After how much after childbirth, you can live an intimate life again and why it is impossible at once? Intimate life after delivery

Return to intimate life after delivery occurs gradually.

Many couples sex will not be like before.

The case is not at all in the loss of interest in the sexual partner, but in the changed, more mature attitude towards friend.

Parents unites special spiritual relationship.

Why do parents pull with the beginning of an intimate life after childbirth?

The frequent problem of young parents is a long lack of intimate intimacy after the return of the mother and the baby from the maternity hospital. What's happening? Former dust UGAS, and proximity no longer attracts spouses?

Not at all, and love will still take its own. Parents pull with intimate proximity in physiological and psychological reasons. Of course, physiology is primary: the female body that has suffered the strongest stress, you need to restore time.

The following happens:

After the delivery of approximately two months, the uterus is cleared: allocations (lochy) are gradually fading;

Crotch after childbirth is injured, so any penetration brings pain;

Through the gaps, external and internal seams on the uterus can easily penetrate the infection.

Spouses have to wait when the woman's body will again be ready for proximity, and this is normal. But when the recovery period is behind, and the intimate life has never begun, this indicates the presence of psychological discomfort. Some spouses miss a physiological period when you can begin intimate life after childbirth.

The young mother does not seek the resumption of sexual life for several reasons:

Her priorities have changed. Now the main in life of a young mother man is her child, so she does not think about her pleasure, or the pleasure of her husband. This is the most maternal instinct, which is included after the newborn newborn in the life;

Completes about the changed body. Overweight, tummy, stretch marks, postoperative seams seriously affect self-esteem. Avoiding intimacy, the woman is simply defending, not wanting to take herself new;

Postpartum depression. It is difficult for a woman to recognize that life is irrevocably changed and will never be simple and carefree. The load of responsibility for the child is very large;

Chronic fatigue, from which the woman literally rolls down. Mom's responsibilities now have to combine the owners of the hostess, which no one has canceled. Well, if there is someone to help. And if not? Not only the body is tired: the emotional sphere is also treated with a tremendous load.

Scientists find out that during breastfeeding in the body of a woman, hormones are distinguished, which cause the sensation similar to the orgasm. A woman can refuse closeness with her husband because it simply does not need it.

What is the husband? It would seem, he must glow from passion. Nine months of tooling baby plus postpartum period: Is it not a sufficient time to get bored with your beloved? Yes and no. For a man also began a difficult period. The point is not even that he feels superfluous and is very jealous. Loving spouse is often afraid to hurt a woman with an awkward touch, besides can feel guilty that he wants sex.

In any case, the intimate pause is a completely normal phenomenon. Spouses need time to get used to the new situation. When stress goes to decline, the desire of proximity will definitely return. In addition, it is important to prepare for intimate life after childbirth, to properly begin to have sex.

Intimate life after childbirth: when can you start?

Even if the woman is ready to rush in the arms of her beloved immediately after returning from the maternity hospital, it is not worth doing this. It is not by chance that gynecologists call a completely defined period when you can begin intimate life after delivery. By the fortieth day after the delivery, Lochi should end. As soon as bleeding cease, you can remember the physical side of the marriage.

The woman's body is unique, so when you can resume sexual communication, you can not say in advance. On average, in order to avoid breaks, bleeding, inflammation and infection, it is possible to enjoy each other after 6 or even 8 weeks from the moment of the delivery. By this time, cleaning bleeding should stop. If after sex selection appeared again, it is necessary to visit the gynecologist.

Important, what we are talking about prosperous kinds when the uterus and the vagina quickly recovered and did not suffer. If there are ruptures, you need to wait for the full healing of the seams.

The peculiarity of this period is that a negative woman's response is possible:

Dryness of vaginal walls;

Strong pain;


In the first case, we are talking about insufficient eastrogen production, which provides sexual excitement. Gradually, the body will return to the usual state, and while it is worth using a variety of intimate means. Helie-lubricants in the postpartum period can be an excellent solution to the problem, help spouses to restore former relationships.

As for pain and discomfort, that the complaints need to go to the doctor. Perhaps you should not worry: just you need to wait a little more time. If several months have passed since the birth, and the proximity still causes pain, diagnosis is required. Perhaps we are talking about vagin.

When can you start having sex after cesarean sections?

Caesarean section is a full-fledged operational intervention. The belly and the uterus is cut, but the muscles of the vagina remain intact. There are differences in sensations from sex between women who have given birth naturally, and those whose gods were operational.

Restoration may be needed for a longer time. If the operation was taken carefully, cosmetic seams are applied, then everything is simple. The time to object to intimate life after childbirth, when you can enjoy the proximity to enjoy, the same as for natural genera: 8-6 weeks.

But these are very averaged data, because the reaction of the body to operational delivery is individual. Some women easily get up to the child for the third day after discharge from resuscitation, another movement still gives the pain after 3-4 weeks after surgery.

The most correct approach is to make an ultrasound examination of the uterus to make sure that the quantities of the seams and understand whether the return to intimate life will be dangerous after delivery. How to start sex to have sex, can also suggest a doctor. Sometimes it will be possible to return to full sexual life in half a year. Do not forget about possible complications.

How to start sex after childbirth?

So, the spouses are willing to resume intimate life after childbirth. How to start having sex? If we are talking about natural genus, accompanied by ruptures or cuts, the pain may be saved for some time.

Discomfort can be caused by the weakening of the muscles of the hips, vagina, abdomen. Therefore, from bold experiments should be refused. Traditional poses face to each other or the position of a man behind - what is needed to resume sexual life. It is important to choose such a position that would not cause pain.

Women who suffered operational childbirth are experiencing, oddly enough, great difficulties. Yes, the vagina is not injured and not stretched, but it does not release it from the problem of dryness of the walls.

The incision on the uterus can be felt if the position for sex is unfortunately chosen. May be disturbed and postoperative seams, internal ties. Spouses need to be very attentive at the moment of proximity: avoid pressure on the belly, press voltage. The role of a man should be more active: he will have to take care of a partner. Deep penetration is contraindicated.

There is another delicate moment, which is necessary to know, returning to intimate life after delivery. How to start making love - this is one question. The other is what to do if the pain brings not proximity itself, and her apogee? The fact is that after surgery in the uterus, its reduction during orgasm can be very painful and even provoke bleeding. Too stormy finale can provoke the discrepancy of the seams.

In any case, a man should be very gentle and leisurely. In the future, it will be possible to return to the usual style of relationships. But in the first weeks it is unacceptable.

Intimate life after delivery when you can enjoy the sexual side of the marriage again, each couple begins in his own way. But if the spouses are tied to each other, they have love and tenderness, they will definitely cope with possible difficulties.

Very rarely a woman who is waiting for a child and meeting with him to think about how much the intimate side of her relationship with her husband will change after childbirth. But when it comes time to think about it, then many women can postpone this moment as on him with the birth of a child completely stopped gravily and effort and time. But it's not right. After all, after the appearance of a small little man in your life, sex can have much more faces and deliver much more pleasure. And not only in the physical plane, but also in moral.

Of course, you still have to hate. After all, immediately after childbirth, doctors insist abstain. And so should continue about 4-6 weeks. During this time, the uterus will restrict a little and will heal, and the risk of infection will significantly decrease. If some complications arose during childbirth, for example, breakdowns, then the period without sex should be increased even more, up to two months.

Also, the reason is that the authorities that directly participate in the birth of the child should at least heal a little as they become very sensitive to different infections. But still a woman in the postpartum period really needs support and caressing his spouse. Therefore, this is the best period to show your love and understanding. Also, you should not forget that when the baby is born, it becomes much more worries. And accordingly, the forces and time leaves much more. Of course, a man is very difficult to understand this, so if a woman wants a daddy to feel what child care is, he must at least partially take part in this. For example, you can bathe a baby together, replace the diapers in turn and at least once overnight to get up to the child when that crying.

Another reason because of which women do not want to have sex after childbirth are painful sensations. In most cases, they are caused by the fact that the vagina for some time after childbirth remains dry and in such situations you can safely use lubricants. Also, pains may occur due to seams or scars. But this problem is also quite quickly eliminated. Now there are many special ointments that can very quickly not only remove pain, but also to promote the fastest healing.

But the most difficult is perceived by the problem, which is associated with the tone of the vagina and with her almost all women are facing. It is very difficult to avoid, but it is possible to adjust the situation very simply and relatively quickly, performing the exercises of Kegel. It would be very good if the practice of these exercises began at the stage of pregnancy. This will help not only less painfully give birth, but after the birth of the baby's baby, the muscles will quickly return to the previous shape.

When after childbirth you can live an intimate life

When it comes to the first after childbirth, it is worth paying attention to the psychological state of a woman. A lot of my emotions in the first time spends a child at first. And here they can not do anything, because it was so conceived by nature. But still you should not take all care for your child. If the daddy will help the mother, then it will only strengthen the relationship.

It is also not worth a woman too rushing with the beginning of sexual life. After all, it will definitely feel when her body will be ready for such a relationship again.

At first sex it is worth being very neat, because you need to check the body for readiness for sex. And of course you should not forget about warm words and caresses that a woman needed at such a moment. And it is also worth remembering that sex after childbirth becomes much brighter, because you already have a favorite treasure that should only bore your love even more.

If difficulties arose with the resumption of sexual relations after the birth of a child, you should not panic and rushing the events. The woman's body takes a lot of time to restore forces and return to the tone, so it is impossible to rush with sex. To accurately determine the time when you can live an intimate life, the consultation of the doctor will help.

Sex features after childbirth

The birth of a child is a serious stress for a woman, so the couples may face problems in sexual life. The first sex after the appearance of the child is often accompanied by pain and discomfort.

The reasons why a woman is difficult to have sex, several:

  • Seams or curved fabrics on the vagina or perineum, as well as on the stomach (after cesarean section). Sometimes you have to cut the crotch or cervix, and then sew the cuts - this procedure is capable of changing the configuration of intimate organs.
  • Dry vagina. The mother's body is experiencing a lack of hormone of the pleasure of estrogen, so when returning to sexual relations, pain, itching and burning. The problem is solved by using lubricant lubrication.
  • The weakening of the tone of the vaginal muscles causes pain. Usually for several months, the condition is normalized and does not interfere with sleeping with her husband, especially when performing the exercise recommended by the doctor.

Not all couples face problems in renewing intimate relationships. Often, the attraction becomes more pronounced, the sensations are bright, and the connection of his wife with her husband is emotionally enriched.

When can I live sex life if there were natural delivery?

When is it worth starting to make love after childbirth? In the case of natural non-complicated genera, sexual relationships are allowed 1 to 1.5 months. What caused such a term?

After the generic process and the branch of the placenta in the uterus remains an open wound, which must be fully stored. If an infection falls into the wound, the uterus can inflame. The vagina stretched during childbirth should return to the previous sizes.

The cessation of blood secretions is the correct sign of the approximation of the period, when after childbirth it will be possible to have sex.

Too early return to sexual life entails unpleasant consequences:

  • damage to the vaginal walls;
  • inflammation of the vagina and the uterus;
  • open bleeding;
  • breaks in the places of seams;
  • blockage of uterine vessels;
  • pain and burning during the intercourse;
  • psychological trauma.

Complex genera, accompanied by breaks, cuts and seams, are able to significantly increase the recommended sexual rest. If the uterus subjected to scraping, abstaining from sex lasts at least 2 months. To conduct a full sex life after childbirth, if someone from partners experience discomfort.

Many couples think that immediately after delivery is allowed to practice alternative intercourse. Anal sex, as well as vaginal, is allowed only after 4 - 6 weeks, because it can lead to discrepancies of the seams. A frequent postpartum complication is hemorrhoids - it delivers serious discomfort.

Cesarean section and sex - how long does the abstinence last?

Cesarean section - an operation that allows you to do without changing the tone of vaginal muscles. Often a couple decides that sex life after 2-3 weeks after the birth of a child will not damage the young mother. This decision can be a serious mistake:

  • the risk of infection in an open wound remains, since the placenta separation is an integral part of the generic process;
  • seams in the uterus and on the stomach woman can disperse or deliver a number of unpleasant painful sensations;
  • emergency execution of Cesarean section is possible even when the cervix revealed and full-fledged contractions began, so it is necessary to wait until the organ returns to a calm condition.

By the aggregate causes the period for the restoration of the body of a woman after cesarean section can stretch for a period of 4 to 12 weeks. Do not choose non-standard complex poses so as not to provoke pain in the seams area. How much should the sexual rest after childbirth in your case - solves exclusively a gynecologist.

For what reasons maybe there may be no sex in the postpartum period?

The absence of intimate life after delivery may be associated with the physiological and psychological aspects of the state of the pair. For a full-fledged sex life, it is necessary to find out with what problems the concrete feminine faced.

Physical reasons for intima refusal:

  • painful sensations, itching or dryness in the vagina;
  • reduction of the tone of the vagina;
  • unexplored seams;
  • feeling fatigue.

Psychological reasons include:

  • experiences of a woman due to the loss of attractiveness (swelling, fullness, rash);
  • postpartum depression, which is found in 10% of the feminine;
  • fear of intimate proximity and painful sensations;
  • afraid of a new pregnancy;
  • lack of sexual attraction.

Before renewing classes with love, the family should frankly talk about all fears, sensations and experiences and consult a doctor. If someone from the pair is in doubt or does not want to be close, it is better to wait, otherwise the result will be unpleasant and will not affect your relationship.

Why does the attraction disappear?

The birth of the baby makes maternal duties with a priority for a woman, and sexual attraction can seriously decrease or disappear. This happens for a number of reasons.

In the first months after childbirth, do not want sex - it is natural. Nature laid a decrease in sexual entry for a period when the baby is helpless and needs special maternal care. At this time, the female organism produces a minimum hormone of the pleasure of estrogen, so even with full recovery after childbirth, a woman may not want sex.

The child is a factor capable of seriously changing the intimate relationship of spouses. He can disturb parents at any time, as a result of which sexual intercourse will be interrupted. Sex life after interrupts can cause irritation, discomfort, feelings of resentment and dissatisfaction.

Fatigue due to the fulfillment of parental duties and sleepless nights includes a program for the conservation of forces. Tired spouses will prefer sex a few hours of calm sleep.

Psychological problems - discontent with their body, resentment for her husband for pain during childbirth and because he helps little with a child, social insulation, postpartum depression, fear of unpleasant sensations or a new pregnancy. These reasons reduce sexual attraction or in general "turn off" it.

It often happens that the husband insists on sex, without taking into account the state and desires of the spouse. In this case, a woman receives a serious psychological trauma, and the relationship in the family is planned. Sex life after childbirth (as before them) is obliged to be mutually desired.

Contraception methods after childbirth

Rating a child, you can get pregnant again, and very quickly - the body will not give any tips that a new egg was ripe. The lactation period, which some consider safe, does not ensure that the woman does not get pregnant again, even if she breastfeeds.

To give the body to relax, but do not deny yourself and spouse in physical proximity, one of the methods of postpartum contraception can be applied:

  • Pills. Only a doctor can assign the type and dosage. The reliability of this method is high, but to take registered funds must be regularly, and the price of them is not the lowest.
  • Injection. The hormone injection is a reliable method that is valid about 5 weeks.
  • Capsule. Guaranteed protects against pregnancy and is valid until 5 years. At any time it can be deleted. The minus of this method is the high cost.
  • Condoms. Safe for the health of the baby, are triggered at 85 - 98% of cases.
  • Spiral. This intramatic version of contraception attracts an affordable price, but it is allowed only 1.5 months after childbirth.

Is it worth helping hormonal drugs during breastfeeding? Not yet proven, harm or no kid contraceptives taken by mom.

When do you need a specialist help?

Before returning to an intimate life after the birth of a child, it is worth seeking advice to doctors. To whom and in what cases do you need to contact?

It is necessary to visit the gynecologist a few days later and after 4 - 8 weeks after childbirth. The doctor will check whether the vagina and the uterus returned to the normal state, whether the seams were healed, there are no problems with female health. If the tone has not restored, the doctor will advise simple exercises - the Gymnastics of Kegel. If a young mother is ready for the resumption of sexual relations, the doctor will pick a safe for the child and suitable for a woman lubricant and the method of contraception.

Naturally, after childbirth in the body, women occur physiological changes that impose a print on the sexual side of the relationship of spouses. In the first 6-8 weeks after the birth of the baby, gynecologists do not recommend having sex after childbirth. This is due to the fact that during this time there is a reverse development (involution) of all organs and systems that have been subject to change due to pregnancy and childbirth. The exception is the dairy glands, the function of which reaches a flourish in the postpartum period.

The most pronounced involutionary changes occur in the genitals, especially in the uterus. After the birth of the pillar, it remains a large wound surface, for the healing of which requires approximately 4-6 weeks. During this period, Lochi is allocated - in the first days they are bloody, gradually their coloring changes with red to a brownish, to the 4th week of allocations are almost stopped and completely disappeared completely. Sex life after childbirth can contribute to the penetration of infection through a partitioned neck in the uterus, and the above-mentioned blood and an open wound surface will only contribute to the rapid development of inflammation.

After childbirth, there are quite often complications in the form of cuts or crotters, the walls of the vagina or cervix. For the healing of seams after childbirth, time is also required. Even if there were no breaks in childbirth, the tone of the muscles of the vagina and the perineum after the natural clans is significantly reduced. The recovery process after childbirth depends on the state of these muscles before pregnancy, from whether their woman trained during the waiting period of the baby, from age and genetic features.

In women after cesarean sections, the walls of the vagina do not change, but the recovery after the type of the uterus is slower. In addition, it takes time for healing and forming a full-fledged scar on the stomach.

So, after 6-8 weeks after childbirth, it is advisable to visit the gynecologist, which will determine the state of the uterus, cervix, seams on the crotch or walls of the vagina, the scar after the cesarean section, will take a smear on the flora to identify signs of inflammation. After that, the doctor will recommend that you can resume intimate relationships.

Sex after childbirth. Possible problems

With the resumption of sexual life after childbirth, the pair may face the following problems:

Dry vagina. After genera, most women have a sharp decline in the level of female sex hormones - estrogen. As a result, the amount of natural vaginal lubrication produced is reduced. For this reason, sexual intercourse can be discomfort and even painful for a woman. At this case it is worth stocking with a special lubricant (lubricant), which can be bought at the pharmacy. Just need to closely monitor the composition of these funds and do not use those that contain hormones if the woman feeds the breast.

Sex pain after childbirth may also be associated with the presence of seams and scars on the perineum and the vagina. Sometimes the configuration of the vagina can be changed due to seams. The pain is often noted also in the scar area on the stomach after the cesarean section. Of course, with time, as the tissues are full of healing in the area of \u200b\u200bbreaks and cuts, these sensations will be held. But until it happened, it did not happen to avoid discomfort or eliminate it, you need to choose a pose during sexual contact, in which the minimum pressure is on the scar. It can be advised with a gynecologist who observes you, which will recommend local drugs to accelerate the recovery after bodies of fabrics in the seams area, allowed for applying nursing mothers.

The weakening of the tone of the muscles of the vagina and its extension can impose its mark on the feeling during the first sexual contacts. However, this phenomenon is temporary, and for several months the problem will leave, especially if a woman can find quite a bit of time to perform the exercises of Kegel, which consist in reducing the pelvic muscles supporting the vagina. These muscles can be smelted with an arbitrary cessation of urination or vaginal voltage.

For quick recovery after the birth of their tone, it is advisable to do exercises every hour for 3 weeks. The technique is very simple: For 5 seconds you need strain the muscles of the perineum and the rear pass (as if I really want to go to the toilet), then 5 seconds should be held them in a maximum voltage state, then for another 5 seconds it is gradually relaxed. Then after a 5-second recreation, the exercise is repeated. At one time you need to make at least 30 cuts - it will take just a few minutes.

It must also be said that many women do not have any problems with sex after childbirth - even, on the contrary, they say that the attraction to her husband has become stronger and orgasm - brighter.

We will bypass without surprises

A very important point of sexual relationships after the birth of the kid is a prevention issue. Doctors believe that the minimum interval between birth should be at least 2 years. During this time, the woman's body is completely restored.

The choice of a method of contraception depends on the regularity of sex contacts, breastfeeding and spouse preferences. It is necessary to take care of protection against pregnancy and in cases where the menstrual cycle has not yet recovered, because even in the absence of menstruation ovulation, that is, the output of the egg from the ovary can occur. Consider the main ways of contraception after childbirth.

Interrupted sexual intercourse.The use of interrupted sexual intercourse is a very inefficient method of contraception. First, not every man can clearly feel the occurrence of ejaculation and control itself at this moment. Secondly, a certain amount of spermatozoids stand out during intercourse. According to some data, they are the most mobile and viable, that, accordingly, makes the probability of conception very high. In addition, when repeated sexual acts, the vagina can enter the sperm remaining on the walls of the urine channel of the man after the first ejaculation. The effectiveness of this method of contraception is only 70-75%.

The method of lactation amenorrhea.This method of contraception is based on the absence of ovulation during breastfeeding. During the feeding of the baby, the prolactin hormone is allocated, which increases the production of milk and the contraceptive effect due to the suppression of the function of the ovarian women.

In order for the contraceptive method to work successfully, the following conditions must be respected:

  • the child is solely on breastfeeding, without the use of doctor and dogbing water;
  • baby sucks chest no less than every 3 hours during the day;
  • the gap between the night feedings should not exceed 6 hours (the more often feeding occurs, the more effective the method of contraception);
  • lack of menstruation;
  • after the birth, no more than 6 months passed.

However, with an increase in the intervals between feeding, the introduction of a refraining method becomes intact. In addition, the more time passed after delivery, the higher the likelihood of an unplanned pregnancy. Some women, even despite breastfeeding, after 1.5-2 months after childbirth, it is possible to resume the operation of the ovaries, resulting in ovulation and a pregnancy may occur. If a woman has restored menstruation, even if less than 6 months after childbirth, it is necessary to choose another way of contraception after delivery. The effectiveness of the method depends on the gap after delivery: in the first 6 months, under all conditions, the pregnancy occurs in about 1-2% of cases, from 6 to 12 months - in 4.5-7%.

Barrier methods of contraception - Condom, diaphragms, cereal caps. Barrier methods of contraception do not affect the process of breastfeeding and the condition of the child. Therefore, it can be applied without limitation in any period after delivery. Efficiency is from 90-98% when applying a condom, up to 70-80% for a cable cap and 77-98% when applying a diaphragm.

Spermocidesthere are in various forms - foam, sponges, gels, soluble films, tablets, ointment or candles. The composition of spermicides includes a chemical that destroys spermatozoa, and the basis with which the tool is distributed into the vagina. They do not contain hormones, they act only locally, therefore they can be used during breastfeeding period. In addition, spermicides have a moisturizing effect, which is a positive point for women, in which there is not enough lubricant in the postpartum period.

Among the disadvantages of spermicides, the following can be noted: Some forms of the release of spermicides require a certain time before the beginning of the intercourse; In some women, especially in the postpartum period, the appearance of skin irritation and allergic reactions to sperm. The efficiency of spermicides is slightly over 60%.

Intrauterine Spiral (Navy) - intramatic contraceptive, which is a small device from plastic with copper, silver or gold. Navy is introduced by a gynecologist in the uterus. The mechanism of action of the intrauterine spiral is that it slows down the progress of spermatozoa to the uterine cavity, reduces the life of the egg cell and prevents the attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterine wall. The introduction of intrauterine spirals is possible after 6 weeks after childbirth. Before that, it is necessary to surveys the gynecologist. Navy does not affect the formation of milk, so its use is safe with breastfeeding. In addition to ordinary intrauterine spirals, there is a hormonal intrauterine system. It highlights a small amount of hormone, an analogue of progesterone, which additionally blocks the growth of the endometrium and prevents the attachment of the fetal egg in the uterus. During lactation, the hormonal Navy can also be applied 6 weeks after childbirth.

The negative moments of this method of contraception after delivery are: increasing the risk of developing the inflammatory process in the uterus; increasing the likelihood of ectopic pregnancy (against the background of the use of hormonal spirals, this risk is extremely small); A sufficiently large number of contraindications, the main of which are chronic inflammatory diseases of the small pelvis organs.

For the non-nonal Navy, the Pearl index is about 1-1.5, for hormonal - about 0.5.

Hormonal contraceptives.During breastfeeding, a young mother can take far from all hormonal contraceptives, but only those that do not contain estrogen - hormones that penetrate into breast milk and can get to the child. Nursing mothers you can use hormonal contraceptives containing only gestagens - analogs of progesterone hormone. These substances enroll in the body of a woman in a very small amount, even less they penetrate the milk. For the kid, these hormones are safe. Such contraceptives can be in the form of tablets (mini-saw), injections (injections, most often long-acting) or implants implanted under the skin for several months. These funds can be used 6 weeks after delivery.

The pluses of these funds include their high efficiency. Pearl index for modern contraceptives is 0.1-0.5. By cons - the need for daily reception at a precisely certain time and the presence of contraindications - therefore, before the start of receiving these drugs, be sure to consult a gynecologist.

Surgical sterilization- Binding of uterine pipes. This is an irreversible way of contraception after childbirth. It is more common during the cesarean section of the section or after childbirth at the request of a woman. It can be recommended for women over 35 years old and with two or more children.

In order for the renewal of intimate relations after such an important stage of your life, as a pregnancy and the birth of a child, everything has come to normal, there is no universal recipe - everything is very individual. But, showing patience and mutual understanding, it can be achieved that sex after childbirth brought even greater fun than before.

Of course, childbirth is serious stress for your body, you passed through a difficult physiological process. Having received a new role - Moms, do not forget about the former - loving wife. You are still welcome for your man, he looks forward to when you renew sex life. By the way, when will it be possible?

When you can have sex after childbirth

Renew intimate life is recommended at least in a month-one and a half after the appearance of a baby to the light, if the childbirth passed without complications. During this period, the uterus gradually returns to the previous dimensions that were before pregnancy, and heals the place of attachment of the placenta. In the previous state, the vagina will come to the sixth week and stretched after childbirth. You should not let this process on a self-shot, it is better to help yourself, performing the exercises of Kegel.

These inexorable statistics show that every second newly minted mother suffers from problems in bed for the first 3 months after delivery, and each fifth - for the whole year. Of course, there are units of particular temperamental ladies that passionately pounce on the spouse, barely returned from the maternity hospital, but this is another extreme, fraught with certain complications.

One of the criteria is that the postpartum recovery has passed successfully, is the cessation of discharge, but only it is not necessary to navigate. Even if it seems to you that all internal organs are in order and it's time to have sex, it will not be superfluous to inspect the gynecologist so that he will "good" to resume intimate life with his spouse.

Opinion of the doctor of an obstetrician-gynecologist - video

If it was Cesarean

It would seem that if there were no natural childbirth, then there should not be any problems, and yet it is not. Despite the fact that nothing has changed in the vagina, the wound at the place of the placenta under the cesarean section remains the same as in natural childbirth. In addition, there is also a scar on the uterus, which is also needed a month-and-a half per healing.

When to resume the proximity, if there were gaps in childbirth

If there were serious gaps or cut cut, in which the seams were imposed, the recovery process will take more time. The ban on traditional sex can last up to two or three months to ensure the exclusion of inflammation and discrepancies of the seams. Exact time will determine your attending gynecologist.

Even if everything is good for medical testimony, you may need more time for psychological reasons. Give yourself the right to a longer recovery period.

Danger of sex during the Lucky

Lochi - bleeding from the vagina after childbirth. Simply speaking, at the birth of a child, a placenta was separated from the uterine wall, and an unenplained surface remained on the vacation place as a solid wound. If there is an infection during sexual intercourse, there is a real risk of endometritis (uterine inflammation).

Endometritis - Frequent complication due to early resumption of sexual life after delivery

Causes of pain and blood during sex

There are two main causes of painful sensations:

  1. With extensive gaps in childbirth and after cuts, when many seams were imposed, painful sensations could be preserved for another six months. Danger in themselves is not tatt, it is extremely rarely required plastic. In most cases, it is enough to wait.
  2. If the pain occurs inside, in the abdomen, the situation is less pleasant. Such a feeling may indicate the presence of infection, the development of inflammation. Usually, there are "calls" in the form of unpleasant discharge, but even if they are not, it is better to seek help to a doctor.

As for the appearance of blood, the following reasons are likely:

  • digured only the protracted vessels on the seams;
  • resumed (and in fact, and did not end) Lochi because of physical impact;
  • postpartum complications appeared. In this case, consultation of the gynecologist is obligatory, regardless of the strength of bleeding.

If blood appeared not after the first sex, and six months after the resumption of sexual life, the reason is hardly connected with childbirth.

Renewal of intimate proximity after childbirth: physiological and psychological aspects

A spouse that believes from passion should be taken to his woman as carefully as in the "the first time". Need a maximum of tenderness and patience for such a resumption of sexual relations, which will not disappoint the partner. First of all, even before sharing the bed together, it is important that the spouse assume a decent part of the worries around the house and care for the child, so that the new mom is not so tired.

In order for women to remain forces for sex, her husband should take part of the care of the baby for herself

The psychological attitude of a woman in front of sex is important, so the character of everyday communication should be positive painting. As much as possible, express your feelings to each other with the help of hugs, kisses, warm words and small signs of attention.

Right postures, use of intimate gels and other secrets

It is important to choose the time in which you both will be able to relax, and in this regard night - not the most suitable option, because you will be nervous, as if not to wake the baby. It is better to schedule an event at the weekend, and the baby at that time give a loving grandmother for a walk on the street.

As for the process of sexual intercourse, it must be gradual. Ideally, it is better to start with massage using essential oils to relax a woman. After a tender foreplay, it is important to choose such a posture in which there will be less pain.

Patnua should be gentle and neat

Options for suitable poses for first sex after delivery:

  • rider Pose, in which a woman herself controls the frequency of penetration and their depth to be guaranteed to avoid pain;
  • pose lying on the side, in which the partner also simply adjust the pressure in the crotch area;
  • poses with tightly closed female hips, if it feels that there is still a stretch of vaginal muscles.

Move a man should be carefully and gently. If necessary, you need to pauses in reciprocating movements for gentle arms.

After delivery, the normal dryness of the vagina is considered, but the penetration into it is unacceptable. Feel free to enjoy special lubricants and gels to feel more pleasant. Prefer the fact that water based, since oils can cause irritation.

Alternatives to traditional sex in the postpartum period

Speaking about banning for sex, doctors imply only a conservative option. At the same time there are permitted alternatives: active petting and oral affection.

As for anal sex, a medical ban is most often spreading on it. Usually the reason for contraindications is that the women's birthday can be hemorrhoids. It is also worth refrain from such an alternative if it is unusual for you.

If everything is clear with oral sex, the concept of active petting can be for someone in a novelty. Explain. This is a process at which the impression imitation occurs: partners will be rubbed by the sexual organs, making characteristic travelers. There is no penetration. The orgasm obtained during such affairs will be not only pleasant, but also useful. It contributes to the cuts of the uterus. There is a myth that the resulting orgasm can negatively affect the lactation, but do not worry about this. Rather, the opposite, the lactation will only work out due to stimulation of the production of oxytocin and prolactin, so get pleasure and do not worry.

Are there sex after childbirth - video

Do not underestimate the importance of intimate proximity. Its renewal will give a new round with the development of family relations.