What to do to make a husband want a wife? A conspiracy to make a husband want a wife: a passionate desire throughout life

A woman dreams of attracting, attracting attention to herself, being desired for her man so much that he always wants to be near her.

But he often forgets about the atmosphere he creates around him.

People, including men, are arranged in such a way that they are attracted to all forms of freedom, warmth and respect, and repelled by any background of anxiety, coldness and superiority over themselves.

The atmosphere created by presence is what attracts. What do you know about presence? What is your presence? Where are you when a man is next to you? What is happening to you in these moments?

The atmosphere is created non-verbally. It is not necessary to say something for people around to understand our inner content. They can feel what we are filled with from the inside in a matter of minutes.

And make your own decision: run or stay. What a person is filled with, he pours out. Even silently.

And it is very difficult to pretend to spread a different atmosphere. Courses that teach manners will help create a pleasant atmosphere only after creating peace and trust in the world inside.

People want peace! Here is the main conclusion to be drawn by a woman who wants to attract a man.

The secret to creating an atmosphere is to convey your deep sense of peace to those around you.

A man longs for ease in order to fly to his goals. He perceives the anxiety of a woman as a burden that he wants to shake off so that it is easier to fly.

A woman at rest can act decisively and quickly. She is not a mushy lady. She lives here and now.

She doesn't need to wait. Expectations always indicate anxiety. About lack of independence. “Well, when will the prince come and save me by giving me crystal slippers!”

The prince arrives, and plunged into the atmosphere of anxiety lurking behind expectations, becomes an overweight burgher, unable to win trophies for his "princess".

And the princess, disappointed, gasps: “Where were my eyes!”

Darling, you yourself poisoned your boyfriend, and now you are outraged! Ah ah ah! What a shame! Sit alone, learn peace!

Why do you think a woman is periodically left alone? So that there, left alone with herself, she figured out the causes of her childhood anxieties.

And only by becoming a mature, independent woman can you go on a journey through life, and men themselves will be attracted.

Men are looking for mature women who are able to respect themselves and not cling to them.

Let's bring everything that has been said into a logical chain for a woman who has set the goal of becoming so desirable for her man that he will forever want to stay by her side.

  • First go alone.
  • Explore the causes of your anxiety and fears.
  • Fill yourself with love.
  • Find peace in your soul.
  • Get out into the world.
  • Do whatever you want.
  • To be here and now, giving yourself completely to your occupation.
  • To convey your feeling of peace and pleasure to those who appear nearby.
  • Respect his needs
  • Maintain self respect and dignity.
  • Do not forget about your main goal: peace of mind.
  • Let a man go on a journey to his goals.
  • Loneliness is used for enjoyment.

And rest assured, you will not be released for a long time. The source of pleasure is always valuable!

This exercise is not even for seduction - but for the second stage, when he already wants you and is in love ... but you know girlfriends whose husbands don't fuck at all? And we have a different task - to always want us - and not only mentally, but also sexually!

How to make a guy always want you? So that he always stood on you? What hypnotic phrases should he throw in a trance?

We learn to ask him questions and make statements that have the necessary presuppositions (statements that we imperceptibly push through to him)

For starters, a few options.

1. At the moment of his orgasm, we whisper hotly in his ear - "How you always fuck me hard! How you ALWAYS end violently with me ... YOU ARE COOL!!!" - and we begin to kiss, so that he does not consciously think about the phrase.

2. When he stands, we touch his penis ("oh, how he trembled!") and, as if thoughtfully, add "No, well, tell me, why do you constantly stand ON ME?". To all his counter bewilderment we say - "no, you tell me, I was the first to ask."

3. We constantly anchor his excitement on ourselves. Then after a while he will catch himself on the fact that he is standing straight up even when he just says your name. so big next to me? Well, why does he always want me? ". Or, during foreplay, we take it in our palm with carelessness, and kissing it, we say - “I’m even scared what happens to the member of a loving man in the hands of such a sexy woman ... and I won’t get tired of being surprised and surprised by this! Constantly ... ."

And now - your options, aimed at ensuring that he always wanted to fuck with you!

Comments (15) on “EXERCISE FOR ALL. How to make a guy always want you? So that he always stood on you? What hypnotic phrases should he throw in a trance?

    Thank you for the lesson!!

    but I think you need to be sooo careful here .. When a man says to me "YOU want me so much, YOU will feel so good" or any derivatives, even very hidden ones - I almost have a desire for some reason .. I even specifically asked never to tell me this .
    I really don't like it when he talks about MY feelings on his own behalf.
    It's much nicer to hear "I want you so much, You drive me crazy", etc.

    it affects me a lot. I sometimes think that maybe he (like me) doesn't like it…….

    I completely agree, Anya, such words OPENLY cannot be spoken by either men or women. NEVER.

    I did not write about this, because it seemed obvious to me that the COMMANDS should be given either in a trance (and sex is a natural trance) or carefully hiding them in triple helixes or dispersion or presuppositions.

    It seemed obvious to me, and I’m sure that everyone understood that openly the command “FALL IN LOVE WITH ME NOW” or “YOUR DESIRE HAS BEEN INCREASED, AND THE MEMBER STARTED STANDING STRONGER” will be rejected by any man, and he will also twist his finger at his temple.

    But the peculiarity of men is that these teams. being hidden or introduced into a trance, after 20-30 minutes they become a PART OF THE MAN'S THOUGHTS, which means ... HE IS SURE IN HIS NEW DESIRES!

    Well isn't it great?

    I understood that too. But I cannot fully understand when this state occurs. After all, if it has not come - and I blurt it out, then the effect will be negative.

    I'm afraid I won't be able to "hide" the right word correctly.
    Apparently, still study and study.

    I also have a problem: I seem to be too sensitive to such commands, I see them, hear them, understand them. I think a man can recognize them too ..(

    This is a typical mistake of a beginner hypnotist.
    Remember - those who have not studied suggestion - never see or feel anything that you are now hypnotizing them, especially if you highlight suggestions not like an artist in an old movie - with wide eyes and a witch's voice - oh very feminine, sexy, a little shrill and touching
    Learn the signs of trance and rehearse the introduction to trance.
    Right here -


    Tender kisses, Ilya.

    It seems to me that you can, for example, tell about a friend whose boyfriend ALSO CONSTANTLY stands when her beloved is nearby .... marking itself of course

    I read it and I had such a question, and if a man himself speaks from time to time, such phrases:

    "I have a hard time even when I'm talking to you on the phone"
    "How can you go crazy over the same woman for so many years?"
    "I want you always"

    What can this mean from the point of view of psychology, NLP, maybe this is also some kind of trick / exercise? (please note that the person is not lying, he really always stands when I'm around)

    Natasha, it could just be sincerity!
    Such guys are still occasionally found among your megasexual favorites.

    maybe ...))) But it definitely affects the subconscious when they tell you this all the time, you start to feel mega sexy and in general the most-most ...

    Exactly, although I personally recommend that students MASK suggestions ... if you unwind the triple helix for a long time, induce a trance, then just block reality for him. All this is explained and trained in our group in more than detail. Although the girls usually do it almost 2-3 times already.

    If it's long and it's - hide the command in the question - it's generally as easy as shelling pears.

    For the second option, I received a sly smile in response and "you want to think so, right? Well, well .." =/

    So be flexible!
    This is the basis of NLP - I ran into a problem - I immediately rebuilt and went from the other side ... all the more, it is much easier for a woman than for a guy, for a girl it is natural.

    Utilize his phrase (“with a man like you, any woman will feel when she causes such an excitement in a sweet - there’s nothing to even think about - in such a situation I generally turn off my head and feel with my body ... - and clung to him, clung to ...), but in the future, say them using techniques to weaken his resistance and call for consent:
    - adjustment;
    - hypnotic nod;
    - disposal of events in order to call prior consent ("and since you and I are in this cafe, together, nothing will stop us ..." - although the first, second and third are in no way connected - he will agree with the third
    - polished truism at the end.

Previously, in terms of sex, everything was extremely simple. While the australopithecine Lucy sat in the cave and collected the roots, the male australopithecines got meat. Australopithecus Vasya returned with meat - he received Lucy for the whole night. Vasya ran in without meat - he was left without a portion of pleasure, and even hungry: Lucy warmed another Australopithecus Gena, who brought her fish, and also fed him with her roots. Everything was completely without offense, did not feed Lucy - did not get access to the body.

But years passed, and our Vasya could not but be satisfied with the fact that Lucy constantly warms Gena, and her tribeswoman Zoya also warms Gena, because Gena brings more meat, which is enough not only for Lucy and Zoya, but also for other females of the Australopithecus tribe . And Gena also received healthy sons from Lucy with other females, with whom he could get more meat and rob neighboring tribes. And Vasya was offended by the females.

He put on a lot of feathers and a cassock, hung himself with bells, and came up with a marriage when the female was assigned to one Australopithecus, without the right to change the unsuccessful male for his more successful tribesman.

In this situation, Lucy was forced to agree with Vasya and supported his idea of ​​a marriage, accompanied by shamanic rituals and terrible curses against the walking Gena.

Millennia passed, but nothing changed. Lucy, trying to eat more and tastier, tied Gena more and more tightly to herself with customs and laws, and Gena, in turn, wanting to feed exclusively her cubs, mutually limited Lucy in choosing other males. Our Vasya in a cassock and a shaman's tambourine helped both sides in this.

But over time, Gena got enough of meat, built a warm house and realized that only the warm body of Lucy and other females was not enough for him. And he began to toil. Lucy, realizing that something was wrong with Gena, tried to decorate herself with pebbles, rags and feathers. At first, this suited Gena, but Gena evolved and his evolving soul required something else, in addition to elementary relaxation.

So Gena and Lucy evolved to love. And other kinds of sensual pleasures.

This is how Lucy taught Gena to love what she saw - aesthetic pleasure. To enjoy not only the process of copulation, but also other types of caresses is sensual pleasure. And - here the cunning female physiology came to the rescue - to receive the necessary portion of hormones from Lucy herself.

The loss of any element from this triad, or a bias towards one - and Gena is looking for another female. Let's consider them in order.

Aesthetic enjoyment. A man loves with his eyes, this truth does not need to be confirmed. The choice between females is always wide, so they choose not only according to external signs of physiological health for the future no less healthy offspring, but also according to signs of external beauty: how many pebbles, rags, feathers are on the female. Even a healthy female may not attract Gena, because she does not satisfy his aesthetic requirements in terms of the number of multi-colored feathers and pebbles on her body, which is why there are so many fetishists among men, sometimes even they themselves do not notice this.

sensual pleasure. Yes, the man received a discharge, and then what? The night is long. And he wants warmth just like when Gena lived in a cave. And this warmth can only be given by Lucy's touch. Different. From spanking to kissing, depending on Gena's preferences. But here grandfather Freud is already to help in recognizing the points of sensual pleasure in the male.

Stroke Gena on hormones. The female body is a real chemical factory for the production of hormones. For example, there is serious scientific research on the hormone oxytocin. This hormone is released by the female body during sex, especially during orgasm. This hormone, received by a man, makes him become more attached to a woman, be faithful to her, and gives a feeling of saturation with a sexual relationship. According to these studies, women who fake orgasm are nothing more than thieves, because they deprive a man of one of the most important elements of his pleasure. Therefore, if you want a man's fidelity, learn to experience an orgasm. Yes, this can be learned. And teach your Australopithecus.

Of course, now a woman herself is able to get a bag of meat in the nearest supermarket, but ... there is always a but. We'll talk about what Lucy herself needs next time.

What do you think? Under all these conditions, is a man able to want the same woman for a long time?

Previously, in terms of sex, everything was extremely simple. While the australopithecine Lucy sat in the cave and collected the roots, the male australopithecines got meat. Australopithecus Vasya returned with meat - he received Lucy for the whole night.

Vasya came running without meat - he was left without a portion of pleasure, and even hungry: Lucy warmed another Australopithecus Gena, who brought her fish, and also fed him with her roots. Everything was completely without offense, did not feed Lucy - did not get access to the body.

But years passed, and our Vasya could not but be satisfied with the fact that Lucy constantly warms Gena, and her tribeswoman Zoya also warms Gena, because Gena brings more meat, which is enough not only for Lucy and Zoya, but also for other females of the Australopithecus tribe . And Gena also received healthy sons from Lucy with other females, with whom he could get more meat and rob neighboring tribes. And Vasya was offended by the females.

He put on a lot of feathers and a cassock, hung himself with bells, and came up with a marriage when the female was assigned to one Australopithecus, without the right to change the unsuccessful male for his more successful tribesman.

In this situation, Lucy was forced to agree with Vasya and supported his idea of ​​a marriage, accompanied by shamanic rituals and terrible curses against the walking Gena.

Millennia passed, but nothing changed. Lucy, trying to eat more and tastier, tied Gena more and more tightly to herself with customs and laws, and Gena, in turn, wanting to feed exclusively her cubs, mutually limited Lucy in choosing other males. Our Vasya in a cassock and a shaman's tambourine helped both sides in this.

But over time, Gena got enough of meat, built a warm house and realized that only the warm body of Lucy and other females was not enough for him. And he began to toil. Lucy, realizing that something was wrong with Gena, tried to decorate herself with pebbles, rags and feathers. At first, this suited Gena, but Gena evolved and his evolving soul required something else, in addition to elementary relaxation.

So Gena and Lucy evolved to love. And other kinds of sensual pleasures.

This is how Lucy taught Gena to love what she saw - aesthetic pleasure. To enjoy not only the process of copulation, but also other types of caresses is sensual pleasure. And - here the cunning female physiology came to the rescue - to receive the necessary portion of hormones from Lucy herself.

The loss of any element from this triad, or a bias towards one - and Gena is looking for another female. Let's consider them in order.

Aesthetic enjoyment. A man loves with his eyes, this truth does not need to be confirmed. The choice between females is always wide, so they choose not only according to external signs of physiological health for the future no less healthy offspring, but also according to signs of external beauty: how many pebbles, rags, feathers are on the female. Even a healthy female may not attract Gena, because she does not satisfy his aesthetic requirements in terms of the number of multi-colored feathers and pebbles on her body, which is why there are so many fetishists among men, sometimes even they themselves do not notice this.

Sensual pleasure. Yes, the man received a discharge, and then what? The night is long. And he wants warmth just like when Gena lived in a cave. And this warmth can only be given by Lucy's touch. Different. From spanking to kissing, depending on Gena's preferences. But here grandfather Freud is already to help in recognizing the points of sensual pleasure in the male.

Stroke Gena's hormones. The female body is a real chemical factory for the production of hormones. For example, there is serious scientific research on the hormone oxytocin. This hormone is released by the female body during sex, especially during orgasm. This hormone, received by a man, makes him become more attached to a woman, be faithful to her, and gives a feeling of saturation with a sexual relationship. According to these studies, women who fake orgasm are nothing more than thieves, because they deprive a man of one of the most important elements of his pleasure. Therefore, if you want a man's fidelity, learn to experience an orgasm. Yes, this can be learned. And teach your Australopithecus.

Of course, now a woman herself is able to get a bag of meat in the nearest supermarket, but ... there is always a but. We'll talk about what Lucy herself needs next time.

What do you think? Under all these conditions, is a man able to want the same woman for a long time?

Hello dear readers! Many girls think about what to do to make a guy afraid of losing you. They think that this will make their relationship stronger. So we seek, betrayal, indecent behavior on the part of a man. You just need to decide on a plan of action and everything in life will go well. Is it really?

Today I will tell you about whether it is worth doing something so that a young man is afraid of losing you, what consequences this can lead to, what reckless methods most girls use and what is the best thing to do so that your relationship with your partner is harmonious, and he never wants to leave you.

I will explain all this from the point of view of a psychologist. No magic or conspiracies. Only useful advice for relationships.

Your own fear and its danger

Women who look for different birth techniques in a partner with separation anxiety tend to be not very self-confident. This is completely normal and indicates that you really like the person you are dating.

The only problem is that you initially put your man a little higher than you. You are subconsciously afraid that he will commit some meanness and therefore want to protect yourself. Also, in connection with a bad experience, you may not, and therefore subconsciously expect some kind of catch.

Your partner feels all this and his own fears and concerns subside. You are more interested in him than he is in this love. By doing so, you harm yourself. The desire to keep a man does not give anything except his own confidence that you value him, are afraid of losing him and will not go anywhere. He feels that you will go to great lengths to keep this union, you will forgive him and take the first steps after a quarrel when necessary.

The more freedom you give a young person and the less you depend on him, the more interest on his part. He will strive to do the right thing, not out of fear, guilt, or, but because he wants it. With him is a full-fledged girl who will not tolerate inflicted insults. This will give you much more than other methods.

Let your first step towards losing be letting go of your own fears. You feel good together, you are in love, but you are by no means dependent on your partner. Love yourself more than him and do not even allow the thought that if he leaves, life will end. You will find someone else. Perhaps better.

This approach will allow you to correctly respond to the actions of a man, not to be offended, and subconsciously show how you can act and what is better not to do.

The path of jealousy

Not all girls know how to behave so that a man does not want to lose a woman. Please note that the key word here will not be “afraid”, but “did not want to”.

Fear leads to rash acts, dependence on another person. These are not very pleasant emotions, and sooner or later any person begins to be guided by the instinct of self-preservation and tries to get rid of negative emotions in life. Everyone strives for happiness, harmony is impossible if there is fear in the relationship.

So, some young ladies strive to make a guy jealous, because they think that this will help the man appreciate them more. I don't think it's necessary to explain what thoughts they are guided by when applying various techniques, but does the method work in the first place?

Jealousy is another negative emotion and it gives the wrong characterization of the person who is actually jealous. Do you think a young man will be proud of a woman who attracts the attention of hundreds? Unfortunately, this is often not the case. They get tired of jealousy very quickly and begin to blame not young people who show signs of attention, but the girl herself, suspecting that she is behaving somehow wrong, not modestly.

Jealousy is a manifestation of insecurity in yourself and your partner. A man begins to feel next to a woman who is in demand, less beautiful, smart, he has to constantly compare himself with others and try to match. Ultimately, people in whom this feeling prevails begin to behave inappropriately and the reason for this is fatigue from their own emotions.

Sometimes they even refuse relationships altogether in order to restore strength. The most interesting thing is that with the next girl the situation repeats itself.

How to act

If you want a man to be afraid of losing you, create such conditions for him that he would never want to be next to another woman for anything in the world, so that he understands that you are the best thing that happened to him in this life. How to achieve this? Everything is quite simple.

All men lack self-confidence. From birth, they are forced to prove something to others, they talk about the need to match their gender: “You are a boy”, “You are a man”.

Compliment your boyfriend more often. Sounds kind of weird, doesn't it? However, it works.

Tell him how well he coped with the problem, quickly came to the rescue, how interesting he is, how much his friends and you appreciate him. Men are not used to such behavior and at first they are very embarrassed, however, it is hard not to notice how their face breaks into a satisfied smile when they do not have to prove once again that they are worthy of the title of “man”. This is recognized by the woman. They subconsciously begin to praise her so that the opinion of his masculinity would be of great value.

One of my friends used this technique not quite correctly, periodically making it clear that without a specific young man, she would almost die. Tell me, why would a man meet with such an insecure young lady? He is her top bar and she will never have anything better in her life.

Still, whatever you say, the insecurity of men plays into our hands. I already said that using facts that cause jealousy is not the best idea, but if a man comes up with something himself, that's great. You must not forget about yourself. You are no worse, and he must understand this in order not to be arrogant.

Remember that you are not afraid of losing him?

I do not share the opinion that a young man should be given complete freedom and allowed to go out with friends even when you do not want it, thereby proving his own independence. Some believe that everyone needs space. If you yourself belong to this category of people, then why do you need advice? You know how to navigate between relationships and freedom. If not, why torture yourself and show qualities that you do not have? Thus, we deceive the partner.

A little later, when the relationship becomes more ordinary, you will want to show your own "I". He will be very offended if you do not continue to make concessions.

Use other methods to show your worth. One of my acquaintances, for example, always lacked words. Instead of standard messages: “I will love you all my life” or “You are the best thing that happened to me”, she periodically sends her beloved something like: “I don’t know what will happen next, but now I am very happy because you with me".

Give men freedom, even illusory, and they will never want to use it.

In the book Steve Harvey "Act like a woman, think like a man" you will find even more useful tips, although you already know the basics, and therefore are ready to take the first steps towards creating a truly ideal relationship.

See you soon and don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter.