How silver is cleaned at home. Toothpaste or toothpaste for cleaning silver. Special means for cleaning silver jewelry

If a silver object or jewelry has lost its shine over time, darkened, then you need to find out how to clean the product at home with improvised means or using a special solution, and boldly get down to business. There are a lot of recipes to return the shine to silver, but are they all really effective?

How to clean silver at home

Most silverware after a while turns black and becomes dull. Superstitious people say that the reason for this is damage to the owner or illness. According to scientists, the composition of human sweat affects silver items: if there is an excess of sulfur in the body, then the metal is more likely to darken, and if there is a lot of nitrogen, then silver will not darken. However, it happens that the products just lie in the box - for example, cutlery, dishes, figurines - and still get coated. This comes from interaction with air containing hydrogen sulfide.

To know how to clean silver jewelry correctly at home, one must take into account the alloy of silver, impurities, and the presence of stones. Silver alloy is:

  • matte;
  • monetary;
  • blackened;
  • filigree;
  • sterling (925 standard).

So how do you clean your silver at home? Before you start cleaning silver jewelry, dishes, degrease the product using any detergent. Depressions, curls, rub with a soft toothbrush. Let the item sit in soapy water for a few minutes, then rinse the jewelry and proceed with drastic measures. There are many ways to clean silver, including cleansing with:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • baking soda;
  • salt;
  • ammonia (ammonia);
  • foil;
  • citric acid;
  • coca cola;
  • toothpaste or powder;
  • special products (liquids, pastes, napkins);
  • mechanical method of cleaning with an eraser.

Hydrogen peroxide

The use of hydrogen peroxide to clean silver objects is highly controversial. Cleaning silver with hydrogen peroxide can either remove blackening from a precious metal or reverse the process. Hydrogen peroxide donates oxygen atoms to reduce or oxidize a substance, depending on its composition, so the reaction to silver can be unpredictable if the silver alloy contains foreign metals. In this case, there is a risk that the surface of the decoration will become mottled or completely black.

It will be difficult to remove such contamination at home. We'll have to contact a jeweler, and his work will result in a solid pretty penny. There are recipes on how to clean silver at home using combined solutions based on hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. However, before putting the whole piece of jewelry into the composition, make a test - check the reaction on the chain clasp or the inside of the ring. If the place of contact has brightened, then feel free to apply the solution to the entire surface of the decoration using a cotton pad.


Housewives have long known the power of soda in the fight against pollution. Perhaps she will be able to wash silver objects, but it is necessary to act without fanaticism, so as not to scratch the shiny surface. The method is suitable for small items, as scratches on plates and spoons will be too conspicuous. How to clean silver with baking soda:

  1. Mix baking soda and a drop of water until a slurry is formed.
  2. Use your fingers or a soft cloth to apply the gruel to the surface of the product, rub it lightly until it shines.
  3. It is best to brush hard areas with a toothbrush.
  4. Rinse the jewelry with water.
  5. Wipe dry.


Another quick, easy way is to brush the silver with salt. You will need regular salt, coarse or fine, which is available, it does not matter. In a small bowl or mug, the bottom of which is lined with foil, pour, without sparing, salt, baking soda, pour the liquid for the dishes. Decorations should be placed in this substance and boiled for 10 minutes. Then rinse the products under the tap and dry. This method is suitable for small items such as rings, crosses, earrings, chains, coins. Plates, spoons, candlesticks, and other kitchen utensils must be cleaned using other methods.


There are several ways to clean silver with ammonia. You can use both pure alcohol and its combination with other substances. Two methods using exclusively ammonia:

  1. Take one part ammonia and 10 parts water and prepare a solution. Immerse the product in it to soak. If the silver is of medium contamination, then the processing lasts from half an hour to an hour. Do not keep silver in ammonia for too long, you need to monitor the bleaching process. Slightly cloudy products can simply be wiped with a cotton pad moistened with ammonia.
  2. Silver items that are too black will need pure ammonia. Processing time 15 minutes. Then the silver is rinsed and dried.


Citric acid

Cleaning the silver with citric acid or vinegar can help lighten antique items and jewelry:

  • It is necessary to dilute 100 grams of acid in 0.5 liters and put the solution to heat in a water bath.
  • Dip a small piece of copper or wire and silver into the container. Boil time 15 to 30 minutes.
  • Then rinse and dry the item as usual.

Coca cola

The cleaning properties of Coca-Cola are already legendary. That only does not clean this drink: tiles, plumbing, dishes! For home life, this is an expensive and irrational way, but cleaning silver with Coca-Cola is quite affordable and will not hit your pocket. It is necessary to pour a small amount of Coca-Cola into a glass and put the silver products there. The process is lengthy, it will take about 12 hours, but silver will shine like new.


For slightly dull jewelry, cleaning silver with toothpaste works well. Smooth items can be cleaned with a napkin filled with toothpaste, while jewelry with many embossed details can be cleaned with a toothbrush. Choose a paste without additives and dyes so that impurities do not lead to an undesirable reaction with the metal. After cleaning the product, rinse thoroughly to prevent the formation of white deposits, polish with a soft cloth.

Silver cleaners

In any jewelry store, you can find special cleaning products for silver jewelry. Voice the problem to the consultant, or better, bring the jewelry with you - he will recommend a suitable cleaner: napkins, liquid or paste. Check if this or that cleaning agent can be used for products with stones: some do not tolerate aggressive cleaning, they are easily damaged.

Cleaning liquid

A special solution for cleaning silver consists of organic solvents, phosphates, surfactants, fragrances, water. This is a strong cleaning agent, so it is not recommended to use it for lightening silver jewelry with pearls, amber, corals. For example, the Aladdin liquid is a convenient container with a special basket and a brush: a product is placed in the basket, then it must be immersed directly into the jar and held for 30 seconds. Then rinse the silver with water and polish with a napkin. The effect is visible the first time, but there is a drawback - an unpleasant smell.

Specialty liquids can be sold as a spray, such as the Chinese Sunlight product. Comes with a small brush for cleaning hard-to-reach areas. As declared on the package, Sunlight spray is safe for all types of precious metals and stones. The product is transparent, without a pungent odor, easy to use. You just need to sprinkle with silver, stand for a few minutes, and then rinse with water.


It is recommended to use silver cleaning wipes to clean slightly darkened or non-shiny items. There are napkins made of microfiber and not containing chemicals so as not to harm metal and stones. In addition, in stores you can buy disposable wipes with a special impregnation for polishing jewelry, separately with impregnation for polishing jewelry with pearls or other organic stones. One such napkin is enough to rub a small table set to a shine.

Cleaning paste

A thick silver cleaning cream or paste effectively cleans old black plaque on jewelry, cutlery, and antiques. The paste has a delicate structure and does not leave scratches on the product. Before cleaning, you must degrease the silver by rinsing it in warm water and soap or detergent. Then put a little paste on a napkin, rub the product and leave for a while, then polish the surface with a dry napkin.

How to remove blackness from silver

Cleaning silver at home is troublesome, you can scratch the product or spoil the stones. Most of the known ways to clean silver at home have been discussed above. It remains to figure out which of the considered methods is best used for jewelry, products with stones, and which for dishes, cutlery, antiques and other items:

  • Silver dishes that will show baking soda scratches are best cleaned with toothpaste. It is just right for items that are not severely damaged by blackening. However, you do not need to use the paste too often, it can provoke the formation of microcracks on the metal. Spoons, forks, knives are cleaned with soda, salt and foil. With this method, you do not need to rub objects, the dirt leaves during boiling.
  • Small jewelry or coins can be easily handled with an eraser, but you have to work hard. Some people advise using lipstick instead of an eraser, rubbing a little on a soft cloth and rubbing the silver. Lipstick will not leave scratches and can be easily washed off with soapy water. For small decorations, a gruel of chalk and ammonia is also suitable, which is applied to the product and then washed off with water.
  • Blackened silver should not be cleaned to a shine at all, trying to wash off the noble patina, depriving the jewelry of charm and sophistication.

Silver chain

Many people think that the hardest part is cleaning the silver chain, because there are small links or a spiral. However, by applying the knowledge gained about silver purification methods, this problem can be easily dealt with. It takes vinegar and 3 hours of time:

  • Soak the chain in acid, without diluting it with water, and hold for the specified time.
  • Perhaps the process will go faster if the silver is not too running.
  • Vinegar does a great job on very severe browning.

Silver with stones

If it is scary to spoil silver jewelry with stones with household chemicals, it is better to clean it with special liquids for professional cleaning. You can buy them at a jewelry store. They will not only gently clean the silver, but also cover the surface with a protective film. It is important to know the features of the stones in your jewelry:

  • Turquoise does not tolerate moisture, it is absolutely impossible to dip it into water.
  • Pearls do not tolerate ammonia and hydrogen peroxide; they are washed in a soapy water solution.
  • Amethyst and topaz easily tolerate the effects of alkalis and acids of weak concentration, but will not survive high temperatures - they will tarnish.
  • Cubic zirconia, quartz are not capricious, they can be washed in soapy water.


I think that almost every person in the house has at least one piece of silver. For example, not so long ago, cutlery and crockery made of this metal were popular. The question of how worries collectors of rare coins are also. And most often, jewelry made of this metal needs cleaning. not so difficult - a variety of tools are suitable for this.

Why does silver darken?

But what if you don’t have a special one at hand or you cannot purchase it? How to clean silver? In fact, there are many ways to get rid of the stains and bring your silver piece to near-perfect condition.

Of course, the most famous method is ammonia cleaning. A 10% solution can be purchased at any pharmacy. Soak the product in it and leave for fifteen minutes. Then rinse the cleaned silver with water and wipe with a dry, clean cloth. By the way, this method is perfect even for high-purity silver.

There are simpler and more affordable ways. For example, a fairly effective remedy is ... toothpaste. Apply a sufficient amount of this mass to the product and soak in water for twenty minutes. An old toothbrush or hard sponge is great for cleaning. Thoroughly clean the silver of dark stains - after exposure to toothpaste it will be quite easy. Then rinse the product with water and wipe with a dry cloth. But remember that mechanical cleaning can leave small scratches, so be careful.

Another popular remedy is baking soda. In order to clean the silver item, you need to pour half a liter of water into a container, add two tablespoons of soda there, put on fire and bring to a boil. As soon as the water starts to boil, toss a small piece of foil and a piece of silverware into the water. Keep it on low heat for about 15 seconds. Now you can take out the shiny silver, rinse it with water and wipe it dry.

How to properly store products made of this metal?

Now you know how to clean silver. But you must admit that it is best to take precautions. Remember that any silver jewelry needs proper care. First, they must be stored in a dry place, but never near medicines, cosmetics or food.

When it comes to jewelry, try to always remove rings and bracelets while cooking, washing dishes, washing, etc. After all, food products, as well as household chemicals and some cosmetics, can cause a dark film to form on the surface of silver.

Silverware can be found in every home: from heirlooms and antiques to rings and crosses with a chain, consecrated in the church. Silver is not only considered a precious metal, it is believed to be endowed with protective properties. That is why, in all myths and legends, evil spirits are afraid of silver amulets and weapons.

Read in this article:

Does silver need to be washed?

Over time, silver objects lose their luster: at first, the color fades, and then it becomes covered with a bloom.

The color of the plaque can vary from light yellow to black, depending on the storage conditions of the silver items.

Sometimes this shade of antiquity is not considered something bad and does not require cleaning, since it refines. However, this does not apply in cases where silver turns black or is used in everyday life.

The reasons for darkening can be different, but most often it is improper care and storage. Silver easily comes into contact with oxidants, so black plaque causes:

  • Constant exposure to skin secretions (such as sweat);
  • Constant contact with water or high humidity of the environment in which the product is stored;
  • Interaction with sulfur, nitrogen and other substances found in cosmetics and some detergents;
  • Microcracks in the metal caused by improper cleaning.

It is possible to clean silver yourself at home, but it is better to give especially valuable items for processing to jewelers, especially jewelry with stones that can become cloudy from interaction with cleaning solutions.

Methods for cleaning silver

There are many methods on how to clean silver at home, but in most cases there are nuances that will help you cope with this task.

Special cleaning agents


  • Easy to get. You can find specialty detergents for silver at jewelry and some hardware stores.
  • Efficiency. They easily remove black plaque, just moisten a woolen cloth or microfiber a little and wipe the silver object with it. Plaque disappears instantly, without physical effort.
  • Partial cleaning possible. Silver cleaners can be applied locally. For example, if you want to leave a yellowish patina as a patina, just leave it off.
  • Gentle care. Special gels and sprays do not have abrasive particles that can harm the metal.


  • The tool could not be completely uninstalled. Cleaning gels contain substances harmful to the body. With a single exposure, you will not notice any danger, but due to the inability to completely wash off the remains of the gel, it is not recommended to wash cutlery and other items that are constantly in use in this way.

Folk remedies

Instead of using hazardous cleaning agents, you can use “grandma's recipes” that can restore shine and color to silver. Before you clean the silver, you need to rinse the item in running water using any detergent or ordinary laundry soap. You also need to understand that these methods will not work to remove fat accumulated on the cutlery or candlestick. They only aim to remove plaque.


Baking soda is an abrasive substance, so its particles can create microscopic scratches that will grow larger over time and ruin the item. This can only be avoided if you use solutions with soda or apply it diluted to a creamy state. Here are some examples of the substance's use:

  • Place silver in a deep container, cover with soda so that it covers the objects with at least a thin opaque layer. Pour boiling water over the container and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water.
  • Add at least a tablespoon of soda to boiling water, then lower the silver jewelry there and boil until clarified. At the end, you should also rinse it with cold water.
  • A gel-like mixture of soda, toothpaste and ammonia in proportions of approximately 1: 1: 1. It can be used to wipe silver, but this method is considered one of the most aggressive. It copes well with plaque, but there is a great risk of damage to the product.


Very often there are ways to clean silver at home using ammonia. However, this is a rather controversial method. Some people claim that it is effective, others talk about the inadmissibility of this product when cleaning silver items. If in doubt, you can use any method, but on a small inconspicuous area, to assess its effectiveness and safety. After a few days, check your results and, if satisfied, continue brushing. Citric acid or hydrogen peroxide can be used instead of ammonia.

  • A woolen cloth soaked in ammonia copes well with bloom. A greater effect can be achieved by first heating the liquid.
  • Mix water, alcohol and any dish detergent, dip the silver in this mixture for 15 minutes, then rinse under running water.

Other methods

There are also ways to clean silver from blackness using what you always have at home: table vinegar, decoction of potatoes, or by grating it raw and pouring cold water over it. Salt is also commonly used. All these methods are used in approximately the same way: silver is immersed in a solution of water and the specified component for at least 15 minutes. Then it is washed under cold water.

You can use toothpaste by rubbing it on an object using an old, soft-bristled toothbrush. However, even this can damage the surface of the metal.


In order for silver jewelry to always delight you and not turn black, you must follow a few simple rules:

  1. Store silver in a dry place.
  2. If you do not plan to use the item for a long time, wrap it in foil to avoid oxidation.
  3. Wipe silver items dry.
  4. Remove rings and bracelets before doing household chores.
  5. Have your jewelry cleaned periodically by a jeweler or rinse it yourself, even if you don't notice plaque.

Do not use silver immediately after cleaning. Set it aside for a few days to form a protective layer. Or apply a special varnish. You can also use gold plating for more protection.

Silver has been known since ancient times and was of great value until they learned to smelt it artificially. Until that moment, gold was valued much less, there are very few silver deposits, even if compared with gold mines. Silver is translated from Sanskrit as light, and in Ancient Russia the name of silver is borrowed from the ancient Indian word "sarpa" - Moon and Sickle.

Like other precious metals, silver is marked with a breakdown. The figure, for example, 925 means that this is exactly how much pure metal is in the product per 1000 parts of the alloy. Previously, zinc and copper were traditionally used for the alloy, but today, most self-respecting manufacturers have abandoned the use of zinc because of the proven harmfulness of it and use other safe metals.

Whether quality silver or not, it darkens over time as any metal oxidizes. Although many superstitious personalities believe that this is damage, only a chemical reaction occurs with objects that surround a person in everyday life. The following factors can cause oxidation of silver:

  • humid environment;
  • direct contact with cosmetics;
  • human sweat;
  • household gas and rubber;
  • egg yolk and onion.

Despite this, silver does not lose its popularity and can be polished easily. How to clean silver properly at home? This will be discussed in the article.


Effective cleaning of silver jewelry at home is done with ammonia. This tool is considered the simplest and most affordable, which allows you to get rid of dirty plaque on silver. You will need to purchase a 10% solution. The cleaning procedure is recommended to be carried out in a small glass container where silver items are placed. After 20 minutes, the silver is thoroughly washed with warm running water and dried. This recipe is suitable for products that are not strongly oxidized, or prevention can be carried out in this way.

Ammonium and toothpaste

In this case, for a start, the silver is brushed with an old toothbrush and toothpaste. After that, the items are immersed in 15 minutes. This recipe is suitable for strongly oxidized silver, but not for jewelry with stones.

Salmon, hydrogen peroxide and baby liquid soap

All ingredients are mixed in equal parts and diluted with a glass of water. Silver is added to the mixture for a quarter of an hour. After the metal has dried, it must be polished with a wool cloth.


Silver must be soaked, but only in warm water and immersed in a container with powder for cleaning teeth. In this case, you will need to rub the products with a cloth made of wool or suede. At the end of cleaning, the silver is washed from the powder and dried.

Baking soda

For cleaning, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of baking soda in half a liter of water, the mixture should be heated over a fire. After the solution has boiled, a small piece of food foil is thrown into it and silver items are placed. After 15 minutes, you can take out the silver and rinse with water.


Cleaning silver jewelry at home can also be done with salt. You will need 200 ml of water and one teaspoon of salt. Once it is well mixed, you can immerse silver items in the solution and leave for several hours, at least 4. If the silver is heavily contaminated, then it can be boiled in the solution for about 15 minutes, just not jewelry with stones.

Salt, baking soda and detergent

For one liter of water, you will need a tablespoon of soda, salt and dishwashing liquid. It is better to knead in an aluminum bowl. The container with the solution must be put on a small fire, add decorations and boil for about 20 minutes. After that, take out the silver, dry it and wipe it with a piece of suede cloth.


This recipe can be combined with cooking. After the potatoes have boiled, the water from under it must be drained into a separate container, add a little foil and immerse silver jewelry, boil for about 5-7 minutes. After that, the products are taken out, dried and polished.


Cleaning silver jewelry at home will be effective if you use vinegar 9%, which is heated and the jewelry is immersed in it. After 10 minutes, the silver can be pulled out, dried and rubbed well with suede.

Water after boiling eggs

After the eggs have boiled, the water should not be poured out, but simply cooled. Decorations are placed in warm liquid for 15 or 20 minutes. After this time, the silver jewelry is pulled out, washed very well and rubbed with a natural cloth.

Lemon acid

Effective home cleaning of silver jewelry does not require a lot of effort or expense. For example, use citric acid. To dilute the composition, you will need a sachet of the product, about 0.7 liters of water and a small piece of copper wire. The entire composition is placed in a water bath. Decorations are placed in a solution and boiled for 30 minutes. After the procedure, the jewelry should be dried and polished.

Coca-Cola drink

How else is it done at home? The methods may sound strange, but they are effective. Many have heard about the washing and cleaning properties of Coca-Cola, and its use for silver is no exception. To clean the jewelry, you need to pour a drink into a container, immerse the silver in it and put on a slow fire. After 7 minutes, the jewelry must be removed and dried.

Rules for cleaning silver jewelry with stones

Cleaning products with precious or semi-precious metals and non-inlaid silver has a big difference, especially if it is done at home. In this case, the density of the stone is very important. The higher it is, the easier it is to clean silver items.

You already know how to clean silver jewelry at home. But what if they are with stones? If the product contains emerald, aquamarine or sapphire, then they can be cleaned even with powder, using a toothbrush and even heated.

Products encrusted with turquoise, moonstone, opal or malachite cannot be cleaned with washing powder or other abrasive products. Although these stones also have a high density coefficient, they can still be scratched after aggressive cleaning.

Stones such as ruby, garnet and topaz should never be exposed to heat. They may even change color after immersion in hot water.

Silver items that are encrusted with glass or enamel stones are no exception. Such jewelry can also be cleaned, but only in a "soft" way. For example, a cotton swab is placed in tooth powder and the dirt is gently brushed off. Beforehand, cotton wool can be immersed in ammonia. Under no circumstances should abrasive products and high temperatures be used. Such stones do not tolerate mechanical damage.

Cleaning silver with stones of a soft and porous structure

What other methods are known? How to clean silver jewelry with soft and porous stones? These stones include mother of pearl, pearls, ivory and amber. Under no circumstances should you use ammonia-based cleaning agents, acidic, alkaline or abrasive substances.

Amber and pearls can be soaked in warm but not hot water and wiped with a soft cloth. You can add a little laundry soap to the water. If there are corals in a silver item, then it is better to clean it without touching the stone itself, since it is too sensitive to practically any effect.

How to achieve the shine of silver

In addition to the fact that you want to see your silver in a perfectly clean condition, it is desirable that it also shine.

How to shine at home? For polishing and getting reflections on products, they use In principle, all of the above methods of cleaning products make it possible to achieve shine. But sometimes, even if all the dirt is gone, the silver appears to be faded. In fact, such a deposit is the thinnest layer of corrosion. Therefore, it is best to use special polishes to obtain a shine. They safely remove plaque from the surface of the metal and give them the attractive look that was at the time of purchase.

It is better to use a sponge made of cellulose for polishing, as it will not scratch the silver. Some polishes come with them. The sponge is moistened with a product and in a reciprocating motion, that is, up and down, but not in a circle, the product is cleaned. After polishing, the product is rinsed with running water and wiped dry with a clean and soft cloth.

Preventive actions

Try to always wipe off your silverware after swimming in a river, bath, or pool. And best of all, remove them altogether before being in a humid environment.

If you are using rubber gloves for washing dishes, it is best to remove the rings. Remember that silver does not tolerate contact with rubber well.

How to clean silver.

All ingenious is simple.

Every woman has silver items in her house. It can be jewelry, cutlery, home furnishings and something else. After a while, after the purchase, the metal darkens and becomes covered with a black coating.

The jewelry already looks plain, and in general, the products create an impression of untidiness.

What to do? In this article, we will take a closer look at all the simplest and most effective ways to HOW TO CLEAN SILVER.

First, let's see why silver darkens?

There are several reasons for the darkening of silver:

  1. Moisture. When exposed to humid air, on contact with damp skin, silverware will darken quickly.
  2. Features of the work of the human body. Different people have different speed of darkening of silver items.
  3. Exposure to cosmetics, especially those containing sulfur. When silver comes into contact with sulfur, compounds are quickly formed, namely black.

Now let's look directly at the ways how to clean darkened and dirty silver.

1. The first thing to do is remove dirt and grease from the product- soap (solid, liquid), or shampoo, or dish detergent + water.

To do this, hold the items in soapy water or use an old soft toothbrush to remove dirt (it will clean everything even in the most difficult places).

Rinse items well in clean water.

2.1. Silver cleaning method - tooth powder

Dip a wet chain (bracelet, cross) in tooth powder. Rub with a thick, fluffy cloth.

2.2. Method of cleaning silver items - tooth powder + ammonia (ammonia solution)

Mix ammonia (aka ammonia solution, sold in a pharmacy) with tooth powder (crushed chalk) until a liquid gruel is obtained.

Using a piece of cotton wool, apply the mixture to the product and let dry. Wipe with a dry cloth.

2.3. Silver cleaning method - ammonia and water

Leave the silverware to soak and cleanse in:

a) in solution - ammonia + water, proportion 1:10 (for 1 tablespoon of our alcohol 10 tablespoons of water). For medium-heavy soiling. The exposure time is 15-60 minutes, monitor the degree of cleaning in the process. It is better not to keep extra time.

If the jewelry is slightly darkened, you do not need to leave it in the solution. Take a cloth, moisten it in the prepared solution and wipe off the dirt.

b) in pure ammonia. For heavily soiled products. The exposure time is 10-15 minutes.

Rinse with water and dry with a cloth.

2.4. The way to cleanse silver is with soda (or tooth powder)

Make a slurry of baking soda (you can use toothpaste) and water. Take a small amount of gruel with your fingers and rub it gently. You can take a soft cloth or a piece of bandage folded several times. Brush gently until it shines. For hard-to-reach areas, you can use a soft, used toothbrush.

2.5. A very effective way to clean silver is salt + soda + dish detergent

We make the following cleaning solution:

For 1 liter of water, add 1 tablespoon of dish detergent + 1 tablespoon of salt + 1 tablespoon of baking soda.

Place the items for cleaning in an aluminum dish and simmer over low heat for 20-30 minutes. Track the result from time to time, it may take less time.

2.6. The professional way to clean silver items

Special impregnated wipes or liquids sold in jewelry stores. An additional plus, such cleaning, that they cover the item to be cleaned with a special protective film, which allows the item not to darken longer.

This cleaning method is also suitable for silver items with semi-precious and precious stones.

2.7. Method of cleansing silver items with stones - ammonia + and water

For silver jewelry with stones (but not with pearls!), This method of cleaning at home is suitable:

a solution of water and ammonia of low concentration (5-6 drops per glass of water). Clean with a cloth, brush.

2.8. Folk remedy for cleaning silver - water from boiled eggs

After boiling eggs (any quantity), let the water cool until warm. Place the silver items in the water. You will be surprised, but they will be cleansed. Wipe dry.

  1. Wipe the jewelry with a dry cloth (preferably a flannel) after touching damp or damp skin.
  2. When doing housework (washing dishes, floors, laundry, etc.) - remove rings and bracelets. They will stay clean and intact.
  3. When using caring cometics (creams or ointments) - remove silver jewelry. Especially if they are sulfur based.
  4. Store your silver in special boxes in a dry place. If it works, the products are separate from each other.
  5. If you have silver items that are rarely used, keep them wrapped in foil. They will not oxidize and will not darken for a long time.

Let silver things delight you with their impeccable appearance!

Do you have any recipes for silver purification? Write - everyone is interested.