What to add to ice for wiping the face. Ice for rubbing the face: the secrets of making and using ice cubes. Wrinkle ice cream recipes for oily skin

Hello dear readers! This article is about the benefits of herbal ice for the face.

In order for the skin to look well-groomed, beautiful and attractive, it is necessary to take care of it every day.

One of the face care products is ice. With its help, they massage the skin to cleanse and narrow pores, improve tone, remove fat from the face, rejuvenate the skin, make the face more elastic and elastic.

Herbs, in turn, have been actively used in cosmetology since ancient times, when there were no ready-made care products (lotion, cream, masks, and others).

Herbal remedies have always helped to improve the condition of the skin for the better, get rid of acne, wrinkles, moisturize it, protect it from negative environmental factors, and remove oily sheen from the face.

In addition, ice is good for the skin around the eyes.

Ice with herbs is an effective remedy against edema, bags, puffiness under the eyes.In the morning, take an ice cube and wipe the skin in this area. If you do such procedures every morning, your skin around the eyes will improve, small wrinkles will disappear. And ice, which will include parsley, will help lighten dark circles.

herbal ice benefit

Ice for the face with herbs is easy to prepare at home and this remedy brings a lot of benefits, namely:

  • tones, moisturizes, cleanses the face
  • gets rid of oily sheen
  • tightens pores
  • makes the skin tightened, elastic
  • smoothes wrinkles
  • enhances blood circulation in cells
  • restores metabolism
  • eliminates swelling
  • normalizes sebum production
  • penetrates deep into cells
  • relieves inflammation
  • improves facial tone
  • dries up and removes acne

What herbs are good for the face

Each herb has its own beneficial properties and brings such benefits to the skin of the face:

  • mint- refreshes, relieves swelling and inflammation
  • chamomile- soothes irritations, removes inflammation, makes the face matte, more elastic
  • sage- cleans clogged pores and tightens them, treats acne
  • lavender- rejuvenates, activates metabolism in cells
  • Linden- moisturizes and softens the skin
  • aloe- moisturizes, has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties, neutralizes the strong secretion of sebum
  • calendula- has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties, relieves acne, soothes irritations
  • parsley- whitens the skin
  • nettle- cleanses the face, cares for oily skin

Indications for use

Use ice facial massage if you have:

  • dry skin
  • oily
  • problematic
  • fading
  • tired
  • freckles, age spots

Indications for the use of herbs for the face

There are many herbs. There are different herbs for every skin type. Therefore, decide what problem you want to cure and then choose the herb from this list:

  • for oily skin- mint, aloe, burdock, horsetail, nettle, plantain, linden, oak bark, birch
  • for dry- calendula, thyme, oregano
  • for problematic acne- calendula, plantain, aloe, St. John's wort, lavender, chamomile, coltsfoot, string
  • for withering against wrinkles- chamomile, rosemary, sage, coltsfoot
  • for skin with pigmentation- parsley and dandelion
  • for face cleansing- nettle and rowan


In addition to useful properties, the tool also has contraindications:

  • sensitive skin
  • if you are sick with the flu, a cold, then you can not apply
  • rosacea
  • dilated vessels
  • problems with the thyroid gland (in this case, you can not wipe your neck)
  • can not be used in winter an hour before leaving the house on the street, in the cold
  • irritated, dehydrated skin
  • microdamages on the face (abrasions, scratches, wounds)
  • individual intolerance to grass

Correct Application

In order to properly prepare the remedy, improve the condition of the skin in a short line, you need to follow the tips for use:

  1. It is best to prepare a remedy from mineral water.
  2. Pour the prepared infusion into molds and put in the freezer to freeze.
  3. Wait a minute for the ice to melt a little before using.
  4. You need to wipe along the massage lines (there is a photo below).
  5. Wipe gently and not for a long time so as not to injure the skin.
  6. Use daily - morning and evening.
  7. The shelf life of one prepared product is up to 5 days in the freezer.

Recipes for the face

For oily skin

With chamomile

Chamomile soothes the skin, fights acne, relieves inflammation and redness, improves complexion, moisturizes, tones.

We need 2-3 tablespoons. chamomile and a glass of water. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes over low heat. Leave for half an hour to infuse and cool the broth, strain it and freeze in the freezer in ice molds.

With linden

Linden moisturizes, tones, softens, makes the skin more silky, smooth, clean.

2 tables. l. fill with lime-colored water, bring to a boil and cook for another 5 minutes on low heat, then cool, filter, pour into molds for ice cubes and put in the freezer.

With mint

To normalize the production of sebum, refresh the face, cleanse the pores of impurities and narrow them, prepare mint ice for the face:

  1. 2 tablespoons Mix mint leaves with a glass of water. We wait until the mixture boils and boil for no more than 5 minutes over low heat. Next, you need to cool the mixture and strain. Pour the broth into an ice mold and put in the freezer.
  2. To enhance the effect of mint ice, you can add 3 drops of mint essential oil before pouring it into the mold.
  3. Mix 1 tables. a spoonful of mint and chamomile. Fill with boiling water, wait until the mixture is infused, filter and freeze in an ice mold.
  4. 2 tables. Spoons of mint pour 1 glass of milk (milk should be hot). Leave the mixture for 30 minutes to infuse, then strain and freeze in the freezer.

with parsley

Parsley ice refreshes the face, tones, improves the tone of the face, brightens the skin, fights acne, wrinkles:

  1. Pour chopped parsley with boiling water, boil for another 5 minutes over low heat. Cool, strain and pour the decoction into a mold.
  2. Chop 1-2 large bunches of parsley. Put the mixture in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. You can dilute it a little with mineral water, pour it into molds and put it in the freezer.
  3. Finely chop a couple of bunches of parsley. Pour the mixture into molds and freeze.

Sincerely, Irina Pelekh!

The effectiveness of ice against wrinkles has been proven by experience.

If morning washing is replaced with cubes from the freezer, melt water will give the skin a velvety texture, smooth out the mimic cobweb.

At the same time, the vessels will strengthen, blood will flow to the cheeks. cooling sticks, anti-wrinkle cosmetic ice based on shungite water, packaged in packs (Nivea, Aurora, Velenda).

A simple technology allows you to freeze ice at home with ingredients selected according to skin type.

We take mineral or filtered water. The jet from the tap contains a lot of chlorine, impurities that cause irritation of the stratum corneum.

When frozen, non-ecological residues remain in the middle, so the crystal is not used to the end. Holding a cube in both hands, we simultaneously walk along the massage lines.

In the morning ice for the face from wrinkles will replace the tonic, in the evening it will soothe tired skin. Cosmetic ice is designed for 5-day storage.

The duration of the morning procedure is from 1 to 3 minutes. We accustom the face to cold gradually.


Cryotherapy uses not only pure water crystals. Compositions with herbal infusions correct existing problems.

In frozen form, fruit and berry products retain the biological value of the components, therefore they are actively used for toning.

Ice from wrinkles is used for therapeutic, prophylactic purposes.

However, you need to consider some factors in which it is better to abandon the procedure:

  • superficial arrangement of vessels;
  • severe rash;
  • allergy to cold, herbs, foods;
  • before going outside in the cold, cold rubdowns are not carried out.

With rosacea, it is permissible to use only ice cubes and lemon.

Seaweed (100g) is crushed to a gruel in a blender, mineral water (3 tbsp) is added there.

The mass is laid out in forms. Problem areas are treated with crystals.

Wrinkle ice cream recipes for oily skin

Ladies with problem skin should have the following herbs in their arsenal:

  1. coltsfoot;
  2. sagebrush;
  3. yarrow;
  4. peony;
  5. cinquefoil;
  6. mountain arnica;
  7. chicory;
  8. Bay leaf;
  9. Birch buds;

Herbs for ice from wrinkles will tighten the pores. We take a pinch of marigolds, oak bark, dried chamomile. We brew an incomplete handful of herbs with 300 ml of boiling water, insist up to half an hour.

We filter the precipitate, pour the strong infusion into molds. Lavender, rose petals, taken in equal parts, will also eliminate irritation, greasy shine, and reduce wrinkles.

Do not blot the face after washing with a napkin. Apply the cream to the wet skin.

Reviews of herbal ice facial recipes are positive. We insist a handful of linden flowers, elderberry, chamomile in a glass of boiling water.

In the cooled tea, add (tea), pour into cells.

1. We prepare a decoction of birch buds. Pour a large spoon into 1 tbsp. water, cook for 4 minutes.

2. Frozen slices of citrus, tomato, sour berries will help.

Recipes for wiping the face with ice

If it is required not only to even out the relief, but also to whiten the skin, we prepare pigment spots with crystals with citrus juice, parsley leaves and seeds, diluting them with non-carbonated water 1: 3.

According to reviews, ice cubes for the face against wrinkles are more effective if undiluted juice is taken as a basis.

Until the receptors have adapted to the cold, it is better to start with the first recipe.

  1. Whole frozen strawberries, viburnum, cranberries have a similar effect on the skin.
  2. Lemon skipped in a blender along with the peel, diluted halfway with water, will give the skin whiteness.
  3. We take 3 handfuls of fresh parsley, steam chamomile with 100 ml of water, leave it overnight, drip lemon or sorrel juice, freeze. If you add it to the infusion, you can rub it into the hair roots. The tool will help with dandruff.
  4. Boil rice without salt. We throw the finished cereal into a colander, use an opaque liquid for business. ()

Morning toner for delicate skin

For dry skin, instead of ice cubes for wrinkles, it is permissible to use fragments of frozen fruits and vegetables. Kiwi, cucumber, pumpkin, cut into slices, put into bags or wrapped in foil, sent to the camera.

In the morning, melted slices are carried out along the massage lines.

Ladies with sensitive skin need to stock up:

  • rose petals;
  • parsley;
  • dill;
  • dandelion;
  • mint;
  • aloe vera;
  • lemon balm;
  • linden.

Aloe vera juice is included in many face wrinkle ice recipes. The plant copes well with dehydration. From a fresh leaf, scrape out the contents with a spoon, mix with a spoonful of water, freeze.

For greater effect at night, the face is lubricated with pharmaceutical gel or the internal content of the sheet.

Grind green dandelion leaves, ovary of buds in the amount of 500 g, squeeze through gauze. Add 1 tbsp to the juice. any oil.

The mass is packaged, frozen. In the morning, ice cubes for the face against wrinkles are ready.

Juice of lingonberry, lemon, blueberry, taken ½ tbsp., mixed with a glass of water, softens and whitens.

To get rid of the vascular network you will need: nettle, horse chestnut, chamomile. We take herbs by half a spoon, brew according to the classical scheme. It is good to splash a spoonful of papaya juice into the cooled tea.

Ice for the face from wrinkles: recipes for normal skin

To maintain tone, color, reduce shallow grooves, you should stock up:

  • plantain;
  • yarrow;
  • hypericum;
  • valerian root;
  • tricolor violet;
  • dill.

To prepare cosmetic ice, we take 1 type of grass or a pinch of different types.

Coffee has a powerful antioxidant effect.

Sleepy fragments exfoliate scales well, the drink itself is included in ice recipes for facial wrinkles.

If you add a little salt to bitter coffee, dilute it by half with water, the evening skin tonic is ready.

Pink ice will add velvety. We insist a handful of petals in a glass of boiling water or keep it on fire for 5 minutes.

Ice from wrinkles for wiping the face from milk and water 1: 1 rejuvenates great.

Juices of watermelon, grapes, melons perfectly tone up. Wipe the skin with cubes in the morning and evening.

After the moisture has evaporated, apply the cream. Viburnum juice crystals are recommended for different skin types.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!

Mar 19 2016

Every woman desires to have smooth, firm skin without wrinkles, but the signs of aging only become more noticeable over the years. Time can be turned back, and this does not require expensive means. In order not to have to suffer later with the lines that furrowed the forehead, it is necessary to prevent their occurrence. Ice for the face from wrinkles is an ideal option, the product is very cheap and effective. Such care will help eliminate swelling and improve the overall condition of the skin. By toning, ice can prevent the appearance of mimic wrinkles and smooth existing small ones.

The whole secret of ice (why are wrinkles afraid of it?) is that cold constricts blood vessels. Then they return to their previous state, as a result, there is a kind of training that enhances metabolism, promotes greater skin elasticity, and improves cellular regeneration. In order for the effect of the procedures to become apparent, you will need to use ice for the face from mimic wrinkles regularly, because nothing appears and disappears instantly.

The benefits of ice and in the prevention of wrinkles, here you can give some similarity with cryotherapy. In this case, care should be taken not to harm the skin, instead of improving the condition of the skin. Ice helps cleanse the epidermis, eliminate age spots, rejuvenates and smoothes the skin. After the "ice" procedure, you will forget about acne, you will be able to remove the itching or rash caused by eczema on children's skin.

Ice cubes for the face before the procedure should be left for ten minutes so that they melt a little and do not cause injury. It is best to take cold procedures in the morning, when the metabolism is active and the skin reacts faster to any effects. The effect on the vessels produces a detox effect, toxins leave the body, which can cause redness and irritation on the skin. Before the procedure, it is recommended to warm the skin, but after - any heat is contraindicated. Ice for the face from facial wrinkles can not be used for more than 40 seconds, so as not to chill the nerve.

The best recipes for making ice cubes at home

Simply swiping ice across the face will not be enough to achieve the desired cosmetic effect. Here are some simple rules that will allow you to achieve significant results:

  1. Use ice cubes obtained from molds. Only filtered water, a decoction prepared by you and special active substances should be used.
  2. Put one thing in each mold: a piece of a berry or fruit, a medicinal plant.
  3. Fill the mold with filtered or mineral non-carbonated water or healing herbal decoction.
  4. Molds should stand in the freezer for at least eight hours.
  5. It is best to freeze ice in the evening so that you can take cold treatments in the morning instead of washing your face.

Let's look at detailed recipes for making ice cubes for wrinkles on the face:

  1. With aloe. Promotes the elimination of pathogenic bacteria, normalizes the secretion of sebum, relieves acne. To make ice with aloe, you should finely chop its leaves, pour water (one to five) and wait an hour. After that, boil the mixture for several minutes, remove the thick and pour into cubes, which can be used to wipe the face after waking up and at night.
  2. With lemon. This ingredient degreases the skin and brightens. Pour a few tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice into a glass of water, pour into containers and leave overnight. In the morning, instead of regular washing, use ice cubes, and in the evening tone up your skin, already free of cosmetics, with them.
  3. With chamomile. This flower is known for fighting inflammation and has a disinfectant effect. Ice with chamomile will help get rid of pimples. Buy flowers of this plant in a pharmacy, chop, pour boiling water, close, leave for thirty minutes. Then strain and prepare a decoction for freezing. Another way: place the chamomile flower in a container and fill it with water. Use in the morning instead of washing.
  4. With parsley. It is used as a remedy to help remove pigmentation. When boiled, its leaves lose most of their properties; therefore, it is recommended to use the root of the plant for infusion. It needs to be crushed, 1 tbsp. l. in a glass of boiling water, close, leave for thirty minutes. After straining the broth, it can be poured into molds. Sometimes a small piece of the plant itself is simply placed in ice from filtered water. You can periodically refresh the skin, but the ideal time to use it is in the morning.
  5. From green tea. This drink is known for having a tonic effect. The perfect remedy to fight those annoying wrinkles. Making ice from tea is easy - you need to pour it into molds overnight. Wipe your face in the morning.
  6. From decoctions of herbs. This treatment moisturizes and tones the skin. If the goal is to get rid of wrinkles, then the ingredients should be linden, dandelion or mint. To make ice, you need to throw a tablespoon of herbs into a glass of boiling water. After fifteen minutes of boiling, the broth is removed from the fire. It is infused for another half an hour, after which the liquid can be filtered and poured for freezing. Sometimes ice with herbs is prepared as follows: a dry or fresh flower, leaf or sprig of grass is placed in a mold and filled with water. This method is often more efficient.
  7. With rose petals. Ice with this ingredient tones the skin, eliminating wrinkles and restoring youth. Take rose petals from one flower, rinse, divide into small pieces. Boil a glass of water. Throw in the required ingredient. When the water has cooled, strain it and pour into containers. Rose petal ice can be used in place of your regular face wash.
  8. With essential oils. This ice will soothe skin prone to irritation. It is necessary to add oil to a glass of water: two drops of mint, five - pink, three - geranium. Then the mixture must be shaken, poured into a special container and placed in the freezer overnight. The proportions can be changed, keeping only the rule of ten drops per glass of water.

How to use cosmetic ice

Ice cubes should be in contact with the skin and pass through it according to the so-called massage lines. Let's find out how to wipe your face with ice so that this procedure is correctly performed:

  1. From the center of the chin to the earlobes.
  2. From the middle of the space between the upper lip and nose to the temples.
  3. From the corners of the lips to the center of each ear.
  4. From the middle of the frontal zone to the middle of the temples, flush with the eyebrows.
  5. On the lower eyelid from the outer corners of the eyes to the inner and vice versa on the upper eyelid.


Ice for the face from mimic wrinkles is not recommended for those who have skin irritation from the cold. Procedures can not be carried out during colds. Allergy sufferers should take into account that among the ingredients of ice cubes there is no “dangerous” for them. Skin diseases such as rosacea, eczema and inflammatory processes are a definite ban on ice. It is not advisable to resort to the procedure in winter when you use other skin protection products.

Video: how to wipe the face and skin around the eyes with ice

The tonic effect of ice on the skin has been known for a long time: even Catherine II washed her face in the morning with water and ice cubes. This procedure not only contributes to a quick awakening, but also has a positive effect on the skin of the face, giving it freshness. After cooling with ice, blood rushes to the skin, pores narrow, metabolic processes improve, a healthy blush appears on the cheeks.

Ice for cosmetic purposes can be used not only for the face, the procedure is also recommended for the décolleté and neck.

It is best to wipe your face 2 times a day, you need to do it quickly, the ice should slide over the skin without lingering on its individual areas.

The procedure will be more beneficial if you do not wipe your face with a towel, but let it dry naturally. This is necessary so that the skin can freely absorb the beneficial substances embedded in the ice, since a very different composition of ice is used for cosmetic procedures.

Cosmetic ice for the face is not just frozen water, its preparation requires the use of special ingredients, and special rules must be followed during the procedure.


The most useful is ice made from mineral water. To do this, pour mineral water into molds and put in the freezer. When freezing water from mineral springs, all its beneficial properties are preserved; such ice is equally useful for all skin types.

For cosmetic purposes, strong brewed green tea can also be used, which has a tonic and rejuvenating effect on normal, oily and dry skin. You can use white tea, as well as other types of tea - each of them has its own properties.

For acne

Ice prepared from a decoction of herbs, for example, from sage or celandine, is also considered a good remedy for acne. Chamomile cosmetic ice has a calming and healing effect, to make it, you need to prepare a chamomile decoction (herbal preparations are sold at any pharmacy), let it cool and freeze.

Silver ice was also used as a cosmetic product; for this, water infused for a day on a silver coin was frozen. Silver has excellent disinfecting, anti-acne and cleansing properties.

Aloe juice is also an excellent care product. The plant helps in the fight against acne and irritated skin.

  • Plucked leaves should be kept in the refrigerator for 11 days,
  • After that, juice is squeezed out of them, in parallel, an infusion of sage is prepared.
  • ½ cup of sage infusion is diluted with 2-3 tbsp. l. aloe juice,
  • After mixing, the solution is poured into ice molds.

Frozen rice broth also helps to whiten the skin of the face and cleanse it of age spots; for this, rice groats are washed and boiled in a large volume of water. After the rice is completely boiled, it must be filtered, and the broth placed in the freezer and used for 3 days.

Bay leaves can also be used as a starting material for making cosmetic ice. Frozen decoction is recommended to be used after cleansing the face.

For skin whitening

Ice made from lemon juice also has a rejuvenating effect on the skin; to prepare it, you need to squeeze ½ lemon juice and dilute it in a glass of chilled boiled water. The resulting composition is also frozen in special molds for ice. This tool helps to lighten freckles and other spots on the face.

Grapefruit ice also has a strong whitening effect, the fruit must be divided into slices, the films removed and frozen. After freezing, the skin can be wiped with grapefruit slices, the juice should remain on the face for 10-15 minutes, after which the face should be washed with cold water.

For dry and sagging skin

Frozen watermelon juice can also be used as a tonic; for its preparation, juice is extracted from the pulp, with which ice molds are filled.

Cosmetic ice with essential oils perfectly moisturizes dry skin and is recommended for use by those who have fine wrinkles.

As you can see, there are several effective ways to easily make cosmetic ice at home.


Cosmetic ice is best applied in the morning, the procedure not only refreshes the skin, but also has a firming effect.

The ice cube should not linger on one area of ​​the skin for more than 3-5 seconds, as this can cause irritation and hypothermia of the tissues. The tool can be used in the evening, with its help you can moisturize and relax tired skin.

Cryo-massage involves the observance of certain rules: ice must be carried out along the massage lines, including the area around the eyes.

Massage lines:

  • From the center of the chin up to the earlobes.
  • From the corners of the mouth to the center of the ear.
  • From the center of the upper lip to the top of the ear.
  • From the inner corners of the eyes to the outer corners through the upper eyelids.
  • On the lower eyelids to the nose.
  • From the central part of the forehead to the temples.
  • On the back of the nose.

We remind you that before the procedure, the skin must be cleansed with special lotions and tonics, the face must remain moisturized until the beneficial substances and microelements are completely absorbed into the skin.

To consolidate the result after washing with ice, it is recommended to apply a moisturizing or nourishing face cream.

Every girl dreams of keeping her skin smooth and elastic for as long as possible. That is why most women regularly use the services of a professional beautician. And only a few know that it is possible to prolong youth and delay the appearance of the first wrinkles without expensive means. To do this, it is enough to use cosmetic ice regularly.

What is the secret of its effectiveness?

Many people wonder why ice has more rejuvenating properties than ordinary water. The secret of its effectiveness lies in the fact that in contact with human skin, the so-called melt water is formed, which has a unique power. It has a special structure and due to this it is more actively absorbed into the cells of the epidermis and contributes to better hydration.

In addition, cosmetic ice contains additional useful components that penetrate the skin and have a beneficial effect on its condition. This tool is perfect for facial massage, activating microcirculation and blood flow.

Beneficial features

Even a few procedures using cosmetic ice give amazing results. Rubbing the face with cold cubes helps to cleanse the skin and restore its tone. This tool allows you to saturate the cells with biologically active substances and get rid of the feeling of dryness.

With the help of ice cubes, you can not only improve the complexion, but also tighten its contours. Their use contributes to the disappearance of bruises around the eyes, the elimination of puffiness and the restoration of metabolic processes. By regularly applying cosmetic ice for the face, you can relatively quickly normalize and get rid of the oily sheen of the skin. Such procedures help to reduce pigmentation and prevent peeling. In addition, they remove signs of fatigue and heal irritation and inflammation.

Who should not have these procedures?

Like any other remedy, miraculous cold cubes have a number of contraindications. Cosmetic ice should not be used by those who suffer from allergic and dermatological diseases. It is undesirable to wash them in the presence of spider veins and even the smallest open wounds on the skin.

It is also forbidden to wipe your face with ice cubes shortly before going outside if frosty windy weather has set in outside the window. In this case, such a procedure should be carried out at least an hour before the planned walk.

To feel the magical effect of this tool, you need to know a few simple rules. To make cosmetic ice at home, it is advisable to use not plastic, but silicone molds. For these purposes, you will need not only active ingredients that enrich cold cubes with useful substances, but distilled, mineral or at least pre-settled water.

Sprigs of medicinal herbs, berry or fruit pieces are placed in molds before the liquid is poured there. Water or broth is first cooled to room temperature and only then sent to the freezer.

Since cosmetic ice for the skin loses its effectiveness over time, you should not make large stocks of this product. Its storage time largely depends on what was used as the main component. Fruit or vegetable water can be stored for only four days. And the shelf life of cubes prepared on the basis of medicinal decoctions is seven days. Vitaminized ice must be used immediately. Otherwise, it will lose its properties.

How to use cosmetic ice for the face?

At home, with the help of this tool, you can do massage. The duration of one procedure should not exceed three minutes. During its implementation, a slight tingling sensation is felt on the skin. If it begins to intensify, then it is better to stop the massage. After the procedure is completed, the skin should dry naturally. The face does not need to be wiped with a towel. Otherwise, moisture and active ingredients will not have time to be absorbed into the deep layers of the epidermis.

It is desirable to wipe the face with cosmetic ice twice a day. Do it better in the morning and evening. It is necessary to carry out ice on the skin very carefully, trying not to press on it. All movements should be performed only along the massage lines. After twenty minutes, it is recommended to wipe the face with a tonic and lubricate with a day or night cream.

Recipes for pigmented skin

To eliminate unaesthetic spots on the face, you can use cosmetic ice prepared on the basis of lemon juice. It not only whitens the skin well, but also gives it a natural glow. To create such a tool, 30 ml of lemon juice is dissolved in a glass of settled cool water. The resulting liquid is poured into molds and sent to the freezer.

No less effective is the remedy made from parsley juice. It helps to eliminate age spots, moisturize and tone the skin. To prepare it, you will need 100 milliliters of mineral water and a glass of chopped parsley. Greens are crushed with a blender and poured with liquid. The resulting mixture is filled with pre-prepared molds and put them in the freezer.

To whiten the skin, make it more elastic and soft, you can use another proven remedy. To prepare it, you will need 500 milliliters of water and 100 grams of rice. The cereal is washed, poured with liquid and sent to the stove. Cook it on low heat. The finished porridge is laid out in molds and frozen.

Recipes for normal skin

To give your face a healthy radiant look, you can wipe it with cubes prepared from herbal decoction. To create them, 10 grams of St. John's wort, sage and mint are mixed in one bowl. All this is poured into 200 ml of boiling water, covered with a lid and insisted for at least half an hour. The finished liquid is filtered through several layers of gauze, poured into molds and frozen.

Effectively moisturizes, nourishes and tones the skin with fruit cosmetic ice. Recipes for such remedies are very diverse. Their properties vary depending on the selected raw material. In this case, you will need a small ripe peach and 100 milliliters of non-carbonated mineral water. The fruit is peeled, crushed, laid out in molds, poured with water and sent for freezing. If desired, instead of peach, you can take mango, banana or apricot.

To saturate your skin with moisture and vitamins, you can wipe it with berry cubes. For this, raspberries, strawberries, cherries or currants are suitable. The berries are ground into porridge, laid out in molds, poured with filtered water and frozen.

Recipes for oily and problem skin

To relieve inflammation, get rid of rashes and improve complexion, you can wipe it with chamomile ice. To prepare it, 30 grams of flower raw materials are poured into 200 ml of boiling water and infused for about half an hour. Then all this is filtered, placed in molds and cleaned in the freezer.

Another effective remedy can be used to stop inflammatory processes, narrow pores and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. To prepare it, 30 grams of sea salt and 200 milliliters of hot purified water are combined in one bowl. The resulting solution is cooled, poured into molds and frozen. Such ice can be stored up to 10 days.

To eliminate oily sheen, relieve inflammation and give the skin a natural matte shade, you can try wiping your face with cubes made on the basis of citrus fruits. To prepare such ice, several slices of orange are crushed in a blender and mixed with 200 ml of mineral water. All this is poured into molds and cleaned in the freezer.

Cosmetic ice: reviews

Most women who regularly use such products claim that they managed to get rid of superficial mimic wrinkles. According to them, cosmetic ice makes the face look younger, fresher and more attractive.

These natural products do not contain a single gram of chemicals and allow you to easily and quickly eliminate pigmentation, oily sheen and dry skin. With regular ice massage, you can even improve the shape of the face. Cold cubes come into contact with the skin and act on the vessels, creating a good tightening effect. Thanks to this simple procedure, you can even avoid plastic surgery aimed at correcting facial contours.