What is friendship short description. Composition reasoning on the topic: "What is Friendship"

People have been trying to define the word friendship for a long time. In the name of friendship, feats and selfless deeds were performed, for the sake of friendship they fought and died. But it is almost impossible to characterize this word in several sentences, because each person puts something of his own into its meaning.

Friendship is, first of all, the similarity of views and thoughts, feelings and needs of two people. We put in this word loyalty and the desire to always come to the rescue, empathy and joy for the happiness of a loved one, as for ourselves.

A friend should be sincere in his feelings, there is no place for flattery and hypocrisy. Even when the truth can hurt, only a friend will find the strength to say it in person, without concealing anything.

There is no room for envy and rivalry between friends. Only a true friend will rejoice for another as well as for himself.

But friendship is a fragile crystal bowl. It must be protected from careless offensive words, from outbursts of irritation and anger. Of course, a real friendship cannot be broken by a simple quarrel or disagreement, but there is no need to triple the tests for strength either. After all, having a true friend is an amazing gift. It is a miracle to know that you are not alone in the world and that there is someone who will always lend his shoulder and stand next to him, will not turn away in the face of trouble or difficulties.

Do I need to try to be better for the sake of a friend, because a faithful friend will accept us as we are? Of course you need to. Still, friendship is based on mutual assistance and mutual benefit. If one side only gives, and the other only accepts, without contributing anything in return, then such a relationship is very far from real friendship. For the sake of a friend, you definitely need to become better, kinder and more attentive. A friend is a mirror of ourselves. Do not expect loyalty and devotion from a friend if we ourselves cannot boast of such traits.

True friendship is a great value in life, and the one who has a friend is happy.

Option 2

Friendship - this word is one of the first places in the life of every person. In our life, different events take place and different situations develop, which are not always happy. It is at the moments when you feel bad and need support that we get to know the people who are nearby and call themselves best friends. But for different people, the concept of friendship is different.

However, in the modern world, sincere and pure friendship does not occur so often, or rather, extremely rarely. For many, self-interest and the acquisition of benefits from friendship with a particular person are more important. Such people constantly pretend to be your friend, and after they get everything they wanted from you, they almost immediately disappear from the circle of friends, and sometimes they become enemies. In order to prevent such situations in life from happening, you need to carefully choose your friends.

True friendship will withstand all trials, it is not afraid of years. On the contrary, over time, friendship becomes stronger, and loyal, reliable friends are closer to each other. Even if there is a quarrel or discord, true friends will always find a way out of this situation and make up, no matter what.

Friendship - strong, sincere, real - is one of the most extraordinary and kind feelings on earth that a person can experience. If you have friends, then you are a happy person. There are invisible threads between people who are connected by friendship that cannot be explained in words. It is necessary to value friends as the most precious treasure in the world, it is necessary to respect the feelings of friends, because not everyone is given to experience the feeling of friendship. Bible words: “A faithful friend is a strong defense; who found it, found a treasure. "

Writing Reasoning Friendship

John Chrysostom: "It is better to be in darkness than without a friend."

I believe that a person has always had at least one true friend in his life. Yes, lives diverge and it is not always possible to be close to each other and support, but in your heart this person is always with you. And even if you do not communicate for a very long time, due to certain circumstances, you involuntarily ask yourself the question: "What would my friend advise me, how would he act?" Why is this happening? It seems to me because you can entrust him with a lot, all the most intimate, even your life. A friend becomes a part of you, and without him you no longer feel the way you are now.

Friendship is a wealth that many people want to own. She makes you understand that you are not alone, that you will not be left alone with your misfortune, and sharing the joys with someone is even greater happiness.

If the friendship is real, it will never go away. It will go along with you for many years and everything will be the same as it was 10 and 20 years ago. Your friend will be happy to communicate with you, support, advise and worry about you, even if you are far from each other.

The quote of John Chrysostom, which is given at the beginning, fully answers the question: "Why is friendship important and necessary?" After all, for the sake of a friend, you can sacrifice everything. It is impossible to live without a friend, because this person is a reflection of yourself. You know everything about him, and he about you - this is a trust that is difficult to win.

Also, it is worth noting that friendship cannot be considered only within this framework. Of course, there is also love, but love for the person himself on a spiritual level; respect, that is, some kind of equality and recognition of each other. There is no perfect friendship, there will always be disagreements, without them you cannot build a good relationship. Therefore, it is tested for years, and if the test is passed, then you are a happy person.

What is Friendship Reasoning Grade 9

At certain points in life, many think about friendly participation, saving from loneliness. Our subconscious mind is tuned in to the desire to make friends with cheerful people who are able to do good, seeking to come to the rescue at any moment. The person who is able to provide real help is a true friend.

We are surrounded by many people, but there are very few true friends. And so, the main quality of a friend is to be honest, sympathetic, sympathetic, ready to provide all possible help at any time. A true comrade will give the last, not regretting it later.

Friendship is the feeling of giving warmth and support.

Ability to find the right words for a friend. Help in difficult times. And find a way out together.

If you have a friend, then you need to maintain a relationship with him for life. There are many different proverbs about friendship. For example: "Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends!", "Friendship is learned in trouble!" We value positive character traits in each other, and try to help ourselves. Friendship is never one-sided. Try to trust each other and do not skimp on any help.

Friends are easier to make at a young age, and harder later. It is necessary to value, protect friendships, personal secrets, not to betray friendly relations. Not all friends' conversations are only about "pleasant" in life, it is a real friend who reveals to you the truth about certain circumstances, do not flatter, admit if you did wrong. Can forgive if a friend made a wrong step, stumbled! In time it will stop and turn in the other direction.

Many people believe that there can be no friendship between a man and a woman. But, in fact, this is possible and depends on the moral qualities of both sexes and goals in life. In the work "Dinka" by V. Oseeva, the main character of Dinka confesses to "Khokholka" that she feels more than friendly feelings for another guy. She did the real thing, like the best friend. Her act of friendship is commendable. Although hearing these words, the friend felt pain.

I want everyone to be friends with each other. And there were friendly relations between countries and states. Then there will be peace. And peaceful relations are the preservation of natural resources, families and the pursuit of peaceful affairs and the development of modern technologies.

Option 5

Much has been said about friendship. Writers and poets, artists and composers praise true friends and true strong friendship in their works.

What does the word "friendship" mean? The explanatory dictionary says that friendship is a relationship that is based on mutual trust, on common interests and on affection for each other. But friendships are not always the same. It all depends on the person. The famous philosopher Aristotle distinguishes several types of friendship. The first type is based on mutual benefit, the second is the relationship between the boss and subordinates, the third type is the most disinterested - it is a relationship based on a community of interests.

I wish my friends and I had a third type of friendship. It's so wonderful when your friends understand you perfectly. People who have a lot in common and are willing to sacrifice their interests for another are true friends.

I think that a true friend should have the following qualities: honesty, kindness, willingness to help another, disinterestedness. It often happens that one of the friends is ready for anything for the other. The second friend is simply taking advantage of his kindness. Such "friendships" cannot last forever. The moment will come when a person who always makes concessions gets tired of sacrificing everything for a friend, without getting anything in return.

Someone will say that you should not expect better support than from a family from anyone. This is indeed the case. But, unfortunately, in the modern world, relatives do not always live nearby. Most often, the most dear people are in a distant city or even in another country at the very moment when you need support or help. As a rule, friends are colleagues at work or neighbors who live somewhere nearby and can always come to the rescue.

Keeping friendships is not easy. If you want your friends to treat you well, pay them in kind. It is not in vain that they say that good and evil return like a boomerang. Therefore, before sending negativity into the world, think about what will then return to you.

Friendship can be difficult, but life without friendship is even more difficult. Friendship brings the happiest moments to a person's life, which help him in difficult life situations.

Sample 6

The concept of friendship is multifaceted. She follows the path of life with every person. It takes a significant place. In the name of friendship, from time immemorial, selfless and selfless deeds have been committed. She made people, for the sake of dear people, throw themselves under bullets or even die. Therefore, it is impossible to explain what friendship is, since each person has his own understanding.

Friendship is what brings people together. In parallel lines, we draw loyalty and understanding. For example, from birth, mom is our faithful friend who will never betray or offend. Such a friend is ready to lay down his life for the well-being of his child throughout his life. Slightly older in adolescence, we find people with the same thoughts and needs. This makes us feel the soul for this person and there is a desire to come to the rescue at any moment. Gradually getting older, many friends stay with us for the entire period of their lives. Often, such a sincere and strong friendship causes a storm of emotions that make you empathize and rejoice for such a close and dear person.

In such a concept as friendship, there should be no hypocrisy and lies. The ability to make friends is not available to everyone, since there are individuals who are used to walking the path of life alone or making money in the material sense on those around them. The thirst for profit or self-interest greatly spoils such a relationship. Recently, the younger generation understands the word friendship as an interesting pastime without any obligations. Therefore, only a true friend will rejoice at the victories and achievements of his loved one. Such feelings are tested not only by time, but also by actions. In friendship, there is no distribution between the poor and the rich, there is no status component. It is not known what awaits us tomorrow, so it is necessary to treat everyone the same way as to yourself. That is why friendship in the modern world is so important. We can only trust our friend with secrets or problems that, after sitting and solving together, can be corrected. The man who has friends is truly happy.

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    So, childhood is over, and now school and we will talk about "Friendship". I beg:

    "What is friendship and my view of friendship."

    What is friendship? It's a joy! Great joy from communication! The joy that there is a person close to you who will help you with advice, will always listen and will certainly support you in everything. Only he can be completely trusted. Only from him you can listen to criticism in your address without offense.

    True friendship, like true love, is a rare phenomenon. But if it does exist, then it is necessary to take care of it like the apple of an eye. After all, by losing a friend, we are losing a part of ourselves. And you must always remember that it is easy to lose it, but it is insanely difficult to find it. And the older we get, the harder it gets.

    Friendship must be cultivated like a fragile and delicate flower. "Watering" with thoughts of a friend, "fertilizing" with worthy deeds.

    What should a friend be like? Faithful! Patient! Good! Yes, just like that! After all, he is a Friend! A friend will stand the test of both time and circumstance. And over the years, true friendship only grows stronger.

    Friendship cannot be one-sided, otherwise it is no longer friendship. Everything in common, everything together! Always and everywhere!

    There cannot be many friends, one, maybe two or three in a lifetime. And the rest tens and hundreds are just friends, comrades, acquaintances. Yes, they are good, pleasant, wonderful, but they are not friends.

    And I have a friend! So I am a happy person. So I'm not alone. And he too. And together - the sea is knee-deep, together we will solve any problems, and we will not be afraid of any difficulties and hardships. After all, we are friends!

    What is friendship? It seems that the answer to this question is known to everyone. Friendship is when two or more people are friends with each other. But what we mean by the word is friendship. Some imply mutually beneficial cooperation, others - assistance. In a word, how many people, so many opinions. However, there are also completely misconceptions about friendship.

    For example, some people think that if they are friends with someone, then that someone should help them in everything. Simply put, such people are more likely not friendship, but a mercantile interest. And if it suddenly turns out that you cannot help him, and it will certainly turn out that way, then your friendship will be upset.

    Others understand by the word friendship that now, since they are friends, their friend should tell them everything, talk only with him and generally not think about personal life. This kind of friendship is more like possessiveness. Which, however, is also far from real friendship. After all, sooner or later, such a friendship can get bored and then it will get upset very quickly.

    What is real friendship

    Many people suffer from lack of attention, the absence of loved ones can never positively affect your relationship. Each of us from childhood is accustomed to the fact that if something went wrong, you need to immediately run to your mother. She is the kind of person who will always understand and forgive. Over time, we grow up and relationships become different. Mom will not always be there and cannot always become a support for us. That is why everyone is looking for themselves, on a subconscious level. "Replacement" for mom, in the form of a close friend (friendship aphorisms).

    True Friendship is:

    True Friendship is a selfless relationship that two are ready to build. It is based on sincerity, interest, and sympathy. One of the main conditions for friendship is the absence of competition. For example, a boyfriend can cause a fight between girlfriends.

    True friendship just happens, not because of achievement or sympathy. You will feel a friend immediately on a subconscious level. It is he who will help you in the most difficult situations in life. A friend will not leave you in trouble, will not betray you. You will miss when he is not around, and you will always call him and look for meetings.

    This feeling is very similar to a love relationship, we can say that it is even stronger, because, having quarreled with a guy, you will certainly share your feelings with a friend. Help should only be sincere.

    Friendship is, first of all, love and a sense of proportion. This is what will help us build normal friendships. And always ask yourself: Do I want to be treated this way? And act in accordance with the received answer.

    Friendship is not just an emotional attachment; it is a close relationship based on trust and sincerity. I believe that a true friend will not deceive you under any circumstances. He will find the strength to tell the truth, even if it is not easy for him to do it. I can confirm my point of view with specific examples.

    The subject of the essay is friendship

    There are not many things in the world that are eternal. After all, gold, precious jewelry, exquisite clothing, expensive cars and houses - all these are false, temporary values. Over time, they depreciate, break down, deteriorate, and cease to be fashionable. But among the eternal, true values, three things can be named. It's faith, love and friendship. « A true friend is the greatest treasure», « a faithful friend is known in trouble"- how often we hear these proverbs, but how rarely do we think about their real meaning.

    It's very hard to find in today's time true friend... Yes, each of us has many friends whom I call fly-by-night butterflies. They are ready to go with you to a movie or cafe, help spend money in fashion boutiques, laugh at a joke. But these friends will never support you in difficult times. Why would they friend who needs to be helped, who needs to be comforted by wasting their time? They better go with others who are lucky friends to the cinema. And losers don't interest them.

    And here a true friend will never leave you in trouble. No matter what happens, no matter what trouble knocks on your door, a friend will always be there, always ready to help, support, console. He is ready to sacrifice his time, money and even his life for you. This is the real friendship which is an eternal and dear thing in life. And therefore it, as a very valuable thing, must be cherished and cherished.

    Essay on the topic of Friendship | March 2015

    The subject of the essay is What is friendship? 9-11 grade

    Every person needs a friend - a person who is close to you in spirit, someone with whom it is interesting to spend time. A friend is that person who will support you both in sorrow and in joy, who will always try to help with advice and deed.

    But do all of us know how to be friends? And generally speaking - what is real friendship? It so happens that two people constantly communicate, spend a lot of time together, but some of them have trouble or joy, and a strong friendship is gone.

    Such people are usually said to have failed the test. Some of them were scared of the other’s troubles, did not want to interfere, worry ... And it happens even worse - one friend began to envy the other: his successes, joys, victories ... It is not for nothing that they say that true friendship is tested not so much by misfortune as by joy.

    So what is it in my opinion real friendship? I think it should be tested over the years. When people have been friends for many years, they have gone through a lot together and passed the "test of strength". A real friend, I think, wishes you only good, tries in every possible way to help, to make your life better. This does not mean that he always says only pleasant things to you, not at all! On the contrary, a real friend can say, one of the few, the whole truth to your face, open your eyes to something, show you where you were wrong. After all, it is very important to stop in time or direct in the right direction, to help understand your mistakes.

    Of course, friendship is a two-way concept. Two people should equally value their relationship, protect it, try to preserve it. And then, in my opinion, friendship will be truly strong and durable.

    Composition What is friendship for 9, 10, 11 grades | March 2015

    The subject of the essay is Real friendship 6-8 grade

    If true friendship was not, then pogrom and war reigned all over the world ... But true friendship is a rare phenomenon at the present time. You can seem like the best friend, but not be. True friendship is, first of all, the confidence that the person whom you consider your friend will not leave or betray in difficult times, will keep in secret what you told him. This is the most important thing in real friendship for me! A true friend will never advise anything bad, and will try to do everything to make you feel better.

    Yes, there is always someone on earth to call real friend... Throughout your life, you together will overcome difficult obstacles on your way, you will do everything together. A true friend is forever, no matter what happens! Even if fate separates you, pleasant memories of this person will remain in your heart!

    There are two people in my life so far that I can proudly name real friends are ____ and _____. Whatever happens, they always helped me in difficult times, gave me good advice. I am truly grateful to them for being on earth! I will always remember that there were such girls!

    Composition True friendship for grades 6, 7, 8 | March 2015

    Essay about Friendship 8-11 grade

    What is friendship? Each person understands its meaning in life in his own way: for some it is understanding, for others it is an opportunity to spend their free time in an exciting and unforgettable manner. For me, friendship is, first of all, a feeling of support from a loved one and a firm belief that he will come to the rescue in difficult times. A true friend does not know how to envy, offend or hurt: social status is not important to him, he is close to you in spirit and understands perfectly.

    It is not necessary that a true friend agreed with your every point of view: it is much more valuable for him to support you, even if he does not agree with your outlook on life. A true friend can criticize, but he never lies out of flattery and deliberately does not humiliate. The secrets that you share with a friend remain only between the two of you, and this is appreciated and the sincerity of a person's true attitude towards you is checked.

    friendship is not subject to time, and emotions in communication with a friend do not change: even many years later, people have common topics for conversation, trembling memories and common values ​​in life. A friend is able to forgive you not only minor oversights, but also serious mistakes and will never reproach you with perfect mistakes. A true friend is the person with whom you will never get bored and who will not let you get bored.

    And in joy and sorrow, only a devoted and faithful friend should be with us. But is it possible in the modern world, full of temptations and temptations, to truly experience true friendship?

    In my opinion, friendship is the only feeling that pretense is not subject to: it does not tolerate lies and masks. With a real friend, a person does not need to hide his character traits, possible shortcomings and impersonate someone who in fact is not.

    It seems to me that our generation misunderstands the truth of true friendship. Many of my peers call friends people whom they have known for a short time, whom they still cannot trust, but they are already calling them almost brothers and sisters. Friendship is tested not only by years, but also by the tests that a person meets throughout his life.

    The basic principle of friendship is loyalty. Trust only strengthens friendship, and the confidence that a person will not betray you will support you - proof of true friendship.

    It is important to understand that a friend is not an ideal person: he can make mistakes and ridiculous things. The main thing is that a friend knows how not only to forgive, but also not to conceal evil.

    Essay about friendship for grades 8-11 | March 2015

    Mini-essay on the topic friendship

    Option 1. (5-7 grade) Is it possible to live without friendship? No, without friendship, our life would not be complete. But only if we mean real friendship, and not one that is built on selfish communication. True friendship is loyalty, mutual sympathy, common interests. It is not for nothing that there is a proverb "A friend is known in trouble" Friendship is when he is ready to come to the rescue at any time, to share troubles and sorrows with his comrade. A friend will never slander behind your back. A true friend will be able to say "no" and will always be on your side. Isn't this real friendship? True friendship knows no distance and will always stand the test of time.

    Option 2. (6-8 grade) What is friendship? It's a joy! Great joy from communication! The joy that there is a person close to you who will help you with advice, will always listen and will certainly support you in everything. Only he can be completely trusted. Only from him you can listen to criticism in your address without offense. True friendship, like true love, is a rare phenomenon. But if it does exist, then it is necessary to take care of it like the apple of an eye. After all, by losing a friend, we are losing a part of ourselves. And you must always remember that it is easy to lose it, but it is insanely difficult to find it. And the older we get, the harder it gets. I have a friend! So I am a happy person. So I'm not alone. And he too. And together - the sea is knee-deep, together we will solve any problems, and we will not be afraid of any difficulties and hardships. After all, we friends!

    Option 3. (5-9 grade) What is friendship? Friendship is, first of all, helping a close friend, mutual understanding. A person cannot live without friendship. After all, he needs to communicate, develop. With friends, all things go quickly, because you can talk to them, ask for help. Someone has friends, this is a classmate or classmate, someone has a neighbor from the yard. And for me friends this my ! I am very interested with them, and they always help me. Friendship is different. Someone has been friends since childhood, someone met at school. But there is no difference what kind of friendship and with whom you are friends, because we are one whole, we are a family, and should be together. There is no such person on Earth who does not have a best friend. And I'm sure friendship is in second place after parents. Make friends with friends, be kind to them and you will be happy!

    mini essay about friendship for grades 5-9 | March 2015

    Essay about Friendship

    Each of us knows - how difficult it is for a person alone, so we are looking for friendship. Most often, we subconsciously try to make friends with people of a cheerful disposition, witty, kind, sympathetic. Over time, we endow these qualities with those whom we consider friends. But life is not always carefree, it happens that you need help. So who should you turn to if not your friends. And that's when it turns out who is real friend, and who so, familiar to spend leisure time together. Is it possible to understand in advance who will be your real friend? Possibly, but it's not easy. But, in my opinion, there are a few traits that a friendship must have.

    First, they say friendship it happens between equals, but between a slave and a master it does not exist.

    Secondly, friendship happens between good people. Indeed, good people are incapable of evil deeds. No wonder there is a saying; tell me who your friend is and I will tell who you are.

    Apparently, this topic is really relevant if there are so many thoughts. about friendship... So in the literature, this topic turns out to be one of the leading. Panas Mirny wrote about the friendship between Grigory and Chipka in his novel "Do the oxen howl when the nursery is full?" They knew each other since childhood, but until Chipka became rich, they were just friends. When Chipka gained weight in society and he got money, Gregory became a close friend to him. He also invited Chipka to his godfather, hoping for rich gifts from him. But whether he was a real friend, the reader will see later. When the rebel Chipka was beaten by the soldiers and he called for help, his so-called friend Gregory simply hid behind the fence so that it would not touch him. And he did not feel sorry for Chipka at all, as well as for anyone in general, except for himself.

    It turns out, the truth is they say that he creates friends, and misfortune tests them. In life, a person always finds like-minded people, people who are close in spirit and way of life. Indeed, there are so many people around, but only a few friends. What do we strive for in relationships with other people? Sincerity, warmth, indifference. Why would another person care so much about you? Because friendship is a mutual concept, unlike love. If you want to be taken care of, be ready to take care of your friend in the same way. It turns out that a necessary condition for friendship is not to be selfish. To understand this in time is to deprive yourself of disappointment, self-criticism. How often do you hear from some that they say they have no friends, they are lonely ... Most often this is true, but has anyone ever wondered why this is so? It seems that we are forgetting that we must be ready to give, and not just take.

    friendship- this is a feeling of sincere desire to give warmth and hope. If only I could find among many people the same sincere friend who would think the same way. And check - it's not easy. There are many examples of sincere friendship in the literature. The images of Niza and Evrial from the poem by I. Kotlyarevsky "Aeneid" became a symbol of friendship, because these people were ready to sacrifice their lives for the sake of a friend. No less noble were the relations of the heroin of P. Kulish's novel "Black Rada", and from it we learned how the Cossacks knew how to be friends, and how mutual assistance united them both in battle and in life. Therefore, Kirill Tur called his friend Chornogor a brother. In relations with other Cossacks, Kirill Tur was guided by custom and did as his noble heart suggested to him.

    Essay on the topic of Friendship | February 2015

    Did not you find what you were looking for? here's another

    Friendship or friendly relations between people show how dear and interesting they are to each other, how sincerely they trust each other. Indicators of true friendship are such characteristics as mutual respect, commitment, tolerance and reasonable criticism, the ability to admit their mistakes.

    Friendship is more than pleasant communication in a circle of familiar people!

    Real friends know each other very well and are able to understand each other without unnecessary words, at the level of intonation, facial expressions or subtle movements. And some friends who have a long history of communication and friendship, not only understand each other easily, but can also predict the further reactions of their friend, read, to some extent, his thoughts.

    A true friend is not indifferent to you and your emotions, tries to support in difficult times and share a joyful or successful event with you. If necessary, true friends are ready to sacrifice their interests for the sake of the well-being of their friends.

    Equality, loyalty, the ability to accept each other for who you are, the willingness to help and respect - all this makes a true friendship really strong. Violation of any norm can destroy friendships. What is acceptable in a love relationship is not accepted among true friends.

    The meaning of friendship lies in the fact that each of us can rely on our friend in any situation, and this friend will provide disinterested help.

    As a rule, friendships bind people of the same sex, and whether friendship between a man and a woman is possible is still a matter of controversy.

    Often people understand what friendship is, they would like to have a true friend, but are not able to fully demonstrate the qualities necessary for friends. Therefore, sometimes people lose potential friends, but over time, the difference between a good friend and just an acquaintance becomes clear.

    And even if in friendly relations someone always gives and helps more, the feeling of friendship should be mutual. Sometimes the simple realization that a friend will support you in any situation can be empowering.

    A true friend is a friend for all occasions!

    If you feel someone as yourself and you can talk on any topic without hesitation and falsehood, then you have a real friend in front of you and you need to protect such a relationship from resentment, envy and other unpleasant emotions.

    When choosing a friend, we are looking for someone we can rely on. Therefore, it is not so important here what moral or external qualities your friend has. You may have comments about his appearance or laziness, but when the time comes, it is this person who will do for you that no one else can. Therefore, real friendship will not be destroyed by time or distance.

    It is believed that there is no female friendship, and if there is, it is only for profit. Be that as it may, any person, be it a woman or a man, deserves to have a true friend. However, friendship is not as easy as it might seem from the outside, so many do not pass the test of friendship.

    It is not an easy task to accept another person with all his shortcomings and advantages, to love and respect each other. But, if you show these qualities in relation to your environment, then you have every chance to have a strong friendship, the importance of which can hardly be overestimated in the modern world.