We make an easy craft out of paper. Simple paper crafts. How to make paper snowflakes with your own hands for the New Year. How to make a hand out of paper

What were the first models of paper airplanes and where did they appear? Who was the first to fold the paper plane and for what purpose? What was the layout of this airplane?

There are no exact answers to all these questions, but there are a lot of assumptions. The history of the appearance of these items is confusing and does not have an exact date and geographical location. Consider some of the rumors and versions that have reached the modern world.

One of the versions says that parchment models appeared in ancient China about 2000 years ago. This version takes place in connection with the developed in the Middle Kingdom hobby for other air fun, such as kites and the like.

Also, the Land of the Rising Sun, Japan, appropriates a paper airplane. This little controversy also stems from the confusion surrounding origami origin in these eastern countries.

Since a paper airplane clearly belongs to origami, and we also did not figure out who invented origami, it is also not possible to decide on airplanes. But China, as the progenitor of paper and many other wonders of civilization, looks a little more convincing as the inventor of the paper airplane.

The invention of the paper model of an airplane is also awarded the Renaissance. There is a version that the first parchment airplane was built by Leonardo da Vinci, who was famous for his passion and talent for inventions. It is believed that, unlike the eastern brothers, Da Vinci made an airplane not for entertainment, but for purely scientific purposes.

The paper was used for other aerial devices as well. For example, in the 17th century in France, the Montgolfier brothers created the first paper model of a balloon. It is also believed that prior to inventing the glider, John Keely created trial linen models in the 18th century.

The 20th century gave birth to its own legends. For example, the idea of ​​paper airplanes is appropriated by the Wright brothers. However, it was only actually recorded that at the end of the first half of the 20th century, aircraft designer Jack Northrop used paper airplanes to design real aircraft.

What paper and materials you may need

It doesn't take a lot of materials and time to create a paper airplane. To make a good flying model, you need a light, but moderately thick sheet of paper. A4 paper works best.

The paper should not be heavy and thick, but it must be kept in shape. For training in creating a well-flying model of an airplane, newspapers, notebook and album sheets, and printer paper are excellent.

When you start folding, you need to remember that half of the success in a working model of a paper airplane lies in the accuracy of folding. The repeatedly converted airplane will fly, if it does, it will not be long at all.

You need to fold in the least number of movements and most accurately according to the scheme. The edges need to be smoothed out in two or three movements in order to provide the airplane with the best aerodynamic properties. For the model to cut through the air, you need sharp and even edges.

How to quickly make a paper plane that flies: step by step instructions

Anyone can create a simple airplane. Children especially like this process, to whom an adult can easily show how to create a flying plane according to the classical scheme.

The classic scheme for creating a paper airplane can be painted as follows:

How to make a cool paper plane

Anyone who has learned how to make a regular paper plane may want to make it more visually impressive. Also, many people want to modify the design so that the plane is fast and flies long and far. Currently, there are many different designs of paper airplanes, which can surprise many by making.

Let's consider the scheme of the fast and maneuverable aircraft "Glider":

So how to make a cool paper plane? Step-by-step instruction:

  1. First you need to determine the middle axis of the sheet; to do this, it must be carefully folded in half, without smoothing, and unfold;
  2. The unfolded sheet must be turned with the fold up; the corners must be simultaneously rolled inward so that they converge in the middle;
  3. Now you can smooth out the center line so that the fold is clear and the nose of the plane is sharp;
  4. The nose part must be folded so that it extends a couple of millimeters beyond the corner folds;
  5. Now you need to fold the airplane with the back side inward;
  6. The finishing touch is to bend the wings to the desired width; the width will determine how well the airplane glides.

There are a lot of paper airplane models, but everyone can try to design something of their own.

How to make a fighter plane out of paper

With the development of the hobby for designing airplanes from paper among children and adults, "military" models inevitably appeared, visually reminiscent of military equipment. Due to the external similarity, such airplanes largely repeat the aerodynamic properties of prototypes, becoming similar to them in the nature of movement in the air.

Below is one of the step-by-step schemes for creating a military fighter from paper:

How to make a boomerang out of paper

The boomerang airplane is an amazing and fun fun that will especially surprise and delight kids. It is not difficult to make it, but it will bring a lot of joy.

Step-by-step instructions for creating an airplane that returns:

How to make a large paper plane

When making a large airplane out of paper, you must first of all think about the proportions of the structure. Long and sharp models fly best, so a heavy, large aircraft should not sweep too much.

If you want to create a more voluminous model, you can scale up a successful model of a small airplane. Also, do not take too heavy paper for these purposes, otherwise the plane will not take off.

If you take A3 paper of medium thickness, but good density and follow the classic schemes, you can easily create a large airplane that will not be inferior in maneuverability to its "smaller brothers".

What to Look for When Modeling: Tips and Tricks

When modeling this or that airplane, you first need to select the purpose for which it is made. Airplanes are fast and long-term planning. The former, as a rule, quickly achieve their goals, while the latter hang beautifully in the air for a long time.

Fast paper airplanes are always sharper and more aggressive, with narrow wings and a swift, needle-shaped nose and body.

Planning models are flatter and wider. This helps them to stay "on the surface" of the air layers, picked up by winds directed tangentially to the body, such airplanes can fly indefinitely.

Also, when modeling, you need to take into account that the sharper the nose of the aircraft, the easier and faster it moves, and vice versa. This element helps the aircraft to cut through the air, while the wings serve for gliding.

The body is needed to correct the position in space, fixation and braking. Knowing the purpose of the airplane elements, it will be easier to create the correct model.

In addition to technology, it is also important to choose the right materials and eliminate the weighting of the aircraft during the creation process.

You need to fold it with clean hands, carry out all the folds the first time, smooth out with precise movements, avoiding repetitions. One or two smoothings are usually sufficient.

Knowing these simple rules, you can create an amazing aircraft that will meet exactly the requirements that will be assigned to it.

And it is fashionable to make another version of the airplane by watching the following video.

In this article, we will explain in detail how to make paper crafts. These are simple and accessible designs even for an inexperienced beginner. Thanks to the explanations given in this article, everyone can learn how to quickly fold original shapes from a sheet of paper.

Folding the paper airplane

This is probably the most popular paper design among children. But this airplane differs from the usual in its flight qualities and shape, similar to a predatory fighter. To get a beautiful airplane, you should fold it out of colored paper or make it out of white paper, and then paint the structure.

The sketched diagram shows how to fold such an aircraft. It will fly very far if you launch this paper fighter in a slightly upward direction.

So, you need a rectangular sheet of paper. And then:

Fold the sheet to the center line, in half;

Fold the left and right edges at an angle to the center;

Once again we bend the corners on both sides, as the diagram suggests;

Now, the already bent edges should be slightly turned to the outside;

Bend the airplane in the middle and connect the bottom edges;

Along a line spaced from the bottom by a third of the height of the resulting triangle, bend the edges down and get wings;

Now we turn out the previously bent edges and straighten the "fender liners".

The plane is ready for launches and games.

Elegant paper lantern

For this design, prepare colored paper, a ruler, scissors, glue and a simple pencil.

Take a piece of colored paper and fold it in half. Now, with a simple pencil, draw lines perpendicular to the fold, which start from the edge of the fold and do not reach the opposite edge for about two centimeters (all lines should be the same). The interval between these lines is a centimeter - one and a half. Now, along these lines, make cuts.

Next, we unfold the sheet and bend it into a tube along the length of the cuts, with the colored side of the paper outward, glue the edges of the tube. It remains to make a handle for hanging the flashlight - a loop from a strip of the same colored paper, which must be glued to the top of the resulting cylinder with notches and the craft is ready.
Let's make a carnation out of paper

You will need: straws for drinks (preferably green), beautiful paper napkins, bright red, and attentiveness.

Cut off a strip about a centimeter wide from the napkin; you will need this ribbon later. Now fold the entire napkin into an accordion and tie the prepared strip in the center. Turn the napkin knotted down and gently fold the sheets of the napkin to the side to form fluffy carnation petals. Bend the workpiece in half and once again "fluff" the petals.

It remains to attach a tube to the "flower" and the paper carnation is ready. If there are only white napkins, then paint their edges and ends with a bright red felt-tip pen. If you don't have a suitable straw, you can take some stiff wire and wrap it with green floral tape.

How to make an asterisk out of paper

A paper star is a beautiful, easy-to-make and cute craft. To make it, you need several paper squares with a side length of ten centimeters.

We bend the upper part of the rhombus - the triangle slightly to the side so that its edge passes exactly along the edge of the lower one, wrapped to the middle of the triangle. In this way, both sides are bent in turn to form fold strips;

Flip your design and bend it along the fold lines formed in the previous paragraph;

As a result, you should have a shape from two nested triangles, so that the inner corners remain inside;

At least four such blanks will be required;

Connect these shapes by tucking one of the triangles of each blank into the "pocket" of the inner triangles of the next one;

Move all the shapes in to hide the connection marks - the paper star is ready.

How to fold a paper cracker

For those who are studying how to make paper crafts, such a curious figure as a firecracker is also useful. You will need a sheet of paper that is large and rectangular. The best thing is to carefully pull the double sheet out of the middle of the notebook. Or an A4 sheet of office paper for a printer, even an ordinary newspaper can do.

Fold a piece of paper in four. When you unfold it, you will see two fold lines of different lengths. Fold all four corners of the sheet to a long fold line, it will look like two roofs of houses;

Now, fold this figure in half along the long fold line and you will have a paper trapezoid in your hands;

Bend the corners of the trapezoid on the long side to the middle, you get a square shape;

Fold this square in half again so that the bent triangles are inside (they will create cotton);

Your cracker is ready to use, grab the sharp end with your fingers and swing the cracker down sharply. Cotton will happen when the structure opens abruptly, then you can fold the cracker and repeat everything again until the paper structure breaks.

Note that it is not recommended to flatten the paper especially when folding this cracker.

Paper envelope

The envelopes sold in the store are completely standard and monotonous. Although, if you search, you can buy original envelopes, however, exclusive hand-made envelopes are of much greater value. And shop envelopes are boring, too faceless to use for special occasions.

  • Take a sheet of A4 standard paper and cut a strip from it to make a square, it must be folded diagonally;
  • Now fold the sheet so that the bent corner touches the diagonal fold line. Use a ruler and fold exactly one third of the length of the square;
  • Also, from the opposite, first fold, side, you need to bend the sheet and also by one third. Make sure the corner goes all the way to the edge;
  • Where the left and right third parts of the sheet, which you have already bent, converge, you need to fold the corner of the sheet to the left and back;
  • Further, this corner can be opened, it will be a pocket that secures the edge of the top flap of the envelope that you are making. After a postcard or letter is inserted into the envelope, the edge of the flap will be fixed.
  • Now the top of the envelope can already be folded, it goes straight into the pocket prepared for it.

A hand-made envelope is not just a beautiful craft, but also a part of the solid decoration of your correspondence, postcards or letters.

If the envelope itself is made of white paper, then it can be decorated with stickers or colored with felt-tip pens and pencils. The envelope, folded from double-sided colored paper, is especially chic. The addressee will be pleasantly surprised. Opening the envelope and discovering that there is another beautiful color inside.

As it is now fashionable to say, a 3D ball can be made of velvet paper, cardboard, colored paper, or you can take paper for pastels. What you have in stock or want to buy, then use it. This ball looks great both in color and in white.

The easiest way will be to print ready-made templates, you need 12 blanks of their characteristic rounded pentagons. If you do this for the first time, then it will be easier to collect a large ball - take the corresponding blanks. Cut twelve pieces and cut exactly along the lines.

If you plan to hang the ball, then before assembly, you need to fasten a rope on the first part (if the ball is lying somewhere, then this step can be skipped). To do this, glue a piece of scotch tape on the workpiece from the back and then poke the hole with a needle, the paper will not break. Glue the end of the rope and you can start assembling.

The ball itself is assembled quite easily, the slot of each workpiece is inserted into the previous one, and so on in a circle. Assembly is easy to handle and a first grader.

Beautiful box made of paper

The box consists of a lid and a bottom, which are made in turn:

Take a square-shaped piece of paper and draw lines along its diagonals.

Bend one of the corners so that its point is directed to the intersection of the lines, in the center. Bend this side again. The edge of the fold should fit exactly along the diagonal strip. If you peel back this side, there will be folds that will be used later;

Repeat the operation described in point 2 for all corners of the square;

On both sides, along the fold lines, parallel to one of the diagonals, we make two cuts, stopping at the last fold in front of the second diagonal;

We bend the other two sides along the notch lines, wrap the corners and fold the rectangular lid of our future craft.

The bottom of the box is made in the same way as the lid, but a square blank should be taken with a side size three millimeters smaller than the one from which the lid was made. Then the lid will fit easily but tightly on the lower part.

So, the above examples have demonstrated how to make paper crafts. It is not difficult, but interesting and allows you to fold very original things from ordinary paper. All materials are readily available, and the original crafts themselves will delight you or your child.

How to make a paper carnation

You like origami. Be in awe of beautiful paper figurines, but find it extremely difficult. Believe me, there is no need to deceive yourself. Monks in ancient times figured out how to fold special figures out of paper, which were intended to decorate temples and conduct religious rituals. It is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, and today we will try to prove it to you.

Materials for work

First, it will be necessary to purchase a set of tools for our future work. The first thing to pay attention to is the choice of paper. Office work is best because it is quite tough. It is quite enough for any folding schemes. To connect small parts, you need paper glue, for example, PVA or a special glue stick. If you need to connect several blanks of different colors, aerosol glue will come to the rescue; when using it, you can achieve the creation of unique multi-colored figures.

You can use other specialized masses of glue, especially those that do not leave any traces on the paper or are quite easy to remove are especially good. At the same time, it is convenient to fix it with such glue both outside the product and inside. If the figurine is made of white or gray paper, then you can use spray paint to give the craft the desired color. Several types of scissors may be required. Sometimes a cutter comes in handy. This tool is used to align the slices. Be very careful, the blade can be very sharp, otherwise you will not get a smooth and beautiful cut.

Purchase several different lines. They are useful for making a craft scheme, tracking the desired angle during assembly, applying the main part and correctly placing the product on the basis of the panel. Regular pencils or a special pencil will come in handy. Experienced origami makers use rhinestones, various ribbons, pieces of fabric, unnecessary beads, beads, the remains of other jewelry and much more in their work. All this is suitable for creating unique and original figurines.

The right approach to choosing paper

To obtain a result, the choice of paper should be approached with full responsibility. After all, the creation of figures mainly involves folding and folding paper sheets. A lot, if not everything, depends on its quality. The list below will allow you to understand which material is best suited for origami, and which one is not suitable at all:

  1. Office paper is quite heavy, stiff, and quite cheap. The first steps in creating figures should be done with the help of it. When connecting parts of the paper, it is very good to hold, and if the workpiece is damaged, it is not a pity to throw it away.
  2. Multi-colored office paper - has the same advantages as plain office paper and does not appear stains and white stripes on the folds, great for modular origami.
  3. Stickers - great for multi-colored figures, most often used in modular origami and kusudami.
  4. Colored paper for school is not 100% suitable for this hobby. Thin, not dense, tears easily enough, light stripes remain at the folds.
  5. Foil paper is very dense, it is almost impossible to tear it, it is more often used for the manufacture of complex schemes and models. If you straighten the fold, hard, dense stripes will remain.
  6. Glossy magazine pages - perfectly retain their shape and fold, quite dense.
  7. Banknotes - good strength, do well on folds. Perfect for creating small exclusive gifts.
  8. Paper intended for origami has several types (double-sided, monotone, and so on), it is found in the form of sets.
  9. Calca - suitable for those who take their first steps decided to test their strength.
  10. Different variations of expensive paper have both advantages and disadvantages and are used only for certain products.

What are the types of origami

There are several types of origami that help you have a great time, learn how to create jewelry with your own hands, improving your skills and abilities over time. In addition to the well-known origami techniques of the so-called classical direction, there are several alternative ones:

  1. Plain (simple) origami - suitable for those who decided to try themselves in a new business. Assembling the figurines does not require special skills; folds must be made towards yourself by the so-called valley or from yourself by the mountain. A figurine of a crane is a good example.
  2. Modular origami (blanks from modules). The connection is carried out from several identical parts, called modules, which are folded according to the laws of ordinary origami from a single sheet. They are connected by simple folding. They do not disintegrate due to the frictional force between individual modules.
  3. Aerogami is a name that speaks for itself. The art of creating airplane figurines.
  4. Kusudami - origami using volume, modules are assembled with glue or thread. Most often, crafts are made in the form of a ball.
  5. Kirigami - making various figures using scissors. Suitable for making holiday cards.
  6. Raw or wet origami. At the base, paper moistened with water to give products a more expressive shape, firmness and clarity of lines. More often found in the manufacture of figurines of animals and unusual plants. The paper must contain water-soluble glue, otherwise the product will inevitably creep.

Crane - origami

One of the simplest models, it is believed that if you collect 1000 cranes, your most cherished wish will come true.

Step-by-step instructions for making an origami crane look like this:

  1. We fold the paper sheet diagonally.
  2. We take scissors and cut off all unnecessary, in the end there should be a triangle.
  3. We make another fold.
  4. From the resulting triangle, (One since there are 2 of them), we make a square using the straightening method. On the other hand, the procedure is repeatable.
  5. We take the edges from above and gently bend them towards the center.
  6. Bend the triangle located on top.
  7. Unbend, we have a contour.
  8. Bend the lowest corner horizontally.
  9. Fold the edges towards the center until you get a rhombus. We repeat all actions on the other side.
  10. We take it by the bottom and bend it along the inner counter. It turned out to be a neck.
  11. We also make a tail.
  12. At the neck, gently bend the beginning to obtain a beak.
  13. Bend the wings using a small angle.

The crane is ready, you can paint it if you want.

Paper rose

One of the most popular models is the origami rose. It's quite simple to make it:

  1. We bend a sheet in half, preferably red. We make another fold.
  2. Opening the top layer and flatten the top a little.
  3. We turn to the other side, turn over.
  4. We repeat the second step.
  5. We take both corners and bend them to the upper corner.
  6. We bend the resulting triangle in half until we get fold lines.
  7. Pull the corners down, flattening a little and open the triangles.
  8. We take the pockets by the upper part, and very carefully bend them down.
  9. On the other hand, repeat steps 5-8.
  10. Bend the top corner.
  11. Open the lower part like a notebook.
  12. Pull and flatten until you get two triangles.
  13. We put the workpiece on the other side.
  14. Raise the triangle to the top.
  15. The lower square located to the right bends strictly diagonally from top to bottom.
  16. Turn the workpiece 180 degrees and repeat the previous step.
  17. We shift the product to the left hand, gently grasp the walls of the product with the fingers of the other hand and twist it clockwise until we get a rose. Bend the petals with a handle.

Volumetric origami - flower ball

It is very easy to make a beautiful origami in the form of a flower ball, the main thing is to be patient and follow the instructions:

  1. We fold the paper sheet for notes in half in the shape of a triangle.
  2. Bend the edges and press them very tightly.
  3. Unbend the right corner back.
  4. We bend the left side of the triangle, folding it in half.
  5. We do the same with the right.
  6. Then we fold the entire workpiece in half.
  7. Bend the triangle below in half again.
  8. In this case, the larger figure should be on top of the smaller one.
  9. Fold a part of the protruding triangle and fold it inward.
  10. One module is ready, we do the same with 4 more sheets. They should all be completely identical.
  11. We glue the modules or put them on tape.
  12. The first flower is ready, we do the rest in the same way.
  13. It will take about 11 such flowers, we connect them together, with glue until we get a ball.

Origami in the shape of an Easter egg

To create an egg, you need to make about 1000 modules. They will be fastened using grooves. Colors and patterns are limited by your imagination. The assembly starts at the top, we take 8 modules of the same color and make a circle out of them, add another module between the rows. It turns out two rows of 8 modules. In the next row, two blanks are added between the rows. To increase the volume, it is necessary to add modules in each subsequent row. There should be 32 modules in the middle. The bottom is assembled in the same way, but the number of modules will decrease.

After the egg is ready, you can start making the stand. We take 18 modules and form a circle from them. Modules are inserted into unoccupied gaps in a row. Coming up with a pattern by selecting blanks by color. The parts for the central axis of the stand consist of two rows of 12 pieces. To start row number 3, you need to move the modules towards the center, turning them slightly. We put the finished parts up. We have formed a column. In the middle of the stand there will be 7 rows of modules. The top is assembled in the same way as the bottom.

Modular origami in the form of a white swan

Step-by-step instructions for creating a modular origami in the form of a beautiful volumetric swan:

  1. We make 458 blanks from plain paper in the form of a triangle. For the beak, make one red.
  2. We insert two modules with corners into the pocket of the third.
  3. Add another 2. We fasten the corners in the pockets.
  4. We prepare 3 rows in the same way, each will need 30 blanks, we close the circle.
  5. We also put on modules for 4 and 5 circles.
  6. We hold the product with our fingers and press on the center, gradually turning it inside out.
  7. We fold the edges of our future swan upward.
  8. We make the 6th row, observing the staggered arrangement of the blanks.
  9. We prepare blanks for the wings in the seventh row, for which we put on twelve modules, skipping 2 corners, we attach another 12. At the left narrow place there will be a neck, on an extended tail.
  10. In the eighth row, the number of modules in the krill is reduced by one.
  11. Next, we also act with each row until one triangle remains.
  12. The tail is made by decreasing by a module in each row.
  13. The head and neck are assembled from 10 regular and one colored blank, red or yellow. The corners of the colored workpiece must be glued together so that the beak does not split in two. We collect the neck, inserting the corners into the pockets of the blanks, then gradually arching it.
  14. We put the neck in place.

The swan is ready.

Anyone can learn origami more fully, you need to have a little free time and desire and you will succeed.

99 new photo origami paper ideas

What to do with a preschooler, if it is cold or rain outside the window, there is nothing interesting on TV, but you are tired of the computer? There is a wonderful, very useful type of joint creativity between adults and children, which develops artistic abilities, the ability to handle scissors and glue, and fine motor skills of the fingers.

Parents, studying together with the child, gradually get carried away by themselves. Step-by-step instructions for making any item from paper can be easily found on the Internet.

From simple to complex

The simplest is snowflakes. By folding the paper in four and cutting it in the corners and in the middle, you can get dozens of options. They will decorate windows on New Year's, from which you can make whole panels and garlands.

Garlands can also be made of colored paper by folding the strip in half and cutting to the end. The resulting strips are glued to the thread. The second option is to make many, many wheels from the strips, each new one is threaded into the already glued ring.

You can make a Christmas tree out of green paper. Here you need a compass. Several circles of different sizes are cut out, folded in four and strung on a wooden stick or pencil. The tree can be decorated with sparkles.

There are many options.

You can also make from paper:

Airplane and a whole aircraft fleet for boys;
pigeons for a fun game;
tulips and roses;
small box;
hand to scare friends;
beautiful envelopes;
claws for Halloween or other similar holiday;
an asterisk-shuriken - a hidden weapon of the samurai;
boats. If you fold them from waterproof paper, you can let them in the spring along the rivulets of melt water.

In kindergarten, children make paper crafts every week, especially for the holidays, they prepare beautiful postcards from napkins, colored paper, various scraps and scraps. Children bring very beautiful works from the kindergarten, especially colorful and unusual ones for the holiday on March 8, February 23, for the New Year.

These beautiful carrots can be made from crepe paper with children and put in a decorative basket, you can play with them, put them for beauty, and take them to the competition in the kindergarten.

Competitions for the best craft are often held in educational institutions. Together with your child, make an original palace or forest with wild inhabitants, or maybe a space station with aliens. For the New Year and May 9, they ask to make a composition on an appropriate topic.

Making paper works is not only interesting, but also useful, because fine motor skills of hands, perseverance, and just imagination develop. For some people, this type of activity becomes the main source of income or a favorite hobby.

Corrugated paper - what can you do?

  1. the simplest is flower arrangements, bouquets;
  2. toys;
  3. decorations for holidays and performances;
  4. clothing, fancy dress;
  5. Garlands;
  6. any things you can imagine.

For starters, the best thing to do is to create flowers from corrugated paper. This is the easiest thing that can be created, and at the same time, an unusually beautiful product will turn out. Even in kindergartens and school lessons, children are encouraged to make flowers and other compositions from corrugated paper. By the way, paper with smaller folds, the so-called corrugation, is called crepe. It is even better suited for home crafts, as it is more pliable and softer, more comfortable to use.

The beauty of corrugated paper is that it makes your work look like real work. From a distance, you can confuse an artificial flower with a living one. And despite this, the composition seems even more fabulous, it is hard to believe that this can be done with your own hands. Such a flower arrangement can be presented for a holiday, roses, tulips, violets, gladioli, made with love, will delight their new owners.

You will need some additional materials and tools for creativity:

  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • wire;
  • cardboard;
  • needles;
  • lurex threads;

and for a more individual performance, you can prepare beads, ribbons, decorative stones, rhinestones and other attributes.

Nowadays, topiary is very popular - handmade trees made of crepe paper. Some do-it-yourselfers make these items to order, but you can learn how to make them yourself.

And this is what the finished tree looks like. Very delicate and sweet, it refreshes the interior and will serve as a wonderful gift for your family and friends.

There is another popular technique that is used to create pictures, frames, patterns from corrugated or crepe paper - this is facing. Everyone can master it, including children, the main thing is to get used to it.

It is necessary to cut out small pieces in the shape of a square, 1 by 1 cm in size from crepe paper, it is possible and smaller, the smaller the squares, the more beautiful the pattern will turn out. Then we press our piece with the middle to a toothpick or a pen shaft and wind it to make a tube. After that, we put the resulting tube on a prepared drawing with a contour, previously smeared with glue. And so on along the contour we glue the whole picture with our tubes of different colors, or, as you intended, the main thing is to press them closer to each other, leaving no gaps. The result is a very unusual, fluffy work, pleasing to the eye.

And, finally, you can make a unique valentine out of paper, which your beloved or beloved, perhaps, will keep for life, appreciating your work, taste and attention. There are a lot of ways and ideas on how to make a paper valentine, you just have to choose the one you like the most.

Starting with simple crafts, the child can gradually move on to a deeper understanding of the Japanese art of origami. There are many instructions on the Internet on how to do this or that thing. Craftsmen build whole fairy-tale castles and cities, cut and glue different types of weapons - from a pistol to a rocket, robots, human skeletons, animals, cars - almost anything that fantasy tells you is possible.

Mastering paper crafts also develops perseverance, perseverance, and the ability to work for a result in the child. It is also a great way to give your child an interesting and rewarding activity as he begins to recover from an illness.