Safe methods of treating colds in pregnant women and preventive measures. How can you help yourself? Causes of ARVI at the beginning of pregnancy

The most common symptom of a cold during pregnancy is an increase in temperature to 37.5-38.5 degrees, but it also happens that the disease is not accompanied by a high body temperature. Some women believe that such a course of the disease is not at all dangerous for their own health and the health of the unborn child. In reality, a cold without a fever during pregnancy in the 1st trimester is as dangerous as a cold with a fever, therefore, appropriate measures must be taken to treat an infectious disease. At the same time, it is necessary to know all the features of ARVI treatment, since during the period of bearing a child, many drugs are strictly prohibited.

A cold without fever is dangerous for a woman in the first trimester of pregnancy

If the body temperature does not rise, how then can the disease be recognized? There are several common symptoms common to all acute respiratory viral infections:

  • Constant fatigue appears, even if you have not done anything special during the day.
  • Headache that worsens towards evening.
  • Feeling unwell, nausea and exacerbation of toxicosis, especially in the first weeks of pregnancy.
  • About a day after the virus enters the human body, a severe runny nose and cough begins.
  • Pain and discomfort in the throat.
  • Loss of appetite.

In some cases, the temperature rises to only 37 degrees, then the indicators quickly return to normal, so it is quite difficult to recognize the disease by this sign.

In any case, you need to call a doctor at home or contact a qualified doctor yourself, who will tell you how and how to treat a cold in this situation. Complex treatment is important, which guarantees a quick and positive result.

SARS is accompanied by loss of appetite

How dangerous is a cold without fever?

It is a mistake to believe that a cold without a fever is something very different from an illness in which the temperature rises. It may just happen that the virus has not yet spread throughout the body, and therefore the body does not notice its presence. As soon as the infection enters the bloodstream and important internal organs, systems, the body will definitely react, which will result in a sharp jump in body temperature.

Thus, this disease can be dangerous for a pregnant woman, especially in the 1st trimester, with the following consequences:

  1. Disruption of the child's immune system, due to which he is subsequently born weak and with signs of SARS.
  2. The baby does not receive enough nutrients, since the virus destroys them even before they are delivered to the child.
  3. Malformations of the fetus, which in the future can lead to terrible diseases.
  4. Difficult childbirth, complications in a woman during pregnancy.
  5. Miscarriage and termination of pregnancy.

Naturally, you should not be afraid of all these complications if you are treating an illness. As a rule, the sad consequences of ARVI occur only if the first symptoms of the disease are ignored and no measures are taken to get rid of the infection.

Colds can further lead to termination of pregnancy.

What to do to avoid getting sick?

There are several simple rules that will help you not to get a cold while carrying a child:

  • Devote more time to rest and proper sleep.
  • Eat a healthy diet, while not going on any diet.
  • Avoid stressful situations, due to which the immune system weakens, and the likelihood of catching a cold increases many times.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water, rinse your nasal cavity after walking outdoors.
  • Strengthen immunity with vitamins and minerals.

Consult your doctor about what else you can do to avoid getting acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections in the first trimester of pregnancy.

How to treat ARVI in the 1st trimester?

Colds in the first weeks of pregnancy should alert the expectant mother, but this is not a reason to worry, worry and be nervous. There are many safe treatments for the disease that can help get rid of bacteria and viruses.

Colds must be treated without using antibiotics, Aspirin and other potent drugs

But first, you should list those funds that are contraindicated for pregnant women in the 1st trimester:

  • Aspirin from temperature.
  • Naphthyzine for instillation into the nose.
  • Ambroxol for cough.
  • Any antibiotics to destroy a viral infection.

All these medications can cause certain complications in the development of the fetus in the early stages, as well as cause future difficult births.

Any treatment course must be agreed with the doctor who previously conducted the examination and knows best how to cure you of a respiratory viral infection.

Now it remains to figure out how to treat a cold without fever in the first weeks of pregnancy:

  1. Strict adherence to a healthy diet. This means that a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals should be included in the diet.
  2. Drinking plenty of fluids to flush out accumulated toxins.
  3. The use of homeopathic remedies for the treatment of rhinitis and cough.
  4. The use of decoctions of chamomile, plantain herb for the treatment of cough, due to which the woman begins to cough up, and the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract calms down.
  5. If your throat hurts, you should pay attention to the following effective remedy: 2 tbsp. l. kefir, the same amount of beet juice, add a little lemon juice and 1 tsp. rosehip syrup. Gargling with warm water with the addition of salt and soda also helps well.

Many homeopathic remedies are allowed, but only after consulting a doctor

Remember that your body temperature can rise at any time. In no case should you give antipyretic medications without first consulting a doctor. Many of these drugs have side effects that can lead to serious complications.

In the 1st trimester, it is better not to get sick with ARVI, but if this has already happened, you should not despair, there is always an opportunity to get rid of the infection using the safe and effective methods described above.

It is dangerous to have a cold in any trimester of pregnancy, but it is worst if a woman becomes infected with a viral infection in the first 12 obstetric weeks. During this period, the vital organs of the child are formed, and interference in this process from unfavorable factors from the outside can lead to sad consequences. Even an ordinary runny nose can harm a baby.

The expectant mother should understand this and be very attentive to her health.

During pregnancy, you need to rest more and take care of your health.

A cold is ...

To give the correct answer to the question of how to treat a cold in the first trimester of pregnancy, you need to determine the meaning of this term. By the common cold, therapists mean diseases of the upper respiratory tract caused by viruses. Most often, people encounter them in autumn and winter, when it is cold outside.

A cold appears:

  • increased body temperature;
  • headaches;
  • rapid fatigue, lethargy;
  • sore throat, dry or moist cough;
  • runny nose, sneezing;
  • decreased appetite;
  • tearing;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity;
  • itchy nose.

If the viral infection is not very serious, recovery occurs quickly, the body temperature may not rise. Otherwise, the pregnant woman suffers from fever, body aches. The disease can be complicated by bronchitis, otitis media, pneumonia, sinusitis. All these ailments require the use of antibacterial agents, and therefore it is important to prevent their occurrence during the period of bearing a child.

Why pregnant women often get colds in the first trimester

In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, the risk of catching a cold increases due to a strong decrease in immunity. Why it happens? The fact is that the fetus is a foreign body for the mother's body. To prevent it from being rejected, the woman's immune system deliberately stops working at full strength. Due to this, conditions are created that are necessary to support the life of the baby, his full development and growth.

In the first trimester, you should not drink medications that have not been prescribed by a doctor.

This process is called immunosuppression in medicine. And it is considered a variant of the norm. Knowing about it, a pregnant woman should monitor her own well-being and listen to medical recommendations.

Other causes of a cold in the first trimester of pregnancy are:

  • contact with infected people;
  • general hypothermia of the body (it is important to dress warmly);
  • unbalanced diet;
  • frequent presence in public places during a flu epidemic;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcoholism, drug use);
  • the presence of chronic diseases of internal organs.

Why is a cold in the first trimester of pregnancy dangerous?

Medicine knows cases when a woman had a spontaneous miscarriage during a cold or immediately after it. Also, this disease can interfere with the correct formation of the internal organs of the fetus, lead to its intrauterine death.

If cold treatment is not carried out, the risk of a bacterial infection increases. In the future, this is also fraught with serious developmental disabilities.

The disease also negatively affects the health of the woman herself. So, later on, she may experience complications during childbirth (weakness of labor, uterine bleeding), inflammation of the organs of the genitourinary system, premature discharge of amniotic fluid.

But there is no need to perceive a cold during pregnancy as the world's most terrible medical diagnosis. In most cases, it proceeds without complications. The most important thing when it occurs is to start treatment on time.

Cold in the 1st trimester of pregnancy - treatment

Treating a cold during pregnancy does not follow the standard treatment that adults are used to following. So, the expectant mother cannot just come to the pharmacy and ask the pharmacist to give her something to relieve fever, for a sore throat or a runny nose. She must definitely visit a therapist and pass laboratory tests.

If you feel worse, you need to consult a doctor.

Only after a diagnostic examination will the doctor be able to prescribe medications for her. At the same time, during therapy, control will be carried out not only over the state of health of the pregnant woman, but also over the development of the fetus. If there are dangerous symptoms such as a decrease in the number of movements, a slowdown in the baby's heartbeat, the expectant mother is urgently hospitalized in order to provide the necessary assistance and save a small life.

How to treat a cold in the first trimester of pregnancy - the choice of medicines

Cold treatment is usually symptomatic. That is, if the throat hurts, rinses, sprays, lozenges are prescribed, if a cough has joined, antitussive syrups and tablets are selected, but if a runny nose is worried, nose drops and rinsing solutions are used.

How to remove a runny nose in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

It is safest to rinse the stuffy nose with a mild saline solution in the 1st trimester. If you do not want to cook it yourself, you can buy it at the pharmacy Salin, Physiomer, Dolphin, Marimer.

If the doctor deems it necessary, he will prescribe Pinosol drops containing oils. As a result of their use, the inflammation decreases, the swelling of the nasal cavity disappears.

The Euphorbium Compositum spray, which includes components of mineral and plant origin, has proven itself well. It relieves inflammation, fights allergy symptoms. Another homeopathic composition that can be prescribed to a mother-to-be in the 1st trimester is EDAS-131. It is based on silver nitrate, lumbago, onion, chamomile and some other safe compounds.

A runny nose in the 1st trimester is not a harmless symptom. It needs to be treated

At the pharmacy, you can order the production of Protargol nasal drops. They are a colloidal solution of silver and have astringent, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. It is possible to bury Protargol in the 1st trimester of pregnancy not only with severe rhinitis, but also with otitis media, conjunctivitis.

Cough medicines approved for use in the 1st trimester

In the first weeks of pregnancy, with a severe cough not associated with pneumonia or bronchitis, the therapist may recommend to a pregnant woman:

  • Mukaltin - plant-based tablets.
  • Althea syrup. It has no side effects, therefore it is often prescribed to expectant mothers at any stage of pregnancy.
  • Stodal. Homeopathic cough medicine of various etiologies.
  • Pulsatilla. Relieves inflammation in the bronchi, also fights against a cold.
  • Broncho-gran. Homeopathic remedy with anti-inflammatory effect in bronchitis. Promotes the regeneration of cellular elements, eliminates dystrophic changes in the tissues of the bronchi, restores the functioning of the ciliated epithelium. It is especially effective for obstruction. It expands the bronchi, dilutes phlegm and accelerates its excretion.
  • Syrup Dr. Mom. Many therapists prescribe it to pregnant women, but there is not enough data on its effect on the fetus.
  • Dr. Theiss. It causes side effects very rarely, but before using the product, a doctor's consultation is required.

What to take if your throat starts to turn white with a cold

For severe sore throat, it is best to gargle 5 times a day. During the procedure, you can use decoctions of herbs that are not allergic (chamomile, sage, calendula are suitable), a solution of sea salt or soda.

From pharmaceutical preparations, the use of sprays is not prohibited:

  • Hexoral. The substances included in the composition of the drug practically do not penetrate into the bloodstream. Therefore, expectant mothers can treat the throat with this spray without fear for the health of the child.
  • Ingalipt. Made with eucalyptus and mint oils. Gently envelops the inflamed mucosa, has an antimicrobial effect.
  • Miramistin. It has a beneficial effect on local immunity. Destroys viral and infectious agents that provoked the disease.

Gargle your sore throat as often as possible.

Improves the condition of sore throat inhalation. During them, you can also use decoctions and solutions of herbs (should be selected by a doctor) or mineral water "Borjomi".

Antiviral drugs for the treatment of colds in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

Any antiviral medication for the first 12 obstetric weeks should only be taken after consulting a doctor. Experts refer to the category of the safest means for expectant mothers:

  • Aflubin. Designed for the treatment of influenza, parainfluenza, acute respiratory infections, pain. The only side effect that can be observed with the use of this drug is increased salivation. Also, the composition occasionally causes allergic reactions.
  • Oscillococcinum. It is widely used in therapeutic practice to relieve the symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. Not contraindicated in pregnant women. Oscillococcinum should not be used for colds, if there is lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption.
  • Grippferon. Contains human recombinant interferon alpha - 2b, therefore it qualitatively fights all viral diseases. You can take the medicine from the first days of pregnancy.

It is important to know that expectant mothers can use these antiviral agents not only to treat colds, but also to prevent it. To do this, you need to take the first dose as soon as possible after contact with an infected person, and then use it according to the scheme indicated in the instructions. Therefore, the permissibility of using Aflubin, Grippferon and Oscillococcinum should be consulted with a gynecologist or therapist in advance in order to act correctly when the risk of infection increases.

Decrease in temperature for colds in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

The body temperature of 37.2-37.4 o C in some women remains throughout the first trimester. If the expectant mother feels good, her tests are in order, there are no symptoms of a cold, then nothing should be done. This condition is due to physiological changes in the body and is not considered pathological.

If you have a cold on your lips, you should immediately start using an antiviral drug.

If the temperature is 38 ° C and higher, it does not go well, you need to urgently call a doctor at home. It is dangerous to go to the clinic on your own - the more time the patient spends on her feet, the higher the risk of complications.

It is safest to take Paracetamol tablets at a temperature, but not more often than 4 times a day at intervals of 4 hours. Acetyl salicylic acid and preparations based on it are contraindicated for pregnant women. Its use is fraught with a decrease in blood clotting, which means that uterine bleeding may begin.

At high temperatures, a woman should drink a lot. If her health worsens, the fever progresses, emergency hospitalization is indicated. In the hospital, the pregnant woman will be prescribed a comprehensive examination, and they will select a safe drug therapy.

Cold sores in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

Very often, pregnant women are diagnosed with a cold on the lips or mouth. It must be treated with antiviral drugs. The most effective of them in such a situation are:

  • Acyclovir tablets. You can buy them only after consulting a doctor, since the instructions for the drug indicate that it can be used to treat pregnant women if the intended benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.
  • Zovirax. Studies that would confirm the absolute safety of the cream for pregnant women have not been carried out. Therefore, it is possible to apply the composition to the affected mucous membranes only on the recommendation of the attending physician.
  • Valtrex. The tablets help to relieve the symptoms of herpes on the lips or nose in 3-4 days. But they do not belong to the category of absolutely safe for pregnant women, therefore they can be used exclusively under medical supervision.
  • Pharmvir. The drug contains substances that help even if Acyclovir fails. In this case, the drug does not have a negative effect on healthy cells of the mucous membranes.

Cold prevention in 1 trimeter

To reduce the likelihood of contracting SARS in the first trimester, you need to responsibly approach pregnancy. Before conception, you should drink vitamins prescribed by your doctor. give up smoking and alcohol.

As soon as the test shows two cherished flat, you need to start walking in parks more often, avoid public places during the cold season, strictly observe the rules of hygiene and eat well.

A cold in the 1st trimester of pregnancy is always a special excitement of a woman for whom this child is very desirable. What should you do if you get sick? How to prevent negative influence on the child?

But for starters, why exactly a cold during pregnancy 1 trimester sometimes causes panic? And the fact is that in the first weeks after conception, there is a great likelihood of spontaneous abortion. According to statistics, missed pregnancies and miscarriages occur in every eighth case up to 12 weeks. And this is when the exact reasons for this have not been identified. And if there are health problems, then even more often.

Whether a cold during pregnancy in the 1st trimester is dangerous specifically in your case, it will not be possible to tell right away. Even in those women who had ARVI in the first weeks, and after the termination of pregnancy, one cannot say with 100% certainty that this is a matter of a disease. After all, embryos also die in healthy women. This is due to severe chromosomal, genetic abnormalities, as well as a lack of the hormone progesterone in the mother, the presence of neoplasms in the uterus, chronic infection, etc.

Theoretically, what is dangerous for a cold in the first trimester of pregnancy is nothing if the embryo continues to develop. Since if severe damage occurs in the first weeks after conception, everything ends spontaneously, bleeding begins. If the doctor diagnoses the growth of the uterus, an ultrasound scan determines the embryo in size corresponding to its date and always with a heartbeat, you can relax. Or rather, it will be possible to predict the possible consequences of a cold during pregnancy in the 1st trimester already at the first screening. This is a study that includes an ultrasound study and a biochemical blood test. And based on the results of this examination, a special program calculates the risk of chromosomal abnormalities. But even without this miscalculation, everything is often clear from ultrasound examination. With this study, the doctor can identify gross malformations of the fetus.

By the way, these malformations can cause not only severe (most often) viral diseases, but also medications for colds during pregnancy taken in the first trimester. After all, many drugs have a toxic effect. You can not use some antibiotics, which are traditionally used by many to speed up the healing process. That is why all women planning a child and already having sex life without using contraception should consult a doctor before starting to take any medicine.

Many people believe that the treatment of colds in the 1st trimester of pregnancy with folk remedies is much safer and can be carried out without restrictions. But this is also not the case. If, in the case of drugs, their action is precisely known, described in the instructions, side effects and contraindications will not become news, then no one has carefully studied the herbs. Therefore, if we are to carry out such a treatment for colds during pregnancy in the 1st trimester, then do not take them orally. For example, topical use of a calendula decoction to gargle your throat will definitely not harm you. Sage and chamomile are also often used for this purpose.

How and how can you treat a cold in the first trimester? Therapy should be symptomatic. For example, if the temperature rises above 38.5 degrees, then it will be safe to take "Paracetamol". It is best to use a warm drink when coughing. And only in the case of its protracted course, you can think about drug treatment with your doctor. Well, nasal sprays with saline or sea water will help with a cold.

What is the prevention of a cold during pregnancy, what to do to avoid getting infected? Everything is elementary - not to communicate with people who cough, sneeze, squelch. Less visits to public places and clinics. It is advisable not to travel by public transport. Well, or as a last resort, wear a medical mask there. Upon arrival home, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Well, outside the house, do not touch your face with your hands, since it is on the hands of a person that most of the microbes settle.

There is another way how to prevent colds in early pregnancy is to increase immunity. But not with the help of any special preparations, but with proper nutrition, the use of vegetables with bactericidal properties, for example, onions, garlic, ginger.

Of course, it is better to have a healthy pregnancy. But if it so happens that you get sick, do not be discouraged. This happens to almost all expectant mothers. But in most cases, babies do not suffer from mothers' colds.

No one is immune from seasonal colds, especially pregnant women, since their immunity is weakened and the body is more susceptible to viruses and infectious diseases. The course of a cold is manifested by fever, headache, cough, sore throat. How and what to treat for colds and viral diseases during pregnancy at different periods, so as not to harm the unborn baby and how to protect yourself from viruses during the cold season?

Gynecologists warn expectant mothers against viral colds, especially in the first months of pregnancy, and for good reason. The danger of a viral infection is that it can cause complications that are dangerous to the health of both mom and baby. Influenza of any form and ARVI are especially dangerous in the first trimester.

Cold during pregnancy 1 trimester: what is the danger for the child

The most threatening consequences are borne by a cold in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, when the laying and development of the vital organs of the future man takes place. It is especially necessary to take care of yourself during pregnancy at 5-6 weeks. This is the period when the embryo is actively developing, and the weakened immune system of the mother is not able to fight viruses.

  • The consequences of a severe cold at this time can be disastrous: lead to a disruption in the functioning of the placenta and a failure of the process of intrauterine nutrition of the embryo.
  • Damage to the brain, nervous system and heart occurs, and pregnancy can result in miscarriage. Therefore, it is so important not to get sick at an early stage of pregnancy, to guard against possible infection and to increase immunity.

If, nevertheless, it was not possible to avoid infection with viruses, and you get sick - do not panic! According to statistics, 80% of pregnant women suffer a cold exactly at the beginning of bearing a baby and they have absolutely healthy children. After undergoing an ultrasound scan, prescribed by a gynecologist after treatment and recovery, if pathologies are not identified, you can calm down and enjoy a happy and prosperous further course of pregnancy.

Cold during pregnancy 2 trimester

In the 2nd trimester, young mothers can relax and calm down, because at this time of bearing a baby, a small cold, accompanied by a runny nose or cough, is not so dangerous for her unborn child. The baby is reliably protected by the placenta, which is a kind of shield for infections and the negative influence of external factors. But, if a pregnant woman has a viral disease or ARVI, proceeding in a complex form with complications, this invisible shield can be disrupted and cause placental insufficiency. Its danger is that the fetus will not receive the oxygen and nutrients it needs.

In addition, taking antibiotics, antipyretics for a viral disease can be unsafe for the fetus and lead to undesirable consequences.

Cold during pregnancy 3 trimester

It is highly undesirable for the expectant mother to get sick at a later date, just before childbirth. In addition to the fact that it becomes more difficult to endure all the symptoms of a cold, there is still a risk of contracting the virus or infection of the newborn from the mother. A sick young mother will most likely have to be isolated from the crumbs until she recovers, and she will lose the first exciting moments of communication with her baby. During childbirth, difficulties and complications are also possible, especially if the woman in labor is weakened from the ongoing illness, she will have a fever, cough, nasal congestion.

In the third trimester, it is dangerous to carry a viral disease on the legs. At this time, treatment should be as safe as possible for the fetus and mother. At the slightest ailment, adherence to bed rest is a prerequisite for treatment.

In this period of pregnancy, doctors recommend folk remedies for the treatment of herbs, teas, herbal preparations and preparations. Acceptance of any medication must always be coordinated with the attending physician who is pregnant. Remember that complications from a previous illness can lead to a delay in fetal development, cause hypoxia, or premature birth. During the high season of viral diseases, limit contact with people, avoid crowded public places where sick people may be.

Preventing colds during pregnancy

The best way to deal with colds is to avoid them and take steps to strengthen your immune system. The following recommendations will strengthen the immune system of the expectant mother and avoid infection with viruses:

  1. One of the simplest, but very effective recommendations for expectant mothers is to saturate the body with oxygen while walking in the fresh air.
  2. A good diet rich in vitamins will strengthen the immune system. Herbal infusions rich in vitamin C (rose hips) are useful.
  3. If possible, avoid crowded places, limit your communication with sick people, and if you have to visit places where infection with viruses is possible, wear a gauze bandage, it must be changed every 2 hours. When leaving their home, lubricate your nose with Oxolinic ointment. After returning home, rinse your nose with a sea salt solution.
  4. Do not overcool, do not get caught in the rain, dress for the weather.
  5. Airing and wet cleaning the room and bedroom more often. It is useful to spread chopped onions or garlic in the room to disinfect the room. You can also use aromatic oils (lavender, eucalyptus) for these purposes.

If, nevertheless, you failed to protect yourself from the insidious virus and you fell ill, follow these recommendations:

  1. It is not advisable to endure colds on your feet; if you work, take sick leave. Reduce physical activity and activity, spend time in bed, and treat.
  2. Taking medications, especially antibiotics, is not possible without a doctor's agreement!
  3. Drink more liquid in the form of vitamin teas, herbal infusions, compotes, fruit drinks. Tea with the addition of lemon, raspberry, linden honey is useful.

In case of a cold, reduce the consumption of fatty, salty, smoked food - excessive consumption of it leads to fluid retention in the body and swelling, thereby increasing nasal congestion.

How to treat a cold during pregnancy

As soon as you notice the first symptoms of the disease: body aches, general malaise, a cough or runny nose, a sore throat, it becomes painful to swallow, it is necessary to start treating a cold. It is imperative to visit a doctor as soon as possible. Remember that pregnant women are absolutely not allowed to self-medicate and endanger the life of the unborn child. When diagnosed by a qualified doctor, it will help to avoid complications that can result in a common cold.

What to do with the first symptoms of a cold during pregnancy?

  • At the first symptoms of the disease, when you feel weak, fatigued, sleepy, sometimes irritable, stay in bed and start drinking plenty of fluids. This is the surest way to start treatment.
  • Rest more, drink warm teas with raspberries, chamomile infusions, linden blossom, rosehip decoction is useful, which quickly restores strength.
  • For sore throat, warm milk with honey or ghee is useful. All these simple recommendations will significantly alleviate the condition.
  • Working expectant mothers need to take a day off and get sick leave, it is highly undesirable to endure colds on their feet.
  • Sleep is a great way to recuperate.
  • During a flu epidemic, it is advisable to call a general practitioner at home so as not to visit the clinic.
  • The body is weakened during a cold, there is a high probability of contracting infections or viruses.

Pregnancy cold. How to treat a throat

Throat treatment should begin with frequent rinsing, and should be done every hour. As a rinse solution, you can choose the following options:

  • insist a decoction of herbs (chamomile, calendula, oak bark, sage, eucalyptus) and add sea salt to it;
  • add 1 teaspoon of soda, sea salt and a few drops of iodine to a glass of warm water;
  • dilute in a glass of water 1 tsp of alcoholic propolis tincture, which is sold in a pharmacy.

Cold during pregnancy. How to treat a cough

The following folk recipes help to get rid of cough:

  • to soften a dry suffocating cough, drink warm milk with a spoonful of goose fat or butter with honey;
  • warm tea with honey or raspberries is useful;
  • very effectively fight cough inhalation with essential oils. Add a few drops of eucalyptus, sage, or St. John's wort to a pot of boiling water. Cover your head with a towel and inhale the healing scent deeply through your mouth. After the procedure, be sure to go to bed under the covers;
  • another folk remedy is inhalation over the steam of potatoes boiled in their uniforms. Essential oils of eucalyptus, chamomile, sage are added to potatoes.

Cold during pregnancy. How to treat a runny nose

Sneezing, runny nose brings discomfort and inconvenience to the expectant mother. A stuffy nose does not allow breathing normally, so it is necessary to cure a runny nose as soon as possible, we suggest using such folk recipes:

  • Everyone knows about the benefits of onions and garlic for colds, which have a strong antiviral effect. The phytoncides contained in them kill influenza and ARVI viruses. Cut the onion or garlic into several pieces and spread them indoors or inhale the onion or garlic scent for 10 minutes a day.
  • It is useful to bury it in the nose soda-tannin drops that you can easily make at home. Brew 1 teaspoon of tea leaves in boiling water (for 1 glass of water) and, stirring, evaporate it over low heat. Then strain and add 1 tsp of soda to the tea broth. Place the product in the nose several times a day using a pipette. After using such drops, mucus from the nose is better secreted and breathing is easier.
  • Aloe juice, a herbal solution from fresh apple or carrot juice can be instilled into the nose.
  • Flush your nose with saline or baking soda often, especially after visiting crowded places.
  • A cake made from flour and honey can cope with nasal congestion. Apply it to the maxillary sinuses.

How to treat headache and fever

  1. Wet wraps are excellent for knocking down high body temperature wet sheet made of natural fabric. Wrap yourself up with a warm blanket. Due to heavy sweating, the temperature will drop quickly.
  2. Acetic rubbing of the body helps to fight high temperatures, vinegar is diluted with water (1: 2).
  3. During an illness accompanied by a high fever, drink plenty of fluids (herbal teas, linden infusion, cranberry juice).
  4. If you suffer from a headache, apply white cabbage leaves to your temples and forehead.

What not recommended for pregnant women during a cold

  • Do not take hot baths, you also cannot steam your legs, visit steam rooms, saunas, or a bathhouse.
  • Before using medicinal medicinal herbs, be sure to read the instructions.
  • Pregnant women are prohibited from taking immunomodulators, alcohol tinctures.
  • Take vitamin C with extreme caution, as it thinns the blood in excess.
  • It is forbidden to take antibiotics without consulting a doctor.
  • The drugs Aspirin and its analogues Coldrex, Efferalgan are prohibited.

Cold medicines during pregnancy

Before using any medication, be sure to consult your doctor and read the instructions. It should be remembered that it is strictly forbidden to take medications that are not intended for pregnant women.

Throat medications

  • With a sore throat, inflammation of the mucous membrane, aerosol preparations Ingalipt, Hexoral, which have an antiseptic effect and are safe for the life of the fetus, effectively fight.
  • With perspiration, painful swallowing, prolonged redness of the throat mucosa, Faringosept is used.
  • You can gargle with a solution of Furacilin.
  • Bioparox in the form of a spray helps to relieve inflammation and reduce soreness in the throat.

Cough medicines

It is necessary to start the treatment of cough immediately, since a cough during gestation, especially dry and paroxysmal, is very dangerous for the fetus, as it prevents the flow of oxygen. Cough treatment also depends on the length of the pregnancy.

  • At the beginning of pregnancy, Sinekod, Stodal, Bronchikum will be effective for the treatment of dry cough.
  • In the second half of bearing a baby, Stoptussin syrup, Coldrex, Falimint, Libeksin preparations are used.
  • For a wet cough, the doctor may prescribe pullet root syrup, Mukaltin, Herbion, Doctor Mom, or a herbal breast collection.

Medicines for the treatment of the common cold

A runny nose, accompanied by nasal congestion, is especially dangerous for the baby and interferes with the mother's normal life. Shortness of breath leads to oxygen starvation of the fetus.

  • It is not recommended to treat a runny nose and nasal congestion during pregnancy with vasoconstrictor drugs.
  • Rinse the nose and moisturize the nasal mucosa with Aquamaris.
  • Pinosol and Nazivin help to relieve inflammation and fight microbes.

Medicines at a temperature

High fever, headaches are frequent companions of acute respiratory viral infections and flu, in the fight against which antipyretic drugs are used. The drugs used to lower the temperature during childbearing should be made on the basis of paracetamol, for example, Panadol. But, not all paracetamol-based medicines can be taken by pregnant women. If they contain caffeine, phenylephrine, pheniramine maleate, such medications are prohibited for pregnant women, so read the instructions carefully to avoid side effects.

If a woman has an intolerance to paracetamol or it is ineffective for combating high fever, the doctor may prescribe Ibuprofen. This drug should be taken with extreme caution and only as directed by the attending physician, since it is not approved for pregnant women in the 1st trimester. Taking Ibuprfen can cause miscarriage. In the second and third trimester, he is taken as prescribed by a doctor and does not bear any danger to the fetus.

Antipyretic drugs prohibited during pregnancy

  • acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and all drugs based on it (Coldrex, Efferalgan);
  • nimesulide (nimesil, nisit);
  • analgin;
  • various biologically active additives (dietary supplements).

All of these antipyretic drugs are contraindicated in women carrying a baby. Taking them can have a negative effect on the intrauterine development of the fetus, provoke the development of abnormalities, and also cause bleeding in the mother. It should be noted that these drugs are also prohibited during lactation.

During the carrying of a baby, when pregnancy occurs in the autumn-winter period - the season of colds and viruses, it is very difficult to avoid the disease. The task of the expectant mother is to overcome the cold as quickly as possible, recuperate and at the same time not harm the unborn child.

By choosing the correct and effective treatment with your doctor, as well as the use of time-tested home methods and folk remedies for treating colds, you can quickly get back on your feet.

But still, it should be remembered that it is easier to prevent a cold, and not to treat, so use preventive measures and strengthen the immune system. Be more attentive to your health and listen to the recommendations and advice of doctors.