Bright pictures with animals. Fascinating variety of pictures of animals

On Earth, there is a huge variety of animals: from the smallest and most inconspicuous to those who are many times superior to humans. Such diversity is amazing and mesmerizing. We love domestic animals for their affection and love, and we respect wild animals for their strength and independence.

It is always interesting to look at pictures of animals, to see them, to touch the fauna of wildlife. These can be both high-resolution images and small photos of animals.

Pictures with animals on the desktop

Photos of animals of large sizes, suitable for desktop decoration, can be obtained through popular science geographical portals or other organizations that are engaged in professional photography of animal fauna.

Such pictures of animals are beautiful and amaze with their originality. Despite the seeming inaccessibility, you can download pictures for free .. In this variety, you can easily find something to your taste. For example, if the geographical location is important or a certain type and breed is needed.

Also, lovers of everything unusual will be interested in looking at pictures about animals that once existed, but, unfortunately, no longer inhabit the planet. Knowing the hidden secrets and studying the past of the animal world in this way is not only useful, but also extremely exciting.

Those who like mythical creatures can turn to fantasy images of fictional animals. It always strikes with unusualness and originality. Or maybe once such creatures really lived on the planet?

Cool pictures with animals

The animal world is not as serious as it might seem at first glance, there is a place for funny cases and funny situations. The Internet is just full of pictures of cute animals. Some of them have unusual habits that seem funny to a person, and for some, even the appearance itself is so unusual that it makes you touched in a wide smile of others.

Funny pictures with animals with inscriptions deserve special attention. The fantasy of man is so great that you can think of funny text to almost any funny photo with animals.

This idea is great for postcards and greeting cards. If you wish, you can even arrange them to your taste, using funny photos of animals, accompanying them with various congratulatory inscriptions. Such an original postcard will definitely not go unnoticed.

Now the original memes with cats with an unusual appearance are gaining special popularity. Why is there always a gloomy and angry cat, or a cat that is always surprised. It is a pleasure to watch such pictures: the mood rises and improves.

The animal fauna of nature is replete with its diversity. No wonder people love looking at amazing photos of animals in the wild or funny pictures of them with captions.

Not every day you see how, for example, a giraffe meets the dawn or how a hippo rejoices in a pond. And how pleasing to the eye are cute photographs of pets, personifying affection, care and love.

Such pictures immediately cheer up and help to look at the world with a smile. Also, an important function of photographs with animals is to promote respect for nature and care for it.

After all, who but us can properly take care of the world around us and save it for posterity. Take care of nature and she will answer you the same.

The whole living world can be divided into plants and animals. How are animals different from plants? It seemed like a very simple question. Animals are able to move, they are also not able to synthesize nutrients from inorganic compounds. Animals eat organic matter, or plants, or other animals.

The animal world is very diverse. From simple unicellular organisms to huge organisms with complex nervous systems. According to various estimates, there are from 1.5 to 2 million species of various animals on the planet. Most of all insects - the variety of their species is huge!

Animals of different continents are very diverse. On this page you will find photos of animals from all continents, as well as photos of marine animals.

Photos of African animals

The fauna of Africa itself is very diverse, as Africa is made up of very different regions. Deserts, savannahs and equatorial forests are inhabited by completely different groups of animals. You can see this by looking at the photos of African animals below.

Deserts are located in the north and south of the mainland. In the deserts of northern Africa, approximately the same animals live as in the deserts of Asia. The species of animals living in the deserts of southern Africa are very different from the inhabitants of the northern deserts. There are many endemics, and many species of turtles also live here.

The main diversity of Africa's megafauna lives in the savannas. African elephants, giraffes, rhinos, hippos, zebras, lions, cheetahs and other large animals live here.

The African elephant is the largest land animal. Its distinguishing features are its trunk and large ears.

African elephant.

The tallest animal on our planet is the giraffe. Its height can reach 6 meters.

The famous inhabitants of the savannas are zebras. They are similar in shape to horses, but they have a striped color. Black and white stripes cover the body of zebras from the tip of the muzzle to the tail.

The largest birds on our planet are African ostriches. The height of an ostrich with a protruding neck can be two and a half meters.

One of the largest land animals is the rhinoceros. Only elephants are larger than rhinos.

In third place in terms of body size, among terrestrial animals, is the hippopotamus. He was also called a free horse, although he looks a little like horses.

Equatorial forests are not rich in terrestrial fauna. Okapi, gorillas, pygmy hippopotamus live here. In these forests there are a large number of birds.

Animals of Australia

The fauna of Australia is unique and different from the fauna of the rest of the planet, this becomes clear if you look at the photos of Australian animals. There are marsupials, no ruminants and no monkeys.

One of the most amazing animals of Australia, as well as one of its symbols, is the kangaroo. An amazing creature, seemingly assembled from parts of other animals.

The koala looks like a living teddy bear.

Another cute creature of Australia is the wombat. This animal is able to dig huge holes thanks to its huge claws.

Another amazing creation of Australia, apparently assembled from parts of other animals. A mixture of duck and beaver feels great in freshwater.

Photo of a platypus.

Cubs of marsupials are born quite crumbs - about 1.5 centimeters. They are not capable of independent life, move into the mother's bag and grow up there eating milk.

In Australia, there is a large emu bird, similar to the African ostrich. Read the description and see the photo of the emu.

Animals of North America

North America is a large continent, it is located in almost all climatic zones. This factor makes the fauna inhabiting this continent diverse.

In the north of the mainland, in the tundra, polar bears, reindeer, polar wolves and hares live. Musk oxen live on the Arctic coast.

To the south of the tunna there are taiga expanses. The fauna of these places is much more interesting. Elk is found everywhere in the taiga, there are many fur-bearing animals: merchant, mink, weasel. Skunk and otter live. Predators are represented by grizzly bears and black bears, wolverines, wolves, Canadian lynxes. Rodents are represented by such species: muskrat, musk rat and Canadian beaver. The large rodent porcupine belongs to the porcupines, it is also called the North American porcupine.

In mixed and broad-leaved forests, one can meet the virgin deer, and many small animals (squirrels, hamsters, marmots).

For example, omnivorous raccoons are very widespread in North and Central America. Very cute animals, smart and curious.

In the mountainous western regions, the cougar lives - a large predatory cat. A small population of cougars has survived in the eastern United States, in the state of Florida, but in the rest of the eastern lands the cougar has been exterminated. The cougar is also widespread in South America.

Southeast North America is different from the rest of the mainland. Here you can meet alligators and turtles. A unique representative of the fauna of this region is the bullfrog, whose length can reach up to 20 cm.

A large area of ​​North America is covered by plains. Previously, they were inhabited by huge herds of bison, now the population of these animals has significantly decreased due to active fishing. The steppes are also inhabited by pronghorn antelope, coyote, steppe goats and rams.

Animals of South America

The fauna of South America is very rich and diverse. The climatic zones of this continent are also heterogeneous, and this leads to an increase in the diversity of animal species. The Andes mountain range forms an arid highland in the west of the continent, stretching through the Atacama Desert in Chile to its southern edge of the mainland. East and north of the Andes are tropical regions with huge rivers, endless forests and extremely abundant rains. The fauna of these places is extremely rich.

In the southern half of the mainland, the climate is already more moderate. Huge expanses covered with thickets of grass, the so-called pampa, extend far to the south of the continent. The pampa is inhabited by large running birds called nandu, they are also called American ostriches.

South America is home to the world's largest rodent, the capybara.

Another popular South American rodent is the degu squirrel.

Degu squirrels at the hole.

At the junction of the Americas, noses live, one species is typical for the south of North America, the second for South America. Another name for these animals is coati.

Of the predators, it is worth noting the representatives of the cats. In the jungle you can meet puma, jaguar (picture of jaguar), jaguarundi and smaller cats.

Also in South America lives the largest snake in the world - a giant anaconda. Its length can reach five meters.

The tropical forests of this continent are inhabited by many species of snakes. There are many different types of boas, which include anacondas.

Animals of Europe

Europe has undergone significant landscape changes. Man has been active here for a long time, which leads to a reduction in the habitats of animals.

In the extreme north of the continent, millions of seabirds nest on the coast of the Northern Waters. Their colonies are securely protected by sheer cliffs. There are also colonies of pinnipeds - walruses have found their shelter and arrange rookeries. See photo of the walrus. Also in the north of Europe, large coniferous forests are still preserved, bears, deer, and lynxes live in them.

The lynx is a medium-sized cat that is a relative of domestic cats.

The peoples of Europe made up legends about wolves.

One of the endangered animal species in Europe is bison. Large artiodactyls similar to bulls, in fact, are more similar to yaks and buffaloes.

Sakhaty elk is distributed not only in Europe, but also in North America.

To the south, in the center of Europe, the climate is milder.

The deciduous forests of this climatic zone are quite rich in fauna. Here you can meet woodpeckers, squirrels, bears and wolves, martens and many other animal species.

Asian animals

Asia is the largest continent on Earth. Its spaces include a variety of habitats. Here and the Arctic belt, and taiga, and tundra, rainforests, deserts and other areas.

The fauna of Asia is very diverse. In India, for example, the Indian elephant and the Indian lion live. The snow-covered mountains are home to one of the rarest big cats not only in Asia, but also on the planet - the snow leopard. In the steppes of China and Russia, you can meet a rare wild cat manul, see photo of manul. Tigers and rare birds live in tropical rainforests.

Manul is a rare steppe cat.