What is Lanolin Anhydrous. Lanolin, what is it, instructions, price, application. Disadvantages of natural wax

Recently, care products made from natural substances have become increasingly popular. It is believed that such products have a milder effect on the human body and contribute to its renewal. In addition, when choosing a remedy, the emphasis is on the allergic factor, substances of chemical origin are more likely to cause an allergic reaction than natural products.

Lanolin soap is considered one of these natural products. This product is made on the basis of lanolin, a substance of animal origin, which is actively used in industry. What is the uniqueness and versatility of lanolin soap?

What is lanolin?

Lanolin is considered to be the oldest cosmetic product. Our ancestors knew how to extract and use it several centuries ago. Today this process has been simplified, and modern women have the opportunity to use a ready-made product.

Lanolin is an animal fat obtained from the wool of sheep. In composition, this substance is similar to the fat that is produced on human skin, however, it additionally contains a mass of esters that are difficult to find in other sources. It is these oils that make lanolin so beneficial.

Today lanolin is obtained by chemical treatment of wool. The range of use of this product is very wide:

  • Cosmetology and Dermatology;
  • Pharmacology;
  • Light industry.

Finding products that contain lanolin is very easy today. Creams, masks, protective lotions, and, of course, soap are made from it. However, you need to be careful when choosing, and pay attention to the general composition.

What is Lanolin Soap made of?

Lanolin soap is excellent value for money. For a fairly low price, you can buy the necessary body care product and more. When choosing a soap, you need to pay attention to the composition, additional components must also be of natural origin. Typically, lanolin soap contains:

  • Base (a standard set of components that provide the basic functions of soap, about 60%);
  • Lanolin (usually, soap should contain 18-20% lanolin);
  • Additional essential oils:, olive, corn, sunflower;
  • Silk proteins, chilled sulfur.

It is very important that no preservatives, flavors or dyes are noticed among the components. These chemicals can cause allergies and negatively affect the skin.

Lanolin soaps are easy to find both in cosmetic stores and pharmacies, but it is better to choose proven options or follow the recommendation of the seller.

What is lanolin soap used for?

The spectrum of use of lanolin soap is very wide, due to its properties:

  • For and body;
  • For intimate hygiene;
  • For bathing children;
  • For washing children's clothes.

Lanolin soap has a lot of useful properties, the main of which is the ability to retain moisture in the epidermis of the skin and, thus, promote its renewal.

Lanolin soap can also be used to cleanse wound marks, it has a wound healing and regenerating effect.

Daily use of lanolin soap for washing your face gently cares for and rejuvenates your face. It is able to smooth out fine wrinkles, thanks to the internal nourishment of the skin and the restoration of the salt balance in it. Cosmetologists recommend using this soap in combination with other products that contain lanolin. For example, a protective face cream, make-up remover, tonic and others.

Lanolin soap is also used. As you know, the female genital organs have a special microflora and it is very important to choose a remedy that will be gentle on the skin. Therefore, gynecologists recommend in such cases to use soap in a liquid consistency, it usually contains a lower concentration of active substances and is able to ensure a normal balance of bacteria.

For bathing children, parents choose products with a gentle effect on the skin. This is why lanolin soap is perfect for this procedure. It nourishes baby skin, preserves its natural silkiness and protects it from external factors.

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite a number of advantages, lanolin soap also has a number of disadvantages:

  • The protective layer that forms after the application of soap is not able to persist for a long time, with the thermal effect of cold or sun it collapses and the skin becomes defenseless, therefore, in such cases it is necessary to use additional protective equipment;
  • The possibility of an allergic reaction to lanolin, the percentage is very low, no more than 1%, the reaction is usually observed in people prone to allergies or with chronic skin diseases, such women are advised to consult a dermatologist or allergist before use, or take a test;
  • Too frequent use of soap can lead to enlargement of pores and appearance on the face, it is easy to eliminate, just reduce the frequency of use of the product.

These are all possible disadvantages of lanolin soap, which are negligible compared to its benefits.

The advantages of such a tool include:

  • A wide range of soap uses;
  • Suitable for sensitive skin and even for newborns;
  • Efficiency in 90% of use cases;
  • Availability and low price.

In general, lanolin soap is a very useful thing in every home. It can be applied both permanently and on demand, for example, in the fall, when the skin becomes abnormally dry. Finding such a tool is very easy at an affordable price. But in order to avoid unpleasant moments, it is better to carefully study the composition and make a simple test before use. Then using soap will only bring a pose, beautiful and healthy skin.

Lanolin is a wax that is of animal origin. It is extracted from the fat of sheep's wool by subjecting it to a special treatment using aggressive alkali or other substances. Unrefined lanolin has a high density and a pungent odor. This product was used by the ancient Greeks and Romans. But it contained dirt, harmful impurities and had little in common with modern wax, which can be purchased in pharmacies or specialty stores.

There are 3 ways to get lanolin:

  • acid;
  • extraction;
  • lime.

This separation is based on the use of certain reagents for extraction. But the production scheme is the same in all cases. Sheep wool is boiled down and then driven through separators, treated with chemicals. Crude lanolin is subjected to cleaning, bleaching, disinfection. The finished product can be used in many areas of life. In medicine, it began to be used in 1882. Back in the 19th century, scientists discovered that lanolin ointments work faster than petroleum jelly or paraffin-based products.

Several varieties of lanolin are available from modern manufacturers. Its cost depends on the production technology, the degree of processing. The most expensive is pharmaceutical lanolin. The wax can be light yellow to dark brown. Its smell cannot be called pleasant. It is specific. The melting point of lanolin is 36-42 ° C.

The following varieties of lanolin are distinguished:

  • anhydrous (does not contain water, but has a more complex composition);
  • hydrated;
  • acetylated (obtained by anhydride treatment);
  • hydrogenated;
  • oxyethylated.

In cosmetology and medicine, anhydrous lanolin is most often used. It contains fewer impurities, does not contain water and has a denser consistency.

In the 60s of the last century, the dangers of lanolin were announced. But the studies carried out did not confirm this information. Lanolin may contain harmful impurities if certain substances are used to treat cow hair. But at present, such potent substances are not used.

The product differs from other animal waxes by its high content of sterols, including cholesterol. Lanolin also contains:

  • ergosterol (has antifungal properties);
  • stearic acid, palmitic acid (have binding properties, give the wax density);
  • montanic, cerotinic acids (impart viscous properties to the product);
  • cetyl, ceryl, carnauba alcohols (have a beneficial effect on the skin, have antiseptic properties).

Lanolin is 96% neutral esters, 3% free fatty alcohols, 1% free fatty acids, hydrocarbons. The composition of lanolin depends on the breed of sheep, the properties of natural raw materials and the method of obtaining wax.

Good fat should contain at least 50% of the unsaponifiable fraction and the cholesterol content in it should not be lower than 30%.

Lanolin properties

The properties of lanolin are compared by physical experts to the properties of human sebum. The substance has excellent emulsifying properties. Lanolin holds twice its own weight in water. Wax mixes well with alcohols and is an excellent emulsifier.

The benefits of lanolin

Lanolin is very useful for human skin and is part of effective creams and ointments. Emulsions, creams with the addition of lanolin have the following properties:

  • moisturize the epidermis and deeper layers of the skin;
  • restore damaged hair, nails;
  • soften the skin, eliminate wrinkles;
  • eliminate traces of acne.

When lanolin is distributed over the surface of the skin, it forms a protective film on it, due to which moisture does not evaporate, the deep layers of the dermis remain moisturized. Wax makes the skin less permeable for moisture to evaporate from its deeper layers. It also slightly promotes the absorption of water molecules from the environment, therefore, creams with lanolin are recommended to be used in rooms with high humidity.

Lanolin penetrates very easily into the skin and provides the delivery of other nutrients, moisturizers. Natural fat of animal origin increases the viscosity of cosmetic creams and improves their texture.

Lanolin use

Lanolin is widely used in cosmetology. This substance is found in creams for dry, irritated and mature skin. It is on the list of ingredients in expensive lifting products. Lanolin smoothes the skin, visually evens out its relief.

Natural fat is added to hair care products. Hair after such care becomes soft, manageable and shiny, but this addition makes them slightly heavier.

Refined lanolin can be purchased over the counter and used to make cosmetics at home. It is added to ready-made cosmetic creams of industrial production for use in the winter season, when the skin is chapped and needs more careful care. Lanolin is used in hygienic and decorative lipsticks to improve adhesion to the skin. Decorative cosmetics containing lanolin are characterized by increased durability.

Refined lanolin and special creams based on it are used for breast care during lactation. Animal fat does not cause allergies and effectively removes cracked nipples. It is safe even for babies.

In medicine, lanolin is used as a basis for the creation of wound-healing ointments, medicinal patches. The substance is added to hydrophilic ointments. Fat of animal origin is actively used in other areas of industry. It is added to some lubricants and products designed to protect footwear, clothing, fabrics from dirt and water. The substance is added as a superfatty additive to soap and other household chemicals. It softens the aggressive action of some chemical components.

Contraindications for use

Lanolin is recommended to be used with caution as a cosmetic product with high skin sensitivity and a tendency to allergic reactions. Despite the fact that the product in the overwhelming majority of cases does not cause allergies, sometimes one has to deal with individual intolerance. If there is any doubt about how suitable a given substance will be, you can apply a small amount to the back of your elbow and evaluate the result after 10 minutes. In the absence of redness on the skin, you can safely use the substance in pure form or as part of a cream.

Lanolin is a gummy product. It tends to clog the pores, thereby provoking the appearance of "blackheads". If the skin of the face is oily, problematic, it is better to refuse cosmetic preparations with the addition of lanolin. Cosmetologists advise against getting carried away with creams with animal fat, as their frequent use not only clogs pores, but also disrupts skin respiration. For this reason, the complexion may become dull.

Lanolin is for external use only. Ingesting it inside can cause side effects and even poisoning.

Cosmetics and food products containing natural ingredients are especially appreciated today. Recently, a substance called lanolin can be found in the list of ingredients on the labels of shampoos and other products. It is especially in demand among women. It is used both in medicine and for the care of woolen products.

What is lanolin ─ description and properties

Lanolin is nothing more than animal wax, which is obtained by certain processing of sheep's wool. In composition, it is close to sebum and belongs to fat-containing substances. It has been used unrefined since antiquity. True, the benefits of such a product were highly questionable. Today, special technologies are used to clean natural wax, which allow you to remove dirt and harmful impurities from it. Modern women are in awe of the beneficial properties of pure lanolin.

It is produced by boiling wool. Thanks to different approaches, several types of this unique substance are obtained. Each of them is suitable for a specific purpose.

In appearance, animal wax is a thick, viscous mass of yellow or brownish color. Its smell is not particularly pleasant. Lanolin contains many sterols, including cholesterol, which largely determines its beneficial properties. The substance is perfectly absorbed and has a softening effect on the skin. It is characterized by a low melting point - about 35-40 ° C. Anhydrous lanolin has a more complex composition: its structure contains esters, free alcohols and fatty acids.

It will be useful to know that the healing properties of wool are largely due to natural lanolin. In addition to the most popular sheep, a camel analog can be distinguished. The antiseptic properties of camel wool products have been known for at least a couple of centuries. It is not for nothing that camel wool blankets are wildly popular among the people.

Where lanolin is used:

  • in the cosmetology field;
  • in the medical industry;
  • when caring for woolen things;
  • in the food industry and trade.

The use of lanolin in cosmetology

Due to its ability to retain moisture and penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, the product is very popular in the cosmetics industry. It is used in the creation of emollients, moisturizers and protective agents. Lanolin cream smoothes, removes blemishes and tightens cracks. The presence of fats in the structure of the substance allows it to be used to protect the skin from the effects of wind, sun and frost.

Sheep lanolin is found in most lipsticks and anti-aging cosmetics. Many women prepare caring products from it at home. Lanolin foot cream is good against fatigue: it relieves pain and soothes irritated skin. At the same time, it has the ability to absorb well and not leave marks on clothes.

Lanolin caring cosmetics for babies are receiving excellent reviews. Natural origin allows the ingredient to be incorporated into baby products from an early age. The wax forms an effective barrier against external influences (protective function) and eliminates flaking and redness (healing function). Lanolin soap solves two tasks at once: cleans and cares. It does not dry the skin and can be used not only for hands, but also for the face and body.

Lanolin for hair

Lanolin shampoo is especially popular. These products give the hair a healthy shine and saturate it with strength. In addition to detergents, lanolin is added to masks and conditioners to add volume and moisture to the curls. It gently lubricates the hairs, making them soft, smooth and vibrant.

Lanolin in medicine

Medical cosmetics for young mothers are the main pharmaceutical direction, for which the component is produced in large quantities. Lanolin Nipple Cream has been used successfully to heal cracks during breastfeeding. The tool quickly removes minor damage and prevents the appearance of new ones. It is not required to wash it off before feeding the baby: the ingredient is completely safe for the baby.

Healing gels with lanolin promote wound healing, have anti-inflammatory and cooling effects. They also include a natural ingredient in medicines for the eyes. Lanolin ointment accelerates healing and has a beneficial effect on the skin of the eyelids. Natural wax is used as a base for the production of plasters and impregnation of aseptic dressings.

Lanolin for grooming

It is especially worth mentioning the use of the substance for working with natural fabrics and yarns. Housewives and needlewomen speak well of detergents with lanolin. Thin knits made of woolen yarn are very capricious and demanding to care for. They are recommended to be washed with the addition of shampoos, rinses and softeners. This approach to cleaning allows you to preserve the natural velvety and give the products the intended shape, but it takes a lot of effort and time.

Using lanolin to wash wool makes the task easier. You can include it in the washing base with your own hands or purchase a ready-made product. Many manufacturers include lanolin in soaps and liquid powders. Such products combine all the necessary functions: cleanses, softens and protects the yarn. The result is neat, fluffy pieces that wear well and last a long time.

For gentle cleaning and care of products made from open wool, the most effective will be the use of a special shampoo. Together with cleaning from dirt, lanolin in its composition restores woolen fabric to its original appearance. It should be noted that regular washing of exposed wool significantly extends the product's service life and comfort from use. This applies to both small things, such as scarves, hats, slippers, and rather bulky ones: blankets, jackets and vests made of wool.

The substance is also included in pet shampoos. Representatives of the feline and canine families will be grateful to the owners for the presence of lanolin in caring compositions for washing wool. They provide easy combing, gently remove dirt and give softness to even the most shaggy animals. The effect of lanolin on the "fur coat" of animals is similar to the effect of shampoo for human hair.

Refined Lanolin in Food and Other Products

The use of animal wax is not limited to cosmetic and household needs. It has also found applications in the food industry. It is used for glazing confectionery and as an antiflaming agent. In the first case, lanolin gives the product a gloss and smoothness, in the second it helps to achieve uniformity in the cooking process.

The shiny fruits and vegetables in the store are also credited to the valuable ingredient. Due to the fact that steroid derivatives are included in lanolin, it is able to form a glossy shell. That is why apples and peaches look so impressive on the shelves and force the buyer to buy them as soon as possible.

In addition to the listed options, you can find the well-known component in other industries. The ability to create a water-repellent film was happily adopted by the manufacturers of clothing and footwear: lanolin is always present in tubes of caring and protective products. Builders regularly encounter it in their work: sheep wax is part of concrete. Lubricants for all applications also include this product.

Disadvantages of natural wax

Due to its wide distribution, it seems that it has no "minuses". But it is not so. Due to its natural composition, this product has almost no negative characteristics, but in some cases it can cause allergic reactions. To eliminate them, it is best to use diluted liquid lanolin rather than thick lanolin. Before applying to the skin, it is necessary to check the body for allergies, namely, rub a couple of drops of the drug in the wrist area and look for the presence or absence of a reaction.

Lanolin video:

Lanolin is an animal, wool wax that is obtained from the washing process of sheep wool. Lanolin is a refined substance that resembles fat in texture and is secreted by the skin glands of sheep.

Lanolin properties

The most significant advantage of lanolin is its moisturizing properties: lanolin acts as a natural lubricant, similar in composition to the secretion of the sebaceous glands, moisturizing and softening the skin.

A distinctive feature of lanolin is the ability to effectively retain moisture: lanolin is able to retain a volume of moisture twice its own weight. Penetrating into the deepest layers of the skin, lanolin becomes not only a source of moisture necessary for skin health, but also a means that prevents skin moisture loss.

It is due to these properties of lanolin that cosmetics, which include this ingredient, effectively soften the skin and increase its elasticity and firmness.

In the mass production of cosmetics, lanolin is used primarily to create emulsions - being a universal ingredient, lanolin mixes well with almost any other cosmetic ingredients.

Lanolin masks

Toning mask

Mask for aging skin of the face of honey and grapefruit with lanolin: mix a teaspoon of lanolin with a tablespoon of boiled water. While the lanolin is absorbing the water, squeeze out the grapefruit juice. Then, combine a teaspoon of honey, lanolin, and three tablespoons of juice. Stir well or beat with a mixer. Apply the mask to your face for a quarter of an hour. Remove with a piece of cotton wool dipped in warm water or milk. Then rinse your face with water at room temperature.

Lanolin mask recipe for dry skin

This mask will help lighten the skin a little and make freckles and other age spots less visible:

Take 1 teaspoon of anhydrous lanolin, add 2 tablespoons of pure water to it, and leave until the lanolin has completely absorbed the water. At this time, grate a fresh cucumber, then thoroughly grind 1 tablespoon of grated cucumber mass with lanolin already absorbed in water. Apply the resulting mask to your face for 15 minutes. Then it is advisable to remove it with a cotton swab dipped in cucumber juice or milk.

It is unnecessary to wash afterwards.

Recipe for a nourishing, toning and refreshing lanolin mask for dry and aging skin

Add 1 tablespoon of water to 1 teaspoon of lanolin. After the lanolin has absorbed the water, add 1 teaspoon of oatmeal and 3-4 tablespoons of juice squeezed from fruits and berries such as cherries, black currants, gooseberries, lingonberries, apricot, melon, apple and grapefruit ... Rub everything thoroughly and apply on face for 15-20 minutes, then wash with lukewarm water.

If suddenly cooked lanolin masks turn out to be very viscous, then first melt lanolin in a water bath, and then add water and other components to it. As you add everything, remove from the bath, and start whipping the composition with a mixer, or rub thoroughly

Lanolin ointment with quince for wrinkles

  • a teaspoon of lanolin and honey
  • raw chicken egg yolk
  • 2 spoons of water
  • a tablespoon of quince pulp
  • a tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil

To prepare the ointment, melt lanolin and honey, and stir, now pour in water and oil and achieve uniformity of the product. When the cream is almost ready, add the quince pulp and immediately remove from heat. If you have a small mixer, you can try whipping the cream with it, if not, stir the product a few more times with a fork. The cream is suitable for daily use to prevent, treat wrinkles and nourish the skin

Lanolin hair mask at home

Oftentimes, store-bought hair care products are not cheap. In particular, you can pay a very tidy sum for a small bottle of hair mask. Therefore, it will be most convenient to make a medical hair mask at home.

In order to prepare a mask, mix burdock and castor oil in equal proportions, add a teaspoon of glycerin to this mixture, which can be found in absolutely any pharmacy, and put two teaspoons of lanolin in your mask.

Apply the mask you have obtained to the hair along the entire length and leave it alone for an hour. After that, just rinse off the mask and towel dry your hair. The effect of this mask comes after the first procedures and lasts for quite a long time.

However, when using lanolin, remember that it is similar in composition to sebum and, in addition to positive results, can also give negative results. Lanolin can clog the pores of the scalp and disrupt the skin's normal oxygen supply. Don't rub it into your scalp and you will be fine.

The use of anhydrous lanolin in children's cosmetics

Anhydrous lanolin is one of the main components of Ekobiopharm LLC children's cosmetics, which offers a new series of Magic Herbs cosmetics for children, for example, it is part of a baby cream with D-panthenol, moisturizing with complexes of extracts.

Means based on anhydrous lanolin, designed for baby skin care under a diaper in order to prevent dry skin; prevent cracks on the nipples of nursing mothers during active breastfeeding.

It is used in medicine for the manufacture of ointments, in cosmetology for the manufacture of creams, shampoos, lipstick, and is widely used in children's cosmetics.

Contraindications: conditional and relative

Lanolin is comedogenic - when used alone, it can clog pores. Due to the "dirty" animal origin, it carries an allergenic potential. According to statistics, lanolin allergy occurs in 0.5% of cases, most often in women with various allergic skin diseases. It is believed that acetylated lanolin is not as dangerous in this regard and can even be used by those who have hypersensitive reactions to anhydrous lanolin. But in any case, since lanolin is still a product of animal origin, if you have in the past cases of allergies or with too hypersensitive skin, a tendency to atony, a patch test will clearly not be superfluous.

Lanolin is a wonderful remedy. It is stored for a long time and can also act as a preservative. But most important of all is its close relationship with our sebum and the ability to be perfectly absorbed, dragging other components of cosmetics along with it.

In the modern world, many people know what lanolin is, because this substance has many useful properties. It is a viscous substance of animal origin, which consists of many different components. The finished product is actively used in pharmacology, cosmetology and even industry. Today it enjoys particular popularity and respect.

The article will tell you what lanolin is, what its varieties exist and what it is needed for. This substance is quite often present in cosmetics, the action of which is aimed at improving the skin and hair. It is for this reason that everyone should understand what lanolin is and how to use it.


Experts distinguish several varieties of lanolin:

  1. Acetylated. This type is obtained by anhydrite treatment. It differs from the rest by not too strong cohesion (stickiness) and the absence of a specific aroma. Due to this, the acetylated substance is most often used in emulsion bases.
  2. Polyoxyethylene. This species is created by the addition of ethylene oxide. It is soluble in water and diluted alcohol. The substance is capable of forming oil-water emulsions and rather soft creamy bases.
  3. Hydrogenated. Such lanolin is obtained by specialists using a hydrogenation technique. It has a fairly dense consistency, does not have a strong stickiness and unpleasant odor, and also has a good emulsifying ability.

Now it is clear what lanolin is. In ancient times, it had a repulsive odor and, according to Dioscorides, was obtained by washing the wool of sheep. Then it was used as a valuable cosmetic ointment.


Lanolin has received only positive reviews, as it has incredible properties. All of them distinguish this substance from other substances developed using modern technologies.

The main properties of lanolin are as follows:

  • fast dissolution in ether, acetone, chloroform;
  • does not dissolve in the aquatic environment;
  • able to form a stable water / oil emulsion;
  • absorbs about 40% alcohol and 150% water;
  • possesses chemical indifference and neutrality;
  • excellent absorption into the skin;
  • resistance to oxygen oxidation.


As noted above, such a wax-like substance of animal origin is obtained by evaporating the wool of sheep. As a result, a mass of a darkish yellow hue is formed. It has a specific odor and a fairly strong viscosity. The substance can be isolated by flotation, acidic, lime-extraction, and also by a simple extraction method.

A high quality product is produced using specially designed separators and further processing with phosphoric acid. It is in this form that lanolin can most often be seen on sale in Russian stores. It comes from South Africa, New Zealand and America. There are also cheaper raw materials supplied directly from China and Taiwan, where they are obtained by the method of extraction with organic solvents.

Having passed the isolation stage, lanolin is thoroughly cleaned. Here, it is freed from unnecessary impurities, whitened, clarified and deodorized. The type of substance directly depends on the level of cleaning. The highest quality is the cosmetic and pharmaceutical substance.


Lanolin for the skin has a rather interesting composition, which has not yet been fully studied to date. This is due to its versatility. Most often it is a mixture of fatty acids and esters of free high molecular weight alcohols. The latter are usually represented by sterols. The fatty acid chain of lanolin has 8-40 carbon atoms.

The chemical composition includes:

  1. Stearic, palmitic and behenic acids. All of them are used in industry to create lubricating products. Also, experts use these acids in soap making and the manufacture of cosmetics.
  2. Montanic, cerotinic and lignoceric acids. These acids are used as bases for ointments and creams. They are part of wax-like substances and pure wax, which is why they are also used in the field of industry.
  3. Lauric, caprylic and myristic acids. Most often they are taken for the manufacture of cosmetic products. They can also be used to create household and household goods.
  4. Ceryl, carnaubyl and cetyl alcohols. Like the previous components, they are used in the creation of cosmetics.

Benefit and harm

According to many tests carried out, the substance has some pretty interesting features. The main one is that the multilamellar structures that are present in lanolin are typical of liquid crystals of human skin. This allows the product to have a beneficial effect:

  • nutrition;
  • moisturizing;
  • protection;
  • mitigation;
  • active delivery of medicines and cosmetics;
  • an increase in the thermal stability of the viscosity of creams.

Together with the benefits, the drug can also cause harm. It is based on the incorrect choice of the dose, as well as the likelihood of allergies. Although it is worth considering that such risks are related only to the pure substance, but not to the means where it contains no more than 20%.

Indications and contraindications

The use of preparations made on the basis of lanolin is recommended for the care of the skin and hair, as well as for the nipples of women who are at the stage of breastfeeding their children. These are all indications for the use of the substance.

Among the contraindications, it is worth noting the presence in the history of a sensitive skin type, a tendency to allergic reactions, as well as skin lesions with eczema. Together with this, it is required to take into account the comedogenic factor. Due to the possibility of deep penetration into the sebaceous glands, the emollient is able to cause mechanical clogging of the ducts, thereby initiating the appearance of comedones.

Use in cosmetology and everyday life

In everyday life, lanolin is a lubricant with excellent anti-corrosion properties. Bed linen with it has a great effect on muscles and joints. It is often used as a re-fatting additive in household chemicals. Lanolin is also used in veterinary practice, where a number of ointments and detergents based on it are presented for animals.

In cosmetology, this substance is very important, as it softens emulsions, helps to smooth the relief, has a lifting effect and reduces transepidermal water evaporation. However, lanolin is found in shampoos and conditioners, creams and balms. Young girls often use it to fix lipstick.

Face ointment: recipe

The pure product is used only by specialists in their experiments. For ordinary people who want to improve the condition of their skin and hair with it, it is recommended to prepare the compositions at home. Below is one of the best recipes, thanks to which you can quickly improve your health and surprise everyone around you with your appearance.

You can use lanolin for the face by preparing an ointment. For her you need to take:

  • 15 g of the main component;
  • 30 ml of almond oil;
  • 50 ml rose water;
  • 15 g beeswax;
  • any essential oil.

Lanolin ointment is quite simple to prepare. The first step is to warm up the main ingredient and the beeswax in a water bath. Then you will need to add rose water and almond oil to this mass, and then beat thoroughly with a whisk. As soon as the composition cools down a little, you can add a couple of drops of ether to it. Immediately after this, the mixture must be whisked for the last time and left to cool completely.

You can use the product every day. It is allowed to be applied to the skin of the face, evenly distributing it, both in the morning and in the evening.

Lanolin cost

You can buy the substance both in real and in online pharmacies. The average cost of one jar (100 g) is only 400 rubles.

Of course, you can find the product in ordinary pharmacies, but it happens there quite rarely. Therefore, in order not to risk it, it is better to immediately order it on the Internet and expect to receive it.

Component based preparations

Before purchasing a substance in a pharmacy, you should consider the funds that are based on it. In some cases, they can be cheaper, and give much more effect, because in cosmetic preparations they do not act on their own, but together with other components.

One of the most popular products is Pure Lanolin Oil. It is intended for pedicure and contains pure animal wax. The product is recommended for use as a reliable protection against windy weather. It is also great for treating chapped skin. The oil has a rather thick consistency that does not allow it to be absorbed to the end. Because of this, many buyers use it as a mask. Regular use of the product results in nourished and soft marigolds that do not have problems.

The second great preparation is a shampoo called "Horse Power". It contains collagen and lanolin, as well as provitamin B5, catone, distilled glycerin, citric acid and many other components. All of them take care of split ends and dull hairs that tend to fall out. The composition penetrates deep into the hairs themselves and from the inside has a healing effect on them. He is able to clean well, polish and condition the hair. This product guarantees professional hair care without the help of a specialist.