Large crafts from chestnuts with their own hands. Chestnut tree in the picture

We continue to consider the topic - crafts from natural materials with their own hands. - We have already considered. In this article, we will use acory and chestnuts as natural materials. Today we will create a collection of fabulous figures that can be given as a gift to a native person or attribute to school, as well as decorate the interior of your home.

All crafts from natural materials need to be done necessarily with children. Useful for the development of fingers and thinking.

How to make crafts from acorns and chestnuts

Large acorns and chestnuts are good for the manufacture of men of men and animals. Small acorns - for heads, and plid hats - for feet legs, hats and other small details.

To connect parts from these materials, an axial fastener is used. In places, the connection of parts is made of deepening with a seboard, 1-3 drops of glue are poured into them. When the glue thickens, pointed from both ends stick, a twig or match is inserted into the recess.

Slowing chestnuts and acorns can be soaked for a day in cold water, and then still dry in a cool place. In warm water, it is impossible to keep them, as the acorns will darken.

The best chestnuts and acorns to use as an amicing material in the first 5 - 6 months after collecting. Store acorns better in a cool wet place.

Craftsman - Indian

Materials will be required: 2 acorns, twigs, spice of a tree, a flower of driedstone, flakes of cones, plow glue, glue moment, gouache, knife, awl.

  1. Cut and sharpen the twigs for hands, legs, neck, stakes.
  2. Silom make recesses for connecting parts in acorns and hats.
  3. The ends of the twigs (hands, legs, neck) grease the pva glue, connect the head with the torso, insert into the deepening of the arms, legs, feet.
  4. Skirt and headdress Perform from the petals of the driedstone, draw your eyes, mouth, nose.
  5. A figurine of the Indian and necklace stick to the stand (spice of a tree) glue moment.
  6. Stand will cross the scales of cones.

Distillary (Indian) is ready.

Crafts - Balalatechik

Materials will be required: Acorns, acorns, twigs, spoke, cardboard, colored paper, PVA glue, glue moment, plasticine, markers, varnish, knife, spice, scissors.

Work order for crafts from acorns:

  1. Cut and sharpen the ends of the twigs for hands, legs, neck.
  2. Silom make groceries in acorns, acorns of acorns. Hats fill in plasticine. Pan in the recesses of the twig, connect the details of the crafts.
  3. Cut the hair out of paper, from cardboard - balalaika, pull it out of her markers and, stick to the craft.
  4. Wear a hat on a person, and stick it myself on the stand of a drink of wood. Cut the crawl.

Distillary (Balalatechik) is ready.

Crafts - Doggy

Materials will be required: Acorns, acorns of acorns, twigs, flakes cones, winrs - maple seeds, plow glue, plasticine, varnish, knife, scissors, sewer.

Work order for crafts from acorns:

  1. Do yourself from the acorns and twigs of the dog figurine according to the scheme next.
  2. Move the nose of the dogs, ears and tail from the flakes or paper.
  3. Cut the crawl.
  4. Further, according to your fantasy, decorate the composition of grass, bone and a cup for food.

Distillary (dog) is ready.

Crafts - Fisherman

Materials will be required: Acorns, heats of acorns, matches, twigs, threads, cork, foam, pva glue, plasticine, markers, varnish, knife, sewer.

Work order for crafts from acorns:

  1. Make a fisher's figure from the acorns using for hands, nose, legs and neck matches (or twigs); Eyes and mouth draw markers.
  2. Cover the craft of varnish.

Distillary (felt) is ready.

Crafts - boy and donkey

Materials will be required: Acorns, acorners, twigs, pistachio shell, maple wolfold, rope or beam of grass, color cardboard, plow glue, plasticine, varnish, knife, scissors, sewer.

Operating procedure:

  1. Make yourself boy and donkey figurines. For ears, use maple wings, tail Make grass or rope, eyes and nose from a bunch of plasticine. Stand cut out of cardboard.

2. Cut the crawl.

Distillary (boy and donkey) is ready.

Crafts - wagon

Materials will be required: acorns, heats of acorns, twigs, watermelon seeds, walnut shells, durable thread, pva glue, plasticine, markers, knife, sewer.

Operating procedure:

  1. Make a little man and donkey. For the wagon, take the walnut shell, for the wheels - the heats of the acorns.

2. Make the ears of the donkey from the watermelon seeds, the tail - from the rope. Cover the craft of varnish.

Crafts (wagon) is ready.

Crafts - caterpillar

Materials will be required: Chestnuts, twigs, pistachio shell, moss, cardboard, colored paper, PVA glue, knife, sewer.

The order of work for crafts from chestnuts:

  1. Details of the head and body of the caterpillars. Connect while incorporated sprigs in the grooves made by a shell in chestnuts.
  2. Cut the eyes and mouth of the caterpillar from the colored paper.
  3. At the stand from the cardboard, stick the caterpillar. Pipples made of pistachio shell, moss.
  4. You can add the composition of the apple performed in the papier-mache technique.

Distillary (caterpillar) is ready.

Crafts - cranes

Materials will be required: Justice, matches, scales cones, bark, pva glue, gouache, varnish, knife, sewer.

Work order for crafts from acorns:

  1. Make a crane from the acorns, the tail is made of bumps, legs and nose - out of matches. For the body of the crane, use cones and acorn flakes.
  2. Stand for crafts can serve a piece of bark.
  3. Color and cover the product with varnish.

Distillary (cranes) is ready.

Crafts - Cheburashka

Material will need: Chestnuts, acorns, veneer, sprigs, colored paper, pva glue, plasticine, knife, scissors, seer.

Operation of work for crafts from chestnuts and acorns:

  1. For the head and body of Cheburashka, use chestnuts, for paws - acorns.
  2. Connect all the details while inserted into the recesses made by seaw, pointed twigs. For fastening the ears carved from a veneer, it is necessary to make slots with a knife.
  3. At the stand from veneer or cardboard, stick the cheburashka. Under the halves of the zhloor of the acorn (the feet of Cheburashka) can be plained.

Distillary (Cheburashka) is ready.

Crafts - Little Mistress

The material will be required: Acorns, bumps, berst, moss, grass, twigs, matches, spice of wood, synthetic threads, plow glue, plasticine, varnish, markers, knife, sewn, scissors.

Operation of work for crafts from acorns, cones and berers:

  1. For girls figurines, use a bump. Make a blouse from Berriest. Hands out of twigs stick on top of a blouse. On the hair of synthetic filaments or grass on top of glue a hat from an acorns hat.
  2. Make a calf from the acorns, legs and neck - out of matches. Feltaster Draw eyes, nose and mouth.
  3. Cuting the tube strip of Berestov, glue a bucket, put a piece of plasticine into it and stuck moss into it.
  4. Silom Make a deepening in the stand and glue the tree, calf legs and all other items.

Distillary (small mistress) is ready.

You viewed the manufacture of crafts in the amount of 10 pieces. If you were interested, go to the blog and another time. New articles will be published with different topics of crafts.

From chestnut fruits, in the presence of fantasy, plasticine and twigs, very interesting crafts are obtained. They can be done with children, one kids, because there is nothing complicated here. The main thing is to assemble them in time until they are still soft, save for creativity. Scenic crafts will decorate not only the shelf in the baby closet, but also suitable for exhibitions in kindergarten or class.

Together with the kids, you can try to make such animals like spider, hedgehog, bear. Easy to work in children Cheburashka or caterpillar, and together with mom it is very easy to build a house or arrange a toopiary. It is only necessary to prepare scissors, glue, plasticine, the rest will depend on the skills and imagination.

Catering of plasticine and chestnuts

You need to take:

  • several chestnuts, for example, 7 pieces
  • color plasticine
  • match

Make a fun caterpillar easily:

  • Connect smooth fruits with plasticine, you can bore them with matches
  • Sculpt the eyes, nose and mouth, you can make them any color
  • Stick in the head Horn from halves of toothpicks with plasticine balls at the ends

In order for the caterpillar to get even more interesting, you can arrange it on the leaves, add to the composition of the twigs from trees.

Spider out of toothpicks

You will also need toothpicks and one large fruit of smooth shape:

  • We take 8 toothpicks, slightly overlook them in the middle, stick the spider in the body
  • Eyes can be made of plasticine

Anti-chestnuts and straw

Need to prepare:

  • 2 chestnut is smaller to the body, one bigger for the head
  • plasticine
  • plastic cocktail straws

To make an ant, it is necessary:

  • Connect the head and torso plasticine, cut out eyes and mouth
  • Crop the straws for your feet, it is better to do it with a cut side of the tube
  • Stick them in the body

The ant turns out even more beautiful if you add to him small mustache and choose the fruit of the elongated body shape.

Cheburashka with big ears

Cheburashka simply do, you only need to prepare toothpicks and fruit of different shapes

  • We connect the stomach, head and ears with the halves of the toothpicks, make hands and legs
  • Feltaster can be painted on the face of eyes and smile

Bear from chestnut fruits

Need to cook:

  • 2 chestnuts, more - on the stomach, smaller - on the head
  • brown plasticine for paws

We fasten your head and stomach with plasticine, the paws with ears should be made of plasticine balls. Add nose and eyes.

Chestnut beads

Making such simple beads like small fashionistas:

  • Prepare a solid fishing line of the desired length
  • Make a sewer in every small fruit hole so that you can go to her line
  • Collect beads, at will complement them with colored beads

Decorated vase

You need to do such a vase with adults.

It will take:

  • many small smooth fruits of the same size
  • high tin can from canned fruit
  • paint of any color in the cannter, you can take a golden or under silver

Vase is performed simply:

  • The bank is passed along the entire length of the fruits, you can make rows of smooth or tilting on the diagonal
  • The resulting volumetric vase dries until the glue freeze
  • The finished product should be covered with paint from the can

Such a vase looks good with dried dries and branches of trees.

Flowers of their acorns

Need to cook:

  • more aczerate for petals
  • chestnuts for the core of a flower
  • long twigs for stem

Making flowers easy:

  • We glue acorns to the middle with a chamomile glue
  • Stick in ready-made flowers sticks

Chestnut tree in the picture

Have to take:

  • many fruits
  • cardboard for background
  • paint in the canister

Panno is done like this:

  • Cut from cardboard silhouette of a tree
  • We glue the fruit into the cardboard. The trunk will go bigger on the branches - smaller
  • Collect wood paint, drying
  • We glue the craft to the panel of the fabric or the photo frame

House, decorated with chestnut fruits

Make a house for everyone. It will take:

  • 2 boxes from under a liter juice for the walls of a house
  • cropped Decoration Box For Roof
  • dry leaves, twigs
  • scissors, glue
  • chestnuts

To make a craft-house, it is necessary:

  • glue boxes, cutting into them windows and doors, glue the roof
  • cover the roof with leaves, imitating tile
  • doors and windows decorate with twigs
  • all the house wrap in glue, attach to the walls of chestnuts, imitating stone masonry

Hedgehog from chestnuts and plastic bottles

It will take:

  • plastic bottle
  • plasticine to make a muzzle hedgehog
  • many chestnut fruits
  • branches and leaves for decorating crafts

Hedgehog is done quickly:

  • Bottle we fall asleep dry sand for balance and its stability
  • The cover and the beginning of the bottle are failed with brown plasticine, it will be a fruit of the hedgehog
  • We make a black nose, peephones from white plasticine
  • We glue the oblong fruits of chestnut glue than they are larger, the fluffy will be hedgehog
  • You can paint the tips of the "needles" white paint

The hedgehog is very beautiful, it is necessary to decorate it with leaves and berries.

Topicia from flat chestnuts

It is necessary to cook:

  • chestnuts flat shape - topiary of them gets more beautiful
  • pot
  • thick branch for trunk
  • foam ball for the crown of Topiaria if not - you can make a lump of newspapers, tie them with threads
  • threads, Ribbons, Moss for Decoration

Topiary is done like this:

  • Stick a branch in a bowl of foam or newspapers
  • We put a branch in a pot without holes, pour the mixture of plaster for fixation
  • An ordinary plastic pot is gluable with a gray rope or spat for beauty
  • We stick to the ball across the circumference fruit with a glue gun, trying to leave only small intervals

Decorate almost Ready Topiary:

  • Top of plaster need to decorate with small pebbles, stuck with pieces of threads
  • Under the ball, it is recommended to make a bow from a piece of ribbon, you can decorate topicia with paper flowers or butterflies

All these crafts will delight you for a long time, reminding about autumn walks.

With the onset of the school year, for parents of junior students, the exciting game "Make a craft for your child" begins. Those for the development of creative thinking in the school program presented a lot, so the employment to non-indifferent mothers and dads is provided before May.

Moreover, a special highlight of this game is the sudden of the start of the next round: at 9 pm, the child recalls that tomorrow you need to bring a craft from natural materials. It would be impossible to fulfill this task if it were not for the all-knowing Internet, which to such a request kindly gives the photo of the crafts from chestnuts.

Ideas for crafts from chestnuts

The beauty of the selected material consists in its availability - brown trees found in the parks and alleys is much simpler than the same oaks. In addition, chestnut does not require painstaking gathering, dried and other preparatory work. Here it is enough to find a tree, in his branches or to find about 10 chestnuts (with a margin), and they are afraid to wash them at home and dry the towel.

To make a craft from chestnuts, in addition to the chestnuts themselves, fantasy and any available finishes are required. As a rule, brown nuts become part of a variety of animals or fabulous creatures.

Moreover, not only seeds can be used, but also their barbed shell. Depending on which composition is compiled, the types and number of auxiliary materials will differ.

Chestnut Flora

The simplest crafts from chestnuts with their own hands, affordable even kids, provide for copying well-known items. At the same time, it is important to take into account that the material is seriously processed, that is, the composition of the composition it is better to remain in its original form. So, as representatives of the flora, which can be copied using chestnut, are usually flowers and mushrooms.

To assemble such a craft, as a rule, the chestnuts and plasticine themselves are sufficient. The flower can be manufactured as a bulk composition, and as an applique.

For the most realistic imitation will require:

  • chestnut;
  • tree twig (with several bitch);
  • maple seeds;
  • dry leaves (Herbarium);
  • plasticine and glue.

The twig will be used as a stalk. It can be glued to the cardboard or set to a high glass for the safety of crafts. Then, the leaves are glued on the tips of the bitch, and at the top of the twig plasticine, chestnut is fixed. It will play the role of a flower core, so it will take to make a ring from plasticine around it.

The maple seeds are pasted on this ring (or color cardboard, carved in the form of petals). If there is a desire to create a bouquet, you can use 2-3 chestnuts.

The chestnut mushroom is created using a plasticine that the leg is formed. The finished mushroom can be painted with paints or leave in natural form.

Chestnut Fauna

Crafts from Chestnuts manufactured by a child to school can also portray a wide variety of animals. So, if you wish, you can create a spider, caterpillar, bird, a bear, a dog, a horse and many others.

And absolutely not necessarily somehow additionally draw up the product with paints, because the chestnut has a shade, which is most often found in the color of animals.

As auxiliary materials when creating animals, plasticine, color cardboard, toothpick or matches and glue are used. In other words, a set of items that will be found in any house.

The master class on creating a spider from Chestnut, however, implies the presence of a wire, but this component can be replaced with the same plasticine. In the classic version, for the manufacture of spider, it is enough to glue the eyes from the cardboard over the walnut, and on the bottom side to pierce 8 holes. In the formed holes is inserted (screwed) the wire, which is bent at an angle of 45 °, simulating sparse paws.

For the manufacture of the caterpillar, there is also no much effort. In the simplest embodiment on the cardboard, with a layer of plasticine (4-5mm), 10-12 chestnuts are laid out. Then, on the first nut, the muzzle is drawn insect, and on all others - the paws.

Wanting to create a more voluminous version of the crafts, you can fix half of the chestnuts in the plasticine on the cardboard, and the part is raised, putting on a wire or toothpick.

The hedgehog looks originally, made by all the components of the chestnut. To create it, you need:

  • on the chestnut nut to form a plasticine elongated fruit of hedgehog;
  • on the muzzle beads to designate eyes and nose;
  • to blind and glue the animal legs to chestnut;
  • cover the craft of a chestnut shell, the spikes of which will create the effect of the hero;
  • apple or leaves cut from cardboard or leaves are on top of the shell.

The manufacture of other animals from chestnuts passes in one scheme. The head is combined (1 chestnut) and a torso (2 chestnut), and with the help of plasticine or matches / toothpicks, limbs, ears and tails are formed.

Photo crafts from chestnuts

Chestnut crafts for children are the most popular kind of needlework. Chestnuts - natural and popular material for the manufacture of various crafts. Working with them is quite easy. Despite the fact that they have a solid shell, it is easily pierced with a seboard or needle. This allows you to insert connecting elements, such as: matches or toothpicks, wire or thread.

The collected fruits are better to wash and rub the towel. So that in the future crafts and for a long time kept, it is better to dry, but for primitive children's products it is optional. The dried chestnuts are stronger, they glued faster, however, they quickly crack and crumble when trying to pierce them or cut.

Topiary do it yourself

Topiary is a small neat pretty tree. For its manufacture, you need to choose the fruit of a flatter form so that they are more convenient to glue.

Under the word, the Topiary is meant to be a soda in the form of a tree of an ideal form. They also have such names: "European tree" and "Tree of happiness." Such souvenir trees in pots are very popular and look beautiful in the interior. They are made of a wide variety of materials.

Necessary materials

To make a cracker in the form of a souvenir tree, you first need to stock such materials:

Step-by-step instruction

So, when all the necessary materials for Topiary are prepared, you can start work:

Now Topiary is ready, and you can decorate it. Everything is suitable for this, which is harvested as decor. These can be small bumps, beads, bows, ladybugs and so on.

Tea or sisal can come in handy for decorating gypsum in a pot, as well as to fill the voids between chestnuts. Another village will look beautifully, if you cover it with silver or golden acrylic paint.

Making a house

Such painstaking work is more suitable for children older. And younger children will have to help.

Preliminary billets

To perform from chestnuts a wonderful house, we will need:

  • scissors;
  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • dry leaves;
  • chestnuts.

Work process

Just as in the construction of a real residential building, young architects need to decide on the size of the chestnut house. Subsequent actions for the manufacture of chestnuts house:

  1. It is required to cut seven rectangles, one of which will be the bottom of the house. Four will be walls, and two are the roof. Then you need to cut two triangles for the roof.
  2. Now you need to glue the layout of the house with glue.
  3. The walls of the house must be punctured by chestnuts as close as possible so that there are no clearance.
  4. The roof should be enclosed with dry leaves.

Around the house you can make a clearing and decorate it.

Vase from jar or bottle

Such a vase is easiest to produce from plastic double-liter bottles. Such materials will be required:

  • plastic bottle or high tin can;
  • chestnuts;
  • acrylic paint, golden or silver;
  • glue.

Now we start work:

  1. First you need to cut off the top with the bottle.
  2. Now it should be painted in golden color. Acrylic paints are suitable.
  3. After complete drying, the paint can be glued with chestnuts.

The vase can be supplemented by any elements of the decor, such as: small bumps, acorns, beads, and so on.

Figures of beloved animals

Developing the Motoric of the Hands of the Child and putting him a feeling of beautiful, try to attach your baby to help, and in the future, - to independently performing crafts from natural materials. So that your joint work is interested in krochi, offer him to make loved ones from early childhood animals.

Brown bear

This is a simple shoulderwhich will be able to make a child of preschool age. Need to prepare:

  • plasticine;
  • chestnuts - two large;
  • awl;
  • toothpicks.

So, proceed:

  1. First you need to connect the fruits. They will serve as a head and tummy bear.
  2. From plasticine, it is necessary to make legs and ears, which then need to be glued to the body of the bear.
  3. From small pieces of plasticine you need to blind eyes, mouth and nose. And glue them.

The bear can be put on a piece of cardboard. And we recommend decorating cardboard as a clearing.

Owned horse

The craft is suitable for preschoolers. Before proceeding with small children, it is pre-made a seer of the holes in chestnuts. Such materials will be required:

  • plasticine;
  • chestnuts;
  • awl;
  • toothpicks.

Technology of performing crafts is:

  1. First you need to make five holes in one chestnut. Four holes for legs and one for the head.
  2. Then you need to attach the second chestnut with the toothpick. It will be head.
  3. Now it is necessary to attach the legs, and make a mane and tail from plasticine.

It remains to glue the eyes and mouth. All, handicraft ready.

Sea turtle

The turtle is easy to do and it looks like a real. Prepare in advance:

  • plasticine green, black and marsh color;
  • toothpick;
  • chestnut.

We will proceed to perform crafts:

Cute hare

This animal fun fun with carrots. Make it easy. Prepare such materials:

  • chestnuts;
  • toothpick;
  • plasticine.

Stages of our work:

In the paws, the hare can be inserted with plasticine carrot.

Merry monkey

Make a monkey easily. It will take a wand for her so that she grabbed it. For the manufacture of monkeys, four details are required: neck, ears, front and rear legs. Prepare materials:

  • plasticine orange;
  • marker black;
  • 2 chestnuts;
  • stack;
  • board for modeling.

This sequence is such:

  1. First you need to paint the face of the monkey. To do this, on a bright fetal spot, it is required to draw a black eye marker, mouth and nostrils.
  2. For the manufacture of paws, you must make two five centimeters long flashes from orange plasticine.
  3. To make ears, you need to make two orange plasticine cakes.
  4. A margin of one centimeter long will be used to fasten the head to the body.

After all the details are ready, you need to start assembling.

  1. It is necessary to stick to the head monkey ears.
  2. Now you should connect your head and torso, as well as attach paws. In this handling, the front paws must be raised up.

Then you need to attach to the front paws of the monkey wand. It turns out, as if she hangs on a tree branch.

Hardworking snails

Snails look pretty funny and cute. They can be easily made. For work, we need materials:

  • chestnuts;
  • plasticine;
  • plastic knife.

Sequence of making crafts:

  1. First you need to roll out of plasticine harnesses, which will be a snail tel.
  2. Then you should cut the knife with a harness from one end to make snail horns.
  3. The rest of the harness is required to be pressed, put chestnut on it - it will be a snail house.
  4. Now you need to make eyes from plasticine for snail and attach them.

On the snail house you can draw paint spiral.

Movable caterpillar

Caterpillar is an excellent version of the crafts. It turns out quite funny and mobile, as it is fastened with a solid fishing line. Need to prepare for work:

Let's start work:

You can stick ready-made eyes for dolls that are sold in stores for hobbies.

The process of making craft develops creative thinking in children. They quickly involve a process that becomes a developing game for them. After all, the manufacture of crafts is developing a small motorcycle of the child, the flexibility and dexterity of the fingers of the hands, as well as coordination.

Children can offer to make a variety of animals and insects, such as spider, hedgehog, cat, lion, owl, beetle and so on. And you can also make mushrooms, beads, wreaths and even a beautiful chief of chestnuts.

Chestnuts are a good natural material for children's crafts. It is easy and pleasant to work with them. A variety of chestnut crafts are quite easy to do with their own hands. They can be decorated with their home. This fruit serves as the basis for a huge number of creative ideas.

Useful advice

From chestnuts, you can make various crafts, and especially well they are obtained when using plasticine together with chestnuts.

In addition, there are other natural materials, together with whom various compositions, insects and animals can be made from Chestnut.

On our site you will also find:

Here are some of the most interesting crafts from chestnuts:

Chestnut crafts do it yourself: snail

You will need:


Plastic knife.

1. Skate from plasticine "sausage".

2. Cut the plastic knife the tip of the sausages in half - it will be snail horns.

3. Press the rest of the sausages, and put chestnut on it - it will be a snail house.

4. Make the eyes from the plasticine snail and attach them.

Crafts from acorns and chestnuts: mushroom

There are two ways to make a mushroom from the acorns and chestnut - more simple and more complicated.

Method 1.

You will need:


1. With plasticine, connect acorn and chestnut, as shown in the image.

2. From plasticine. Make a few small "pisels" and attach them to your mushroom hat to get an amanita.

3. From plasticine Make a large green cake - it will be a glade for the mushroom.

4. Put the mushroom into the glade and can decorate your work with a sprig of rowabine and needles from the Christmas tree.

Method 2.

You will need:


Plastic knife or match.

1. Make a small cake and a plastic knife or match. Draw on it a small texture (make a lot of small holes).

2. Attach acorn to plasticine and ready.

You can make the clearing as in the method 1.

Children's crafts from chestnuts do it yourself: insects

Caterpillar from the acorns. Option 1.

You will need:



1. Prepare several chestnuts of about the same size. Their quantity will depend on how long the caterpillar you want to do.

2. Using plasticine, connect all chestnuts.

3. Crash the eyes, nose and mouth of the caterpillar from plasticine.

4. Take the biggest chestnut and attach all the details of the caterpillar faces to its bright part.

5. Attach your head to the caterpillar and attach the horns (matches).

How to make a caterpillar from the acorns. Option 2.

You will need:

Chestnuts (preferably 1 big chestnut for head)

Durable thread (fishing line) and needle

Feltaster (for "face")

Toy eyes (optional)

A hammer


Tin lid or a small board (so that you can drive the nail into chestnut).

1. Use the hammer and nail to break through the holes in your chestnuts.

2. Take a big chestnut that will play the role of the face, and make a hole on the side (turning it with a light part on the side).

3. Now thread a solid thread or a fishing line through all chestnuts and tie a node, both at the beginning and at the end.

4. Use a felt-tip pen to draw eyes, spout and mouth on a large chestnut.

Chestnut crafts for kindergarten: spider from chestnut

You will need:

One big chestnut


Super glue


Caps of acorns (optional).

Chestnut is the body of your spider, and you need to attach toothpicks that play the role of legs.

1. Prepare 8 toothpicks and donate them in the middle.

2. Use superclauses to fix the toothpicks on the chestnut as shown in the image.

If necessary, you can fix the feet of spider using plasticine.

3. Make a spider's eye from plasticine, and attach them to chestnut.

* You can also make eyes out of an acorns, inside which you need to attach small pieces of plasticine, which will play the role of pupils.

* From the stomach hat, you can also make a headdress for spider.

* Instead of toothpicks, you can use a wire that you can coat with a thin layer of plasticine.

Chestnut crafts for children: Owl

You will need:

PVA glue, superchalter or hot glue

Caps of acorns

Flomaster or plasticine (for pupils).

1. From the felt, cut the wings, foot and the beak of the owls and stick to chestnut.

2. Stick two heads from the acorns to chestnut. You can insert a piece of plasticine into each hat to make a pupil, or simply draw your eyes with a felt-tip pen.

Crafts from chestnuts on the topic "Autumn": Beads

You will need:


Colored beads

Shilo or nail and hammer.

1. Shell Make holes in each chestnut.

2. Start vanit chestnuts on the fishing line, inserting between them on one color bead. At the end, tie the line on the knot.

Autumn crafts from chestnuts: God's eye (Ojo de Dios - Mexican Crafts)