What's in your name? Establishing relationship based on appearance

- this is a kind of astral passport of a person from an esoteric point of view. The name is given to a person at birth and, as a rule, remains with him for life. But often people have doubts about the correctness of the name given by their parents. And often their intuition does not let them down.

Religion treats name change rather ambiguously and often discourages doing so. But is such a procedure so dangerous? What is the influence of the name on a person's life? How to choose the right name? Should I change it and when? The answers to the questions can be found in the article material.

The influence of the name on fate.

Scientifically, a name is a person's identification code. From the esoteric, this is a kind of energy code with the help of which the fate of a person is established. By the way, it is not in vain that many representatives of subcultures, for example, the Goths, choose astral ones in addition to their real name. This practice is a kind of protection of the bodily incarnation from the influence of otherworldly forces.

The name can both positively and negatively influence human destiny. It all depends on how a person feels himself under the influence of one or another energy code. For example, there are often cases when changing a name, a person not only changed fate, but even those external indicators of a person that are simply impossible to explain scientifically changed. Therefore, parents should be more sensitive to the choice of a name for a child so that in adulthood he does not have a desire to change it, because this procedure means a parent's mistake, which, alas, not everyone is able to recognize.

How to choose the right name for a person?

When choosing a name for a newborn baby, parents should follow these helpful tips:

When choosing a name for a child, it is worth analyzing the possible offensive nicknames associated with it. The fact is that children at school are often cruel and give a nickname by name, which is assigned to the child for life. Therefore, wise parents should provide for this scenario and choose the name that is least suitable for nicknames;

The name should be infrequent. This advice is due to the fact that the child likes to feel special. So, if there are 5 Masha in the class, then the children will most likely feel somewhat oppressed in such an atmosphere, confusion will often arise;

It is better not to associate names with relatives. You should not name your son after the father, and the child after the mother. This advice is especially relevant to those whose relative has died from an illness. The name can drag negative diseases onto a person through a generation. Also, do not call the child the names of suicides, rapists or serial maniacs;

You should also not give too confused or ridiculous names. For example, you should not call a child Lucifer, just like Jesus. It also makes no sense to give the child the names of the times of the USSR, since at present they will sound at least ridiculous and ridiculous.

When should I change my name?

In life, there are often cases when a person thinks about changing his name. Signs that indicate the correctness of the decision can be very different. These include such as:

Internal imbalance with the chosen name at birth. Of course, the name given to a person from birth was with him until a certain moment. But when hearing his name, a person should feel joy and pride. If in his heart he is embarrassed and thinks, for example: "What kind of Dashulya I am ?!", "Why are you calling me Sasha ?!" then this is a clear sign of the incompatibility of the name with the person. This happens and in this case there is nothing paranormal, you just need to change your name and self-confidence and new perspectives will appear;

When the name has become obsolete. If a person's idea of ​​changing his name has become an obsession, then it is worth changing it. This signal indicates that the name has exhausted its energy resources and only puts pressure on the person on the mental plane. Such pressure is unlikely to benefit the bearer of the name, except for moral fatigue and depression, obsession with this idea;

Parents may react negatively or sarcastically to such "leprosy" of the child. In this case, you should not focus on the opinions of relatives. Such denials indicate only the inexperience of parents in the esoteric aspect of choosing a name. They do not understand that the wrong name given to the child brings him more trouble than good. In fairness, it should be noted that after 18 years of age, a child has the right to change his name without parental consent.

These tips will help mature individuals decide on a name change and a new choice for themselves.

Unknown world
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Man is a very curious creature who wants to know everything and is able to understand a lot. You can look into your past life, if necessary, but at first it would be good to answer the question: "Why?" If just to make sure that the theory of reincarnation is based on real facts, then it is enough to collect evidence already existing in the world for the reincarnation of the human essence.

If the thought of the imminent death of the body does not give rest, and the mind is not able to reconcile and accept the meaninglessness of life, then it will be natural to strive to look back into the past in order to have an idea of ​​the future. If the trials and problems of real life are so unbearable and painful that there is no logical explanation for them, the desire to look for a solution to the problem in the events of the previous incarnation is the only chance, perhaps, to get the right answers.

The reasons can be different for everyone. It is no accident that at birth the curtain falls on consciousness in order to enable a person to live his current life by touch, receiving only hints and tips, not relying on previously acquired experience.

Let's say debtors meet, but they don't remember who, to whom, what and how much. The easiest way is to pick up the old records, but they are hidden on purpose so that during the calculation the old debt is repaid and a new one is created, which will need to be worked out in the next incarnation. These are the rules of the Game, from which we have no right to leave until we graduate from the school called life. Having passed the final exams, together with the certificate of maturity, we will receive the keys to all previously closed doors, and to the chain of life cycles too.

It is elementary to get a general idea of ​​your past lives if you look closely at your current incarnation. Starting from the fact that we return to Earth in time to the point from which we left - the date of the next birth coincides with the date of the previous death. The level of spiritual development achieved by us is laid in the foundation of the next incarnation, which continues further from the state at which the counter stopped. The people we meet now are familiar to us from a past life: those who love give thanks for love, and the rest are waiting for love, because this is the main "currency" when settling all accounts.

All information about past lives is stored intact in our subconscious. From there it can be raised into our consciousness by traditional methods of regression with the use of hypnosis, meditative practices, ancient mystical rituals. In an absolutely safe, natural way, you can penetrate into the subconscious during sleep, having previously set yourself the task: to look at scenes from past lives in dreams.

Information from previous lives can be read from the subtle bodies of a person, if consciousness penetrates to their level. For example, making a conscious exit from the body, there is an opportunity to meet with the energetic essences of their own previous incarnations, who are in the astral world. It should be borne in mind that the category of time is significantly different in other worlds from our usual linear flow of time. Therefore, there is no such thing as past lives in another reality. There is no need to be surprised and scared when meeting with yourself, living in a parallel reality, and not in a past life.

To get information from the mental world, the best way is meditative practice using breathing exercises. On inhalation, you need to approach your consciousness as close as possible to the perception of your higher "I". As you exhale, blurring the boundaries of time and space, go beyond yourself into infinity, realizing the infinity and eternity of your essence.

At the moment of passing through the border between the worlds, you need to visualize the veil, which is most visible precisely on the threshold of the mental world. It must be remembered that this kind of travel is not safe for the psyche, because information or images can shock an unprepared person so much that consciousness cannot maintain its integrity and safely return to the real world. It only makes sense to put yourself at risk if there is a serious enough present and future reason for going back to the past. We wish you success in your search for yourself, and do not forget to click on and

15.01.2014 10:22

Sometimes we come across situations that we have not been able to resolve for many years. Troubled relationships ...

bibliographic description:
Establishment of relationship based on appearance / Zvyagin V.N., Galitskaya O.I., Diordiev V.E. // Mat. VI All-Russian. Congress of forensic physicians. - M.-Tyumen, 2005 .-- P. 104.

html code:
/ Zvyagin V.N., Galitskaya O.I., Diordiev V.E. // Mat. VI All-Russian. Congress of forensic physicians. - M.-Tyumen, 2005 .-- P. 104.

forum embed code:
Establishment of relationship based on appearance / Zvyagin V.N., Galitskaya O.I., Diordiev V.E. // Mat. VI All-Russian. Congress of forensic physicians. - M.-Tyumen, 2005 .-- P. 104.

/ Zvyagin V.N., Galitskaya O.I., Diordiev V.E. // Mat. VI All-Russian. Congress of forensic physicians. - M.-Tyumen, 2005 .-- P. 104.


If the portrait identification of a person is well known enough, then the establishment of kinship based on appearance in the domestic forensic medicine is practically absent.

Literary data on family similarity of appearance signs, as a rule, relate to examinations of controversial paternity or diagnostics of twins. Only work deserves some interest.

It was found that the majority of children have similarities with their parents in 40 - 69% of characteristics. The general percentage of similarity is greater for the son with the mother, and for the daughter with the father and almost does not depend on the age of the children. Those children who bear little resemblance to their fathers or mothers show a striking resemblance to their grandparents. Moreover, a greater number of similar signs (up to 60%) are observed in a son with a maternal grandfather, and in a daughter with a paternal grandmother (up to 58%). The noted pattern (children and grandparents) is also traced in other children.

Belonging to different races of the father and mother, as a rule, facilitates the comparison of a whole complex of signs: the shape of the eyes, the color of the hair, eyes and skin, etc. Intermediate appearance in mestizo usually does not occur earlier than after 2 - 3 generations. The same is observed in the mixing of various local races of Caucasians, which, as it seems to us, took place in the Bering family.

About 1.1 - 1.2% of all births are twins. About 1/3 of twins are identical (OB). Diagnosis of identical pairs is made on the basis of similarity in a number of hereditarily determined characteristics: concordance of the structure and color of the iris, the shape of the nose, mouth, the shape and size of teeth, papillary lines, body size, blood group, etc. OB partners are always of the same sex, sometimes so similar outwardly, which are indistinguishable even for parents.

Fraternal twins (DB) are similar to each other in their hereditary properties no more than ordinary brothers and sisters.

The role of heritability (h2) in the variability of quantitative traits in twins is quite high: body weight - 0.69; body height - 0.88; head length - 0.72; zygomatic width - 0.60; the width of the nose - 0.66; face height - 0.74.

The identification significance of appearance signs in the diagnosis of types of twins is not the same.

The most informative are the signs of the nasal part of the face (the contour of the lower edges of the wings of the nose, the degree of opening of the nasal septum, the contour of the tip of the nose, the profile of the nasal dorsum, the position of the base of the nose, the relative width of the nose), as well as signs of the mouth-chin part (contour of the chin, protrusion of the lips, the degree of chin protrusion, the contour and severity of the filter, the relative thickness of the lips, the contour of the border of the lower lip, the ratio of the width of the border of the lips, the contour of the mouth gap, the contour of the border of the upper lip, the position of the corners of the mouth). The frontal-orbital part of the face is less informative. The signs in descending order are arranged as follows: hair features, the nature of the overhanging of the fixed part of the upper eyelid, the contour of the palpebral fissure, the contour of the eyebrows, the opening of the palpebral fissure, the shape of the face, the direction and position of the eyebrows.

As for the auricles, the most informative is the contour of the free edge of the lobe and the nature of its surface.

It should be noted that the genetic approach in establishing kinship (by the presence of recessive and dominant traits in offspring) is being replaced by a biometric one, within which the entire set of selected traits is investigated integrally.


Skin color, as a hereditary trait, has almost no meaning when examining photographic portraits. Only in some cases can one or another shade of the main skin color be fixed, such as sharply dark skin or sharply white.

Hair (and skin) color in children, with rare exceptions, is never darker than that of one of the parents. For red-haired and blond parents, children are always red or blond, etc. For our purposes, this feature, as we will see below, is of secondary importance (a fickle feature) and we will not dwell on it in detail either.

Hair shape is also of secondary importance. It is only known that curly hair is dominant over straight hair.

The inheritance of the iris has been well studied. Parents with brown eyes may have blue-eyed, brown-eyed, and gray-eyed children; blue-eyed parents can only have blue-eyed children.

Family similarity is caused by the hereditary transmission of some characteristic features - the shape of the nose or mouth, the location of the eyes, the shape of the eyebrows, the asymmetry of the facial elements, the features of the body composition, as well as various kinds of deformities, such as a cleft lip, hypospadias, six-fingered, clubfoot, short toes, syndactyly (membranous fusion fingers), pigmented xeroderma, brown tooth enamel, "ossified" little finger (camptodactyly), blue sclera, albinism, woolly hair, auricular hypertrichosis, etc. As for developmental deformities, they are so rare that their value in determining family resemblance practically not implemented.

Let's move on to the structure of the auricles. Here we have a detailed summary of N.L. Polyakov. Auricle size is usually very well inherited. Children do not have a big ear with small parents' ears, and vice versa. True, with a large father's ear and a small one, a mother's son often has a big ear, and a daughter's has a small one. In females, the auricles are more often, if not small, then, in any case, less than average. It has even been noticed that a son may also have a small ear, if he has an athletic build, like his father (more often) or mother (less often).

Regarding the shape of the ear, we can say that a triangular ear with an accreted lobe in the father, an oval ear with a separated oval lobe in the mother - can give a child an oval ear with a horizontally accreted lobe. Oblique augmentation is more common with low or medium head height; direct increment at high and medium head height. If the parents have an oblique increment, then the child (more often in boys) will almost always (96%) have an oblique increment. If one of the parents has an oblique increment, while the other has a straight (vertical) increment, then a child has an oblique increment (73.8%) than a vertical one (26.2%).

The amount of curb (curl) is important in inheritance. A large border seems to always be the dominant feature. With a small border for one of the parents and a large one for the other, the child will have either an average or large size. The small border of the parents in the child does not usually give medium or large, but always small.

The protrusion of the curl from the curb, at least in one of the parents, is usually inherited by the child. The curl is flush with the curb in one of the parents and outgoing (not visible) in the other, almost always gives the child a curl on the same level with the curb. This also applies in general to all sharply protruding forms, large sizes, etc. For example, a large size of a tragus, earlobe, etc., is well transmitted to offspring.

The shape and direction of the tragus are of the greatest importance in inheriting the tragus. If the parents have an oval (6%) or two - three-apical (0.8%) tragus shape, then in children it remains. If the father's tragus is oval, and the mother's is triangular, then the child may have a trapezoidal one. With a trapezoidal and triangular tragus of the parents, the child can have two or three vertices.


Kinship is determined by the proportion of the total hereditary mass received from common ancestors. The degree of generality of the genetic composition of individual groups of relatives is proportional to the degree of their relationship. Accordingly, the genetic correlation within related groups is determined by K. Pearson's formula:

r = (1/2) n,

where n is the degree of kinship. However, it does not match the phenotypic correlation.

With an undifferentiated approach to traits (constant frequent and rare, inconsistent age-changing and age-stable), the similarity between unrelated persons often turns out to be the same as in blood relatives.

Investigate the permanent signs of the appearance of the child, the mother and the alleged father (controversial paternity), or the child and the alleged mother and father (examination of the replacement of children in the hospital) based on at least 90 - 100 signs according to one of the known lists of verbal portrait.

Based on the combination in the family triplet, there are:

  1. Signs common to all 3 persons, which are background and are excluded from further analysis. True, in cases of substitution of children, the number of these signs in the triplet under consideration is 2 - 3 times less than in other options (in case of controversial paternity or the origin of the child from a given parental couple).
  2. The signs are private, i.e. individualizing each of the surveyed persons (signs are not essential for further analysis).
  3. Signs common in pairs: mother - the alleged father (genetically unrelated couple); mother is a child; father is a child.

Evaluation of results for the 3rd group of signs:

  • - if a child is descended from a given parental pair, then the number of common traits in pairs "mother-child", "father-child" is 1.5 - 2 times greater than in a genetically unrelated pair "mother-father". At the same time, the number of common characteristics of a child can be equal to that of the father and mother, or somewhat greater with one of the parents;
  • - if the child does not come from a given parental pair, then the number of common traits in the "mother-child" and "father-child" pairs is equal, less, or 1 - 2 more traits than in the genetically unrelated pair "mother-father";
  • - if the child is not descended from a probable father, then the number of common traits in pairs "father-child" and "mother-father" is approximately equal and 1.5 - 2 times less than in the genetically related pair "mother-child".
  • Evaluation of results for the 2nd group of signs:
  • - if a child comes from a given parental couple, then regardless of the great individuality of the father or mother, the child has 2 - 3 times less individualizing characteristics;
  • - if the child does not come from a given parental couple, then the degree of his individuality may be equal to his intended parents, or be greater;
  • - if the child does not come from a probable father, then in terms of the number of individualizing signs, the father has 2 - 3 times more of them than the child and mother.

Establishing non-randomness of results

This is achieved by involving in the analysis of the alleged family triplet close blood relatives, for example, brothers or sisters of the examined child, or grandparents on the father's or mother's basis.


We hope that the data we have provided can be useful to practical forensic experts, especially in cases where they only have portraits of one or several persons being checked.

Will the daughter get her father's rare hair? To get answers to these questions, you can go to the soothsayer Baba Inge or peer into the coffee grounds. However, instead of practicing shamanism, it is better to remember the school course in biology.

While you were flipping notes with your best friend or counting the crows while looking out the window, the teacher patiently explained to you and your classmates what happens when the female and male reproductive cells combine. In the process of fusion, a new life appears, which receives a part of the paternal and maternal genes that carry a huge amount of information: they are responsible for the appearance, health, and mental abilities of the unborn child. Despite the fact that the baby receives all the signs from mom and dad, he is born as a completely unique person, whose exact portrait cannot be drawn by any scientist in the world: no one knows for certain how the genes will intertwine in a bizarre way. However, there are a number of features that can be predicted with a certain degree of probability: for example, what will be the child's eye color, hair shade, height, etc.

An exact copy?

Surely you have more than once heard the widespread opinion that girls are born like dads, and boys, on the contrary, become copies of their mothers. This theory is only partially correct: it is believed that the genes responsible for the oval of the face, the shape of the cheekbones and eyebrows, the smile, etc., for the most part live on the X chromosome. At the same time, the boys receive it from their mother, and from the father they get the Y sex chromosome, which is rather poor in external signs. Therefore, toddlers are really more often obtained by "mothers' sons". As for girls, they inherit two X chromosomes at once from both parents at the same time. So it's impossible to say who the little princess will look like: she has equal chances of getting both her mother's and father's face.


In moments of the highest tenderness, the husband with rapture whispers in your ear: "Our daughter will have your eyes, blue as the spring sky." If, at the same time, your spouse has brown eyes, you will have to upset him: the likelihood of giving birth to a light-eyed baby is negligible. The fact is that genes are recessive or dominant. In this case, the dark color of the iris is strong, and blue, like gray and green, is weak, which surrenders under the powerful pressure of the former. Your chances of giving birth to a blue-eyed woman are 25%, and a black-eyed beauty is 75%. But if your husband, like you, has a blue iris, you will never have a child with dark eyes. But two brown-eyed parents can expect a surprise: there is a 25% chance that the baby will hit mom and dad with an unexpected blue eye color.

Curly Sue

Light hair color, like blue eyes, is considered a recessive symptom. That is why some publications periodically publish articles on the topic that someday not a single blond will remain on planet Earth: they will be swallowed up by stronger brunettes. However, the World Health Organization does not tire of refuting this dubious information: recessive genes do not disappear without a trace, but are passed down from generation to generation in order to someday reappear. However, this does not mean at all that your wheat hair color will go to children, it is quite possible that it will appear in grandchildren or great-grandchildren. Here, as in the case with the eyes: a pair of "blonde plus a brunette" has only one chance in four of the birth of a goldilocks. The same applies to saffron milk caps: chestnut curls, alas, are recessive. But if you are a happy owner of a lush, curly head of hair, with a great degree of probability you will get a baby whose head will be decorated with charming curls. Because curly curls are dominant, and straight ones are recessive.

Dimples and humps

On the first date with your faithful, you were struck outright by his noble Roman profile - a crooked nose - and a sexy dimple on the chin. Keep in mind, your future son has every chance of becoming a sultry heartthrob: some scientists are sure that the genes responsible for these traits are dominant. Unfortunately, these same experts consider lop-earedness to be a very strong inherited trait. So, if someone in your family has funny ears, the child will receive them as a dowry.

Gulliver and Thumbelina

Some men go crazy for girls of model dimensions with a height of at least 175 cm, others prefer miniature Thumbelina. Ladies, unfortunately, are more categorical: tall machoes are valued in modern society (short Tom Cruise is an exception to the rule, after all, a too pretty face compensates for his short stature). Therefore, most likely, you dream of a giant son, before whose spell no beauty can resist. Alas, predicting the growth of a future baby is a very difficult task. After all, it is influenced not only by the parameters of the parents, but also by the lifestyle, nutrition, past illnesses. However, there is a great chance that tall mothers and fathers will have children that match them. However, parents with modest dimensions in the presence of tall grandfathers and grandmothers can count on the fact that the child will outgrow them.

By the way, if you have free time and you are ready to do simple calculations, you can try to calculate the growth of your future child using special formulas. A certain Czech researcher V. Karkus is sure that the girl's height should be calculated according to the following scheme: multiply the father's parameters by 0.923, add the mother's height and divide by 2. For the boy's dimensions, you need a different formula: add the height of mom and dad, multiply by 1.08 , divided by 2. For example, if your partner has 185 cm, and you have 170 cm, then, according to Karkus's formulas, your son will grow to about 192 cm, and your daughter will be your height.

Mind for Mind

You graduated from high school with a gold medal, institute with honors, and your husband was saved from the army only by the personal acquaintance of his family with the rector of the university. Fortunately, your kids are likely not to follow the path of a sloven father. According to recent studies, intellectual abilities are passed down more from mom than from dad. However, a genius man can also reward his offspring with remarkable intelligence, but only if he gives birth to a girl and supplies her with his X chromosome. Unfortunately, this does not apply to the game that the boy will receive.

Children to order

Who will be born to you, a boy or a girl, depends on which father's cell has merged with mother's to give rise to a new life. One half of the paternal gametes contains the X chromosome, the other half contains the U. The fusion of the first with the mother's egg leads to the birth of a little princess, the second - a tomboy toddler. However, this information has become known to people relatively recently. Our ancestors were sure that other factors affect the sex of the child.

China: head north... The ancient Chinese believed: in order for an heir to be born, a woman during lovemaking should lie with her head to the north, to conceive a girl - to the south.

Germany: rain to girls... German great-great-grandmothers were sure that if you make love in the rain, a girl will certainly be born, and dry weather encourages the appearance of males.

Greece: love in the heat... The ancient Greek philosopher and physician Empedocles believed that in hot weather there is much more chance of conceiving a male baby, and in the cold season, respectively, female.

Tibet: even-odd... In Tibet, there was a belief: if parents dream of an heir, they should conceive him on an even day. Those who dream of a girl should transfer lovemaking to odd.

People of the future

Ever since people discovered a science called "genetics", they have been haunted by the thought of what the person of the future will look like. The researchers were divided into two camps: the adherents of the first one are sure that we will be reborn into gigantic handsome men, the representatives of the second one predict an ugly future for us.

Swarthy handsome men. Medicine will improve more and more, which means that a person's life expectancy will increase to 120 years. At the same time, there will be no early aging: at 80 we will look forty. Compared to the past centuries, we have already grown significantly, this trend will continue, and the man of the future will eventually begin to look at the world from a height of two meters. Races will disappear: all earthlings without exception will become swarthy and very beautiful. Facial features will be more symmetrical, bodies - athletic, eyes - large and clear.

Three-toed goblins. The habit of chewing lighter food will make a person's face look childishly round, and teeth sparse and small. In the process of mutations (for several thousand years people have already lost three-quarters of their sense of smell), our nose will fall off, from which two small holes will remain. To make it easier to press the keys, your fingers will become long and thin. Over time, there will be three of them on each hand. The need to contain a huge amount of information will lead to the fact that the brain grows to an incredible size, which makes a person's head large and round. Under the influence of environmental factors, growth will decrease by almost half a meter, muscle mass will decrease, hair will disappear from our bodies, and our skin will coarsen. The abundance of dirt and dust in the air will make a person's eyes slant and provide them with a protective dark film.

Stars about genes

Olga Budina:

- There are children who become copies of their parents. I can't say the same about my son: he doesn't look like me like two drops of water. However, one cannot fail to notice some of my features, which were repeated in Nahum with amazing accuracy.

Firstly, he has my facial expressions: he smiles, speaks, frowns, laughs absolutely like a mother. Secondly, the son is amazingly musical. Thirdly, at the age of five, he is already a perfectionist and very ambitious.


- All musicians in my family. Grandparents, although not professional artists, played the piano. My children have inherited this trait: they have a taste for music, but I do not see the desire for it in them. Although the eldest son studied piano and clarinet, his daughter plays the piano, the youngest went to music school at the age of four. The teachers called him gifted and said that he was “their” child and needed to be developed.

Entry of the Soul into the body.

The soul of an unborn baby already knows what difficulties and torments it has to go through, and therefore the Soul of an unborn baby does not feel great joy from coming into this world.
The soul first projects itself in the form of a holographic field Image and on the basis of this Image builds its concrete earthly body. This Image is a hologram and dictates to dividing cells when and where legs, arms and head should grow. The Wave Image is filled with matter. The holographic field Image connects with the Physical Body at the moment when the egg cell receives the sperm.
The soul enters the egg cell earlier if it sees that the mother repels the father, i.e. the egg cell repels the sperm. A woman, overcome by fears, is unable to accept what a man offers her.
She sees herself in her neighbor and begins to repulse him. The soul sees this and appears lovingly to balance the mother's fears. When the Soul binds to the egg, it binds to the woman herself. The woman no longer repels the man with the same force, and the sperm enters the egg. This is how the Soul helps itself to incarnate in the Body.
"Pregnant women sometimes get sick of male chromosomes."

During pregnancy, a mutual exchange occurs between the mother and the fetus. A woman is simply "forced" to acquire some of the traits and characteristics of her unborn child, otherwise the fetus will not survive. After all, the embryo carries the heredity of the mother and father, and any foreign organ, any foreign cell is rejected by the body. The fetus gets from the father half of the genetic program, which is not its own for the mother's body and it should be rejected as foreign. In order not to be mistaken for a stranger, this lump of new flesh must adapt itself and help mom to adapt. In the fifth week of pregnancy, the woman's body begins to receive from the embryo innumerable different "messages". These "messages" are passed on to the mother through chemical substances such as hormones. The embryo also sends stem cells that "colonize" the maternal bone marrow and "take root" in it. The lymphocytes they produce remain in the mother's body for life. Through the baby, the mother receives "inherited" some genetic "gifts" from her husband, delivered to her body with the cells of the "messenger" - their joint child. A woman, through a child developing in her, acquires, at the physiological level, certain features of her own husband. The information received by a pregnant woman from the embryo is necessary so that the body of the expectant mother can more easily adapt to the new creature developing in her.
If a man does not do what a woman wants, then what he gives will be rejected, even if the child is desired. Her immune system can rebel and for the sake of its own salvation push out of the body what it does not accept.

Every Soul (Consciousness) comes into the Physical Body in its own way. The Soul enters the "Body" in a different state of Consciousness.
The first is the entrance of the Soul in full Consciousness, but it is lost during the ripening of the fetus and exit from the uterus.
The second is the entrance of the Soul in full Consciousness, where it matures and leaves the womb in full Consciousness. In full Consciousness, it will be very difficult for a Soul to survive all the sufferings of maturation.
The third is the entrance and exit of the Soul in an unconscious state.

When the time comes to enter the Body, the Soul will be drawn into the Divine Light. With a lost or barely preserved memory, the Soul returns to Earth, falling into a TUNNEL filled with Light. Gradually, the Soul loses consciousness and slides into a state similar to deep sleep, being awakened in the womb of its new mother.

When the Soul descends into the Body, at this time it is shaken by the most powerful vibrations, accompanied by all sorts of turbulence. A certain period must pass until the bursts calm down, until the high-speed vibrations subside, until everything gradually returns to normal. At this moment, the Soul is especially vulnerable to all kinds of dangers.
The Soul finally unites with the body at the age of one, sometimes at the age of 3 or 5. By itself, every child is a person. His soul, according to the doctrine of the transmigration of souls, is not the first time it returns to Earth. Each person's energy field stores information about their past lives. This information is superimposed from above, as it were, information from the present life, received from their parents and relatives. All this is woven into a single whole in a bizarre way.
If a child is desired in the family, he will be very sociable and affectionate. If the child is unwanted, then he will be withdrawn and irritable. The most difficult cases are when the mother, father or their parents, that is, the closest people, do not want to have a child.
The child already in the womb feels who treats him and how. Any negative thoughts and emotions are reflected in his fate, he will be uncommunicative, he will have a lot of complexes that will need to get rid of throughout his life. The mother's pregnancy will be complicated. And the child himself will subsequently be born weak and sickly.
And woe to that grandmother who, not recognizing her daughter-in-law or son-in-law, does not even want to have children from this marriage. In the future, no matter how she surrounds her grandson or granddaughter with attention and care, she will never be able to win their hearts and receive the love and attention that we all expect from children.
That is, the canvas of human destiny is woven from thousands of the smallest threads, each of which has its own special meaning. A person in this world does not exist on his own - he is part of a huge interconnected system.
The Soul enters the Body through one of the chakras. Which chakra the Soul enters into depends on how spiritually developed it is. If the Soul is at a semi-animal level or if this is an early incarnation for it in the Human Kingdom, then it will enter through one of the lower chakras. And if a person has spent many previous lives in search of spirituality, then the Soul will enter the Body through one of the upper chakras. This entry determines his motivation and life goals. During the development of spirituality throughout life, Prana gradually rises to the upper chakras.

The appearance of the child.

The mother can influence the appearance of the unborn child. A fetus is a plastic substance that a mother can give a beautiful or ugly shape, or resemble any face or persons, can leave an imprint on it or an image that was vividly present in her imagination during pregnancy. At a critical, emotionally charged moment, it can affect the sensitive surface of the fetus, which can perceive this image.
"Wealthy Greeks had a custom to install beautiful statues near the bed of the future mother, so that she always had perfect images in front of her eyes."

A child who wishes to please the mother is outwardly like the mother.
A child who wants to please his father looks like a father.
Whoever wishes to please both parents inherits from both the most advantageous external features. Those who want to please themselves are not like their parents at all. Whoever likes originality is not like anyone else, he is original. A child can look like a grandmother or a grandfather, which means that, being in a mother's womb, he wanted to be liked by a grandmother or grandfather. This child was born out of the love of a grandmother or grandfather. This desire can change, and, accordingly, a person during life can repeatedly change his resemblance.
The outward resemblance between a child and an adult is expressed gratitude for the vital support provided by that person. The element of similarity is a sign of expression of love and appreciation.
Whoever does not want to please the mother looks like her outwardly, but has a certain flaw or birth defect. If a protest against the mother arises after birth, then at the same time a defect arises.
Whoever does not want to please his father, the resemblance to his father is violated by a certain flaw or deformation of the skeleton.
Those who strongly protest against parental illusions are born with anomalies of the facial part of the skull. This is how the child's desire to be himself is fulfilled. It can also be a harsh retribution for your own protest from a previous life. Cosmetic and surgical elimination of defects is successful for those who release an inner protest against their parents.
A physical defect is always filled with spiritual abilities, for everything in Nature is balanced.