, Fighting and a fistboard - from a 15-year-old.

An example characterizing the level of physical culture in these states was the organization and holding of the Olympic Games.

The great people of antiquity were both great athletes: philosopher Plato - a fist fighter, mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras - Olympic champion, Hippocrat - Swimmer, Wrestler.

Mythical heroes with supernatural physical and spiritual abilities were among all the peoples: Hercules and Achilles - at Greek, Gilgames - Vavillyan, Samson - Jews, Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich - Slavyan. People, exalting their exploits, victory in competitions, the fight against the evil and the forces of nature, sought themselves healthy, strong, skillful and hardworking, which naturally reflected on the peculiarities of education, physical education, physical culture.

It makes sense to emphasize the importance of physical culture for the Greeks with the words of the Great Aristotle: "Nothing exists and does not destroy a person as long-lasting physical inaction."

Military-physical education is typical for the Middle Ages. The Warrior Knight was to master the seven knightly values: riding riding, fencing, archery, swimming, hunting, playing chess and skill to cast poems.

The greatest development in the capitalist society achieved sports as an integral part of physical culture.

Various forms of physical exercises were long known to the Russian people. Games, swimming, skiing, struggle, fist fight, horse riding and hunting had widespread spread already in ancient Russia. Various games were widely used: in the lapto, towns, grandmas, leaps and many others.

The physical culture of the Russian people was distinguished by great originality and identity. In physical exercises, common among Russians in the XIII-XVI centuries, their military and half-time are pronounced brightly. Horse riding, archery, running with obstacles were in Russia with loved folk entertainment. Mass distribution also had fist battles, for a long time (up to the beginning of the XX century), which was played as one of the main folk distinctive forms of physical education.

Skiing, skiing and sled skiing, etc. have been very popular among the Russians. One of the original physical education tools was the hunt that served not only commercial purposes, but also in order to show his dexterity and, fearlessness (for example, a bear hunting with Rhotina).

Extremely peculiarly conducted in Russia. It is well known for the Russian custom immediately after staying in a hot bath to be filled with cold water or to wipe in snow. The valuable original types of physical exercises were also common among other peoples who were part of the multinational Russian state created later.

The emergence and strengthening of the Nobility Empire Peter I (XVIII century) was affected to a certain extent and on the state influence on the development of physical culture. It affected, above all, combat training of troops, physical education in educational institutions and partly the upbringings of the nobility.

It was in the era of reforms of Peter I, exercise began to be used for the first time in Russia in the system of training soldiers and officers. At the same time, physical exercises, mainly fencing and horse riding, are introduced as academic discipline at the Moscow School of Mathematical and Navigation Sciences (1701), in the Maritime Academy and other educational institutions. In Peter I, exercise classes are also introduced in civilian gymnasiums, classes are organized by rowing and sailing young people. These measures were the first steps of the state to lead the work of physical culture.

In the future, exercise are increasingly applied in educational institutions, and especially in the system of military education. Great merit in this belongs to the great Russian commander A.V. Suvorov.

In the second half of the XIX century. Among young people, modern sports in the form of sports clubs and clubs begins to develop. The first gymnastic and sports societies and clubs appear. In 1897, the first football team was created in St. Petersburg, and in 1911 the All-Russian Football Union, which united 52 clubs was organized.

At the beginning of the XX century. Sports societies arose in St. Petersburg: "Lighthouse", "Bogatyr". Various sports organizations and clubs united by 1917 a rather large number of amateurs athletes. However, there were no conditions for the development of mass sports. Therefore, in conditions of pre-revolutionary Russia, individual athletes managed to show the results of the international class only due to natural data and perseverance, with which they trained. It is all known - poddubny, Zaicin, Eliseev, etc.

With the arrival of Soviet power, pursuing the purpose of mass military training of workers and the upbringing of physically hardened fighters of the army, in April 1918 a decree was adopted about the organization of universal military training (the Community). In a short time, 2 thousand sports grounds were built, in 1918 the first IFC in Moscow and Leningrad was organized. The question of strengthening the state forms of guiding physical culture and sports work in the country. On July 27, 1923, the Decree of the Russian Academy of Sciences of the RSFSR is published on the organization of scientific, educational and organizational work on physical education.

Adopted on July 13, 1925, the decision of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) "on the tasks of the party in the field of physical culture" was the program for the development of physical education in the new conditions of the Socialist Society. The ruling was determined by the essence of physical culture and its place in the Soviet state, its educational significance was emphasized, indicated on the need to engage in the physical culture movement of broad masses of workers, peasants, students student.

In honor of the 10th anniversary of physical culture in the USSR (counting from the moment of the organization of the Community) in 1928, the All-Union Olympiad was held, which attracted over 7 thousand participants.

In 1931-1932 A physical culture developed by the Special Commission of the All-Union Council of Physical Culture under the CEC, the physical cultural complex "is ready for work and defense of the USSR". Over the years of the existence of the complex, its norms passed over 2.5 million people. In 1939, a new improved set of GTO was introduced and the annual holiday is established in the same year - the All-Union Day of Physical Center. The policy of the state was aimed at the development of mass tourism. Sections of tourism, mountaineering - climbing and later sports orientation were in the post-war years in almost every educational institution, in enterprises, factories. The club system began to develop. Tourist clubs have become methodological and training centers. At clubs were preparing the instructor, coaches, heads of sections. It should be said that the first tourist club in the USSR was organized in the city of Rostov-on-Don in 1937. It was a universal club, which was united by lovers of all types of travel. The club's room was very modest. He was located in two big halls. Here's what I wrote about the work plans of the club magazine "On land and at sea":

"Here tourists have the opportunity to exchange experience in work, discuss their travel plans, get advice to organize studies on tourism technique. It is no doubt that the shape of the tuber-tourist work is entirely and fully justifies itself.

On the walls of the rooms there is a methodical, consulting and reference material for all types of amateur tourism. There is a corner of a climber, a vodna, a cyclist and a pedestrian.

Where can I go in the summer, where and how to spend the day off? Dozens of routed posters are responsible for this question. The club work sections: pedestrian, water, cycling and mountaineering.

In the near future, geographical, local lore and photorubs are organized. The club held a consultation, how to organize tourist-excursion work at the enterprise, and lectures with the range of Kazbek and Elbrus.

It is planned to organize the evenings of the meetings of the tourist asset and hold a number of mass consultations on tourism for compatibility and voluntary sports societies. "

To the Great Patriotic War, the Rostov Club of tourists remained the only one in the country. After the war, he was organized again in October 1961

During the Great Patriotic War, Soviet athletes made their contribution to victory over the enemy. A number of athletes were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Skiers, swimmers were provided invaluable assistance to the Soviet Army.

In 1957 there were more than 1,500 stadiums, over 5 thousand athletes, about 7 thousand gymnastic halls, the stadium was opened. IN AND. Lenin in Luzhniki, etc.

After 1948, the USSR athletes over 5 thousand times renewed all-union records in almost a thousand times - world. The Garts of the Peoples of the USSR played a major role.

Every year international relations are expanding in sports. We are members of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the International Council of Physical Education and Sports (SIPS), the International Federation of Sports Medicine (FMS) and many others, members of the International Federation of 63 sports.

The Russian Student Sports Union (RSS) was established in 1993. Currently, RSS is recognized as a single body to lead the student sports of the Russian Federation for higher education. The ministries and departments that are in their jurisdiction of higher educational institutions, the State Committee of Russia in physical culture and tourism, RSSs are actively cooperating with the Russian Olympic Committee, being its member, with government agencies, various youth organizations. RSSs joined the International Federation of University Sports (FISU), takes an active part in all, its events.

RSSs unites sports clubs, various physical culture organizations more than 600 higher and 2,500 secondary specialized educational institutions in the country. In the structure of RSS, regional bodies of leadership student sports have been created. For sports at the disposal of students, sports halls, stadiums, swimming pools, ski databases, sports fields of higher and secondary schools are provided. For the organization of summer holidays in universities, 290 sports and recreation camps are functioning. About 10 thousand specialists lead regular classes in physical culture and sports with students. In higher education institutions of Russia, more than 50 sports are cultivated, the most popular basketball, athletics, ski racing, volleyball, football, table tennis, tourism, chess, sports orientation.

The Russian Student Sports Union is held annually with national and regional sports championships included in the World Universian Championships and World Student Championships. In many sports, students make up most of the Russian national teams and take part in the European, peace and Olympic Games championships. RSSs is a successor of the abolished student DSO "Petrel", continues his ideas and traditions. In the near future, the winter and summer All-Russian University, the regular publication of its printed body, the creation of a student sport development fund, the release of student sports lotteries and other activities aimed at implementing authorized tasks.

The role of physical education and higher educational institutions increases. His tasks: educating students of volitional and physical qualities, consciousness, work preparation and protection of the Motherland; maintaining and promoting health; Professional and applied physical training, taking into account future work; Acquisition by students of the necessary knowledge on the basics of theory, methods and organization of physical education and sports training; Preparation for work as public instructors and sports judges; Improving students' sporting skills. Classes are held throughout theoretical learning on all courses.

Physical education

The term "physical culture" appeared in England, but did not find widespread in the West and now practically disappeared from everybody. In our country, on the contrary, he received his recognition in all high instances and firmly entered the scientific and practical lexicon.

Physical culture is a person activities aimed at improving the health and development of physical abilities. It develops the body harmoniously and retains an excellent physical condition for many years. Physical culture is part of a common human culture, as well as part of the culture of society and is a totality - values, knowledge and norms that are used by society for the development of physical and intellectual human abilities.

Physical culture was formed in the early stages of the development of human society, but its improvement continues at present. The role of physical education in connection with the urbanization, the deterioration of the environmental situation and the automation of labor contributing to hypocinezia has particularly increased.

Physical culture is an important means of "educating a new person, harmoniously combining spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection." It contributes to increasing the social and labor activity of people, economic efficiency of production. Physical education satisfies social needs for communication, game, entertainment, in some forms of self-expression through socially active useful activities.

The main indicators of the state of physical culture in society is the level of health and physical development of people, the degree of use of physical culture in the field of education and education, in production, everyday life, in organizing free time. The result of its activities is the physical fitness and degree of perfection of motor skills and skills, a high level of development of vitality, sports achievements, moral, aesthetic, intellectual development.

The main elements of physical culture

The main elements of physical education are as follows:
1. Long charge.
2.physical exercises.
3. Little activity.
4. Sports.
5.physical work.
6. Active - motor versions of tourism.
7. Entering the body.
8. Personal hygiene.

Physical culture has a beneficial effect on the nervous emotional system, prolongs life, rejuvenates the body, makes a person more beautiful. Disregard for physical education leads to obesity, loss of endurance, dexterity and flexibility.

Morning charging is an essential element of physical culture. However, it is useful only under the condition of its competent use, which takes into account the specifics of the functioning of the body after sleep, as well as the individual characteristics of a particular person. Since the body after sleep has not yet fully switched to the state of active wakefulness, the use of intensive loads in the morning gymnastics is not recommended, as well as it is impossible to bring the body to a state of pronounced fatigue.

Morning charging effectively eliminates such consequences of sleep, like swelling, lethargy, drowsiness and others. It increases the tone of the nervous system, enhances the work of cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the glands of the internal secretion. The solution to these tasks allows smoothly and at the same time to quickly increase the mental and physical performance of the body and prepare it for the perception of significant physical and mental stresses that are often found in modern life.

In economically developed countries over the past 100 years, the proportion of muscle work used by man has decreased almost 200 times. As a result, the intensity of labor has become 3 times lower than the threshold value ensuring a wellness and prophylactic effect. In this regard, to compensate for the lack of energy consumption in the process of labor activity, a modern person needs to carry out exercise with an energy consumption of at least 350 - 500 kcal per day.

Exercise is the movements or actions used for the physical development of a person. This is a means of physical improvement, human transformation, the development of its biological, mental, intellectual, emotional and social essence. Exercise are the main means of all types of physical culture. They, acting on the brain, cause a sense of vigor and joy, create an optimistic and balanced neuropsychic state. Physical education should be engaged from early childhood and to deep old age.

The wellness and prophylactic effect of physical culture is inextricably linked with increased motor activity, amplification of the functions of the musculoskeletal system, the activation of metabolism. Motor activity is of great importance, both to overcome the motor deficit (hypodynamia) and to preserve and promote health. The lack of muscular activity leads to a violation in the human body of neuropsychiatric connections, laid by nature, the consequence of what is the disorder of the activities of cardiovascular and other systems, metabolic disorders and the development of various diseases.

Physical work and amateur sports are excellent physical culture tools for prevention and health promotion. They are well suited to people with sedentary work, as well as workers of mental labor. The main requirement is the load must be accumulated and in no case is not overvoligious.

Hardening is also one of the elements of physical culture. It owns a significant role in the prevention of colds and many infectious diseases. The hardening procedures include: daily bodies wiping cool water or showing shower, pouring, swimming with subsequent rubbing, air and sunbathing.

In the process of hardening, the nervous system is primarily strengthened. Under the influence of external stimuli, the activities of cardiovascular, respiratory and other organism systems are gradually rebuilt, leading to the expansion of the compensatory functionality of the human body. The basic principles of hardening are graduality, systematization, accounting of individual characteristics of a person, the complex use of the sun, air and water.

Components of physical culture

Physical culture is a public phenomenon, which is closely related to the economy, culture, socio-political, the state of health care and the upbringing of people. Its structure includes the following components:
1. Physical education.
2. Physical education.
3. Physical preparation for concrete activities.
4. Restoration of health or lost forces by means of physical culture - rehabilitation.
5. Classes of physical exercises for the purpose of rest, so-called. - Recreation.
6. Preparation of highly professional athletes.

Physical education is a pedagogical process aimed at the formation of special knowledge, skills, as well as the development of versatile human physical abilities. Its specific content and focus are determined by the needs of society in physically trained people and are embodied in educational activities.

Physical education is an organized process of impact on a person through exercise, hygienic activities and the natural forces of nature in order to form such qualities and acquire such knowledge, skills and skills that meet the requirements of society and the interests of the individual.

Physical preparation is the type of physical education: the development and improvement of motor skills and the physical qualities necessary in specific professional or sports activities.

Restoration of health or lost forces is a targeted process of restoration or compensation of partially or temporarily lost motor abilities, treatment of injuries and their consequences of physical culture. The process is carried out comprehensively under the influence of specially selected exercise, massage, water and physiotherapy procedures and some other means.

Physical recreation is an active recreation with exercise, as well as sports in simplified forms. It is the main content of mass forms of physical culture and is recreational activities.

Preparation of highly professional athletes is a specific form of physical culture, the purpose of which is to identify the limit physical and psychological capabilities of a person in the process of performing a variety of exercises and use them to achieve the highest results.

Indicators of the state of physical culture in society are:
1. The mass of its development.
2. Health and comprehensive physical development levels.
3. The level of sports achievements.
4. The presence and level of qualifications of professional and social physical training frames.
5. The degree of use of physical culture in education and education.
6. Propaganda of physical culture and sports.
7. The degree and nature of the use of the media, in the field of problems facing physical culture.

Independent physical education classes

The purpose of independent practices by physical education is to preserve and promote health, useful time, upbringing personal qualities, mastering physical education skills and skills. Independent physical culture activities are also intended to solve specific problems of a particular person and are developed in this case, taking into account the individual characteristics of the individual and the reasons that generate the problem. Physical education classes are very important to humans. They improve the metabolism and blood circulation, strengthen the heart, vessels and lungs, develop muscles, get rid of many diseases, have a positive effect on a psycho-emotional sphere, make a person harder and more beautiful, help us always be active, workable, to keep interest in life until the end of their days . At the same time, it is necessary to adhere to the basic principles of independent practices in physical culture.
1. The principle of systematic. Compliance with it provides regular exercise classes. The effect of physical education comes only with regular and long-term applications.
2. The principle of individuality. The choice of species of physical culture depends on the physical cultural and sports interests of man. We also need to record health status. Emotional saturation of physical education should be certainly. After all, we get the greatest satisfaction and the effect from what we like and it is interesting to do.
3. The principle of rationality of physical exertion. Compliance with this principle provides a gradual increase in physical exertion and their optimal combination with rest. Frequency of physical education is also strictly individual. It is necessary to calculate the load and frequency of classes depending on the training of a person. Too heavy loads every day can only worsen the state, lead to strong fatigue and even physical injury. And small loads will not give the expected effect. The physical education should be built according to the following rule: from simple to complex, from the lung to difficult.
4. The principle of comprehensive physical development. In independent practices, physical education should be purposefully developing basic physical qualities - endurance, strength, flexibility, dexterity, etc. To do this, use various cyclic exercises, gymnastics, games, exercises with burdens.
5. The principle of confidence in the need for classes. It is difficult to overestimate the psychological attitude to physical education. Since ancient times, the close relationship between mental and physical health is known. Confidence in the need and benefits of physical education are powerful organism. The effect of physical education is incomparably increasing in cases where physical exercises are combined with self-sufficiency. Consciousness stimulates brain biorhythms, and he gives orders to the whole body. Therefore, try not only to believe in the result, but necessarily think about what this result will be. Visualize healthy organs in consciousness and their functioning.
6. The principle of medical control and self-control. Consultation with the doctor will help any person find out what kinds of physical education is best used in independent classes, from what physical exertion to start training.

Physical exertion differ in quantitative and high-quality influence on the body. They intensify metabolism, energy resources consumption. The degree of their spending depends on fatigue, subjectively expressed by a feeling of fatigue. Without fatigue, the functionality of the body does not increase. After performing physical activity, the performance is usually reduced and rest is needed for its recovery. With muscular fatigue in the body, the glycogen reserves in the liver and muscles decrease, and the content of unsophisticated metabolic products increases in the blood, therefore, with active classes, physical education should include more vegetables and fruits in the diet, which helps maintain acid-alkaline equilibrium in the body.

The performance of optimal physical exertion is an essential point with an independent physical activity. According to the principle of Arndt - Schulz, small loads do not have a noticeable effect on the body, the average most favorable, and strong can bring harm. For orientation, you can use the classification of S. Tumanyan, based on the reaction of the cardiovascular system for the load. If immediately after performing physical exercises, the pulse frequency is not more than 120 shots per minute, the load is considered small, 120-160 - medium, more than 160 - large. The maximum is a physical activity, after which the pulse frequency is equal to the number determined by subtraction from among the 220 of its age in years.

Physical culture and health

Health is such a state of the body, in which the functions of all its organs and systems are in dynamic equilibrium with an external environment. Health is an important characteristic of the productive forces, this public domain having material and spiritual value. The main sign of health is the high performance and adaptability of the body to various kinds of influences and changes in the external environment. A comprehensively prepared and trained person easily retains the constancy of the inner medium, which manifests itself in maintaining the constant body temperature, the chemical composition of the blood, acid-alkaline balance, etc. A huge role in this is played by physical education.

Statistics indicate that our society is a patient that it practically does not remain healthy people, so the question of the study of therapeutic physical education is very acute. Therapeutic physical culture is a method that uses physical culture with a medical and prophylactic goal for a faster and full restoration of health and prevention of complications of the disease.

The acting factor of therapeutic physical education is exercise, that is, movements specially organized and used as a non-specific stimulus in order to treat and rehabilitate the patient. Exercise contributes to the restoration of not only physical, but also mental forces.

Therapeutic and prophylactic effect of therapeutic physical education:
1. Nonspecific (pathogenetic) action. Stimulation of motor-visceral reflexes, etc.
2. Activation of physiological functions.
3. Adaptive (compensatory) action on functional systems (tissues, organs, etc.).
4. Stimulation of morpho - functional disorders (reparative regeneration, etc.).

The effectiveness of the impact of therapeutic physical education on a sick person:
1. Normalization of psycho-emotional state, acid-alkaline equilibrium, metabolism, etc.
2. Functional adaptability (adaptation) to socio-domestic and labor skills.
3. Preventing the complications of the disease and the occurrence of disability.
4. Development, education and consolidation of motor skills. Increase resistance to the factors of the external environment.

One of the easiest and at the same time a very effective method of medical physical education is improving walking. With a wellness walking for 1 hour, 300--400 kcal energy is consumed depending on the body weight (approximately 0.7 kcal / kg per 1 km traveled path). With a walking speed of 6 km per hour, the total energy consumption for a medium-sized person will be 300 kcal (50 * 6). With daily practice of recreation walking (1 hour), the total energy consumption in the week will be about 2,000 kcal, which provides a minimal (threshold) training effect necessary to compensate for the shortage of energy consumption and growth of the body's functionality.

Accelerated walking as a healing physical education can only be recommended if there are contraindications to the run. In the absence of serious abnormalities in the state of health, it can only be used as a preparatory stage of training for endurance in beginners with low functionality. In the future, as the workout increases, improving the recreation walking should be replaced by running training.

Wellness run is the simplest and most affordable view of physical education, and therefore the most massive. According to the most modest counting, running as a health facility is used by more than 100 million people of middle and old age of our planet. The technique of recreational running is so simple that it does not require special training, and its influence on the human body is extremely large.

Wellness running is an indispensable means of discharging and neutralizing negative emotions that cause chronic nervous overvoltage.

Wellness running in the optimal dosage in combination with water procedures is the best means of fighting neurasthenia and insomnia caused by nervous overvoltage.

Wellness running with regular perennial classes changes and the type of personality of the runner, his mental status. Psychologists believe that lovers of health run are becoming: more sociable, contacts, benevolent, have a higher self-esteem and confidence in their forces and opportunities.

Man himself Creator his health for which it is necessary to fight. From an early age, it is necessary to conduct an active lifestyle, hardened, engage in physical education, comply with the rules of personal hygiene, - in a word, to achieve the intelligent paths of genuine harmony of health.

Systematic physical education classes have a favorably affect the central nervous system, which is the main regulator of all physical and mental processes in our organism. The positive effect of physical culture on nervous processes contributes to a more complete disclosure of the abilities of each person, an increase in his mental and physical performance. Regular physical education classes improve the work of the heart, lungs, increase the metabolism, strengthen the musculoskeletal system. At high loads, the heart of the trained person can shrink more often and throw over one reduction of more blood. In the same time, the operating time the trained organism receives and assimilates more oxygen due to deeper breathing and the best delivery of nutrients to the muscles.

Permanent physical education classes improve the physique, the figure becomes slim and beautiful, the movement acquire expressiveness and plasticity. Those who are engaged in physical culture and sports increase their confidence, the power of will is strengthened, which helps to achieve the life goals.

Physical education of children is an integral part of the physical culture. Insufficient motor activity in the process of growth and development of children and adolescents can cause many adverse effects: leads to a deterioration of health, a decrease in physical and mental performance, creates prerequisites for the development of various forms of pathology.

The result of physical education in old age is the ability to prevent the development of various violations in the body, the cause of which is hypocinenesia. Early aging is a lot of people who are inattentive to their health, leading the wrong way of life who do not want to abandon smoking, non-harmonious consumption of alcohol, imposta in food. Those who seek to live in such a way as to push the old age and diseases are engaged in physical education, the correct regime is supplied reasonably. Physical culture is the main means delaying the age deterioration of physical qualities and a reduction in the adaptive abilities of the body as a whole and the cardiovascular system in particular.

But most people have one problem - lack of time. And to move, physical education should be done, because most sitting work, a sedentary lifestyle. I went out of this situation as follows: We all watch TV daily - this is our lifestyle. I began to combine these two classes: watch TV and make gymnastics. You can find dozens of exercises that can be done and at the same time look at the screen. I started with the exercise "Rotation of a mental hoop on the waist." You can make various exercises with the expander, squats, etc. You can sit on the sofa and engage in static gymnastics, straining and relaxing certain muscle groups. Without daily physical education classes, good health cannot be achieved.

Physical culture gives a person not only a bodily fortress, but also spiritual health. It is impossible to harmoniously harmoniously if not to make efforts to form a beautiful and healthy body.

A set of exercises, which is aimed at strengthening the physical components, and, as a result, an emotional state, which is what physical culture is. Exercises are used worldwide for the prevention of various diseases, as an additional methodology for treatment.

A complex of certain sports exercises aimed at the development of all muscle groups is the concept of physical education.

The definition is not only sports aspects, but also certain knowledge, skills, values \u200b\u200bthat allow you to lead a healthy lifestyle to a person. Activity favorably affects health, it allows you to adapt socially.

Usually people find themselves standing friends, visiting sports sections, mugs, groups. This is explained by the fact that a healthy passion for sports allows you to find like-minded people who have similar vital values.

The concept is very connected with sports. The goal is one - through the effectiveness of the exercise to develop bodily and spiritual qualities. However, if the sport pursues the goal, so that the person becomes the best and strong, while using the exhausting workouts, the physical culture includes other methods.

This is, first of all, compliance with comfort for a person (there are no heavy exercises that only a well-friendly person can do. The main features are the mass and therapeutic effect.


Exercises, massage, personal hygiene - this is what includes physical education. It is impossible for harmonious development, if not to take into account all the factors.

The integrated application of all methods of healthy education is the basis of the full development of the body, physiological and psychological.

Directions There are several, each develops a certain area or aims to a certain type of activity.

Types of physical education:

  • the background is the movements that a person performs almost unconsciously: lifting the stairs, a ride by bike, a short journey behind the departure minibus. Such activity practically does not require the load, it is performed automatically, but at the same time, it brings invaluable health;
  • mass is the type of activity that is performed under the control of the specialist. To this view, you can take a visit to various sports events, groups, sections;
  • adaptive is strictly individual character, the exercise complex is selected taking into account the condition of the patient and aims at rehabilitation of the body, the correction of well-being is often applied after injuries, stretching and in chronic diseases;
  • therapeutic is a real panacea, which does not require financial investments, but showing efficiency. For rehabilitation, during the course of the course of drug treatment, a specially designed set of exercises is used, helping to restore physical health after diseases and injuries.

There are many species, and they all suggest a comprehensive effect on the human body.

Take note!Motor activity is shown to people of any age, healthy or having disease.


The answer to the question is for what you need to do physical education, everyone should answer himself. Physically healthy people sport helps to keep the body and spirit in a tone.

During the rehabilitation period, after operations, the exercises will help to quickly restore motor activity.

What gives a person a constant physical activity:

  • health promotion;
  • hardening;
  • comprehensive development of physical and psychosomatic;
  • training workout;
  • increasing endurance;
  • stimulating brain activity.

The benefit of sports is undoubted. During the oxygen training, the body comes more, especially if the occupation is carried out in the open air, which is due to the youth.

Take note!Elderly people are especially useful, as it allows you to stabilize the activities of the CNS.

Applied physical education

Applied physical culture is a specialized technique. What it is easy can be understood if you think how the method is used in practice.

With it, the muscles restore, the active rest allows you to remove the voltage obtained in the long working week. Usually such physical culture is included in the mandatory plan in training in establishments with a military bias.

Sailors, firefighters, Ministry of Emergency Situations should be mandatory, except professional classes, have excellent physical training.

There are several aspects that characterize discipline. The simplest of them are basic. These are those who are trained in school. At a young age, the foundation is laid for further achievements.

After that, you should move to achieving higher results. In this key, children's and youth sports are highlighted, and after - mass and individual.

There is an applied and professional culture that allows you to master a certain profession. For this direction, the use of some other techniques is practiced, it is characterized by a more careful study of achievements.

Health orienteering is also included and aimed at strengthening the body's functionality. At the same time, do not forget about the hygienic component, which includes gymnastics, daily workouts, nutrition and sleep mode.

The appearance of the term

For the first time in a modern understanding, the word "physical education" appeared only in the 19th century in England. Until this time, what is customary is now called physical culture, referred to sports.

In Russia, this term began to be used in the 20th century, when special schools appeared for children from rich families. And in general education Russian institutions, the concept began to be used only after 1918.

Then certain plans were established, standards and number of allocated hours. From this time, this direction was distant from sports finally.

As physical activity appeared, which became universal culture, to say unequivocally, as well as answering the question of who came up with it. According to the official version, it all started with the fact that a person needed to survive in difficult conditions. To protect yourself and your family from predators, extracting food required tremendous efforts and preparation.

In antiquity, people had to withstand heavy loads, moving a lot. Man understood: the more he moves, the more increasing his strength and endurance. Experience began to be transmitted from one generation to another, and later classes no longer have become fulfilled only to achieve a certain goal.

Even when it was not necessary to hunt predators, people were just practicing for the general strengthening of the body, so to speak "for themselves." This is how physical culture appeared.

Scientists still do not know when physical education appeared. It is difficult to answer the question due to the fact that it is unknown, whether it was an achievement of ancient people.

So when certain exercises appeared and people began to engage in no sake of food and survival, easier.

In ancient Greece, gladiator fights and competitions were arranged, which showed what a person is capable of. It is not surprising, because it was then that the culture of a beautiful body was born (it can be seen if you look at the ancient statues), and people began to make all sorts of efforts to make their body beautiful.

In modern understanding, the definition appeared in the 19th century. Then, certain techniques were developed for the first time and the final separation of the concepts of "physical education" and "Sport" appeared.

Use of exercise

The first one who first realized that the development of the body was not only instinctively, but the systematic and constantly, not to find.

The fact is that it is not even clear when a first understanding of what sports with the body appeared.

However, answering the question who came up with physical culture, you can call the name P.F. Lesgafta, a doctor who engaged in the scientific construction of a picture of the right upbringing of a harmonious personality with the help of sports exercises.

Wikipedia physical culture is defined as the area of \u200b\u200bhuman knowledge, which is designed to maintain and strengthen health, develop psychophysical connections. Wikipedia also indicates that science forms a healthy lifestyle, during classes there is a sociological adaptation.

Sport, unlike physical education, is not intended to strengthen health, but aimed at achieving maximum effectiveness. What gives physical culture to a person and for what she needs today knows everyone.

What will be the result of regular classes:

  • taut and beautiful body;
  • healthy and flexible muscles;
  • improved metabolism;
  • healthy respiratory and blood system;
  • reduction of the risk of heart attack and stroke;
  • improving immunity;
  • improving brain and memory quality.

Useful video

Let's summarize

A healthy lifestyle is the very first factor to pay attention to the modern person.

Even 20-30 minutes per day of light classes that will not burden and will not require financial investments, it allows you to enjoy and save the body with young, to increase the mood and vital tone, acquire active and healthy friends. Love physical culture and be healthy!