Suede - what is it and the history of its appearance, properties of natural and artificial, care of products. Suede fabric: a worthy replacement for natural material

Suede clothes look stylish and expensive, be it a bag, gloves, or boots. Some people find this material impractical, but it is not. If the suede is natural, it can easily withstand even cleaning with soapy solutions, this is due to its properties acquired during processing.

Natural suede changes color when you slide your finger over it

There are different types of suede - natural and artificial. The difference between them will be both in quality and in price. Products made from natural suede are very expensive today due to the use of elite materials used for its manufacture, and a long and complex processing process. Therefore, on sale more and more often you can find products from a substitute material.

Natural suede

For the manufacture of this material, the highest quality raw materials are taken: skins of elk, roe deer, deer, sheep. Layers of leather, even in thickness, are selected without holes and flaws, and then they are tanned with various fats of vegetable and animal origin.

The result is a thin, soft material with double-sided pile and water resistance.

Boots and boots made of natural suede can get wet on top, but they will never let moisture inside the shoe. This suede material differs from artificial substitutes, velor and nubuck.

Faux suede has a homogeneous structure

Suede substitute

This material often looks like suede, and not everyone will be able to visually distinguish a substitute from a natural product. But that's where the similarities end. A suede substitute is a completely artificial material, during the manufacture of which fibers are glued onto the fabric, or thread loops are made, which form the pile.

Then the product is treated with various impregnations, improving its properties: strength, water resistance, ability to retain color. But in a sock, such a material, of course, is not perfect. It is cold, poorly permeable to air, and the opposite is true for water. The substitute will not be as strong and durable.

How can you define natural suede and faux suede?

How to determine if natural suede is in front of you or not:

Suede jackets

A suede jacket will give you comfort in winter weather. Such a product is extremely warm, but at the same time it has good air permeability, so such a jacket will not increase your perspiration. But in an artificial thing - you pretty sweat.

Since suede products are expensive, they will always emphasize the status of their owner or owner. Well, such a jacket will serve you faithfully for several years.

Suede gloves

Use a dedicated suede brush

Natural suede gloves will give their owner a respectable and elegant look. These products today have a large color palette that will allow you to choose gloves for any coat or fur coat. In them, your fingers will feel a pleasant warmth.

But if you have purchased a pair of such elegant and expensive gloves, get ready for what they will be need special care.

How to clean suede gloves

First of all, you need to purchase various aerosolized suede care products. They are easy to apply and will give your suede garment the ability to repel water and dirt.

It is better to apply this impregnation to the gloves as soon as you buy them, it will act as a preventive measure.

If the gloves are still greasy, clean them with a special rubber brush, holding them over the steam so that the pile is smoothed and lifted. The most stubborn dirt is removed with a solution ammonia by adding it to water in a 1: 5 ratio.

And finally, washing. They resort to it in extreme cases, because suede is a very delicate material. Wash suede gloves in warm water by putting them on your hands. The water temperature should not exceed 30 °. The product must be gentle and suitable for natural materials. Rinse the product thoroughly, and after washing, wipe it well with a pile cloth to remove as much moisture as possible. Dry at room temperature.

If you handle suede with care and take care of it properly, products made from it will delight and warm for a long time.

For many years in a row, wonderful suede things have not left the world fashion catwalks: clothes, shoes and bags. Real high-quality suede looks very rich, attractive and beautiful, emphasizes the good taste of a person, making his status one step higher, and will never go out of fashion. If men treat such things with some caution, and are in no hurry to buy suede shoes, then women are simply crazy about this material.

One has only to see red shoes or a suede jacket, eyes immediately light up. But the breath is even more overwhelming, and makes a woman's heart beat faster when there is a suede bag in front of her eyes. I would like to immediately buy a women's bag in the online store, without thinking about whether it is natural suede.

Very often, under the guise of beautiful suede, for a decent price, another cheaper material is surrendered, which is significantly inferior in quality to the original. The choice of things from suede should be approached more carefully. For example, distinguishing leather from artificial material is much easier than distinguishing between counterfeit suede.

What is suede

Before talking about the main qualities of natural suede, you need to find out what this material is. And so, suede is leather that is made by impregnating raw hides with fats. People also call suede "inverted skin".

In turn, artificial suede is made by impregnating the fabric with special means with a suede-like pile. Things made from natural suede are lightweight, breathable, do not fade, wear for a long time and, of course, are expensive, although this indicator is not always a guideline when choosing.

Differences between natural and artificial suede

Experts have identified several main indicators that can be used to determine the original from a fake.

First: porosity. Natural suede is highly porous. As a rule, scratches and pores are visible on its surface.

Second: Colour. In natural suede, the color will be uneven. If you run your finger across the surface, you can see how the material changes color in places.

Third: smell. Natural suede, like leather, smells.

Faux suede:

Has a uniform structure and color;
it has a large roughness;
does not have any smell.

In addition, if you see fabric on the back of the suede, then don’t even guess: this is faux suede. A very good and simple method to check the quality of the material is a little experiment: leave a drop of water on the surface of the suede. If the suede is natural, a drop of water will disappear instantly, since the material has a high porosity.

If a fake - a drop of water will remain on the surface, and this is explained by the fact that the artificial material consists of rubber fibers and fabrics impregnated with special means. No water at hand: just run your hand over the material. Natural suede pile is always mobile, and it can be combed in different directions, unlike artificial one.

The popularity of suede - velvety leather with a characteristic fine pile, which is tanned with fatty substances, is due to its excellent decorative qualities. Designers of clothes, shoes, bags and accessories from year to year prefer this soft, elastic, waterproof material, creating amazingly beautiful and stylish things.

But when replenishing your wardrobe with a suede product, you need to be ready for regular, and most importantly, delicate care, since only under this condition can you preserve the attractiveness of suede, no matter whether it is natural or artificial. Let's find out which cleaning methods are the most effective, and how to keep things made of suede of different colors clean.

What kind of pollution are there?

Although suede has good performance characteristics, it is susceptible to all kinds of dirt. The choice of this or that processing method determines the nature and origin of the stains.

In the case of suede, most of the problems are caused by:

  • Blocked areas are unavoidable due to prolonged use of clothing, shoes or accessories.
  • Greasy stains. The main reasons for their formation are the interaction of things with the skin in the process of wearing and the banal carelessness of the owners.
  • Whitish stains. The main provocateur of the appearance of such spots is dampness. If measures are not taken in time, mold can spread, and the fight against which is rarely successful.

  • Salt streaks are the result of walking in the rain or sleet.
  • Yellow from sweat or white streaks from lined deodorants, which are also common.
  • Protein contamination that remains if milk, eggs, blood and other substances with a similar composition get on the suede. The reason is the careless attitude of the owners. Spots of this kind are considered the most difficult, therefore it is important to get rid of them as quickly as possible before the formation of a characteristic crust.
  • Oil stains from paints and varnishes, glue or ink from a pen, to remove which you have to not only clean, but also degrease the problem area.
  • Dust pollution - small suede fibers contribute to the accumulation of dust, as a result of which things take on an ugly grayish tint.

How to wash?

When choosing a cleaning method, you must also take into account what type of suede you have to deal with: with a natural material or an artificial analogue. The original is easily recognizable by its sinuous grooves, multidirectional pile and variable color. Its artificial counterpart is characterized by a uniform hairiness of the surface with a certain direction of the villi.

Natural suede, due to its increased strength, has a rather long service life, but contact with water is undesirable for it. When interacting with a liquid, the material, due to its fluffiness, begins to actively absorb moisture, swelling and becoming solid. For this reason maintenance of natural suede products is mainly reduced to dry methods of cleaning from dirt. Whereas artificial canvas calmly refers to moisture. What is contraindicated for him is friction, which provokes deformation of the villi.

Natural suede

Faux suede

Professional care

Preserving the unique texture of suede and keeping it in good condition requires certain tools and skills. Today's variety of effective products for the care of this material allows you to easily select protective agents for products of any type and color. Regular use of professional cosmetics for the care of suede shoes and clothing minimizes the negative impact of external factors and prolongs the life of the things you love.

What should be in the home care arsenal:

  1. Water-repellent impregnation with silicone, thanks to which pile leather will be able to withstand the harmful effects of moisture and will not be afraid of dirt or dust.
  2. Foam shampoo, which works well against salt stains, instantly removes dirt and promotes a deepening of color.
  3. Spray paint that prevents color fading and repairs rough spots on suede.
  4. Sponges-brushes for removing dry dirt, restoring velvety material, cleaning welts and seams.
  5. To remove stubborn stains, it is most convenient to use hard sponges that suck in dirt or loose erasers that remain in the stains, which are then removed with a brush.
  6. Erasers for restoring shiny areas and hairiness.
  7. Several special brushes to gently remove dirt and restore worn, smoothed pile. The most convenient in this regard is the combined option - a "2 in 1" brush, where one side is a rubberized comb, and the other is a rubber surface with short bristles.

The safest method of processing suede is considered to be the sequential brushing over the contaminated surface.

The advantage of mechanical dry cleaning - delicate and at the same time deep cleaning of the pile in the most inaccessible areas between the villi. The bristles combs them efficiently, removing dried dirt, dust, fat deposits. The brush restores the original fluffiness to the pile leather, due to which things from it look like new.

Alternative care

To clean suede products, you can use folk methods:

  • With ammonia (5 ml) and soda (60 g). The ingredients are mixed, and then the resulting composition is applied to the problem area. Wait 10-15 minutes and remove the mixture with a damp cloth.

  • With the help of talc, chalk or starch with adsorbent properties, it is easy to get rid of greasy stains. Any composition is simply sprinkled on the glazed areas, kept for an hour, and then the powder is cleaned off with a brush.
  • High-purity gasoline will help to remove the greasy stain. The napkin is impregnated with fuel, lightly wipe the dirt and leave for 40-50 minutes.
  • Lemon juice copes well with stains and smudges from road salt. To prepare a cleaning solution, water (200 ml) is mixed with the juice of one fruit and the product is wiped. In this case, rinsing is dispensed with. They let things dry naturally, and then "comb them".
  • If you are having difficulty removing old stubborn stains, then you should try the recipe: skim milk (100 ml) + ammonia and soda in equal proportions. The resulting composition is used to treat the contaminated surface, having previously tested it in a small area on the inside of the product.
  • Peroxide (5 ml) with ammonia (5 ml) can remove stains of various origins, without worrying about the loss of color brightness of things. A mixture of these components has a gentle effect and prevents damage to delicate suede.

How can you quickly clean?

Washing is permissible only for high-quality suede products. The use of a washing machine is taboo, washing delicate materials is allowed only by hand.

How to wash natural suede?

  • Soaking is contraindicated in natural suede for the reasons indicated earlier. To wash it off, the product is processed by weight, that is, on a hanger or placed on a flat base.
  • A prerequisite is compliance with the temperature regime up to 30 ° C, otherwise the material will harden.
  • Suitable detergents are gentle, gel-like formulations.
  • To remove greasy stains from the collars and sleeves, use ammonia with soda or peroxide, and gasoline will help to clean complex dirt.
  • Spinning and twisting the material is prohibited.
  • It is advisable to rinse the product with conditioner, having previously greased it with glycerin (2.5 ml) and water (1 liter).
  • Do not dry in direct sunlight or near radiators. The products are dried in natural conditions by spreading them out on a flat surface and rolling them up in a roll.
  • The dried thing is combed with a special brush.

How to bring back the purity of faux suede?

The best option is to wash with a delicate gel and a brush. You need to add it to warm water and beat a rich foam. Then process the product by weight, rinse and wrap with a towel. Dry unfolded. To clean velvety pile leather items at home, do not neglect the possibilities of improvised means.

A few more alternative cleaning methods:

  • Cleaning up the coffee grounds can help restore cleanliness to things made from brown or black suede. You need to brew a fragrant drink. The thick remaining on the bottom of the Turks can be washed off the oil and remove other complex contaminants. The main thing is to let this substance dry completely, and then brush it off.
  • You can remove dried stains with ammonia. A working solution is prepared: water (1 l) + 3-4 drops of alcohol. A cotton pad is moistened in it and stains are treated.
  • Salt helps with stains well. It is applied in a small amount to the place of pollution and gently rubbed in with gentle movements, after which it is brushed off.

Furniture upholstery

To keep the suede sofa clean, use a rubber brush to prevent damage to the upholstery. You can entrust the removal of greasy stains with an eraser and alcohol solution. To protect expensive suede furniture, you will need to treat its surface with a dirt-repellent impregnation immediately after purchase.

The presence of a vacuum cleaner with the function of a steam generator or a household steamer greatly facilitates the task of cleaning a sofa or chair with a capricious suede lining.


  • Diagnose contamination and select household chemicals.
  • Vacuum clean to remove coarse dirt.
  • Treat the surface with a cleaning agent, creating a pressure of 3 atm. for knocking out dirt.
  • Carry out cleaning using two modes: with a stream of detergent followed by the suction of impurities by the device.
  • Remove local contamination.
  • Dry the treated surface in any way: draw out moisture with a steam generator or blow it off with air.
  • Rinse upholstery with clean water under high pressure.

Hot steam cleaning benefits:

At the end of the steam treatment, it is important to ensure that the upholstered furniture is completely dry in natural conditions.

Clothes and shoes

Due to greasy marks, a fashionable suede jacket, a luxurious raincoat or a designer dress made of piled leather ceases to look attractive. You can solve a similar problem with:

  • Steam treatment. Hot steam not only effectively removes greasy stains, but also copes five times with scuffs, folds and creases. In addition to a special steamer, you can use a regular iron.
  • Eraser - if you don't have a professional one, a simple stationery eraser will do, which easily reaches greasy spots in hard-to-reach places. To achieve the best cleansing effect, the material is slightly steamed.
  • Vinegar. 9% vinegar essence (15 ml) is added to water (1 l). With a cotton pad moistened with the resulting solution, gently wipe problem areas. The remaining composition is filled with a sprayer and sprayed over the surface to restore the softness of the skirt or dress.
  • The collars, sleeves and places on the elbows are sprinkled with a mixture of starch + talcum powder, held for an hour and removed with a brush.

Stains on suede hats and gloves are just as troublesome.

How to restore the look of your favorite accessories:

  • Prepare a mixture: milk (200 ml) + soda (20 g). Wipe the dirt with a moistened cotton pad until they completely disappear. After that, a solution is prepared: water (1 l) + vinegar (5 ml) and all areas on a hat or beret are treated. Wipe with a thick napkin and hang to dry.
  • Orange peels, which are simply rubbed over a hat or lemon juice, will help to update a dark suede hat.
  • To clean the gloves, use wool products. For convenience, gloves are processed directly on the hands, wrung out with a towel and placed in a horizontal position to dry.

To avoid losing the appearance of suede shoes, it is important to remove dirt as soon as possible, that is, upon returning from the street.

For many decades, things and accessories from have been used by invariable success not only among women, but also among men. This is a rather expensive type of leather, but, as sad practice shows, today it is difficult to navigate the quality of a product even at a price.

The modern textile and chemical industries have reached such a level of development that it is not difficult to create artificial materials, passing them off as natural ones. This is used by dishonest sellers, offering customers shoes and other products made of artificial suede, impudently passing it off as natural. Some consumers simply do not know how to distinguish a fake from the original for a simple reason: they do not know how suede is made, what it is and how it looks.

Material history

Natural suede has a slight hairiness.

For the first time, suede began to be made from the 4th century AD. NS. and since then she has not ceased to enjoy the constant success of both fashionistas and lovers of comfortable sensations. Previously, only outerwear, shoes, gloves and bags were sewn from suede, but today it is still used as furniture and sewing covers.

It is not known exactly where the name of this material came from, but there are two main versions:

  • In Holland, in ancient times, goats were bred, from the skin of which they made unusually soft and beautiful material. They called them zeem.
  • According to the second version, it is based on the French word chamois, which furriers in medieval France called leather of a special dressing.

As a rule, suede is made from the skin of goats, deer, elk, calves and sheep.

How suede is made

There are two types of natural suede, and their appearance and quality depend on what kind of leather was used:

  • To obtain a non-refined variety, the skins of sheep and calves are taken. It turns out a little denser on one side, but the skin from the meat part is extremely delicate, therefore it does not tolerate mechanical stress.
  • A sophisticated variety of suede is made from the skins of deer, goats and chamois. It is extremely soft, thin and breathable. It is from her that modern designers create their masterpieces.

For tanning leather in the production of suede, either vegetable ingredients are used, for example, linseed oil, seal oil, fish or bone oil. Pelt, as the furriers call the skin cleaned of wool, is lubricated with fat and sent to a special "crushing machine", where it is soaked with it for several hours. After the fat has become one with the protein of the skin, which occurs after its deep penetration into its layers, the material is sent for painting.

It is important to know: natural suede has a slight hairiness, which distinguishes it not only from artificial materials, but also from natural velor, which is cheaper and does not have such qualities as water resistance and wear resistance.

Types of artificial suede

Artificial suede is a rather beautiful and pleasant material, but, unfortunately, not resistant to wear and tear.

This material was created for consumers who wanted to wear beautiful and elegant suede clothes and shoes, but could not afford them due to the high cost. Faux suede is made in two ways:

  1. In woven production, microfiber threads are used, which, by splitting, give some hairiness. This material is of a fairly high quality and has pleasant properties.
  2. The source of the non-woven method is the application of a polymer coating on a fabric base, which is then sanded using a special laser.

Artificial suede is a rather beautiful and pleasant material to wear, which can be given an additional beautiful spraying, but even this will not save it from rapid wear. If unscrupulous sellers did not sell fake suede at the original price, there would be a completely different attitude towards it.

In fact, things made of faux suede look impressive, give a pleasant tactile sensation and are inexpensive, so they can take a worthy place in the wardrobe of any fashionista.

How to distinguish faux suede from natural

In order not to be deceived by dodgers when choosing suede things, you should focus on the following indicators:

  • The difference in appearance is due to the fact that natural suede is never perfect. It has pores, and if you run your hand over the villi, then in this place the skin will change color. Artificial suede does not change color and has a perfectly flat and uniform surface. In terms of tactile sensations, the difference is also noticeable. Genuine leather is soft, velvety and soft to the touch, while artificial leather is rough.
  • The interior decoration is also different. If a cut of leather is visible on the product, then in natural it will be solid, and in artificial suede - with a thin fabric layer to which polymer fibers are attached.
  • These materials differ significantly in smell. In leather, it will be pronounced, while in a fake it is either synthetic or completely absent.
  • If you hold the suede in your hand, it will heat up, while the unnatural material will not change its temperature.
  • If there is an opportunity to drip water onto a suede product, then it is easy to remember that natural will immediately absorb it and only a wet place will remain from it, and with an artificial one it will simply roll off or remain not absorbed in place.

Knowing what is the difference between suede and its substitute, it is easy to identify a fake. This will allow you to buy a truly high-quality and elegant thing and enjoy it.


First of all, natural suede, like jackets, jackets and shoes made of it, is much more expensive than artificial. This is especially true of things from famous brands. Remember that a product made from real materials cannot be cheap these days. In addition, on branded items, a piece or suede is often attached to the label for its authenticity.

To distinguish a fake from an original, you first need to touch the thing with your hand. Natural leather and suede are instantly warmed by human touch, materials remain cold. If you run your hand over the pile, it will necessarily tilt, and the surface seems to change its shade and - this is the very sign. The thickness and softness of suede depends on the quality of the workmanship, but it is always velvety to the touch. Real suede cannot have a fabric seamy side - then it is one hundred percent substitute. In addition, natural suede never delaminates, from artificial.

Natural materials cannot be perfectly flat and flawless. The presence of small creases, scratches or pores is a sure sign of the naturalness of a thing. When bending a thing made of real suede - be it a jacket, a small gap should remain on the surface of the product, but after a few seconds the shoes or clothes should take on their original appearance. If possible, drip clean water onto the item: natural suede will instantly absorb it, and a drop will simply roll off an artificial one without leaving a trace.

Any thing made of natural suede cannot have exactly the same color on its entire surface. In the production or footwear, only dyes based on herbal ingredients are used. Therefore, small ones in shades, for example, on the sleeve and collar of a good jacket, are a sure sign of the high quality of the product. Such a thing will last a long time without losing its prestigious appearance.


The previously popular advice to set fire to a leather or suede product to determine its authenticity no longer works. Now the substitutes are also charring very well, and you can't tell them apart that way. In addition, everyone knows that real suede smells strongly, so manufacturers now treat artificial suede with special sprays.

Helpful advice

Although good suede products are now often coated with special dirt and dust repellent compounds, you still need to be careful when wearing them. Suede does not like moisture: after being exposed to rain, be sure to dry your shoes by stuffing them with paper, and hanging your raincoat on a hanger, but not near a radiator or, even more so, over a fire.

The dirt must be removed as quickly as possible with a special suede brush or at least a regular eraser.


  • How to tell real from fake leather

Suede is a versatile, expensive and, which is very important, natural material. What is not made of it: bags, shoes, various accessories, and recently suede clothing (dresses, skirts, jackets) has become the innermost desire of every fashionista. Suede is a very noble material, thanks to which shoes made of it look much more beautiful and more expensive than exactly the same ones, but made of leather or any other material. But, unfortunately, such popularity provokes many fakes, which are found even in very well-known stores and retail outlets.


Look at the back of the product. Usually, fake items will have the wrong side of the fabric. Or take the trimmed edge, if you have one, and take a close look at what's inside. A fabric-backed liner will be glued to the faux suede.

Natural suede has excellent absorbency and thermal conductivity properties. Put some clean water on it and see how it absorbs. Natural suede will quickly absorb water and form a stain; artificial material will keep moisture on the surface for some time.


As much as you like the item, always keep in mind that finely crafted natural suede cannot be cheap. This is very important, since neither discounts nor other logical explanations of sellers can justify the relatively low prices for "natural" suede.

Helpful advice

Since suede is made by tanning animal skins, natural suede will have small cracks, pores and scratches anyway. It cannot be perfectly smooth without minor damage. Therefore, when choosing a product, take a good look at how the material looks like - it is impossible to remove all the flaws in suede during production. In addition, this property only emphasizes its naturalness.

Clothes, footwear and accessories made of suede do not leave the world catwalks for many years in a row. But, unfortunately, very often the quality of suede leaves much to be desired. Also, often under the guise of suede, we are offered another cheaper and less practical material. Therefore, the choice of suede products must be approached with special care.


You ran your hand over the suede, and now look at your hand. Is there a slight shade of paint on it? Maybe you see some fluff that has fallen out? If there is neither one nor the other, it means that your suede product has successfully passed the second test of quality.

Now we turn our eyes to the product that you just held in your hands. Are there any fingerprints on it? Noticeable prints immediately show nubuck or velor. It should not remain on natural suede.

Pay attention to the top surface of the suede product. High-quality natural suede will have a uniform color, fine and not loose pile. On the surface, you should not encounter any rubbed areas or streaks.

Natural suede is a flexible, soft and elastic material. Suede retains its properties even after getting wet and dry. Similar materials - velor or nubuck, on the other hand, become hard, unpleasant to the touch, and lose their attractiveness on closer examination due to clumping fibers. Water-based testing is a surefire way to figure out a quality product, but naturally you won't be able to do it before buying.

Take a closer look at the inside of the product. It should also be soft and pleasant to the touch. If the material looks a bit like velvet paper, chances are this is faux suede.

Helpful advice

On store shelves, we can see dozens of models made of suede, both natural and artificial. High-quality artificial material outwardly differs little from its natural prototype, but it costs less, and therefore the question arises: is there any point in overpaying? There's a meaning! After all, when buying suede products, we pay not only for beauty, but also for comfort - softness, flexibility, elasticity, the ability to perfectly retain heat, besides, suede allows the skin to breathe, which is very important for shoes. You can hardly find all these positive qualities in faux suede products.

What fashionista does not dream of having at least one product made of natural suede in her wardrobe. This material has amazing softness and incredible beauty, moreover, it is able to warm its owner and protect from moisture and dampness. Unfortunately, often artificial suede can be passed off as real.


Pay attention to the price. If, it will be an order of magnitude more expensive than its artificial counterparts. The low price should alert you first. Of course, high-quality fakes are often sold at prices that may correspond to products made from natural suede, which is why you need to pay attention to other parameters. Look at the texture of the product. Natural suede has no definite, and its pile is always directed in different directions. If you run your hand over such a surface, a trace of a different shade will definitely remain. But it is made so that the pile has a certain direction, therefore, after stroking with your hand, the marks on it are not so noticeable.

Real suede always has characteristic scuffs and pores. Examine the surface of the product carefully and, if necessary, bring it close to your eyes. On faux suede, you will not notice any small scratches or pores. Run your hand over the suede. If it is natural, it will be soft, delicate and velvety, but artificial to the touch seems smoother and harder.

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If you have already bought a product and cannot understand whether it is natural or artificial. Pay attention to its properties. Shoes made from natural suede can absorb a lot of moisture, but when dried they become soft and beautiful again. But if the artificial boots get wet, you shouldn't expect the same appearance from them.

Helpful advice

Place your finger on the product and see if there is a print. Fingerprints do not remain on natural suede, but if you see a clear mark, there is a substitute in front of you.

Prepared leather is made by impregnating raw skins with fats - this is how natural suede is made. Artificial is made by impregnating suede fabric with rubber glue. There are several ways to distinguish natural suede from its substitute.

You will need

  • Water.


Real quality suede is soft, velvety and pleasant to the touch. Pay attention to the price of the product. Natural suede is always more expensive. The fact is that the process of manufacturing natural raw materials is more lengthy and costly than artificial ones. However, an unscrupulous seller may offer you a “natural” product at an unreasonably high price. Therefore, use some other additional way to identify real suede.

You can smell the product. Real suede has a subtle scent of leather, while artificial suede smells like synthetics. Pay attention to the wrong side of the thing. The reverse side made of fabric indicates that this is not natural suede.

Natural suede made from animal skins has porosity, there are always scratches and small cracks on it. The fabric of artificial material is uniform and smooth. Swipe your finger over the item. A trace will remain on natural suede, which will differ in shade from the general background of the product, which has not been touched. The color of fake suede will not change in any way when you slide your hand over it.

Place a small drop of water on the product. Only a speck of water will remain on natural suede, which will instantly be absorbed into it. The water will stay on the substitute. Due to its porosity, natural material conducts not only air and water, but also heat. Put your hand on a product made from natural raw materials, it will instantly warm up, artificial - will remain cool.

Examine the edges of the item carefully. Those that belong to a product made of real material will not delaminate or crumble. Also make sure you have a piece of sample suede, which is usually attached to the wrong side of the natural product, or on a tag.

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When buying shoes, many do not know what to choose: leather or suede. Although suede shoes look stylish, they are not very practical, unlike leather shoes, which are well resistant to moisture.

Suede leather

Suede shoes are a temptation that many women succumb to. It often looks neater and more pleasant to the touch than leather. But when choosing suede shoes or boots, do not forget that you will have to carefully monitor them. You cannot go outside in such shoes in any weather. If the snow has melted outside or it starts to rain, you can not only ruin your suede shoes, but also get your feet wet.

However, sellers in various shoe stores say that some women find it difficult to find shoes for themselves. Leather shoes are not very comfortable for such people. In such cases, suede shoes are more suitable. Suede boots easily conform to the shape of a leg. High-quality models of shoes made of suede retain their attractive appearance for several seasons.

Creases and scuffs are unlikely to appear on such shoes. Suede shoes look elegant and incredibly feminine. It will look harmoniously with both classic-style clothes and denim clothes. If you do not have the financial ability to purchase a new pair of shoes for each look, then you should pay attention to universal suede models.


Leather is a more durable, practical option that also needs special care. Natural leather also has elasticity. This quality is given to her by the fat layer. But when exposed to various cleaners and water, this layer can be washed out over time, while the skin becomes rough, peculiar creases appear on it. After your shoes are exposed to rain, you should definitely treat them with glycerin or special shoe polish.

Leather shoes stretch well, thanks to this quality, they fit the foot well, which guarantees comfort to wear. Leather shoes also do not chafe feet, they are much more durable than suede. It looks great both in summer and winter. Leather shoes are oxygen-permeable and promote normal heat transfer.

Insulated leather shoes perfectly retain heat and protect during severe frosts in winter. It will make your gait light and confident and protect you from discomfort. If the purchase of a purse, leather bag or belt is a matter of material costs and taste, then buying a good pair of leather shoes is taking care of your comfort and health. Designers provide both suede and leather shoes in their collections every season. But only you can decide which shoe will be more comfortable for you.

Another difference between natural leather and artificial leather and pile is the smell, but when using modern fragrances, the aroma of natural leather can also be given to leatherette, so this indicator cannot be considered the only reliable one.


A branded leather product is always accompanied by a small label showing, on the one hand, the imprint of the manufacturer's brand, and on the other hand, the appearance of the leather used to create the product. The very shape of the tag should resemble the skin of an animal, while for synthetic products it will be a diamond.