Causes itching during pregnancy. Itching during pregnancy: possible causes and treatment. Why the stomach itches during pregnancy

Quite a few women, while carrying a baby at different times, begin to experience itchy skin. It can be of varying intensity, in some cases it is accompanied by a rash. So what triggers itchy skin during pregnancy, and how to deal with it?

Provoking factors

If itching of the skin occurs in pregnant women, then there are several reasons that provoke this condition:

  1. An allergic reaction to certain foods or medicines. While carrying a baby, the female body becomes more sensitive to all external and internal influences. Thus, an allergy to household chemicals can manifest itself, therefore, pregnant women need to carefully approach the choice of personal care products, home care, as well as food.
  1. Itchy skin during late pregnancy can be triggered by stretching of the skin, the baby grows in the mother's womb, and the skin stretches with an increase in the abdomen. For the same reason, the chest itches, but this is often observed in the early stages.
  2. It is no secret that during pregnancy, the body produces a large amount of estrogens, they can also cause itching.
  3. Itchy skin can be a symptom of a serious liver disease... A woman can comb her skin until it bleeds.

Important! If there is a liver pathology, then the whole body itches in a pregnant woman, and not a certain part of it. Itching is especially pronounced at night.

  1. Itchy skin during pregnancy can be caused by certain skin conditions, such as eczema or itch mites. Usually, if there are any, while carrying a child, the symptoms only intensify.

  1. Most expectant mothers suffer from thrush, which can provoke itching in the genital area.

Need to know. Given the fact that serious pathologies can provoke itching of the skin, when it appears, a woman should urgently visit her doctor.

Fight Itchy Skin During Pregnancy

If itching during pregnancy is triggered by natural causes, and not by serious illnesses, then you can completely reduce its intensity by observing the following recommendations:

  1. To eliminate the allergic component of itching, you need to revise your diet. Eliminate foods that can be the culprit for allergies, and therefore skin itching.
  2. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene has not been canceled, but for this it is better to use hypoallergenic products.

Need to know. Sometimes tap water can cause itchy skin, so you need to put in filters to clean it.

  1. For skin care during pregnancy, it is better to use neutral products, it is advisable to purchase them in pharmacies. You can use baby cream, it does not cause allergies and is completely safe for the skin.
  2. When carrying a baby, it is especially necessary to observe the water regime, although this should always be done. Drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.
  3. During pregnancy, it is better to exclude sunbathing, this can also provoke itching of the skin. Use cool water for washing.
  4. For the skin of the abdomen and chest, you need to choose a moisturizer.

  1. To cleanse the body of harmful substances (they can also cause itching), you can use activated charcoal, zinc talker or Cholestyramine.
  2. A pregnant woman should choose clothes from natural fabrics, especially underwear..
  3. Take walks in the fresh air every day, and ventilate the room.

Important! If the cause of the itching of the skin of the body during pregnancy are liver pathologies, then drug treatment is necessary, which is selected only by a specialist.

Get rid of itchy skin with folk remedies

In the piggy bank of traditional healers there are recipes that help relieve itchy skin.

Need to know. Any folk remedies during pregnancy should be used only with the permission of a doctor.

  1. For taking a bath, you can use decoctions of calendula, chamomile or string.

  1. If itching of certain parts of the body, you can make a compress of oatmeal. They must first be soaked in milk and applied to itchy areas.
  2. Take a cabbage leaf and soak it in apple cider vinegar for a few minutes, then knead it until juice appears and apply to the skin.
  3. You can prepare a decoction of equal parts celandine, elecampane, horsetail, lingonberry leaves and elder flowers. Add St. John's wort and mix everything thoroughly. Then take a tablespoon of the mixture and pour 250 ml of boiling water, insist in a thermos for several hours. The infusion must be filtered and drunk 3 times a day, 200 ml before meals. After a month's course, take a week break and you can repeat it.

Despite the rather unpleasant sensations that itchy skin causes, most often it is still not dangerous for the health of the baby and the expectant mother. Nine months of waiting will fly by, and everything will return to normal, and the joy of the birth of the long-awaited baby will overshadow all recent troubles.

Among all the conditions and uncomfortable situations that often accompany the period of pregnancy, or occur at one time or another, sometimes itching of different parts of the woman's body occurs. This does not mean at all that the pregnant woman has some kind of disease. But, the discomfort that this state delivers is so high that sometimes it seems to drive you crazy. Of course, not every woman, having become pregnant, is faced with the problem of itchy skin. But, it can arise for everyone, no one is immune from this problem.

Itching is intermittent or persistent. It can be an independent symptom or accompany other symptoms., Change its character, intensify in the evening, and go to a minimum in the morning.

To find out the real cause of the cutaneous, it is worth consulting several specialists at once: a gynecologist, a dermatologist and an infectious disease specialist.

Why does the skin itch during pregnancy

There are a number of theories regarding the occurrence of itchy skin in women during the period of gestation. These include:

  • occurrence: since the chest and abdomen during this period begin to increase, grow, the skin in these areas is stretched, micro fiber breaks occur.

    The appearance of stretch marks, as a rule, is preceded by itching, which is localized in the places of their formation. These places include the stomach, thighs.

    The buttocks, chest, and sometimes the upper arms. This kind of itching occurs, as a rule, at the end of the second - beginning of the third trimester, in women who are genetically predisposed to gaining weight;

  • cholestasis: caused by liver dysfunction during pregnancy, which occurs as a result of natural changes with the onset of pregnancy.

    Usually itching occurs in the palms and feet, with redness in these areas. After a while, itching can spread to the entire body, intensifying in the evening and subsiding in the morning. Cholestasis usually manifests itself in this way by the beginning of the third trimester.

    In this case, the woman's urine visually darkens, and the feces, on the contrary, become light. The level of risk of cholestasis is increased in those women who have high blood cholesterol levels or chronic diseases of the biliary tract;

  • a common cause of pruritus during pregnancy is the restructuring of the hormonal system. Itching that occurs for this reason is localized on the feet and palms, and disappears only after delivery;
  • sometimes the cause of the itching is, of course, skin diseases. These include: dermatitis, dermatosis, eczema, skin fungus, and other diseases. In addition to itching, peeling of the skin, rashes and swelling usually appear;
  • Allergies can also cause itching during pregnancy. Such itching will be accompanied by redness, and other accompanying symptoms inherent in allergies.

    In this case, detergents, shampoos, exotic fruits, seafood, pollen, and others can serve as provocateurs.

    During pregnancy, it is not recommended to change washing powder, shampoo, hand and face cream, diet. And in cases of an allergic reaction, it is necessary to eliminate and exclude the interaction of the allergen with the skin of the pregnant woman;

  • itching can occur due to excessive sweating in a pregnant woman. To avoid itching, it is boring to take a shower more often, change into clean underwear and clothes, and underwear and preferably all clothes should be made of natural fabrics that "breathe". You can visit a doctor and listen to his recommendations on this issue;
  • itching in the genital area is usually caused by thrush. Here you just need a doctor's consultation, diagnosis and treatment.

The causes of the skin child include both, and hepatitis. To find the cause, it is important to consult a doctor in time and undergo a thorough examination of your body. After determining the cause, the doctor will prescribe adequate treatment that will help relieve itching and get rid of the problem and discomfort.

Does itching affect the baby?

Itching on the body of a pregnant woman does not in any way affect the development of the fetus. But, severe itching that appears in the third trimester can be a sign of cholestasis, as described above, a serious liver disease.

Its symptoms will be: onset of itching on the palms and feet, worse at night, pale feces, absence of any type of rash. To soothe the itching, your doctor may prescribe a special drug in the form of a cream or ointment.

But expert advice is needed. Cholestasis during pregnancy can cause. Therefore, the doctor must constantly monitor such a future mother with a child in order to avoid adverse consequences and complications.

Fearing or wishing to become pregnant, women are ready to regard any change in their condition as a sign of pregnancy. Genital itching and discharge, can they be associated with pregnancy?

It is not true to regard itching as a sign of pregnancy, although it visits pregnant women, itching in the wrong places. There may be itching of the chest, abdomen due to rapid stretching of the skin, but itching of the vulva during pregnancy is not the norm, and even more so, itching is not a sign of pregnancy.

Itching occurs for many reasons:

If you are concerned about itching and discharge, then most likely these are symptoms of a vaginal infection or thrush. Thrush can occur in the early stages of pregnancy, but it is also not a sign of it, the reason for its appearance is a decrease in immunity in the expectant mother. It is clear that this can happen without pregnancy, and of course, it is not an obligatory symptom of it.

Another cause of genital itching can be diabetes mellitus. High blood sugar means the excretion of glucose in the urine, and this sweet urine irritates the genitals, causing itching, and of course, this is not a sign of pregnancy either. With this reason, itching, there is no unusual discharge from the genital tract.

Itching can cause ... worms. Pinworms are children's worms, but adults can also get sick with them.

Finally, itching can be caused by common allergies to skin care products, sanitary napkins and the like.

So if you are worried about itching, as a sign of pregnancy, you should not regard it, this is not her.

Pregnancy can be accompanied by itchy skin all over the body. Most often this happens after the 6th month, that is, with the beginning of the third trimester. Itching can become so intrusive and unbearable that inevitably an equally intrusive question arises - why? The body itches during pregnancy for various reasons.

Hormonal adjustment

Itching of the body can be a symptom of pancreatitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, that is, a sign of a malfunction of internal organs. The reason for this is the altered hormonal background during pregnancy, which is understandable and expected.

Note! One of the causes of itching is associated with abnormal liver function. "Hepatic itching" (cholestasis of pregnant women) is accompanied by a burning sensation, often manifests itself at night, and leads to skin lesions even on the feet and hands.

This type of skin irritation is typical for women who have either previously suffered or are predisposed to diseases such as hepatitis A, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis. This risk group includes multiple pregnant women and women after 35 years.

The hormonal reasons for what is happening are as follows: female hormones - estrogens, produced in excess, which is the absolute norm during pregnancy, begin to suppress the activity of liver enzymes. This leads to a disruption in the connection of blood bilirubin with glucuronic acid. As a result, bile stagnation occurs, the content of bile acids in the blood rises. Acids, in turn, enter the fatty subcutaneous tissue and, irritating the nerve endings, cause severe itching of the skin.

It is quite difficult to deal with this type of skin itching, since it is a symptom, that is, a consequence and evidence of a malfunction of another internal organ - the liver. It is the liver that needs to be helped to cope fully with its task. It is necessary to start with liver tests, biochemical blood test, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. And then act on the advice of a doctor.

It is advisable to endure the unpleasant sensations caused by itching, reducing their strength by using activated charcoal or by treating with cholestyramine (only as prescribed by a doctor), as well as local treatment of the affected skin areas with light antipruritic ointments with a menthol component. It is useful to use an easy-to-make folk remedy for oral administration, half a glass after meals 2 times a day: a mixture of herbs, 5 grams each (calendula, chamomile, plantain, lemon balm, yarrow, motherwort) pour 1 liter of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 1 hour.

Note! It is worth revising your diet in favor of foods that will not create an exorbitant burden on the liver.

It is necessary to forget about fried, salted, smoked, to love dried apricots, prunes, which have a beneficial effect on peristalsis. And remember that unpleasant sensations will certainly stop immediately after childbirth.

There are other characteristic causes of itching in different parts of the body.

Physiological itching

Due to the increase in the fetus in the womb, the belly of a pregnant woman increases, which means that the skin on the belly is stretched. Its stretching, which in medicine is called "polymorphic dermatosis of pregnancy" (PDD), is accompanied by itching. This can occur early in the second trimester.

After childbirth, the problem of physiological itching disappears completely, so there is no place for excitement here, if we exclude the fact that stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen, legs, hips and chest can remain forever.

To minimize the appearance of stretch marks, it is recommended to use special anti-stretch marks from the beginning of the second trimester. These can be pre-made maternity creams or your own creams. It's quite simple to do: mix 10 g of honey, 10 g of Kalanchoe flower juice, 30 g of eucalyptus oil and 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Store the mixture in a dark glass container in the refrigerator, and use it to lubricate itchy skin and areas with signs of stretch marks.

Polymorphic dermatosis (stretch marks of the skin), for obvious reasons, is characteristic of women who are gaining significant weight, as well as for pregnant women carrying twins or triplets.

Fungal disease

Every woman knows what a thrush is. In the body of any person, the normal microflora of the oral cavity, intestines, vagina contains microorganisms - yeast-like fungi Candida. With a decrease in immunity, both general and local (for example, in the vagina), these fungi are produced in larger quantities than required, which is called thrush (infection of the genital tract). It causes severe itching in the perineum and genital area. How to deal with thrush? It is not difficult to restore the balance of the microflora composition; for this, drugs are used. But the problem is that during pregnancy it is strictly forbidden (!) To take antifungal drugs. A pregnant woman is advised to use a mild baking soda solution for regular washing.

The causes of itching of the skin of a pregnant woman's body include an allergic reaction to food or household items, which must be immediately disposed of. It is worth avoiding stuffy rooms and hot places under the sun, using purified water, taking baths with the addition of decoctions of oatmeal or a string, which has a beneficial effect on the skin thanks to its juice, which resembles an iodine solution.

More precisely, only a doctor will be able to investigate and establish the reason why the body itches during pregnancy. Only a specialist is able to exclude a large group of skin diseases, which include various dermatoses of pregnant women - papular dermatitis of pregnant women, prurigo, herpetiform impetigo. Only after agreement with the attending physician can one or another drug be used.

Itching is not common during pregnancy. However, with its manifestation, reminiscent of the effects of mosquito bites, discomfort is provided. Itching is often worse in the evening, before bedtime. But sleep with such symptoms is disturbed until the appearance of regular insomnia, the general tone decreases, and the woman's mood worsens. This sad picture should not lead to despair, firstly, because skin irritation is not permanent, secondly, it cannot harm the baby in the womb, and thirdly, there is nothing that cannot be changed. A gynecologist and dermatologist are your first assistants on the road to recovery.

Many pregnant women report that their skin tends to scratch much harder than usual, especially around the chest and abdomen. This is a common consequence of pregnancy and is most often troubling in the second and third trimesters.

Mild itching is common due to hormonal changes and increased blood supply to the skin. As your pregnancy progresses and your baby grows, the skin on your abdomen stretches, which can also be the cause. A slight urge to scratch shouldn't be a concern, but if itching gets severe it could be a sign of a liver disorder called intrahepatic cholestasis of gestation (ICP). It occurs in fewer than 1 in 100 pregnancies but requires medical attention.

There are many treatment options for itchy skin during this period, but they will depend on the underlying cause. In most cases, itching disappears immediately after the baby is born.

Itching during pregnancy - is it normal or not?

This is a common occurrence and should not be a cause for concern in most cases. Increased estrogen levels can cause the skin to redden and itch, particularly on the palms and soles of the feet. As the skin on your belly stretches to accommodate your growing baby, this often causes it to dry and itch. In addition, those who have had a tendency to dry skin, psoriasis, or other dermatological problems before may notice that their symptoms worsen during pregnancy. All of these "side effects" should subside as soon as you give birth. Conditions that accompany a rash during pregnancy should be evaluated by a doctor.


A 2017 Polish study found that the overall prevalence of pruritus among pregnant women was nearly 40% during certain periods of pregnancy. It is also interesting that in the course of this study, most of the 292 women recruited were never able to determine the cause. In slightly older studies and sources, a frequency of about 20% is more common.


There are several factors that can affect the skin during pregnancy and lead to itching or tenderness until your baby is born.



Dermatosis Itching is often a sign of some type of dermatosis (skin disease) that coincidentally coincided with the period of gestation or pre-existing and could have flared up during pregnancy. In some cases, this is due to a group of dermatoses specific to pregnancy.

Various factors can cause skin redness or rashes during pregnancy. Women often experience prickly heat because the increase in hormones during pregnancy affects the sweat glands. In addition, hives may develop due to increased sensitivity to insect bites, certain foods, and others. Most rashes are harmless, but if they are accompanied by breathing problems, you should see your doctor to make sure you are not allergic.

High estrogen levels Pregnancy increases estrogen levels in the body, which can cause temporary itching of the hands and feet. This may be accompanied by redness.

Prevalence: up to 2/3 pregnancies (not very reliable source)

Dry skin In order for your baby to fit in the abdomen, this part of the body needs to be stretched. This means it becomes more difficult for the glands under the skin to keep it hydrated. When your body is faced with these changes, you may experience dryness accompanied by itching or discomfort.
Itchy urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP) Urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy is a rash that affects about 0.5% of women with singleton pregnancies, 2.9% of pregnant twins, and 14% of triplets. This rash appears as itchy redness on the abdomen. There may be several small or large spots that extend to the buttocks, thighs, and arms. This is most common in the third trimester. The rash is harmless and should go away within a few days after giving birth, but if it causes severe discomfort during pregnancy, it can be treated with topical steroids (after a doctor's prescription!).

Prevalence: 1 in 160 pregnant women (average frequency, which depends on the number of fetuses born)

Cholestasis of pregnancy (CB) If severe itching occurs in the third trimester, it could be a sign of a liver disorder known as cholestasis of pregnancy. It blocks the ducts of bile, which prevents it from flowing from the liver to the intestines and leads to the accumulation of bile salts in the blood. One of the symptoms of such a serious pathology is redness and severe itching of the skin, especially the palms and soles of the feet, but can manifest itself throughout the body.

Prevalence: 1 in 140 pregnant women (0.7%), in women from India and Pakistan is higher - 1-2%.

Other reasons Those who suffered from allergies or poor skin condition prior to pregnancy may notice their problems worsen during pregnancy. Talk to your doctor before using your usual treatments, as some medicines are not safe during pregnancy.

Examples of itchy rashes during pregnancy

Hives is an allergic reaction to food, insect bites, medications, chemicals, etc. With the increase in hormones and changes that take place in your body, it is possible that you become more susceptible to pathogens and encounter hives during pregnancy
Itchy urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy occur in some women. Although very irritating (due to itching), they pose no long-term risk to the mother or fetus. Papules and plaques usually begin to appear on the abdomen (although not on the navel), and often spread to the legs, chest, armpits, etc. The face is usually not affected either.

How to soothe itchy skin during pregnancy?

1. Use mild bath products

If you experience itching, try to avoid anything that could make your problem worse. Use only mild soaps and products that are free of irritants such as Ph regulators and fragrances.

2. Avoid overheating

Too hot weather can make your itching worse, so try to wear breathable clothing and avoid going out on hot days to prevent excessive skin irritation. Also avoid hot tubs or showers. Overheating can be dangerous for your baby too.

3. Apply a mild moisturizer

If your skin is dry, try using mild moisturizers for relief. Adding oatmeal, or better yet, flour (colloidal oatmeal) to the bath, or applying Calamine Baby Lotion are well-known methods for relieving itchy skin that are safe for pregnant women. You can also ask your doctor for advice on a moisturizer or ointment to use during this period.

4. Use a humidifier

Sometimes itching is associated with dry skin. You can try using a humidifier to solve this problem, especially in winter. But you must be careful, as the appliance can spread allergens and germs if used incorrectly. Read all manufacturer's instructions before starting work and make sure the humidifier is as clean as possible before turning on. Also, avoid constant exposure to a humidifier, as this can cause irritation.