Why do girls draw these huge fat eyebrows? How to make trendy eyebrows? Wide eyebrows - the trend of the season How to make wide eyebrows out of narrow ones

Today, the idols of the 30s and 40s Marlene Dietrich and Edith Piaf would be known as tasteless ladies, no matter how talented they were. These celebrities plucked their eyebrows into a thread and were trendsetters of the time. Today, the selebritis have turned the other way and are wearing wide bows - the thicker the better. This is an undoubted trend, but if nature has deprived you of vegetation, it will not be easy to make your eyebrows wider.

The benefits of wide eyebrows

Undoubtedly, wide eyebrows have many advantages. Firstly, such arcs give expressiveness to the look. You don't have to make your eyes too bright with dark shadows, long eyeliners and multiple layers of mascara - now you can look natural and stand out from the crowd. It is enough just to make the arcs thicker.

Secondly, thick eyebrows, given by nature, allow you to experiment with the shape and give room for imagination. Just do not overdo it, because excessive plucking can lead to partial baldness of the arches. It is enough to give them a soft bend and slightly raise the tips. Such an outline will decorate a girl with any type of appearance, and making it is quite simple. Just never shave wide eyebrows - you can remove the excess, as well as spoil the shape. In addition, the hairs will become naughty and stiff. Be proud of your wide arches and groom them regularly.

To make hair thicker, an integrated approach is needed. Smear hairs with oils and vitamins, use decorative cosmetics and drink vitamins and minerals. In some cases, when it is not possible to grow arcs, tattooing can be an option.

How to make wide eyebrows

Girls have one feature: if we have wide eyebrows, we want to make them thinner, if they are too narrow, we dream of expanding them. As you understand, plucking out extra hairs is much easier and faster than “growing” them. So do not get carried away with plucking, just adjust the shape a little.

  • First, determine where your wide eyebrows will begin - the "head" should be located exactly above the inner corner of the eye.
  • Then you need to make a bend. The point of elevation of the arc will be directly behind the pupil.
  • The "tail" will go a little beyond the outer corner of the eye and gently fade away.

If your arches are not too wide by nature, decorative cosmetics will help to visually give them thickness and volume:

  • lift the hairs up with a special comb;
  • eyebrow shadows applied with a beveled brush, give them a more saturated shade and light volume (you need to paint over not only the bristles, but also the skin);
  • fix the hairs in a vertical position with wax.

A similar technique is suitable for girls with a straight arc shape or in the form of gull wings. It is unlikely that such styling will look good on "houses" and "rainbow".

Increasing the thickness of the eyebrows

Let's try to make wide eyebrows from "houses" and thin arcs in the shape of a rainbow.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to slightly correct the appearance of the hairs, removing excessive roundness. To do this, comb the hairs straight up, exposing the eyelids.
  2. Take a sharpened contour pencil and draw 1 row of hairs with short strokes. Under the break, it is necessary to make shorter strokes, capturing the very line of the eyebrow. At the tips, you can lengthen the strokes by letting them protrude beyond the arcs. We draw only from below.
  3. Comb your hair down.
  4. With shadows or dark powder, go along the upper line of the eyebrows.
  5. Arrange the hairs according to their height.
  6. Powder dark pigment on the entire surface of the eyebrow.
  7. And again draw the hairs with thin pencil strokes.
  8. If necessary, fix the hairs with gel.

Thus, you will get visually wide eyebrows. But be careful - this option is acceptable for girls with large facial features. On girls with a small face, they will look grotesque. In order not to overdo it with makeup, exclude the pencil in favor of shadows, color gel and powder.

Who Should Have Wide Eyebrows?

Wide eyebrows will suit women with big eyes, prominent cheekbones and full lips. If you have thin features, you need to thin out and shorten the hairs a little. In addition, do not forget that the arcs are an element of a holistic image, and not its central part. Therefore, they should not draw all attention to themselves, optically reducing their eyes.

To grow eyebrows, do not forget about hygiene and regular care. Never sleep in makeup, do not use too cheap/poor quality/expired cosmetics, as well as products that do not suit you.

Nourish the hairs with a mixture of oils and liquid vitamins, combining them with massage and combing. If your eyebrows begin to peel off and fall out, reconsider your diet by adding polyunsaturated fats to it - nuts, fish, olives, remove makeup with vegetable oil and drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day.
If all measures are in vain, there remains a radical method of how to get wide eyebrows - permanent makeup.

How to wear wide eyebrows

If nature has endowed you with thick eyebrows, you need to learn how to wear them:

  • you can adjust the width by moderate thinning, light cutting and combing;
  • to get rid of the daily application of makeup, color the hairs with permanent paint or henna, maintaining the shade with colored gel or powder;
  • in the warm season, it is enough just to fix the eyebrows with colorless wax;
  • wide eyebrows go well with arrows, smoky makeup, discreet blush and lips a la “nude”; if you are a fan of bright shades of lipstick, remember that the eyes in this case should be made up to a minimum.

Everyone knows that when choosing the shape of the eyebrows, it is necessary to build on the outline of the face. But few people take into account facial expressions. Meanwhile, this is the most important criterion. Not taking into account facial features, you can get asymmetrical arcs. Although sometimes they look quite piquant and original. But still, the standard is symmetry, so it's better to pluck the hairs yourself, and not in the salon, where you lie in a chair with your feet above your head. So it is very difficult to feel the form and not all masters take this into account.

After fashion designers decided to introduce a new trend called "broad eyebrows", the owners of eyebrows-strings realized that their thin face decoration no longer carries a sense of belonging to fashion and needs to be corrected. It is much easier to make eyebrows smaller than to increase them. Therefore, many questions arise about the process of creating wide eyebrows.

What are the benefits of thick eyebrows?

More recently, the opinion of many girls was that such eyebrows would take all the attention, hiding their eyes in their shadow. Therefore, they diligently refined them. If you look at and consider one lady with two forms, it can be noted that the larger one emphasizes the eyes.

Another obvious plus of large lines above the eyes is the ability to make the appearance brighter. Agree that they literally transform it.

They have an interesting ability to refine all other facial features. If the “strings”, on the contrary, enlarged and visually blurred what they were next to, thick lines would give the rest of the features neatness and sophistication.

Thick brows do not require as much care as thin ones. The “strings” must be diligently monitored, because even one grown or broken hair can ruin everything. And the now fashionable shape of the eyebrows implies a slight negligence, and it's okay if the hairs do not lie perfectly even.

Is wide eyebrows for everyone?

This form is as close to natural as possible, so it will suit everyone. But, only in the case when wide eyebrows are in harmony with the rest of the face.

If you have a large face and its features, it is permissible to expand the shape, going beyond the boundaries of the natural. Especially if the native outlines seemed thin to you. This expansion will help to balance facial features and create a pleasing balance to the eye.

For those who have a small face and thin facial features, too thick eyebrows categorically do not go. The permissible maximum is to slightly expand the natural shape, and then, if it was not very wide.

Shape selection secrets

The main rule is to refuse a strong bend. If you still decide on wide eyebrows, you will have to make them more straight. And, they can not be short or too long, so the definition of their length must be taken carefully.

Before doing permanent or semi-permanent coloring, be sure to experiment with makeup products. It is not a fact that the form that the master will create for you will be approved by you. Try to make it yourself first. And, get ready for the fact that it will take a long time to create an ideal or something close to it. If you have an important event coming up and you need to get ready quickly, do not try to impress everyone with a new detail in your appearance, so as not to shock the public in a bad way in case of an unsuccessful experiment.

Choose a color

When choosing a color variation, you need to build on your own color type. If it can be called light, use light gray or light brown tones of eyebrow products. If the color type is dominated by medium or red tones, the colors of the products should be identical. With a dark color type, it is categorically not recommended to adopt tones that are much lighter than the color of the eyebrows, so give preference to natural and dark ones. If the appearance is full of contrasts, the color should be chosen purely individually.

All colors of eyebrow products can be divided into cold and warm. And, again, you need to start from the color type, especially from the color of the eyes. By framing warm brown eyes in gray, you can get an unnatural effect, and it is better to use products with a warm brown tone. But, it is better for blue-eyed people to look at cold and ashy shades, especially gray ones. Green-eyed people must decide for themselves what is best for them - a warm or cold color, taking into account all the details of their appearance.

Color depth is an important detail. Too saturated dark thick lines will not be unnatural. Translucent blurry colors can also look bad. First you need to try to apply the makeup product not intensively, and if the result is disappointing, make the color more dense. The structure of the product plays a significant role, and when choosing it, you need to pay attention to this, so that later you do not suffer with shading or color compaction.

What to do with your eyebrows

If they are already thick, you can correct them yourself or ask the master for help. The essence of such a correction is to remove hairs that stand out from the total mass and cut too long with scissors.

In the case when you want to turn the "strings" into wide eyebrows, you need to work on them in a complex way:

  1. Discard the tweezers so as not to remove the excess out of habit, and wait until the shape is fully restored.
  2. Use oils (burdock, almond, castor) and special products for eyebrow growth.
  3. If the hairs do not grow back, diversify your diet and purchase vitamin complexes.
  4. Don't forget to clean your brows of cosmetics with a gentle cleanser.
  5. Be careful when handling eyebrows - do not injure them, do not touch them again, do not scratch against hair growth.

What to do with a thin tattoo

Some women of fashion managed to make a tattoo in the form of thin lines and, disappointed in it, clutched their heads. Indeed, it will not work to make wide eyebrows out of it at home. And, the only way out is to have it removed by a professional.

After its removal, you need to do everything that is recommended for normal eyebrow growth. And, if it is not possible to restore them within six months, contact the specialists.

How to make wide eyebrows with cosmetics

If the eyebrows are light or not thick enough, choose shadows and pencils with a dense structure. You can use creamy shadows that perfectly fix the hairs.

If the eyebrows are thick, just a pencil with a gel-like structure or eyebrow mascara is enough. You can use different shadows.

An important condition - the shadows must be purchased specifically for the eyebrows. Any eye shadow is not always suitable in texture and color.

Eyebrow modeling with parchment and semi-permanent staining

If you prefer thick eyebrows, it is better to do semi-permanent staining with special henna. Its advantage is the ability to easily change the shape of the eyebrows due to its short durability.

Getting wide eyebrows with a regular tattoo is not very easy. In order not to be disappointed in the result, look for a master with a great resume in the form of quality work.

Naturalness and naturalness on the wave of popularity. And although unusual makeup trends have appeared quite often lately, many girls still prefer to do natural make-up. The same applies to the remaining popular wide and thick eyebrows.

Not every volume eyebrows are given by nature, but the problem is easy to fix if you know how to correct them, color and care for them.

Where did the fashion for wide eyebrows come from?

Fashion for thick eyebrows appeared a long time ago. In ancient Greece, Mesopotamia and Central Asia, girls were especially favored by men if they had unibrows. If a woman did not have such dignity, she corrected her appearance with the help of usma juice. For shine and fixation of hairs, then a mixture of resin with egg white was used.

There is an opinion that in our time, the trend for wide eyebrows was set by the model Cara Delevingne, who was given this feature by nature: she has thick and dark eyebrows almost from birth. Well-known fashion houses began to pay attention to the girl, which made her recognizable and the idol of many fashionistas.

Who is suitable and who is contraindicated?

Eyebrows that stand out are suitable for the fair sex, who have expressive eyes, full lips or prominent cheekbones. This option will look good on young girls. Women of respectable age should not create such makeup - it will look rude and ridiculous on them.

For those who have a small face and small features, wide eyebrows are contraindicated. They will add age and create an excessive emphasis on themselves.

How do they affect the perception of the face?

Natural-looking eyebrows create the effect of pristine, as if they had grown like that and were not amenable to correction. Although even when creating naturalness, you will have to do minimal work - gently comb them.

With thick eyebrows, many have an association of primitiveness and natural manifestations of the essence of a woman. This is temperament, sensuality, and also sexuality. The wide shape rejuvenates the face, and also gives it energy. But remember, low-growing eyebrows over the years can make the appearance quite gloomy - this must be controlled.

Perfect shape and color

It is necessary to select a form based on the individual characteristics of appearance, since the same thing cannot suit everyone. Makeup artists advise paying attention to the size of the eyes. It is necessary to visually draw three lines that will start from the wing of the nose and sequentially pass through the inner corner, pupil and outer edge of the eye. Where the lines intersect with the eyebrow is the starting point, the highest edge and the end of the arc.

If it is difficult to choose a shape, you can use the classic version. To do this, just pluck the eyebrows from below with tweezers a little.

The color for coloring the eyebrows must be chosen no less carefully. The basic rule is that eyebrows can be darker than hair by a maximum of two tones. Often this recommendation is violated, for example, when girls with light curls paint their eyebrows with very dark shadows. Another mistake is to use a reddish tint or eyeshadow on blond “cold” hair, when gray-brown makeup works best in this case.

Salon procedures

Tattooing helps to solve the problem of insufficiently wide eyebrows. It is safe and requires minimal maintenance. The main thing is to find an experienced master working with high-quality cosmetics. But you need to understand that this procedure has a long-term effect. If the result is unsuccessful, it will be problematic to get rid of it.

And although tattooing guarantees a lasting and lasting effect, many girls refuse it, because it does not look so natural. In this regard, hair extensions are gaining more and more popularity among lovers of thick eyebrows. First, the correct form is created, after which the correction itself is carried out. If necessary, the eyebrows are dyed with henna or chemical paint. The extension looks like a master sticking artificial hairs to separate areas using cosmetic glue.

Another procedure that is used to create the effect of thick eyebrows is this. When using this technique, a superficial introduction of the pigment is performed. In just one session, you can get amazing results. A professional master draws the right amount of hairs in those places where they were missing, correcting the shape of the eyebrow and filling it with the desired shade. With microblading, eyebrows remain attractive for about a year.

Makeup at home

You can create a beautiful make-up with thick and natural eyebrows on your own. To do this, just follow the following instructions:

  1. Start by checking the correctness of the form. Eyebrows begin on the same vertical line with the inner corners of the eyes, curve through two-thirds of the length and end at the level of the outer corners. In this case, the tip of the eyebrow should be on the same horizontal line with its beginning or be slightly higher.
  2. Shaping your eyebrows is easy with a white pencil. It is necessary to designate them with extra hairs, and then pluck them with tweezers. In the presence of long or individual unruly hairs, it is recommended to cut them with scissors.
  3. When choosing a color, you need to consider the shade of the hair. For brunettes, the ideal option would be shades of brown with red or gray, for blondes and fair-haired - sand and ashy, for redheads - the color of camel hair. If you make your eyebrows a little darker than the roots of your hair, you will create a sexier and stronger look.
  4. For coloring eyebrows, you can take shadows or a pencil. When applying, it is important to draw strokes that will imitate their own hairs; it is better to refuse solid lines. This technique helps to fill in the gaps as naturally as possible. When using shadows, it is necessary to choose a beveled brush - it is most convenient in this case. In the end, it is desirable to comb the eyebrows to evenly distribute the color and remove the remnants of cosmetics.
  5. Visually raise the eyebrows will help shadows with a radiant effect, which must be applied under its outer edge.

How to lay correctly?

Even naturally naughty eyebrows can be easily styled at home using certain products. For this, gels, varnishes, mousses, which are usually used to fix hair, are suitable. For those who decide to use lacquer for styling eyebrows, it is important to remember that it is applied directly to the comb, and then it is carried through the hairs.

But you can also use special tools created for the care of eyebrows. These are various gels that quickly and permanently fix the shape. A special wax is also ideal for fixing the hairs. It is invisible on the eyebrows, holds its shape perfectly and is easy to use. The composition of the wax usually includes useful components that have a positive effect on the condition of the eyebrows. You can also purchase colored wax, which has a dual purpose - fixation and light toning.

Makeup artists often recommend using mascara that matches the shade for styling natural wide eyebrows. But you need to practice so that when applying mascara, the paint remains only on the tips of the hairs, so it will be as invisible as possible.

How to grow thick and wide eyebrows

The main rule for those who want to have voluminous eyebrows is to stop plucking them. The tweezers will have to be hidden in a secluded place for a long time - everything can take several months. At first, it will seem that the hairs grow in the wrong place at all, but over time, the eyebrows will acquire the most natural, untouched look.

Sometimes waiting a few months for the hairs to grow back is unbearably difficult. You can speed up the process of growing a little if you use certain tools:

  • Castor oil. It is considered one of the most effective in accelerating hair growth;
  • Coconut oil. In addition to the main task, which is to improve growth, it also makes the hairs stronger and the skin healthier;
  • olive oil. This tool provides rapid hair growth, improves their color, giving it more saturation;
  • onion juice. Thanks to the sulfur contained in the juice, it strengthens the hair follicles and stimulates their active growth;
  • yolk. Makes brow hair strong, thick and healthy.

When the hairs grow well, you can go for a correction, but first you need to find an experienced master. At first, it is better to refuse to bring your own eyebrows into a normal look, since few people have special skills to create the correct shape. When the eyebrows become attractive thanks to the hands of the master, you can switch to home correction.

Many experts in the fashion world say that wide eyebrows are fading into the background, but still girls are in no hurry to give them up, especially since nature gave them to some. If this eyebrow shape is perfect for the type of appearance, it will look attractive even if it ceases to be a trend.

Perhaps the "strings" will eventually return to the catwalks and to everyday life. In the meantime, all the women of the planet are unanimous: natural, wide, thick, well-shaped eyebrows decorate the face very much, making the eyes and facial features more expressive.

Numerous fashion models and actresses only confirm this trend, making them their calling card. Cara Delvin with thin eyebrows will immediately turn into a cute simpleton from the neighboring regional center, of which there are millions.

Makeup artists, obedient to fashion trends, invent more and more new ways to emphasize wide eyebrows, and the cosmetic industry produces a variety of pencils, shadows, waxes, lipstick, felt-tip pens.

But what about those whose growth line was hopelessly damaged by plucking, or whose hair is very light and does not grow well?

Thin eyebrows - who do they suit?

There is a category of women who are absolutely everything: glasses, hats, hairstyles and makeup of an unusual shape, thick and thin eyebrows. These are happy owners of an oval face shape, they are the only ones whom fashion allows them to experiment with appearance with impunity.

And if you belong to this category of women, do not be upset with light and thin eyebrows, it is much more important that they are well-groomed and look natural.

Thick or thin - which one is better?

In light of the latest trends, correcting abundant hair growth is easier than drawing natural and beautiful eyebrows from nothing.

However, do not despair, it is better to adopt a few tricks used by experienced makeup artists:

  • Find your ideal shape, suffer for several days, photographing yourself after drawing with a pencil or felt-tip pen. Compare your photos, which line makes the face more expressive and natural?
  • No need to cross the line between theatrical makeup and naturalness, choosing, give preference to soft lines. Some makeup artists advise focusing on the lips when choosing a width, then the shape will be harmonious;
  • If the natural line is too thin, pay attention to the vellus hair around. By painting them with resistant paint, you can make fairly wide eyebrows out of “strings”;
  • It is important to choose the perfect color that is in harmony with the eyes and hair color, otherwise the eyebrows will look foreign. It is best to test correction products in daylight;
  • The quality of the product you will use for makeup is very important. The line should not disappear from any touch, gaps and bald patches are also unacceptable "luxury";
  • Starting to fight for a natural form, buy a hair growth product, the cosmetic industry produces a huge amount of stimulants, but while you are looking, you can use ordinary castor oil;
  • It can take from 2 to 6 months to "grow" the desired density, length and width.

For the very first correction, you can contact a professional. An experienced specialist will help you correct the shape and will definitely give some tips on care.

How to make up thin "threads"

To make up thin “threads”, you will need several products: a pencil to create a contour, shadows to fill in, a brush for combing and styling hair, gel or wax for setting, your everyday liquid corrector or beige eyeliner:

  • The contour is created with a pencil, the hairs are pre-combed, stacking them according to their height, trying to shade the pencil so that it becomes almost invisible, since the graphic has lost its relevance;
  • Flaws can be corrected with a corrector or a beige pencil, walking along the contour from the outside;
  • The contour is filled with matte shadows, choosing a product lighter than the color of your hair, the base (at the bridge of the nose) should be lighter than the tail, after that it is better to work with a brush again, removing excess makeup;
  • If you are happy with how it turned out, it's time to apply styling gel or wax, so individual hairs will not spoil the picture.

The main thing is not to make too dark, thick and wide eyebrows that will age you for several years.

How to pluck your eyebrows correctly?

It is better if you find the time and money to go to the salon, but you still cannot do without home correction.

What can be done at home so as not to get carried away and not spoil the work of the master:

  • A good tool solves half of the case, in our case it is tweezers. It should be comfortable, grip well and pull out hairs. Before use, it must be disinfected by any available method. It's great if there is a duplicate in your cosmetic bag - you never know;
  • It is necessary to pull out the hair according to growth, so the follicle is less injured and there is little chance that the hair will stick out, growing back;
  • Before you start, comb your hair and outline the outline with a light pencil. Everything that got beyond its borders can be safely deleted. Masters recommend paying more attention to the lower limit of growth. The one directly above the eye;
  • Do you want to pull out your hair? Lift it with tweezers, so it will become clear whether there will be bald spots or a violation of the harmonious line in this place;
  • It is more convenient to remove hair using a magnifying mirror.

The desire for harmony of facial features is natural. What to do to make wide eyebrows symmetrical and even? Stand by the window and pick up two fairly large mirrors. Put them to each other at an angle of 90 °, look at yourself: is everything in order or is there something to strive for?

Another option for assessing symmetry: put on glasses in which the upper frame is almost even, look at yourself in a mirror in good light. Any violation of the contour boundary immediately catches the eye.

Will my eyebrows get thinner after a tattoo?

In connection with the fashion for beautiful and wide eyebrows, various tattoo techniques have become very popular. With it, you can forget about scars or other defects in hair growth, about irreparable asymmetry, makeup and painting.

Modern tattoo can be done in several ways:

  • watercolor;
  • hairy.

Techniques allow you to create a beautiful shape, fill in defects, give the desired length and thickness. The main thing is to find a real master of his craft. Before you decide to take such a step, look through the portfolio of his work and customer reviews.

If everything suits you, discuss with a specialist what line, thickness and color you would like to have, modern tattoo inks allow even blondes to choose a natural option.

Before you decide to do the procedure, we recall:

  • Unsuccessful tattooing will have to be removed by no less expensive laser techniques, without options;
  • Trends in modern makeup welcome naturalness and naturalness, you need to find a very good master to make the tattoo look natural;
  • There is no guarantee that the shape you choose will look harmonious on the face, in addition, do not forget about natural age-related deformations;
  • The procedure is designed for up to 5 years, after which the artificial line will become almost invisible.

The procedure does not affect natural hair growth in any way, although some hair follicles may be damaged in the process, but by the time the tattoo comes off, your own eyebrows will not become thinner.