Antique clock. Dicky hourglass: an old idea on modern boom clock sand blue "Vice Versa"


Physician scientists, engineers, artists and jewelers - representatives of these serious professions developed the first copy of the mechanical clock so that humanity gets a device that displays the exact time of time. And in antiquity, and now, chronographs serve as indicators of the high status of their owners, with the only amendment, which in modern times the varieties of devices for the countdown has become greater. But even the abundance of new-fashioned gadgets cannot affect our psychology: if we see the vintage wall clock in the museum or visiting (especially those with a fight), our heart begins to beat more often from the beauty of the device, consisting in the elegance and perfection of its forms.

Unlike electronic, antique chronographs are able to mentally transfer to the past, they force us to feel the spirit of the past days. This unearthly feeling of joy and tranquility is experiencing anyone who has ever seen instruments for reference time, created centuries ago. Oddly enough, the vintage clock has the ability to fit perfectly into any interiors, although at first glance it may seem that their design does not meet fashionable trends.

During hundreds of years, the chronograph worked for hundreds of years is not a dream of today's user. We no longer pay attention to what they stopped to get used to things and technology, because if something breaks (and this will happen quickly), we will take a wallet and go for necessary in the nearest store. A completely different principle carry antique watches: they can work for decades and never stop their stroke. Previously, the quality of the details and the scrupulsiness of the master, which invested in his brainchild, part of the soul, solved if not all, then much. After all, a specialist treated his reputation and did not care about the money from the client.

Interesting is the fact that old hours are also appreciated for the status of their previous owner. If you see the chronograph that the seller offers for a fabulous amount, then ask the history of the device, it is quite possible that they had a large industrialist, nonsense or an official.

When choosing a clock, you should pay close attention to the state of their main mechanism, because even the slightest restoration of the device is able to reduce it. Chronometer from noble materials or a number of additional features (rehearser, calendar, thermometer, barometer, etc.) will cost more.

You can buy tabletop, marine, pocket and fireplace at reasonable prices. Each of the device presented on the virtual showboard is a work of art, many of them are decorated with miniature sculptural compositions.

Hourglass is used by people with deep antiquity. This is a fairly accurate device for measuring time, but it has one significant drawback - it can only be measured with only small time intervals. However, people still continue to use hourglass in everyday life. But if you think about it, the vitality of this image has a lot of reasons.

In fact, hourglass are the simplest device for counting time. They have no complicated mechanism that can break or start giving failures, but they do not depend, for example, from the presence of the sun.
Hourglass of classic design is two vessels that are connected through a narrow neck attached to a stable stand. One of them is falling asleep a certain amount of sand. Depending on which volumes are the vessels themselves, hourglass can measure the intervals in a few seconds, minutes or even hours if it comes to the large-sized time meter.

How much sand has flowed since the creation

There are many versions on how the hourglass was invented. According to one of them, this time meter appeared in Europe in approximately the VIII century. According to this version, hourglass is the brainchild of the French monk Liutpranda from the Charther Cathedral. The following mention of this invention occurs on the fresco dated XIV century. The hourglass captured in his creation called "Allegory of the Good Board" Italian artist Ambrogo Lorenzetti in 1338. From this time since this time there are mentions of these time meters in ship magazines.

For a long time, the hourglass was considered the most practical device of this kind. However, since the beginning of the 1500s, their popularity went to the decline, since most people preferred to the mechanical clock appeared in the go, which had greater accuracy.
Over time, the hourglass has not undergone significant changes in the design. Initially, they were made of two flasks, pulled by a cord or simply thick thread. At the junction of the vessel neck, the metal diaphragm with a hole was shifted, which was just adjustable to the amount and speed of sanding. For strength, this joint was still filled with wax or resin so that the sand was not soaked and moisture did not fall inside. The first hourglass with hermetically sealed flasks appeared around the 1760s. They were the more accurate of the previous analogue, since constant humidity was maintained inside vessels. As a result, the sand could not be changed, and therefore it was always cropped at the same speed.
Note that not any sand could get into the hourglass. To get a high-quality filler, the masters took an fine-grained variety of sand, first burned and sieved it through a fine sieve, and then thoroughly dried. The evenly its graininess was obtained, the more precisely the readings of the finished time meter.

By the way, the hourglass was filled with granules of various origin. It could be powder from a finely rubbed marble, chopped egg shell, tried to use tin or lead oxide in some models. Masters, manufacturing hourglass, conducted many experiments to understand what granules give the most constant course. There are written mentions that even a special workshop existed in Paris, which specialized in the preparation of the original filler for this time meter. Here it was made of black marble chopped into powder. It was crushed into thin sand, boiled in wine and dried after that in the sun.
However, it is still not unambiguous to say which granules are the best. Moreover, other factors affect the accuracy of the testimony in addition to the quality of sand. For example, its quantity or what size has flasks and connecting their neck. Creating an hourglass, the masters have experimented a lot and with the ratio of their sizes. As a result, it was determined that the diameter of the neck should not exceed half the diameter of the flask. The minimum size of this opening can be equal to 1/12 of the diameter of the flask.

The choice of this indicator does not last depends on how large the granules are filled with hourglass. Accordingly, identical time meters of this kind, differing only in the neck diameter, can count different intervals. The already connecting the flasks of the experiencing, the longer the sand rolls. By the way, over time, the hourglass loses the verified accuracy due to the fact that the constant friction of the granules inside the flasks are crushed into smaller and as a result are shrinkable faster. The quality of the glass has great importance. It must be perfectly smooth without any defects inside, so as not to prevent the free movement of the sand.
European Hourglass, as a rule, was designed for a period of 30 minutes to full hour. However, there were also such copies that measured the 3-hour period of time. An exceptionally rarely created hourglass, calculated at half a day. However, such a time meter should have absolute sizes without exaggeration.
For those whose dwelling could not accommodate such a capital construction, special sets were invented. In one case, several hourgings were installed at once. Such an apparatus allowed for long time intervals. You could buy similar hourgles and just folded into one case.

Technical progress did not stand in place. He also affected the hourglass, which needed improvements to compile at least some significant competition that appeared practical and accurate mechanical counterparts. For example, the Masters in Nuremberg and Ausburg complicated their design, starting to have four systems of the flask at once. The mathematician named De La Hire made his contribution by creating so accurate hourglass that they could die even second intervals. Scientist Quiet Brage became famous as an astronomer, but he attached his hand to the evolution of this device, trying to replace the usual sand on mercury. Fortunately, such dangerous innovation still did not fit.
However, the greatest breakthrough in this area made Stefan Forefleigh, which created a spring mechanism, with which the sandy clock was tipped automatically after certain intervals. Naturally, such innovation made them use much more comfortable.

Evolution "Flasks" in the alarm clock

Before the hourglass entered into widespread use, hydrology was used or, as they also call this device, Klepsidra. In fact, it is water clocks that have been used by the Assiro-Babylonians and residents of ancient Egypt. Klepsidra is a cylindrical vessel with water that follows from it. Equal intervals were noticed on the cylinder. It is with Klepsdra who is connected and today the expression "time expired".

The Greeks have improved this design. Plato, for example, described a mechanism consisting of a pair of cones that are part of each other regulating the flow rate of water from the vessels. Of course, such specific structures were not very comfortable. If they could still be used in production, then on ships, where the countdown was needed to determine the speed, such a klepsider did not give accurate readings.

In the Middle Ages, the design of water clock has undergone a number of changes, making them more comfortable and accurate. Klepsidra turned into a drum separated inside into several longitudinal chambers with water, inside which was the axis with a wound rope. The drum was suspended for this rope, and he began to rotate, unwinding it. Water inside Klepsidra, flowing from one chamber to another, regulated the speed of rotation. The time was considered to lower the drum.
However, Klepsidra was still far from ideal, since its accuracy continued to depend on the height of the flask, the presence of pitching and ambient temperature. In winter, water in such clock could simply freeze, making them completely useless.

Hourglass did not prevent such unpleasant surprises. People began to use their homes in the kitchen, in the church, then in production. It was the sanding hours that died for different servants of the lunch break.

However, it was for the sailors that this device, accurate and practical, became a real find. Starting from the XV century, there were at least three such meter of time on any ship. Some hourgings were calculated for four hours, which corresponded to the time of one watch, the second - for a minute, and the third - for 30 seconds. With the help of the last sailors, the speed was calculated from which the ship is moving along a lag.

By the way, it was from here that the Fleet tradition went to squeeze the time "flasks". Watched, who followed the testimony of ship hourglass, each time it regularly beat into the ship's bell, turning the half-hour hourglass, that is, in fact, "Bil Flaski". After each whole hour, the sailor beat in the bell twice.

The famous navigator Fernan Magellan during its round-the-world journey used hourglass in a set of 18 pieces. He needed to learn the exact time for navigating, as well as to lead a ship magazine. Hourglass on the ships of this expedition of Magellan was designed for 15, 30, 45 minutes and a full hour. On each vessel there was a person who was supposed to turn them as necessary. In addition, his duties included reconciliation and correction of reading hours.

Of course, nowadays, more advanced devices for measuring time are applied on the fleet. However, hourglass is still used in everyday life. For example, they may be useful in the kitchen as a timer. For the same purpose, the hourglass is used in school laboratories or when checking the reading techniques, in procedural offices. We produce such time meters to flow intervals when measuring the pulse, antipyretic wrapping, contrasting soul, ceremony treatment or medical banks. Also, hourglass, designed for 10 - 15 minutes, is very convenient to monitor the time of stay in the sauna, bath or solarium.

Such a time meter will love children. Bright hourglass filled with colored granules can turn such boring hygienic procedures as cleaning teeth or pouring when hardening, in a fun game.
Already in the twentieth century, the hourglass was used for more serious purposes. For example, models with automatic overturning mechanism used workers of telephone stations to monitor the duration of the negotiations. Hourglass was used during judicial debate so that opponents do not particularly spread the thought in the tree. For the same purpose they are used in both homes of the Australian Parliament. There, the duration of speakers speakers limit special hourgings with three flask systems.

By the way, the electronic versions of such meters of time appeared now. By the way, you can buy such hourglass not only as an original interior element. They can be quite useful in everyday life. For example, electronic hourglass from Fabian Hemmert designers and Susan Hamman is an unusual alarm clock. You just need to tilt its 40 degree housing, and the function is running: the red LEDs begin to "roll" on the display. It is noteworthy that this alarm must be installed not to raise time, but the duration of sleep. Each luminous point corresponds to one hour of night dreams. Waking up at night, you can even discern in the dark, it is easily to sleep. And for lovers to lie down a little more after the alarm sounded the rise, these conditionally hourglass have a special function. Just turn them up - in five minutes they will recall that it's time to get up.

However, in the overwhelming majority of cases today, it is possible to buy hourglass today as an original element of the interior. With the advent of much more accurate mechanical and electronic time meters, their practical function still loses aesthetic. But here the masters can give the will of fantasy. Hourglass is placed in casing from valuable wood decorated with fancy ornaments. Sometimes they even encrust in various gems. Such antique desktop clocks can become a highlight of the interior.

The masters from Thailand did not be limited to experiments on the external decoration of the clock. Probably, they remembered that the inner beauty is much more important, only perceived this statement is too literally. As a result, their hourglass instead of familiar sand were filled with small diamonds. The total weight of the precious filling was approximately 10 thousand carats. These hourgings are today one of the most expensive. Their cost is 6.4 million dollars.

It's time for records

As you know, there are no limits perfection, and therefore the Master from different countries are still trying to create the best and unusual hourglass. Since the complex mechanism in this time meter cannot be in principle, and it is not particularly thrilled on the form, it remains only to experiment with sizes.
For example, at the beginning of the 90s, hourglass was created in Hamburg, which are currently the most small. The height of this masterpiece does not exceed 2.4 cm. The sand is saturated from the top into the lower over the interval of 5 seconds.

The creation of hourgings of the giant sizes turned out to be, apparently, more exciting occupation. Even some rivalry outlined in this area.
The first such giant has a permanent residence permit in the sand museum located in the Japanese city of Him. These hourgings were created in 1991. Their height is equal to 5 m with the diameter of the chambers of the flask in 1 m. However, 13 years later, their glory eclipsed the popularity of one of the main attractions of Budapest.
As you know, in 2004 Hungary became part of the European Union. For residents of this country, such an event turned out to be very joyful. In honor of him in the central part of Budapest, near the Heroes Square, and a monument was installed, known as the "Wheel of Time".

These gigantic hourgles have become a symbol of the merger of the most ancient traditions and the latest technologies. They are equipped with a very complex semi-automatic mechanism, which with the help of a computer leads control over sand shrinking. However, its complexity is largely due to the dimensions of the time meter. Budapest hourglass reach as much as 8 meters in height. They are a giant granite circle that makes one full revolution throughout the year. And on December 31, the camera filled with sand moves upstairs, and the annual count starts again. Moreover, this coup does not carry out a computer program, and the person who, at the same time, is true, uses the cables and the simplest mechanism to help move the grave stone block. Thus, these hourgings symbolize human perseverance and strength that helped us overcome all obstacles over the centuries.
According to the creators, the "wheel of time" symbolizes Hungary's entry into a new era of development.

However, after another four years and this record broke. In 2008, the German automotive company BMW decided to establish a kind of advertising on Red Square on the eve of the presentation of the new model. As a result, the hourglass appeared in Moscow, the height of which was 12 m. They are made of durable acrylic glass and filled with glittering metal balls. In total, 180 thousand such balls were used for these hours, with the result that the total weight of the whole design reached 40 tons. These hourgings were constructed for nine days and had to count the time until July 8, 2008 - it was then that the presentation of the new model from BMW was supposed to take place. By the way, the hourglass were so great that, in addition to metal balls, periodically falling down, there was a car itself in their upper chamber.
It turns out that in our days, hourglass is not so much a device for measuring time, how much style element or even a high status indicator and a good taste of the owner.


When you look at the hourglass, unwittingly think and admire this wonderful invention of humanity. Probably there is no such person who would not be surprised by their peculiar beauty: because the hourglass is so simple in its device, and so deep the meaning of what they serve - measure time. This is a very symbolic thing. In the ancient era, they were considered a symbol of the Greek god of the time of the Kronos, which the ancient Greeks read, as the main judge and the great healer. Hence the belief that hourglass has a special, magical miraculous force. For hundreds of years, attempts have been made to improve them - and replaced the sand of mercury, and the spring mechanisms for turning the clock were made ... But all these innovations did not fit, but people use the simplest sand clock to this day.

In our time, the hourglass exists in a huge variety, although, for the most part, remain close to classical form - two connected racks of sustainable bases, and a sand flask, fixed between them, having a narrow alone, through which sand is satisfied with one half to another . The bases, racks - they were made of wood, metal, bones, and sand was used as a bulk body. And now there are new materials - hourglass can do from plastic, and instead of sand, other fine-grained substances of various colors are used, or even a special gel.

This is how such unusual effects such as, for example, the clock in which the sand rolls up is possible.

Sand-blue clock "Vice Versa"

Where can one buy:
Price: 160 rubles

Looks incredibly - as if it's time to reverse! How is this possible? It turns out that everything is very simple - the clock is filled with a transparent liquid, and the blue "sand" granules are lighter than this fluid, and seek to pop up. Observation probably have already noticed a small bubble at the very top of these hours - he gives their liquid essence. And for greater effects, a beautiful blue liquid is flooded in the cavity-free cavity.

There are even more unusual hours, they seem to be water, but at the same time, droplets of the gel are moved.

Where can one buy:
Price: 190 rubles

Each drop falls down not straight, but jumps on a special ladder. When the nerves begin to take, it is worth looking at such a watch, and you quickly calm down, because it is a good antistress.

No less interesting and these watches in which gel is also used

Water clock "Color Time"

Where can one buy:
Price: 120 rubles

They are interested in the fact that the droplets of two colors, blue and pink and pink, pass through the thin plane of the fluid flow, turning into color circles. At the same time, it is possible to observe not only the effect of the forces of the surface tension, but also the addition of colors.

As a transitional option from water o'clock to sandy, very unusual

Where to buy:
Price: 1300 rubles

As the sand is shown in the clock, they float into the flask with a beautiful green liquid. Engineers and builders such hours will immediately learn about the instrument called "the level". Watching these hours is doubly more interesting - and behind sand, and for moving hours inside the flask. One more option like this watch

Gift hourglass red sand

Where to buy:
Price: 600 rubles

Especially spectacular and beautifully such hours will look like with a straight bright sunlight falling on them.

There are hourglass, which are made in the form of a monolithic crystal, in which there is a cavity of the corresponding shape, and sand is enclosed in it.

Where to buy:
Price: 190 rubles

They are multifaceted, different shapes, and all very cute, with convex or concave edges, color background, decorations and sand.

What are the most modern hourglass of classic forms, very clearly visible by the hour

Where to buy:
Price: 1260 rubles

The metal case is delimited by its smoothness, elegant forms, and the sand has a pleasant pink color.

Also, pink sand can carry not only decorative meaning, but also symbolic.

Clock Sand Pink Heart

Where to buy:
Price: 350 rubles

Pink grapes, putting together two hearts, like a spark of love, symbolize the interaction of the feelings of two loving hearts. Good gift for your loved one.

Large people are large, solid clock. These are like these

Where to buy:
Price: 780 rubles

And there are hourgings that, according to the name, are able to manage time.

Where to buy:
Price: 1600 rubles

Where to buy:
Price: 2200 rubles

This is a very extraordinary modification of hourglass under the magnifying glass, allowing its owner not only to stop the time of time at one's own request, but also to increase the time segments that are sometimes so lacking. Try over time!

Everywhere: both in the work office, and the doctor's desk, and in the living room, and on a regular bookshelf - the hourglass has never been and will not be an extra thing - they always have practical use. Even in medicine and psychology, the effect of their action is very significant, because they are able to change the emotional and energy state of the person, having a beneficial effect on well-being and mood.

Measure time people started a long time ago. For this purpose, water and sunlight were used, later the energy of the grains, the mechanical power of the springs, and today it is most often the oscillation of piezocrystals.

Once from one of the main devices for measuring time were hourglass. It is reliably known that the principle of their construction knew in Asia much earlier before the start of our summer. However, in the ancient world, despite the mention of the bottle clock and attempt to make glass, hourglass was not designed. In Europe, they appeared in the Middle Ages.

Documented the fact that in the XIV century for the production of hourglass was used sand from marble, lead or zinc dust, quartz, as well as from egg shell. The smoother glass was, the higher the accuracy of the course was. She also depended on the sand itself and from the form of vessels. The presence of a diaphragm made it possible to adjust the number and, accordingly, the speed of sampling the sand. True, in those days, masters never managed to achieve accuracy and durability of hourglass due to mechanical destruction of grains.

The time interval on which the clock is calculated, usually ranged from a pair of seconds to one hour, less often a few hours. However, there are exceptions that are located in Budapest (Hungary) and Nimea (Japan). These hourgings reach a height of several meters, and their cycle is one year.

For a long time, 30 second-time hourglass used on the ships, which were used to measure speed and half-hour - watch time. Also, thirty-minute chronometers were applied at court sessions, and thirty-second - in medicine.

In the history of hourglass, there are many attempts to improve them, for example, using spring mechanisms for turning, or replacing mercury sands. That's just all these innovations did not fit, and modern hours are the same as a few centuries ago.

Today, few people use hourglass for measuring time, but many people face as a symbol with them. So, with users of the Microsoft Windows operating system, this happens with each session, simply the mouse pointer turns into turning hourglass, showing the system's employment.

The clock is accompanied by a person throughout life. Different designs and destination chronometers will be not only part of the antique collection, but also decorate the interiors in retro styles and the classic, and the wrist models will complement the evening outfit.

We offer

The catalog of our salon presents various antiques, including the 19th century hours, as well as more modern models. We can buy:

  • outdoor;
  • wall;
  • desktop;
  • fireplace;
  • manual;
  • pocket;
  • male and female;
  • premium;
  • solar;
  • sand options.

Also in the presence of a large selection of accessories associated with details. We have gathered for you vintage bracelets, chains, boxes, cases, keys for clockwork models, sets of clock master tools and much more.

Features of the sentence

Many mechanisms have additional decorations in the form of figures of people and animals, floral ornament, decorated with semi-precious stones. Diverse and list of production materials.

Old hours have stamps of manufacturers, premium engraving, initials of famous owners. Thus, the pocket watches of the English production made in Chester retained well-distinguishable stamps, are in good condition and still on the go. Always in the presence of thematic catalogs and reference books of various years of release in Russian and foreign languages.


The assortment presents the products of the USSR era, as well as truly unique and rare products, the price of which is noticeably higher. Thus, Gregory Ivanovich Yavorsky (1770-1834) will be interested in collectors (1770-1834) with the attached archival documents: bugs, personal correspondence, brief biographical information. Soviet sample, on the contrary, are available at a price due to its prevalence.

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