What can you eat in a year. Cereals, flour and bakery products in the child's diet. How much to feed the baby

According to nutritional standards, a child in 1 year should be fed 4-5 times. But what to do if the baby does not eat up, or vice versa, refuses to eat the right amount of food? First of all, you can not panic and force the child. Ask your local doctor if there is a need to change the number of meals for your crumbs.

Every mother wants her baby to grow and develop in accordance with the norms. And for this he needs to eat right. It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each toddler. And the question, “how many times to feed a one-year-old baby?” Can be answered ambiguously. It is believed that for this age 4 meals a day is quite acceptable. But if the baby eats in small portions, he may need additional snacks between main meals.

Calculation of the nutrition of children in the first year of life

In the first year of life for a baby, the main food is breast milk or artificial milk formula. In this regard, it is necessary to use the table of complementary foods for children up to a year, taking into account this factor. Doctors advise to accustom to adult food before those babies who eat mixtures. The introduction of complementary foods occurs gradually in order to detect allergic reactions in time.

If the baby is gaining weight well, zucchini puree becomes his first adult food. In turn, the baby will recognize the taste of pumpkin, potatoes, carrots, beets and other vegetables, and then fruits. If there are problems with weight gain, the first dish will be porridge based on low-fat milk.

For the first time, the child is given 1 teaspoon of the product for testing. If rashes and redness do not appear during the day, the portion increases. For 3-5 days, the portion is brought to 150-200 grams per meal. There is a table that shows the nutritional norms for children up to a year. Each product must be given in certain proportions. But usually it is difficult to deceive a child's body, and the baby will not eat too much if he has already eaten. Forcing him in this case is not worth it. After all, every body is different. The local pediatrician will also be able to help with the calculation of the amount of food for children of the first year of life. After assessing the indicators of weight and height, the doctor will be able to recommend how to properly feed the baby.

How much should a child eat at 1 year old

At 1 year old, a child knows the taste of many dishes. His morning begins with porridge, for lunch he has soup with meat, for an afternoon snack he has cottage cheese, yogurt or fruit, and dinner ends with easily digestible food in the form of vegetables or cereals. This meal plan for a one-year-old baby is an example. If your baby wakes up early and his breakfast falls at 7-8 in the morning, then it will be difficult for him to endure until lunch. Then you can arrange a second breakfast at 11 o'clock, giving the child a cookie or an apple. The volume of servings during the main meals does not exceed 200g. But we must not forget about the individual characteristics of children. Someone will eat 150g of soup and eat up, and someone will need 250. If the child grows and gains weight in accordance with the established norms, then everything is in order. If there are problems of excess weight or excessive thinness, then you need to adjust the diet of your crumbs.

Proper nutrition is an essential part of a child's life. The state of health of the baby and its adaptation to environmental conditions depend on how well and balanced his diet is built.

What can a newborn and a child up to 6 months eat

Newborn children whose mothers have breast milk do not know the problems with feeding. To date, nothing more valuable for a newborn child has been invented than mother's milk. The World Health Organization does not recommend giving breastfed babies under six months of age anything other than breast milk.

It has been established that an infant receives all the nutrients necessary for its development and growth from mother's milk, which satisfies the baby's need even for water. Therefore, breastfed babies can only be given water from the age of six months.

If, for some reason, the mother experiences a lack or complete absence of breast milk, as well as if there are contraindications to breastfeeding, then the child should receive a specially designed infant formula from birth. Other milk (cow, goat, buffalo, etc.), and even more so semolina or other products, should not be given to a child in the first six months of life. Violation of these rules can lead to serious consequences for the health, and sometimes for the life of a small child. The gastrointestinal tract at this age is not ripe for the adoption of other foods, and animal milk does not contain enough vitamins, microelements, proteins, fats and carbohydrates necessary to meet the needs of a growing human body and antibodies that are completely alien to humans.

Infant milk formulas are highly adapted and adapted. A highly adapted milk formula is best for feeding a baby after birth. Its composition is as close as possible to breast milk. There are also therapeutic mixtures intended for children with health problems (allergies, digestive disorders, prematurity, lactose intolerance, etc.). However, such nutrition should be prescribed exclusively by a pediatrician.

Sometimes it happens that the mother has milk, but not enough. Then the baby should be supplemented with a mixture. In this case, breast milk is first given, and the child receives the missing amount of food in the form of a milk mixture from a bottle with a nipple or a spoon. The hole in the bottle must be very small, otherwise the baby will soon stop suckling, because it is associated with a certain effort. With mixed or artificial feeding, when the child reaches three months, mixtures with the addition of buckwheat, rice, corn or oatmeal can be introduced into the diet. Such mixtures are sold ready-made in stores or pharmacies.

What can a child eat from 6 months to 1 year

Starting from four to six months, breast milk remains the main food, but there is a need to expand the diet and introduce additional products (complementary foods). Mother's milk at 6 months can no longer satisfy the needs of the baby in calories and micronutrients, especially in iron, to ensure its normal growth. Complementary foods are foods that are introduced in addition to breast milk (milk formula, in the case of artificial feeding). In this case, we mean porridge or vegetable puree.

Where to start, you ask? And it depends on the body weight of the child. If the child is plump or prone to constipation, then it is necessary to give the first complementary foods in the form of vegetables, otherwise it is better to start with porridge. In any case, the introduction of a new product should be gradual. You should start with a teaspoon, and bring its amount of complementary foods to 150 - 200 grams over two weeks, with the final replacement of one breastfeeding with complementary foods.

The consistency of food should be in the form of liquid puree. After two weeks, when the child is accustomed to one complementary food, they begin to give a second one, and the child is also gradually accustomed to it. At 6 months, the following vegetables are allowed: zucchini, pumpkin, potatoes, cabbage, squash, peas, beans, carrots. You can also give buckwheat, rice, corn, and later oatmeal. Semolina does not contain any substances useful for the child, therefore, at least up to ten months, it is simply useless to introduce it into the diet. Barley, pearl barley, millet porridge can be offered to a child not earlier than one year of age. To improve the taste and usefulness, add vegetable oil (olive, sunflower or corn) to cereals or vegetable puree, starting with three to five drops and bringing up to a teaspoon.

Thus, by seven months, the child should eat complementary foods 2 times a day: porridge and vegetable puree. The rest of the feedings continue to be breastfeeding. Between the main meals at 6 months, it is recommended to give fruits in the form of juices or mashed potatoes, offering the child from 1 teaspoon per day, bringing their amount to 100 grams by the year. Best of all, children tolerate apples. To avoid allergies, buy green or yellow varieties. A baked apple is very useful for a child. It is good if the child likes pear juice or puree, which are allowed to be consumed by children from the age of six months. But bananas, peaches, apricots, nectarines, children should eat no earlier than from seven months, plums and cherry plums - from nine months. All exotic fruits (kiwi, pineapple ... a child should try only at 1.5 years old. Give the child a little at first, see if an allergic reaction has appeared, if not, you can give a larger piece. It would not be superfluous to recall that all dishes, intended for infants must be in powdered form or in liquid form.

Starting from 7 months, a child can eat egg yolk, cottage cheese, butter. The yolk is added to vegetable puree in the amount of ¼ part and is brought to the whole by the year. Be sure the child should receive the meat of a rabbit, turkey or calf. At first it should be mashed potatoes, at 9 months soufflé, and from 10 months you can cook steam cutlets or meatballs. It is not recommended to give waterfowl meat, pork and lamb to children. It is advisable to eat chicken fillet for a child from a year old. It is necessary that the baby receives beef liver and white bread. Offer homemade cakes and kefir when he is 10 months old. From drinks, unsaturated compotes from dried fruits, from fresh soft berries, non-carbonated water are shown. Nowadays there are quite a lot of tea drinks for children in stores. They are intended for children from 2 months old, but only artificial children can give children's tea from this age. For those who receive breast milk, tea can only be drunk from the age of six months.

Sugar and salt in small quantities can be added to dishes from 10 months. If possible, use fructose instead of sugar, a fruit sugar that does not require insulin to digest, so it is harmless to the baby. Green onions, dill and parsley will be useful.

That's the whole set of products that you can and should feed children up to a year. When accustoming a child to complementary foods, keep in mind that they are given before breastfeeding, while the baby is hungry, otherwise, having eaten mother's milk or formula, it will be difficult to persuade him to eat something else.

All of the above applies to the nutrition of healthy children. The presence of a particular pathology or disease in a child requires a review of the timing of administration and diet.

Taking into account the timing of the introduction of fruits and other products, the mother should always remember the individual characteristics of the child's body. When offering a new type of food to a child, you need to watch the reaction of his gastrointestinal tract and skin, and if any pronounced changes appear, cancel this type of product, postponing its introduction for several weeks.

Now on the free market there is a large number of varied baby food that you can feed your child. However, it is worth using it only from time to time, because the food that a caring mother prepared herself is much more useful for the baby.

What can a child over a year old eat

In the second year of life, the nutrition of children changes significantly, although the same dishes predominate as before the year. The consistency of food and its quantity changes. However, it is too early to seat the baby at the common table. What new can be given to a child at this age?

Instead of meat 3 times a week, give him fish without small bones. It can be both sea (cod, hake, pike perch) and lake fish. Cook steam cutlets, meatballs from it, or simply stew in your own juice with carrots and onions. Occasionally, after two years, as a snack, it is allowed to give soaked herring (herring) with a side dish.

Sausage, ham are excluded from the menu of children of the second year of life. In the third year, occasionally, instead of meat, it is allowed to use milk sausages, sausages, low-fat boiled sausage (Doctorskaya, Molochnaya, Ostankinskaya, etc.), lean ham. But such food should not become the rule.

The range of vegetables is also expanding. In summer, a child can have radishes, lettuce, eggplant, sweet peppers, tomatoes, fresh cucumbers, and turnips. In winter, it can be sauerkraut. It is useful to give vegetables to a child in the form of salads, grated and seasoned with vegetable oil or sour cream.

Instead of cereals, periodically cook pasta for your child, combining them with cheese, cottage cheese, meat or vegetables. After two years, you can eat flour dishes (pancakes, pancakes). But do not feed your baby with sweet pies, shortbread cookies. Let him eat dry cookies, bagels or white bread crackers. For dessert, after the main meal, the child can eat a small amount of marshmallow, jam, candy. Chocolate in any form is unacceptable until the age of three.

The first dishes are allowed to be cooked on unsaturated low-fat broths without adding any seasonings (bay leaf, fried onions, hot peppers).

Up to two years, the milk that a child drinks should be 3.2% fat, and after two years, milk with a reduced fat content can be given to him. Cook cocoa with milk for your child, this is a very useful product that children of the third year of life can drink.

What can a child from 3 to 7 years old eat

At the age of three to seven years, children's activity reaches its peak, so there should be 4 times more carbohydrates in food than proteins and fats.

Children of this age can periodically prepare fried foods, but it is still better to give preference to oven-baked, boiled and stewed dishes. Avoid adding ketchups, soy sauce, hot peppers, horseradish, vinegar, mustard, adjika, mayonnaise to them.

As a seasoning, you can give children homemade mayonnaise, cooked with lemon juice and olive oil. Avoid fatty meats, at least until high school age.

Onions, garlic, as well as parsley and dill, use sparingly. To improve the taste of food, it is good to use fresh fruits, berries and vegetables, use cranberry sauce, lemon juice.

If you go out into nature with the whole family, you usually use the opportunity to cook barbecue on a fire. In this case, the child will certainly ask you for a piece. Therefore, make sure that the meat for the barbecue is not fatty and of high quality. Be sure to fry it well and give the child the piece that does not have a fried crust. It is very good if the baby eats it with vegetables, drinks it with juice or compote.

From the age of 3, a child can eat sandwiches with hard or soft cheese. Include in the diet sour cream and cream, as well as yogurt, cottage cheese. At this age, offer your child kvass, just be careful - kvass should be natural, without preservatives and dyes. There are many homemade kvass recipes that are good for the whole family.

In addition to kvass, in the fourth year of life, children can be given regular black or green tea. However, one should not get carried away with them, it is especially not recommended to drink meat food with tea. Tea contains tannin, which slows down the absorption of iron from meat in the intestines. Natural coffee for children under 18 years of age should not be consumed.

A product such as mushrooms can be consumed by children only at school age. Mushrooms are useful, but difficult to digest, so preschoolers are not recommended to eat them.

After the age of 7, you should follow the usual recommendations for a healthy diet, similar to those for adults.

You can end this article with these words: "everything is good in moderation." Let the child eat everything, but little by little. Of course, provided that he is healthy. In the presence of chronic diseases, the child's diet will be significantly changed by the doctor.

Pediatrician Sytnik S.V.

The menu of a child at 1 year old should include multi-component dishes, since the body is already able to digest and assimilate more complex dishes. This will be facilitated by the development of teeth, and by the year they erupted on average already 8! Also, the development of the enzyme system of the digestive tract allows both children and their mothers to switch to a more adult menu. However, one should not forget about the diversity in products, as well as in the way and form of serving food. Dishes that babies eat at one year old should be tasty, healthy and interesting, encouraging them to show interest in new foods.

You can start introducing complementary foods from 5-6 months, the child will be happy to get acquainted with new products, and by the year his food is already quite diverse. The diet of a one-year-old child differs from that of an adult in the way it is prepared and in a certain set of allowed foods. What can you feed a one-year-old child, and how to make a menu for a week, every day, we'll talk in this article.

Optimal menu

Undoubtedly, the diet of a one-year-old child includes the same foods that he ate before 1 year. The kids' menu includes cereals, vegetables and fruits, cottage cheese and kefir, meat, and fish. The nutrition of a child from 1 year old will now combine the above products, in the approximate daily menu for your little one you need to include several combinations of ready meals - the child's diet is now expanding significantly.

  • In the nutrition of a child after a year, breast milk and mixtures are also present. However, they are gradually being replaced by other full meals - breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner.
  • Portion volumes increase by one year old, and the consistency of food is gradually approaching the "adult" version.
  • After a year, a child is actively growing, and his chewing muscles are also actively developing, and this should be facilitated by preparing food of a larger consistency, ground purees should be excluded from the diet of a one-year-old child.
  • After 1 year, meat can be safely introduced into the diet of a toddler: rabbit, young beef, lean pork, chicken. It is necessary to pay attention both to the quality of the meat itself and its freshness, and to the supplier.
  • For a 1-year-old baby who eats mother's milk, it is very important to keep breastfeeding, but there are much fewer of them, it is also necessary to offer fermented milk products - baby kefir, cottage cheese.
  • Soups on the child's menu are not fried, and the first meat broth must be drained after boiling.
  • The diet of the child consists mainly of boiled, baked and stewed foods, with a small amount of sugar and a low salt content.

List of products needed in 1 year

The calorie content of the daily diet of the peanut should be at least 1300 kcal. The menu of a child at 1.5 years old remains the same. However, the mobility and activity of the child should be taken into account: some require fewer calories, others require supplements. However, the following products must be present on the menu for a one-year-old child:

  • milk - 400 ml. (including mother's);
  • fermented milk products - up to 200 g, of which 50 g of cottage cheese and 150 g of kefir;
  • porridge - 200 g;
  • meat - 60 g;
  • fish - 60 g;
  • bread - 10 g;
  • children's cookies - 15 g;
  • fruits - 110 g;
  • vegetables - 200 g;
  • fruit juice - 100 g;
  • liver - 20 g;
  • egg - 20 g.

From these products, an exemplary menu for the child is compiled. When choosing vegetables and fruits, seasonality should be especially taken into account. As the famous doctor Komarovsky says, it is better to offer the child fruits and vegetables according to the season. They have more vitamins and more benefits for the growing organism.

In the daily menu for a one-year-old baby, you do not need to fit all of the above products at the same time. Fish, liver, egg are given twice a week.

Menu ration

The frequency of feeding a baby 1 year -1.5 years - 6 times a day, early morning breastfeeding or formula is preserved, kefir can already be offered before bedtime. The main meals in the menu of a one-year-old child for every day are breakfast, second breakfast (lunch), lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. We should not forget about the second dinner. A well-fed child sleeps better at night. Next, consider the menu for a 1-year-old child.


Depending on what time your baby wakes up, and whether you put him to the breast upon awakening, breakfast is planned. Gradually, when the first breastfeeding or a bottle of formula is replaced by a full breakfast, it can be cereal, diluted cow's milk, or goat's. Also, for the preparation of porridge, you can use the mixture if the child has intolerance to milk protein, lactose.

We include cereals: buckwheat and rice (they have the least allergenicity), oatmeal, corn, millet. We cook cereals in the proportion of 200 g of liquid (milk, water) and 2 tbsp. l. cereals. We boil for about 15 minutes. Semolina is less useful, because in addition to refined gluten, to which some children are allergic, there is very little useful in it.

We decorate the porridge with pieces of fruit, or we rub them on a grater for a variety of tastes.

Twice a week, you can give a one-year-old child an omelette from 1 egg (chicken or 2 quail) for a couple, with the addition of milk. You can try adding fresh dill to the omelette for beauty and good tummy work. It should be noted that by adding fresh herbs to food, we increase the vitamin content of food, and also have a beneficial effect on the digestion process.

For porridge, you can offer weak tea or fruit compote, dried fruits. Bread should also be offered at breakfast. We only take into account the freshness and quality of bread. Rye and refined white should not be given. One and the second will cause bloating and gases in the baby. Let it be yesterday's bread, not a loaf, but plain white bread.

Second breakfast (lunch)

The second feeding after breakfast cannot be neglected! Your active child will be asking for food, and it is very good to give fruit yogurt or fruit puree at this meal. It is fruits that stimulate the digestive tract to eat at lunch, increase the content of gastric juice and simply increase appetite, with which many children have problems.

A baked apple is very useful. You just need to monitor the allergic reaction to red apples, but it is better to buy yellow and green ones.

You can add cookies to lunch. But not crackers, but diet cookies, like Maria. Or any childish, lean, low-fat cookie.

Often the second breakfast falls during a walk. There are two ways out: either take a jar of food with you, which is not always convenient, or use purchased fruit and yogurt-fruit purees, packed in a special way in sealed packaging, which is especially important on any trips. With this option, the hands are clean, and the child is interested in trying a new way of feeding. And besides, it's so fun and tasty to eat on the street!


The time has come when you have returned from your walk, and it is time for lunch. You can feed a one-year-old baby during the day with both soup and a combination of the first and second courses.

According to the experience of many mothers, there are recommendations for preparing a thicker and more satisfying soup for lunch. The soup recipe will be based on your imagination and the child's good tolerance for all colored vegetables. But if we cook soup with meat broth, then, naturally, the first broth is drained, and the second is seasoned with meat and vegetables, cut into small cubes, which are cooked together until tender.

When cooking vegetable soup, at the end of cooking, you need to add a tablespoon of vegetable oil - it can be either olive oil or good quality sunflower oil. However, it should be noted that the broth on the bones of a child at 1 year old cannot be cooked. This leads to increased secretory production of the stomach and pancreas.

Unsweetened cereals without milk and vegetable purees serve as a second dish, in relation to meat or fish dishes, do not forget about the liver (beef, chicken). Undoubtedly, in the children's menu there are no roasts, spices and a lot of salt.

In the summer, it is allowed to give the child a vegetable salad for lunch. If you serve it, beautifully decorated in the form of a child's character, then such salads will not only improve the child's digestion, but also his mood for feeding. You just need to try to introduce a new dish slowly, adding one new vegetable to the diet of a one-year-old baby and observing the body's reaction to a new product during the day.

afternoon tea

An afternoon snack for a baby in one year gradually replaces feeding with breast milk or formula for other dairy products - milk porridge, cottage cheese with fruit, cheesecakes or cottage cheese casserole. You can also offer your child compote, cookies with milk.

Whole cow's milk is introduced into the diet very carefully. The reaction of children to it is individual, and if everything is normal with tolerance, then milk is first diluted with water, in its pure form it can cause colic in the tummy.


Arriving from an evening walk, (after 5 hours after lunch) a dinner is planned. When observing the feeding and wakefulness regimen of a child at 1 year old, it should be borne in mind that dinner is not too late. A sample menu for a child for dinner most often coincides with the second lunch course.

For dinner for a baby, you can cook vegetable stew, porridge (without milk) with meatballs or already pieces of meat or fish. Do not forget to add a drop of vegetable oil to vegetable stew if this stew was cooked. So we will save the child from constipation, and his intestines will work like clockwork!

Second dinner

When breastfeeding, before going to bed, you need to offer your baby mother's milk. With artificial, it will be a mixture, or even better, a fermented milk mixture or simple baby kefir. For a sick baby, the number of meals can be increased by 1. Food before bedtime should be light, but familiar.

If your child often wakes you up at night, asks you to eat, then it's time to wean him from night feedings, offering him either milk or water from a bottle, as the digestive system grows and rebuilds in an "adult way", which in the future will be the key to successful his work and the health of your baby.

Menu for every day - table

The diet of a 1-year-old child is already quite diverse. Below is a table with an approximate menu for a one-year-old child for a week, the recipes of which are quite simple to prepare. With the help of our recommendations, you can create a convenient version of the dishes for your baby.

Having scheduled what to cook for a child at 1 year old, you can buy the necessary products in advance, saving yourself the time that you will be happy to devote to your baby.

Day of the week / Time Breakfast / 9:00 Second breakfast / 11:00 Lunch / 13:00–14:00 Afternoon / 16:00 Dinner / 19:00 Second dinner / 21:00
Monday Oatmeal milk porridge Baked apple Buckwheat soup with meatballs Kefir with cookies Baked cottage cheese with fruits Breast milk, formula, kefir
Tuesday Rice milk porridge Banana apple puree Soup-puree from vegetables with meatballs from fish, chicken, mashed potatoes Curd with fruit Vegetable stew, compote Breast milk, formula, kefir
Wednesday Buckwheat milk porridge Yogurt with cookies Soup with homemade noodles and chicken, vegetable puree Milk with a bun Rice with steamed vegetables Breast milk, formula, kefir
Thursday Steamed omelet, tea Milk with a bun Borscht, vegetable stew, steamed meatballs Yogurt with fruits Buckwheat porridge with meatballs Breast milk, formula, kefir
Friday Millet milk porridge Baked apple Rice soup, potato casserole with minced beef Cottage cheese casserole Broccoli puree with minced chicken Breast milk, formula, kefir
Saturday Corn milk porridge fruit puree Fish soup with rice grits, vegetable puree Fruit salad with yogurt Vegetable stew with minced meat Breast milk, formula, kefir
Sunday Steamed omelet, tea Yogurt with fruits and biscuits Grated vegetable soup, millet porridge with liver pate Fruit puree with cottage cheese Corn porridge and steamed beef cutlets Breast milk, formula, kefir

  • It is very important to follow the diet. Subject to this simple rule, the child will be happy to eat your food, as the body itself will require it at a certain time.
  • For a one-year-old child, the ritual of eating is very important. Let cutlery, napkins, bread be beautifully laid out on the table. Allow your child to help you arrange these items. Sit down to eat with him if he can already eat at least something himself.
  • Place the toys next to your baby, and they will also take part in the meal.
  • Don't cut the food you don't like, just mix it in with other meals so you don't deprive it of the nutrients it needs.
  • Your 1 year old baby can show you he's not hungry by refusing to eat. Do not panic, you can either shift the feeding regimen when the child is really hungry. Or reduce the amount of serving for the child. Or remove one of the feedings.
  • It is worth considering that when feeding, for example, dinner, you need to serve dishes alternately, so that at the end of the first dish the little one sees the second, but not earlier, otherwise busts cannot be avoided.
  • Snacking bread and cookies - do not bode well. Lost appetite and diet is a real headache for parents. Therefore, do not let anyone close to feed your baby between feedings.

Most importantly, keep your drinking regimen accessible. The importance of this point is emphasized by Dr. Komarovsky in his interviews. Children may not say that they are thirsty, simply forgetting, playing too much, and then get drunk before meals, skipping lunch. Offer water constantly between feedings. But even during meals, you can give the child a little water or compote to drink.

A growing child within a year is already becoming a full-fledged participant in the parental meal, and the child’s nutrition after 1 year should not scare mothers with different menus, recipes and products. After all, this time is so fleeting, and our help for a baby who is preparing to step into adulthood is priceless.

Take care of your children! Feed them tasty, healthy and varied food. And soon you will remember with special trepidation this transitional period of growing up your child!

It seems to parents (and even more so to the older generation, i.e. grandmothers) that the child constantly eats badly, loves the wrong foods, etc. As a result, kitchen wars regularly arise. Children refuse to eat certain foods and dishes, parents insist. In addition, often people try to feed their child just beyond their age. About at what age what foods should be given to the child and whether it is worth forcing him, AiF.ru told pediatrician Tatyana Butskaya.

Child up to six months

The best food for a baby in the first six months of life is breast milk. It provides the baby with everything necessary, even water, so there is no need to supplement the child. However, if for some reason the mother does not have milk, it does not matter. Now in the baby food market there is a huge number of mixtures. There are dairy (from cow's or goat's milk) and dairy-free (soy, almond), maximally adapted to breast milk or partially, basic, preventive and therapeutic, as well as fresh and sour, dry and liquid.

If there is a need for a mixture, you need to consult with a pediatrician. He will advise the best product, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the crumbs.

Important to remember:

  • Cow's and goat's milk cannot be an alternative to human milk or an adapted formula. High fat content and heavy protein overload (cow's milk contains more than 20 proteins) can lead to gastrointestinal problems, metabolic disorders, obesity, anemia, diabetes and vitamin deficiencies.
  • Don't rush to introduce your child to new foods. The introduction of complementary foods at 4 or even 3 months (as our mothers and grandmothers did) is considered by experts to be premature. The child's digestive system is not ready yet! The World Health Organization believes that it is necessary to start feeding the baby when he is six months old.

6 months to 1 year

As the baby grows older, it needs complementary foods. If the baby is underweight, it is advisable to start expanding the diet with gluten-free cereals (rice, buckwheat, corn). If the baby has problems with stool, it is better to give preference to vegetables (zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower). Complementary foods must be introduced very carefully: in the event of an allergic reaction, a new product must be excluded from the menu.

  • Vegetables and gluten-free cereals are recommended to be introduced at 6 months;
  • Meat - at 7-9 months;
  • Kefir, cottage cheese, yolk - at 8 months;
  • Juices and cereals containing gluten (oatmeal, wheat, semolina) - at 9 months;
  • Fish - at 11-12 months;
  • Milk - at 12 months and later (after 3 years).

Child 1 to 2 years old

At this age, the child's diet must include cereals, legumes, meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, butter and vegetable oils, bread, as well as fruits and vegetables. Undesirable in the menu of a baby under 2 years old are buns, crackers, custards, waffles and other products that contain margarine and baking powder. All of them seriously overload the gastrointestinal tract.

Child 2 to 3 years old

Until the child is 3 years old, it is recommended to exclude from his menu:

  • Sausages and sausages (they have a lot of additives, salt and fat, and less than half of the meat itself);
  • Glazed curds (they contain an excess amount of fat and sugar);
  • Seafood (shrimps, crabs, squids are fraught with allergies);
  • Chocolate and cocoa (they can overload the child's gastrointestinal tract, provoke allergies, lead to overexcitation of the child's nervous system);
  • Rich meat broths, gelatin and hot spices.

Follow the formation of the right eating habits in the baby:

  • Follow the regimen (to work up an appetite, you need a break of about 4 hours between meals);
  • Do not arrange snacks for the baby;
  • Do not overfeed the child (it is overeating in the vast majority of cases that causes obesity and the development of concomitant diseases);
  • Don't feed your baby in front of the TV. While watching cartoons, children eat well, but the mechanism of gastric juice production changes. Normally, it should stand out before eating, and not after it has already entered the stomach.

Child over 3 years old

Prohibitions at this age are becoming less and less, but they should be.

  • Children's breakfast cereals contain a lot of sugar! They have a lot of calories, but they do not differ in satiety. Experts advise to refuse or at least postpone dry breakfasts for at least 5-6 years.
  • Mushrooms are allowed only after 7 years. They are very hard to digest. The same can be said about fat.
  • As for mayonnaise, ketchup, marinades, smoked meats, carbonated drinks, it is believed that they can be given after 7 years. But healthy food advocates do not recommend feeding them to children. These products irritate the delicate gastric mucosa and can provoke gastritis and a host of other troubles.

You shouldn't even feed your baby. After all, this can negatively affect both the physical and the moral side of the child. The baby may develop a dislike for food, and in many cases, force-feeding leads to excess weight. It is better to think over the menu taking into account the taste preferences of the baby and try to make children's dishes brighter, more colorful and interesting so that the child has a desire to try them on their own.

At 1 year and 3 months (15 months), the child develops his own food preferences. During this period, it is important to accustom the baby to healthy and varied dishes in the diet. The diet, food quality, cooking and a smooth transition from mashed to solid food retain their importance.

Let's start with those that should appear on the children's table daily.

Milk and its derivatives

Source of animal protein, vitamins and.

The total volume of breast milk or an adapted mixture, kefir, yogurt and other dairy products: 500 ml per day.

  • Breastfeeding is not cancelled. Mom can feed the baby 1-2 times a day, early in the morning and at night. As the needs of the child's body change, the quantity and quality of breast milk change. Therefore, overeating the child does not threaten.
  • Adapted blend take away only one feeding, which can be replaced with 200 ml of kefir or fermented milk mixture at bedtime.
  • Cottage cheese (daily rate does not exceed 50 g) is offered in its pure form or used to make steamed cheesecakes, puddings, soufflés.
  • or yogurt give up to 200 ml per day. Choose products with live lactic acid bacteria and a label "for baby food".


Sources of slow carbohydrates, B vitamins and minerals.

Representatives containing gluten appear in the diet: wheat, oatmeal, millet porridge in milk or water (≈200 g).

For children with poor weight gain, 1-2 times a week, you can cook semolina porridge, but without fanaticism: it contains fittings that hinder the absorption of calcium and vitamin D.


Meat products are rich in proteins and amino acids, B vitamins, and iron.

Low-fat pork, homemade chicken meat, rabbit meat, beef and veal are on the menu 4-5 times a week, 80 g per serving in the form of cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, soufflé.


Suppliers of vegetable protein, vitamins, fiber and minerals.

Used for cooking fresh salads, stewing, added to soups.

Total amount per day: 200 g.

A good option is a spoonful of homemade jam for cottage cheese, cheesecakes or porridge.

Please note! Permissible: 35 g per day, taking into account its content in other products (milk, cereals, fruits, vegetables, etc.).


Can harm: provokes fluid retention and increases the load on the kidneys.

About not wanting

Appetite in childhood does not differ in constancy and decreases for various reasons:

  • immobility;
  • high-calorie snacks;
  • malaise;
  • unwillingness is what is offered.

Refusal to eat is not a reason to force-feed the baby.

Children's doctor Komarovsky advises:

  • leave the child the right to choose;
  • temporarily replace the unloved with the equivalent in calories, but from other products (for example, porridge for pasta or mashed potatoes);
  • do not repeat during the day and, if possible, a week;
  • observe rituals: wash hands, arrange plates, tie a napkin;
  • offer delicious and beautifully presented dishes.

Binge eating

Another problem in baby food after a year, although less common.

Overeating is usually associated with parents trying to get their child to eat more.

  • overweight;
  • decreased physical activity;
  • malfunctions of the digestive system;
  • violation of the intestinal microflora;
  • decrease in immunity.


Experts consider indiscriminate snacking the reason for the rejection of the main meal.

But for a physically active child, a break of 4 hours is sometimes difficult to endure - a snack is needed to make up for energy costs.

What to do:

  1. To eliminate the feeling of hunger, give a few pieces of fruit, vegetables, a slice of cheese or 1-2 children's cookies with kefir.
  2. Reinforce the fidget 1.5 hours before the main meal.
  3. If the baby wants to eat 30-40 minutes earlier than the established schedule, go to meet him.

It is important to learn to understand whether the child really wants to eat, or if he is thirsty. The proposed water, unsweetened compote can be a quick solution to the problem.

Breast milk

Mother's milk after a year:

  • provides 95% vitamin C;
  • helps in the digestion of food;
  • provides immune protection against infections.

Cooking principles

By the age of 1 year and 3 months, the child's digestive system can easily cope with many products, provided they are properly prepared and processed.

Priority steaming in a double boiler or slow cooker. An acceptable option is boiling, an acceptable option is stewing.

Vegetables for fresh salads are rubbed on, and cut into small pieces before heat treatment. In stews and first courses, they can be slightly kneaded with a fork.

The meat is passed through a meat grinder for steam meatballs, meatballs, meatballs, soufflés. Boil for pates, followed by grinding in a blender, cut into small pieces for stewing.

For fish fillet, cooking, stewing, baking in foil is suitable. Minced meat for meatballs and meatballs is also made from it.

Eggs are cooked only hard-boiled, in the form without fat with the addition of milk, used for minced fish and meat, cheesecakes and casseroles, followed by heat treatment.

It is preferable to have porridge of a homogeneous consistency, well boiled. Buyable: age appropriate soluble industrial production or fast-cooking in flakes.

Butter and vegetable oil added to food at the end of cooking, without exposing to high temperatures.

Fresh fruits are peeled, cut into small pieces or offered to the baby in a nibbler as a safer option.

For the preparation of milk porridge, you can use adapted mixtures. Whole cow's milk remains banned for up to 3 years due to the high risk of milk protein allergy.

  • choose only fresh and organic products;
  • cook food immediately before serving;
  • do not give the fidget too hot or cold.

We compose the menu

Porridge or vegetable dishes200 g
Cottage cheese, fish, meat or egg dish50 g
Tea100 ml
A fresh vegetable salad30 g
First50 g
Second (meat or fish)70 g
Garnish (vegetable or cereal)70 g
Compote or juice100 ml
afternoon tea
Kefir or yogurt150 ml
Cookies, crackers or biscuits15 g
100 g
Meat with vegetables, vegetable, cereal or cottage cheese dish180 g
Kefir or yogurt100 ml
Fresh fruit or fruit puree50 g
Before bedtime
Breast milk or adapted formula200 ml
