Embroidery of rugs with tapestry seams. Exclusive handicraft: carpet embroidery

There are two main types of carpet embroidery:

  • looped. This is embroidery using a carpet technique using a special carpet weaving needle, when a pattern is created from a row of loops based on the selected pattern. A dense fabric is used as a basis for carpet embroidery. This technique is also called "non-woven tapestry";
  • nodular. A special hook for carpet technique is used here. Vinyl canvas is used as a basis for knotted carpet embroidery. On the weaves of the base, knots of short strings are tied, hence the name of the technique.

Now about each type of carpet technique in more detail.

Carpet technique: buttonhole embroidery

Our grandmothers used this technique of carpet embroidery. Huge carpets were embroidered on cold winter evenings. Then this technique remained a little forgotten, and now it comes back to life again.

For work you will need:

  • dense fabric;
  • yarn. Absolutely any yarn will do, but it all depends on what patterns will be chosen. It is advisable to take yarn of the same thickness and structure;
  • special needle for carpet embroidery;
  • pencil for drawing on fabric;
  • scissors.

Selecting and drawing a picture

You can choose any patterns or patterns for embroidery in carpet technique that you like. Carpet embroidery will be carried out from the seamy side, therefore we will apply the contours of the pattern on it.

The fabric is not stretched too much on the hoop, which it is advisable to choose such a size so that you can see the entire pattern in full. After the fabric is stretched, the pattern can be applied.

A special needle is the main working tool

The carpet pulling technique involves the use of a special carpet embroidery needle. Its tip is, as it were, cut at an angle, and inside the needle and handle there is a hole where the thread will be pulled. The cut side will be the front of the needle, and the straight side, which has the thread eyelet, will be the back.

For beginners, it is better to use an automatic needle, where the length of the needle is adjusted and, accordingly, the loops will be the same. As a rule, three interchangeable needles are included in the kit to easily select for different yarn thicknesses.

During carpet embroidery, the needle is kept straight with the front or side in the direction of embroidery. But the direction of the embroidery itself has absolutely no meaning, the main thing is that the direction of movement of the needle is along the course of the stitches.

Where does carpet embroidery begin?

After pulling the fabric onto the hoop and applying the pattern according to the selected pattern, we proceed to embroidery.

It is very important to keep the needle perpendicular to the fabric. The thread that comes out of the upper hole in the needle handle should follow your hand to avoid tangling or creating knots.

After watching the video with the master class, you can understand exactly how to thread the needle through the fabric.

The needle is then gently lifted off the surface of the fabric until the tip comes out to the surface. We step back from the finished stitch just a couple of millimeters and thread the needle into the fabric again. Here it is important to clearly follow the selected pattern and monitor the position of the needle (strictly perpendicular).

After 5-6 stitches, the protruding end of the thread, from which the work began, can be carefully trimmed so that it does not interfere. But this must be done very carefully, otherwise the whole embroidery will simply unravel.

In the course of work, stitches will form on the side where the carpet embroidery is going (wrong side), and loops on the front side, which will create the pattern.

When the thread runs out or you need to change the color

The thread ends, and its end is already hidden in the needle handle. In this case, you need to proceed as follows:

  • make a few more stitches, then pull the thread out of the needle, pressing the last stitch tightly with your finger;
  • cut the thread very close to the fabric, but so that the stitch does not unravel;
  • we fix the end of the thread with textile glue.

If you need to move to another section of the embroidery, even one next to it, you do not need to make a large stitch. Cut off the thread and start a new section over.

Filling in areas of the drawing

It is best to start embroidery with large elements, then move on to small details and other elements of carpet coloring with threads.

We select one element, first we embroider its outline with a needle stitch by stitch, and then we begin to gradually fill the entire area, like coloring. To do this, you can use the circular direction of movement, or you can go with lines, you can also combine the stitching technique. In the video of the master class, you can take a closer look at the embroidery process.

When sewing straight lines with a needle, you need to go through two rows of stitches to make the line more even and clear.

As you can see, embroidery with such a carpet technique using a special needle does not involve absolutely any difficulties. To avoid difficulties while embroidering, take note of some guidelines:

The final stage

That's all, our carpet embroidery is ready, all that remains is to put it in order.

Add a little shampoo to warm water and rinse the finished work in it. Strong detergents can damage the threads.

After that, we lay out the product on a flat surface and leave it to dry completely.

If during work the fabric is wrinkled from the hoop, it is necessary to smooth it a little with a slightly heated iron from the wrong side of the work.

Video: carpet needle embroidery technique

Knot embroidery in carpet technique - master class

Whole carpet embroidery kits are now on sale. Such a set is suitable for beginners, and will also be just a great gift for those who are fond of needlework. Carpet kits allow you to make an original rug, tapestry or pillow with your own hands. As a rule, the kits already include:

  • base fabric,
  • cut pieces of yarn of the required length, sorted by color;
  • special hook (but not always);
  • drawing diagram.

All that remains is to start embroidering as soon as possible.

But, such kits have one drawback - high cost. You can save money if you buy canvas and yarn separately. In this case, you will need to perform a number of preparatory work (cutting and selection of yarn colors, selection and drawing of a pattern on the base). Of course, this will take some time, but it is not so difficult to do it. Which method to choose is entirely up to you, just like the result will depend only on your imagination and diligence.

For work you will need:

  • ready-made set for embroidery in carpet technique or canvas with a large mesh or stramin;
  • leftover yarn. Even the smallest balls are suitable here. The yarn will need to be cut into strips up to 10 cm long, depending on how much you want to get the pile length;
  • hook for carpet embroidery. It is fashionable to use a regular hook, but it is not very convenient. The hook, which is used in the carpet technique, has a special shape that simplifies the process of tying a knot from a thread after it has been pulled through the canvas;
  • embroidery scheme. Here you can use absolutely any pattern for cross stitching, while the cell of the carpet canvas should be equated to the cell of the ordinary canvas. When calculating the number of cells, it should be borne in mind that you need to leave a couple of centimeters at the edges for processing.

Preparing for embroidery

First of all, we choose the drawing you like, or you can come up with it yourself. It is desirable that the diagram does not contain too small elements, because they will be practically invisible.

As a basis for embroidery, you need to take a special mesh called stramin. It is sold both in handicraft stores and in hardware stores. Stramin is a dense canvas with large cells, which is widely used to make tapestry (in the video you will see how it looks like).

We draw the base into squares, with sides 10 by 10 cells.

The main tool for embroidery in carpet technique using the knot method is a special curved hook, which can also be bought in shops with handicraft goods.

The yarn needs to be cut into pieces from 3 to 10 cm, depending on what kind of pile the future rug should have. You can take absolutely any yarn. The best option is acrylic yarn of medium thread thickness.

Operating procedure

The work will be performed on the seamy side of the work, on which the diagram is applied. Watch the video before getting started.

Getting started:

The result is a wonderful fluffy rug that is indistinguishable from a store-bought Persian rug. You can choose absolutely any shape and size.

Video: master class on carpet embroidery

Other ways of embroidery in carpet technique

Cross stitch carpet

In addition to these basic carpet techniques, the carpet can be simply embroidered, just like tablecloths, shirts, towels, napkins, tapestries are embroidered.

Important points:

  • For carpet embroidery, special canvas needles are used, which are blunt at the tip and have a large eye;
  • The thickness of the needle must match the thickness of the thread;
  • Threads for carpet equipment can be very diverse in thickness and characteristics: wool, silk, acrylic, etc .;
  • The main rule when choosing threads: they should lie in an even layer, filling the background;
  • The thread tension should be even when sewing.

Basic seams of carpet embroidery

Cross stitch

Elongated cross stitch

Seam "half-cross"
Perhaps the most famous seam is the "cross". By the way, this seam is the basis for other seams in carpet technique.

First of all, in the direction from left to right, you need to make an even row of stitches, like half a cross. The second half of the cross will be performed in the opposite direction in the same way.

The next type of carpet seam is “elongated cross”. Pass the working thread at an angle through one vertical and two horizontal threads of the canvas. The order of work, in this case, is as follows: the working thread is laid in the direction of the seam from right to left, then it is covered in the indicated way with stitches in the direction from left to right, and then there is a second row of stitches, but in the opposite direction.

When sewing a half-cross stitch, select a working thread slightly thinner than the warp thread. The working thread is passed horizontally from right to left, and then stitches in the opposite direction are laid over it.

Oblique tapestry stitch (first method)

Oblique tapestry stitch (method two)

Elongated bias tapestry stitch
The "oblique tapestry stitch" can be done in different ways:

  • an oblique stitch is made through two threads of the canvas in width, and one in height, which passes between the other two horizontal threads, but without overlapping them;
  • the stitches are sewn obliquely through one vertical and one horizontal thread of the canvas, overlapping the first.

By the way, it is the tapestry stitch in various designs that is very similar to the old carpet embroidery.

A little tip: when sewing with a tapestry stitch on the hoop, the thread must be transferred to the right side from the wrong side. And if you are embroidering without using a hoop, you need to turn the work over when each row ends, and bring out the needle after the last stitch.

To sew a "oblique and elongated tapestry stitch", you need to proceed in the same way as for normal sewing, but take three threads vertically.

It takes a little effort and patience to create a soft and fluffy rug yourself using the carpet technique. Such an exclusive product will be a wonderful gift for loved ones or will delight you for many years. In addition, the carpet embroidery technique makes it possible to get rid of a huge amount of yarn leftovers, which are probably stored in the bins of every needlewoman without work.

Use your imagination as much as possible, and then you will get a unique masterpiece, created by your own hands.

Video: tapestry stitch embroidery

Carpet embroidery is used to create dense products - rugs, panels, tapestries, toys, blankets. The result is unusual things that adorn the interior and carry the warmth of human hands. Beautiful carpet embroidery patterns can be found below in the material.

It is difficult to pinpoint the period when carpets first appeared, but they were mainly spread in the Middle East, where they were available mainly to very wealthy citizens. More reliably, it can be said that the first mass production began in Persia in the 3rd century AD. Carpets were used to decorate houses, covering the sandy floor of tents in the desert, low sofas and sleeping places. A little later, in the Middle Ages, tapestries appeared, with which they began to decorate the walls of castles, in order to brighten up their gloom a little, and also to keep warm. Carpets came to Russia from nomadic tribes that spread in the east.

Basic techniques with carpet embroidery patterns

Of course, there are a great many ways to create carpets, but the most common are two: crochet and needle. With the help of a hook, small pieces of thread of the same length are pulled through the dense canvas, resulting in a carpet pile. Small stitches are made with a needle, which form small loops on the front side, and even stitches on the inside.

What kind of needle is needed for work?

Special attention should be paid to the fact that a needle of a special structure is used for carpet embroidery.

This is a fairly large needle with a large eye at the very tip from the pointed side, and the base is made in the form of a handle. The yarn is threaded along the entire handle and through the hollow needle into the eyelet.

Thanks to this device, you do not need to pull the needle through the fabric, you just need to pierce, make a stitch loop and remove the needle. In this case, you need to ensure that the loops are the same size, otherwise the pattern will turn out to be uneven.

Ready-made schemes for novice craftsmen

Ready-made sets with carpet embroidery patterns are created for needlewomen. They are convenient for beginners and already experienced craftswomen. They contain everything you need: warp, threads, the pattern itself, a hook or a special needle.

Starter diagrams are simpler than regular ones, but that doesn't mean they are less beautiful. This is what makes this technique interesting - no need to use a large number of different yarns and complicated techniquesto create a masterpiece. A small rug for a crib with a large cute pattern can be done by anyone.

The choice of the scheme is based not only on the experience of the master, but also on his character and taste, that is, the image must be liked, otherwise it will not be interesting to create it. Then the materials used are important, it is good to purchase a completely ready-made set, but this is not always a solution. If this is not possible, then it is enough to find a dense canvas or burlap and high-quality yarn.

It is of great importance what the drawing is chosen for. Floral patterns are suitable for a pillow, an ornament or a simple pattern for rugs, and if it is a tapestry, then it is a landscape, still life or even a portrait.

Embroidery patterns that are created in carpet technique can be in the form of a simple outline or squares showing each stitch. The drawing is more convenient if the contours are filled with a single-color thread inside. More complex images with tints and tones, when many colors are used, should show each stitch separately.

Such a complex decor item as a rug is not at all difficult to make and the technology differs little from other types of needlework. Having decided on the pattern and having prepared all the necessary material, you need to fix the base in the hoop so that the fabric does not move and the pattern remains even. For the first time, a canvas with a colored pattern applied over it is ideal.

The yarn needs to be thick, woolen in whole or in half, depending on the purpose. Acrylic threads are easier to wash. But they are not very pleasant to the touch.

The work begins with embroidering the outlines, and then the drawing itself is filled in, unlike all other types of needlework, the direction of the stitches and the like are not at all important here, since the pile will still lie in any direction and this will not spoil the appearance.

To ensure that all stitches are the same length, you need to adjust the needle correctly. The handle is installed with the calculation of the length of the needle twice as long as the pile. The main thing is to always insert the needle until it stops.

Related videos

This video master class will help you master the technique faster.

Even a beginner in needlework can master the technique of carpet embroidery, just be patient.

This technique has an amazing history dating back to the Middle Ages. Today it is in demand in interior solutions - its name speaks for itself: panels, tapestries, rugs created using this technique are distinguished by the special energy of things made by hand. And no less interesting and original, it is used in the manufacture of unique fashion accessories - original bags and even toys. World famous couturiers never forget about it, using it in an extravagant finish. Meanwhile, the technique is so simple and exciting that even children can successfully master it from the first lesson.

Carpet embroidery for beginners - where to start?

To start, as always, is from the basics, namely from ready-made sets for beginners. They include a printed canvas, matching threads and a special hook or needle.

The basis is important; in this technique, a specially processed hard canvas is used to obtain an effective result. This is especially important if an interior item is conceived - a tapestry, rug or bedspread. The result also looks good on dense double-thread fabrics that perfectly keep the shape of the finished product. You can also use a medium-sized sirloin mesh if you plan on soft, pliable embroidery, such as for decorating a sofa cushion.

In addition, you will need a hoop or frame to stretch the base over. You should not neglect them, especially at the stage of mastering the technique - they allow you to make even and dense stitches - one to one stitches even for those who have “no hand full” and the best way to select color combinations of threads.

There are many options for combining colors in carpet embroidery, see the photo:

For the first experience, it is better to choose a drawing, ready-made or applied to the canvas yourself, with clear outlines and large details. If you decide to embroider a tapestry or a rug for a nursery with a funny "cat" portrait, do not try to reproduce mustaches, stripes and other small graphic shapes. Even schematic, but with clear outlines, embroidery will delight you with the result, and you will get the necessary experience.

For carpet embroidery, voluminous, thick pure woolen or mixed twisted threads are used; acrylic threads are perfect for this technique - light and brightly colored. When choosing a material, it is worth considering that acrylic is easier to care for, but wool looks nobler and more expensive. Knitters love this technique for a reason, it allows you to create original and sometimes unique things literally "out of nothing" - the most illiquid balls and skeins, and sometimes threads that have already served their time in sweaters and scarves, are used.

Special needles or hooks are needed as tools in this technique. This, perhaps, is its only, but surmountable difficulty. The tools are worth mentioning separately.

Needle carpet embroidery - the basics of craftsmanship

The needles for this technique are special, they allow you to work with a solid thread, creating a pattern on the front side of the product from volumetric soft loops. You will need two needles for work - for thin and thick threads, they can be purchased at specialized stores for needlework. The principle of their device, regardless of the brand, the post - thread passes through a hollow needle with an "eye" at the finely sharpened end, and the locking mechanism allows you to make even "stitches" of the same size on the basis without much effort.

The first thing to do is sketch. It can be either a finished drawing or your own. It is important that it has a clear outline and well-defined contours. It is worth considering that the drawing is applied to the wrong side, which means - in a mirror image. Now the base must be tightly pulled into the hoop or onto the frame, since the needle will literally pierce the fabric during operation.

Each stitch in the carpet needle technique is a simple movement - the needle must be guided into the warp until it stops and pulled back. This creates a looped embroidery fabric on the front side.

Each loop is created with a simple point movement of the needle: from the inside to the face. Stepping back slightly from the previous puncture, make the next stitch. Their frequency depends on how dense and voluminous you want your embroidery to be. For an effective front side of the work, the best step is 3-4 millimeters.

It is important not to raise the needle too high and not to pull the thread, leaving it free - otherwise the loops of the embroidery may come loose.

How it is done - carpet embroidery - in the video:

It is worth starting with the outline of the drawing, highlighting it with a contrasting thread. So you will flawlessly maintain the proportions of the work and the dimensions of the drawing, and in the process, filling the boundaries of the contour - this is how children paint over the "coloring" - you will be able to select color and texture combinations of material to your taste for such needlework as carpet embroidery

In addition, you do not need to fasten the thread using the carpet embroidery technique with a needle, it is enough to leave free "tails" at the beginning and end of the work.

Crochet carpet embroidery: as easy as shelling pears

The use of a crochet hook gives no less interesting texture and pattern. For these purposes, you can take a regular crochet hook, but real craftswomen use a special hook with a movable lock, which makes embroidery easier and more efficient.

Unlike the technique using a needle, the thread for crocheting must be cut into equal lengths of no more than 5 centimeters. To keep within the size, the threads can be wound on a regular school ruler - it will turn out perfect.

On the hook threaded into the canvas, you need to throw a piece of thread folded strictly in half, close the hook lock and pull it out from the front side of the canvas.

With a simple movement of the crochet hook, a tight and secure knot is obtained on the seamy side of the embroidery and loose threads on the right side. It is done faster than the description is read - in a couple of seconds.

This method allows you to embroider from the right side of the garment, and you can evaluate the progress of the work in the process. In this case, the surface of the embroidery is soft and fleecy - literally "carpet", since the pattern is formed due to the released free ends of the threads.

It is worth considering that it is better to start working with a hook from the lower left row, without missing a single cell of the canvas. Knit knots from left to right and start drawing from the bottom, gradually moving upward.

Crochet carpet embroidery also requires clear large contours of the pattern, but unlike the technique using a needle, it allows you to work more finely with color combinations of threads. With its help, you can select tones and halftones, making the drawing literally three-dimensional.

Carpet embroidery for beginners is the best way to join the world of exclusive needlework. Technique opens up personal possibilities that sometimes could not have been suspected. The ability to work with color and various textures, and most importantly, to create unique things is the main secret of this very simple and effective handicraft practice.

The carpet embroidery technique came to us from the East, where this decorative and applied skill was possessed even before our era. Today, many needlewomen have mastered it at home and embroider stunningly beautiful rugs, panels, sofa cushions, and also decorate bags, accessories and household items.

Features of the technique of such embroidery

If you want to start embroidering a carpet for the first time, we recommend that you purchase a ready-made kit that will contain everything you need.

And for those who want to show their creativity and realize their own idea for creating embroidery in carpet technique, we recommend preparing the following:

  • A special hard canvas (stramin) with large fibers for carpet embroidery.

  • Woolen or synthetic threads. For embroidery with loops with a needle, threads are needed in skeins, and for crocheting, ready-made cut threads of the same length, as a rule, no more than 5 cm.

  • Drawing scheme or sketch drawing.
  • A loop sewing needle or crochet hook.

  • Ideally, it is better to have a dedicated “embroidery machine”, but you can get by with a simpler frame. Some people find it convenient to embroider without special tools.

  • You also need to prepare a ruler, scissors, a pencil for marking.

There are two basic carpet embroidery techniques:

A carpet embroidery needle can be easily made with your own hands from a medical system, a metal tube or a hollow knitting needle, and in what way, the schemes in the photo will help you

The scheme for making a needle

Needle threading diagram

Ideas for such embroidery with schemes

We want to offer you a selection of patterns for embroidering carpets with a needle or crochet, with which you can make small rugs for your home with your own hands.

  • This pattern will allow you to embroider a beautiful rug that will decorate the bathroom, veranda and area near the dressing table or chest of drawers. Calculate the scale based on the fiber size of the canvas on which you will embroider.

  • Another type of rug that can be sewn using the “embroidery type” with a needle or crochet. You can also experiment with color by choosing the threads yourself.

  • This carpet ornament will look great in your home, and you can choose the shades to match the furniture, or vice versa, focus on contrast. You can also adjust the length of the pile to get a fluffier and softer carpet, or vice versa, thinner. Such a rug, embroidered with small loops, will look good.

  • This pattern is definitely better to use for crochet embroidery and focus on the length of the pile. Remember, the larger the canvas structure, the larger your finished rug will be. Try to do the markup in advance, and not "by eye".

  • This is a rather complex multi-color scheme that will help you make a cute bedside rug for your nursery. You can also use this pattern for “embroidery on clothing” or on textiles.

  • This cute dog will look great on the rug near the front door and cheer you up. In this case, we recommend choosing synthetic threads for embroidery rather than woolen ones, because they are more wear-resistant. You can also use this pattern for —embroidery on knitwear— such as decorating a knitted blanket.

  • This shepherd dog can decorate not only a rug, but also a sofa cushion, and choose a background based on the shades of the interior.

  • Small children will be pleased to play on a soft rug with such a wonderful bear, and it is better to embroider it with thick woolen threads using the crochet technique.

  • This scheme can be an idea for creating a bedside rug in a baby's nursery or for a wall panel. You can take similar patterns from —kits for cross stitching — and apply them to carpet embroidery on pillows.

  • This delicate handcrafted rug design will brighten up your bedroom or bathroom. It can also be used as a basis for embroidery of other interior items or home clothes. For example, a homemade “robe with embroidery”, made by hand, will look very nice.

Video with lessons of a master class of such embroidery for beginners

We offer you a selection of videos with master classes that will help you master the technique of carpet embroidery.

  • Carpet embroidery technique with a needle and loops for beginners.

  • A video in which you will learn how to crochet rugs.

  • Video demonstrating - machine embroidery - carpets.

  • A video for beginners showing carpet needle stitching.

  • Overview of a ready-made set with a pattern for carpet embroidery.

  • Demonstration of using the carpet embroidery kit.

  • Video with a master class for beginners in carpet embroidery.

  • Crochet carpet embroidery video tutorial for beginners.

  • A video tutorial for beginners that will demonstrate all the stages of carpet embroidery using carpet embroidery canvas.

  • A video for beginners with a selection of photos and a demonstration of carpet needlework.

We hope we have inspired you to master this interesting technique. We recommend using the proposed schemes or using. Tell us in the comments what you did and where else could you apply the carpet embroidery technique.

The finished product using the carpet embroidery technique is soft and looks like a rug. But do not assume that this technique is used exclusively for carpets. With the help of it you can create a variety of unique paintings, capes, pillows.

Method of execution

The first method is crocheting. The tips are attached to the mesh base. Basically, this technique is used by needlewomen in North America. This sewing is different from the initial skill. You can use not only a needle, but also a crochet hook. Short strings are pulled and brought out to the front part. The most convenient way to work with burlap, it is great for creating creations with simple patterns.

Features of the carpet style

It does not require a special sewing needle. It looks like a tube with a cut off eye, into which a thread is threaded. It is best to purchase it at a specialty craft store. Sewing with it is not an easy task. You also need to use a good hoop to tighten the fabric tightly. You can also use a crochet hook. Better to buy a ready-made set! Embroidery patterns can be purchased at a specialty store. And if you want to create a unique pattern, then you can use the Internet, where you can choose a pattern for every taste. Alternatively, draw the desired pattern yourself.

We create the rug ourselves

This art has one significant advantage. You can use the rest of the threads. Using the tapestry technique, the picture is warm and soft to the touch. Such a product will become a real decoration of your life.

The first step is to purchase a pattern for embroidery. Do not forget that everything is done from the inside out, and on the front part there are fleecy loops. Divide into fragments, so it will be more convenient for you to distinguish the color scheme.

After carefully preparing everything you need, we start to embroider along the contour of the pattern. The volumetric details are embroidered at the end. The needle is installed with the beveled side up. The length of the needles is determined by the thickness of the pile, which must be folded in 2 times. For example, a pile length of 0.5 cm, then it should be equal to 1 cm. The stitches are superimposed extremely simply and even for novice needlewomen. We pierce the fabric with a needle, without lifting it too high so that the pile is not long and to avoid the blooming of the villi. Thus, we move to the very end. This promotes neatness.

Each section of the pattern is sewn separately from the edges to the center of the image. The beveled side of the needle points to the left. Try to do everything equally to the maximum, taking into account the dimensions, i.e. no more than 2 mm.

Carpet pulling technique

the needle is positioned perpendicular to the plane of the canvas placed in the hoop;

- the thread located at the top of the needle is placed behind the hand, and we also observe that no knots are formed;

- pull it back until the tip is over the working material. Step back a little from the seam you made, and thread it again. Observe perpendicularity!

- over time, loops are formed on the front side of the fabric, which will soon become a pattern;

- as several stitches will be made, it is necessary to cut the remaining end at a distance of 0.5 cm from the canvas. This should be done very carefully so as not to damage or pull out the tip, because there is a chance to dissolve the work.

Thread replacement

- when the tip of the working thread is hidden in the upper plane of the needle, sew a few more stitches, press on the end stitch with your finger and release the thread;

- cut the thread as close to the fabric as possible. Use textile glue to fix the tip;

Filling empty fragments

- we start with volumetric fragments, and then - small and straight details;

- we embroider the contour, and then we fill the inner part with circular movements, or in a linear way. The methods are allowed to be combined;

- to make straight lines, use thread pulling in several rows to create a clearer line.

The simplest crochet embroidery

We can get a rather interesting texture using a crochet hook. You can use a special one for knitting, but professional needlewomen use the one with a moving lock.

The thread must be cut into equal lengths of about 5 cm each. A hook pierced into the canvas is put on a piece of thread folded exactly in half, we snap its lock and stretch it from the face of the canvas.

With the help of a hook, a strong knot comes out on the wrong side and random threads on the front one. This method allows you to control the process itself. The surface is generally pleasant to the touch, fluffy and soft.

This type of handicraft will certainly suit novice craftswomen! Develops the ability to work with color palette and fabrics. This hobby will allow you not only to while away your free time, but also to create exclusive things that will perfectly fit into your interior.